• Published 23rd Jul 2015
  • 554 Views, 30 Comments

I Prefer the Term Freedom Fighter - One of the Crowd

Isaac is back again for another adventure except this time he might be in over his head as he and his friends are taken away to another Equestria. Why are they here? How will he get back? Why is Sombra wearing a sombrero? Because of reasons that's wh

  • ...

Rarely easy

Author's Note:

Hello again beautiful readers it's me again, and I'm back from vacation, with Sunburns! (screw you sun) Anyway I've finally gotten off my lazy butt to bring you guys another chapter and hopefully it wont suck, but if it does i'll try to do better next time so as always I hope to make this worth your time. (why do I always type that?)

P.s. Sorry about the long wait I was going to release a chapter sooner but distractions are everywhere. Also as a side note here I might start writing another story as well as this one, if you would like to give your input as to what story that is go over to this blog

Chapter 3: Rarely easy

"Get back in your cells and you wont be harmed" One of the guards said, his armor was slightly different from the rest as it was made of a metal other than gold which meant he was probably one of the higher ups. Isaac glared at all the guards as he was looking for all possible escape routes that wouldn't involve hurting anyone as the last thing they needed was to piss these ponies off. Eventually Isaac noticed that the guards only formed two lines which meant Sombra could teleport behind them and not waste all of his magic for the escape.

"Sure, sure we'll just go and SOMBRA TELEPORT US" Isaac yelled before he kicked one of the guards in the face and grabbing onto Sombra who then teleprted behind the guards. After the jump everyone started to run toward the exit while patting away the bits of flame that lingered on them before it could do any real damage. They ran down hallway after hallway searching for anyway out while also dodging guards who think they're smart with their traps and spears forcing the group to constantly change direction until they finally arrived at an intersection.

"Any bright ideas?" Sombra asked before looking behind them to see some rather pissed off guards catching up to them.

"Just one, we split up. If we don't run into each other again we will meet south of town, alright" Everyone broke into teams of two with the groups comprising of Sombra with silver, Flim with Flam, and Isaac with Luca. They all started to run down the different hallways in attempts to either find the exit or make it easier to knock out the guards that have been harassing them since they arrived. Isaac and Luca running up a set of stairs after a few moments which either meant they were either on ground level or s floor above it either of which would be just fine for them.

"When we get out of here I'm going to kick sparkly's ass" Luca said as they continued down a long corridor with multiple windows beside showing what appeared to be a city of crystal with a dark cloud a little ways off.

"Get your own nickname for her, and only after I've had my go" When they were about halfway through the hallway another group of guards appeared blocking their path forward, and going back was out of the question since their pursuers were blocking the other way.

"You've got no where to go. Now come in peacefully or we will use deadly force" One of the guards said walking closer to the two freelancers.

"Well since I don't have an- LUCA WINDOW" Right as he yelled that Isaac jumped through one of the hallways windows leading to the street below. The fall would off broken his legs easily if it wasn't for Luca grabbing him just before he hits the stone street. Luca would of tried to fly out of the city if it wasn't for the added weight from Isaac throwing her off balance and causing them to crash into an alleyway.

"A little more warning before jumping out the window would of been nice"

"Could be worse. I mean you should see some of the things people back home come up with"

"I don't think I could handle another Isaac"

"Remind me to show you the mirror pool in ponyville sometime"

"fuck you"

"Later, but right now we need a plan to get out of here"

*** Sombra and Silver***

Sombra was running just behind silver and would occasionally throw up barriers to slow down their pursuers for a few moments as they ran through the maze of hallways in search of any way to get them out of there. The doors that they'd find however were all locked so they couldn't even tell what part of the castle they were in even with Sombra's experience in it he still needed some marker.

"GET BACK HERE" Shining armor yelled as he chased down the former tyrant in an attempt to capture him for his crimes against ponies. Shining had dreamed of the day he'd finally be able to deliver justice upon the evil that had destroyed the world he once knew and he was not going to let it slip away so easily so he would throw up his own barriers in front of them in order to slow them down. This was not very effective however as every time he'd be about to cast a barrier Sombra would throw up one right in front of him causing him to lose his concentration and change the spell he had charged into s shield breaker over what it was originally meant to be.

"Why do they think we will stop when they go on and on about executing us?" Sombra asked as he and Silver quickly rounded a corner to find a dead end.

"We have you no- WHERE ARE THEY" Shining yelled at the now empty hallway. Shining decided to have a closer inspection of the hall to ensure that they were not hiding in anything, especially since the flower pot incident last year. Unable to find them anywhere Shining decided that maybe they had teleported out and began to search for any magical residue in the area only to find none and become baffled by the strange disappearance of the two.

Silver kept a close eye on Shining as he inspected the hallway in hopes of him not noticing the switch beside the painting they were currently hiding behind. Sombra had realized where they were just in time to quickly hit the switch which made the wall revolve causing the two to move with it into the wall. The wall lead them into an intricate maze of hallways that lead all over the castle and given enough time could lead them out of the city all together.

"Thank Celestia my guards were paranoid" Sombra said as he started to walk in a random direction with Silver close behind him. Silver started to make certain motions with her hoof which Sombra responded to with, "They will be fine. I mean haven'e you seen Isaac."Silver started to make he same motions but went slower on the last one. "I'm sure Flim and Flam will be fine to. Don't worry Silver we'll all get out of here"

*** Flim and Flam***

"Flam we don't have time to look around let's go"

"But brother of mine don't you see all the crystals, we'll be rich"

"We already are rich Flam"

"Oh yeah" The two brothers unlike the other four weren't being chased down ad they weren't high priority like the others because to the guards they were just the standard thralls of Sombra's so they could do no real harm. The two were walking nonchalantly down the halls with multiple guards stopping to look at them before going back to whatever it was they were doing originally.

"You'd think they would try to at least stop us," Flim said as they crossed the grand hall that lead to the exit.

"Do you really want to try our luck"

"A little, I mean we don't fight like everypony else, we just kind of sit in the background" Flim continued as they pushed open the two large doors that lead back out to the Crystal empire. Ponies were running around frantically grabbing random object and slamming their doors shut before boarding up their windows.

"I do believe that we might have a bit of a problem"

"Why do you say that Flam" Flim asked before Flam turned his head toward the cloud that had been growing closer to the town and now they could recognize that it wasn't any ordinary cloud. "We need to find Isaac and Sombra, now"

*** Back to Isaac and Luca"

"Why do I have to hide in the cart" Isaac wined from inside of the hay cart that Luca was currently pulling through the town while she was in her traditional disguise of being a Pegasus with a red coat and unkempt purple mane. None of the ponies were paying them any attention any way as they seemed to be preparing for something.

"As soon as you can change into other ponies you will have to stay in there" Luca retorted keeping here eyes forward as they passed by another Crystal pony who was staring at the pony talking to her cart.

"Looks like you just gave Flim and Flam a new project, giving me magic"

"They do that and I will throw all three of you off a cliff"

"Love you too"

"When I'm done kicking sparkly's ass yours is next" With that the two were inching ever closer to the edge of town when Luca noticed Flim and Flam heading toward them. "Flim, Flam good to see you guys made it" The two stared at Luca for a minute before realizing it was Luca in disguise before they asked,

"Where is Isaac?" Luca then kicked one of the bales of hay which gave a muffled yelp of surprise before it spoke up,

"Luca If I could get up without drawing attention I'd shove you into one of these hay bales"

"Sounds kinky"

"Then when we get back I'll buy some hay from applejack"

"I was joking Isaac"

"Who said I wasn't" Luca just rolled her eyes as she wasn't going to have this conversation right now. The two brothers just watched the two talk about things best left in private with Flim taking more interest in with the topic.

"No offence to anyone but I think it's time we left. Besides I don't think talking to a cart is normal" Flam said as he started to take the lead out of town. "Oh and another thing. Isaac, that spirit is free again"

"Oh no problem just...wait WHAT"

"Look" Flam said as he pointed toward the ominous cloud that was just about to engulf part of the city.

"We stick to the plan and then we deal with it, alright"

"I don't know Isaac, I mean do you really want to risk it getting all these ponies"Luca asked

"We can't charge at it so we need to get Sombra to enchant a gem to capture it, which is why we're sticking to the plan." The others of the group seemed to be disheartened by the answer, but they all understood Isaac's reasoning in there being no point charging in unprepared. They finally reached the southern point of town where both Sombra and Silver had set up a small camp fire to ward off the cold air that bled into the bubble around the city.

"Good to see you all made it" Sombra said walking over to them with Silver beside him.

"Sombra we've got problems" Isaac said before pointing at the cloud that now had engulfed at least half of the city.

"I'll get started with enchanting one of the Crystals nearby, though this may take some time since crystals are more delicate then gems when it comes to magic"

"Get it done, I'll head back into the city and see if I can get any one out of there"

"Not alone your not" Luca said as she walked over to Isaac. "The last time you went back to help you were possessed by that thing"

"Fine, but Luca..." Luca looked over to Isaac to give him her full attention, "stay safe"

"There is nothing safe about this"