• Published 20th Jul 2015
  • 2,046 Views, 21 Comments

BPT: Fluttershy & Big Mac's Big Day! - Wolven5

A kind caregiver and a devoted farmer are tying the knot!

  • ...

Day Two

As Celestia's morning rays passed through the window, Fluttershy found a smile coming to her muzzle. Another beautiful day ahead, hopefully even more happy and special than the one before it. Slowly, she wiggled her way out of Big mac's warm comforting hooves that had been wrapped around he all through the night, content to let her stallion sleep in for a little while so she could make him some breakfast.

The warm fuzzy feeling in Fluttershy's chest from the day before was still as strong as ever, and she was tempted to break out into song again, though she decided to hold it in. After all, Big Mac and likely the other apples were still asleep and she didn't want to wake them. So instead she cheerily skipped down the stairs to enter the kitchen to get her happy day started. However she discovered she was not the only family member awake.

Seated at the kitchen table, with several scrapped sheets of paper in front of her, was a frustrated and irritable-looking Applejack. It wasn't clear for how long the mare had been up, but Fluttershy had a good feeling it had been a while since the cowgirl of a mare had risen. Curious and a little worried, Fluttershy approached her.

"Good morning, Applejack. May I ask what has you up so early? You looked a little stressed, I hope you haven't been awake too long."

Fluttershy's response seemed to catch the farm pony off guard for a moment, but she quickly threw a smile onto her face.

"Well g’mornin’, sugarcube. Ah'm just up early going over muh best mare speech. Ah gotta say, Ah really din't think it’d be this tricky. Still, Ah ain't about t’ give up. This here speech is for mah brother and one o’ my best friends, an’ Ah aim t’ get it right."

She gave a firm nod before turning back to her work. It quickly became apparent though that for all her determination, she still didn't seem to have much luck getting the words onto paper and a frustrated scowl crossed her jaw.

Fluttershy watched for a moment, feeling a little worried. Applejack always did have trouble when she was in over her head, and even more in admitting when she could use some help, and right now she really looked to need some help.

"Big Mac and I really appreciate how much work you're putting into writing out your speech, Applejack. But you seem to be having a bit of a tough time. Would you like some help? I'm sure if I can't help you, perhaps Midnight or Twilight could?"

While the offer was kind and gentle, it didn't stop Applejack from getting the false implication that she wasn't good enough to write the speech on her own. Fluttershy had only meant to give out some friendly assistance so she wouldn't let her soon-to-be sister-in-law become so frustrated, but Applejack was as stubborn as ever.

"Look, Fluttershy... Ah `ppreciate you wanna help an’ all, Ah really do. But this is something Ah need t’ do by myself. If Ah cain't write a speech `bout mah own brother, then wha’ kinda sister am Ah? No, this here speech is my responsibility and nopony’s gonna help me with it!"

Applejack stubbornly crossed her front hooves and and focused all her attention on the speech, ignoring the worried expression that crossed Fluttershy's muzzle.

"Oh dear, are you sure Applejack? It really wouldn't be a problem for me to help, and Twilight or Midnight would probably jump at the chance to help you out. I know it's a really important responsibility, but that doesn't mean you have to shoulder it all alone."

While she tried her best to show her care and kindness, it did nothing to break through Applejack's stubbornness.

"No way, no how. This here is mh speech and nopony else is gonna write it! Ah know yer just trying t’ help, Fluttershy, but this is for me and’ me alone t’ handle. So if you could kindly leave me be so Ah can concentrate Ah’d highly appreciate it."

She placed her quill in her mouth and got back to writing, once again ignoring Fluttershy's expression, missing the hurt and worry.

Ooh, I know she wants to do this herself, but I really don't want her to get all frustrated and upset. If she does, she'll just get cranky and then other ponies might get angry with her. Well, if she won't let me help, I can only think of one other way…

"Well, if you really want to, that's okay. I'll leave you too your work."

Fluttershy’s 'giving in' brought a slight smile to Applejack's face, and the orange mare tilted her head in gratitude.
"Thank ya kindly, sugarcube. This is something Ah need to do on my own."

"It's just as well. Rainbow needed a little help with her speech so I told her to see if Soarin would help her. With his Wonderbolt knowledge, her speech will probably be the best she's ever done."

This declaration made Applejack freeze, and Fluttershy couldn't help but smile a little mischievously, seeing her plan was working.

If Applejack won't be reasoned with, then bringing out her competitive side is the next best thing.

"She's probably going over the last of her speech in the park like yesterday. A little practicing and it will be perfect."

"In the park you said... well, perhaps Ah oughta hear how her speech is going. Teach her who the real best speech writer is."

With that, the orange mare gathered up all her writing materials and rushed out the door, leaving Fluttershy to let out a relieved sigh.

"With any luck, those two will try and compete to see who can write the best speech, and once they see how difficult doing it alone will be, they'll look for help to make sure they win. I'll need to check on them both later to make sure it hasn't gotten out of hoof, but I think this should work... still, I'm a little upset that Applejack wouldn't let me help. I was really hoping for a another wonderful day."

"No reason it cain't be, sweetheart. One bout of stubbornness from AJ doesn't mean nothing."

Fluttershy 'eeped' and leap into the air at the sound of the voice. But she calmed herself almost immediately when she discovered that her big red beau had snuck up her.

"Ohh Mackie, you know I don't like it when you sneak up on me."

Big Mac just gave a sheepish chuckle, having forgotten how quiet he usually was oddly made him rather skilled at sneaking up on somepony before he pulled the slightly pouting mare into a warm hug with his hooves around her shoulders.
"Sorry sugarcube, didn't mean to startle ya. Ah just wanted t’ reassure ya that one little hiccup like AJ ain't gonna ruin yer day. Just means yer gonna have t’ go out an’ make today just as wonderful as you want it to be."

Fluttershy melted into his hug, letting his love wash over her and pressed the back of her head into her stallion's neck behind her.
"You're right, Mackie. If I want I wonderful day, then I need to go out and find it!"

Her self-motivational speech was interrupted by a loud growl that made her jump in her stallion’s arms. Big Mac chuckled sheepishly and Fluttershy sighed in relief to see it had only been his stomach.

"How `bout we start with breakfast, then we worry about the perfect day."

After a nice breakfast with her beau, Fluttershy decided to head over to Carousel Boutique, remembering Rarity wanted to have Fluttershy over for a fitting of the wedding dress. But as she neared the boutique, Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel a sense of trepidation, and the slight overcast of clouds didn’t help either.

Yet when she landed but a few yards in front of the boutique’s door…



Fluttershy ‘eep’d from the shrill scream of her friend, and somehow noticed the passerby all looking towards the boutique in wonder of the racket. Stepping lightly, Fluttershy could hear ramblings apologetic and scolding, both sounding a great deal upset, and Fluttershy nervously knocked on the door.

At once, the conversation inside ceased, and moments later, the door edged open, and Rarity peeked out, and shuddered to see her visitor.
“Fluttershy! Uh, darling…! Um, I’m afraid there’s been a slight mishap…”

“Oh my, Rarity, it’s nothing bad, I hope,” Fluttershy tried to look past Rarity but the fashionista fretfully barred her attempts.

“Oh not at all, heh-heh!” Rarity tittered as she began to sweat, “Just my dearest little sister Sweetie Belle roughhousing, as fillies do, even though I expressively told her not to so she tried being helpful while I was working, and-”

“I’m so sorry, Fluttershy!” came Sweetie Belle’s voice from behind Rarity, who startled. “I didn’t mean to rip- Eek!”

Fluttershy couldn’t see it, but Rarity had whipped her tail into Sweetie Belle’s mouth to stop her from finishing that condemning sentence.

Rip?!”Fluttershy echoed, worst-case scenarios already forming in her head.

“Oh, not to worry, dear!” Rarity assured although she still looked unsure, “It’s nothing that I can’t fix, and… although it will cut into the time I need for the bridesmare dresses today… I give you my solemn vow: Every dress, including yours, will be ready for the ceremony!”

“Well… If you’re certain, Rarity-” Fluttershy sai only for Rarity to immediately say more.

“Now then! If there isn’t anything else, I must get back to work!”

And without another word, she shut the door in Fluttershy’s face, leaving her to ruffle her wings nervously but then she tried the calming technique she’d seen Cadance and Twilight do. A calming breath later, she felt some of the tension lift, and although a little worry remained, she thought to herself, Rarity said it’ll be fine… She can handle it, and… I’ll just have my fitting tomorrow!

The day before the wedding.

The day before the wedding?!

Fluttershy felt some of that worry come back upon realization of how close the event was getting. She needed a distraction. Fast!

“Um… maybe I should see how Pinkie and Cheese are doing,” she worried as she took flight.

Somehow the cool air helped Fluttershy calm her nerves, and as Sugarcube Corner got closer, she thought, Just a little misstep, Rarity can handle it, and I’m sure Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich have made even more yummy things for the recepti-

“Wait a minute,” Fluttershy gawked as a few cupcakes were sent flying out the window of the bakery, and not just any cupcakes.
“Aren’t those…?!”

“Pound Cake, no!”
“Pumpkin, sweetie, put down the rolling pin!”

Oh no! Fluttershy quickly flew towards the door of the bakery and threw it open to find the inside a disasters area!

The cash register was covered in some kind of batter, the booth seats were coated in flour, there were eggs splattered all over the place, and the two party ponies were chasing the Cake Twins all about!

“Pound Cake, settle down!” Pinkie hollered as she chased after the little pegasus foal, who giggled as he buzzed about like a hummingbird.
“Get down here, ugh!” - She leapt and tried to yank him out of the air but missed - “Young… colt!”

“Pumpkin, honey?”

Fluttershy looked to see Cheese Sandwich with a colander on his head as he hesitantly peered over a countertop, and sitting on the counter opposite it was Pumpkin Cake, happily chewing on an oven mitt while her little horn levitated various kitchen utensils, floating between her and cheese as though they were guarding her.

“Pumpkin, how `bout you spit out that yucky mitt and Uncle Cheesie gets you- AUGH!”

Cheese ducked so quick the colander hung in the air for a brief moment, leaving it to be knocked away by a whisk and mixing bowl. He was just glad that all the sharp, pointy stuff was safely stowed in the closet.

Unfortunately, that’s where things really went wrong. Fluttershy watched as the mixing bowl somehow ricocheted off the wall and… hurtled towards the cake!!!!

It all seemed to happen in slow motion, even the traditional “NOOOOOOOOO” yelled by somepony, Fluttershy didn’t know who, as she watched helplessly as the bowl mashed into the wedding cake, the celebratory confection toppling over like a tower that had been struck by the enemy catapults, hitting the ground in delicious disarray, and silence fell upon the scene until it was quiet like a tomb.


The twins had noticed the “boo-boo” their antics had made, and the party ponies took advantage of their daze to scoop `em up into their hooves, and too late did they notice Fluttershy looking in shock of wrecked wedding cake!

“We- Uh, the Cakes…”
“I promised to foal-sit-”
“I was helping but-”
“The twins, heh-heh!”
“You know how foals can get.”

Fluttershy was too dazed to notice them as her eyes bored into the mess with such intensity, she squeaked an anxious squeal that made Pinkie and Cheese share a worried look. Pinkie handed Pound Cake over to Cheese, whispering him to take them upstairs, and he quickly did. Meanwhile, she went over to her friend.
“Fluttershy, it’s okay! Cheesie and I can make another one!”

Fluttershy gave Pinkie a worried look that threatened tears.

“No worries, Flutters!” Pinkie assured, “I give you my solemn Pinkie Promise - Cheese and I will have another wedding cake prepared on time for the wedding the day after tomorrow!”

Given it was a Pinkie Promise, and hearing the conviction in her assurance, Fluttershy got it together and fought the tears back before they could get out.
“Um, okay, Pinkie, I… I’ll just… get out of your way.”

“Fluttershy…” Pinkie held Fluttershy’s hoof, looked into her friend’s eyes, and said with such surprising seriousness.
“Everything is going to be fine.”

A shaky sigh escaped her mouth but Fluttershy nodded before Pinkie gave her a hug, and let her go her way.

Well, I guess there goes my nice day. I was really hoping for everything to go perfectly, but I suppose things don't always work out the way we hoped. Right now, I just want to go home and snuggle up with my Mackie and wait until tomorrow. Then maybe things will get better.

Fluttershy trudged through Ponyville, following the path that would lead her back to Sweet Apple Acres and her big red beau. Today had not gone down the way she’d hoped. She'd had to deal with a stubborn Applejack not wanting any help, her wedding dress being damaged before she even got to try it on, and now all the food for the wedding, including the cake. was wrecked and would need to be redone. The gathering overcast of clouds seemed to match the yellow mare's mood perfectly.

Noticing a few Ponyvillians meandering about the flower store, she decided she may as well check up on the flower trio before she made it home. Maybe they would have some good news for her.

They did not.

She put one hoof in the store before spotting the trio passed out on the floor after another of their 'THE HORROR!' driven fainting spells. Curious to see what had caused it this time the pegasus gave a look about the store, leaving the unconscious mares be (even Fluttershy's innate Kindness had run out from the amount of times these ponies passed out. There were even bets in town over how many times they could faint in a week. The current record was twenty-seven).

Unfortunately her curiosity turned sour when she spotted a bouquet of wrecked and dying flowers just near the passed out group, a bouquet that was obviously for her wedding. It seemed the trio had accidently damaged a bouquet and passed out. Fluttershy sighed, her depression for the day just increasing a little more. While it seemed to only be one bouquet, she knew the trio would be unconscious for a while, seriously impeding their work time. She could only hope they woke up soon, or they might not manage to get all the flowers ready in time for the ceremony!

Filled with sadness and worry, Flutters once again continued on her way home lost in her thoughts.

Oh this has been such a disaster... still maybe it's best this happened today rather than on the wedding. Hopefully now all the bad luck is gone and nothing bad will happen tomorrow or the day of the wedding. I'm sure all the bad stuff is all over now and nothing more will happen.

Oh course such thoughts very easily enticed the cursed concept of Marephy’s Law, and at just that moment Fluttershy trotted passed the train station as the last train of the day pulled up. The whistle caught her attention and she looked up, only to freeze in terror as the last of the Apple Family invited to the wedding all rushed spilled out of the train.

“Look! It’s Fluttershy!” somepony yelled, and sure enough the Apples all recognized the bride-to-be to their cousin, and began to swarm around her, shouting out congratulations and trying to hug her.

In her already sad and worried state, her natural scared and vulnerable tendencies shot up immensely, and within seconds Fluttershy could feel the familiar ache of a panic-attack coursing through her. Deaf to the Apples’ words of kindness and encouragement, she started to hyperventilate and squeezed her wings to her sides so tightly they started to hurt. Her eyes shrunk down and her limbs started shaking. So scared was she at all the sudden attention and social pressure that only one response to it all seemed to come to mind.

With a scream of terror, the little pegasus burst through the crowd, took to the sky and zoomed off towards the farm at a speed that would have made her friend Rainbow proud of her. The farm house zoomed into view, but it didn't matter to Fluttershy. Only one thing mattered right then.

She burst through the front door, bolted up the stairs, knocking aside a confused Midnight before he could even say a word to her, and raced towards the room at the end of the hall.

Big Mac was just taking off his yoke for the evening when he heard his bedroom door slam open and a bundle of scared and crying pegasus mare grabbed hold of him and wouldn't let go.

"Oh Mackie, e-everything- The dress, the c-cake- Things aren’t going- And-and-and, I j-just needed y-you a-and..." was all she could get out before her voice just became so incoherent to understand. Big Mac blinked his eyes trying to process what had happened before his coltfriend-powers activated and he wrapped his big strong hooves around her, shielding her from the world and letting her know she was safe.

He could vaguely hear down the hallway that Midnight and Granny Smith were talking to some ponies, Apples likely from the accent, going on about something, likely to do with what was happening right now, but to him it didn't matter. Nothing in the world mattered right now.

Because his `Shy needed him.

He gently cooed to her and stroked her back, letting her know she was safe now, and no matter how upset and worried she was, he would be there for her. Looking out for her forever. slowly he could feel her start to calm, but he didn't give up his gentle actions.

She needed him, and he would always be there for her.

Eventually Fluttershy calmed herself and explained what had happened and how troubling her day had been. Big Mac had sat there holding her, making her feel safe and loved and like nothing in the world could get to her.

After a while, he had promised her that the worst had passed and soon, all of the wedding stress would be over and they could be happy together. This has brightened her mood a little, and after joining the Apples downstairs for dinner, and feeling all the love they had as a family, she felt the day’s worries melt away.

Now she lay in bed, Mac's hooves holding her protectively, reinforcing even in his sleep, he would always be there for her. The day may have been bad, but with her Mackie here, it didn't seem as bad anymore.

Maybe tomorrow, everything would be perfect.