• Published 18th Jul 2015
  • 1,946 Views, 71 Comments

Path of the Unforgiven - HeatseekerX51

An ancient northern kingdom lost to time and legend. A noble prince exiled by Celestia to never see home again. Fate and a mysterious stranger come together to save Equestria from a new era of peril when Chrysalis returns to exact her revenge.

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Ch 2: The Traveler Arrives


Three fillies sped as fast as their little legs could take them through the menacing forest that bordered Ponyville. Behind them, members of the primeval forest’s infamous Timberwolf pack snapped and snarled as they ran down their tender prey. With mortal terror pushing them onward, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle, felt their lungs burn and their manes filthy with dust and sweat. They managed to keep the wolves from getting too close by dodging and weaving into the brush, which had the added side-effect of getting them completely lost.

Scootaloo, the lightest and naturally fastest of the bunch, chanced a look back at her fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders: “I think we’re just running deeper into the forest!”

“Apple Bloom!” Sweetie Belle cried, “I thought you knew your way around this place!”

The young Apple family filly huffed, “It’s not like ‘ah got the whole place mapped out! And I’m navigatorin’ under duress!”

Behind them, the lead Timber Wolf of the four barked, the anticipation of feasting on tasty, tasty pony flesh making it ravenous. It lunged forward, and snapped it’s jaws after Sweetie Belle’s tail. The little unicorn let out a piercing scream as the growl of the rapacious beasts got chillingly close.

Not very far away in the forest, another unicorn was beating through the bush at full gallop, the dense vegetation not slowing the stallion down for a second. His saddle bags thumped against his grey furred body, and his ultramarine blue mane suffered the thorns and tears of the wild flora. His teeth grit and nostrils flared, he sped along, the icy blue of his irises deftly picking out obstacles and pitfalls in the darkness. He knew that based on the pitch of the scream, it was a young filly in trouble, and the type were not known for being able to outrun much.

The CMC ducked under a low branch and broke through a wall of leaves, racing just ahead of the wooden pack. The timberwolves vaulted the branch without breaking stride. They knew exactly where the immature ponies were heading, they had been carefully steering them out into the open this whole chase. The lead wolf gave the equivalent of a grin, soon they would run their prey down.

Scootaloo gasped as she saw where their blind scampering had led them. Coming out of the bush, they had entered a narrow path, with walls of impenetrable thorn brush on either side. The track was inescapable. “Hey! Maybe we’re in a dream again!” She concentrated, trying to grow her wings out to gross proportions. She opened her eyes, and saw that nothing had happened. “aaawwww…”

“I appreciate the thought” Sweetie Belle offered with a bitter smile.

“Look! There’s another one!” Apple Bloom yelled, motioning towards the far end of the path.

Ahead of them, a single figure raced down the trail on a collision course.

Scootaloo brought her naturally adept eyesight to focus, and saw that it was actually a stallion coming to meet them. “That’s no Timberwolf! That’s a unicorn!”

“yeah but what’re they gonna do against these things?” Behind Apple Bloom, the Timberwolves were swiftly closing the gap, the grunting of their breath raising the hairs of her mane.

“Hey mister! HELP US!” Sweetie Belle screamed, tears of fear streaming from her eyes.

“GET DOWN GIRLS!” The stallion yelled, his eyes already narrowed and focused on the threat behind them.

“Say what?!” Exclaimed Apple Bloom, incredulous at the command. The CMC and the strange stallion were only meters apart, the walls of thorns preventing anything but a game of chicken.


The CMC lowered their heads, and went into a synchronized slide just as the grey unicorn vaulted over them. Sneering just as aggressively as the wooden predators, in mid air the stallion’s horn glowed in a bright white nimbus, and projected out a transparent construct of a rectangular block.

Unintimidated by the new single opponent, the four Timberwolves raced head-on into the magical construct, where their heads and upper-torsos crumpled as the momentum crushed them against the shield.

The three fillies gaped in awe as they watched the ferocious creatures reduced to a pile of sticks and leaves in a single blow.

“Cool…” Scootaloo spoke in a near whisper.

The unicorn stallion turned to them, his intense irises inspecting the three. “Are any of you hurt?” he asked in a surprisingly soft tone. He could already see that they were covered in scrapes, but any serious injury had to be noted as soon as possible. The Crusaders looked themselves over, searching for any injury that might have gone unnoticed in the flight for their lives.

Sweetie Belle stepped forward, and presented her right foreleg to him. On it, was a relatively sizable cut that wasn’t bleeding bad, but needed to be dressed. He took her hoof in his so gently it startled her a little “Let me see that.”

As he examined the wound, the fillies examined him. Slightly more muscular than your average stallion, he was otherwise normal, though his beaten and dusty saddle bags betrayed a long and traveled history.

“What’s your name little one?” he said, locking his eyes on Sweetie Belle’s, the filly held in thrall by the gaze.

“Sweetie Belle.” she answered delicately, almost afraid to speak under the brave stallion’s observation.

He glanced back down to the cut, then gave her a smile. “The wound is superficial Sweetie, it’ll heal without scar, but it does need to be cleaned and bandaged. Hold on, I have some purified water and wraps in my bag.”

While he used his magic to rummage through his bags, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo joined Sweetie Belle by her side, still wide-eyed. The bow-haired yellow filly finally got the nerve to speak; “I’m Apple Bloom, and ah ain’t never seen a unicorn use their magic like that. what’s yer name mister?”

The Stallion chuckled a bit. “Well Apple Bloom, magic, like any other skill can be honed and improved.” The stallion switched to searching in the opposite bag, “My name , is-”

“BEHIND YOU!” Scootaloo cried as she pointed a hoof beyond their new protector.

The stallion turned to see the Timberwolves reforming, the unique nature of their physiology allowing them to recover from devastating injury. “Stay behind me girls.” he warned, planting himself between the girls and the wolves.

“You can’t fight all of them by yourself!” yelled Sweetie Belle, joining her friends as they backed away.

With his horn glowing, the stallion smirked, “Trust me Sweetie, I’ve faced far worse than these paltry beasts. Watch this.”

The wolves pulled themselves together, and fixed their glowing green eyes on the lone pony who braved their gnashing fangs. “That’s right…” he said in a low tone, “You keep your eyes on me.” The stallion locked eyes with them, his horn pulsing with magical energy. “Every pack has an alpha, and the alpha pulls your strings.”

The Timberwolves found themselves unable to look away from the stallion, following the illuminated horn like a mesmerizing medallion.

“I’m your new alpha, I’m the puppet master, pulling the strings.” The wolves froze where they stood, their maws agape. “Now obey your master.” The hypnotized creatures made no move.


At once the four Timberwolves sat on their hind ends, obedient to the command of the unicorn. The three fillies couldn’t believe what they had seen, and stared open mouthed at the mysterious stallion as he turned back to them.

“My name is Wanderlust. Let’s dress that wound, and I’ll take you all home.”


With the sun now completely set, the quartet strolled through the dark forest, Wanderlust’s horn serving as a lantern to illuminate the immediate area as he led the group. The fillies walked together, still nervous about getting too close.

“So where ya from Mr. Wanderlust?” Apple Bloom asked, watching as the stranger scanned the edges of the light for activity.

“Wherever I may wander, wherever I roam. I haven’t ‘been from’ anywhere in particular for quite some time little one.”

“Well, then what are you doing in the Everfree Forest?” Scootaloo chimed, overcoming her reticence.

“I could ask you three the same thing. I know how to handle myself with dangerous creatures, but you lot are much too young to be playing in these gloomy woods. Tell me, how did you wind-up getting so lost?”

“It wasn’t our fault! Honest!” said Apple Bloom said defensively. “Yeah,” her orange friend continued, “we were just playing catch on Apple Bloom’s farm when those Timberwolves came out of the bush and cornered us!” Apple Bloom nodded, “And then they chased us inta’ the forest, where we just got deeper and deeper trying to git away.”

Wanderlust didn’t like the implications. Predators like Timberwolves were typically very afraid to leave the safety of the dense woodland. Only desperation would make them so bold, or something had enabled them to think it would be safe to do so.
“Apple Bloom, has your farm been allowing the Timberwolves to come onto the property?” he asked.

“Uh-uh” she shook her head, “My sister and Big Mac get on ‘em like butter on ‘taters!”

“I see.” he muttered, making further considerations. Something else pricked at his mind, and he looked back to see Sweetie Belle limping along on her bandaged leg, her face downcast in melancholy, and wincing with every step. Suddenly she found herself plucked from the ground in a white aura, and placed on Wanderlust’s back.

“We should keep you off that leg for the night. And you needn’t be so grim Sweetie, it’ll heal quickly.”

“It’s not that…” she began, but trailing off in thought. “What is it then?” He asked her, simultaneously watching the spaces between the branches and keeping an eye on his charges.

“It’s my sister. I’m gonna show up at home looking dirty and ragged with this cut on my leg, and she’s gonna freak out and make a giant deal of it.” She huffed, and settled her chin across her forelegs as she laid down.

Wanderlust smiled slightly, endeared to the trivial worries of the girl. “I’ll have a talk with your sister, and vouch for your story.”

Sweetie Belle scoffed, “Timberwolves are one thing, Rarity is another.”

Wanderlust flinched at the sound of the name, “could fate be that capricious?” he thought.

“Your sister’s name is Rarity?” he asked casually.

“Rarity, Ponyville’s seamstress to the stars!” Sweetie Belle sarcastically announced, waving a hoof around to exaggerate.

“I’m sure your letting your fears get the best of you, and one cannot live in fear.”

The group walked along, listing to the ambient noises of the forest. Apple Bloom glanced about as she traveled, a small shiver going up her spine despite the company. “So Mr. Wanderlust, for a stranger, you sure do seem sure of where yer goin’.”

“I travel by the stars Apple Bloom.” Wanderlust turned his eyes to the stars with contentment, as if seeing old friends. “I know where Ponyville lies in relation to the Everfree, we’re not but a few minutes away from the edge of the forest.”

“Have you been all over the world?” Scootaloo asked, the awe in her voice drawing out the last word.

“I could walk from one end of the world to the other, with just the stars to guide me.” He looked back to the Pegasus filly with a gleam in his eye, “And I have.”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom’s eyes widened in wonderment, looking to each other to make sure they had both heard the same thing. “Whoa….” they both said.

Off in the forest, a twig snapped. Immediately Wanderlust stopped, his every sense now geared to pin-pointing the approaching predator.

“Hey look!” Apple Bloom pointed towards a light through the branches. “There’s the farmhouse!”

“That’s good girls.” Wanderlust said, lifting a confused Sweetie Belle off his back. “Because you need to make for the exit on your own.”

“WHAT!” Sweetie Belle screamed, “Why?”

“Because we’re being stalked, something big by the sound of it. And I can’t fend it of properly with you lot so close. So here’s what we do, You three run for the edge of the woods, and I’ll be behind you. I’ll draw it out, an engage it while you get to the farm, understand?”

The CMC looked to each other frightened, too scared to move, yet to scared to stay. Wanderlust glanced from side to side, taking measure of the situation. “Go, now.”

The four bounded along the forest path, with something far larger running parallel through the brush to their left. Wanderlust side-glanced, and swinging his illuminated horn, sent a torrent of concussive magical power into the vegetation. The bush erupted into shards and smoke, allowing the unicorn to catch a glimpse of a shape moving through the dust.

He looked ahead, and saw that the fillies were nearly to the exit, the large expanse of farmland opening-up beyond. “Keep going girls!” he yelled, sending another blast of pale magic to the side, “don’t stop until you get inside the house!” Skidding to a stop, he watched over his shoulder as the girls made it out into the open. Content in their escape, he turned to issue his challenge.

“You think you’re the biggest, baddest thing that’s tried to eat me! I’ve faced the burning whips of the Caledonian Tar Squids! And I’ve tamed the fiercest Owallawod in the southern seas! You’re not the worst thing to come at me this week!”

The bush directly to Wanderlust’s left parted, and a Timberwolf with a head the size of a pull-cart leaned through. The stallion narrowed his eyes, and regarded the creature with a bit of respect.

“Clever girl…”

The Timberwolf pounced, all teeth and fury.

In the grassy field just outside the border of the forest, the CMC halted and spun around to watch for any sign of their companion. Apple Bloom nervously glanced over to the farm, and putting her hoof to her mouth, gave out a long, sharp whistle.

Scootaloo squirmed where she stood, “Do you think we should go back and help him?”

Apple Bloom swished her tail anxiously, “He told is to keep movin’, but, we can’t just leave him in there!”

Several flashes of light pulsed from the murk of the woods, proving that the fight was ongoing. Sweetie Belle watched intently, trembling with every thump and crash that echoed. Then a loud howl rung out, deriving a gasp from the three.

Winona came bouncing up to them, low and growling at the forest.

A heavy thump came next from the shadowed wood, followed by the creaking of the trees as they were pushed aside to make way for a towering predator.

The massive Timberwolf emerged from the forest, nearly 6 meters tall, and searching for it’s lost prey. Winona put herself in front of the filly trio, and began barking defensively. The Timberwolf beast turned it’s attention to them and loosed a bark of its own. The Apple family dog whimpered, cowed herself by the monster.

The girls backed away carefully, instinctively not wanting to invite a chase if they ran. Scootaloo gulped audibly, and Sweetie Belle began to whine, the tears in her eyes distorting her vision.

Down at the farmhouse, AppleJack and Big Mac dashed out of the door, wide-eyed and agitated by the terrible noise. “That’s gotta be a Timberwolf! Biggest ‘dern one ever been by that sound!”

“Eeyup!” exclaimed Big Mac, pointing a hoof to where the moonlight revealed an immense form at the edge of the property. “Apple Bloom!” AJ cried as they galloped as fast as they could towards the ravager of the Everfree.

The Timberwolf took its time plodding towards the tiny fillies, savoring the hunt. It’s luminous green eyes peering down, seeing only a snack barely big enough to pick it’s teeth with.

“If we run, it’ll catch us!” Scootaloo whimpered.

“If we don’t, it’ll catch us!” Apple Bloom finished.

The wolf tensed it’s legs in preparation to pounce, but something within its body moved, and caused the beast to bellow in confused pain. It thrashed it’s head, and snarled at nothing in particular, the internal conflict making it go mad.

Behind her, Apple Bloom could hear her big sister and brother calling out to her, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the pained predator.

Smoke began to seep out from the abdomen of the wolf; its cries becoming more and more intense as it stopped moving and could only wriggle in place. From the belly of the beast, an orange glow started to expand, the distinct smell of burning wood becoming more potent.

The Timberwolf threw itself on the ground, mewling and pawing at the dirt. AppleJack and Big Mac caught-up to the girls, both amazed at the sight before them. AJ was immediately reminded of the enormous wolf that once nearly claimed her, if not for the fortuitous rock-slinging of Spike.

“AppleJack!” Apple Bloom pleaded, “You gotta help! He ate our friend!”

“If he did, I reckon he‘s giving that critter some powerful indigestion!”

With smoke now pouring out of the Timberwolf’s body, it let loose one last strained howl, before a storm of fire burst from it’s stomach and blew the creature apart. AppleJack and Big Mac threw their bodies over the fillies as flaming splinters rained down over the field, the girls screamed, fearing the worst for their late protector.

When the chaos had ended, AppleJack looked to see nothing but a cloud of smoke where the Timberwolf had been. “Tarnation…”

“Eeyup…” her brother responded.

The group strode forward among the haze and scattering of burning wood. Spotting something in the epicenter, the CMC raced ahead of their elders. “Hey!” AppleJack scolded to no avail, “Don’t- uh!”

When Applejack and Big Mac found them, they were surrounding the motionless body of a grey unicorn stallion laying on his back, his horn still sporting a flicker of fire. AppleJack took her hat in her mouth, and used it to fan away the smoke.

“Mr. Wanderlust! Mr. Wanderlust! Are you alright?” cried Apple Bloom, prodding his chest with her fore-hooves, while Scootaloo tugged on his leg.

Sweetie Belle approached the side of his head, her pale green eyes searching for any sing of life.

*cough-cough* the CMC let out a happy gasp as Wanderlust fought to get air back in his lungs. He opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was Sweetie Belle’s anxious face. “Well, now I’ve been inside a Timberwolf, a Hippo, and a giant sloth.” *hack!*

“Come on partner!” exclaimed AppleJack as Big Mac used a single leg to help Wanderlust to verticality. The unicorn wobbled a bit, shaking the debris out of his mane.

“He found us in the woods and saved us from getting eaten by a pack of Timberwolves all by himself!” Scootaloo championed, bouncing at his side.

Apple Bloom bounced on the other, “And then he fought the big one, and got ate!”

AppleJack approached, friendly but still a bit wary. “Just how’d you get out of that thing anyway?”

Wanderlust glanced upwards and seeing the tip of his horn was still burning, blew it out. “An old fire spell. Comes in handy in the strangest of places.”

“Well Mr. eh, Wanderlust, why don’t cha’ come back to the farmhouse and get cleaned-up?” the farmer offered.

Wanderlust cracked his neck from side to side, “I’d like to very much friend, but I’ve already made a deal to see this little one home.” he looked down at Sweetie Belle’s smiling face.

A bit later, on the walk back to Carousel Boutique, Sweetie was once again sitting on Wanderlust’s back as the pair strolled through town.



“Is it true that you traveled the world by the stars?”

“Absolutely.” once more, he gazed up to the blinking lights in the night sky, “I’ve spent my life looking at the stars, when I see one twinkle, I think of it like a musical note.”

“like a song?”

Wanderlust smiled, “very much so.”

Sweetie Belle took her own measure of the distant lights, trying to imagine notes being struck as each one flashed. “Could you teach me the song?”

“I’d be happy to Sweetie.”

Approaching the conspicuous structure, Wanderlust readied himself to meet one of the former bearers of the Elements. “I take it this is the boutique?”

“Yup” she answered, being placed back on the ground. “My sister can be a real drama queen, so just, don’t take it personally.”

“Trust me, I’m no stranger to dealing with over-the-top siblings.”

Sweetie Belle got up to the door, and was about to push it in when the door flung open, with a furious Rarity glaring down and her little sister. “Where have you been! *gaaasp!* you look absolutely horrid! Get in here this instant and go straight to the bathroom to clean yourself!”


Only now did Rarity look up to the stallion, who met her widening eyes. “I’m afraid Sweetie Belle and her friends were the victims of a Timberwolf attack, which got them lost in the forest. Fortunately I was nearby, and got them out of harm’s way. The farmer Applejack can also attest to the story, so please, don’t be angry with the little one.”

Rarity was stuck for words, he wasn’t as tall as Big Mac, but his muscles were toned, and his demeanor exuded confidence. But what caught her the most, was the intensity of his eyes, the way they sparkled with intelligence.

She was frozen for a moment, until Sweetie Belle poked her leg. Startled out of the stupor, Rarity shook her head and softened her expression, blinking as if her sister had just appeared from nowhere.

“Um, I’m so sorry dear, please forgive me, I just got so worried. Come in and clean yourself-up, and I’ll be along to give you some fresh bandages.”

Sweetie Belle cantered into the house, and gave the stallion a look back; “Goodnight Wanderlust, thank you!”

He smiled, “My pleasure Sweetie, I’ll see you again soon.”

Sweetie Belle made her way upstairs to the living quarters, leaving Rarity and Wanderlust alone.

“So, um, Wanderlust, I’ve never seen you in town before, are you new here or just passing through?”

The stallion peered into her eyes, appraising the mare before him. “I’ve passed through many places, but the time has come to settle down. I’ve heard that Ponyville is a nice place to make a home.”

“Oh it certainly is!” she chuckled, twirling her mane with a hoof. “are you looking for a place to stay?”

“AppleJack offered to rent me a spare room at the farmhouse, but something closer, or even in the village would be ideal.”

Rarity gave him a look over, his rugged appearance certainly looked like lived in a barn, but something tugged at her. “No need for that! You can stay in my spare room! No doubt you’ll be more comfortable than in some filthy barn.”

He grinned, and stepped inside. “Thank you. You are most generous miss Rarity.”

“I am known for it.” she laughed, trailing him in. “So I’ve heard.” he mused in his mind.

He used his magic to lift his saddle bags and place them on the floor, where they landed with a heavy thud. Rarity grimaced when she heard the impact. She then noticed the stranger’s cutie mark, the icon of a compass rose.

“So traveler, have you come far to reach our little hamlet?”

Wanderlust raised an eyebrow at her choice of words, “forgive me if this sounds cryptic, but one could say I’ve gone near and far to get here.”

It was now her turn to raise an eyebrow, which he matched with a chuckle, “Yes, in other words, I’ve come very far.”

Rarity exhaled lightly, put at ease by the humor. “Well I’m sure you can tell me all about it in the morning. I’m going to check on Sweetie Belle and prepare the guest room. Please, make yourself at home.”

Though she couldn’t see him as she cantered up the stairs, her last words had struck him to the core. He stood there, just as still among the display mannequins dressed in Rarity’s newest outfits. Fixed on the wall was a framed picture of Rarity and Sweetie Belle, hugging and laughing. Wanderlust stepped over to the picture, seeing his own regretful reflection in the glass.


Author's Note:

I have no idea if Wanderlust resembles anyone else's OC. If it does, no, I'm not going to change it, but be assured that I'm not trying to rip anyone off.