• Published 29th Aug 2015
  • 9,105 Views, 526 Comments

Transformers Equestria Girls - RedFire

Twilight Sparkle and Spike returns to the Human Dimension to help the Rainbooms to survive the civil war between the Autobots and the Decepticons

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The First Contact

Is the third day of the holidays, the Sun began to rise and lights every city in the country. One house in particular lives Sunset Shimmer, sleeping in her bed like a baby. Suddenly her clock began to rings. Why would someone wake up at 09 am in the holidays? Well, Sunset haves a very good reason. She got up, walk to the bathroom and take a long shower. Minutes later, Sunset was walking towards the garage after a delicious breakfast. She open the door and saw a beautiful yellow car...Correction: HER beautiful yellow car. She pick up the keys and open the driver's door and sit in front of the steering wheel. Suddenly, Sunset Shimmer look to the steering wheel and saw a strange symbol on it.

She was surprised, cause yesterday she didn't try to drive the car. She past all afternoon in her room making all her homework and after that, she was very tired and didn't wanted to drive the car that day. But Sunset didn't care about the strange symbol who looks like an an man's face. She put the key in the ignition and turn it. In seconds, the engine started to work. The sound of it was like music to Sunset's ears and she began to think that she made the right choice. She put her foot in the pedal and drove the car out of the garage, toward her friends homes.

Moments later, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash arrive to an beutiful beach. Without people, the place was like a ghost town...until now. The girls step out of the car and walk towards the beach, except Pinkie Pie. The pink girl, wearing an blue swimsuit, run toward the water and jump into the water. Pinkie step up and wave to her friends.

"What are you waiting for, dummies?" say Pinkie "Come on! The water is good and wet!"

The girls began to smile and to get undress. Before running with her friends, Sunset turn off her car.

"Hey! Don't spend all the fun without me!" she say while running towards them.

Behind of an bush was something with red eyes watching the girls playing in the water. In the point of vision of this creature it was like "it" was...recording? In space, the same strange object was flying over the Earth. The same huge and average creatures were watching the Mane 6 in the water in a screen.

"What about the pink one, master?" asked the average one.

"She is too much annoying like the others, but I'm more interested in the one with the red hair." said the huge one pointing to Sunset Shimmer in the screen "Prepare him. Tell him that his mission is ready."

"Your words are orders to me, sir." said the average one bowing next to his master.

After minutes or maybe hours of fun, the Mane 6 were resting in their linen while the Sun was hiding in the sea. Dash was reading ‘Daring Do’, Pinkie was making sand castles, Rarity and Fluttershy were sleeping. Sunset and AJ were drinking some apple juice from Sweet Apple Acres while they are enjoying the Sun and the music from Sunset's car.

"Da only good thin' in a Summer's day is ma delicious juice, da Sun goin' down and a little of music." said AJ drinking more of is bottle "Buying that car was da best idea, Sunset." she said.

Those words made Sunset blush. "It was time to buy an car after all." said Sunset Shimmer "I wouldn't walk forever. I saw that Summer was the right moment to get wheels."

"Well everybody could buy any car, but your is different." said Rainbow Dash, pointing to the yellow car "It makes all the cars wish that they could be 20% coolers." she said.

"I gotta agreed with Rainbow Dash, my dear." said Rarity while she was waking up with Fluttershy "It have an beautiful yellow and that black lines make him more fabulous." said the white girl.

"And cute. Don't forget about the cute." said Fluttershy.

Suddenly the radio began to make strange noises. The Mane 6 look to the car very surprised, but they became very confused when they heard a voice coming from the radio.

"I've got an message for all Auto---" said the voice before the radio shut off itself.

The girls were confusing about the beginning of the message. Who was sending the message? And for who? Sunset get up and walk toward the car. She try to turn on the radio, but nothing came out from it.

"Strange..." said Sunset "The car still have power, but I don't know why the radio isn't working." she said.

"It must be broken." said AJ "This things are made to be easily broken, I tell ya that." said the farm-girl. Sunset was still thinking in the voice.

"I don't get it." said the red hair girl "Why would someone send an message by an radio? And why?" said Sunset.

"Maybe it was giant robots from another planet who come to our world to protect us from others giant alien robots who want to conquer the Universe!" said Pinkie Pie.

The girls looked confused to their pink friend after she said her crazy theory. No matter how smart the person could be, nobody could understand Pinkie Pie and her strange ideas.

"From everything you ever say, THAT is the most crazy one I heard in my entire life!" said Rainbow Dash "I can accept ponies from other Universe, but alien robots?" she chuckled.

"You know that there is no such thing as 'aliens', Pinkie." said Fluttershy "Only in movies and books. We are alone in the dark space. Very...dark space..." said the yellow girl, as her voice began to get lower when she began to think in the void above Earth.

"Let's not think of that, girls." said Rarity packing up her stuff "It's almost time for dinner and we need to get home before ours families began to get worried." said the white girl.

"She's right." said Sunset "We should go before we get in trouble." she said.

After packing up everything, the girls enter in the car and Sunset Shimmer drives it toward their homes to be with their beloved families.

It was night in Sweet Apple Acres and Applejack was walking towards her bed after taking Apple Bloom to her room. Before she opened the door, AJ heard a strange noise coming from the sky. She look up and saw an saw an huge fireball flying in the dark sky.

"What in da tarnation?!" said Applejack while she looks to the meteor.

The meteor flew towards the forest that was next to the city and crash there. AJ knew what was a meteor, but she didn't have saw one in her entire life. In the crash site, an huge crater was made by the space rock, but something big stood up from the crater. It was bipedal creature and it got red eyes, but the shadows of the night undercover any eyes to see how he looks. The creature began to walk in the direction of the town. After an smal walking, the creature was out of the forest and saw an cafe. He approaches very slow and his eyes lead to a police car.

"Hmmm..." said the creature "This one looks good to make some chaos."

Suddenly, the eyes of the creature began to glow. He shoot a green laser from his eyes that stroke the car, but it didn't explode. Instead, the laser form a green square around the police car and disappear. After that, the creature began to change and making a strange noise. He was getting smaller and 'things' were appearing on him until he stop changing. Then he 'crawl' into the light of an pole and revealed himself: he turned himself into the police car. The creature drive toward the center of the city in the night sky of the planet. Something big is going to happened...

Author's Note:

Hey! Do you know anybody who's interested in drawing moments of my story? Please tell me, cause I liked to see my story in draws. By the way, this is the new theme of "Transformers Equestria Girls". What do you think? :pinkiehappy: