• Published 20th Jul 2015
  • 2,062 Views, 21 Comments

BPT: Fluttershy & Big Mac's Big Day! - Wolven5

A kind caregiver and a devoted farmer are tying the knot!

  • ...

Day Three

It wasn’t.

Fluttershy shrieked in terror, having been woken by the crack of thunder, and the hard pourdown of the rain on the roof.

“Mmph, `Shy?” Big Mac stirred and his sleepy daze cleared the moment he saw his beautiful mare looking sadly out the window, seeing the storm.

“Oh, `Shy,” Big Mac got up and gently hugged his mare from behind, Fluttershy fighting back the worry and frets this woeful weather had instilled into her.

“Oh Mackie,” Fluttershy whispered with eyes so sad it would darn-near break your heart, “wherever did this weather come from?”

“Ah dunno, sugarcube,” Big Mac replied but seeing how low this rain had gotten his love down, he furrowed his brows.
“But Ah’m gonna find out.”

The front door of the Ponyville weather office was almost torn open as Macintosh stormed in, a look unreadable on his stoic face that made every pegasus in the office flinch or shudder in his wake.

Nopony did anything as Macintosh made for the weather captains’ office and knocked.

“Cloudchaser, I told you! I’m busy!”

Thunderlane startled as his door was thrown open and he gulped to see an angry-red stallion giving him a look that made the dark gray pegasus wish he was anywhere but there.

“Thunderlane…” Macintosh said in a calm voice despite his obvious fury as well as his dripping raincoat.
“Any reason in particular there’s a storm blowin’ o’er Ponyville th’ day before mah wedding?”

“Mac! Uh, heh-heh, it’s a funny story really…” Thunderlane chuckled nervously, his eyes shifting left and right, looking for an escape route.

“Ah’d love t’ hear it...” Big Mac said in a tone that clearly meant the opposite of what he’d just said.

Sighing apologetically, Thunderlane explained, “Mac, look, we got this notice from the Cloudsdale Weatherpony PRM. Y’know, the Pony Resources Management? Apparently, we have to have a couple storms to make up for that scorcher we had last month.”

“Thunderlane… Muh `Shy is not feelin’ happy,” Big Mac said warningly, “she’s a’feared this storm’s gonna ruin our big day tomorrow, and yesterday wasn’t exactly a good day for her.”

“Yeah I heard,” Thunderlane felt lousy for letting this storm happen to begin with. “Listen, Mac, I promise! Tomorrow will be bright and sunny, not a cloud in the sky, nothing weather-related will ruin your big day!”

Sighing, Big Mac said, “A’ight, Thunder, Ah trust ya. Ah just’ hope today works out okay for mah Flutters.”

“She’s tougher than most ponies give her credit for, Mac,” Thunderlane said from out of nowhere, Big Mac giving him a curious look.
“Fluttershy’s dad grew up in Cloudsdale but when he met the pony who would become Fluttershy’s mother, he moved to where she lived.”

“Ah know, her pa had a work-related accident tha’ left him in th’ hospital a long while,” Big Mac recalled.

From what his fiance had told him, Mac knew that Fluttershy’s father, Sunsplash, used to be a firefighter who left home to marry his special somepony, an earth pony mare named Posey. When Fluttershy was very little, Sunsplash almost lost his life rescuing some ponies trapped in a burning building, and was left in critical condition that took him months of recovery.

Because Fluttershy’s mother, Posey, had to devote herself to taking care of her husband, Fluttershy went to live with her grandparents in Cloudsdale for a while, which was where she eventually met Rainbow Dash, and attended Junior Speedsters Flight camp.

Once she got her cutie-mark and was old enough, Fluttershy moved to Ponyville, where she became a caregiver to animals.

Sighing, Big Mac asked, “Are ya sure tomorrow will be clear?”

“Mac, I promise,” Thunderlane swore, “you’re one of my best friends and I love Fluttershy like a sister. No matter what, tomorrow’s weather will be just right.”

Seeing the determined look on his friend’s face, Big Mac smiled gratefully, “Alright, Thunder, Ah’’m countin’ on you, an’ thanks.”

“No problem, bud,” Thunderlane waved his wing as Macintosh left.

“Thank you so very much, Rarity!”

Rarity smiled, for despite her bedraggled appearance, she’d succeeded in repairing the wedding dress and the dresses for the bridesmares were well underway. Fluttershy had arrived in a drenched poncho, and after warming her up, Rarity had proudly shown her the dress and they’d confirmed with the fitting it was perfect!

Then Fluttershy had insisted on leaving the dress put away until tomorrow.

“Things are just becoming… difficult,” Fluttershy said as they had tea again.

“Well, darling, marriage is never an easy feat,” Rarity said, “but believe you me, dear, when you see your stallion awaiting you tomorrow all those worries will melt away.”

“I hope you’re right, Rarity,” Fluttershy shivered, “I don’t know how much more of these problems I can take, especially with this rain.”

“Fluttershy, dear,” Rarity assured, “I’m sure you’ve nothing to worry about. You have friends and family who love you and will do everything within their power to make your special day goes by swimmingly.”

Sighing, Fluttershy nodded with a hesitant smile when Rarity gasped!
“Oh my, I’d almost forgotten, Fluttershy! Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich said if you have the time you should see them at Sugarcube Corner!”

“Oh my, I’d better get over there right away,” Fluttershy donned her poncho, “I’ll see you later, Rarity! And thank you for my dress!”

“Anytime, darling!” Rarity waved her off as Fluttershy braved the weather outside. “Anytime!”

Despite the pouring rain, Ponyville still had some busy residents going about their business. Fluttershy saw Cheerilee escorting her students, having decided it’d be safer to pick them up rather than allow them to get to school on their own in this weather. She said loudly to them all to stay together and not wander. It reminded Fluttershy of escorting ducklings. Even more so when a crack of thunder made the foals scream and scatter about, reminding Fluttershy of when some ducklings she’d been leading were spooked by a cat.

Thankfully, a few ponies nearby helped Cheerilee get her class back together and even gave them an escort to their destination. Thinking of those foals made the butter-yellow pegasus wonder, Will I be a good mommy someday…?

Fluttershy felt her face redden a little by the thought of parenthood. She wasn’t even married just yet and she was thinking that far? No, she thought. Foals would be a milestone in her and Macintosh’s relationship that they would discuss before even considering taking on that dedication. Still, the thought of holding her own baby and watching the little one grow happy was truly something she hoped to experience. One day.

But she dismissed her distracting thoughts as she approached Sugarcube Corner, and this time there were no messes on the windows although the stormy weather made it impossible to hear anything coming from inside. As she approached the door, she was about to knock when it opened and she got a faceful of pink!

“Hey Fluttershy! Come on in!”


Fluttershy got pulled inside by Pinkie Pie, and she found the interior to be spic and span compared to how it’d been yesterday. Really, there was a glistening of cleanliness but the scent of something delicious teased her nose.
“Oh my, what smells so yummy?”

“Flutters!” Cheese Sandwich popped up in front of her, making her jump a bit, “Pinkie and I are proud to present…”

The party ponies bounced over to a raised curtain, giddy as Cheese pulled a cord and the curtain fell away to reveal…
“...your wedding cake mark II!”

Fluttershy marveled at the frosted fantasy before her! It was a lot like the old one but now the layers were separate, held up by little plastic pillars, pink and red crystalline sprinkles in strategic places, the smell was so maddening Fluttershy didn’t even realize she was reaching her hoof out for a taste.


“Ooh!” Fluttershy yanked her hoof back, Pinkie waving her own at her.

“Naughty Fluttershy! You have to wait until the reception party before you can have a taste of the cake. Y’know, where you and Mac smush cake in each other’s faces?”

“Oh! Well, if that is the tradition,” Fluttershy shrugged but couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you both so very much! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this.”

Then, to Fluttershy’s surprise, both party ponies hugged the pegasus, and although she blushed a little Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile as she felt the warmth of her friendship with these two wonderful ponies.

When they let go, Cheese said, “Anything for a friend, Fluttershy.”

“I’m just sorry the twins ruined all your hard work yesterday,” Fluttershy brought up, “I hope the darlings weren’t too much trouble afterwards.”

Pinkie and Cheese shared a look.

Up in Pinkie’s room, the twins pouted in their crib, which had been covered with a laundry basket tied down while Gummy and Boneless 2, wearing M1 army helmets and armed with water pistols and a bell, stood in absent-minded vigilance over their two treacherous charges.

“No trouble at all,” Pinkie and Cheese assured, making Fluttershy smile. Then Cheese smiled and pointed out the window.
“Hey! Looks like the storm’s letting up a little!”

Fluttershy looked and couldn’t help but sigh in relief at seeing the weather let up a little. It still continued to drizzle lightly but it was a promise that things would certainly work out.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy sighed in relief, “I don’t know how but I guess Thunderlane worked out an arrangement with the weather!”

“See, Fluttershy?” Pinkie said confidently, “Everything will be just right for tomorrow. And boy, how great tomorrow will be! The Apple Family, your parents, and all your friends gathered to watch and celebrate you on your special day!”

“Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy just remembered! She glanced at the clock and confirmed it. “I have to get to the train station - My parents’ train will be here any minute!”

She flew out the door while saying, “Thank you, Pinkie, Cheese!”

“See you tomorrow!” Pinkie called after her, Cheese adding, “And don’cha worry about a thing! The catering will be oh-so-delish!”

Fluttershy panted hard as she reached the train station but she was pleased to see that she had beaten the train. She squinted her eyes as she looked on from the platform. She could just make the silhouetted of the engine through the downpour as it slowly made it's way down the tracks. She managed to get her breath back as she sat down beneath the cover of the ticket booth's roof, watching as the rain patted all around the tracks. However she soon felt a presence beside her and turned to see that her fiancé had joined her and was now sitting calmly smiling down at her, kept safe by the ticket booth roof same as her.

"Mackie, it's good to see you. This rain has been pretty miserable today, but it's so good to have you here with me," Fluttershy sighed as she placed her wing as far around his back as she could manage and leaned herself up against his sturdy frame, his warmth feeling wonderful in the chilly damp air.

"Good being with ya too, sweetheart. Ah got some good news `bout th’ weather. Ah spoke with Thunderlane an’ he said tha’ the rain’ll be stopped before tomorrow so our weddin’ will be sunny an’ clear."

"Oh Mackie, that's wonderful news,” Fluttershy couldn’t help but beam t her stallion, who loved seeing her smile.
“I was worried that our wedding would be in trouble with all this rain. But if Thunderlane says it will be clear skies then I just know that sun will shine on us nice and bright."

As the two snuggled together, the sound of a train whistle echoed shrilly over the music of the rainfall. Shortly enough the Friendship Express pulled up along the tracks, it's passenger cars filled with anxious ponies getting ready to run to avoid as much of the rain as possible.

After a moment the doors opened and Big Mac and Fluttershy scanned over the departing passengers, hoping to find a sign of her parents. It was difficult with everypony scattering so quickly, but they soon spotted a relatively burly pegasus alongside a dainty little earth pony mare both exiting the train together.

The stallion was a shorter than Big Mac by only a few inches and his muscles, while still very prominent, were far leaner and far more suiting of his profession as a fire fighter. Well ex-fire fighter nowadays.

His semi-retirement stemming from the incident that left the slight scarring on the underside of his barrel and shortened wing primaries. Still his light-gold coat looked strong and his auburn mane sculpted his head nicely. His cyan eyes shone with experienced wisdom, as well as a fierce protection for those he cared about. Finally, planted on his flank was a trio of bright blue raindrops.

This was Sunsplash, proud father of Fluttershy.

Beside him was the less imposing earth pony mare, with a yellow coat paler than her daughter’s, almost a peach color, and the same pink mane, grown long and smooth like Fluttershy’s. While she may have lacked the strength and formidable will of her husband, she made up for it with her beauty and grace. It was fairly obvious where Fluttershy's super model good looks had come from (hopefully Photo Finish would never find her, as she also shared her daughter’s shyness and aversion to crowds). Displayed on her flank were five beautiful pink flowers, showing her love of nature and knowledge in its healing properties.

This kind beautiful mare was Posey, Fluttershy's loving mother.

The instant that their eyes met, Fluttershy beamed with joy and she rushed out to them, ignoring the rain. She slammed into the both of them full force (which barely made them move an inch) and wrapped them in a massive hug.
"Mummy! Daddy! I missed you both so much!"

"Oh my little butterfly, we missed you as well." Posey nuzzled her daughter and held her back just as tightly, her hooves wrapped securely around her little angel. Sunsplash had wrapped both his wings and hooves around Fluttershy, his strong proud demeanor fading away to loving gentleness as he held his daughter with care.
"It's so good to see you again, my little princess. I hope you've been doing well here in Ponyville."

"Oh it's been wonderful here, Daddy. Come, we can chat over with Mackie out of the rain."

The group all trotted to cover where Big Mac waited for them, a smile on his face as he saw his future parents-in-law. Once they were clear of the rain, Posey wrapped the big red stallion in a hug and gave him a brief nuzzle.
"It's good to see you again, Macintosh. It was so lovely meeting you back in Fillydelphia and Fluttershy mentions you in all her letters."

Big Mac wrapped a hoof around her for a moment before they separated, feeling happy about Flutters letting her family know how much the two cared for each other.
"It's real dandy t’ see you again too, ma'am."

"Oh please, sweetie, call me 'mom’!” Posey insisted with a giggle. “The wedding might not be until tomorrow, but you're already like a son to me, especially with how good you take care of my little filly."

Both Mac and Fluttershy blushed at her words, but they smiled in appreciation none the less. Big Mac then felt Sunsplash's hoof wrap around him in a one hoofed hug.

"Good to see you again, son. I've been real excited these past several days, not only for tomorrow but to see Ponyville and particularly your orchard. Fillydelphia has some greats farms in the area, I should know being that I had to stop them being on fire on more than one occasion, but yours has been reported as the best around. Plus you and I definitely need to hit up a bar. I'm looking forward to whooping you at another game of pool, champ."

Sunsplash was as warm and jokey as Mac remembered. He might look like a tough guy, but he was definitely a fun stallion through and through. That is until he got a sudden glint in his eye.

"So long as you remember to keep in mind our last discussion, of course."

Big Mac immediately tensed in the older stallion's grip as he recalled that conversation.


Big Mac nervously stood beside Fluttershy as she finished knocking on the door of her parents’ house. This was his first time meeting Sunsplash and Posey and he really wanted to make a good impression. He loved his Shy deeply and he was soon gonna ask her to marry him, but first he needed to make sure her folks liked him.

Seeming to sense his hesitance, Fluttershy nuzzled his cheek. "It's okay, Mackie. I know they'll just love you."

Her words seemed to calm him, though the bubble of worry in his gut wasn't completely gone. "Ah hope so, Sweetheart. Ah really wanna make a good impression. Ah wan'em to know how much Ah really care 'bout you."

Fluttershy just smiled and snuggled closer to him. Before anymore words could be uttered however, the door opened and the smiling face of Posey appeared.

"My little Butterfly! Ooh, I've missed you so much!" the older mare leaned forwards and wrapped her daughter in a big hug. Fluttershy in turned squeezed her back just as hard.

Living in Ponyville was amazing, and it was completely her home now. Still she missed her folks terribly, and with her duties taking care of the sick animals around the town, she rarely got to visit.

The two held each other for a moment, before letting go and allowing Posey to notice the big red stallion waiting politely next Flutters. "Oh hello there. You must be Big Macintosh Apple. My little Butterfly here has sent me lots of letters about you.

Posey then gave Macintosh a look up from the hooves down before pulling a smirk, “Hmm, she was definitely right about you being a complete stud."

Both Fluttershy and Mac blushed heavily at this, but Posey either didn't notice, or didn't care, "I'm so glad I finally get to meet you. Fluttershy definitely took after me in the shyness department, though she really withdrew a lot more than I ever did. I'm so glad she's found somepony who can make her happy and get her to open up."

"Well shucks ma'am. Ah'm just so glad t’ be a part o' her life. She brightens mah day every time Ah see her. If anything, she's the one to bring me outta my shell."

Fluttershy just continued to blush as her coltfriend praised her, rewarding his kind words by wrapping her wing around his back and snuggling up alongside him.

Posey just smiled widely at them before scooting back in the door and beckoning them forward. "Come in, come in. Sunsplash is around here somewhere and he'll want to see his little girl again and meet her new stallion."

The group proceeded into the house. Posey walked them all around, pointing out several photos of Fluttershy and her family, before arriving in a den where Fluttershy's father sat reading the paper and listening to an old record player. At the group’s entrance, he raised his head a large grin cross his muzzle. "There's my little filly. How've you been, princess?"

He rose from his chair, only to be knocked back down as Flutteshy leapt at him, with surprising speed, and wrapped her arms around him in a hug.
"Daddy! Oh I missed you so much. I've been doing well in Ponyville. In fact, I brought somepony along I really wanted you to meet."

Letting him go, she gestured behind her to Big Mac, whose nerves seemed to fire up again once the older stallion was looking at him.

"Uh, howdy sir. Ah'm Big Macintosh Apple from Ponyville. It's real good to meet you." the apple farmer trotted forward and raised his hoof for a hoof shake.

Sunsplash looked at him for a moment, as though sizing him up, before an accepting nod and smile filled his face.

He stood back up and gave Big Mac a firm shake. "Pleasure to meet you, my boy. It looks like my little Flutter's letters were right. You definitely seem like an upstanding gentlecolt."

Relief flooded Big Mac's face and the nerves seemed to bleed away at Sunsplash's acceptance. It felt good to know that Flutter's folks accepted him. His curiosity was raised however when Sunsplash moved to the side and gestured towards a side room from the den. "Fluttershy, Posey, could you two lovely mares get some tea started? I'd like to have a talk with Big Macintosh for a moment."

Fluttershy seemed a little confused, but Posey just smiled warmly and nodded before giving Mac a reassuring look and herding her daughter out of the room. "Come on, sweetheart, let's put on the kettle, and you can tell me about all your friends in Ponyville..."

After the two left the room, Big Mac followed Sunsplash's gesture and entered the side room. Inside he found a kind of shrine. Newspaper clippings and awards hung proudly on the walls, and a fire fighters uniform lay behind a glass frame beside them. Directly above it on a wall mount sat a large sharp looking axe. As Mac took in the room's contents, Sunsplash moved passed him and started to gesture.

"This is my room of mementos. Before I retired a while back, I used to be a firefighter. My special talent is rain control, and that skilled served me well over the years. Posey and Fluttershy got real scared after those injuries I took," he explained while pointing at the scarring on his muzzle and barrel.
"It was also when I realized a few things about my life, so I retired. After my years of service helping ponies, I was sent off with honors, and I hung my uniform in here proudly. Just above the uniform is my trusty axe, Susie. Susie here is responsible for helping many ponies over the years, breaking down doors and smashing through building debris. She's really helped me out."

His warms smile slowly faded, worrying Mac, as the older stallion turned to him with a seriousness in his eyes he hadn't seen before.

"I'm showing you all this, Macintosh, so you'll be aware of something. If you ever hurt my little princess, I can guarantee you that Susie here will be down from that wall, on the first train to Ponyville and heading right for your neck. Is that clear?"

Big Mac's pupils were like dots, and his face had completely paled. Still, he vigorously nodded his head in acknowledgement. "Sir, Ah understand perfectly. Ah love Fluttershy with all mah heart. If Ah ever did something t’ hurt her, Ah wouldn't even flinch when that axe came at me, cause Ah know Ah'd deserve it."

Sunsplash nodded, the serious expression still on his face. However, after a few minutes of letting the threat seep in, his jokey grin was back.
"Good answer, boy. Well now we got that little understanding outta of the way, what say we join the girls for some tea. Afterwards, you and I can head down to the pub for a while. After all, if you really want to get to know a stallion, you gotta get him blitzted!" he laughed and patted the big red stallion on the back.

The threat still hung heavily in the air, but Mac pushed it aside and let a smile come to his face. "Ah'd like that sir."

"Good, then let's get to it, son, Let's get to it!"

End Flashback

"Ah remember sir, and believe me, Ah will never let it slip muh mind."

Sunsplash just smiled back warmly, even as Fluttershy and Posey looked confused.
"Good to hear, son. Now, how about we head back to your farm and get out of this lousy weather."

Everypony gave a nod of agreement, and the group headed off at a quick trot back towards the warmth and dryness of the Apple household.

Sunsplash and Posey were stunned, to say the least, that their soon-to-be son-in-law’s adoptive brother was a prince, and they quickly warmed up to Applebloom and Twinken. Granny Smith happily welcomed them, mentioning it was good to see the Apple Family growing, and not-so-subtly added the hopes of hearing tiny hooves running o’er her wooden floors, which Posey delightfully agreed with. Much to the bashfulness of the engaged.

After a nice dinner, Fluttershy and Macintosh had offered their bed but her parents insisted they would be fine on the pull-out couch. As the weather outside lessened more, Fluttershy decided to go check on the henhouse, recalling Goldilocks, her Mackie’s favorite hen, had recently laid a clutch of eggs.

Confirming things looked well, she made her way back to the house when she was met with the foals at the doorway.
“Applebloom, Twinken, it’s almost your bedtime, you should be getting ready.”

“Oh we will, Fluttershy,” Twinken promised, Applebloom adding, “We jus’ wanna say, wer’ so happy yer gonna be part o’ th’ fam’ly! Tha’ wer’ gettin’ another big sister!”

“Oh!” Fluttershy couldn’t help it, as she warmly pulled the two foals into a loving hug. “I’m happy too, I've always wanted a little sister.”

“Not a brother?” Twinken brought up with a fretful look.

“Oh I actually have a brother,” Fluttershy explained with a sigh, “but he’s very far away right now, and sadly he can’t make it to the wedding.”

“Well it’s gonna be maybe the biggest day of your life!” Twinken said excitably, “I’m so proud we’re gonna be a part of it, when everypony’s there for you, watching you walk the aisle, listening on every word!”

“An’ you and Big Mac promisin’ yerselves t’ each other forever and ever!” Applebloom added.

“And there’s still plenty to do,” Twinken pointed out, “and after the things that went wrong so far, the dress, the cake, the flowers, the weather-”

“Yer gonna be mighty busy tomorrow, goin’ to an’ fro,” Applebloom agreed.

“And even after all is said and done, the things you’ll do together in the long road,” Twinken added.
“Starting with the honeymoon!”

“Ain’t tha’ supposed t’ be some kind o’ special night?” Applebloom asked Twinken, Fluttershy (who was by now trying to cool herself with her wing as her heart began to pound) ‘eep’d at the implication Applebloom was unknowingly making.

“I think it’s called making love?” Twinken offered, unsure, making Fluttershy start to redden. "Although I don’t really understand, how do you make love? And don’t bring up that love poison-”

EEEEEEEE…!!!” Fluttershy squealed, making the two foals look at her in confusion before she flew upstairs.

As she lay in bed with her stallion’s forelegs wrapped warmly around her, worst-case scenarios buzzed in Fluttershy’s head like a swarm of hungry parasprites! Not to mention what Applebloom and Twinken had unknowingly brought up, and the full-impact of what that could result in.
I- I’m not ready to be a mommy! But… what if Macintosh wants foals after we marry? ...I… Oh Faust!

Fluttershy shuddered as she continued to stew in her worry as she started to wonder, was she really ready to go through with this?

Author's Note:

Fluttershy's parents, Sunsplash and Posey, are based partly on the versions by Earthsong of DevArt

However, her version of Sunsplash died but I didn't want that. Once I found out Sunsplash is a real character from the show (albeit renamed), I found it grounds enough to change him to suit my own version.

In my story's universe, Sunsplash is a semi-retired firefighter - He doesn't do it anymore, and has settled for being an instructor, partly to make his living, and partly because he still misses it but accepts his firefighting days are over. He was injured rescuing ponies from a burning building and almost died, his injuries leading him to months of recovery.

His wife Posey had to devote herself to caring for her husband while also paying bills, and they reluctantly agreed to send Fluttershy to live with her grandparents (Sunsplash's parents) in Cloudsdale where she attended Junior Speedsters flight camp and met Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane there

Posey is a nurse (she took up the job to take care of her husband during his recovery) and still works as one, having taken up the job of a school nurse.

I mentioned Fluttershy having a brother (because the showmakers have confirmed he will appear once they get back to the show) but kept him vague since all we know is that he exists.