• Published 23rd Jul 2015
  • 554 Views, 30 Comments

I Prefer the Term Freedom Fighter - One of the Crowd

Isaac is back again for another adventure except this time he might be in over his head as he and his friends are taken away to another Equestria. Why are they here? How will he get back? Why is Sombra wearing a sombrero? Because of reasons that's wh

  • ...

Prison Break

Chapter 1: Prison Break

***In the Crystal empire's dungeons***

"How did you breach our defenses" Shining asked the human who's hands were chained to the table in front of him. The human looked up at the white unicorn and smiled before flipping him a bird and saying,

"I'd love to tell you, how about over tea and then you can tell me why you've had me caged for the past three days!"

"You should know why,"

"For the love of god if you say that one more time I will give you are reason to keep me caged!" Isaac said pointing at the unicorn before letting his hands relax allowing them to rest on the table, "Just tell me"

"Where to begin let's start with how you almost killed my sister!" Shining said exaggerating the last bit. Isaac stared long and hard at the unicorn before asking,

"Who the fuck is your sister?"

"Twilight Sparkle"

"Now I know you're bullshitting because I haven't talked to Twilight in four months, excluding three days ago"

"Really now because we have I witness accounts of you ripping her wings out!"

"Then your eye witnesses clearly have problems because I wouldn't do anything like that"

"It doesn't matter now, your slated for execution in a few hours" Isaac wanted to just beat this pony to death because of his attitude problem, however that would only lead to problems so it's a fuck it option in Isaac's mind. Shinning left the interrogation room through a solid steel door across from Isaac. Isaac stared at the door for a few minutes to make sure that his interrogator was gone before he pulled out what used to be part of a toothbrush.

"Thank you Luca for teaching me how to make lock picks" Isaac said to himself as he started to fiddle with the lock on the chains around his wrists. After a few minutes of messing with the lock Isaac heard a click and let out a satisfied sigh as he was now free to get out of here after rescuing everyone else of course. Making his way to the door Isaac realized that he'd stick out like a sore thumb if he was seen so before leaving he looked around the room for a weapon or disguise, preferably weapon. Deciding that the room lacked anything practical Isaac kicked one of the wooden table legs causing it to come lose and fall over along with the rest of the table. "A whoopin stick, not my preferred style of weapon but whatever".

Right as Isaac had said that however one of the Guards opened the door and walked in as if the prisoner being free was the most ordinary things he's seen today when the guard erupted in green flames. Once the flames had subsided Luca stood there with a large grin across her face as she Levitated Isaac's flintlock out of her saddlebag.

"Sorry Isaac, I'm doing the rescuing today." She said when Isaac grabbed the floating gun that he'd gotten only a few months ago. It really wasn't very impressive except for the fact that it was equestria's first and only fire arm. The only reason that this thing even existed was because Isaac asked Flim and Flam to crate it which he was grateful for, however he realized what he brought into this world and made them swear to never write the plans for the gun. Realizing that he was staring at the gun Isaac put it in its holster before heading to the door and asking,

"Ready to go?"

"Isaac please, I came here for your ass so lets get going" The two smiled at each other before exiting the room through the steel door which lead into a long cavern like hallway. To help avoid detection Luca went back into her guard disguise and escorted Isaac toward the cell block where everyone else was. None of the guards stopped the two until they were just a few feet away from their friends, and the dungeons warden walked over and asked Luca,

"Why are you bringing that thing here?"

"Um... I'm taking him back to his cell."

"His cell is on the other side of the dungeon, how can you get this turned around recruit?"

"Fuck this" Isaac said as he grabbed onto the warden and threw him into the wall when Luca hit him with a spell to knock him out.

"I could of saved that" Luca said disgruntled

"He was on to us, besides I needed to hit something" Luca just rolled her eyes as they entered the cell block where everybody else had been held cells that restricted them all differently. Silver's cell restrained her legs and forced her head forward while Sombra's had the traditional steel bars except for the fact they were glowing blue. Flim and Flam were in the same cell surprisingly with nothing really special about it other than the face that they had a window showing a vary dark sky in the distance.

"Good to see the rescue party is here, thought you guys gave us up for dead" Sombra said as he walked over toward the front of his cell and pointing toward another door, "That's where the warden kept the keys"

"You know we'd never leave you guys, besides It's hard to find all powerful unicorns who don't annoy the living hell out of me," Isaac said making his way over toward the door that supposedly hid the key to his friends cells. "You know, Theses ponies said that I ripped out Twilight's wings, Any of you heard anything weird also"

"I heard them talk about how they finally caught me and my lieutenants, I don't recall having lieutenants do you?"

"If anything your my lieutenant Sombra, something is definitely going on here" Finally opening the door into a small office like room Isaac began searching for the keys to the cells. Starting with the desk Isaac started to shift through the piles of paperwork to see if the keys were hidden behind or under any of them when his eyes fell upon a photo sitting at the edge of the desk. It was a simple photo a picture of the warden and a small unicorn filly sitting by a tree. Isaac sighed at the picture remembering how he and his brother used to go out and do the stupidest things before they ended up by the lake. Isaac snapped out of his stupor when Luca started to jingle the keys in front of his face.

"You do realize keys tend to be on key hooks, right?" Luca said pointing over toward a key hook right beside the door they had entered from. Isaac rubbed the back of his head and grabbed the keys before walking back over toward the door and looking toward Luca,

"Once we get out of here, We are going to have a word with the princesses."

"What will that do?"

"Get these jackasses off our backs for one" Walking over to Silver first Isaac started to remove the restraints around her legs and neck, and with her new found freedom Silver started to pop her joints. After a minute or so of this she looked up to Isaac and started to make various motions,"Well it's your fault for punching Shining in the face". Silver rolled her eyed before taking the keys from Isaac and moving toward Sombra's cell to free him of his restraint. When she inserted the key however she received small shock causing her to withdraw her hoof with more annoyance than pain.

"Sombra's cell is charged with magic. you should of realized this with the bars glowing" Luca said in a smart tone. Silver made rather fast slightly jerky motions at Luca, "Language Silver"

"You two can fuck around later, Luca how do we get him out of here?"

"Oh, that's simple we just overload the cell by pumping so much magic into it that it can't hold it all"

"Alright, Sombra start overloading the bars"

"You're joking right?" Sombra said which caused Isaac to take on a very confused expression before Sombra decided to let him in on why he was currently unable to use magic, "Isaac the magics in the bars prevent me from using any magic". Isaac realizing that his plan was complete shit now decided that the next best course of action would be freeing Flim and Flam in hopes they can overload the bars.

"Hey there Isaac, Nice to see you didn't forget us" Flim said walking up to the cell bars.

"Has Isaac ever forgotten about us?"Flam asked to try and show up his brother who looked at him and said,

"That one time we went into a dragon nest and he forgot that we were hiding under one of the hoards"

"Okay that one-"

"Can we reminisce about my forgetfulness after we get out of here?" Isaac interrupted the two brothers before they went into another one of their arguments. They both looked at him and nodded as they walked out of their now open cell door toward Sombra's before they began to focus their magic on the bars causing them to glow even brighter than they had been originally until they sparked and went out. "Really, They are just like fucking light bulbs. Why do I even question this anymore?"

"Thanks, Now I believe it is time to make our escape" Sombra said as he walked out of his cell toward where Isaac and Luca had originally entered. The plan was to just walk out, but nothing ever goes to plan as when they opened that door they were met with a full compliment of guards with spears at the ready.

"Why can't we ever have a plan go off without a hitch"

Author's Note:

I'm going on vacation soon so I will be unable to write chapters for this story once I'm gone, but don't worry I still have a few days before leaving and I'll only be gone for another few days. I'm just letting you all know that when this story stops updating for a few days it's not dead. Anyway thank you for reading and I hope to make this worth your time.

ps. sorry for the short chapter but it's still doesn't break my minimum of 1500 words so its something.