• Published 6th Aug 2015
  • 3,700 Views, 10 Comments

Catching Butterflies - Sidral Mundet

Butterscotch has a movie night with his friends and Eris. Things go about as well as expected.

  • ...

Catching Butterflies

Author's Note:


The following characters have been R63 for this fanfiction:
Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pie.

This was a suggestion from a friend and I figured it was a good way to get back into writing as I'm a little rusty.
Constructive criticism is welcome!

Catching Butterflies

Canterlot High


As the final bell of the day rang out across the school, a hoard of students pooled out from the main entrance.

“Ah yeah, summer break! Man I thought today would never end.” Rainbow Dash proclaimed, jumping down half a flight of steps.

“I can’t wait to throw my famous ‘Summer Splash Party’!” Berry Bubble said, sliding down the banister. “You all know it’s on Memorial Day, right?”

“Of course Berry.” Dusk Shine replied. “We wouldn’t miss it for the world. Also you shouldn’t do that, you could get hurt.”

“Yeah, but I mailed out the invitations and nobodies’ RSVP’d yet.” Berry said, slightly dejected as he jumped off of the banister.

“Well maybe that’s because you mailed them out two days ago, ON A SUNDAY!” Rainbow Dash replied. “I bet most people just got them in the mail today.”

“Dash is probably right.” Butterscotch said, continuing down the stairs in tandem with Dusk. “Anyways, I’ll be sure to come.”

“Ah thanks Butters.” Berry pulled him into a hug.

“Ahh, such a sweet display of friendly affection.” said a girl dressed in a brown biker jacket with jet black hair and streaks of white dyed into it.

“Oh, hello Eris.” Butterscotch said, breaking free of Berry. “How are you?”

“Hi Eris.” Rainbow Dash and Dusk Shine replied as well, albeit with hints of disdain in their voices.

“Oh, don’t let me stop this wonderful celebration of the bond between two life friends.” Eris said. Her voice covered in sarcasm and a massive smirk plastered on her face.

“Hi ya, Eris.” Berry said. “You glad to be out of school? Oh wait I forgot, the community college got out two weeks ago so you’ve been on break for a while. That must be great! Anyways I sent you an invitation for my Summer Splash celebration. Did you get it yet?” Berry had said with all the speed that sound could travel with.

“Yes.” Eris replied, stepping away from Berry, who had gotten uncomfortably close during his ramble. “I wouldn’t miss such a stupendous event.” She rolled her eyes at the last part. “Anyway, Scotch, you ready?”

“For what?” Butterscotch asked innocently. Eris raised an eyebrow at him as if to say ‘Really?’ “Oh wait, it’s Taco Tuesday, isn’t it?” Butterscotch said, blushing slightly. “I’m so sorry, the fact that the finals were today threw me off a bit.”

“And that’s why I hate snow days,” Dusk Shine said to no one in particular. “They mess up a perfectly good school schedule and have to get things so out of whack that we end school on a Tuesday.”

Eris continued her eye roll. “Anyways Princess, me and Butters are going to get out of here. See you guys later. You coming Butters?”

“Umm, Okay. See you guys later.” Butterscotch said as he turned towards Eris's motorcycle. He got on behind Eris as she handed him a helmet.

“Geez, I still have no idea how he puts up with her.” Rainbow Dash commented.

“He senses some goodness in her, I guess.” Dusk Shine replied. “Definitely buried deep, though.”

“I don’t know, maybe he has a crush on her?” Berry responded.

Rainbow Dash and Dusk Shine turned to look at one another before turning back to Berry. “Nah.” they replied in unison.

The Local Mexican Grill Restaurant which would normally be called Chipotle, but under advice from my lawyer, I should not explicitly state for fear of copyright infringement and other such legal matters.

“And so at that point, I just chucked his computer out the window. And boy was he pissed.” Eris said, laughing as she finished her story.

“Oh, I hope no one was hurt.” Butterscotch replied.

“Ah don’t worry, it was a first story window. The laptop landed in his rose bushes. Had a blue jay land on the keyboard soon after."

“Oh, hehehe. That was funny.” Butterscotch laughed as he ate into his burrito. Well more like half of a burrito. Despite being nearly half a foot taller than Eris, he had a fraction of her appetite and so while she would eat a burrito and a half and still have room for more, he could barely manage to down part of one.

“Yeah, let’s just say I won’t have him as a repeat customer. Good thing too, guy couldn’t tell a screwdriver from a light bulb, much less the ON button from the power cord.” Eris was an unbelievably skilled computer expert, so much so that her skill put Dusk Shine’s to shame. In fact it’s what led to the animosity between Eris and Butterscotch’s friends.

About two years ago, while Eris was still a senior at Canterlot High, she managed to hack the school’s servers and while nothing major or important happened, it still cause a buttload of chaos for the staff and managed to place the blame on the Mane 6, though not on purpose, she had just chosen six students at random to act as her patsy. But Dusk Shine, with some help from Applejack, Rarity, Berry Bubble, Rainbow Dash and Butterscotch, managed to undo most of the damage and find the real culprit, which annoyed Eris to no end. To think that someone had been able to beat her.

Now all of this occurred near the end of the school year and Eris graduated soon after, albeit with more than her fair share of demerits. But she was more-or-less out of the Mane 6’s hair and she had soon enrolled in the local community college, getting an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science which is where she intersected with the Mane 6 once more. While there, Eris needed to take General Chemistry. All majors have to take it for Celestia knows what reason, and chemistry was definitely not Eris’s strong suit. So she put out an ad for a tutor and Butterscotch answered it. While definitely more in tune with biology and ecology than chemistry, Butterscotch was not unfamiliar with the subject.

Now all of Butterscotch’s friends were completely against this in every conceivable fashion, and Eris herself believed this to be some sort of revenge plot for what she had done to them. But she soon found Butterscotch’s intentions were pure as he just wanted to help someone out and the two of them swiftly formed a close friendship, and helped Eris pass Chemistry with a solid B.

“So anyways, I was thinking of watching Alien this weekend-” Eris intoned, taking a bite of her burrito“-The first one I mean, not the sequel with the marines.” As a result of their Friday night study sessions, the two found themselves watching movies afterwards as a reward and decided to keep doing it after Eris had finished her coursework. “And maybe Akira after that.”

“Ummm, Yeah about this Friday,” Butterscotch said sheepishly. “I sort of might have invited all my friends over for a summer break celebration sort of thing. “ He smiled very nervously at Eris.

“Oh...” Eris replied rather surprised.

“I mean if that’s a problem I can cancel it.” Butterscotch said panicking.

“No, I’m just surprised you’re making such a big leap.” Eris teased. “And besides it’ll be great to have someone else around to annoy.”

“Eris.” Butterscotch warned admonishingly, “I would like you to be on your best behavior. I would really not like a repeat of the Tree Hugger incident.”

“Well it’s not my fault I thought she had grass on her.” Eris said. “But, sure scout’s honor and what not. I won’t try to cause any mishaps, but no guarantees.”

“All I ask is that you try.” Butterscotch replied. “Now, you were thinking 'Alien' if I am correct?”

“Yeah, and I was thinking of Akira or Star Wars afterwards. All I know is I’m in a Sci-fi mood right now.” Eris said as the two of them continued their conversation and finished their meals.

Friday Evening

Butterscotch’s Home


“Ahh, our guests have arrived.” Eris announced, opening the front door to the house. “Come in, come in.” she continued, making an over-the-top waving gesture to usher them inside.

“Hello Eris.” Dusk, Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity coldly replied.

“Hi ya!” Berry added, his tone the exact opposite of his companions.

“Hello everyone.” Butterscotch greeted, coming in from around the corner. “Living room’s down the hall to the right. I think I have everything all set up. Just need to grab the chips and drinks. Eris, would you mind helping me?”

Butterscotch’s friends entered the house and soon made themselves comfortable on the couch in front of a modestly sized TV, and soon were joined by Eris and Butterscotch. Butterscotch was holding a bowl of chips and a two sodas, while Eris was carrying about another six or so cans.

“And here we go.” Butterscotch said, placing the chips on the center of the coffee table. “I have regular and diet cola if anyone’s interested. I would have got more but I didn’t know what everyone liked”

“Nah, it’s fine,” Rainbow piped in. “I’ll take a coke if you got it.” Eris quickly handed her one.

“Thanks.” Rainbow said, “Now what movie-“ Rainbow was interrupted by a torrent of cola spraying straight onto her face.

“REALLY?!” Rainbow Dash yelled looking angrily at a giggling Eris.

“Sorry, I might have accidently dropped one or two.” Eris replied.

“Right.” Rainbow Dash shook herself, trying to get the excess cola off her face.

“I’ll go get you a towel Rainbow.” Butterscotch said as he rushed out. Though by the look on his face, he too was slightly amused by the minor prank.

“Anyone else care for a soda?” Eris asked innocently.

“Ah think we’re fine.” Applejack replied.

“I’ll take one!” Berry replied and soon got it. He opened it and the same gush came out of the can, but was aimed straight at Berry’s mouth where he was able to swallow the entire outburst.

“Delicious!” He exclaimed as Butterscotch returned with a towel.

Rainbow Dash took the towel and continued with her train of thought. “So anyways, like I was saying, what movie we watching?”

“Well, Eris wanted to watch Alien so I figured we’d watch that first and then discuss what we would watch for the second one, I mean if that’s alright with everyone.” Butterscotch looked for the nods of approval from his friends.

“I’ve never seen Alien before but I heard it was a landmark film when it came out,” Dusk Shine said.

“Same here,” Rarity replied. “About the not seeing it part I mean.”

“Me three!” Berry chipped in. “Does it star an Alien? Wait don’t tell me, I don’t want spoilers.”

“I’m just surprised you own it.” Rainbow Dash said, “Especially given your normal preference in movies.”

“Well you guys are always saying I should expand my horizons, so I thought I would give it a try.”

“Hand me a chip, dear.” Rarity said to Applejack, who in turn passed her the bowl. Rarity took a bite into one.

“AAAH!” She cried as she immediately grabbed on of the sodas and cracked it open, luckily without it exploding in her face, and proceeded to chug it down at a rate none of them thought was possible. After finishing off the soda, Rarity’s face was red and she looked out of breath.

“What are on these, these things?” she demanded.

“Well they’re Jalapeño chips coated in at least four different kinds of Tabasco sauce and extract of habanero peppers.” Eris replied, taking a potato chip and eating it with no visible reaction on her face.

“Sorry guys, usually it’s just me and Eris and I don’t tend to eat the chips so it usually whatever she likes. I should have thought of that sooner.”

“It’s alright, Butterscotch.” Rarity replied “I just won’t have any chips for the rest the evening.” Rarity shot Eris an evil look.

“Let me try one.” Berry said, eating one. “Meh.” He then took a handful for himself.

“So can we start the movie or what?” Rainbow Dash asked and Butterscotch walked up and turned on the TV and disc player, starting the film.

The movie opened up with the usual logos and studio production symbols before focusing on a silhouetted planet where an ominous score played in the background.

“Oh no, look out, LETTERING!” Eris exclaimed, causing her fellow movie watchers to turn in annoyance at her, save for Butterscotch who was giving a quick little giggle at the quip, and Berry, who was already engrossed by the movie.

The movie then continued to show the interior of a spaceship devoid of all human life before focusing on a room containing several pods with people inside them.

“Totally no birthing symbolism here at all.” Eris commented sarcastically.

“Ya gonna be doin’ this the entire movie?” Applejack replied.

“Where’s the fun if you can’t riff on something?”

“Well it’s just some of us haven’t seen this yet and don’t need a side commentary.” Rarity interjected.

“SHHH!” Berry hissed, silencing the three of them.

The movie continued on with minimal interruption, save for a small quip by Eris every now and again.

The scene soon turned to the crew eating a meal.

“Yeah, just have a meal right after you got your face free of an alien facehugger, no need for a medical test at all.” Eris said mockingly.

“They probably don’t have the proper equipment to run a full medical test on him, so they’ll more than likely wait till they get back to Earth to treat him properly.” Dusk said. “Though probably they gave him a physical and found-“

“AAHHH!” Rarity screamed as one of the cast members was writhing on the table as a spurt of blood came from his chest. Soon it was followed with his chest being burst open by a small creature.

“-Or not.” Dusk finished, startled by what he has just seen.

“Ya can let go of mah arm now.” Applejack turned to Rarity, who had her arm in a deathlock.

“Sorry.” Rarity said blushing slightly as she let go.

“And mah leg too,” Applejack turned to Berry who was grabbing onto her leg. Berry sheepishly released the limb.

The movie then continued once more under the same guidelines, Eris making a comment every once in a while the others looked on in annoyance, save for Butterscotch and Berry.

At around 9:00 P.M. it ended.

“Well that was a good movie.” Eris said to no one in particular.

“Yeah, maybe we can watch it again without the audience commentary.” Rainbow Dash said under her breath.

“What was that?” Eris replied.

“Nothing.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Not a fan of my ever so witty witticisms?” Eris inquired. “Well Butterscotch seemed to enjoy them.”

“They were kind of funny.” Butterscotch admitted guiltily.

“I guess some people just don’t have good taste in humor.” Eris quipped.

“And maybe some people don’t know when to shut the he-“

“Girls.” Butterscotch interrupted, making sure a fight wouldn’t break out. “Maybe it’s time we all take a break, use the washroom, and stretch our legs.” Butterscotch wore a very nervous smile.

“Yeah, you’re right, been holding it in since the third act,” Rainbow Dash said and made her way to the washroom.

“Eris, could you do me a favor and run to the store to pick up more chips while we choose the next movie?” Butterscotch said to Eris.

“What?” Eris said somewhat offended. “And miss out on what we’ll be watching next?”

“Well you did choose the first movie,” Butterscotch said sheepishly. “And we do kinda need some more chips since you and Berry were the only ones eating them. It would mean a great deal if you could do this for me, please?”

“Fine.” Eris said in a huff. “But only because you asked so nicely.” She turned to grab her coat. “You’re paying me back though.” She said.

“That seems fair,” Butterscotch replied as Eris walked to her bike and started it up.

The toilet in the next room flushed and Rainbow Dash soon exited, walking up to Butterscotch.

“We need to talk.” she said,

“Okay...” Butterscotch replied.

“Privately.” Rainbow Dash soon led Butterscotch out the backdoor onto the patio, under which a hundred different stars twinkled.

“So you know what’s going on, right?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Umm, I’m not sure what we’re talking about?” Butterscotch replied.

“About why Eris is being so annoying?” Rainbow Dash continued. “Well more annoying than normal anyways. And I’m guessing you know why?”

"No?" Butterscotch said, eyes darting around.

“It’s because we’re interrupting her “special” time with you,” Rainbow Dash said. “Girl’s got a crush on you bro.”

“Er well, we don’t know that...” Butterscotch sputtered before sighing. “It’s really obvious, isn’t it?”

“Yeah.” Rainbow Dash replied.

Butterscotch took a seat at the patio table and Rainbow Dash pulled up a chair as well.

“Listen, Scotch, if you’re not into her, you got to let her down,” Rainbow Dash said. “I mean it’s just wrong to lead someone on like that, even Eris.”

“Er, um hehe. Yeah...” Butterscotch said, blushing.

“You like her too,” Rainbow Dash said dumbfounded.

“Well, you see um the thing-” Butterscotch was visibly uncomfortable. “Yes.” he finally admitted, placing both of his hand over his face.

“Okay.” Rainbow Dash said, still surprised. “Why don’t you ask her out then?”

“What?” Butterscotch replied. “I can’t do that!”

“Why not?”

“Well, I mean I don’t want to screw up our friendship, never mind that I have no idea how to ask her out in the first place. And then I know you guys and Eris don’t see eye to eye on everything and I really don’t want to upset you either.”

“Butterscotch, answer me one question.” Rainbow Dash was firm and determined in her response.


“Does she make you happy?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Then I’m only going to tell you this once.” Rainbow Dash continued. “Screw us.”


“You heard me, screw us. If we can’t accept you being happy with Eris, we don’t deserve to be your friends.”


“Yeah. Listen Butterscotch, I’m not a fan of Eris, but I’m not going to lie. If she makes you happy, I hope she’s everything you’re looking for. Course the reverse of what I said is also true. She needs to accept that the rest of us are your friends as well.”

“Okay.” Butterscotch replied. “But how do I go about asking her out?”

“Oh come on.” Rainbow Dash said, regaining an air of her usual confidence. “That one’s easy. Just ask her to go see a movie and get something to eat next week. Just got to play it cool.”

“Umm, okay I guess...” Butterscotch replied.

“Just wait until after we all leave or when you go out to eat next week to ask her though.” Rainbow Dash said.

From the patio the pair hear the front door open.

“I’m back, and if anyone of you pick Princess Promenade, so help me…” Eris yelled from the main entrance.

“Look who's back.” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk. “Guess we better go back in.” Rainbow Dash got up from the table.

“Hey Rainbow Dash?” Butterscotch asked.


“Thank you.”

“Yeah, no problem,” Rainbow Dash replied. “That’s what friends are for, am I right? Now let’s see what God awful movie they’ve chosen.”

Two hours and one "meh, but nothing really spectacular movie" later

“Meh,” Rainbow Dash said as the end credits rolled across the screen.

“Yeah.” Dusk agreed, getting up and stretching. “Oh, what time is it?”

“About 11.” Butterscotch replied.

“Probably time I need to be getting home then,” Dusk said. “Spike’s probably been up all night just waiting for me to get home.”

“Ah hear ya.” Applejack said. “Winona can be like that too.”

“Yeah I’m usually never up this late either.” Rainbow Dash chipped in.

“Says the person who wakes up at 4:30 in the morning,” Eris replied.

“I like early morning runs, sue me.”

“Well thank you for a wonderful evening, Butterscotch,” Rarity replied, grabbing her things.

“Yeah this was fun!” Berry replied, “We should do this more often. Ooooh, you guys should all come over to my house tomorrow and we'll all watch this great new show I found!”

“You mean that reboot of that overly girly 80s marketing gimmick show? Pass.” Rainbow Dash said, walking to the door.

“Oh come on you haven’t even given it a chance.”

“Yeah we’ll see. Thanks again Scotch, Check you later.” Rainbow Dash said as she exited the house.

“I’ll totally get her hooked, just watch me.” Berry whispered into Butterscotch’s ear. “Well Bye everyone!” And he turned and exited as well soon followed by Rarity, Applejack, and Dusk Shine.

“Well, that was thrilling.” Eris said with her trademarked eye roll. “Since this party's at an end, I might as well take my leave too.”

“Um Eris?” Butterscotch asked exceedingly nervously, even by his standards.


“I was wondering if, maybe... next week we’d go see a movie in the theaters and get something to eat while we’re out.” Butterscotch said with a massive blush. “...I mean if that’s alright with you.”

“Ar-are you asking me out on a date?” Eris asked quizzically.

Well, um...” Butterscotch hesitated, before straightening up and looking determined. “Yes.”


“Well I mean you don’t have to-” Butterscotch redoubled. “-We can, you know, just forget this-“ But Butterscotch was interrupted by Eris pulling his head down and locking their lips in a deep kiss.

“Bout time.” Eris breathed, breaking the kiss, and Butterscotch’s mind. “Anyways I like Italian and I saw this new place open downtown. We probably can go check that place out next week, but we'll discuss it later. I’ll pick you up on Tuesday for our normal meal. See you then, boyfriend.” Eris placed a teasing emphasize on the last word, and chuckled as she exited the house.

Butterscotch was still taking it all in. After a few minutes, he regained his composure.



Comments ( 10 )

No one's commented yet? Glorious, then I shall be the first!
I enjoyed the fact that not eveyone was put under r63, it wasn't anything too important, but I just liked it :pinkiesmile:
Really cute, I think you got Eris (Discord) and Butterscoch (Fluttershy) characters down really well.
I wish I had more to say. Sorry. :twilightsheepish:
But good job anyway! Have an up-vote.
All the kudos to you. :ajsmug:

I have to say, I love this Eris. She's written well, and is just plain awesome (It's Eris :twilightsheepish:)

Also, Eris is best hacker. :rainbowdetermined2:

i love eris scotch

Nice job, very cute at the end.

, she had just chosen six students at random to act as her patsy

I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be posse. And, despite some typos, I liked it.:twilightsmile:

This story needs a squeal or something to it.

sequal, sequel ! :)

I liked it, it was just the fact that you used some rule 63 characters, and some regular. That bothered me.:moustache:

Well this is a really different spin on the Fluttershy and eris...and to be honest..i really enjoy Butters and eris i think its really cool and cute...and i must say this was really well written and had a lot of great scenes and the dislodge for the characters was great too it captured here attitudes greatly and the way they act so i must say probably my favorite spin on fluttercord and i cant wait for a squeal

I have one thing to say: ERIS RULES!!!!!!! Seriously, she's awesome!!!!!

I would have loved a sequel to this fanfic

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