• Published 29th Jul 2015
  • 320 Views, 3 Comments

Short Stories - I Like Pie

A colection of short stories each of which is inspired by a random word.

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Mayor Mare's sits at her humongous desk in her small office. She rests her head atop a pile of papers and she is fast asleep.

The office's door then suddenly swings open and the mayor's secretary trots in. Once the secretary spots the mayor she lets out a soft and long sigh.

"Mayor?" The secretary asks as she gently pokes the tan earth pony.

She slowly and tiredly raises her head off of the desk. She then yawns and opens her eyes. "What did I miss?"

"I assume you want a large cup of coffee?" The secretary stares worriedly at her.

She yawns again and nods in response.

"Caffeine?" The secretary slowly and nervously chews her lower lip.

Yes, please. Also put two cubes of sugar in that cup." Immediately after she speaks the mayor slams her head against the papers again, closes her eyes, and quickly goes back to sleep.

She'll need it, the secretary thinks as she softly laughs a little bit.