• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 7,504 Views, 78 Comments

Puppet girl - golden dawn

Hi my name is Puppet don't know what name I had after coming here? I do know I was a teen girl and was sant here after I bought black tentacles and a magic music box the next thing I know is I'm siting next to Discord and a ranibow hit us!

  • ...

chapter 4

As we made it into the pleas, we found Cadence she looked weak and tired her horn was glowing, and she looked like she had not slept for some time.

The moment Twilight sew Cadence they ran to one another and did a cute little dance.

The pain she had was easy to see for me, and the barrier around the city looked like it weekend for just a moment.

So Cadence has held the barrier up all this time, so I had to help find….What about the potion I gave her!

“Cadence what happen to the potion that I gave you,” I ask as I pulled out some soda pop and gave one to her.

“Oh, are you talking about the potion that…. you gave…. me I….Oh HORSE APPEL HOW COULD I FORGET THAT POTION!” Cadence yelled out as she had Armer get her bag a minute later he came back with Cadence bag.

She looked through it and pulled out a bottle with a snowflake on it. she opens it gulped it down and a not a second later a flash of light blond us the second the light died down we saw Cadence looking as good as new.

“Oh, that helps thank you Puppet it is a good thing you had that made for me.” Cadence said to me as she gave me a hug but now I have bad new for her.

“Cadence I’m happy to help, but that potion will only last for a day, two at most so you will fill that effect for it by tomorrow sorry.” I said as I looked down to the ground but was snapped out of that when she hit me.

“Ow, what was that for?” I ask her as I rubbed my arm.

“That is for thinking something stupid you're a good friend and even it that potion last for a day that is better than what we had and let's not forget you bare with you an army so no more feeling sad for your self.” Cadence said with a smile on her face.

I smile back as I left the room with no one around my smile left my face. I sand out an order to all the changelings to prepare for battle soon as I went to the park. I find myself here looking at all the sed ponies that had lost loved one or children, so I let the music in my play.

I moved with the music as a tear came from my eye’s I say members of this song I know they were not mine but I had some deep cantes to them. I danced around the party and saw some good family finale letting out the tears out. Some holding on to friends wall other there loved one. I was now next to a fountain and was using my chaos magic to dance on the water as I spend and trailed my mind giving into the music.

“I miss you my little boy.” said a voice in my mind but I don’t care I was letting the music, so the world the pain all the ponies were in as wall as me.

I was getting more into it was I got an alarm from my Changelings somehow monsters have broken a hole through the barrier. Right now my Changelings are attacking a large number of them wall blacking an enormous black cloud of darkness.

I jumped into the air just as the song was coming to an end and let out a roar, as I fly to the battle.

I made it find my changelings attacking monsters as the back row of Changelings are using magic to keep out a dark pony from getting in.

“What is happening here.” I ask as I cut a monster with my claws as I killed another that attacked me and let my tentacles came out of my back.

“We found the hole a minute ago made by that master!” The changeling said as he shot out a magic belt at the monster as it tried to attack a crystal pony.

I snapped my finger and made a magic wall around the hole so the monsters would come to me.

I look to the pony that runs next to me and looks at the battle scared for her life.

“Go get to the pleas NOW!” I yelled out as I put a powerful chaos magic into a shoot bean at the hole, Destroying any monsters that were in there. I saw the pony running yelling out to all that were near by.

I look back at the hole and Grow angry at the monster that had killed all of the ponies that didn't make it.

Then for the first time, I saw images in my head, all of something that looks me other of pony. One look like Pinkie pie but made of metal like powerful and strange so I sand all the images to all the changeling the second one came into the mind of one the Change into one of the looks powerful to one changeling or another. Then the voice I heard said something I was not expecting.

“LATE THEM DIE IN THE FIRE!” The voice said as my music box magic started to play and the world around us now looked like it was on fire thank to the magic in the box.

My changeling now had super strange though that change into unicorn and Alicorn had a powerful magic wall the one that can fly were destroying a monster like they were nothing. I saw on that look like Discord that bites off a monster arm and leg. As I look at the battle field, I saw that Dark Cloud was looking at me with anger it shoots a spell at me, but with my anger, I shoot back with both spells cladding and were pushing one another back, and forth the Cloud magic Grow and pump more power into its attack. Well, I Grow angrier and combine my Powers with my Chaos magic to sand my Beam that was now Dark green into Black with small white string spin around it. Then it exploded sending a shack wave there out the kingdom the monster was pushed into the shield and chest wall my Channelings were sent flying there out the kingdom.

The hole in the Shield slowly started to close but not before me, and the Dark cloud or now the Dark Unicorn with purple smoke coming from his eye’s and him smiling wall I had my mouth open all the way showing all my sharp teeth as my tentacles swag around destroying the ground around me.

One the whole crew I callout into the hive mind to see what was up found out 10% of my army was not out of canine form the blast and some of the changeling that got a power-up are now asking to experiment with there new forms. I stop all of that I had all the injured to be taken to the medical wing as for the rest to prepare for WAR.

I made my way to the pales to find ponies running around making a party that made me so confused that a Big red ? appeared above my head, I look but and grab it as stated to eat it...taste like a mystery with a hind of pizza.

“So what going on?” I ask as Pinkie pass me.

“Were putting on a Faerie for the Crystal ponies so they can protect the empire for harm.” Rainbow said as I look at them I ramblers something Dizzy said about this and after on hit to the head with a mallet I remember.

I grabbed Rainbow and Pinkie just as she was about to run off.

“NO THAT IS NOT WHAT THE FAERIE IS FOR THE PONIES TO POWER THE CRYSTAL HEART!” I said as I stated to feel the power in the Shield go down.

“What how do you Know?” Dash yell out as she was showing fear now.

“It was when I was in stone with Dizzy we had a slow day, so Dizzy got me up with history all of the world ones in partially was about the Crystal Empire expasy the Crystal heart!” I said as I wrapped a tentacle around them and light speed to the throne room.

“Twilight we have a provably!” Rainbow said as I was sending out command to all the Changeling that can fight to evacuate all Ponies for the borders of the shield to the palease I look out to see most flying out the city to the borders like the one that were heavy hitters were now putting up a wall barrier around the crystal city to slow down monsters.

I heard Twilight yelling something about not seeing the last page in a book but just as she said the Cadence late out a large scrime as the hole shield around was hit hard I look out to see the shield having spider-web crack all over it.

I then look at the ponies around me Shining was doing everything to help his wife as she was screaming in pain, Twilight was looking there the book for some clow to find the Crystal heart and all the ponies of the empire were beginning to panic from what my Changeling were saying there the Hive mind, but the were thing was when I saw Pinkie pie her mane deflated she look around to find something to help bring back a smile but found none tires came from her eyes but is was what the eye had lost that made my anger for the monster that is Sobrom to become Wrath, because the light that was in Pinkes eye was gone that happy light that made me so happy when she offered to by my friend.

I don’t know what but my Music box magic most hove feel my Wrath and stayed to play music out loud so loud that all of the empires were about to hear it.

The pony around the room stop to see what was going on but stepped back as the saw me flowing in that air as my Tentacles came out of my back impaling the ground and walls. If I could of seen my eyes right now I see that my white pupils are now Red and glowing.

I fly out the opening and high into the sky as my eye glowed brighter.

I open my mouth wide and let loose my loudest Roar. “I call on all the souls that have lost their lives,love one and friends to the Evil King to came out this night and fight for your homes, fight for your family fight for your KINGDOM because for this night the darkness will not stand no evil will go enplaned and the King of shadow will fall for this night WE Shall ROME!” I said as I put large power of chaos and spirit magic as wall as the magic for the music box.

I sent out a powerful Burst of magic that shook the ground as more and more stronger burst of magic fly all over the kingdom soon Beams of light shined out from the ground as poneys of all kind came out and march to the borders of the kingdom. I want caband to all the Changeling that were not hospitals to change into their most powerful forms.

I gave the orders to attack any and all monster that came and to leave the dark King to me, just as I gave the orders the shield around the Kingdom shaded and the shadow clouds move in as I saw a large group coming I powered up a Chaos beam in my arms and holding to charge up than I shot my arms foret at them sanding a beam of Magic that rept there all in it path.

I snapped my clow together and small string fall for the sky than I wanted them to all my alley straight into the hive mind.

‘Tasting tasting can every pony hear me. I thought out.

‘What the back I thought I hear Puppet just now.’ Dash thought out.

‘Silly Dashe, of course, you can hear Puppet she put us through her hive mind thing so now we can hear everyone's thought now.’ Pinken thought out as I hear many more like them.

‘I have put you all in the hive mind to speedy update on the situation right now I holding off king Sombra Shadow body with my Dark Chaos magic wall I’m doing this I will need you to find some way to find the crystal heart that is in the kingdom.’ I thought out as I had my tentacles grow longer as I take down a monster that was heading my way.

I look down at the City my red-eye shing over what I look at I saw the ponies of the dead attacking monster left and right with their new body and powers some biting of body part wall others using magic to throw them at one another.

I got a massage for Twilight that she had a clow as to where the crystal heart was as she would want her friends out to help.

I was filing the hit from my magic that was holding Sombra as he was laying his Dark magic hit the barre that was holding him. I had to herd from my Changeling that 20% of them had to fall back to Lost of energy and for a good reason some of them turned into Dragon other were minor,Griffin I even saw an Hydre with them other use the new form the got from me that gave them a stronger army than the one the had on.

I got word from Fluttershy how was helping the injured down below me that she need medical supplies I snapped my clowns and herd a small thank you to me. I was going to reply but was bitten by a Shadow Drake cut my back open as blood fall down. I grabbed it with my tentacles and ripped it off my back than brock it neak throwing it at the monster at the west entrance hitting a large shadow snake.

I feel another hit from Sombra Dark magic Cracking my barre that was around him but still holding. Then the magic shield that was down was coming back up stopping all the other monsters I was able to push Sombra back to the other side of the shield as I put most power into attacking all of the monsters that were left inside so I turned them into stone.

I look around the kingdom many of monster were killed some of my chanling were lost most were wound, the Spirit that I had called out are now saying their goodbyes to family and friends.

But that just as I was lost in my rage I look out at the far end of the kingdom to see the crystal taring dark and changing the land.

‘Move back everyone move back to the pales!’ I thought out.

‘What is going on we kick their flanks.’ I heard Dash say the hive mind.

‘Because the king use is made on the land and it is taunting the empire I will slow it down but you need to move the injured to the pales and the tower.’ I than fly to the part that was taut and shot my tentacles into the ground wall sanding my chaos magic into the ground it slowly turned the land on my side into candy land wall the side of the taut was turned Dark and evil wan both side hit they stop going back and forth but it was an even math for now.

I then heard someone speak to me. “What a strange character you are.” the voice said to me as I one of my tentacles came from my back to rapp itself up and stopped the bleeding from the shadow drake.

“You have all that power and use it for mere slaves, sat a dispute met.” The voice said as I look around to find another but that I look outside the shield to see the shadow slowly from the body of a unicorn with a red horn.

“My friends are not SLAVES.” I said with my eyes glowing more brightly.

Just as I say that the shield bracket and Sombra shoot me with dark magic into my chest sending me flying into the tower, I open my eyes that are not focusing I look down to see that I have a small hole in my chest black blood start to come out. I can hear my changelings asking way was I in horrible pain, and with my mind like with all the other ponies, the could tell something was wrong.

I could think of anything the pain clouding my mind I look up to see….SPIKE. I saw Spike jumping out of the tower falling and looking at the ground I saw Sombre coming up on a dark crystal will what little magic I had right now I put one last body barrier around Sombre stopping him and his magic, and just in time as Cadence flying in and saving Spike. That was the last thing I saw as I past out.

Author's Note:

Changling's new form's

spirit body's

The colses Battlefeld I wanted:

Comments ( 18 )

Care to tell me more about the marionette/puppet from Five Nights at Freddy's 2?

7172166 ? I don't know all of tham I know the one of the kid how was left alone befor the first killing of the game and was the first to die and is soul marge with the puppet anfter that he tried to save the other but fell so he gave tham new bodys and the one with the mother how son was killed and with guld killed her self than her soul marge with the puppet. don't know all about that one but I like it.

YEEEEESS!!! :pinkiehappy: UPDATE!!! THANK LUNA!!!!! Praise you author! :pinkiesad2: you is a savior.

My friend might be able to help you! (If i could friggin remember his name then i'll let you know)

You need some SERIOUS grammar editing. From what I have read the story sounds great but I can't get very far before I just cant stand it!

Dam good chapter can't wait for more

Where is the next chapter

After all this time you still didn't fix the description?

I love it! More!

When is the next chapter

Who is the girl in the picture?

me thinks you mite need to fix storie it is mast up

Can you try to do a redo on this I love it but if you don't continue it that's okay it was very interesting

“ What was that and how did it get into are mine realm.” Discord asked but I did not answer him all I now was that I had to save the children don’t know why but it hurt my soul and I had to go now.

There is no reason for this to be canceled, but it does need a massive clean up. It was just dumped as a speech to text, and thats really whats killing it. A little care and some basic pruning and this could be a great story.


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