• Published 18th Jul 2015
  • 16,123 Views, 643 Comments

How To Raise Your Moon - Pen Mightier

Spike is the guest of honour at a high society party important to the Council of Friendship. It'll end in political disaster if he doesn't find a date for the dance. Luna magically disguises herself as his date but ends up stuck in her new form.

  • ...

She Likes to Headbutt. And Snuggle. But Mostly Headbutt.

Author's Note:

Click here for a little ambient rain to set the mood for this chapter!

Hope you all enjoy this one. Proudly brought to you by our hardworking editor dream team,Not A Hat and Brad The Brony. Please give them both a follow as thanks! It was Brad's birthday just a few days ago, so do join me in wishing him many happy returns of the day!

"Sona?! SONA!!"

It was pitch black outside. The houses were dark with every single pony in town attending the party. The only light came from the friendly glow of the Palace of Friendship itself. In the dim lighting I could barely see her hoofprints in the ground, let alone the small mare herself. What few hoofprints I could see were already being swept away by the harsh frosty rain that had struck as sudden as a buffalo stampede. It was practically raining changeling divebombs.

Of course it had to rain. Otherwise it'd be too easy, right?

Jeez, how would I find her in all this? What do I do? Knowing me, I'd just do the Spike thing and mess everything up again.

'You know what to do.'

Nopony else would go out to find her tonight. It was up to me. Yeah, I can’t fail, not when she’s counting on me.

Yeah, I'd know what to do.

I wrapped a claw around an outcropping of crystal at the foot of the palace and bit through the base. I tasted bitter raspberries as my larger, stronger draconic maw made short work of the crystal. I ripped the glowing shard out and then bit the tip off before lighting up the night with a bright gout of dragonfire. The shard in my mouth erupted into a cloud of smoky green sparks. They rushed out of my steaming maw to swirl off into the darkness like a wispy little night spirit.

I launched myself after the wisp of light. It was fast, so fast in fact that it disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye. But it gave me a direction to run and that was more than enough. I would run to the end of the world if I had to.

I had to squint through the icy sheets running down my face and the clouds of steam I was puffing into the frigid air. I counted in my head as I ran against the beating rain. At the count of ten I bit off another shard and 'fired' it into the night, lighting up the dark with my brilliant green flames. And again at the count of twenty, thirty, and so on.

At the count of sixty I finally came across what I was looking for: A glowing shard lying in the shadow of Sugarcube Corner, the same shard I had ‘mailed’ to her sixty seconds ago. Sixty seconds. She was sixty seconds ahead of me.

I wasn't Twilight's number one assistant for nothing. My dragonfire-sending is almost instantaneous. The distance between the Palace and Sugarcube Corner is about six hundred hooves as the pegasus flies. She covered that distance in sixty seconds. Putting that together, she was travelling at a meager ten hooves per second. Which told me two things: That she wasn't teleporting and that I could totally catch up to her at my speedy twenty hooves per second.

I fired off more shards into the night as I ran on through the hammering rain. I found the next glowing shard half-trodden into the mud by the flower shop, a mere five seconds away. The next was by Quills and Sofas, four seconds away. I followed the trail like a drake possessed. My fevered mind reminded me of that one story of Hazel and Pretzel, the two foals who left behind a trail of crumbs to find their way home. Nopony ever went out into the woods to find them. But I would find her.

The distance between the dropped shards dwindled. She was slowing down. Why? Was she hurt so badly she was having trouble running? I gave a loud, frustrated growl as I doubled my pace.

My final flame didn't travel far. It glowed like a brilliant emerald star as it spiralled ahead of me, lighting my way. I kicked off the mud, launching myself forward with renewed vigour. I was close. I could feel it.

Lightning flashed bright overhead. It lit up what looked like a white sheet scampering just ahead of me. An explosive boom of thunder shook the earth. The little white sheet dropped flat against the ground, curling up into a tight ball. My emerald wisp slowed into a gentle spiral around the little ball, casting its green glow over us.

"Hay, Princess Luna?" I stepped closer, reaching out for the trembling ball underneath the sodden tablecloth. It looked even smaller from up close, so fragile and alone. It seemed so helpless the very earth could swallow it up without a trace any minute. "Are you alright?" I breathed. What looked like a pair of ears perked up under the cloth like a tent.

Another flash of lightning raked the sky. Another explosive blast of thunder shook the night.

The sodden tablecloth suddenly leapt to life, barrelling right into my chest. I threw my arms around it protectively, not daring to let go, not even to catch myself as I fell backwards. I fell heavily into the mud, but I held fast even as we slid along the slick muddy ground.

More thunder erupted overhead.

"Meeplesquee..." The helpless little bundle in my arms gave a teeny squeak, curling up even tighter as she pulled her hoofsies against my chest. She buried her face in my neck, as if to shut out the world.

I was dumbstruck. I've always been the one doing the running. I've never had anypony run to me. What do I do?

'You know what to do.'

If that is what she wanted then I would shut the world out for her. I gently held her closer, taking care not to strain her injured wing. I put myself between her and the world, cocooning her as best as I could in my embrace.

Thunder used to scare the scales offa me as a child. But never for long. Mom would come and hold me and Twi close in her hooves, calming us with her gentle warmth. As time went on, Twi, frightened as she was, would brave the thunder to hold me in Mom's place. Both of them would always whisper the same thing: "Hay, it's alright. It's alright, okay?"

I was surprised to find the words coming out of my own mouth, hushing her gently. "You'll be alright. I'm here with you. And I'm not going anywhere." Her trembling gave way to a desperate calm, her panicked breathing slowly settling down against my chest.

"W-We art sorry," I heard her whimper into my chest. "We art sorry. T’is all Our fault," she sniffled in high Unicornian.

Now where'd I hear that same corniness before? It was the whole Tantabus thing all over again. Where does she even store all that emotional baggage?

Before I could say anything, she slowly, shakily peered up at me, her dark emerald eyes wet with what was certainly not rain. Her ears were pressed down against her sodden mane. "We art sorry..." she choked, "...so sorry thou chose me." She closed her eyes tight, almost as if expecting some harsh judgement to smite her confession.

I chose her? Yeah, I guess I did choose her over somepony else. Did it matter?

"Nope." She flinched at my reply. "Nope. You don't get to be sorry. I won't allow it," I growled, firmly. It was my choice. If anyone’s gotta be sorry, it’s….it’s...how would I ever apologize to Twilight? To Rarity?

"But..." Was all Princess Luna could manage as she struggled to grasp the idea of not being allowed a chance at self-pity. I didn't let her say much more. I curled a claw under her hindlegs and hefted her up against me, cradling her in my claws. She gave a soft 'eeeeep' of surprise as I stood up to my full height (which still wasn't much, actually, just enough to carry her), lifting her up into the air. She was so light. That a life so precious could weigh so little, it scared me; it scared me a lot.

I didn't even pause to think of how I was able to manage all that. I was too busy giving her a stern look in the eye. "You don't get to give yourself a hard time. Nopony gets to do that. Ever. I won't allow anypony, not even you." I gave her a little smile. "Except for me." I chuckled a little, much to her confusion.

Nopony touches Spike's treasure but Spike!

I blinked owlishly. Where did that thought come from?

Another explosive rap of thunder interrupted my thoughts with a start. Princess Luna gave another squeak, curling up tight in my hold. So she's definitely afraid of thunder. Weird. I'm pretty sure lightning was Nightmare Moon's thing. In fact Princess Luna does a whole lightning and shadows routine every Nightmare Night.

I didn't dwell on it for too long. Being out here in the storm was obviously not doing her any favours. I had to get her somewhere safe. Everypony's probably still holed up in the palace with the storm outside, so most of the town's out. While I hated the idea of bringing her back to the palace, that seemed to be the only smart thing to do.

That was when an idea struck me.

We could go home.

My mind set, I ambled into the dark with her in my hold. I didn't need my eyes to find my destination. I simply traced familiar old footsteps. Frightened as she was, she never questioned where I was taking her. She stayed quiet, clutching tightly onto me as we walked on through the sleeting rain. Never once did I feel cold with her gentle warmth banking against my chest.

The dark silhouette of the tree loomed high above us, its wide eaves sheltering us from the rain. The door in its stout bark stood shut, the 'Closed' sign on it swinging violently in the wind. That didn't stop me. I had the key after all. It was a challenge and a half to find the keyhole in the dark with my tail, but another dragonfire-sending wisp solved that problem, without scorching the door. It struck me that my little light trick wouldn't be possible without her being by my side.

I quickly shouldered the door open, half-stepping, half-stumbling into the refuge within. I kicked the door shut behind me, muffling most of the storm outside. A few more dragonfire-sending wisps lit up the gloom. Steepled shadowy figures stood watch in the dark. Another spark of lightning revealed them for what they were: Furniture covered by dust-sheets. The freshly-laid wooden flooring was still smooth, not yet worn by a certain librarian's panicked pacing. The air still smelled of sawdust and fresh paint. It would be a while until it regained that old scent of dried ink, musty tomes and general nerdiness. But there was no doubt about it.

I'm home.

'Oh, welcome home, Spike. You're not covered in tree sap for once. You're just in time. I was just about to have some ice cream.'

I quickly carried her over to the circle of floor pillows by the fireplace in the corner. A flick of my tail unfurled the dust-sheets covering the pillows. She winced as I gently set her down on the softest pillow of the lot, reminding me of the wing we needed to fix. She began to shiver again as I let her slip out of my warmth, her mane and fur still dripping. She curled up against her tail, resting her head on her hoofsies for warmth.

I turned back to the empty fireplace and tossed a few logs in. With a single breath I breathed warm life into it, bathing the room with the fire's cheery orange glow. She gave a soft sigh as its gentle warmth washed over us, the only sound that had come out of her in a while now. But a fire could only do so much. A lifetime looking after a certain stubborn unicorn has taught me that a cold pony with drenched fur could get sick real fast. "Hey, just sit tight. I'll be back in a bit, alright?" I gave her a reassuring smile as I stood up. Her ears twitched nervously as I left, her bright green eyes following me as I disappeared deeper into the library. I felt my steps quicken, resolving not to leave her a second longer than I had to.

The linen cupboard was exactly where it always was, right by the laundry room. I held my breath as I pulled the door open, half-expecting a lot of empty shelves. Much to my surprise, it was stuffed full of fluffy new blankets and towels. Each and every one was carefully embroidered with my name.

'Taking some fresh linen, Spike? You'd better bring down your dirty stuff so I can wash'em for you while it's still sunny out, okay?'

The dark kitchen had a brand new cast iron kettle exactly where we used to leave it drying by the window sill alongside freshly stocked pots of tea leaves and sugar.

'Say, Spike, can you please make me some tea? I think I need a Spike-Special to help me get through this big report tonight. Let's have it with some cookies by the fire.'

A regulation first aid kit hung on the wall by the door, no doubt triple and quadruple-checked for completeness. There was even a long list of the inventory tacked to the wall written in her gentle, flowing cursive.

'Hay, buster, where are you taking that kit? Are you hurt? Come on, show me.'

"I'm not hurt, Twi," I whispered to the heavy silence. It took me a while to realize I was lying.

'Spike!' I couldn't help but see it before me, that look of fear in her eyes as I turned away and ran out on her. It would probably haunt me forever.

"If anything, I hurt you." I grit my teeth. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have run out on you. Not when you needed my reassurance, not when you needed to know that I would never really leave you alone.

Oh endless night, she's alone. She'd get lost trying to find the bedroom again. She'd flush herself down the toilet again. She'd set the kitchen on fire just trying to get a cup of water again. She'd cry herself to sleep again, and...and...

Why'd I leave her alone? Celestia, why?

I could only hope at least one of her friends is sensible enough to stay the night with her. Applejack might have to go home for work, Flutters for her animals, but no matter how bad things got I could definitely count on Rainbow and Pinkie to keep Twi company. Yeah, I'm sure she's in good hooves.

I should have been there for her.

I bit back...something...as I balanced the linen on my head and gathered the tea tray and the first aid kit in my claws. 'Twi has her friends,', I tried to convince myself. 'Princess Luna has nopony. I need to be here for her. I made my decision.'

And it was the right decision, right? I mean, it felt right. I think. When Princess Luna was at her happiest, the entire world felt right to me. And when she's not happy I would clear every cloud in the sky to bring her sunshine back. Because...



Because she saved me. Yeah, that must be it. Sure, it was my own birthday cake she saved me from, but the fact stands: She hurt her wing saving me. And according to my noble Dragon Code, I must serve her for the rest of my natural born days. That must be why I feel I gotta keep her safe, make sure she stays clean and fed, stay by her side to make sure she doesn't get lost and, most importantly, make her happy and stuff. Yep, that's totally it.

Hmm. I should probably skip showing her that card with my noble Dragon Code in writing. I mean, sure, the artwork has improved quite a bit ever since that one time with Applejack and the timberwolves, if I do so say so myself; it's no longer in green crayon for one thing. But something told me Princess Luna wouldn't take the whole eternal servitude thing very well.

I felt something gently bump against the small of my back. Frowning, I slowly looked around to peer into the darkness behind me. I couldn’t help but give a quiet little sigh as I found a certain little princess headbutting me gently (if awkwardly) in the small of my back. She stepped up beside me, her soft, fluffy wing brushing against my side as she leaned in against me.

I couldn’t help but wonder whether she was staying close out of fear or a desire to comfort me. It certainly surprised me. It wasn’t something one would expect from the Princess of the Night. She certainly wasn’t used to it, with how awkwardly she was looking away from me, her cheeks practically glowing in the dark. I could just about imagine her giving the darkness an almighty tearful pout. Still, her warmth and presence brought me no end of comfort.

I gave a soft chuckle as I dropped a towel over her. She let out a soft squeak as the fluffiness fluttered about her mane before settling across her ears. I gently rubbed the towel against her as I pulled her closer to me.

To my surprise, she reached out with her own forehooves, rising up on her haunches to hold me. It took me a while to realize she was trying to hug me. Key word, ‘trying’.

She...kinda sucks at hugs.

I suppose it’s to be expected, considering she doesn’t do much of this hugging business. I wonder if she ever had any ponies to hug to begin with? Other than Fluttershy and that really awkward chokehold she gave the poor pegasus at her first Nightmare Night ever, perhaps.

But the awkwardness spoke of a deep genuineness, more so when I realized she was actually trying to comfort me. And at that very moment, I needed it more than anything in the world.

She finally released me without a word, ears splayed back, eyes cast down, seemingly unsure of herself. She was likely still blaming herself for what happened. I gave her a reassuring squeeze on her withers. Her ears perked up as she gently leaned into my claw. Like that, we made our silent way back to the comfort of the fire.

Another crack of thunder rattled the sky outside. It felt as if the bolt of lightning itself came and bowled me over to the ground. I fell flat on my back on the soft fluffy carpet by the fireplace, finding my bearings just in time to reach out and catch the falling tea tray, first aid kit and towels in a humorously teetering tower.

Carefully putting my perilous tower of knickknacks aside, I pulled myself up to peer down at the little bolt of lightning clinging to my chest. She was curled up into a trembling little ball, little hoofsies clutching me tight for dear life again.

I noticed a frail light flickering feebly on her forehead. It was the pale moonsilver glow of her hidden horn, albeit strained and weak. Her eyes were closed in desperate concentration. That was when I realized she was struggling to cast a spell. Every burst of magic she poured into the spell did nothing but cause this weird indigo glow to burn on her cheek. I peered at it: Three azure diamonds glared angrily back at me, flaring with ominous power on her cheek.

The same cheek Rarity had struck.

Thin blue tendrils snaked away from the diamonds, twisting and turning up her temple as they made their way towards where her horn would be. As she strained to cast her spell, the tendrils and the three blue diamonds glowed all the more angrily. What the hay was that thing?

Recognition struck me. It was the very same curse that Sombra had cast on Shining Armour. He wasn't able to cast any spells until the curse was broken by the Crystal Heart (and yours truly, but we can save my heroic tale for another day). I remember Twilight doing some reading on the curse he suffered later.

It was a Cursey-Mark.

Whatever it was, it was stopping Princess Luna from casting her spell. What spell could she be trying to use?

'A Princess does not bleed.'

A Princess is never weak, lost or hungry. A princess is certainly never afraid.

I see. She uses magic to shut out anything she's afraid of. Probably some sort of modified privacy spell. Without her magic she wasn't able to shut out the thunder. Without her magic she was vulnerable and afraid. How long had she faced her fears all by herself, relying on nothing but her own magic to get her through? What was it like to suddenly face her fears all alone once more?

No. Not alone. Not that night.

'You know what to do.'

"Princess Luna, princesses don't show fear, right?" I asked her, softly.

"W-We art not…!" Her indignant squawk gave way to a sudden squeak as yet another bark of thunder rang outside. She quickly buried her face in my chest again, quivering with ears flattened against her mane.

"Well, as long as you're right here..." I gave her a little squeeze, indicating exactly where I meant, "...you aren't allowed to hide your fears. Because you don't need to. Because I'll be right here with you."

Her shivers slowly but surely melted away into my embrace. I felt her heavy breathing against my chest gently lapse into quiet hiccups. But even as the tension in the rest of her body softly eased, her hoofsies tightened their hold on me. "Is it..." she finally said, her voice barely a teeny whisper. "Is it alright, really?" she asked, slowly peering back up at me.

“Really really.” I nodded, giving her an encouraging smile.

“B-but we hast already troubl'd thee so,” she murmured softly, her face falling along with her ears.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, remember, you’re not allowed to give yourself a hard time while you’re here in my magic circle.” I gave her another little squeeze, emphasizing the boundaries of my magic circle.

“Magic circle?” She blinked slowly, peering down at the claws wrapped around her withers. “Thy magic circle?” She looked back up at me with a soft blush.

“Yep.” I gave her a firm nod. “Mine.”

She gave me a long, slow thoughtful look. “But...to be a Princess of Equestria is to be unselfish and unafraid. We art the stalwart, inexorable warlord to Our sister’s kind, merciful matriarch. Art We...am I not allowed to be a princess in your magic circle?” she finally asked, tilting her head to one side with a tiny frown on her face.

"Well, uh, if you'd like to put it that way..." I chuckled nervously, before taking a slow, deep breath. "Yes. That's exactly it," I said, fixing her with a firm gaze. "You’re strong, Princess Luna... always have been, always will be. And you can be as cool and strong a Princess of Equestria as you need to be out there. But I want you to have someplace in the world where you don’t have to be," I told her, steadily. “I want that place to be right here." I gave her another gentle squeeze.

She didn’t say ‘yes’. She said nothing at all. She looked down at the hoofsies she had curled on my chest, slowly tilting her head to one side, then the other. I could almost hear the little wind-up toy in my arms tick and tock gently. Ticky-tock. Ticky-tock.

My little wind-up toy. My little Meeplesquee.

She finally took a slow, deep breath, before resting her soft, silky mane against my chest, nestling herself in between her hoofsies. Another crack of thunder boomed. Her ears fell flat, her breath catching in her throat. But she only snuggled tighter against me, letting me draw her deeper into her special circle.

I don’t know how long we stayed together like that, safe in our magic circle in the warm glow of the fire. It was a while before she finally gently wiggled free of my claws. Wordlessly, she turned her body a little, offering her injured wing to me. She gave me a meek but hopeful look, ears fidgeting nervously.

Luna, the unbleeding Princess of the Moon, never had any wounds to treat. She remained out there somewhere, beyond our little magic circle.

My little Meeplesquee, the silently selfless mare in my lap, quietly asked me to treat her wounded wing.

A new wellspring of fierce strength surged inside me. She was relying on me. I could do anything. Because for her, I would never fail, never falter.

Yeah, this is it. This is my noble dragon code. Totally.

I slowly stirred, blinking sleep out of my eyes. I blearily realized I had been dreaming. The goofy smile on my face was a good clue. It was a weird dream. It had been years since the night of that first disastrous Grand Galloping Gala, but the memories of me chatting about Power Ponies with that mysterious guardsmare over a dozen of Donut Joe’s best was still clear in my mind. I couldn’t quite remember her name though. Was it ‘Mooner’? Or ‘Moony’? Maybe it was ‘Mun Mun’. Come to think of it, she got my name wrong too. She called me 'Sporks' or something weird like that. I had invited her to come to Ponyville for Nightmare Night that year, but she never came. Strange that I’d dream of her then, so much so that I couldn’t help but wonder where she’d gone and what she was up to.

Heh, maybe she really had gone off to be a Power Pony and save the world, just as she told me she would. That’d be way cool.

That was when the stiffness in my back and tail struck with grim vengeance. It felt like waking up from that one time Bulk Biceps gave me a massage.

Never. Again.

I frowned, struggling to remember how exactly I had fallen asleep. I definitely don't remember where the big fluffy blanket wrapped around me came from. A little exploration with my tail told me that I had fallen asleep sitting against something hard and uncomfortable. I dimly realized it was the side of the bed, the same bed I had tucked her into earlier. Resetting and treating her dislocated wing had been exhausting. It wasn't long before she fell asleep while still clutching onto me, even as I was dressing her wing and cleaning her up. I cradled her in my claws and hefted her upstairs to bed, a feat that was becoming easier and easier for me.

As I tucked her in she had quickly curled up, tucking her hooves underneath her and wrapping her tail around herself, much as I had found her in the forest earlier that day. The only difference was she had sleepily groped around for the pillow before drawing it into a tight hug, curling her body about it like a mother would a foal.

It was kind of adorable. But...

Stupid, dumb, hug-stealing pillow.

I’m totally not jealous of a pillow. Really.

I mean, it’s a pretty devious pillow, all snuggly on the outside but nothing but fluff on the inside.

I don’t know how much time I wasted just watching her sleeping peacefully until I realized I was probably being all flavours of creepy. In my defense, I was making sure that sly pillow didn’t try anything funny. Yeah, that’s it. Totally.

I looked down at the pile of books I had gathered in front of me. I remembered deciding to do some research while staying by her side earlier. Horseapples, just a few hours in this place and I was already starting to act like Twilight. A week here and I would probably turn purple!

One ancient tome sat open on the pile of books in front of me: Lore Keeper’s ‘Monsterum Totus’. At first glance it looked like somepony had spilled ink on the open page. However a closer look revealed it to be a rather half-plotted doodle of a monster so ugly that only the Everfree could have come up with it. It looked like a scrapyard ran into a weather factory and came out as some crazy black cloud raining swords, toilets and toasters. Did they even have toasters and toilets when they wrote this book?

My eyes drifted down to the old hoofwritten High Unicornian script curling away beneath the shadowy scribble.

BEWARE þe frumious Cliffhanger, child!

When it shuns its home in þe brillig wilds

They sayeth þe ulfish beast seeks prey

In momsey hamlets and homes whence ponies stay

AS it grábes its mansome claws ‘cross þe land

In its guntish corse it gathers plunder like an avalanche

Each and ev’ry devilous item a ‘Plot Device’

Rothsome instruments to warp fate to its victim’s demise

TRUE to its tulgey namesake

Ethereal while ev’rypony’s awake

It spins songs'n'tales tense and frabjous on a whim

That history itself might danceth about its victim

And when its unwitting prey reaches þe final curtain

T’is not a Happily Ev’r After he will findeth, that is f’r certain…

I had a feeling Princess Luna wasn’t hunting a cute little kitten, but c’mon. Does everything that crawls, swoops or stomps out of the Everfree Forest have to be such fluffy little bundles of joy? Why must a forest be so Tartarus-bent on producing every flavour of misery known to Ponykind?

Well, I’m sure a big bad cloud raining toast and toilet water attacking Ponyville would be pretty darn obvious. Hay, the Elements would probably just fire their big Friendship Laser and banish it to —

Oh. Horseapples. There wasn’t enough friendship around to light a candle, let alone fight the elder god of toilet accidents. The very fate of the world relies upon me patching things up with them.

Though I guess it’s no different from the usual, even if it’s usually good ol’ level-headed me keeping a lid on things.

It’s tough having to save the world every single day.

Still, I had no idea how I’d even begin that awkward talk with Twilight, let alone Rarity.

Ugh, y’know what, nopony, especially big evil vorpal dust bunnies, would ever bother with a little town like Ponyville. It’s cool. It’s all cool.

Besides, I had bigger oats to fry, namely Luna’s cursey-mark. My eyes were drawn to another big black leather-bound book that was sitting underneath the dusty tome of monsters. It was open to a page I had been reading.

WHEN a unicorn in rage attacks

With a cursey-mark his nemesis he pox

A sigil in likeness of the unicorn’s cutie mark

A bitter brand fill'd with dunnest magic

Notoriously loathsome Sombra's favoured trick

WITH hatred-fill'd black magic

He'd lace his foe's horn with crystals thick

The curse is not unique to dark lords alone

Any pony with passions overblown

May inflict this curse 'pon his foe

'THE curs'd would lose his magical ability

But fear not, 'tis possible to break free

Black crystals of hate may be dispelled

With the power of hope it may be overwhelmed

Even frosty blue marks with jealousy fraught

can. . . . '

"Can...?" I read out loud, "Can what?" I demanded, frowning at the next page. “Can be cured with cupcakes? Can be washed off with orange juice? Can be filled in with crayon? Can be rubbed out with an eraser? What?”

Wait, seriously? The next page was missing. Missing!

"Aww, c'mon!" I growled, throwing my claws into the air in exasperation. What kind of joke is this?! From the frayed pulp along the torn edges, I could tell it hadn't been long since it was torn out either.

I suddenly paused, reading that last line over in my head. 'Frosty blue marks with jealousy fraught'?

Wait, a sec.


My heart leapt.

Could Rarity be…?

After all this time? Maybe I still had a chance?

I took a slow, deep breath, shutting the book with final-sounding snap. No. It couldn’t be. Rarity loves somepony else. But she was jealous. No, she loves Blueblood. She loved me. And she was going to accept Blueblood’s proposal. The mark is proof! I won’t let her go this time! She’s mine! No, her happiness belongs to somepony else. Somepony else...somepony else…



I felt a violent emptiness grasp me inside like the jaws of a tatzlwurm. I let out a snarl of pain, doubling up as the emptiness threatened to claw me apart like a ravenous timberwolf.


I let out a lame little whimper, clutching my heart with one claw. My chest was burning with a hollowness screaming to be filled. I had no idea what it needed, but I needed it sorely. It was like gasping, not for sweet air but for somepony. And not just anypony.

I needed her.

"L-Luna!" I gasped as I clawed at the blanket, desperately struggling to pull myself back up atop the bed. "L-Luna, please, a-are you there?" I pleaded with what little of my heart I had left.

I felt the void inside swallow up the pieces of my heart. The bed was empty. She was nowhere to be seen. The doors to the outdoor telescope balcony stood wide open, far out of my reach. Beyond them the dark empty sky stretched, slowly fading into the light of dawn.

No. No! NO!

I clawed at the floor, fighting to pull my stiffening body towards the doors. I had to get to the light. I had to find her!


I felt something stirring within me. Whatever it was, it was growing bigger and bigger, drowning me. I gasped, not for air but for her. “Luna! Please! LUNA!” I cried out over the screams welling up around me.


It was like plunging into a bottomless, empty well. It was gaping open, dry, thirsty. It would have to drink a lot to finally fill itself: Me, the world, everything. The screams echoed on forever off the endless walls. Even the very walls were growing bigger and bigger, fading away into the shadows. Bigger….bigger…


A light pierced the darkness.

“Spike! I am here! I am here with you!”

Something caught me. I felt it pull me up, and up and up. I could see pale light shimmering in the darkness above.

“Spike! Wake up! Spike!”

I broke the surface with a loud gasp. Light blinded my eyes. No wonder, a radiant angel was holding me in her forehooves. My angel. Mine. I finally breathed again, my chest filling with air and something, something dearer to me than life, something only she could give me, something precious.

I looked up into her bright emerald eyes filled with worried tears that tinkled over my face like diamonds.They widened with relief as they gazed into my own. Her soft, velvety sapphire blue mane felt cool and gentle against my forehead. They all suddenly disappeared into view as she suddenly dove into me, pulling me into a tight hug.

Yep, she still sucked at hugs. But at the time I couldn’t care less. Every rise and fall of her chest against mine felt like she was breathing for me. Every little bit of her felt like a breath of life.

“Dear Spike, thank the stars,” she whispered hoarsely. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she sniffled.

Sorry? You saved me. “P-Princess, you’re here,” I croaked, weakly. “Th-thanks. Thanks.” I slowly reached up to hold her. I didn’t want her to leave. Never again.

“No, Spike,” she whispered in my ear. “I’m sorry I didn’t help you. I watched you suffer and did nothing. I couldn’t use my magic. I couldn’t lower the moon. I couldn’t save you from your nightmare. I couldn’t do anything.” She squeezed me tighter. “I’m sorry.” I felt something wet soak my neck and shoulders as she slowly sank against me. “So sorry.” She breathed softly, over and over.

Was that what it was? A nightmare? But it felt so real.


Did she say ‘lower the moon’?

I suddenly realized what that light that blinded me was. It was the bright blue glow of the Cursey-Mark on her cheek. So that’s where she was. She was outside, trying to lower the moon.

My eyes flew open. I peered over her withers. We were outside on the balcony. I had somehow managed to drag myself out past the doors. Above me stretched a clear, starry sky. The storm had blown itself apart, leaving behind nothing but a dark thunderhead on the horizon. A bright golden glow was cresting the skyline, reflecting brilliantly off the thunderhead. Dawn was coming.

And above the full moon still glowed.

The moon.

The Cursey-Mark was stopping her from lowering it!

What would happen if she couldn't lower the moon? Would Celestia be able to lower it for her? What if she couldn’t? I mean, if she could, the whole Nightmare Moon thing a long time ago wouldn’t have happened, right? Would everypony panic? Would they believe that Nightmare Moon had returned? That my sweet, gentle Meeplesquee had turned into a monster?

Or would we have something worse...something that hasn’t happened in over one thousand years?

Endless. Night.