• Published 15th Aug 2015
  • 1,236 Views, 19 Comments

Full Friendship's Magic #1 (The Filly From Mitaly) - Reykatan

There are many mysteries behind the world of Friendship is Magic, all lost in history. Until one pony unlocks it.

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Scroll of Modesty Chapter 3 : Just like her (revised)

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Oh, cousin! I'm so glad you’re finally here!

It’s good to finally be here Pinkie . . Now would you mind letting me g-

I've been waiting like forever to see you again! Do you feel the same? Do yah?

Not a day passes by, that wouldn't feel the same about it, an-

I knew it! I knew it! Now that you're here, we're going to have The Best Stay EVER!

Uh, Pinkie . . . ”Applejack walks up to the Pie cousins. ”Didn't mean to get in your way on your reunion but uh, I think your cousin could use a little air.

Little air? Oh!” Without realizing it, Pinkie pie is squishing her cousin too tight. She immediately lets go of her cousin. ”Whoops sorry about that cousin.

It's ok . . . I remember you hugged me that tight when we first met.

Oh yeah, I did, did I?

Uh, huh . . . I guess from now on I should get used to being hugged by you.” The two Pie cousins laugh while the rest looks at them.

Rainbow dash swoops in at the Pie cousins. ”OK then, now that's out of the way. Uh Pinkie, aren't you gonna introduce us to your cousin?

Oh right. Where are my manners? Cousin Pizza, these are my Best friends in Ponyville! Best friends in Ponyville meet my Best Pie cousin from Mitaly!

Welcome to Ponyville Pizza pie!” The ponies greeted Pizza pie with a warm smile, Pizza pie bows and greets back.

H-Hello, it's nice to meet you all.” Pizza pie leans over to her cousin. ”Pinkie. Are these your friends' cousin Marble and cousin Lime are talking about?

Yup, they sure are! This is Rainbow Dash, she's one of the fastest pegasi around! No pony could ever beat her in a race, she's also a member of the Wonderboltz, and Oh! Oh! She can also perform awesome tricks and even the amazing, spectacular, famous Sonic Rainboom!

Yup, that's me. Nice to meet you Pizza pie! And hey, if you wanna do something cool or awesome stuff, then I'm your mare for the job.

Oh, that’s sounds great.” Pizza pie hoof bumps at Rainbow dash. ”I'll look forward to it.

Applejack rolled her eyes.”Oh, brother . . .

This is Applejack. She lives in Sweet Apple Acres where the apple trees can be seen for miles and miles grown there! We sometimes helped her out by bucking all the apples making apple cider and selling them like hotcakes! She’s also the most honest and reliable pony in Equestria! And to that, you can say she's an apple to the core”.

Applejack tips her hat.”Please to meet ya Pizza pie. Hope you stopped by at the barn sometime. There, you taste some of my granny Smith's sweet apple pie. I guarantee you'll love it.

I'll take you up on your offer.”Pizza pie smiles and shakes hooves.”And nice to meet you Applejack.

Uh-oh, were you going?” Pinkie pulls in Fluttershy after she sees her slowly hiding behind the luggage. ”This shy mare here is Fluttershy,. She has all sorts of animals in her cottage at home. She talks to them, takes good care of them and sometimes ponies start calling her “the critter whisperer” behind her back.” Pinkie giggled.

Wa-Wait, they do? . . . . P-Pinkie, w-why didn't you say anythin-” Pinkie pie pushes Fluttershy facing Pizza pie. ”Oh! Uh . . . . U-Um hello, It's nice to meet you Pizza pie . . . And welcome to Ponyville.

Hi Fluttershy. Well, I got a pet too, but I only have one, who's been with me forever. Her name is Colours.” She grabs her pouch and looks inside for her pet.”Colours, come out and say hi to everyone.

From the pouch, outcomes a little chameleon crawled its way to Pizza's mane, staring at ponies with its ditzy eyes

OH! You brought Colours with you too?! That's super fantastic! Looks like Gummy here's gonna have a new little playmate.” Pinkie pie reaches in her mane and pulls out Gummy, nomming on it.

Awwww . . . Hello little one, you look soo cute. I-I barely seen anypony who has a chameleon pet before. . .

Well, she's cute all right, but sometimes she's a bit of a clutz.”Colours fall off Pizza's mane and into the ground. She bumps into Gummy who is just staring at her point-blank. ”She's also quite a hoof-full to handle.

Oh, I see . . . I-If you want, you can take Colours to my cottage to play with the other animals. I guarantee she'll make some new friends there. If it's alright with you I mean . . . .

Sure, sounds fun! Right Colours?” Colours just stared at gummy, eyes looking in different directions.”I think that's a yes.

Rarity steps forward and taps on Fluttershy’s shoulder. ”Um . . . If I may dear.

Oh, of course . . . Rarity.” Fluttershy moves aside carrying Colours. ”Excuse me Pizza pie but, may I borrow Colours for a while?

Sure thing Fluttershy. Colours be good ok?

Colours looked back at Pizza pie as she's carried away by Fluttershy.”Now let's get you something to eat . . . you must be starving.

Rarity walks up to Pizza pie, and politely introduces herself. ”Ehem, Hello, my name is Rarity. I too am Pinkie Pie's best friend. Now, you may not know but I do run a-

Fashion boutiques here in Ponyville, Canterlot, and Manehatten? Contain only the on-the-top styles of gowns and dresses designed by you truly.

Uhhh . . . . .” Rarity was surprised and left speechless. ”T-that's true, but H-how did you know I run a boutique? or even three of them?

Oh! Oh!” Pinkie pie bounces between Rarity and Pizza pie.”Is it a hunch of yours cousin?

Pizza pie nods and replies.”Well that, and I heard it from Lime, Marble, some ponies in the train, this pamphlet here,” Pizza pie shows the pamphlet of Rarity's boutique from her pouch. “and Photo finish told me.

Oh, I guess that makes sense. I mean else would you know-” Rarity suddenly drops the pamphlet in surprise. “P-P-Photo finish told you? Y-You know Photo finish?

Well yeah, I know her. She's one of my personal photographers in Mitaly. And also one of my closest friends there.

Closest friend, you say darling?” Rarity nervously replied.

She is. Since we were kids. She moves in with her family in Mitaly a few days after Cousin Pinkie pie's visit. She took photography classes till she gained her cutie mark. She and I met when we worked together on some projects.

A-And what is your occupation on that project may I ask?. . .

Oh, nothing major really, just a model and a spokes-mare to my Papa's restaurant.

Here Rarity, take a look at these!” Pinkie shoves a magazine at Rarity's face, with pictures of Pizza pie on the cover.”It just so happens this also comes with the letter from before. Luckily Mrs. Cake gave it to me as soon as I got home!

Rarity is surprised that her friend’s cousin had a top-class occupation. ”Oh, Wow you’re quite beautiful in this dear, especially the clothes your- ” She then notices something familiar from one of Pizza pie's pictures in the magazine. ”A-are those my designs you’re wearing darling?

Ah, that's right I did. Photo finish recommends wearing some of your designs during some shots. A lot of ponies like the dresses you made, they assume that we're close and you're making dresses for me just for those shoots.” Pizza pie smiles. “Hehe, so in short, you got a fan base back home.

I have a FA-FA-FANBASE?!- I-I mean, that sounds amazing. I-I didn’t know.” Rarity laughs awkwardly. “I'm sorry dear, but if you all excuse me just for a moment . . . .” She then turns around, taking a few steps, and faints on the ground.

Uhhh . . . . Is she always like that?” Pizza pie asked.

Rainbow dash flies over to check on Rarity.”Most likely when it comes to meeting a high-class pony, but she's fine.

Me high-class?” Pizza pie chuckled. ”No I'm not, aside from where I'm born. I'm just like anypony else. . .” As Pizza pie turns back to Pinkie pie, she sees Twilight standing behind her. ”Hey, you're Princess Twilight Sparkle am I right?

Twilight teleports in front of Pizza pie, introducing herself. ”The one and only, and as one of Pinkie pies' dearest friends, let me just say it is an honor to have you staying in Ponyville.

Aww shucks. . . . ” Pizza pie bows to Twilight. ”I'm no special pony to be welcomed by a Princess like you.

O-Oh, no need to bow Pizza.” Twilight lifts Pizza pie's hooves. ”And of course you are. After all, we are your cousin's best friends. We have to make a first good impression of ourselves.” Twilight leans behind Pizza pie and sees her friends. Fluttershy petting colours, Applejack fanning Rarity with her hat, and Rainbow dash pulls over a cloud and dumbs Rain on the both of them. ”Uhh . . . . P-Plus Pinkie Pie here even throw you a party on your arrival.

Twilight's right cousin.” Said Pinkie pie leaping over between them.”We made you the biggest welcome party ever!! Taking place right here, at The Biiiig Castle!” Pinkie pie grabs her cousin's head and points her at the tree castles. A beam of light flashes down on it, shining across Ponyville with all its harmonious glory.

The ponies reached the castle and Spike greeted them at the entrance and opened the castle doors. Pinkie pie drags her cousin inside, giving her a castle tour.

Here is the main hall, over here is the art gallery, hallways, the Library, Hallways, the Kitchen, more hallways, Twilight's personal library, Hallways with art glasses!

The ponies were following behind the pie cousins and Rainbow dash started to get impatient. ”Uhhgg. . . How much longer is this tour?! We've been walking for hours!

It’s only been for ten minutes, plus you're flying.” Twilight replied sarcastically. ”So stop complaining and have a little patience just for today.

WHATEVER! Just tell Pinkie pie to get on with the par-

And over here is the best part of the castle.” Pinkie shows Pizza pie the big door leading to the last room. She pushed it open and everyone walked in. ”The Friendship table!

The room is decorated with balloons, confetti, streamers, and a banner that says "Welcome cousin Pizza pie" with a drawn picture of herself. Pizza pie is surprised and happy to see it.

So, cousin, do you like it? Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?” Pinkie pie gets close to Pizza pie’s face smiling while her friends are behind her.

This . . . This is just Perfect. Thank you for setting this up cousin, I loved it. ” Pizza pie hugs her cousin tight.” You made me feel more welcome than ever.

I'm sooo glad you feel that way! I prepared it just as I used to throw you a party back at your home!

That's right you did and as always it’s spectacular. I'll this cherish moment just like before.

I bet you do, and now that we're all here.” Pinkie hops on top of the friendship table. ”Are you ponies ready to party rock?!


Good! Let's get this party started!” Pinkie pie pulls out her party cannon and fires it all over the room.

The ponies partied along with their new visitor. Everyone is laughing, playing, and dancing together. Hours pass, and the ponies sit in a circle facing a glowing lava lamp in the middle. Pinkie pie shares her adventures with her friends at Pizza pie.

And then everyone in Equestria showed up on top of the hill, all ready to face Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and little miss whatsherface-"

Twilight face-hoofed and corrected Pinkie pe. ”For the last time Pinkie it's Cozy glow, COZZY GLOW.

Right, right. So anyway, everyone was there. We joined in too. It was a tough fight but we gave it our best. It didn't take longer than five minutes, we won! We took all the stolen magic and gave it back to everyone and we all lived happily ever after. The end.

After hearing Pinkie pie’s story, her friends look at each other and get awkwardly silent.

Uhh . . . ” Applejack leans over to Rarity. ”Did it really take five minutes?

At this point darling, I can't be bothered to question it.

Right. . . .

Pizza pie applauded at her cousin's stories. ”Wow, that's amazing cousin! I never knew you helped save Equestria countless times. So what happened to those three?

Oh, they were turned to stone so those meanies will never bother anyone again.

Uh, stone?” Pizza pie asked.

Yeah, you can see them somewhere at the center of Ponyville, serving as the new wishing well!

Yeah, a wishing well . . . . really?” Rainbow dash turns to Twilight. ”You could've handed them over to Princess Celestia or locked them in Tartarus or something.

I know it's silly Rainbow, but trust me, having them placed in plain sight is more certain that they are watched 24/7.” Twilight grabs her telescope and flies to the window. She peeks through using the telescope and sees ponies passing by, throwing bits at the pond surrounding it. ”Besides, I've done the math. All these villains are on the loose in the first place, because there's little supervision if they are placed somewhere isolated.

That's a mighty valid point Twilight.” Said Applejack.”Sometimes, the best way to keep an eye on danger is placing them in harm's way.

That seems like a risky move to me. Why not just get guards to keep an eye on them?

Oh please, Rainbow dash.” Said Rarity sipping a cup of tea. ”I thought you’re all about taking risks? Why the concern all of a sudden?

I know you're still mad at me from earlier Rarity.

Whatever do you mean darling?” Rarity raises her eye brow at Rainbow dash.

Uhhhggg, Whatever. But still, hello?!” Rainbow dash points out the window. ”Those three out there are one of the biggest threats in Equestria aside from Discord.

D-Discord?” Pizza pie nervously asked. “Discord who?

Oh, he's that one guy who has a head of a pony and mixed parts for a body. You can't miss him. He really lived up to his name as the Spirit of Chaos by just looking like that.


Yes Pizza pie. But he's not all bad. . . .” Said Fluttershy flying next to Pizza pie. ”N-Not like before I mean, he's been such a help to us and quite a sweetheart.

Applejack chuckled. ”My bad for laughing Sugar Cube but, Uhh . . . are you sure we're talkin about the same Discord Fluttershy? Cause he sure has a funny way of being helpful.

Applejack it's true. These past few days he hasn't used his magic to trick ponies. He really proved himself to be a fine citizen of Ponyville.

Welp, so long as you're around to lecture him.” Said Applejack, grabbing a cider from the table.. ”Best to keep remindin ya.

I-I guess. Say, why not I let you meet Discord Pizza pie? It'd be nice if the two of you knew each other-


. . . . . . . .

Uhh. . . I-I mean . . . I'd like to meet this Discord guy. But my focus today is to spend time with my cousin.” Pizza pie grabs Pinkie pie holding her shoulder. ”We got some catching up to do after all.

Yup, that's right! I even made a list for us to do!” Pinkie pie pulls out a list and unravels it. The end rolls to the ground and exits the room.

Oh ok then . . . Some other time I guess. . .

Neat. Uh . . . excuse me, but I gotta go to the little mares room. . . .” Pizza pie stood up and headed out of the room, she looked at both sides of the hallway confused. ”Uh . . . where is it exactly?

Oh, oh!” Pinkie pie hops towards her cousin. ”I'll show you where it is cousin. Sorry, girls we'll be back in just a minute.” Pinkie leads the way while Pizza pie follows behind her.

As the Pie cousins leave the room, the ponies look at each other and are curious about Pizza pie reaction earlier.

What was that all about?” Said Rainbow dash, breaking the silence.

What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

She just went full 1 80 on Fluttershy's offer to meet Discord. Not that it's a surprise or anything that no one wants to meet him.” Rainbow dash turns to Fluttershy. ”No offense I mean.

Oh, N-None taken Rainbow dash. It's just odd that Pizza pie would react that way.

Pretty sure she heard of Discord from Mitaly and got scared at the fact he’s just around the corner.

Oh, dear I never thought of that. Maybe I should give some time for them to meet. And besides Discord left a note saying he’d be away for a few days.

Applejack grabs the note from Fluttershy and reads it. “Hmmm . . . . “Gone off to see the word, be back in a few days” – Discord. Well, that’s reassuring, that’ll give Pizza pie some time to feel right at home here.
Indeed darling.” Said Rarity. “With him around, I’m sure he’ll be plotting something to prank the poor mare.

I don’t think he would Rarity." Said Twilight. "If Fluttershy said that he’s been behaving these past few weeks then I trust that he will make a good impression once they meet.

Rainbow dash yawns and replies. “Yeah right Twilight, whatever you say.

Meanwhile, the Pie cousins were walking past the hallways, heading to the bathroom. Pinkie pie continues to babble while Pizza pie follows behind.

How could I forget to show the bathrooms in my castle tour? It’s not like that important to know where it is, especially right now. Come to think of it, I don't think ponies ever mention any bathrooms at a tour, and funny that this castle is made of a crystal tree that turned into a castle because Twilight's old tree house burned down an-

(No . . . It couldn't be . . . here? Of all the places to be, why in Ponyville. . . .)” Pizza pie muffles, lost in thoughts.

Cousin? Cousin Pizza pie?” Pinkie waves her hoofs across to Pizza pie's face. ”Hello? Ponyville to cousin, come in cousin.

Huh?! huh?!” Pizza pie shakes her head and looks at Pinkie pie. ”Oh, S-Sorry . . . I wasn't paying attention.

Well, I was gonna say that we’re here.” Pinkie points at the bathroom door. ”Now, don't take long ok cousin? We gotta get back to the girls and share more stories.

Sure thing Pinkie. . .

After few minutes later, the Pie cousin returned to their friends who were waiting for them.

Sorry, it took so long girls.” Pinkie pie sat down and dropped a plate of cookies on the table. ”I had to grab something in the kitchen for us to munch on. ” Pinkie Giggled. ”Hope you don't mind Twilight?

It's alright Pinkie, just help yourselves.

The ponies each grabbed a piece and went back to their seats.

So uh, what did we miss?” Pizza pie asked.

Twilight lowers her book and replies. ”Nothing much, Just chatting about how close you and Pinkie are.

Why wouldn't we be close? I've been waiting to see cousin Pinkie again ever since. She's the reason I got to be who I am right now.” Pizza pie looks at her cousin and smiles. Pinkie pie smiles back with her teeth covered in cookie mush.

Well, I agree with ya Pizza.” Said Applejack, passing a napkin to Pinkie pie. ”It was fun having Pinkie here for a cousin.

Oh, Wait. So is Pinkie pie your cousin too Applejack?

Uhh. . . not to the point that it's true, it was a small misunderstanding. Long story short, one of Granny Smith's folks misread the family tree. So technically we aint from the same branch of the apple tree. . . .

Oh, that's too bad though. I can imagine what would the family name be.

The Apple Pie Family! JINX!!” They all laughed including Applejack and Pizza pie.

Ehem. . . Soo uhh, Pizza dear. I've been meaning to ask you. What made you decide to move to Ponyville in the first place?

Well Rarity, it’s a long story too. But in short, it was a promise I made to cousin back then. A promise I kept until the day we met again.

How sweet of you determined to keep such a promise to darling Pinkie. May I ask what that promise was dear?

Pizza pie sighs and stands up, pointing at herself. “It’s me. How I look like is my promise.

Uh, what?” Applejack replied. ” So, your promise is-

By looking just like Pinkie pie? ” Said Rainbow dash confused. ”You serious?

Yes, pretty serious.” Said Pizza pie in a straight face.

. . . . .

Sigh . . . . Don't pretend you don't notice it. I can tell from your faces earlier. You were confused when I stepped out of the train looking exactly like Pinkie pie.

. . . . . . . .

Well, I noticed it.” Rainbow dash bluntly replied, then got elbowed by Applejack.”WHAT?

Hmmmm. . . . ” Pinkie pie rubs her chin, thinking. ”I do remember you promised me that. But what I don't remember is if it was a pinkie promise . . .

It is a pinkie promise cousin. It was right after you headed home. In fact, it was our first pinkie promise too.

Ah! That's right! How could I forget the very first pinkie promise?!” Pinkie closes in Pizza's face. ”Hmm . . . . Come to think of it, you do look different than we last met. . .

Rainbow dash face-hoofed and replied. ”You just notice it now?!

I don't just look cousin different, I feel different too. So uh-

Pinkie pie then hugs her cousin tight.”Oh cousin, you're still sweet as ever! You haven't changed a bit! Well except for the part you look like me now but not as pink.

Really Pinkie? How come you haven't realized it earlier?

Well Twilight, I was so happy to see my cousin so much, that it didn't cross my mind that she gave herself a huge makeover!

. . . . .

As you expect from dear Pinkie pie, she doesn’t pay attention to others' appearance at first.” Rarity replied. ”Why I mean, this isn't the first time she's been this clueless.

I can tell when I first met her Rarity.” Pizza pie giggled. ”And with that, I guess you can say that “I am my own Pinkie pie”.

Wow! That's one way to think about it.” The Pie cousin laughs and hoof bumps. ”But still, I can't believe you did. Even our cutie marks are similar!” Pinkie pie looks closely at Pizza pie’s flanks, and comparing to hers. ”Yup, it's like you're my reflection come to life!

Uh . . . Yeah, reflection right.” Pizza awkwardly smiles at Pinkie. “It’s kinda embarrassing cousin, can we talk about something else?

The ponies look at each other, thinking the same question. They all nodded and looked at the Pie cousin. They pushed Applejack, letting her be the one to ask the question.

So, uhh . . . sugar cube, can I call you that?

Sure it's fine by me Applejack.

Uhh, Me and the girls were wondering how you and Pinkie pie met. I-I mean we just know from it from her letter that you were coming to Ponyville. And Not that I'm bein nosey between cousins, but just out of curiosity.

Yeah, and what made you think looking like Pinkie could make a good promise-

Twilight then bonks Rainbow dash with a book.”Haha, Sorry about Rainbow here. What she was trying to say is-

No, she's right. You all deserve a proper explanation about all this. It's no use in ignoring it. . . ”.

Oh, Darling it's fine if you're not ready to tell us. We'll just leave that aside-

No, you're my cousins’ friends so it's only fair for you girls to know the past me. . . . the old me. . .

. . . .

The ponies gathered together as Pizza pie sat in the center, all eager to listen to her story.

It all started when I was a little filly . . .

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10 years ago.

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I was a different pony. I acted different, sounded different, and even my mane was different. I live with Papa at our small Pizza parlor. Every day it was all work, work, work. Papa is a type of pony who's so busy, that he doesn’t spend time with his only child. Mama died when I was three, I couldn't remember what or if I was there when it happened. We only have a picture of her at our small altar where we offer food. Papa told me that Mama always fixes my mane whenever it gets messy, she even grooms it constantly to keep it neat and pretty. Papa helped too, it was one of the few times we spent together as a family.

Since then, Papa felt so sad, that he drowns all his focus at his restaurant. And what he wants from me is to be an elegant pony just like Mama was. Polite, Reliable, and, never complains. I don't know why, but if it's the only way to make Papa proud of me, I did it anyway. Even if it means giving up to be myself.

So every day during work, Papa lectures me on running the restaurant, being sophisticated, and having fine taste in dining. I listen to every word Papa says without any comments. I applied all my learnings and became the pony that he always wanted me to be. I wasn't comfortable with what I turned into, but seeing my Papa smile again was all that mattered.

From that, I completely put aside my needs, hobbies, and my happiness. I even gave up on finding my cutie mark. My only focus was helping Papa and nothing else. I don't have many friends, so I have all the time to work around at the restaurant. Not soon after, Papa applied me to an agency where I would start promoting our restaurant by modeling.

I appeared on some covers in Mitaly and became one of its top models. In short, I helped to make our restaurant the talk of the town. Customers are flowing in, almost daily. Because of that, we spend a lot of time making the orders as a family. I finally did it, I made my Papa proud of me. From then on, I never expected anything else anymore. Until one day everything changed.

Pizzaniac and her Papa are cataloging the ingredients until someone is knocking on the door. ”Pizzaniac dear, could you please get the door? I remember I changed the open sign to close. They must've not noticed it.

Yes, Papa.” She stood up from the table and went to the door. She opens the door without looking at who it is.” I'm sorry, but the restaurant is closed today. Please come back tomorrow and- ” As she looked up, it was an old gentle colt standing, and behind him were three fillies. The old colt walks up to her and responds.”

Hello, there little one. Is Mr. Pasta home?

Pizzaniac backs up and replies.”Uhh . . . I'm sorry but Papa's busy and-

Pizzaniac, what is taking you so long to get-” Pasta drops the ingredients on the floor, surprised at who's at the door. ”Igneous . . . . Igneous is that you?

Pasta! ” Igneous walks up to Pasta and gives him a big hug. ”It's been so long.

Indeed it has Igneous. H-How are you? Your last visit was at our wedding with Mia, though we don't talk much until the reception, it's good to see you, brother.

It's good to see you too. I'm sorry I haven't visited much, Mitaly is quite a far place to go just on a train ride.

I understand brother, but still, you manage to visit anyway.” The two colts laugh and hug once more. ”So what brings you here to Mitaly?

Other than missing my brother-in-law? Well, I got enough bits from my mining work to bring my little daughters anywhere. So I thought, why not use this opportunity to go visit Mitaly and see their distant uncle?

Oh, Igneous you haven't changed one bit. Always hardworking and a family pony.” He turns his head to the three fillies, leans down, and looks at them. ”So this must be your daughters.

The three fillies walk up to their uncle Pasta.

That's right. These are my sweet angels. Let me introduce them to you Pasta. This here is, Lime Stone Pie,

Hello, Uncle!

Marble Pie,

Mmmhmm . . .

And Pinkie Pie,

Hiiyaahh Uncle Pasta!

The three fillies smiled at their uncle with cheer.”We're so nice to meet you uncle!

Pasta smiled back and patted all three fillies. ”Igneous, you sure have such joyful children. They're so polite and adorable too.

Of course they are, I raised them well. I still do have one more daughter, but she's away on her rock studies and couldn't join us.

Oh is that so, that's amazing to hear. Well brother, I too raise a lovely daughter as well. Pizzaniac could you step up front, please?

Yes, Papa.” She walks up to her uncle and cousins. ”Ehem . . . Hello Uncle, Hello cousins. My name is Pizzaniac peach pie and it's nice to meet you all. “Pizzaniac gracefully bows to them, showing her elegance and manners.”

I introduce myself to them as politely as I can. I was so nervous, trying to not make a bad impression to my relatives. It was all so sudden too, never met or even heard of them before. When I looked up, one of my cousins smiled at me. It was the pink filly. Her smile is so bright, that she gives out that colorful vibe around her. She probably has the freedom she wanted to feel this happy. This is the first time I met a filly like her.

This is the time when I first met cousin Pinkie pie.

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~ End of chapter 3

Author's Note:

Some say, Imitation is a form of flattery, but in Pizza's case it's a promise to the one filly who changes her life in one visit. Pinkie is the sole reflection of her happiness right before losing a loved one. In this chapter, Pizza tells her new friends in ponyville of how she met her cousin and the promised they made.