• Published 15th Aug 2015
  • 1,236 Views, 19 Comments

Full Friendship's Magic #1 (The Filly From Mitaly) - Reykatan

There are many mysteries behind the world of Friendship is Magic, all lost in history. Until one pony unlocks it.

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Scroll of Modesty Chapter 5: My Pinkie promise part 2 (revised)

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Pizza pie looked all over the bakery but they were gone. She panicked and tried to sneak out to find them outside. As she got close to the exit, a voice stopped her.

Ehem. . .

Eeckk!!” She turns around and sees the baker standing behind her, crossing his hooves. ”Oh, H-Hello. . . I-I just realized that . . I-I left my wallet at home. . . And I was gonna go home and get it. . . So, uh . . .

The baker approaches her, leaning his face, and glares at Pizza pie. ”Hmm . . .

Uh, well how about uh . . .” She looks at the floor, avoiding eye contact with the baker. ”I can you uh . . put it in a tab?

The baker lifts her chin up. As soon as he got a good look at her, the baker instantly recognized the filly. ”Oh! I know that mane anywhere. . . You're Pizzaniac, Mia and Pasta's little girl.” said the baker.

Huh? Uh. . . do I know you?” Pizza pie asked.

Oh, right. You were still little when we met.” The baker takes off his hat and introduces himself. “I'm Custer, you're Papa's best colt.

Custer?. . . .Where did I hear that name-” She instantly recalls a young colt in her Parent’s wedding album. ”Wait! I remembered! You were next to Papa in the wedding pictures!

Yes, I was.” Custer smiles. “It was a memorable moment too.

I'm sorry if I didn't recognize you Mr. Custe-

Suddenly, the chimes from the door rang and two customers walked in. It's her Father and Uncle, Pizza pie slid under the table. Custer is confused, wondering why the filly is acting strange until he sees Pasta walking in.

Then one customer asked me about my home. He said “Your home is rather exquisite. Tell me how much is your roof cost?” I told him “Nothing, they're On the house.”

Both the colts chuckled as they reached the counter. “Oh, Pasta, you crack me up. It's still hard to believe that you have a sense of humor.

What can I say, I can be funny at times. So don't let this strict face fool you.

Oh yes, sir Pasta is quite a comedian when he's not stressed.” Custer walks up to the counter facing the two colts.

That's right. Igneous, you remember Custer? He and his father made the cake for my wedding. He was also my best colt.

Ah yes, it's been a while since I last saw you young colt.” Said Igneous. “How could I forget my brother-in-law’s best colt and his famous cake?

Shucks Mr. Igneous, I only helped my father bake it. I'm still grateful that you liked the cake.

Well, of course we do. It was the key piece of the reception. You certainly live up to your cutie mark.

Thank you, Mr. Pasta, and Mr. Igneous, that means a lot. And since I run my father's bakery now, I have to step up my game every day.

I admire your devotion Custer, your father raised you well.” Said Pasta proudly. “That's why making you my best colt is a good choice.

Really? I mean . . .” Custer scratches his head, flattered by their compliments. ”I-It was an honor to be one too.

If only my daughter could learn a thing or two from you.” Said Pasta stroking his chin. “Hmmm Say, how about you be her baking tutor?

A tutor me?” Custer replied surprised. “I don’t think I have the time sir.

That shouldn’t be a problem. Given the spare time she has, it would be a big help. At least she can do more than just entertain customers and list down orders. If that is, there aren't any photoshoots scheduled for her.

Gee, I'm not sure about that Brother.” Said Igneous. “Wouldn’t that take away your daughter's freedom and time to play with her friends?

Friends? Please Igneous, success comes first when you have a reputation. Pizzaniac is already committed to being the next in line in my business. And besides, she doesn't have any friends to begin with.

Pizza pie overheard their conversation. Her ears dropped and tears fell down her cheeks. She tries to avoid making a sound, despite hearing the hurtful words her Father says.

Brother, maybe the reason why she doesn't have any friends is because you don't allow her to have time for herself.

Look Igneous, we’re not discussing it again. Pizzaniac is my daughter and what I’m doing is what’s good for her.

Custer felt awkward having to listen to the two colts. He slowly walks away and goes back to the kitchen to pick up some pastries.

You’re right. I’m sorry again brother, I don't mean to judge your parenting-.” Said igneous.

It's fine brother, I understand. . . ” Pasta replied. “Let's get some bread and we’ll be on our way. Custer, can we have some sweet bread to go?

Oh, uh yes sir, right away.

Pizza pie peeks at the counter, seeing her father spitefully staring at her uncle. She feels terrible after hearing about her uncle's concern for her. Minutes later, Custer brought out a batch of freshly sweet bread to Pasta. They pay for their order and leave the bakery. Just as they left, She crawled out of the table. After what happened earlier, she feels ashamed and can't face her godfather.

Pizzaniac . . .

So now you know how Papa treats me every day. . .

No, I wasn't thinking about that. I'm sure your Papa has his reasons.

. . . . .

And of course, didn't mean what he sai-

Yes, he did. Papa was never the same after we lost Mama . . .

Custer approaches Pizza pie, comforting her. “. . . . Are you okay at least?

Yes, I'm fine . . . Don't worry.” She wiped her tears and smiled. ”Again, I'm sorry for barging here Mr. Custer . . .

Mr.? Oh no, Custer is just fine.” He gently pats Pizza pie's head. ”Besides, I hardly see you go to this side of town. So it just surprises me that you came in here with some friends.

Oh, they're not my friends, they're my cousins. Their Uncle Igneous's children, I was just dragged in here by one of- MY COUSINS!!” Pizza pie panics and paces back and forth. “Oh, did you see which way did they go?

Hmmm . . . Well, I saw those three sneak out and headed in that direction.” Custer points at the road, leading to the canals.

Oh! Ok got it. I wish I could stay and talk some more, but I need to find my cousins.

Oh, it's fine Pizzaniac, some other time then. Now run along.

Pizza pie nods and smiles. ”It's nice to meet you again Mr da-I mean Custer.

Don't mention it. Just stop by whenever you're free, alright?

Uh, huh I will. And Oh, I'll pay back the cupcakes we ea-

No worries Pizzaniac, it's on the house.

R-really? But I feel bad-

Consider it as a gift. Your Mama would've done the same.

. . . . Ok, if you say so. . . Thank you so much.

You're very welcome.

Pizza pie bows to Custer and quickly exits the bakery. He waves at the filly as she leaves, but his concern for her still bothers him.

(Poor filly, hopefully, things will turn out okay for her. . .)

Pizza pie heads her way to the canals, as Custer said. She avoids the main road, fearing that her Papa and uncle might see her. Then she sees a shortcut just ahead of her. Without hesitation, she went in and ran past some trash on the sides.

Those three good for nothing! I can't believe they just left me like that! What if Papa and Uncle Igneous got home and realized that were gone?! How can I explain to them that I lost my cousins in the city?! Papa would think that I'm not capable of handling things on my own . . . I can't believe I let this all happen?! I'm so Stupid! STUPID!! STUPID!! STUP-WHOAA!!"

Without looking, Pizza pie ran into some fillies just as she exited the shortcut. They fall to the ground in a daze and try to stand up.

Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was in a hurry, I wasn't looking and-

As she looks up, she recognizes the fillies. Two young colts and one mare. The fillies stared back and recognized her too.

Oh! Look who it is, look who it is.” One of the colts walks up to Pizza pie. He had a short curly mane with gold ingots for a cutie mark. ”It's the Uptown mare.

Pizza replies in a dead tone. ”Hey Carat.

Carat puts his hooves over her shoulders. ”Hey, what's with the attitude? We haven't seen you since the last photoshoot. How you've been pie?

Get off!” Pizza pie pushes Carat back. ”First of all, it's only been four days second, quit calling me pie!

Aww c'mon now, that's a fitting nickname for you. Since calling you by your first name sounds like it came from a tongue twister.

I'm telling you a thousand times, it's not a hard name to pronounce! It's Pizzaniac, Pizza-niac, get it right!

Pfft, whatever pie. Say, what are you doing out here anyway?

Uh, nothing.” Pizza pie nervously replies. ”I was just uh . . . strolling! that's right. Just strolling.

. . . In the alley?” The two colts look at each other confused. ”Are you for real?

I was just taking a shortcut, it's none of your business!

Whoa, just take it easy pie. I was just asking.

Well, you're getting on my nerves Carat.” Pizza pie then noticed the other colt behind Carat. She leans aside to see who it is. ”Who's he?

Oh! him.” Carat pulls his friend next to him. ”He's the new pony in town. We were just showing him around. His name is C-

Yeah, don't care. Look, I'm in a hurry okay? I need to get home before-

Before what?” The third filly walks up to Pizza pie. She wears a blue beret on her long creamy blond mane, vanilla white coat, and a Danish pastry for a cutiemark. ”Wow Pie. Way to give a first impression to a newcomer. You sure live up to your title of uptown mare.



The two young mares locked eyes, both glaring at each other. While the young colts felt the atmosphere changing by just looking at them.

I see you're still your Papa's trophy child.

And I see you're still stuck in third place.

Heh, Third place isn't so bad since I'm not under my parent's approval. It's just me and my talents that got me this far.

Funny. Considering a blank flank like me does the same thing, but better. No talents, just confidence.

Confidence? That's a funny way to pronounce “Luck.”

Funny again.” Pizza pie smirks. ”You call it luck, I call it in your face.

The static between the two fillies gets intense as they continue glaring at each other, while the two colts feel petrified.

Tch!! You're so full of yourself, just because things go your way! Unlike you, some of the fillies don’t try to make it a competition like you do.

You have no idea how wrong you are.” Pizza pie muffles while look away.

What was that?

I said, you're in my way, so move!

Carat steps in between the fillies, breaking the tension. ”Alright, Alright. You ladies got an act for each other but c'mon, just drop it for once? Dani you gotta stop pushing Pie’s buttons like that. And Pie you need to learn how to be humble.

Her humble? As if she can be one. Ever since she got second place, Pie's done nothing but rub it in my face!

Speak for yourself Danishya, you've been treating me like garbage from the start! It's only fair to boast what I achieved.

Like that matters, you’re only doing this just to keep your Papa’s rundown of a restaurant running. So it only makes sense you boast about it.

. . . . .

I’m surprised you didn’t get a cutie mark of it, it sure is hay suits you well- AAHH! My mane!

You take that back!

Pizza pie suddenly pulls Danishya’s mane out of anger. Then Carat immediately steps in and breaks up the fight between the two young fillies. As the three of them were preoccupied, Carat's friend smelled something off from across the block. He turns to his friends and walks up to Carat, pulling his tail.

Uh, Carat. . .

Not now.

He pulls Carat's tail a second time. ”Carat did you sme-

I’m little busy here.

Irritated, he pulls Carat's tail one more time. ”Seriously, just listen!

The last pull made Carat fall on his flank. ”What!? Can’t you see that I’m breaking them up-

He pulls in Carat's head and points him towards the smell. ”You smell that?

Carat sniffs the air and immediately picks up the scent. ”Yeah, I smell it too. Uhhhhggg!! What is that? It smells like burning dough.

Dough?” Pizza pie let’s go of Danishya, pushes Carat aside and sniffs the air. ”It is dough, b-but where's it coming from?

I think it's coming from over there.” Carat points in the direction where the smell is coming from. ”Huh, Hey Pie. Isn't that where your house is at?

Well yes, Carat. But that doesn't mean that burning dough smell is coming from my house. I mean honestly, the only one who lives there is me, my Papa, and, MY COUSINS!!

Pfft, really Pie?” Said Danishya fixing her mane. “That has to be your saddest excuse yet. So now you're telling us you have cousins visiting? Like anyone else would be related to you, you're obviously ly- H-HEY!!

Pizza pie Ignores Danishya, pushing her and Carat out of her way. “Sorry, but I gotta get home. I'll see you guys at the next photoshoot. Oh! And also, Danishya you're a swine, and I'll deal with you later.

What did you call me-

Carat you're obnoxious and stop calling me Pie,


and New pony . . . .

Oh! huh?

Pizza pie gives a warming smile at him and replies. ”I'm sorry about earlier and nice to meet you.

. . . L-Likewise . . .

As Pizza pie leaves the fillies behind and quickly heads home, Carat's friend blushes, waving at Pizza pie until she fades in the distance.

Swine?! tch!! The nerve of that pony!

Yeah, you shouldn’t have said that to her. You know she takes it personally about her Papa’s restaurant Dani.

Don't call me that Carat! And it’s hard to feel sorry for her if all she does is show off how good she is. It’s not my fault she can’t get a cutie mark at anything she does.

Uh-huh, But still you need to lay off with the smack talk, especially if you wanna reach the top one on this month's filly models.

I will. And this time, things will be different. I won't lose to her again!

That’s the spirit Dani! Guess we’re gonna have a fierce competition am I right Co-” Carat turns to his friend, who still staring at the road. Curious, Carat walks to his friend and taps his shoulder. ”Hey, you ok bud?

Huh?! OH- Ah, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Are we good to go?.

Yep. There’s lots of good places we like to show you, so you better remember which way is which.

Carat's friend slowly nods. ”Y-Yeah, I’ll make sure to remember-

You two! What are you waiting for? let's go!” Said Danishya whos ahead of them waiting. ”I don't have all day you know!

Alright, Dani hold up.

Carat, for the last time, stop with the nicknames!

Carat and his friend start following Danishya. But the young colt looks back at the road behind him. Carat noticed his friend was acting off and worried.

Hey! What's with you today?” Said Carat. "You've been acting weird."

Oh, N-Nothing don’t mind me.” He continues following Carat, as his mind wonders about the blank flank mare. ”Say Carat. Is that Pie filly always like that?

Who Pizzaniac? Nah, she's nice once you get to know her, we just caught her in a bad mood that's all.

Ah I see. . . But What does Danishya mean by “She’s only models for their restaurant”?

Well, you see . . . It's just that, her Dad makes her feel like she's doing everything wrong.

Her Dad?

Yup. Pie thinks if she models for their restaurant, she is worth something to her Dad. Which to me is just silly, because she gives up her time to be just a normal filly and having a cutie mark by now.

. . . . .

sigh . . . Sometimes I think, that Pie’s more of a pet than daughter.

Wow, that’s tough. . . . I-I didn’t know-

But one day, Pie could at least have the guts to stand up for herself. She needs to tell her Dad that she needs to do the things she wants. You get what I mean?

Yeah, I do Carat. . . I hope things will work out. I-I mean I like to know her more.

Well, If she's free after her photoshoot that is. But that'll be the day.

Hey! Well, you two quit yapping and hurry up?!” Danishya reach the top of the hill. Tapping her hoof, as she waits for the two young colts. ”I got better things to do today, so c’mon.

Sheesh!! Dani I said we're coming.

Carat, I swear to you as soon as you get up here, I'm gonna push you down this hill if you call me Dani one more time.

Yeah, yeah.” Carat muffles. “Better add in the next Uptown mare in your title list while you're at it.

What was that?

Said you should look for a good place to eat while you're up there.

Carat’s friend chuckled behind his back as they walked up the hill and continued their trip around town. Meanwhile, at Pizza pie's home, the Pie siblings were preparing their little surprise party for their only cousin. The kitchen is covered in flour, wet dough, and mushed chocolate. Pinkie pie carries a tray of fresh dough and places it in the oven. Her two sisters were getting anxious about her idea and approached her.

Uh, you sure you know what you're doing Pinkie? I mean we never bake a Pizza in our whole life.

Hmm Mmmm.

Then this will be our first, one that Cousin Pizza will enjoy!” Said Pinkie pie then pulled her siblings in front of the oven. ”Now you two just keep an eye on it while I get some plates.

W-What?! You're gonna let us watch it baked?

Uh, duh. I can't keep an eye on it while I'm preparing the rest of the surprise Lime.

I don't get you Pinkie. Do we really need to do this?

Hmmm Mmmmm.

You're right Marble. We're just causing trouble for Pizza pie. I mean did you see how strict her Dad is to her?

Pinkie pie puts down the plates and turns to her sisters. ”You don't get it you two, cousin's life is been nothing but dull. All she does here is do as Uncle Pasta told her, and she never gets a chance to be herself. . . . By throwing her this party, she'll realize that she's more than she is today. She can be anything she ever wanted!

But Pinkie-

Oh, I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees her surprise!

I'm gonna give them a furious look on my face when I find out they're behind this!” Pizza pie gallops as fast as she can, following the smell of burning dough. But up ahead, she sees a crowd of ponies blocking the road. She slides in and passes through.

Oy! What the-

Excuse me.


Pardon me sir.

Oh! Watch it!

Just passing through.

Watch where you're going you foal!

Oh, Sorry.

Pizza pie made it out of the crowd and reached the canal. It's a split of two lands and a river way in the middle. Boats of different sizes sails along the currents. She looks both ways, looking for a nearby bridge.

Wait. Where's the bridge?! It should be right here- Owh!” She face-hoofs and just realizes. ”Oh, of course! The shortcut doesn't lead me to one! UUUUHHHHGGGG! !!! Now what?” She slowly walks to the edge, drops a pebble and watches it fall into the river. ”Darnet! I don't have a choice!

Pizza pie turns around and gives herself some distance. She sets her sight on the other side of the canal. Anxious, she takes a deep breath and gets in position.

Sigh . . . Alright, I can do this, I can do this . . .

Time slows down, her heartbeat pounds and the ticking sound from the town clock gets loud. As it strikes twelve, She bolted towards the riverside. She quickly picks up speed as she gets closer to the edge, then she immediately launches herself up in the air and miraculously lands on the first boat.

Phew . . . That was nuts.” She looks up and sees the rest of the way ahead. ”Ok ok, again!” She gets ready and jumps on another boat. Leap after leap, the wind blows through her mane. She feels exhilarated with each jump she takes. “This . . . . feels like . . . . . Fun! I never felt this free in my life! This is amazing! ” Pizza pie sees the riverside just a few feet away. ” Ok, no time to get all excited now. I'm almost there.

With a smirk on her face, she continues. Her mane gets undone in mid-air and lands on the last boat. But the distance between her and the other side is twice as far as she imagines. Eager to get across, she shrugs off her doubts and gets ready. Without hesitation, she runs out of the boat and takes one huge leap. Stretching her front hooves as she can to reach the edge.

I'm gonna make it! I'm gonna make it! I'm gonna- H-Huh?!” As Pizza pie is about to land, she sees her Father and her Uncle Igneous walking along the side just in front of her. She quickly closes her hoofs, fails to grab the edge, and falls into the river.”AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

A scream followed by a big splash caught one of the Colts' attention. ”Brother did you hear that?” Said Igneous looking around.

Hear what brother?

I heard there was a scream and a splash.” Igneous and Pasta looked down the river and saw nothing.

You must be tired from all this walking.” Said Pasta “How about we take a sit in the park first, and let our hooves rest?

I guess you’re right brother. Let’s do that.

The Colts walk away and head their way to the park. Without knowing the shenanigans their daughters were up to.

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~ End of chapter 5

Author's Note:

Pizza pie had a godparent. She didn't know because she didn't ask. She has friends but she didn't know, because she finds them annoying, especially Carat. These OC's are not just added up, they'll have a role in sooner chapters.