• Published 18th Jul 2015
  • 16,123 Views, 643 Comments

How To Raise Your Moon - Pen Mightier

Spike is the guest of honour at a high society party important to the Council of Friendship. It'll end in political disaster if he doesn't find a date for the dance. Luna magically disguises herself as his date but ends up stuck in her new form.

  • ...

She Likes Flash Mobs

The sun was high in the sky when we reached town proper. The yellows and browns of the quaint thatch cottages and surrounding rolling greens were glowing bright under the afternoon sun. The town square was a riot of colour, with parents and older siblings shepherding wayward fillies and colts home from school mixing with the shoppers thronging the market stalls. Anything and everything, from the smell of fresh spiced haybread, to Noi and Lyra competing at selling scout cookies, to the Cutie Mark Crusaders' getaway wagon speeding away from an angry Octavia, all seemed to give Princess Luna pause. I swear even Opalescence must be less distractible than the Princess of the Night.

I idly imagined Princess Luna as an overgrown kitten. It wasn't difficult with how her ears and tail were swaying excitedly as she took in the small town sights.

She wasn't alone in being distractible. Others around us would stop in their tracks, mostly to stare at the Princess. Sure, her mane and tail were a dishevelled tangle of twigs and leaves, and her coat had seen better, less muddy days. But her elfin form and the constant smile of wonder on her face didn't fail to captivate anypony.

"So, what were you doing out in the forest?" I finally asked her, half out of curiosity, but mostly to keep her focused enough to keep up.

"It was just a routine sortie for the Long Patrol." The Princess said, offhoofedly. I swear I've heard Fluttershy sound more excited about paying her taxes. It was the biggest understatement ever since Rainbow Dash accused Twilight of 'liking books'. It was sort of like saying 'Oh, it was just another Monday. A centaur went around stealing everypony's cutie marks'. The Long Patrol is known to be the most badflank division of the royal guard. Their job description includes being badflanks, keeping a lid on the wild monsters, being badflanks, kicking pirate plot and taking bandit names, and, did I mention, being badflanks?

"There is a Cliffhanger unaccounted for. We normally keep an eye on them between hibernations. They keep to themselves mostly but it's still worth making sure they don't come anywhere close to our settlements." Princess Luna turned away from watching Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth bicker over the placement of a cloud hanging over a worried-looking Lyra Heartstrings. "But when we reached one nest this year it was empty. We tracked it south east until the trail went cold. I split up from my squad to search this region."

This has gotta be the most forewarning we've ever had for a monster attack (Or a 'friendship problem') in Ponyville, ever. "Should I be making sure Twi and her friends are the best of bestest friends for the afternoon, just in case?" I suggested. Maybe make them a picnic basket, get them together on that hill overlooking Ponyville, air one of Twi's old hangups, group hug and arm the rainbow laser, then BOOM! Monster showdown time! Yep, sounds like a plan.

No, I certainly wasn't getting all jumpy and trigger-happy with the friendship canon. Not at all.

"My squad sent me a message by messenger owl last night." She said. "Our scouts picked up its trail leading into a cave in the Ghastly Gorge. I was going to join them but, um..." Her cheek turned the colour of an awkward strawberry.

She totally didn't get lost.

"My armour. Yes, that's it. My 'plot armour', the enchanted full-plate I need to face the Cliffhanger, got damaged in a tussle with a bandersnatch a week ago." She declared, her look almost challenging anypony to suggest it was anything other than her armour. "I must get it repaired if I am to rejoin my squad."

"Huh, I was wondering where your usual crown, horseshoes and chest plate are." I said.

"Hah, with armour like that I would just as well be leading an army of breezies. Though that appears to be sufficient when facing the court of nobles." She gave a derisive scoff, "Neigh, I am more comfortable in good sturdy full-plate out on the field." She stopped to watch Dinky run along with a length of rope in her mouth, pulling a pegasus filly, Alula, into the air behind her.

"Lemme guess, that's also the reason your mane's not all magick-y glow-y and stuff?" I asked, bringing her attention back to our trek to the spa.

"It might be useful to remind the nobles and foreign dignitaries exactly who their Princess of the Night is. But out on the field it is like wearing the bastard child of a searchlight and a death wish on my head. And I am quite attached to my head." The Princess said, "Speaking of my armour, I really would like to have it fixed so I may resume my mission."

"Hay, I can fix it for you." I offered, "I fix all of Twilight's magical lab equipment all the time. I'm sure I can fix an enchanted suit of armour."

Her face lit up like the sun at that. "That is very kind of you, dear Spike. You would have all my thanks."

"Yeah, it's no problem at all, Princess." I gave her a dismissive wave of my claw. It's not like I have much else to do with how little Twilight has me do.

As we reached the edge of the market we ran into a familiar figure. "Hello!" Fiddly Faddle, the town fiddler, doffed her white rancher hat at us as she trotted past.

Princess Luna only waved back awkwardly, seemingly unsure of what to say.

"Dear Spike, what do I say?"

She turned to whisper to me.

"Why don't you just say 'good day'?"

I suggested with a shrug.

"What a strange little town."

Princess Luna frowned,

"Everypony just walks up to say...."

And then the town randomly erupted into song and dance. Because ponies.


Carrot Top waved her wares at us from her stall.

"Good day!"

A trio of weather ponies flew by, pushing rain clouds through the air.


Cherry Berry waved down from her big purple hot air balloon.

"Good Day!"

A random stallion popped out of a random barrel of random jam.


Bulk Biceps flexed.

"They're greeting me like they're all so familiar."

Princess Luna murmured in bewilderment,

"As if I am one of them.

Why's this friendliness peculiar?

Can I really be the same?

And really fit into this picture?"

"Hello, ma'am!"

Mr. Cake doffed his baker's cap at the Princess as they crossed paths.

"Um, good day, sir."

The Princess replied, taking a surprised half-step back.

"How are you?"

Mr. Cake asked, the Cake twins climbing up on either side of his mane to peer down at the Princess curiously.

"I'm...." The Princess suddenly put on a watery smile as she took a deep breath.

"I'm just swell, thanks! And you?"

She replied, dropping her High Unicornian speech entirely at the drop of a hat.

"All the better for you asking me."

Mr. Cake chuckled, turning to me,

"Hay, Spike, happy Birthday! See you at the party!"

I waved back at him in reply.

"Look, I did it!"

Princess Luna gasped at me.

"I talked to ponies, such a feat!

And they didn't run and hide

It's the might of my disguise!

Keep it up, might even have a reprise!"


The conductor, All Aboard, hailed us from the Friendship Express as it rumbled past.

"Good day!"

The Princess waved excitedly at the entire trainful of ponies.

"Just keep it cool, really."

I advised.


A trio of fillies playing skip rope greeted.

"Good day!"

Princess Luna called back, joining in with a hop and a skip on the rope.

"You don't really need to shout."

I winced, shielding my ears.

"I need...Six muffins?!"

Ditzy Doo squeaked, pushing a basket pleadingly across the counter at Sugarcube Corner, putting on her best puppy-dog eyes all the while.

"That's too expensive."

Pinkie Pie said with a stern look.


She suddenly broke into a fit of giggles,

"It's just a shout-out!"

She passed Ditzy an entire avalanche of muffins.

"Now watch me as I double the fuuuun!"

Princess Luna twirled off the skipping rope to throw a forehoof into the air.

"Why'd these songs have to be so overdone?"

I sighed.

"For years I've studied this tongue so peculiar,"

The Princess sang, ears swivelling to and fro as she listened in on the ponies she trotted past.

"Catching up with times, don't be left behind!"

She paused by Dr. Hooves' clock store to look at the storefront display.

"The clock now moves with me.

I'll keep up, so you'll see!"

She gave a grandfather clock a determined smirk.

"I shall conquer this language of the young!"

"Ooooooooh, isn't this amazing?

With this guise nopony need fear me~"

Princess Luna gestured at the ponies around her.

"No royal pomp nor circumstance

would stop this song and dance

'Cause I'm a pony just like them!"

"C'mon you noobs, let's pwn these ponies!"

A very excited Button Mash shouted at his arcade console.

"LOL, Rumble you're still just level three!"

He teased his pegasus playmate, Rumble.

"I need to talk the talk,"

The Princess said, listening closely to Button Mash and Rumble chatter away.

"And also walk the walk."

She added, watching Sweetie Belle scoot along the ground past us.

"Turn monologue into dialogue!

I need to try and fit the bill."

Princess Luna sang determinedly.

"Just say 'Good day', it's always a good day

In Ponyville!"

Everypony else around her cheered.

As the flash mob around Princess Luna thickened, another voice rose up from the crowd. It was silvery and plummy, perhaps trying a little too hard to be so.

"Right from the moment when I met her, saw her

There was something about her I just can't tell

She is beautiful, it's true

But there's more to her I'm sure

Need to remember why her face rings a bell!"

"Look there he goes, isn't he dreamy?"

The flower trio sighed as their eyes followed somepony through the crowd.

"Prince Blueblood, oh he's so cute!

Bestill my heart, I'm hardly breathing!

He's such a tall, fair, strong and handsome brute!"

They swooned before falling over into a twitching heap on the ground.


Zecora said, waving a forehoof over her stall's bubbling cauldron.


"Good day."

Two yaks greeted through mouthfuls of Ponyville apple pie.

"My toaster needs repair."

Sparkler floated a flaming toaster over to a light gray unicorn in a navy blue repairpony's overalls.


Tree Hugger and a tree greeted us.

"Good day."

Twin stallions doffed their hats from atop a steam-powered harvester.

"10 seconds flat!"

Rainbow Dash barked commandingly at her weather ponies.

"'Scuse me!"

"This cloud...rains jam!"

Clear Skies complained at the Cloudsdale Weather Factory booth.

"Actually it's pecan."

The mare behind the booth, Raindrops, said, taking a taste.

"Please let me through!"

"Now watch me as I double the fuuuun!"

Princess Luna declared, waving a forehoof into the air.

"By tonight I shall have your mystery unfurled!"

The loud plummy voice sang one last time before he was drowned out by a chorus of townsponies.

"Don't need the words or steps,

just join in the song and dance!"

The ponies sang.

"Like a pony I will sing

Watch me, I'll fit right in"

Princess Luna sang as she struggled to keep up.

"Make up the lyrics and wing the steps"

The chorus went on.

"I'll be just like everypony!"

The Princess declared determinedly, fitting into the chorus as she prepared to join in the wind up for the final reprise.

"Just say 'Good day', it's always a good day"

Everypony cheered as hats, muffins and even a flaming toaster were tossed up into the air. A wing of weather ponies swooped across the town square, shedding clouds that burst in colourful jam and pecan.

"In Ponyville!"


"Good day!"


"Good day!"


"Good day!" The Princess sang, raising her forehooves into the air. She blinked awkwardly before looking around, only to find the townsponies had resumed whatever it was they were doing at the market. A few even gave her odd looks. She dropped her forehooves awkwardly to the ground, looking almost as if she wanted to pull her withers over her head. A teeny pony-squee escaped her lips as she erupted into a furious blush.

"Uh, are you alright, Princess?" I asked, wearily.

"Yes, of course, I am whole and unblemished." The Princess straightened up like a shot. "I-I mean..." She quickly cleared her throat as if she might swallow the blush. To its credit, it was a pretty stubborn blush. "Spike, didya see that? Didya? I spoke to ponies and they didn't scarper!" She put on an excited grin, completely dropping her usual high Unicornian speech. It took me a little by surprise. I mean, I know she had been working hard at shedding her old High Unicornian accent and mannerisms over the years. But I didn't realize she was able to turn it off completely. But then I suppose she was never one to reveal all the cards in her hoof. "Wowzees, this is, like, so cool! C'mon, Spike, let's chat up more ponies!"

Something about her speech was really beginning to grate on me. And I'm best friends with Pinkie Pie so that's saying something. "Uh, yeah, sure, Princess. But could we maybe dial the speech back a little?" I suggested. "It's a little too...uh, advanced for Ponyville." Princess Luna was more like Twilight than I thought; She takes everything seriously, even 'adapting' to modern day speech.

"Is it?" The Princess frowned, returning to her High Unicornian, "I studied many examples of contemporary speech quite carefully, and this one appeared to be the most 'developed'."

Yeah. Developed on an alien planet, probably. "It's probably a little too developed, Princess. I mean, have you ever heard Twilight or her friends speak that way?" I pointed out the local standards for sanity. I suddenly realized how desperate I must be seeking sanity in the Elements of Harmony.

"Good point, Spike. Sorry, got a teensy bit carried away. It's not everyday I get to practice, y'know. Is this okay?" She asked, retaining the cheerful spring in her tone but trimming out all the alien bits.

Well, my ears were no longer trying to pull themselves inside out, so it was a start. "Perfect, Princess." I gave her a weary nod of approval as we fell into step along mane street.

"Is something bothering you?" Princess Luna gave me a worried look, "It's not me, is it?" Her ears drooped worriedly.

"No, no, of course not, Princess." I waved a claw dismissively, "It's just...nothing." I lied.

"You've been looking down ever since the baker pony wished you a happy birthday." Nothing escapes the Princess of the Night, it seems. "You're worried about Blueblood and tonight's party, aren't you?" She guessed it in one.

"I am." I admitted. There was no escaping the Night, after all. "It doesn't make any sense. If he wants to help the council get along better with the nobles, why invite them to my birthday? They could have had a separate party to do just that. Not that I mind helping the council and all that," I lied again, "But something's real fishy here."

"Hm." The Princess nodded, tapping her chin thoughtfully with a wing. "You are not wrong. It is peculiar." She slipped back into her High Unicornian, "Our nephew is nothing if not consistent in one purpose; The pursuit of power. The Council of Friendship is a new and untapped source of political influence. He appears wise enough to know he cannot simply find a seat on the council, at least not immediately." Her eyes widened as a sudden thought occurred to her, "So he must seek to be the intermediary between the Council and the rest of Equestria's political powers, the nobles. Inviting the nobles and the Council to a party at his own manor would have made his intentions obvious. Having the Council themselves host the party would cut him out of any dealings. So, a compromise; Invite the nobles to a gathering honouring the Council member he deems easiest to overshadow. Take the spotlight at the party and make himself the go-to-pony for all Council dealings." She thought out loud.

"The...member easiest to overshadow." I murmured, bitterly. Yeah, that'd have to be me. And there was nothing I could do to stop him. Hay, I'd probably trip over my tail and send the cake flying or something and just hoof everything to Blueblood on a silver platter. And simply not going would just make it all that much easier for him.

"Sorry, dear Spike, I meant nothing by that statement, just the fact that the other Council members are Elements who carry more renown amongst nobles and commoners alike." Princess Luna added in an effort to soothe my pride. It didn't help much.

"Can I warn them?" I asked, "Twilight and her friends I mean?"

"We have no evidence. T'is but mere supposition on our part." Princess Luna said, grimly, "If he plays the unjustly accused victim he may deepen the schism forming in the Council as we speak."

"Isn't there anything I can do?" I was almost pleading. My friends were facing an enemy out to get them, one they couldn't even see let alone blast with rainbow powers. And all I could do is watch. Again.

This sucks.

Princess Luna took me by surprise. "There is." She said, giving me a calculating look. "As I said, his plan probably hinges upon him overshadowing you at the party. But should you outshine him, I expect his plan would backfire upon his wretched plot most spectacularly."

"How am I going to do that?" I asked, seeing the glaring flaw in her plan. I'm Spike. As much as I hate to admit it, I don't shine, let alone outshine. "I don't even have a date for the opening dance."

"Simple." Princess Luna smiled a worryingly dangerous smile, "All you need is somepony there to help you shine."

"But who...?" I began before we were suddenly interrupted.

"Hi, Spike." We paused in our steps to find Twilight and Fluttershy coming down the spa's front steps. I didn't even realize we had arrived. "Great timing. I really wanted to speak to you." Twi smiled as she trotted up to me.

For some reason neither of them seemed to notice the Princess next to me. Princess Luna didn't greet them either, instead opting to shuffle backwards into the shadows of a nearby alleyway. Huh, must be some kind of 'Background Pony' spell. Well, the worst thing I could do was draw attention to her when she obviously didn't want it. "Hi, Twi. Whassup?" I asked, working hard to keep my tone as casual as possible. It was difficult to pretend that morning didn't happen, but I somehow managed. Because I'm all mature and grown-up and all that. "You didn't drop all your lists in the bath again, did you?"

"Um." Twilight was quick to dig through her saddlebags. She surfaced once more, a look of relief on her face, satisfied she had all two hundred of the lists she normally carried on a regular spa outing. "Nope, course not, I'm not that silly." She chuckled, waving a forehoof dismissively at me. "Though now that you mention it, somepony did drop a can lid in the bath...." She added, tapping a hoof on her chin with a frown.

Oh, so that's where my dragonfire sent it. Good to know it didn't buy me a one-way ticket to the sun.

"Ahah, so, uh, what was it you wanted to see me about?" I asked, smoothly.

"Oh, yes, I kinda wanted to give you two early presents, Spike." Twi said. "I know you said you don't want to have birthday presents if you can help it, but these are special."

"Special presents?!" I felt my heart flutter with excitement, my claws quiver with anticipation, before I could even stop them. I don't even remember what actually happened on that fateful birthday. I just woke up in midair with half of Ponyville lying in smoking ruins. My friends wouldn't tell me much other than 'birthday presents turn you funny'. "Uh, cool, thanks, Twi. What is it?" I asked, evenly, doing my best to shut the strange feelings out. I had no need to worry. Twilight wouldn't give me birthday presents if she thought they'd harm anypony, right?

"First of all..." Twilight dug about in her saddlebags with her magic before fishing out a familiar-looking key. "Tah dah! There you go, Spike." She floated the key over to me.

"Hay...." Recognition dawned on me as I held the key in the palm of my claws. The weight, the feel, surely it can't be– "Twilight, is this the key to the library?" I gasped. No, not just any library. The Ponyville Library. We had spent a good year rebuilding it from the ground up. It was just about ready to serve the town again. All it needed was a good librarian. And now...

"Yeah, it is." Twilight nodded with a bright grin, "It's yours. Well, sort of. The library part is still a public facility, but the actual house is yours. And with it comes the title of 'Ponyville Head Librarian'. I can't think of anypony more qualified to pick up where we left off than you, Spike." She gave me a nod of approval.

"Wow, that's amazing, I..." My excitement slowly ebbed away as I realized what this meant. I gulped. "Twi, does...does this mean I'm moving out?" I slowly looked up at her. She had always been with me ever since I hatched. I had never lived away from her. I couldn't imagine living away from her. And I had always been her number one assistant. Wait, does that mean...? "Now that you have all those servants, do you...." I couldn't help but choke on my own words, "...do you not need me as your assistant anymore?"

I barely finished before I was swept up in a tight hug. "No, Spike." I heard Twilight firmly say, her forehooves pulling me tight against her. I felt her wings closing around us like a curtain to give us a little privacy. "You're forever my little brother, my closest family forever and ever. Literally." I felt my heart tighten at her words, as if clinging onto ever syllable. I knew it, yeah, but there and then I simply had to hear them. "And I don't want you to move out. The castle feels empty enough even without a family member leaving. But you're eighteen now. I want you to have the option if you ever want it. Besides, that library was our home. I want to know it's in good hooves. Or claws." She chuckled. "And I'll always need you Spike. More than you know. Which brings me on to my second present." She slowly eased her hug to look down at me, giving me a warm, sisterly smile. "I, Princess Twilight Sparkle, do hereby dub thee Sir Spike, Knight of Friendship and Number One Assistant."

Trust Twilight to be as cheesy as hay, but I wasn't complaining. I was too busy cheering in glee. Yeah, call it whatever you want, but I'm a dragon living in the middle of a land of ponies. It always feels good to know they still want me, that they still need me in some way, no matter how small.

Besides, 'Knight' of anything was way cool.

"Thanks, Twi!" I pulled her into a hug doubly tight, "You're the best-est!"

"Wow, easy on the ribs, Spike." She squeaked, "Yeah, I was planning to give you all that tonight, but hay, why wait?" She chuckled. "That said I will still be bestowing the title on you officially at the party. So, uh..." She gave me a meek little smile, scraping a forehoof on the ground nervously, "...you're coming to the party, right?"

And just like that I felt my happy-balloon go up in a burst of flame. I gripped the key tightly, just shy of twisting it in two. So this was all just to make sure I came to the party? Yeah, of course, hard to look good in front of the nobles if the guest of honour himself failed to show up. The more I thought about it, the more it appealed to me. I just wanted to get away from everything, everypony. Hay, even moving out was starting to look good.

But I quickly bit it all back, knowing I'd only end up saying something I'd regret. I'm not a kid anymore, after all. "About my dance partner...." Was all that made it to my mouth.

"Well, Fluttershy can..." Twilight waved a forehoof at Fluttershy who was quick to nod in agreement. But before Twi could say anymore, a certain wild Princess suddenly reappeared.

"Oh, Sparks, there you are!" Princess Luna trotted up to me, placing a friendly forehoof on my shoulder. "Sorry, I got distracted watching a runaway DJ booth." She chuckled. "Oh, greetings, your Highness, and your Excellency Ms. Fluttershy of the Council." She was quick to offer a deep bow. It felt rather surreal, watching Princess Luna bow to Twilight.

Twilight couldn't help but frown at the Princess. I couldn't blame her. There was something about the Princess' bedraggled look that just draws you in. It was almost endearing in a way. Fluttershy's expression, on the other claw, was unreadable from where she hid behind Twilight. Still, they were both polite enough to wait for an introduction.

"Oh, Twi, Flutters, this is..." I began, waving a claw at Princess Luna. That was when I drew a blank, realizing I obviously couldn't call her that. I struggled to make up a name on the spot. The best I could come up with was 'Sundae Sprinkles' for some reason.

"My name is Moonlight Sonata, Your Highness." The Princess swooped in to save me. 'Moonlight Sonata'? That name sounded familiar but for some reason I couldn't really place it.

"Twilight's fine. Nice to meet you, Ms. Sonata." Twilight said, with a smile that didn't quite reach up to her eyes. "You're Spike's friend, are you?" She asked, not even bothering to hide the suspicion in her voice.

"Please, call me Sona. And yes, I suppose you can call us 'friends'. I suppose going to the dance together makes us 'friends'." She smiled, brightly.

"Wait, you are?" I blurted out, before I was cut short by a subtle tail-nudge from the Princess. "I mean, yeah, we're totally dancing, cause we're friends. And that's what friends do. Dance." I rambled, awkwardly, before I realized I was better off shutting up. Sona's struggle to avoid grimacing kinda helped.

"Is that so?" Twilight frowned, lighting up her horn to idly twirl a strand of her mane. Except I knew better than anypony that Twilight never casts spells needlessly. Plus she's a master of multi-casting; Using multiple spells at once. She was probably masking some sort of spell meant to peer through the Prince-...Sona's disguise.

"Yeah. We've been friends for a few years actually." I quickly said, "I bumped into her camping out in the forest and told her about my problems with the opening dance." Technically none of that was a lie. I had in fact known the Princess for years by then.

"Yep. And I quickly offered to bail him out of trouble." Sona grinned. "Because I'm real nice like that."

"Hmm." Twilight's horn dimmed, seemingly satisfied with her cursory magical examination. "It just came as a bit of a surprise. Spike never really spoke of you before."

"Y'know, I'm actually not surprised Sparks has never mentioned me. He just keeps a lot to himself." Sona shrugged her withers.

"Does he?" Twilight chuckled, dryly, giving me a look, "So, do you live around here? I've never seen you in town before." She went on with all the subtlety of a flying brick.

"I'm a royal guard. We met in Canterlot over some donuts at a Power Pony comic convention. I tour with the Long Patrol most of the time but we swap letters and meet up whenever I'm on leave." Sona explained, surprisingly smoothly. The cover story was actually very believable, considering all the subtle details she had thrown in. I half expected her to be awkward at this whole disguise thing. But she was turning out a regular master spy. "Don't worry, Twilight, I'm not some evil foalnapper out to steal away your lovely little baby brother." Sona giggled, cheerfully.

"Oh, uh..." Twilight faltered at being called out so bluntly. "No, sorry, I didn't mean to suggest that." She hung her head a little, ears drooping flat against her mane. "It's just a bit of a surprise that Spike has...." Twi frowned, seemingly fishing for words.

"...other friends?" Sona finished for her with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah." Twilight nodded, pursing her lips a little. Wait, really, Twilight?

"I don't see why. He's the friendliest dragon ever." Sona spoke up for me. "Though that isn't exactly difficult." She giggled, nudging me in the shoulder.

"Hay! Easy on the ego there, Sona." I joined in on the charade.

"Yeah, I know. Sorry, I really shouldn't be so surprised." Twilight hung her head in shame. For a moment I felt a little bad. "So, uh, did you come to town for his birthday?" She asked, suddenly looking up at Sona. Smooth change of topic, Twilight.

"Yeah. I took my camp leave early and left my unit out near Dodge Junction. I tried to wing it here to try and make it in time. I really wanted to be here for Sparks' birthday this year. And that was when Sparks here kinda saved me from starvation in the forest." Sona chuckled, patting me on the shoulder with a forehoof. "The least I can do to repay him is make sure he looks good tonight. And now that I'm going to be accompanying the dragon of the hour, I'm gonna need to look the part." She nodded at the spa.

"Uhuh." Twilight nodded, awkwardly, "Well, good. Good to see you have somepony, Spike. For the dance, I mean. Um, enjoy the spa, you two. I mean, I'm not suggesting you should use it together. You could go separately. Uh..."

"We get it, Twi." I smiled gently, patting her on her withers comfortingly. "We'll see you at the party tonight."

"Uh, yeah, see you." Twi nodded as she trotted away. Fluttershy was quick to break into a canter alongside her, seemingly relieved to finally be on her way, well, away.

Twilight looked over her shoulder at me a few times, even pausing to peer around a street corner. I couldn't help but sigh as I held the spa door open for Sona.

"Thank you, Sparks. Such a gentlecolt." Sona, I mean, the princess said with a smile. "Are you alright?" Her smile turned into a worried frown as the door closed behind us, shutting out the street outside.

"I'll live." I muttered, darkly. I'm not a baby dragon. I'm mature enough to know that Twi would not have asked me to come to the party if she wasn't sure it would be best for me. Still, I couldn't help but think of how much of it was helping her maintain her appearances before the nobles. "And, uh, are you sure, Princess? About going to the party with me?"

"Sure I'm sure, Sparks." The Princess gave me a wink, "I already said I owe you a boon, twice repaid. Oh, and call me 'Sona'. We might as well get some practice in, right?" She giggled, excitedly.

Something told me somepony was actually enjoying this little game. But for some reason seeing Sona truly enjoy herself was encouraging. In part it was a relief that accompanying me wasn't entirely a chore for her. But mostly, I couldn't help but like Moonlight Sonata's impish little smile.

"Now let's have at these duckies of rubber!" She declared with excited glee.

Yeah, just can't help it.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed that as much as I enjoyed writing it.

The original song used in this chapter is 'Belle', composed by Alan Menken with lyrics by Howard Ashman. Copyright belongs to Disney. (And yes, it's one of my favourite disney songs of all time). I've decided to dub this version and its lyrics the 'Good Day Aria'.