• Published 29th Aug 2015
  • 9,105 Views, 526 Comments

Transformers Equestria Girls - RedFire

Twilight Sparkle and Spike returns to the Human Dimension to help the Rainbooms to survive the civil war between the Autobots and the Decepticons

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The Pandora's Box Part 1

Greece…A peaceful country where art, science and many other things have born and evolved along the years. After invaders have took over this civilization, only ruins have remained to tell their stories from the past, but today it was going to be witness a battle beyond their creators’ imagination. Explosions covered the ancient ruins as the Autobots and Decepticons fought each other. Reloading his blaster, Ratchet and Rarity fired and took down some more Decepticons, lead by Snow Cat and Knockout. From a higher ground, Arcee and Rainbow Dash gave their friends some protection, blowing some Cons’ heads. Aiming to Snow Cat, Arcee fired her blaster, but Megatron’s bodyguard created an ice shield in his arm and defended himself. With a swing of his arm, he threw his shield towards the female bot, who reacted to this counter attack and jumped with Dash in her arms before both took cover behind the same place where their friends were.

It has been three days since the crisis in Equestria and the return of Twilight and Sunset after taking care of Peter Pony Parker, but today the Cons finally made their move when they attacked the Autobots while they were searching for Energon.

“I'm getting tired of this,” growled Knockout “Snow Cat, I think the Autobots need to chill out. Would you be so kind and help them? “

“Pleasure…” chuckled Snow Cat.

Charging up his cannons, Snow Cat fired two white missiles sky high that hit the ground and exploded, creating a big cloud of ice that covered the entire place and blinded the Autobots. Both Rarity and Rainbow Dash trembled as the cold reached their bodies, even their breaths turned into cold air. In that moment, both girls wished to have a hot chocolate. The Autobots, able to support the cold, charged up their blasters, ready for any surprise attack.

“Oh my…” said Rarity rubbing both her arms “I should have brought my warm coat.”

Rarity, more focused in getting warm, didn't noticed the big shadow creature that grabbed her from behind and threw her right into her guardian’s face, who growled in pain. While he was stunned, Snow Cat walked in front of the Autobot with two axes in his hands, but Ratchet was fast to recover and changed his hands into two small swords, blocking the attack with them. Although they could hear their friends in danger, Arcee and Dashie remained in the same place, ready for anything.

“I can't see anything!” said Rainbow Dash.

“Just stay close to me, Dashie.” said Arcee.

Without any warning, Knockout stepped behind them and swung his saw in Arcee's shoulder, making her growl in pain as she fell to her knee. Rainbow Dash tried to attack, but instead she received a kick in her belly, throwing her away backwards.

“You have lovely features,” he mocked “Perfect for a little procession I like to call ‘Nip and tuck’.”

With those words, Knockout rose up his saw and drove it towards her neck, but Arcee was fast and quickly grabbed his arm before kicking him right into Snow Cat, saving Ratchet and Rarity at the same time, sending both into an old temple.

“Dodge and kick.” mocked Arcee.

Growling, Cat stood up and grabbed his red friend’s leg, pulling him from the ground with his paint completely ruined, before he started to fire his blasters in his shoulders. Knockout growled as well after seeing his fabulous red color covered with dust, but soon his optics laid on something important in the temple’s wall that made him gasp and smile. After looking to the Autobots, the red Con activated his blaster and blew up the wall into pieces.

“I think it's time to drive out of here, Cat,” he said while changing his weapon back to his hand.

“What?!” said Snow Cat “No way! I'm having fun now! And Lord Megatron needs those Energon cubes!”

“Don’t worry with that.” said Knockout “I got something that will please our Master.”

Changing into their car mode, both Decepticons drove away, followed by the remaining Vehicons that transformed too. As the last creatures standing in the ruins, the confused Autobots and humans blinked many times as they tried to understand the situation.

“Did they just give up?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“They did…” hesitated Ratchet “Something is not right here. Arcee, come with me.”

Receiving a nod from her, both walked to the temple, followed by their friends, where the Decepticons were making their stand minutes ago. Once they reached the wrecked place, Ratchet looked to his right and saw the remains of the wall destroyed by Megatron’s medic. There wasn't much left that he could recognize, but there was one piece of rock that made him gasp, making his friends look at him.

“By the Primes…” he said as he picked up the rock.

“What’s wrong, Ratchet?” asked Arcee “You’ve found something?”

“Ratchet to Ark,” said the Autobot to his com-link as he transformed “I need a Ground Bridge immediately.”

“Ratchet, you’re scaring me,” said Rarity as the Ground Bridge opened “What’s worrying you?”

“No time to explain, Rarity!” said Ratchet “Just get in!”

Optimus Prime walked through the Ark’s bridge, ready to receive Arcee and Ratchet with new and fresh Energon for their supplies. In that moment, his optics caught two teenage human girls working on a book. Since their return, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer have been working on that book that he never had the courage to ask what was it about. After looking to Twilight, Optimus started to remember Peter. For his relief, he was alive and been healed in Ponyville Hospital after shielding him and the young Princess with his own body from Megatron's attack. Suddenly, Ratchet and Arcee exit from the Ground Bridge, but soon as his old friend transformed, everything changed.

“Optimus, you need to see this right now!” he said as he showed a piece of rock.

Without time to ask, Optimus picked the fragment and laid it in Teletraan-1 so that everyone could see in the screen. It was very old, but what impressed the Autobot leader was the picture of a familiar cube releasing lightning. When the other Autobots got closer to him, their reaction was the same: optics widened and mouths opened. They couldn't believe it. Even Sari was completely shocked.

“No way…” said Hound.

Bumblebee released a long bleep, showing that he was shocked like the others.

“What is it? What is it?” asked Pinkie Pie “It’s a cybertronian cake? Or a soccer ball? Come on, guys! A little help?”

“This, Pinkie Pie,” said Wheeljack “it’s our salvation or our destruction…”

“Huh?” said Pinkie “What do you mean? “

“The Allspark…It’s here.“ said Arcee.

“The what?” asked Sunset Shimmer.

“The Allspark…” said Optimus after minutes of staring at the screen “It’s one of the most powerful and ancient cybertronian relic in the entire Universe. It is the very seed of our civilization since the beginning of Cybertron. The place where all sparks were born and return in the end.”

“Hold on!” said Applejack “Are ya sayin’ that this ‘Allspark’ is yer birthplace and da afterlife to ya all?”

“Not only that. Besides the Covenant of Primus, “ said Hound “the Allspark carries our entire history and culture within itself. I thought we would never see it again after the Battle of Tyger Pax. “

“Tyger Pax?” asked Fluttershy “Bumblebee said that he lost his voice there. Was it because of the Allspark?”

“Indeed, Fluttershy…” replied Optimus, starting to remember that day in Cybertron “It was during the Great War, few years after my ascension as the last Prime, and the situation wasn't very good for the Autobots. As the Decepticon army seemed unstoppable, the High Council and I have no choice but to send the Allspark to the stars in a unknown sector of the galaxy to protect it from Megatron.”

“With the Allspark, we could restore Cybertron,” said Arcee with a smile “Our entire civilization could finally be safe from extinction.”

“I don't understand.” said Twilight “Why would Megatron want to control something that creates life?”

“That's the problem, Twilight,” answered Ratchet “The Allspark can also give life to any mechanical being in the Universe, giving it feelings and thoughts. If the Decepticons find it first, they will use its power to transform Earth's machines and build a new army.”

“And the human race will be enslaved, so as the rest of the Universe…” said Optimus, making the Rainbooms gasp “Autobots, our top priority mission is now to find the Allspark before Megatron is able to get his hands on it. We must use everything we have to discover its actual location.”

Sunset Shimmer started to look better at the picture of the Allspark. For some reason, it reminded her something that she had saw before, but what? After few seconds, Sunset finally found the memory that she was looking for.

“I know this ruin…” she said, making the Autobots and the Rainbooms look at her “I...I think it’s the Pandora's Box.”

“The what of who now?” asked Spike.

Rarity giggled after hearing that “My apologies, my dear,” she said “but I don't think that a fairy tale will help us find this so called Allspark.”

“Perhaps it would be wise to hear this ‘fairy tale’, Rarity.” said Optimus before turning his attention to red hair girl “Please, Sunset Shimmer, explain this ‘Pandora's Box’ that you’ve spoken about.”

“It’s actually a very old legend that tells about the gods giving a present to a woman named Pandora, saying to not open it. She ignores their will and opens the box, releasing every evil on Earth.” said Sunset as she picked a notebook from her bag, opening it “That’s the short version, but an old lady once told me the original story: the Box was really a present from the gods, but it was for the people of the Atlantica, the Lost City, and they used its power to evolve their culture. Pandora, who lived in Atlantica, decided to stole the Box and use the power to herself, but when she tried to do that…You all know what happened next, right?” she said, receiving a nod from her friends.

Blip-blop?” asked Bumblebee to Fluttershy.

“Oh, a bad thing happened.” answered the shy girl “One night, the city disappeared, completely destroyed by the ocean, with everyone inside.”

“And what happened next? Did the Box survived?” asked Sari, interested in the story.

“The old lady said that a group of fishermen found it and then...Well, many things happened to the Box.” she answered.

For minutes, Sunset Shimmer told her research of the true story of Pandora's Box that many archeologists, including the writer of Rainbow Dash’s favorite book of Daring Do, A.K Yearling, shared with her a long time ago. After the destruction of Atlantica, the Pandora's Box was hidden until it was found by Alexander the Great, a great king and conqueror. Like Pandora, he tried to use the power of the Box, but resulted only the destruction of his own army. Horrified, Alexander order one of his soldiers to take the relic and hide it in the Cradle of Life, so that no one could find it till the end of time. With the story finished, Optimus Prime started to rub his faceplate.

“It is no doubt that this Pandora's Box is the Allspark and it remains in the same location.” he said “Do you where this Cradle of Life is, Sunset?”

“That's the problem: no one knows where is it,” she said. “After delivering the Box, the soldier was never seen again. Not even Alexander the Great knew where did he go.”

“I know!” shouted Pinkie Pie with her hand in the air, receiving a stare from everybody.

“You…You do?” asked Twilight.

“Well duh!” said the pink girl “It’s obvious! The Cradle of Life’s surely located in the center of Africa. That place is filled with the first human bones for a long time. Take that, Lara Croft!” she finished with a smile.

Everyone in the room started to think about Pinkie’s idea. Although she could have some strange moments, her fact could be right. After all, time was running out with the Decepticons searching for the Allspark for sure and Optimus said that they could use everything they have to find it, including random thoughts.

“Have I already told you how much I love this crazy girl?” said Wheeljack, making her cheeks turn red.

Few minutes later, in Africa...

In the middle of the peaceful Africa, a group of vehicles drove through the beautiful place as many animals ran away from them. From far away, an elephant and her family roar all together as the Autobots headed to the Cradle of Life, where the Allspark was. After their arrival, Optimus and Twilight have both felt an ancient energy buried under the land. It’s got to be the Allspark and they needed to get it fast. With the information being shared to Megatron by Knockout and Snow Cat, the Decepticons must have started to search the entire planet for the relic.

“Optimus, Sari just reported in,” said Wheeljack. “Lennox and his troops are ready to help us take the Allspark to the bunker in Crown City.”

“A bunker in Crown City?” asked Sunset “For what? And why are we going to use it?”

“It is one of many NEST safety protocol to protect the humans in case the Decepticons defeated us and started to conquer the planet.” said Optimus “While Megatron continues online, we are going to use it to hide the Allspark in there until the war is over.”

Sunset looked down and started to think. He was right. No one knows what will this war end. Like her guardian said, the Cons could be triumphant over her friends and control Earth and the Universe, destroying all who didn't surrendered to them. On the other side, the Autobots could end the war and bring peace to the stars, including rebuild their planet of Cybertron to all Transformers. Unfortunately, both thoughts made her sad, especially the second one. Sunset would really like to save the world and end that bloody galactic conflict forever, but then Optimus and the Autobots would have to leave them to return to their home world and Twilight would have to return to Equestria until another evil force appears. She wished they would stay, because they make her feel safe and…complete. Twilight took her eyes out of the road and looked at her friend drowning herself in her own thoughts. She knew what she was thinking. How would her and friends live without the Bots after all this adventure? The half of Summer still didn't pass and strong bonds of friendship were made between the Rainbooms and their giant alien robot friends. Suddenly, without any warning, two arrows broke the red truck’s window and stroke in different places: one above Twilight's head, scaring her, and the other flew next to Sunset’s face, cutting her cheek and broking her thoughts, before hitting the seat. Optimus, reacting to this moment, immediately activated his brakes, making his team to stop as well, scaring the girls. More arrows stroke the ground, each one sticking in the earth like warning shots. Sunset growled in pain as she laid her hand in her cheek. The wound wasn't fatal, but it still hurts a lot.

“Ambush!” shouted Optimus “Autobots, defensive positions!”

“What's g-going on?” asked Fluttershy “Is it the D-Decepticons?”

“Unless they started to use arrows as warning shots, I don't think so,” replied Arcee.

“Oh my goodness!” said Twilight as she looked to her friend “Sunset, your cheek…”

“I'm okay…” she replied back as she looked to her hand, painted with a small pool of blood from her cut “It’s just a flesh wound.”

From her hideout in one of the trees, a woman landed in front of them, aiming another arrow to them with her bow, never taking her eyes from the red truck. Twilight gasped once she started to recognize the woman. Like the real one, she was black and white and she was wearing native clothes and a spear and a quiver filled with the arrows in her back. It was really her.

“Zecora?” said Twilight.

“You know this human female?” asked Optimus.

“Well yes…” hesitated Twilight “At least in my world. Zecora is actually one of my great friends and she does help me when the situation requires drastic measures.”

“I must ask you to go back to your masters, outsiders,” said Zecora “or they will not see survivors.”

“Surely she know how to rhyme....” said Hound.

Slowly, Twilight and Sunset stepped out of the car and walked towards the woman with stripes, both with her hands up while their friends remained in the vehicles. She didn’t want to make more enemies than the Decepticons or receive an arrow in their head. Once the girls were closer, Zecora put her bow in her back and picked her spear, pointing it to Twilight, who gulped from the nerves.

“Hello, Zecora.” she said “I know that you must be scared and think that I must be a crazy girl who knows your name...” Twilight chuckled nervously, making Zecora to rose her eyebrow “Okay, this isn't going as I planned…” she murmured while rubbing the back of her head.

“Look, we are not your enemy, okay?” said Sunset Shimmer “We promise that we won't hurt you. All we want is…”

“I know that the Pandora's Box is what you seek, but from here you cannot take it,” said Zecora before aiming her spear to the red hair girl “Now leave this place quick…”

Suddenly, before she could finish, the red truck started to change, its metal starting to disconnect and connect like a puzzle, causing Twilight and Sunset to turn their heads around. Zecora jumped backwards and took her defensive position as the vehicle gained shape. Wheels rolled while his blue legs formed, arms changed and finally a head rose from his upper body. Twilight couldn't believe that Optimus Prime revealed his identity. He surely must be in a hurry.

“I know that you are trying to protect the Box from the wrong hands, my friend Zecora,” he said as he knelt down before her “and I'm grateful that you and your people have kept him safe for years, but evil forces are now searching for the relic and they will do anything to get it and use its power to destroy everything we all know. So I ask you: please, let us protect it like you have protected before.”

Zecora stared at Optimus, never letting her guard down. This started to worry the Rainbooms as the silence between the two warriors kept on. After what seemed to be years, the woman in strips gave Prime and the others a friendly smile before lowering her spear.

“Your words do tell the truth, my metal friend,” she said “To the Box I will take you there so the world may not end.”

“Thank you, Zecora.” said Optimus before transforming into his vehicle mod “Autobots, roll out!”

Few minutes later…

Under the guidance of Zecora, the Autobots arrived to their destination behind a big hill. It was a dark and big forest of vines filled with spikes, bigger than the alien robots. Allowing their humans to step out of them, the Bots transformed and looked to the forest. They could easily find this place through the Matrix of Leadership, but Zecora insisted in take them to the Allspark, leaving no other choice for them.

“Geez...Talking about lack of decoration,” said Arcee, making Rarity to giggle. “What is this place?”

“This place it's the Everfree Forest and it's a very dangerous place, to be honest.” said Zecora.

“The Everfree Forest?!” asked Twilight and Sunset Shimmer, who now has a bandage on her cheek.

“That weird place again?” said Hound with a chuckle “How easy can this be? Come on, Bee. You and I are going to get the Allspark.”

“No! Wait!” shouted Zecora.

But it was too late. Ignoring their new friend, Hound and Bumblebee ran into the forest, but only to be pushed backwards to the ground by a green force shield that appeared in the moment they were close to the vines. The force shield seemed to cover the entire Everfree Forest without missing any corner.

“What in Cybertron was that?” asked Ratchet while helping his teammates to stand up.

“I tried to warn you about this, but your green friend impatient is.” said Zecora “The Everfree Forest is protected by a shield since the first generation, so that the demons couldn't spread their destruction.”

“Demons?” chuckled Rainbow Dash “This Yoda girl must be crazy.”

Optimus Prime walked in front of the Forest and knocked three times in the shield, allowing it to appear for a few seconds. Taking a step back, Optimus changed his hand into his blaster and fired at the vines, but only to see the same result. As he stopped to fire, his optics laid in few human bones in the forest entrance, making sure that his theory was correct.

“She's right.” he said as he changed his hand back “The shield seems to stop any cybertronian from the outside and inside, explaining why the ‘demons’ didn't leave the forest. They are Protoforms created by the Allspark many years ago.”

“Then the Cons can't get in too,” said Wheeljack “but we are not going to leave it here, right?”

“That idea never came to my mind, my friend. We cannot lower it without knowing how many Protoforms are, but there is a way.” said Optimus as he pointed to the bones “Although it only protects from cybertronians, the shield doesn't affect in organic life forms.”

“Wait…” said Fluttershy “You're saying that we… Are going… There?” she asked very scared.

“I know that you are scared, Fluttershy,” said Optimus as he knelt before the yellow girl “and I know that it's very dangerous for you, but the faith of Humankind and Cybertron as well laid in your hands.”

“And don't worry, Shy.” said Rainbow Dash “You will not be alone. Rainbooms forever, right?”

Slowly, Fluttershy started to smile “Okay...I’ll promise to do my best, Optimus.” she said.

“This map will help you find this Allspark.“ said Zecora while giving Sunset an old piece of paper “Once you found it, make sure to come back.”

“Thank you, Zecora.” said Sunset Shimmer.

With a nod of her head, Zecora opened her bag and grabbed a long rope, connecting the girls to each other with it so they couldn't get lost in the Forest. While she did that, Twilight and her friends removed their Harmony Cannons, helmets and the warp belt and give them to Ratchet, since they were also cybertronian technology too, leaving them completely defenseless. Once the rope twice, the Rainbooms walked into the vines without activating the shield, disappearing in the darkness. Now they were by themselves.

Minutes later, inside of the Everfree Forest…

Pushing away through the vines, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer lead their friends towards the Allspark, completely defenseless and no way to communicate with the Autobots, especially with the Protoforms out there stuck with them. They have already seen what they could do to humans. Through the path, they have saw the remains of Roman warriors, French soldiers, Portuguese explorers and many other peoples from the History of Humankind who have come in search of the mythical relic. Every time they walked, they felt like something was stalking them within the shadows. Another snap of a vine made Fluttershy turn her head around just in time to see a figure walking in the shadows, scaring her.

“Can we walk faster, sugar cube? This place is startin’ to give me chills…” said Applejack, jumping back scared when a vulture flew away when she stepped next to him.

Rainbow Dash laughed “Come on, AJ.” mocked the blue girl “I thought you didn't get scared so easily.”

“I'm not scared!” replied the farm girl “In fact, ya should be da one to be scared.”

“Wanna do a challenge?” asked Rainbow with a grin, extending her hand.

“First one to scream or confess is a loser.” said AJ with a grin, closing the deal by shaking her hand.

“Come on, girls.” said Sunset Shimmer “According to Zecora’s map, the Allspark should be right in front of us.”

“She is right. Look!” said Rarity.

In the end of the path was a bright light, perhaps the only one, shining like a lighthouse in the middle of a stormy night. Because of the lack of light, the girls covered their eyes as they stepped in a large open area with an opening to the skies right in like the heart of the Everfree Forest. All eyes fell in the middle of the place, where a gigantic cube filled with ancient cybertronian words impressed in its metal. The Rainbooms started to walk towards it, amazed by its size.

“The Allspark! We've found it!” shouted Twilight with a huge smile on her face.

“Yes, but how do the Autobots expect us to carry this thing?” asked Rarity.

“It doesn't matter, Rarity!” happily shouted Pinkie Pie “We have found it! And we are alive!” said Pinkie before realizing her mistake “Oh no…”

Suddenly, many growls were heard and many gigantic bipedal creatures stepped out of the shadows, scaring the girls. They were similar to the Autobots and Decepticons, but they were very different. They were a half smaller than the others and their bodies were just gray metal like they were…naked. Twilight gasped. It was the Protoforms.

Some Protoforms slowly walked towards them while others jumped from one vine to another, scaring the girls more and more as they got closer. The Rainbooms decided to turn around and run, although the Allspark was right there, but the exit was blocked by three more Protoforms. Fluttershy yelped when one of them crushed a skeleton, threatening her and the others in cybertronian. Before they could realize, one of the robots swung his arm and threw them backwards, landing in front of the Allspark. The girls started to stand up as the Transformers to surround them. Fear started to consume both Applejack and Rainbow Dash, as they watched the robots pushing each other and growling to each other every step like they wanted to get them first than the others and have all the pleasure in breaking their bodies. It was their end...

“R-Rainbow Dash…” said Applejack “Do ya w-want to confess somethin’ before…”

“N-No…” replied Rainbow Dash “And what a-about you?”

Twilight looked to their friends. They were scared and she was too. From all the alien robots, one of them jumped and landed in front of them, glaring at them as he cracked the gears in his hands, mocking them in his alien language before terminating them.

“Wait! We’re not your enemy! We just want to take the Allspark!” said Twilight, but the Protoform ignored her cries by raising both his arms and clenching both his fists “PLEASE! DON’T HURT US!” she yelled with tears in her eyes.

Suddenly, a green light erupted from Twilight’s neck, catching everyone by surprise, including her. Holding the tears, she looked down and gasped. It was her necklace that Alpha Trion gave her back in Equestria to see Optimus Prime’s past, when he was Orion Pax. She had completely forgot that she still has it. Looking up, Twilight gasped when she saw ever Protoform, including the one who was going to destroy her and the others that lowered his arms, looking at her as the necklace continued to shine. Suddenly, a metallic noise behind them made them turn around and made the Protoform step back. The big cube started to change, its pieces moving to allow a bright blue light to escape from the vessel. Inside of it was a blue cube of regular size floating inside of it, sharing a warm and nice feeling to the Rainbooms.

For some reason, the cube started to slowly flow towards Twilight, who extended her arms, like it has heard her cry. Once it was close to her, the Allspark stopped floating and fell just in time for the purple girl to grab it with her hands. All the girls stared to the mighty relic that the Autobots say that could save their home planet or destroy Earth in Megatron’s hand. After a short time of silence, Rainbow Dash exploded in anger.

“WE RISKED OUR LIVES FOR THIS?!” she shouted “I almost died of fear!”

“Ah!” chuckled Applejack “Ya lose!” she said, making the blue girl to growl.

“Alright, girls, playtime is over.” said Twilight “We have the Allspark. Now let’s go…”

Her words were cut once she and her friends turned around and saw nothing. All Protoforms have disappeared without making a single sound while they were focused in the Allspark. They were just guardians created by the relic and with their mission over, there was no point in staying there. Now they were just normal Transformers without a destiny and that made Twilight sad. They didn’t deserved to live the rest of their life in a magical shield prison and a dark place, but she knew that the world wasn’t ready for them. Maybe not now, but perhaps in the future.

Outside the Everfree Forest…

Zecora and the Autobots stared to the big forest of vines, awaiting for their humans to return from their mission. It has been some minutes and that was making them worried, but Optimus Prime knew that the Rainbooms were the type of failing, even when they are disarmed. The only thing that worries him is the fact of the absolute silence of the Decepticons. Although Teletraan-1, Sari and Spike were their eyes and ears, not a single action from them was located. In case their mission failed, he needed to create a backup plan.

“Autobots, a word?” he said, making his team come closer to him, letting Zecora watch the entrance “I know that you feel that this mission is been too much easy for us.”

“Now that you mentioned, Optimus, I kinda sense it too.” said Ratchet “Something tells me that the Decepticons are getting ready to mobilize.”

“They are surely waiting for us.” said Arcee “Megatron knew that we would start looking for the Allspark soon we learned about its location.”

“So we are doing all the job for him… “ growled Hound “So what do we do, Prime?”

“We will keep the original mission, but we will need to hold the Decepticons while the humans are evacuated.” said Optimus “Hiding the Allspark in the bunker is no longer an option, which means NEST will escort it to the outside of the very country, to a place that Megatron or even us don't know.”

“And if this plan fails, do we have a backup one?” asked Wheeljack, making his leader to look away “Optimus?”

“Autobots, we have been living in this planet for a long time, always dreaming of returning to a new reformatted Cybertron…” he said “During that time, strong bonds of friendship were made and from the humans we learned a lot. Although they are a young specie, they have a lot to share with others and with us. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.” he said “You all know there is only one way to end this conflict: we must destroy the Allspark…”

The Autobots looked down. It might be the only way, but it's also the meaning of the extinction of the cybertronian race.

Bleep-bloop-biiip…” said sadly Bumblebee.

“I'm sorry, my friend, but it is the only way to prevent Megatron to win.” said Optimus “If anything else fails, I will unite it with the Matrix of Leadership and my spark as well.”

“WHAT?!” shouted the Autobots.

“Optimus, losing the Allspark is something I can accept, but to lose you…” said Ratchet with a sad voice “It's suicide! Doing such thing will destroy you too! We need you, Optimus…Especially Twilight Sparkle.”

“A necessary sacrifice to bring peace to this planet.” said the Prime “We cannot let the humans pay for our mistake...When I'm one with the Allspark, protect Twilight and her friends at all cost. “ he said with a sad voice, receiving sad nods of their heads from his troops “It has been an honor serving with you all…”

“Hey! We are back!” shouted Pinkie Pie.

Turning around, the Autobots smiled when they saw not only their friends safe, but also the fact that the Allspark itself was in Twilight’s hand. They did it.

“Now hold still while I open the shield.” said Zecora.

“Hey, Optimus?” said Sunset, making the red and blue Bot look at her “We saw you and the Autobots talking to each other. What was it about?”

“We…We were just discussing the next step of the mission.” lied Optimus Prime “To make sure anybot knows what to do…”

Sunset rose up her eyebrow as Optimus finished his answer by looking away. From everything she learned with Applejack, he was lying and he wasn't good in that. In the very space, a dark blue robot wearing a screen as his face, using his tentacles to hack a satellite, spied his enemies all this time since they arrived to Africa. As the Rainbooms walked through the hole made by Zecora’s spell, the robot zoomed the satellite’s camera into Twilight Sparkle’s hands to see the mighty blue cube that he has been searching for.

Good work, Rainbooms, and thank you, Zecora, for your cooperation.” said Optimus Prime in his screen “Now let's take the Allspark to Crown City. Autobots, roll out!

“This is Soundwave: Allspark located.” said the Decepticon to his com link while disconnecting his tentacles from the satellite “All Decepticons, mobilize. Operation: All Hail Megatron.”