• Published 4th Aug 2015
  • 16,344 Views, 182 Comments

The Rohan Chronicles: The Brand New Day - Bucking Nonsense

A chronicle of The Brand New Day, an event that causes the world of Equestria to merge with an MMORPG, and brings thousands, if not millions, of human players along for the ride.

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You Make An Ass Out Of You And Me

**Changeling**: Hello?
ScionOfTorgue: Holy cow, it worked! Hi!
NaughtySexyGothGirl: OMG!!!
YOLO720NOSCOPE: No way. This is like ten million times beyond any prank the admins have done before...
RiderOnTheStorm: Heh. Answer this as quickly as you can: As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives. Every wife had seven sacks, and every sack had seven cats. Every cat had seven kittens, KITTENS CATS SACKS AND WIVES, HOW MANY WERE GOING TO ST IVES?
NaughtySexyGothGirl: She's been here less than a minute, and you're trying to mess with her AI? Rude much?
**Changeling**: One. Or maybe zero, depending on whether you're counting yourself in the riddle. No kittens, cats, sacks, or wives were going to St Ives, unless the traveler was going faster than they were, and they were all going in the same direction.
ScionOfTorgue: Wow. That was faster than I would have expected.
RiderOnTheStorm: Impressive. Two potentially correct answers, implying genuine analysis of the question asked, as well as an explanation of how you came by the answer. I'd almost swear I was talking to a real person.
**Changeling**: ...A 'real person'? Well, why don't you just insult me to my face, then?
RiderOnTheStorm: Excuse me?
**Changeling**: I know that changelings aren't exactly the most popular species around, but we are real people, just like how you're a real jerk.
YOLO720NOSCOPE: Oh snap, you got burned by an NPC, dawg!
**Changeling**: That had better not have been an insult, mister green text whose name I can't pronounce. I didn't come here to be insulted.
NaughtySexyGothGirl: Then where do you usually go?
**Changeling**: ...HA! Good one. Alright, um... quick question. What does NPC stand for? And AI?
NaughtySexyGothGirl: Acronym for Non-Player Character. AI means Artificial Intelligence.
**Changeling**: And why did he call me that?
RiderOnTheStorm: ...Now that is one heck of a question. I'm not exactly sure how to phrase the answer now. Um, if you'll accept an apology for what I said earlier, I'll give you as detailed an explanation as I can.
**Changeling**: Deal. Start talking.

This is only getting more and more confusing, Twilight Sparkle thought to herself as Ponyville finally came into view. She understood that video games were a thing on 'Earth', which she had visited twice before. Was there some manner of connection between the Strangers and the world beyond the mirror?

Perhaps even worse, the explanation that this 'RiderOnTheStorm' was giving, if true, had terrifying implications...

Equestria certainly wasn't a 'game', whatever these 'Players' seemed to think. However, if the world of Equestria was a video game to them, then there was a possibility that they might do something terrible, not realizing that they were hurting real people, not fictional characters.

She'd need to head to her palace, and pick up her spell books for some research, pronto: She had little experience in crafting new arcane works, but perhaps if she cobbled together a few bits and pieces from existing spells, she might put together something that would help these players see that this was a real world that they were playing in...

She didn't consider the possibility of a new spell doing any lasting harm to anyone or anything: After all, Discord had promised he'd undo anything that he'd done by the end of the day, right?

Princess Luna wandered the streets of Canterlot, now that court had been deferred due to the unusual circumstances of the day. Normally, she'd had just turned in until it was time to set the sun and raise the moon, but something was bothering her.

One of the major drawbacks of being an alicorn is that one cannot help but eventually become a reflection of what one represents. While Cadance and Twilight were still young, so they were not yet at the point where such... changes might be readily apparent, both Celestia and Luna had long ago become such living representations of primal forces of the world.

Celestia represented the sun, and as such, she radiated warmth (Not quite literally, although she could crank up the heat if need be). Ponies felt that warmth, and were drawn to it. Luna represented the moon, and the moon can only reflect warmth, not generate it. Thus, a thousand years ago, because she had been alienated by the very ponies that she had dedicated her life to serve, the lunar princess had turned... dark. These days, Luna was able to reflect the warmth, kindness, and affection that others felt for her.

This meant that, unlike Celestia who broadcasted her affections to all around her, Luna was incredibly sensitive to the feelings of others...

This sensitivity allowed her to know when others were experiencing nightmares, both literally and figuratively. Somewhere in Canterlot, a pony was experiencing a sort of waking nightmare, and it was Luna's sworn duty, as the keeper of Equestria's dreams and defender of its innocence, to find out what was going on, and remedy the situation.

...However, she wasn't expecting the individual who was radiating such fear, such limitless terror, to be one of the Strangers.

He stood on a sidewalk, unmoving and unblinking. He was garbed, less like a soldier or warrior like the others had been, and more like some great warrior king. "The-Lion-Of-The-North," Luna said, reading the words above his head aloud. Strange. These outsiders either had very strange names, or a fondness for nicknames. She couldn't help but wonder if it was one that the immobile stranger had earned, or perhaps simply one he had borrowed for another...

Celestia studied the dancing Strangers as she continued eating cake, her secretary taking notes as the princess dictated them between bites.

"Names containing the words 'Naruto', 'Sasuke', 'Luffy', and 'Goku', preceded or followed by a sequence of letters and/or numbers seem to be the most common," she observed aloud. "There's an odd correlation between the presence of those words and a lower 'Level'. In this room, I do not see a single Stranger above level twenty with those words in their name. I also note that while many low-level characters have names that are threatening in some fashion, only a small number of high level characters have a name that proclaim themselves dangerous or some sort of threat."

She silently added to herself, 'Although Level 99 DarkdeathEvilman sticks out like a minotaur in a crowd of ponies, especially with that sinister-looking armor he now wears...'

The individual in question was sporting a suit of armor that, surprisingly enough, seemed to be made of well-polished gold, although the beastial appearance and the spiky decorations definitely proclaimed him as someone supremely dangerous. A pair of clawed gauntlets were strapped to his back, which made her wonder if, in battle, this individual might stand upon his hind legs and wield those upon his forehooves, so that he might appear as some manner of two-legged tiger...

There were too many questions here, and the names were just the start, although they were among the most puzzling. If they didn't engage in verbal conversation, then were the fearsome names like some sort of threat display that they outgrew when they became stronger? Were the common names meant to give them some sort of sense of belonging? And what about this 'GarnetAmethystPearl' who was standing beside 'ANDSTEVEN111', and seemed inseparable from one another? Was there a joke that she wasn't getting?

There was also the repetition of the word 'man' in many of the names, like 'ImBatman', 'SupermanRoxorzMyBoxorz', and 'ManlyManMansManily'. Celestia remembered Twilight's tales of the land beyond the mirror, where 'humans' were the only sapient lifeform, and the males of the species were referred to as men. Was there a connection?

And if this was a prank by Discord... then what was the punchline?

Discord smiled as he finished the last touch on his masterpiece.

Upon an easel sat a painting of Twilight Sparkle... as a winged spork. The words 'Princess Twilight Sporkle' lined the bottom. He'd been at work at it for hours, since the moment he'd returned home after hearing about Trickster Day. His plan was to replace Equestria's normally blue sky with this delightfully amusing picture, and cycle it out with a few others, such as the ones that stood nearby: 'Buttershy', 'Marshmarity', 'Princess Balloona', and 'Chickaloo', just to name a few. It would be hilarious when his friends saw these embarrassing images displayed across the heavens!

He'd gone without sleep, working all through the night and most of the day on this prank. He was certain that it would be the most spectacular thing the ponies would see all day...