• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 7,498 Views, 78 Comments

Puppet girl - golden dawn

Hi my name is Puppet don't know what name I had after coming here? I do know I was a teen girl and was sant here after I bought black tentacles and a magic music box the next thing I know is I'm siting next to Discord and a ranibow hit us!

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chapter 3

It has been a month now and my lovely Dizzy is in stone in a room with me next to him I told him all that had happened the day in the garden and it was so good to hear his voice. He was not so happy that he had to cut back on some of his chaos but he said if it is for me he see what he could do. It was the most passent night I had with him the next day the girl’s had to go back to Ponyville and I state in central with Dizzy.

Two week’s ago my changeling took me to the hive the was in the everfree forest it had more changeling in that made it a total of 10,000 changeling 7000 of them old or too young to fight and out of all the 7000 all I found was 1000 female’s I was going to have a lot to say with Chrysalis.
My spell looked like it had help the changeling here as well so that was a plas.

A week ago Celestia ask for me to come to the throne room it was for something she want me to here it was not cast me as she had to cell Cadena and Shining Armor something big was coming and I could feel it I even saw Luna next to her sister and she looked unsettled.

“I have some called to here for help a evil that was thought to be said is back and we need you help.” Celestia said as she was next to her sister holding her up.

I look at Luna and she look like she was fighting with herself I could not sold it in so I ask.

“Celestia I want to know what is wrong with your sister I can see it and I think so can Cadena and Shining Armor.” I said as I look at her in the eye’s she was looking for the right words but did not need to as her sister told her onwards.

“The villain you well face is the one that fooled me into becoming Nightmare Moon and turn on my sister.” Luna said as she began to cry into her sister's shoulder. The look I had most have been frightening because both Cadence and Shining back up away from me.

“How did it tell me so I know how to beat the living hell into tham.” I said in a calm voice as the room started to get cold and the floor I was standing on was freezing over.

“His name is King Sombra and we need all your help to stop him I need Cadence and Shining Armor to go to the Crystal Empire to help the ponies there and you Puppet I need to to have your changeling to go with Twilight and her friend’s to help there as some as you can get them.” Celestia said as she saw me and the room getting cold she leat her horn and warmed the room.

I cooled down and had a small talk with Cadence it was the same thing as alway about love and about the gift I gave her for her honeymoon.

(Flash back)

“Ok Cadence I said I had something for you and need to you to come and get it for you honeymoon well here it is.” I said as I gave her a small bottle with a snowflake in front of the bottle.

“Ok what is it something for a cold I know I was down in the mine for weeks but I’m not sick.” Cadence said frowning at the bottle.

My smile grew even bigger at that I leaned next to her and whispered. “It is not for a cold it is a powerful potion for endurance and stamina for you and Shining to use it well last for a full day and night a gift to my friend and her husband.” I said as I looked at Cadence as her face was bright red.

I could see the lust full look in her eyes as she licked her lips.

(Present time.)

Cadence has been asking me to make her more I said it well take time but I should have one next month I so love to see ponies in love.

“But in all honesty I have something for you it is a potion for magic stamina and will help with sleep deprived.” I said as I gave her a bottle full of of green liquid.

“I see you are taking this evil seriously I hope we don't need to use it but thank you my friend.” Cadence said as she levitated it into her satchel bags she gave me a hug and left the throne room as Cadence and her lover left I began with calling my aid.

“Snow Ring it is time to call my army and bring me all the new armor for all of them.” I said and yes I state to name the changeling she was the one at the battle so I gave her the first name to her with that I summoned some new armor now it was green with a helmet and leg brace.

Within this month I have now 5000 changeling in my army most are young but with the mind link and shared experience they learned fast. I have most have the female protack the hive and take with me 1000 have my soldiers with me that include Snow Ring and 10 female soldiers most of my army is malels.

I was with Lune now in her room a few feet from my room as Lune told me about how the king took advantage of Lune’s anger at her sister to help push her into becoming Nightmare Moon.
I had made some chocolate chip cookies for her she loved her cookies I help out and it was good to have a friend with her.

“I will be leaving in two day with Twilight and her friend’s I hope you feel good but I need you to do something for me ok.” I ask Lune as she was much better after eating two barrel of cookies.

“What would the need of me friend.” Lune said in her weird accent.

“I need someone to look after Discord and move his stone form around I would like you to move him around for me if that is ok.” I said to her as I was looking at the floor.

“We would do this for you the we still do not like him we will do this for the.” Luna said as her nuzzel my neck.

I smiled at her and gave her one more hug and lage to my room to see Dizzy and to let him know I will be out for some time.

“Discord I need to let you know I will be going for some time and will be not here with you I need to go to a kingdom and help out.” I said not looking at the stone form of my lover.

“Oh stop that I know you don’t like to leven me and it hurt to see you so sad for something you can stop so no more being sad. Now get up and show me that beautiful smile.” Discord said as he pulled me into the mind link I looked at him and embraced him while Kissing him. I broke the kiss and gave him my best smile.

“I love you Discord and no one will stop that don’t ever forget.” I said with my cheeks going bright red.

“I love you to Puppet now go out that and so them what my Marefriend can do!” He said with a huge grin.

I smiled and fall asleep into Discord’s claw and paw I did not see him but I felt Discord rap around me as we sleep in the mind ralme.

The next day I said my goodbyes to Discord and got my army rade 1000 soldiers Snow Ring was with my magic group next to her was Stone Hoof he is of the strange guard and last was Cloud Storm she is of the wing guard. The three group have strange in all three but have one ability stronger than the other.

I was in the throne room with Luna she was giving me 200 soldiers of her lunar gured that would come the next day after I was at the empire.Than Celestia came into the room.

“Puppet I don’t see why you need to bring so many soldier with you it is not going to be some war out there.” Celestia said I would have sworn I heard somepony say she just jinxed it.

“I don’t take the chance of something bad to happen and I have only took 1000 out of the 5000 soldiers in my army.” I said as I was getting massages in the mind link with the army for more supplies I snapped my fingers and got a message of thanks from Snow Ring.

“Tis good to see one that will go to such lengths to protect others.” Luna said as she looked over some paperwork for her soldiers.

“I need to go and get my people on the next train all see the girls at the train ok.” I said to Luna as I stated to get my thing ready to go Luna smiled and gave me a hug as I got Snow Ring to get my tea sate I love a hot cup of tea.

I left the throne room I teleported to the train station the held my army. I found Snow Ring with Stone Hoof and Cloud Storm as I aprot them they stopped what they're doing and face me.

“It is good to see you Miss P the soldiers are ready to go.” Stone Hoof said with the biggest grin on his face.

But that grin was gone with a hit to the back of the head by Cloud Storm as she smiled down at him.

“Good to see you all in good health now have all changeling’s get into the train.” as I said that I saw Twilight and her friend’s coming and the minet Pinke sew me I found myself on the ground with her hugging me and me smiling and returning it.

“Oh Puppet it is soo good to see you and look I have that cloud you made for me it soo good how are you are you good did you mess me I miss you an-.” Pinkie would have gone on put I put my hand over her mouth.

“Yes Pinkie I miss you to I love to see my best friend and I have something for you.” I said with my my smile getting bigger now.

“Oh what is it is it more candy are a party?” Pinkie ask as she stated to name things off.

I smiled and rolled my eyes as I snapped my fingers and shows Pinkie a new party canne with a tri barrel and had a gold engraving at it tregger ‘To My Best Pink Pony of the world I will alway be with you in you darkest of times.
From Your New Friend Puppet Marionette.

I was smiling as Pinkie was for the first time speckless she look at the canne and back at me a few time as she stated to have a few tears in her eyes she put the cane in her mane and gave me a super strong hug with I returned.

“Thank you your a good friend and know that from this day Pinkamena Diane Pie will always have your back in good days or bad.”Pinkie said with a happy smile on her face.

With that me and the girl’s got on the train and we were of the Crystal Empire. I got bored in like two mins so I played so music to pass the time.

I don’t know why but the music had cut me deep into my heart I would like to know but for now I need to let it take me away. I feel a tap next to me I look to find Fluttershy with Pinkie next to her.

“What was that music it was a very happy tone in it… if you don’t mind me asking?” Fluttershy ask as she withdraw into her mane.

“Ya it was so good that I stopped bouncing around and just lesson to it.” Pinkie said as she closed her eye to lesson to the music.

“I don’t know I have had the music play at time but I have never know what it is but it does make me happy to hear it.” I said as the music made me link it into the mind link to all my Changeling's I hear same camosun in it but it so died down and for the first time the link was quiet as all the Changeling's lesson to the beautiful music play out.

“Daling that is the most beautiful sound I have hear in all my life.” Rarity said from the sit next to me.

I was going to thank her but all of a sudden the train come to a stop sanding me Pinkie and Fluttershy out of are sit’s I shot out my mantels and gave them and land on my feet.

“What in tanase is going on out there.” Applejack said as she lookout the window.

“It looks like the snow is blocking the tracks we may need to wake there.”Twilight said as she look out the window.

Before the girl’s could do something I snappet my fingers and made the snow on the tracks gone and a sine next to the tracks said *Puppet’s snow cone we only use the freshest of snow!*

The girl’s look at me only to see me eating snow cone in one hand and holding 6 more in my left to them. With that the train moved on and me the girl’s with my army eat some good snow cone's all the way to the train station.

But as we got there we found a battlefield ponies fighting dark monster the city had a barrier around it and most of the ponies were retreating into the barrier. But as we got close the monster’s that were at the far back found are train and carde at us.

“What the hack is that!” Rainbow yelled out as the train was about to be attacked I put up a masef fore field over the train with a magic feedback the so wan the first monster hit it my forefield blasted it back sending it flying back to the other monster’s they all stop and let the train go by some still attack but to no avail.

As we went through the barrier my fore field left the train and fused with the barrier making it stronger.
We got off the train and were matte by Cadence’s husband he look worse for wear with cut and some blood coming out from his hind leg. But what he said next to one of the soldiers next to him stopped my heart.

“We lost 100 of the ponies 70% of them were cavilan that don’t get into the barrier and 14 were colt and fillies.” He said in a sed tone as for me I was now all but radde to go and slater all outside of the barrier and I would have if not for Snow Ring’s help in in coming me down.

“Shining what is going on why are there moster out there and what happen to you!” Twilight yell as she was using her magic to stop the bleeding on his leg.

“D-don’t know what the monster's are we got here 2 day ago and were helping out the crystal ponies but the next day we saw an army of monster coming to the city we got most of the cavilan in and put a barrier to keep them out but we have had to go out today to get food that was out there looks like that was not the pass Idea.” Shining said as we follow him to the paleas I had my army spread out into the city and to find me more info of these monsters.

to be continued.