• Published 4th Aug 2015
  • 16,344 Views, 182 Comments

The Rohan Chronicles: The Brand New Day - Bucking Nonsense

A chronicle of The Brand New Day, an event that causes the world of Equestria to merge with an MMORPG, and brings thousands, if not millions, of human players along for the ride.

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Flash Mob!

Author's Note:

Funny story: I used to play Guild Wars, and one of my favorite parts of the game was that, in the lobbies, you could just start doing stuff like playing air-guitar or drums, or start dancing, and people would just join in. I once started a group by playing air guitar that eventually grew to involve twenty people, including three guitarists, a drummer, and sixteen dancers. It's good to know that Guild Wars isn't the only game where spontaneous dance parties can occur.

Shadowfax: Still waiting for stuff to grow. How is it going for you guys?
X-Treme-inator: You missed a hilarious micro-raid boss, or maybe a mini-boss. Came right into town, and we whooped it in less than a minute!
Yolo720NoScope: It was hilarious. A Bugbear: Half bee, half panda bear. The pun was strong with that one.
ScionOfTorgue: I'd send you a screenshot, but that function isn't working, for some reason...
Shadowfax: Sorry I missed it. Still, the day is young, and there is much more in store, I'm sure. The plants seem to be taking longer than normal. I wonder if I accidentally planted them in an enemy zone?
NaughtySexyGothGirl: Yeah, one big drawback to this prank is that it is hard to tell where the enemy zones are, and they do double the growth time for plants. That, and the fast travel option isn't working right now, so if you're wanting to go anywhere, you're hoofin' it, pardon the pun.
RiderOnTheStorm: GOTHY! Where are you? I thought you'd be in the beginner area like we were?
NaughtySexyGothGirl: I planned to be, but my sister dragged me into a late night run through the Cave Of Endless Despair with her guild, that aggravating level 50-60 dungeon. Her buddies are, at most, level 50, so they wanted a level 80 to hold their hands, in case things got rough. They did: Half the guild suddenly ditched in the middle of the raid boss. I ended up doing a lot of the heavy lifting, and the fight went on into the wee hours of the morning. As soon as we returned to the main hub, I logged off, and only got up about five minutes ago. They renamed the hub city 'Canterlot', just so you'll know. Sorry for not being there with you guys. If I can find a way out of town, I'll join up as soon as I can, but it'll be a long walk through hostile territory with fast travel out. I'm hoping I can use my mount once I'm out of town, but I can't make any promises.
RiderOnTheStorm: I'll forgive you this time, but if anything else happens today, I'll pin you and tickle you tomorrow night...
NaughtySexyGothGirl: Ooooh, promises, promises. You're lucky I'm into that kind of thing, sweetie.
Shadowfax: Yes, yes, we all know you two are going at it like march hares. Keep it to the private chat, please. The admins come down hard on that kind of talk, remember?
NaughtySexyGothGirl: Fine, fine, spoil all our fun. So, how's the dance party?
RiderOnTheStorm: Hilarious. And get this: Some of the NPC's are joining in!

One hour earlier...

The last thing that Applejack had expected to see when she reached Ponyville was scores of dancing ponies similar to the one she saw at Sweet Apple Acres...

She had to admit, though, these odd ponies definitely had some moves. Unlike the gardening stallion she'd seen, their moves were incredibly fluid, almost supernaturally so. Strangely, they were all dancing in place, rather than moving around like most ponies would.

And naturally, because there were ponies dancing, Pinkie Pie was right there in the middle of it, mimicking the moves of the strange ponies, or 'Strangers' as they were currently being called. According to Rainbow Dash, the ponies had somehow arranged themselves so that their dancing bodies formed a somewhat crude design of a pony in mid-gallop when seen from the air. With no one having heard the Strangers speak, that had intrigued Twilight Sparkle, since it suggested communication in a form that the ponies couldn't understand or perceive...

What was truly bizarre was the names of some of the Strangers: There was a unicorn with an tan coat and a brown mane, with the name 'ScionOfTorgue', dancing next to another unicorn, this one bright green with a shockingly bright purple mane, named 'YOLO720NOSCOPE'. She honestly had no idea who this 'Torgue' was, and as for the other, she wasn't even sure if those were actual words, or a random collection of letters and numbers...

...And she wasn't even going to start on' ButtStallion4Eva!', or 'GiganticCockatiel'. Who in their right mind would name their child that? And if it wasn't their birth name, then why in the world would they chose... those for names?

"And you've got one doing some gardening back at Sweet Apple Acres?"

Applejack looked over at Twilight and nodded in response to her friend's question, then added, "Yup. He looked a bit off, so I thought I'd call you over and check it out. I didn't reckon on you having a situation like this."

Twilight, looking surprisingly calm considering the weirdness of what was going on, nodded, and said, "There's ponies like this all over Equestria, according to Celestia and Luna. They sent me a letter just a few minutes ago, describing it. Not all of the 'Strangers' are dancing like these are, or gardening, but they've proven to be completely harmless... unless you attack them, like the Bugbear learned today."

Right, that had been another big surprise: The bugbear had apparently broken out of Tartarus and come back, looking for revenge. These strangers, the moment the beast had appeared, had banded together and subdued the beast in seconds. It was currently sitting nearby, bound and gagged, waiting for the royal guard to come and pick it up for transport back where it belonged.

It had taken Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, and their friends most of a day to stop the Bugbear last time: The idea that a group of seemingly ordinary ponies could overwhelm a beast that had proven a challenge even to professional monster hunters was a little scary. If even a few of them were to suddenly turn hostile...

Tapping her hoof against her chin, she seemed to think for a moment, then came to a decision. "I'm almost certain it's a prank from Discord for Trickster Day, and were it anything else, I'd be tempted to try a banishment spell to send these ponies back where they come from. Since it is a prank, and Discord promised that he'd undo anything he did at the end of the day, I'm willing to be patient." She paused, then added, "Still, for my peace of mind, once, I've finished taking a few measurements, I'd like to check on the pony at Sweet Apple Acres, just to be safe. None of the other strangers seemed to be doing any sort of work, or really anything constructive at all, so it might be worth investigating..."

...An hour later...

"...From now, until the end of my life, I am yours, and yours alone."

Twilight Sparkle's mouth was hanging open in surprise, she knew, but she couldn't help it. She and Applejack had arrived just in time to see the end of the battle, and the changeling's vow of loyalty to the Stranger. This was an unprecedented level of interaction between a Stranger and another living creature: While the entities were definitely not hostile, they seemed to treat ponies less like living creatures and more like a sort of living furniture. The fact that this one had directly intervened to save the life of a living creature from hostile predators, and then gave the rescued changeling a healing potion, suggested a far greater level of intelligence and compassion than the Strangers had demonstrated before. But the question remained, did this stranger understand what had just happened? Did it even understand the words that the changeling had spoken.

After a brief pause, the Stranger nodded.

There was a sudden flash of light around the changeling, and suddenly, she was wearing a cloak, green in color, with the image of a white horse in mid-gallop upon her back, with a sun blazing in the corner, all bound about her throat with a clasp of gold.

Before Twilight could say anything, a tree suddenly shot out of the ground, going from a tiny seedling to full-grown in a heartbeat. This was repeated six times more, each tree a different shape and size, and each bearing a different fruit, none of them could be identified by the well-read alicorn...

"Wonders upon wonders," the changeling said, breathlessly, looking up at the trees in awe. Twilight couldn't argue with her: There was a great deal more going on here than the princess had imagined possible.

Fruits began to fall from the trees, all of which was quickly collected by the stallion with an efficiency that made even an expert apple farmer like Applejack look like a rank amateur. As soon as all of his goods were harvested, the trees suddenly withered and died, and the stallion, strangely enough, pulled two vials out from nowhere, and seemed to be moving a fluid from one to another. After a few seconds, it suddenly rained scores of potion bottles, all of them identical to one another: A gold and glass creation with the letters 'EXP', followed by a plus sign. The stranger quickly picked the potions up, and promptly began walking away. The changeling, after a moment's hesitation, followed after him, nodding to Applejack and Twilight as she passed.

Curious, Twilight turned to follow the two, but paused. After a brief discussion, she told Applejack to follow, and that she would catch up. She walked over to where the trees were standing only a minute ago, and studied the ground: It was completely unmarked, as if the planting and the miracle trees had not been there at all...

Curiouser and curiouser...