• Published 18th Jul 2015
  • 1,940 Views, 71 Comments

Path of the Unforgiven - HeatseekerX51

An ancient northern kingdom lost to time and legend. A noble prince exiled by Celestia to never see home again. Fate and a mysterious stranger come together to save Equestria from a new era of peril when Chrysalis returns to exact her revenge.

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CH 14: Not All Who Wander Are Lost 1/2

Ok, so after this is part 15, 16, and then the epilogue! I am beyond excited to bring this story to a close and begin work on the next sequel. Due to the absurd size of this chapter, I decided to parse it into two halves in the interest of making it more digestible for you readers.



Sleep escaped her yet, the long hours of the night stretched on like taffy between spools, lingering incessantly. Celestia stood by her bookshelf, the steady light of a tall lamp adequate to read the letter she held in the otherwise dim room. She had attempted to find comfort in bed, but unrest had plagued her until at last she felt a soreness develop whichever way she tried to turn. Finally she could overlook the nagging thoughts no longer, and recovered the ancient letter from its familiar place.

I read these words over again now, for what must seem like the thousandth time, a trepidation overcome me as I have never felt before committing each new draw of the quill.”

Below the few paragraphs of official-sounding announcements about a tour of the southern lands, and all due ritual of statecraft, was something else. Æclypse’s letter to her could be parsed into the two halves, the second written in a different tone and personal flair than the former.

“You are, I am told, aware of what exists between your sister Luna and I, of the bond of affection that has flowered over many months. It would have been my desire to have made this known to you sooner, for never was my intent to deceive or show you disregard. It was at her insistence that we kept our affair a secret from you. I ask that you not hold her willfulness in spite. I know well from my own younger sibling the want for something to be held in private, and not forced to share.”

Celestia reflected on the times when she and Luna had argued over petty things. Whom had used whom’s hairbrush, being a few minutes late to relieve the other, who had completed Starswirl’s lesson the quicker. Trivial disputes that she had overlooked at the time, but in retrospect provided all the justification needed for her sister to keep something as precious as a first love all to herself.

And did she really have any ground to fault her? During the long banishment, after Luna had gone and she really was alone, she too sought solace in the embrace of a secret paramour. The very duplicate of the most evil pony in all Equestrian history, a scandal to grip the nation if ever it came to light. What was it about the sons of Thule that fate interwove them with the Alicorn sisters? What riddle in the threads of time could she not discern?

When I arrive in Canterlot, Princess, I issue forewarning now, that I will ask a great and precious gift of thee, something I do not lightly request. When we meet, and I may be bold enough to look into your eyes, and you into mine, I will ask for your blessing to wed your dear sister, and make her my queen.”

How could Celestia have known? That all her fears and woes of being abandoned by her only kinship would come not at the will of a suitor, but at her own hooves. The fanged and wicked visage of Nightmare Moon flashed in her memory, a still image of their battle throughout their former castle. Her desire to keep Luna with her had resulted in the broiling over of all the pent-up jealousy and anger, manifesting a creature of such malevolent power that Celestia was forced to use the greatest weapon in history against her.

And then she was alone.

“My love for Luna drives my passion night and day, and it is to her that I dedicate my great work. Not a moment goes by that I do not suffer a longing to feel her fur against mine, to feel her voice resonate in my heart. And so shall all of Thule adore her, a glorious and sublime queen of the north to surpass all that have come before. For though she and I have never graced each other’s presence in the waking world, to her doorstep I would go, upon my knees and burdened with stone upon stone every mile, for the right to call her my wife. A primordial beast of darkness I have slain, and a hundred more I would battle with a merry song in my heart, that my reward await me on the wedding dais.”

One of the drawbacks to being immortal, was that the contemplation of mistakes and the gnawing teeth of regret could not be quenched at last in the void of death. Rather, they could become a haunting spectre that shadowed one’s every step, whispering poems of malcontent in every moment of privacy. Even now, as Celestia glanced across the room to her mirror, she could all but feel the cold breath on the back of her neck; What did you do? How could you be so selfish? It was your cruelty that drove your sister into dark madness.

Was she the moral superior to Æclypse then? For love of his kindred and reverence for his gods did he defy the greatest law in the land, and lay himself naked before a punishment that seized from him all but his given name. A martyr to his conscious he was cast out, branded thusly ‘The Unforgiven’ in dispossession of his father’s bloodline. To the weeping of his mother and sorrow of his folk did he suffer for his fidelity, the bitter cost of his love and honor.

And was Celestia the inheritor of a better lot? For primacy of her sister’s affection and fear for her country did she act. Only to turn her own blood against her in righteous fury, and by her own hoof banish Luna to an internment greater even than the time they had grown together. Lofty isolation was her prize for victory, to rattle about in an empty castle, her throne undisputed and reign undisturbed. Her’s, a crown of thorns.

“My beating heart, if it be your price, you may cut from my breast and keep as token if with my final breath I may propose my love to Luna and hear her answer before darkness overcomes me.

Though, I should hope that for my sake and hers, that your blessing not come at so high a bargain. I suspect she would be much dismayed at the curtness of her honeymoon.”

It was there the letter ended, with a subtle and wry sense of humor. Where they then not more alike than distinct? Celestia wondered, folding the letter and sliding it back into its envelope. She returned to her bedside, gently laying across the mattress with a yawn. The two of them might have enjoyed a long and pleasurable bond as brother and sister-in-law. It seems he would have made for good conversation.

Nestling her head into a groove in the satin pillow, she drew her legs up and closed her eyes, finally ready to let sleep take her the rest of the way through the night.

As she felt the tender numbness engulf her, there was suddenly a great commotion cutting through the tranquility, a clamor of shouts from Luna’s nocturnal guards. Something or somepony was causing quite a stir.


The sounds of her wretched cries could be heard from the outside of the castle. Changelings perched atop the roofs of the empty houses looked to each other with fearful expressions, wondering what the cause of such horrific wailing could be.

Two drones buzzing in the air just outside the castle watched the entrance and windows. Periodically, bits of furniture would come flying out from the stained-glass panes, and other drones exited shaking with terror.

“Maybe we… should go look?” One of them asked.

“I don’t think so. Mother is not safe to be around when she’s like this.” Replied the other.

“Then why did General Magna go in?”

“Because Magna won’t be vaporized without warning.” He said, pausing a few moments before adding: “Probably.”

Inside the castle, the throne room was in chaos. Chrysalis had toppled most of the chairs, blasted scorch marks across the walls, and was now splayed out on the table. Laying on her back, she stared up at the chandelier, the sparkling crystals of fond memories dangling like starlight above her. The long languid strands of her verdant hair spread over her face, a mask from under which her eyes peered out between the gaps.

“Mother?” Magna queried, hovering over her progenitor with concern. The queen’s expression was one of confusion and detachment, her mind lost in a haze of delusion.

“My bugs…” She mumbled. “My little bugs… where have you gone?”

Magna traded a worried glance over to Spirochete, who still guarded the subservient Twilight Sparkle.

“I’ve never seen her this bad.” The drone said with the tone of a child seeing their parent in dire sickness.

“We’ve never lost two legions before.” Brushing a few locks aside, Magna caressed Chrysalis’ face with gentle care.

“Mother? Mother you are starting to scare the swarm. How can I help?”

“Help? Can you prevail where Varus has fallen? Can you restore my legions to me?” Rolling onto her right side, Chrysalis folded her forehooves under her head to make a pillow. “No, I don’t think you can help with that. You are younger and less experienced than your brother was, you would likely fall even quicker.”

Magna could not help but be stung by the words, recoiling her hooves involuntarily. “Mother you must not linger in this state, every minute of inaction brings your plan closer to danger.” Shifting positions, she placed herself in the Queen’s line of sight, “Our response must be swift and terrible! We must show strength!”

But Chrysalis simply looked past her, staring vacantly ahead as if she were all alone. “Strength…” She muttered. “Have we not shown our strength already? Have we not swept away the resistance? Do I not have Princess Twilight as my thrall?”. Spirochete glanced sidelong, noticing a sliver of drool dripping down from the corner of the alicorn’s mouth.

The queen tilted her head upright with a series of clicks, pupils focused on some invisible object. “Not strength, no, something else.”

Dragging herself off the table, Chrysalis paced around the thrones. “What we need is a reprisal, a demonstration, yesss… A demonstration of consequences. Twilight, the map if you will.”

Without any further prodding Sparkle cast a beam of magic into the table, and like before, a holographic display of the known world populated the plane. Veering inward, Chrysalis put her forehooves on the edge, and with the images of the peaks and castles reflecting in her eyes, she illuminated her horn.

“We shall need a sacrificial lamb.” A blazing jet of green magic struck the table, right were Ponyville stood. The spot was engulfed in an inferno of Changeling fire that set the whole simulated village aflame.

The brightness of the conflagration served to darken the rest of the room by comparison, like a campfire casting a chorus of shadows off the thrones. Chrysalis’ face was caught in the light, fangs glistening and eyes fanatical, entrenched by the dancing motion of her flame.

“We will destroy Ponyville, turn it to ashes and leave not one brick upon another. The castle too, it will have to go… how unfortunate…”

“And the Ponies?” Spirochete asked. “The Thicket is compromised, we can’t take them there.”

“Indeed not.” Without looking where she was going, Chrysalis backed-up into Twilight’s throne, reclining into it slowly. “We’ll take them into the eastern hive, just to the southeast of Canterlot mountain. From there, we can filter into the unnumbered tunnels and caves that course throughout the peak. Once we are well and safely emplaced, the Royal Guard will never be able to roust us out, not least before sacrificing heavy numbers, a price I doubt Celestia will be willing to pay.”

She tilted her head to the right before continuing. “And of course, we’ll be able to enter the city like flowers through cracks in the road. A shining beacon to all Equestria indeed when I have it burning long into the night.”

The room was silent for a few moments as the green fire continued to dance and flicker. Magna stepped forward, lowering her head midway.

“Shall I inform Crassus of your wishes?”

Chrysalis remained motionless as she mulled the thought, not taking her gaze away from the flame. “Tell Crassus that his First Legion will be the vanguard of the movement. They will establish the route and transport the ponies to the Eastern Hive. He will not need direction, he knows the way. You Magna, your legions will raze the town. And while you’re at it, crash the weather factory too.”

“Yes, Mother.” The General said, raising her head with an impish smirk.

“You have your tasks, be about them and rally your forces to cover Crassus’ rearguard when you’re finished.” Chrysalis closed her eyes and relaxed.

“At once!” Magna’s wings buzzed to life, and carried her out of the room, leaving the three others behind.

“You’ve come a long way for the table and the princess, Mother.” Approaching the table, Spirochete marveled at the display of magic. “Seems a waste to leave it all in ruin.”

“The table will come with us. As long as we have Twilight to control it.” Chrysalis cracked her eyelids a tiny bit, mulling a thought. “As a matter of fact…”

Again her horn illuminated, and she extended a hoof towards Twilight. “Come little one, I want you to show me something.”

Sparkle walked forward mechanically, her head bobbing softly with each step. When she came to the right side of the Changeling queen, she found the hoof waiting to caress the bruise on her cheek.

“Sweet little Sparkle… Always so brave, always so optimistic. Be a dear and show me on the map where your little friends are hiding in the Everfree.”

Twilight lit her horn and cast a beam into the heart of the table. A shimmer of energy convulsed through the landscape of the map, nothing new however appeared, no changes at all. Chrysalis waited to see if it was some kind of delayed reaction, but as the seconds ticked by, her eyes opened in furious realization.

“Why is it not showing me? What are you doing wrong? Command it again!”

Once more, Twilight sent her magic into the table, this time for a few seconds longer than before. Once more, after an initial reaction from the map, it settled back down into the same unremarkable state.

Chrysalis charged out of the chair and planted her hooves on the table with a set of heavy thuds, growling at it in confusion.

“Errrrrr… Why isn’t it working? Why won’t it-” The words stuck in her throat as the answer dawned on her. Her upper lip quivered, and her whole body tensed, recalling what Twilight told her about not being able to control the map, not totally. She also realized that the map had no reaction whatsoever to her own magic.

“It knows…. It knows what it’s being used for…” It was then Chrysalis understood that she was not dealing with some tool to be picked-up by anypony and utilized for their own needs, it was something far more.

“An artifact.” She whispered, letting the final syllable hang in the air. “A creation of higher… powers.” Now knowing what she was in the presence of, Chrysalis shrunk back without blinking, both afraid and awed by it.

“This isn’t an instrument to power… this IS power!”

Spirochete, unsettled in his own right, retreated from the map. “What does that mean, Mother?”

“It means that if I can find a way to harness this magic for myself, I’ll be more powerful than I’ve ever been before. Nothing short of the Elements of Harmony would be able to stop me.”

Chrysalis lowered her head, swiveling it around to touch her forehead to Twilight’s.

“Good thing I don’t have to worry about those anymore.”

On the edge of the town, peeking out from the bushes, Applejack and Wanderlust were the first two heads to appear, followed by a collection of others large and small. Coming from a forest dark and dim, the sight of the town now could not be more of a contrast.

“The town…” Rarity gasped. Set out before them, were peaks of green fire and destruction. Gangs of Changelings ravaged the village, pushing down houses, dumping items into bonfires, and doing it all with a raucous symphony of maniacal laughter. A dozen were grouped upon City Hall, using their combined efforts to topple the second floor and rip the building apart. The top half, wreathed in flames, crashed to the ground in an avalanche of timber and masonry, much to the delight of all involved.

As Wanderlust watched the wreckage burn, his lips tightened, and he swallowed a lump of anger. He heard the voices of those around him as dull, indistinct tones unable to pierce through the sequence of memories playing in his mind.

“-anderlust, what should we do?” The lighter voice at last was able to reach him, the spell broken with a reactive snort and jolt of his head. He looked down to see Sweetie Belle and Shady Daze staring up at him, tears cradling their eyes. “Our homes are gone! My parents!”

It was too much for him, and Wanderlust cut his attention away, stepping back into the space on the backside of the bush.

“Them dirty, no-good Changeling monsters!” Applejack spat, kicking a clod of dirt. “Burn up everything in their wake just for a hoot an’ holler! It…” The anger drained from her breast, and her shoulders sank. “..It’s all gone ain’t it?”

It’s all happening again. Wanderlust thought, slumping onto his rump away from the others. She’s done it again and there’s nothing you can do about it. Glancing to his side, he saw the unicorn mare Gentle-Heart sobbing into the embrace of the thestral, who himself sat with his chin resting on her head. Paleo Search caught his eye and hugged her a little tighter as he wrapped his wings around her.

In another spot, Fluttershy and Rarity corralled the fillies between them, becoming a hedge of protection and comfort for them to snuggle into. Sweetie Belle nuzzled into her sister’s midsection, burying her face to hide it from view.

“We’ve been in a lot of bad spots, Wanderlust.” Sloughing Spike off her back with a groan, Trixie sat down beside him, stretching her shoulders from carrying the weight. “But this is… this is a whole new league.”

“Trixie…” He began without looking at her. “I heard you found the Alicorn Amulet.”

Her eyes popped open mid-stretch, and she swallowed a lump of nervousness. “You uh… you heard about that huh?”

“Did you remember nothing I told you about it?” Wanderlust growled, letting a gleam of anger come through his voice. “Did you forget how dangerous it was? What it would do to you? How could you be so careless!” He turned his face to hers, scowling, and under his reproachful glare she flinched.

“I uh, I was in kind’ov a dark place.” She defended sheepishly. “I needed something to help put me back on my hooves.”

“Back on your hooves!” He snorted. “That thing would have made you its slave, Trixie! Twist everything you did for its own dark ends until your mind and body were nothing more than its vessel to exercise its will.” Wanderlust stepped closer to her, and even as she shrunk back from him, he put a gentle hoof on her cheek. “In your selfish desire to prove you were better than Twilight, the Amulet would have destroyed you.”

This time when Trixie looked into his eyes, she did not see the reproachful hardness, but saw instead something softer. She wilted against his hoof, draping her own over his outstretched foreleg. “I know I messed up, I know it could have gotten really bad.”

“That’s the thing that breaks my heart, Trixie. You knew about it, and you still did it.” Wanderlust pulled her into his chest and wrapped a leg around her shoulders. As he caressed her back, his memory recalled to a night many years ago when they were making their way across northern Equestria and gotten caught in a terrible snow storm.

Forced to take refuge in a dilapidated cottage, they spent the duration huddled together against the cold. But Trixie was too little to last the night, so he wrapped her in his magic to keep her warm, allowing her to sleep while he remained awake. His own constitution saw him through, shivering and coated in frost as he was in the morning when the sky had cleared. The important thing for him though, was that she was safe.

“I’m sorry.” He told her. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.” The sound of another house crumbling into a burning heap roused them all once more to the plight of the town. “It seems I’ve failed again.”

A great horn bellowed out from somewhere in the distance. Alone at first, sonorous and overcoming the crackle and cackle of the Changelings and their pillaging. It rung for a few moments before being joined by others, a chorus of long, deep calls that filled the night.

The rampage of the Changelings came to a stop, each of them ceasing in their activity to wonder at the mysterious sounds. General Magna herself, perched on top of Sugercube Corner, cast a mistrustful glance, tilting her head in contemplation.

A heavy thud landed on the rooftop behind her, and she turned to see her older brother.

“I thought you had this rubbish-pile under control.” Crassus asked without it sounding like a question.

“It’s coming from the woodline.” Magna snapped, suddenly finding herself more preoccupied with her brother’s remark. “No doubt the forces that escaped from the Thicket.”

“And routed Varus.” He finished. The gears in his brain set to work on strategy and counter-strategy, taking into account everything from the direction of the calls, to the position of his Legion, to the time of night it was. “It’s a diversion.” He concluded. “They’re trying to lure your forces away from the center of town, slip by you while you’re not looking, get to the castle.”

“I shall send a skirmishing force to chase them off.” Magna readied her wings to lift off, but Crassus stopped her with a raised hoof.

“No. You will take your forces and engage them, let them think you’ve taken the bait. I will emplace drones of mine in the castle to lay in wait, and catch them unawares when they come sneaking in. They will not be able to escape.”

“As Mother said, much to teach us.” Magna deferentially bowed to her senior. In her heart however, she wished she could hold his head underwater until he went limp. “No doubt this will be an instructive encounter.” She said before leaving.

“No doubt.” The commander of the 1st Legion watched from the corner of his vision as Magna rallied her drones, barking orders and directing captains. In time Crassus knew she could be a very formidable General, most likely soon to be promoted to commander of the 2nd & 3rd legions. Magna was ambitious, observant, more competent than Varus, and had the ability to remain silent enough for other Changelings to forget she was in the room. Save for her relative youth, she could eventually prove to rival Crassus himself for position in the Queen’s service. Should that day ever come however, he had time-tested methods to keep his own status secure.

“Commander.” One of his drones said, a dutiful captain buzzing in the air low enough to be on level with his superior. But Crassus did not turn his head. “Our perimeter guards report no more escapees; the village has been cleared of the equine peasants. Shall we transport them to the redoubt hive?”

Crassus considered the logistics for a moment, factoring them against the current tactical situation.

“No, hold them in place for now. I don’t want any visible movement until after this little… skirmish… is settled. Give me a dozen drones in the castle but, keep the approach clear. I want the noose to be nice and tight as it slips around their necks.”

“As you command General.” The two of them took off, the captain breaking off to assemble his ambush team. Brutalico Crassus headed straight for the castle doors, intending to set his own trap.

Directly above him, on the balcony which jutted out from the palace’s façade, the steady sound of hoof-falls could be heard marching out from the inner darkness. The shadow revealed Chrysalis’ grimacing visage as it emerged into the moonlight, her normally smooth mane disheveled, and her face betraying small signs of the creeping madness that had left her so distraught.

She sauntered up to the guardrail, where she was able to look down and see all the devastation and ruin left in the wake of her minions’ revelry. Ever since had been forced to watch Canterlot fade into the distance as she was being ejected from the city, her whole mind had been bent on visiting the pain and humiliation back on the one who had foiled her perfect plan.

Approaching from behind, the blank expression on Twilight Sparkle’s face gave no hint of being aware of what was happening to her beloved town, to the ponies she called friends and neighbors, or the fate of those closest to her. Instead she cantered mechanically onward, inescapably drawn to the power that held her in thrall.

“Look at it all, Twilight.” Chrysalis whispered, the green flames reflecting in her pupils. “See what has become of your precious Ponyville, watch it turn to ash.”

Twilight merely blinked silently.

“All of Equestria would be mine right now if not for your meddling, my swarm strong enough to challenge the Dragon Kingdom. But no. I’m stuck here, burning down some unimportant village when I could be sending my generals on missions of conquest! Griffinstone, Maretonia, Abyssinia; one by one they would fall under the shadow of the Changeling empire, my little bugs never wanting for succulent love ever again. From coast to coast and beyond my rule would extend, my law, my will, all mine.”

Chrysalis tilted her head as she glanced sidelong at Twilight, a vicious hatred shining through the dancing flames.

“But as long as Equestria is strong, as long as the alicorns are in power, then my rise will always be opposed. Equestria is the heart of the world, my little pet, and I have to rip it out.”

A crooked grin spread across the snout of the matriarch, as if she were about to partake in something deliciously taboo. “And when my new friends in Canterlot deliver you right into Celestia’s bosom…”

Chrysalis snapped her jaws shut with a sharp CLACK!.

The sound of conflict drew her attention elsewhere, the black queen raising her neck and peering out over the town to where a cloud of her Changeling bugs were engaging a force of deer coming out of the forest.

“Ah, Aspen’s rabble from the Thicket.” Chrysalis cooed. “Making one last heroic charge. Emphasis on the last.” She said to Twilight. “But where are your little pastel bootlickers I wonder?”

Scanning the town, her keen vision was able to pick out the quick movements of shadow darting between what remained of the houses. “Ah! There they are, come to me my little ponies, come right into mother’s waiting embrace.” She felt a fang-filled grin spread, thinking of all the possibilities. “So delightful of your friends to join us. Why don’t we go meet them?”

The cries of battle carried over the town from where the deer and Magna’s forces were locket in combat.

“Drone!” She commanded, rousing one of her personal guards to her side. When one arrived and went into a bow, Chrysalis lifted her left wing and buried her face into the crevice underneath. A tiny object was extracted, clenched preciously between her teeth. She placed it on her upturned hoof and presented it for her soldier to take, a little green almond-shaped seed.

“It must be carried swiftly my bug, once infused with my magic, it will begin to sprout. Drop it where it will wreak the most havoc among the deer.”

“Yes, Mother.” The drone said, gently clasping the seed between his forehooves as he took to hovering. Chrysalis shot a quick beam of green energy at it, the seed responding with a glimmer and the beginnings of a trembling.

“Hurry now.” She purred, watching the soldier rush away. When he had gone, the queen turned back to Twilight. “Come now princess, let’s go meet your friends.”

On the north side of Ponyville, the grassy field had become a scene of chaos. Formations and command broken down, deer and Changeling locked horns in combat in numerous groupings and single fights. The fires of the town cast them all in shadows, turning the melee into an ethereal environment of violence and cries of war.

Blackthorn, chest heaving with every breath cast aside a dark-clad foe and stopped to observe the storm around him, searching to make sure the King had not been captured or injured. He was exhausted and his back right hip had taken a nasty blow that promised to haunt him for weeks, but he would keep fighting. As long as the Changeling menace loomed over the Thicket, as long as there remained vengeance to be had, he would keep fighting.

The King he saw at last, still on the field, still in the thick of battle. Fire light gleamed off his antler ringlets, marking him out among the shadows and confusion. Blackthorn watched the shining armor of his lord move furiously throughout the ranks of the chitinous marauders, thrashing them without mercy.

The battle itself was a stalemate, designed not the route the villains, but rather to give the ponies time to reach the princess. They could spend all night brawling with the Changelings, Chrysalis however, taking down that vile hag was the true goal. Occupying her minions would expose a vulnerability for the others to drive their finishing blow into her blasphemous heart.

He was wiping his brow with a foreleg when he noticed a single drone flying over the battlefield, the shape of him pushing through the pillars of smoke. The drone carried something too small for Blackthorn to see, but nonetheless it filled him with a foreboding dread.

“I must get to the King!” Thoughts racing, he dashed from where he stood to where he could still see Aspen’s ringlets shining in the night. The natural nimbleness of his race served him well to dodge and weave through the fluid bedlam, clearing the path where need be with a swift battering of his horns into Changeling bodies. His lungs burned with the inhalation of smoke and the pain in his thigh dogged him like the jabs of a parasite.

When he could he glanced upwards, eyeing the path of the portentous drone, realizing that it was headed to the center of the fighting. A horror stuck him, for King Aspen himself was in the center of the fray, too consumed with his own fury to notice the impending threat.

A sudden flare of green light pulsed out from between the Changeling’s hooves, the signal of something that caused the soldier to recoil from it abruptly, dropping the object. Like a falling star the seed shined brightly, drawing all eyes on the battle field to it.

Only when the seed struck the ground and began to nestle itself into the soil did Aspen break away from an opponent and stare at the bizarre phenomena. The seed disappeared into its own burrow, its light beaming upward. Changelings immediately stepped away, their faces widening in fear, bunching back even from their combat with the deer.

A great tremor split the ground, crevices spreading out from the epicenter of the seed’s landing. The eerie light filled his face with awe and terror.

Blackthorn vaulted the crater and threw his body into the King’s, knocking him off his hooves and clear of the immediate danger. But the faithful warrior himself was not so fortunate. A green tendril burst from the ground directly underneath the recovering Blackthorn, hurling him a dozen paces away.

The king watched in shock as the thing continued to rise, as thick around as a tree and connected to something still roiling under the surface. It slammed down, using the position for leverage to hoist the rest of itself upwards. Four more appendages sprouted from the ground, these ones ending in four-toed claws but consisting of what seemed like lightly coiled vines and branches. Between the limbs the soil integrity shattered and gave birth to a massive shape, colorful spines along a heaving muscular back.

A raw, distorted trilling shriek preceded the emergence of a head along a thick neck. Its face was concealed in a closed flower bulb, but covering the neck were innumerable tiny white hairs & black armor thorns in regular lines. Rising from the pit in full, the body was dragon-like, a carapace of hard scutes that blended into an underbelly of moss. The legs angled out from unnatural joints, not the proper breast and hip of something with a skeleton.

The plant creature wheeled-about, nearly wiping out a group Changelings before the tip of the tail blossomed into a cudgel of stiff, pointed leaves with crimson barbs.

“THE SNAPDRAGON!” The drones cried out in fear, leaving the ground and using their wings to put distance between themselves and the botanical monstrosity.

“Get a hold of yourselves!” General Magna barked at her soldiers, smacking one of them who was trying to turn and flee. “The beast chases what’s in front of it! Set a crescent of fire to drive it into the deer!”

Their courage finally stabilized by the trained obedience to orders, a wall of drones rallied to cast their verdant fire at the ground, creating a burning blockade.

Blackthorn was wearily rising to his hooves when he felt a strong foreleg reach down to help lift him up.

“Chrysalis has sent her beast to ravage the field.” Aspen said angrily, letting his loyal warrior bear his weight on him.

“Then we shall… ugh… Need a beast of our own.” Replied the Thicket knight.

Grouped around the Hart of the Forest, the deer lifted their heads and let out with a chorus of long, resonating howls.

The sound caused the head of the Snapdragon to swivel in their direction. Petals peeled back, revealing an elongated green snout of rugged exterior, eyes deep-set into black pits. It opened its mouth to issue a warbling, guttural noise from between thorn-shaped fangs. A long orange and yellow tongue extended out, one thin petal sprouting after another to end in a sinister hollow.

Where the bulb had unfolded, the underside became a mane of white and pink petals. The creature saw the herd of deer all standing together to one side, and on the other the sea of iridescent eyes beyond the flickering tongues of green fire. Shuddering from the heat of the flames, the beast turned in full towards the Thicket deer, stalking on its rangy legs with ponderous steps.

General Magna looked on, eager to see the beast wreak havoc, but anxious about what trick the deer might be pulling. Whatever the foolish cervids thought they could muster, however, surely it was no contention for the Snapdragon she thought with a keen grin.

The call of the deer was answered by a new edge of the forest rustling, bushes shaking, and the sound of branches being thrust aside. Like a wave, the Timberwolves sprinted out of the woodline, skirting around either side of the deer and reconverging in front of them. They surrounded the Snapdragon in a semi-circle, snapping, snarling, and barking in a cacophony of hostility, approaching with lowered posture to pen the creature in.

Magna could only stare in shock, understanding perfectly well how one so mighty could be felled by the power of numbers.

The Snapdragon lashed out in turn, swiping with its tail and claws. But all that did was provide openings for the Timberwolves to rush in two or three at a time and attack.

Aspen spied General Magna on the other side of the flames and the monsters scuffling. “We can’t let them get back to the town!”. Leading the charge himself, the King ran to the right of the spectacle between them, bringing his forces in cavalry to storm the Changeling’s flank. The two species collided, antlers against chitin, commanders on both sides calling for the head of the other.

“Alright, now we’ve got our chance.” Leaning out from behind the cover of a house, Wanderlust measured their shot of getting into the castle.

“Really wishing I would have learned that teleportation spell. Come in real helpful right about now.” Stacked along the wall, the rest of the ponies were vigilant for any drone that might spot them, Fluttershy and Gentle Heart standing over the children, the thestral Paleo Search with them. The other three mares were eager to get to their friend. Trixie hung in the back, not just from carrying Spike, but also to have some distance between herself and Wanderlust.

“Ooo, I can’t imagine what Twilight must be feeling right now.” Rarity fretted. “That monster has destroyed our town!” She leaned close to him as she stole a glance at the castle. Despite the stress of the situation, Wanderlust could feel the gentle touch of her fur brushing against his and his mind selfishly gravitated to other things.

“Then it’s a good thing Equestria’s heroes are here to stop her.” He said. Rarity turned to him, and the two locked eyes for a moment.

“Just how in the hay are we gonna get in there though?” Applejack’s consternation gave a twangy voice to the obvious dilemma that faced them all. Twilight’s castle was isolated, sticking out like a lightning rod in the absence of any neighboring structure.

Pinkie used the foremost curl of her hair to reach back and pull out a pair of binoculars from the unfathomable depths of her mane, holding it to her face. “Looks unguarded, but those Changelings can be a tricksie bunch.”

“Yeah, well I’d wager I can still sneak in past their noses. Who wants to bet they haven’t put a guard on the hole I made in the wall when I escaped?” Daring to put on a brave smirk, Wanderlust faced the rest of them.

“You probably won’t like this, but we have to split up.”

Paleo objected with a sharp shake of his head. “You’re right I don’t like it. This is like that part in a story where they break off into smaller groups, when you know perfectly well they should have stayed together.”

But Wanderlust was unmoved. “We don’t have much of a choice. For one thing, we need to get these kids somewhere safe, and a whole group of us can’t go skulking about the halls without being detected.”

“So what’s your plan?” Rarity asked, sounding as if she were ready to put her trust in him.

“Gentle Heart, Paleo, if you two would be so kind as to take these fillies and colts somewhere safe and hunker down out of sight for now. There’s no reason to drag them any further into danger.”

“AWWWW!” The CMC uniformly protested with a groan.

“Now come on, you guys had had quite enough excitement for one night” Gentle Heart lightly scolded, herding them with a hoof to gather between herself and the thestral. Though they had been in his company since being freed, when Paleo tried to give them a reassuring grin complete with extended canines, they recoiled a bit from the unintentionally scary expression.

“Don’t worry kids, I don’t bite.”

“Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, you four will have the hardest part.” Wanderlust continued. “As much as I have longed to crack my own hooves upside her head, she wants you a lot more, she wants the Element Bearers under her control. You will have to keep her distracted.”

The Pegasus was not thrilled. “Um… us?”

“I’m not the biggest fan of it either, but if she’s engaged with you, then so will all her drones. And me and Trixie can do what we need to do. At least until Rainbow Dash can bring some reinforcements.”

“We’ll do the best we can.” The four bearers traded nervous but resolute looks, no strangers to having the fate of Equestria resting on their shoulders.

“Good.” Wanderlust checked the space between them and the castle once more. “Once we’ve got everypony together, you can use the Elements of Harmony to send Chrysalis straight to Tartarus.” He emphasized the final syllable by striking one hoof against another, but he was the only one to appear so excited by the prospect.

“What?” He asked, seeing the reticence on the others.

Applejack rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof, deliberately avoiding making eye contact. “We uh… We ain’t got the Elements no more.”

The stallion made no outward sign of emotion, simply staring back blankly. “What do you mean ‘you don’t have the Elements any more’? You’re the bearers, there’s no pony else they work with.”

“What he means, darling…” Rarity gently cut in, clearing her throat. “Is that we don’t have them around to use anymore. We gave them up.”

His eyes went wide, mouth hanging agape. “You- You gave up the Elements of Harmony? The most powerful magical artifacts on the planet?”

“Well, you see-” Looping a foreleg around his neck, Pinkie gestured with the other as she explained. “These gnarly black vines started growing alllll over the place, they even ponynapped the princesses! So, Twilight had to drink a magical potion to see how the Elements were first discovered. Turns out, they came from the Tree of Harmony, and we had to put them back before the Plunder Seeds smothered it forever!”

For a few moments Wanderlust did not react, absorbing the information as best he could. “So there’s a Tree of Harmony, that grew the Elements, and you had to restore them?”


“And where is this tree now?”

“In the Everfree Forest, in a cave under the Castle of the Two Sisters.”

“Which all the way back where we came from?”


Wanderlust inhaled a long breath through the nostrils, closing his eyes. “Excuse me a moment.” Walking away from the others, he went over to a wall that had been demolished; and finding a stray length of timber that had been exposed, opened his mouth to bite down onto it. From behind clench teeth, he let loose with a terrible scream as the others watched on, the oral obstruction muffling the cry from exposing their position to any Changelings nearby.

He repeated the tormented wailing twice more, letting the emotion run its course. When he came away and rejoined the group, they could see the abject incredulity in his eyes.

“The one weapon that can send that black hag to the pits of Hel where she belongs, and you put them in a tree…” He paused for a few seconds, the thoughts still coalescing into words. “You were entrusted with the greatest power in the world, and you put it, in a tree!”

“Sorry.” Fluttershy apologized.

“Well… I’ve been up against worst odds.” Wanderlust dragged a hoof across his face, coming to terms with the unpleasant reality. “If I make it through this, remind me to tell you all about the time I was enslaved and forced to fight for the amusement of a cabal of desert kings.”

Rarity put a hoof on his shoulder. “Consider it a date.”

The four mares walked side-by-side down the path that led to the Castle’s front entrance.

“Do you think we’ll have to knock?” Pinkie Pie whispered into Rarity’s ear. “’cause Twilight usually leaves the door open for us.”

As they came to within a dozen paces, a figure emerged on the balcony that hung over the front doors. Chrysalis gazed down at them with a satisfied smile.

“Welcome back!” She called down to them with mock pleasantness. “I’ve adopted a hobby in civil engineering and took it upon myself to make some adjustments to your lovely little hamlet. Hope you like what I’ve done with the place.”

“What have you done with Twilight, you uncouth creature!” Rarity demanded. “Where is our friend?”

“Why, your little princess friend is right here.” Chrysalis feigned defensiveness, gesturing to something out of the mares’ sight. “She was kind enough to give me such a warm reception, practically told me to make myself at home.”

Applejack tipped her hat. “Nah that’s the biggest yarn I ever dun heard! Twilight’d sooner blast you inta oblivion before she’d let ‘yer revoltin’ hide in the front door!”

“You wound me, errr… Boring one.” The Queen scoffed. “Sorry, I don’t really know your names that well.”

“I’m Pinkie Pie!” she said, standing on the backs of her friends to elevate herself. “I’m the fun one. Oh, and this is Fluttershy, the quiet one!”

Pinkie grasped the Pegasus around her barrel, holding her in plain sight. Fluttershy took one quick look up into the gleaming eyes of the Changeling monarch and cowered.

“Yes, I don’t really care, but I’m sure Twilight will be thrilled to know you’ve come! Twilight!” Chrysalis yelled out. “Your little friends are wondering if you can come out and play!”

The front doors to the castle slowly opened with an ominous creek, at first revealing only the darkness beyond. Twilight Sparkle emerged from the shadows, stalking forward methodically.

“Twilight!” Pinkie cried out excitedly, rushing ahead of the others to reach her friend.

“Hold on just a second!” Applejack latched onto Pinkie’s tail to pull her back. “Sumtin’ ain’t right!”

Twilight raised her face to stare forward, devoid of any emotion, her eyes vacant.

“Twilight? Darling? Are you alright?” Rarity took a tentative step forward, only to shirk back a moment later. “You don’t seem like yourself.”

“Twilight…” Chrysalis began with mounting delight before her face twisted with evil intent. “Desssstroy them!” She hissed.

Responding to the command, Sparkle’s horn began to glow, building with intensity.

“Get back Y’all!” Applejack threw herself at Rarity, not a second too soon to avoid a lavender blast of magic that came streaking out of the Princesses’ horn. Pinkie and Fluttershy managed to dodge to the side, leaving only a smoking crater where the four had been standing.

The Alicorn fanned her wings, levitating a pony’s height off the ground. She cast another beam, strafing after her desperately evading friends.

Watching from the balcony, Chrysalis laughed with joy.


“Hurry up!” Facing towards the outside, Trixie fidgeted on her forelegs as she stood in the jagged hole in the wall Wanderlust had escaped from. “This might be a baby dragon but he isn’t getting any lighter you know!”

“Just be patient a minute longer.” Wanderlust cast a white beam of magic from his horn like a flashlight onto the walls and ceiling of the otherwise exit-less room. “I’ve just got to find- Ah-ha!”

Fixing his magic on a single spot, pulses of white began to surge out from his horn, moving along until they hit a space on the upper wall. It took a few seconds, but the crystal material began to crumble, exposing empty space behind it. He continued to atomize the wall until a space large enough for the two of them to scamper though was made.

“I’ll go first.”

A nimbus of white energy surrounded Wanderlust, lifting him off the floor and up to the hole. He only went halfway, enough to poke his head into the other side.

“Coast is clear.” He whispered to her, continuing the rest of the way into what was an empty hall. Next, he used his magic to lift Spike and Trixie through, setting them down without making a sound.

“Alright, we need to find Princess Twilight, or my saddlebags, not necessarily in that order.”

“Really!” Trixie scolded. “You’re worried about your bags right now?”

“I’ve got a few items in there that could help, come on.”

Cantering down the hallway, they reached a corner and stopped short when they saw a small squad of Changelings facing in the opposite direction.

“It’s an ambush.” He realized. “Chrysalis is insane but she’s crafty, she knew to emplace guards to cover her blindside. You wouldn’t happen to have any smoke bombs on you, would you?”

“I got nothing, they took everything when they nabbed me.”

“Ugh, this is like Dodge City all over again.”

“Yeah.” Trixie said with a sly twinkle in her eye. “But it was fun.”

The six Changelings stood ready to engage anything that came down the hall, knowing that behind them was a dead end. A slight scratching sound drew the attention of one, reflexively looking up to the ceiling. Of course he saw nothing, and dismissed the noise as a phantom.

Above him however, on the other side of a magical veil, the two unicorns crawled along the ceiling hidden by the shroud of illusion Trixie was casting. It was Wanderlust’s magic that kept them aloft, moving over the other’s heads.

Wanderlust gave Trixie a tense look, her momentary lapse in controlling Spike had allowed his tail to drag against the ceiling, making the slight noise. When the drone was satisfied and lowered his attention, they continued until they rounded the next corner and out of sight.

“It’s an illuuusion.” She whispered as they set back down on the floor.

“Yes, you’ve come along nicely.” He complimented.

The next hall was furnished with a few tables and crystal seats, a portrait of Princess Celestia on the wall. Trixie eyeballed the decor with no small amount of curiosity. “This place ain’t too shabby, too bad a geek like Twilight gets to live in it.”.

He shook his head. “Sour grapes.”

They took a few more careful steps, but their stealth did them no good when the various items in the hall burst into green fire, revealing the Changelings that had been disguised there all along.

“On second thought, she can have it!” Shrieking as she evaded the snarling lunge of the nearest attacker, Trixie reactively fired a spatter of pyrotechnic magic that went off like fire-crackers to blind and disorient.

A drone spat a wad of the ensnaring adhesive at Wanderlust, as another leapt to grapple his neck. The unicorn countered with a flare of white magic, deflecting the goo back in the face of the Changeling. More concerned for Trixie’s safety than his own, he swung his right foreleg and delivered a mighty blow to the incoming foe, dropping him instantly. He saw his former ward retreating from the other two drones, horn leveled in defense, Spike precariously balanced on her back.

Wanderlust came in with a hard charge, ramming into both of them bodily, and crushing them against the wall.

“Well there goes the sneaky approach.” He growled, using his left hindleg to buck the still dazed drone under the chin. Just as he feared, the squad of Changelings they had so carefully avoided came scrambling around the corner. “No sense in being quiet now! Light ‘em up!”

This time she fired a full-on volley of fireworks that filled the hall space, bombarding the enemy in a storm of explosions and deafening noise. Then like a tiger he was among them, smashing in snouts, blasting with magic. Wanderlust sent drone after drone careening into the walls, into the ceiling, and crumbling to the floor. Such was his fury that not one of them was left standing when the smoke dissipated, leaving only the unicorn standing among a carpet of insensible charcoal bodies.

“Let’s go.” He said, walking back over to a frankly stunned Trixie. “We’re gonna have to fight our way through this place.”

The rage of the deer had been underestimated. The Changelings on the battlefield were unaccustomed to having prolonged battles, typically relying on ambushes and sabotage to win the day until Queen Chrysalis had succeeded in incapacitating the leadership. The warriors of the Thicket however, were more than capable of holding their own, even against greater numbers. Inexorably the tide of battle began to turn in the deer’s favor.

King Aspen drove his vanguard deep into the chitin ranks, his ire fixed on General Magna who remained behind a barrier of her soldiers barking commands. Blackthorn was still at his side, muscles beyond exhausted, his helmet cracked down the middle.

The Snapdragon had managed to score hits against the Timberwolf pack, smashing a few of them with its tail and claws. Lunging at another, this time a clear spray of acidic fluid was projected from the pit of its tongue. A wolf was bathed in the stuff, its body dissolving into a boiling mist until it collapsed. The dragon swung its head, flinging the corrosive spittle in a defensive arc, forcing the wolves to scatter back.

As the floral abomination challenged them with a shrieking roar, the wolves withdrew several paces to rally together. The broken and shattered bits of twig and leaf began to rattle where they had fallen, a nimbus of green energy exerting itself along the grass. The debris gathered around the Timberwolves, binding to them like armor and increasing their stature. Like tendons connecting muscle to bone, the wolves were linked together, assimilating into a greater whole. Parts of the forest itself responded to the supranatural magnetism, whole logs and halves of trees floating aloft from out of the woodline to join.

The mass of wood and green lurched upwards, heaving as a wave before coming back down atop two pillars, pillars that terminated in massive paws. Seeing this new enemy manifest, the Snapdragon lowered its posture and snarled, exposing the thorn-like fangs in hostility.

The Timberwolf, now of comparable size and might to the Changelings’ beast, threw its head back and howled, its call bellowing out to fill the night.

Not waiting to strike, the Snapdragon surged forward abnormally on its gangly legs, maw open, a pair of convulsing bulbs at the base of its tongue ready to spew. The Timberbeast deftly avoided the strike, lashing out with its paw in retaliation and carving deeply into the dragon’s snout, causing it to wail sorrowfully. It seized upon the neck of the Snapdragon with its fangs, the two botanical titans wrestling for supremacy.

Blasting another Changeling down the length of the hall, Wanderlust stopped at the entrance to another room to make sure nothing would come at him from the side. He looked inside and froze, not daring or willing to take his eyes off what he found.

“Hey, can you-” Trixie cut herself off when she came alongside her mentor and saw the object of his focus. She knew from the way his face was hardened that there would be no deterring him from the confrontation before him.

“Trixie…” He said in a low voice. “Keep going, find Twilight.”

“You sure you don’t want any help?” she asked.


She trotted on past him, leaving Wanderlust to his company.

“You are more savvy than I gave you credit for. Clearly I should have paid more attention to you.”

Standing in the room, General Brutalico Crassus stared back at Wanderlust. To his left was the still-active crystal pedestal that Twilight had used to observe the grey unicorn in the doorless chamber. He glanced at it, a not-so-subtle hint that he had known of the other’s presence in the castle the entire time.

“I would say that for a mere pony, I am singularly impressed. But… I think we both know how poorly that caste would suit you.”

“Not so crazy now, am I?” Wanderlust entered the room warily, eyes locked with the General. “At least you’re smarter than your brother.”

He was disappointed to find Crassus’ confident façade unshaken by the jab. “Yes, I had heard of his utterly unsurprising rout in the Everfree. I cautioned him about being so reckless. It is good then, that I have so many brothers to replace him.”

“Where’s Princess Sparkle?” Wanderlust demanded, through with the small talk. He circled around, the Changeling doing likewise. “What has that vile succubus Chrysalis done with her?”

Queen Mother has her at her disposal, and your insolence will be answered for, wretch!” Crassus snapped. “You have profaned her honor too long, and I will make you suffer for it.”

“I know suffering well.” The unicorn halted, his stare burning. “I will show you the meaning!”

The room was consumed in a brilliant flare of white and green light as the horns of the pony and Changeling collided, both crying out in rage. They fired beams of magic at a close enough range that their snouts were almost touching, sparks thrown in all directions from the volatile clash happening right above their heads. Not an ounce of retreat in either of them, they dug their hooves in to try and physically muscle the other around.

Out of the corner of his vision, Wanderlust spied his saddlebags sitting on the floor where Twilight had left them before being interrupted. “My bags!”

The distraction was slight, but Crassus caught the tiny dart of the eyes. He slackened his posture, causing Wanderlust to pitch forward off-balance and tossed him to the floor with a surprised grunt. With the unicorn unguarded, Brutalico fired a blast of green magic, but it was met and deflected by white, detonating them both. Wanderlust shielded his eyes from the explosion for only a moment, but when he lowered his leg, Crassus was already lunging upon him, curved horn alight.

He rolled to his left, letting the blazing spike slice into the floor. When he faced back around, Wanderlust struck home with a beam that hit Crassus in the chest, projecting him against the wall. The two got back to their hooves, no more words needed be spoken, an understanding that only one of them would be leaving that room silently agreed upon.

Wanderlust cast another magic blast, but the Changeling evaded by disappearing in a wash of green fire, emerging from it in the shape of a sparrow. The bird darted around the continuing attack, closing the distance between them until it was almost within reach. The unicorn threw-up a translucent construct just in time, as the sparrow was replaced by a roaring manticore, its paws scraping against the magical shield.

Reversing the contour of the barrier, the white miasma wrapped itself around the transformed Crassus and battered him into the wall, then into the ceiling. When the shield came off however, the beast was gone. Suddenly he saw it, the tiny brown oblong scuttling along the roof, the cockroach apparently impervious to being squished. A wisecrack about crushing Crassus like a bug flashed through Wanderlust’s mind, but he let it go.

“Don’t be too rough with your friends Twilight, I’d hate to see one of you get hurt! HAHAHAHAH!”

Chrysalis laughed maniacally as she watched the mares continue to duck and dodge. The Princess remained unemotional, her friends nothing more to her than targets to be struck down.

The game of cat and mouse had shifted closer to the nearest houses, Pinkie Pie using her agility to lure Twilight into a spot where Applejack could snag her with a lasso. In her wake, the alicorn had left both Rarity and Fluttershy trapped in blocks of solidified magic, frozen where they stood. Time for the other two was running out.

“Come on Twilight! I know you’re in there somewhere!” Holding the empty pie tin in front of her, Pinkie walked backwards slowly, deliberately. Twilight fired another shot, the stream deflected by a quickly placed pie tin to send it into the corner of a house where it encrusted into a jagged shell.

“This is because you were eliminated first that time we played freeze-tag isn’t it!”

Skulking in the shadows behind Chrysalis, Trixie poked her head out from the side of the balcony door, fearful eyes regretting having come so close to the tyrant. She whined with anxiety, trying to figure out what to do, now that reaching Twilight wasn’t such a great idea. Maybe if she could sneak past, she could find something in this castle strong enough to break Spike’s spell. A nerd like Twilight must have an apothecary in one of the hundred rooms she has in this place.

Very carefully, very gently, she tip-hoofed past the archway, the hall that ran behind the opening not wide enough to provide much distance. She kept a wary eye on the Queen during every agonizing moment, each step seeming to pound in her ears like a cymbal clash. After a few moments however, she made it to the other side, gliding up to the wall to make sure there was cover between them, closing her eyes and taking a few soft breaths to calm her heartrate.

Trixie opened her eyes to find a changeling drone staring at her. To her horror she realized that she had been so focused on evading Chrysalis, she had failed to check for any of the others laying in wait. It lowered its posture, issuing a nasty hiss at it crept forward. She backed away and spun around only to find another hissing Changeling approaching from behind, cutting off her escape. Forced in a third direction, Trixie unwittingly backed out onto the balcony. She stopped when she felt her flank bump into something.

“What do we have here?” cooed a serpentine voice.

Pinkie Pie knew she had reached the end of the line. The pie tin had become too hot to hold any longer, heated near to glowing by the magic it had been deflecting. Forced to drop it, she had nothing left but her own agility to save her from her enthralled friend. That, and her confetti cannon. Bracing the party artillery in front of herself, Pinkie could see from the corner of her vision that Applejack was in position, almost ready to sling her lasso.

“So Twilight, huh, what’s it like being mind controlled? Does it itch? Is it warm? Do the Changelings have their own labor union?”

Something seemed to connect in the Alicorn’s mind, because she paused and tilted her head. The distraction proved sufficient for Applejack to get close enough, tossing her lasso on a perfect course to catch Twilight around the neck.

But the rope was stopped just a few inches from its target, held in place by a nimbus of purple magic.

“Uh-oh.” Applejack realized. The Princess turned towards her, the rope disappearing in a flash.

“Now don’t be getting’ too hasty, sugarcube, I just-” But her pleas were cut off by a stream of magic. Before either she or Pinkie could do anything about it, the Element of Honesty was trapped in purple amber, her mouth open and hat flung back in shock.

With perfect emotionlessness, Twilight stared at the frozen visage of her dear friend, giving no hint of any remorse she might have felt. But the interest was fleeting, and she turned back around to attend the final target.

It was then that Pinkie struck. From atop the magical block that the Princess had only momentarily taken her eyes off of, she jumped down, confetti canon in hoof, slamming it down on Twilight and capturing her in its hollow.

“Gotcha! Now Twilight, I know I’mma gonna have some ‘splainign to do, but trust me, it’s for your own good.”

The canon began to tremble.

Trixie tried to leap away, in any direction other than the one Chrysalis was in, but she was caught nonetheless.

“One of our escapees from the hive I see!” Holding the unicorn in her magical grasp, the Queen confiscated Spike from his position on her back and dangled him aloft.

“What’s a matter? Can’t wake the little guy up?” She snickered. “I put him so far under, he’ll grow a beard before he comes to!”

The magician gulped, her knees involuntarily beginning to shake. “So uh, how’s about you just let me go and we forget this whole thing ever happened huh?”

Chrysalis thought the idea over, lowering Spike to the floor and roller her eyes. “Hmm, I am in a surprisingly good mood… so maybe I could let you go…”

“Oh, thank Celestia…” Trixie exhaled.

“Right after a little snack!” Chrysalis took her up in her magic with a hungry leer, tongue whipping the corners of her mouth as she opened wide, long fangs dripping with salivation. The mare shrieked in terror, flailing madly at the air as she was floated against her will towards the waiting maw.

It started with the sound of thunder. A shiver went down Chrysalis’ spine, a twitch in her cheek. First her eyes rotated to the corners, then her head turned as it simultaneously shrunk down like a feline on edge. She glared up to the moon and saw the object streaking down out of the sky.

“HUZZAAAAH!” Princess Luna cried from her chariot, clad in armor and wielding a long, ornate staff with cudgels on either end in her magic. The Thestrals that hauled their mistress were armored as well, as were the dozens who flocked in formation behind. “ONWARD WARRIORS OF THE NIGHT!” Her royal voice boomed. “ONWARD TO BATTLE!”


Releasing Trixie and Spike from her power, Chrysalis hissed at the sight of the alicorn descending with her host, a venomous glare of hatred and fear reflecting the movement across the moonlight.

“STOP THEM!” She spat, drones rising up from all around the castle to meet the Equestrians head-on.

“Liberate the town and smite these wretched curs, proud soldiers!” Pointing one end of her cudgel-staff at the Changeling queen, Luna narrowed her vision. “Thine perforated matriarch is mine to contest! This night is thy doom, Chrysalis!”

A more calm Chrysalis might have offered a witty retort, a verbal barb. But as it was, adrenaline spiked by rage, she surged into the air with fangs bared and horn glowing. “I’LL PUT YOU BACK IN THE MOON!”

The alicorn leapt from her chariot, the brutal staff raised in an arc above her head. “HAVE AT THEE FIEND!” Luna swung one end of her weapon down where it collided into the burning green magic of the Queen’s horn.

Author's Note:

Yes, an inspiration for Luna's battle-talk is in fact, Thor from Marvel. Yeah what? fight me.

What are you waiting for? The next part is already out! Leave your comments and questions and press next for the conclusion to this monumental episode of the Unforgiven!

Paleo Search and Gentle Heart are the ponysonas of Tarbtano and Faith-Wolff respectively, used here with their permission but not assistance.