• Member Since 19th Sep, 2013
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Very Sleepy

I am never serious.

Comments ( 185 )

Obviously Twilight will be Fucking books or a certain sibling

Discord, you glorious bastard!:pinkiecrazy:

Eh, Discord and his weird chaotic ideas... at least it seems to be working so far :pinkiecrazy::twilightsmile:

I wonder what Rarity is going to do to make a living, now that all the clothing she creates literally vanishes into thin air :raritycry: Perhaps there's a loophole to Discord's spell which allows ponies to wear clothing that actually accentuates their sexy bodies instead of hiding them? :raritystarry:

Also, I hope we will get to see some pregnant action later on :twilightblush:

"Who else then Discord? "

He's Discord, Discord.

You will never know what he is going to do next.

He's Discord, Discord.

"Giggle, Giggle. Lets have sex."

But mares have autonomy, yes? Nudist Equestria is fun if it isn't some 13-year-old loser's "girls are stupid" fantasy. Though i also vote for sexy clothes being a thing. Bikinis and corsets

6385158 Um, as much as I would love to see bikinis, that is clothes, and this story is about going without clothes.

I for one am kinda hoping for some good ol' paizuri.

Just out of curiosity, how big are Rainbow's breasts? The way you wrote it, it sounds like she has a good size, even more so than usual depiction of Rainbow's anthro/human body type.

Her twin set of double D breasts

Holy shit, Rarity has four tits! A "Twin set" means she has two sets. 2x2=4 :duck:

You have my interest! Shall read soon :pinkiehappy:

She can support twice as many foals as any other mare! Raricow!

6385218 I meant to desribe them as "stereotype shattering" but never really got around to it.

6385365 Well, that's good. There are too many flat-chested Rainbow fics out there, in my opinion.

Was going to question why sex toys hadn't vanish but as I kept reading I saw you addressed their purpose, good stuff!

I'm interested to see where this new competitive approach will lead. The first effects are rather promising so far. More of that please!

Go Rainbow!!!!

Offer the better product, and get more demand lol

“For now they are, yes,” the draconequus retorted. “But none of you are having any babies! No one is even pregnant! In fact, the last recorded births in Equestria are from Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and that little episode of theirs was over three seasons ago!”
“Seasons?” Celestia asked, confused.
“You know… summer, winter, fall,” Discord said.
“Ah yes, of course. Continue.”

They just passed right over it! So smooth!

You know, I always find it disappointing when the description outlines a promising idea, but then I have to nope the hell out because the story just throws random fetishes at the wall to see what sticks.

Ahh Discord, what a simple lesson to be taught in such a way that will remind every stupid pony about their baser selves.

I came to see eroticism based around nudity rather than sex. I got another fucking clop story.

I am not pleased.

Alright, so far, I like what I read. Keep it up!
There's a lot more fun to be had I see :pinkiehappy:

The room felt much colder now on her fleshly exposed skin

Arent they anthro Ponies? The are suppouse to have fur, not skin

6387497 It can vary really. Just like some anthro art even choose to give ponies hooves instead of hands. But generally I try to keep specific descriptions to a minimum and let the reader decide how to picture the many forms anthro ponies take.

Aside from grammar mistakes, I approve of this story. You may want to seek out an editor, though. There are fair number of mistakes throughout these two chapters.

That was just a suggestion that sort of unveils a weakness of the premise. It's a clever idea but sartorial sexiness is a thing. Swimsuit issues and Victoria's Secret.


Personally, I would like to see some interspecies action, since everypony is nude and probably in heat with all that is going on.

And yeah, you know damn well what I'm referring to, especially since the summary shows that everyone is 18+. Plus Rarity's taken. Thunder's pounded that pussy good enough--all that remains for them is the relationship and the foal (or foals) on the way.

Need I say more?? :moustache: or maybe :moustache::heart::yay: or even better: :moustache::heart::trollestia: and :trixieshiftright: (I don't have a Luna emoticon)

.....come on, I can't be the only one on here that even looked at this as a possibility??? Plus, considering everyone is 18+, guess what? These three :applecry::unsuresweetie::scootangel: are legal too...Oh what fun...

You're not. :moustache::heart::unsuresweetie: is always nice. Though the "spoken for" part is not absolute; the spell seems designed to corrode inhibitions as it is, so single-partner relationships are probably much less common now. So, perhaps something like :moustache::heart::unsuresweetie::raritystarry::ajsmug::twilightblush::heart:Thunderlane is entirely possible.

Thunderlane and Spike sharing a harem could be interesting, no? Certainly never saw these characters together like that.


Whoa; didn't ever think about that possibility, Derpsy! And it would certainly be unique, wouldn't it? Usually they are seen as rivals, so to see Spike and Thunder as a tag-team would certainly be unexpected.

The sky was clear, the birds were chirping, the flowers were blooming, everything was right in the world.

This is any sensible person's reaction.

I'm gonna track this story, because I want to see where this goes. I love exhibitionism.

they had been disappointed that Shining Armor and Cadence had yet to convince a child,

Huh, never knew getting a child was as easy as simply talking to one...
Methinks you were looking for "to conceive".

Interesting concept, curious where you're going with this.

6389481 Wait... that's not how people have kids? My parents tricked me....

Either way, I always appreciate corrections.

6387207 Nudity is a state of being. Eroticism is a state of mind. The two are not mutually exclusive. roundstable.com/forums/images/smilies/mlp_rolleyes.png

It would. But judging from the downvotes, some folks aren't in favour of the idea. I wonder what exactly they dislike about it. Is it the addition of Thunderlane? Or calling it a 'harem'?

6390078 Umm... great sage advice, but I fail to see how that's relevant to my complaint. I was expecting a nudity-based story and got a sex-based one, and I find that disappointing.

when do we get new chapters

6390425 What I'm trying to say is that eroticism based solely on nudity is a fragile concept at best. Nudism is a lifestyle, not a form of pornography or exhibitionism. I guess I'm just having a difficult time understanding why it would be the main premise for a clop fic. :twilightoops:

6390458 Umm... Well, I suppose this is based on opinion, but I greatly nudity for pornographic purposes but don't find myself aroused by the act of sex much at all.


Who cares what they think? That's their problem, not mine.

But I have a hunch that it's because I mentioned that I wanted Spike in it, considering in the summary page, the author said that everybody is 18+. The last time I checked, everybody meant EVERY SINGLE BODY. More than likely, it's probably the ones that don't want Spike show up in future chapters that are behind the downvotes. Yeah, some of it is also because it appears that Sparity ain't happening (since Thunder already have cleaned Rarity's clocks and probably more than once, based on the ending lines of chapter 1), and that's all me--I'm a Sparity fanatic--but it just didn't seem right if there is gonna be a story that has pretty much all sexual prowess that you probably can think and Spike's not in there. Just doesn't seem right.

Long story short, seems like the red is by Spike haters, I get targeted because I like Spike in erotica, and then saw you commented to my initial comment.

Comment posted by Alex Warlorn deleted Sep 4th, 2015

If this becomes a male dominated society like "Fall of Equestrian".....
Words will fail me. Mostly because of the obvious 'much more women than men' (clearly stated by Discord of all things), and gender equality..... (And permanent marker all over their bodies for some fucked up reason might happen)

And watch how the princesses 'let go and live a little' later.... (And if I spoiled it somehow, sorry)

6391345 I never intended for this story to reach the whole FoE level, never really got a kick from writing stories where people are forced to have sex against their will. But things will happen with the story that's been established so far with so many more women than men. Kinda in the same spirit as chapter two. I'm not writing for males in Equestria to start seeing themselves as superior or anything (that would be silly, there are just fewer of them) more so everyone just doing what they love in some ways that would not be considered plain.

We're on the same boat.:twilightsmile:
Good luck with the story.

Huh. Not what I'd do in Discord's shoes. I'd do something a tad more... random. Either A) randomly impregnate(through magic, of course) every non-virginal female in the country( at least it doesn't strip children of their clothing, though Discord might have made them except)-sparing certain exceptions, such as those who are already mothers, homeless, etc, or B) equalize the genders. How? Write all the names of Equestria's citizens on slips of paper(or parchment, to be unpredictable), put all the slips into a fish, then randomly pull them out one by one, and place them alternatively in two jars, on marked "heads", on marked "tails". I would then flip a coin, and whichever side landed down would be turned into males, and the other would the the females, making sure Celestia was in one, and Luna in the other(Equal opportunity chaos!). Then if I wanted an orgy to go with it, I'd pump the local atmosphere with pheromones. Boom. Sick amusement=gained, genders=equalized, population=saved, world peace=never gonna happen. What about you guys? What chaotic ways would you solve the problem?

“It means, even under ideal circumstances, where a stallion pairs up with a mare and they have two children together, which they aren’t I might add, ponies would still be facing roughly a 50% decrease in overall population by the next generation.” Discord concluded, as the graphs rolled up back into his arm. “You ponies just don’t seem as interested in getting it on as much as you used to. If something isn’t done soon, your end won’t be by my hand, a changeling invasion, or from some Tirek like monster from the depths of Tartarus, it’ll be your own fault, and you’ll have no one else to blame!”

This really fails to engage me in the story. Not at all the most interesting premise to a story, and if everybody here is saying that this is just another clopfic, that's pretty bad. Clop should be more than just... "Oh look everyone is nude! Let's have an orgy because we can't control our sexual impulses!"

6392614 Well other writers as well as myself have written our fair share of normal 1 on 1 clopfics. I wanted to try something not as commonly done where sex becomes less of a taboo practice and a more common thing in public, which can be difficult to do without a ridiculous premise. But ridiculous goes well with Discord and the comedy I've wanted to try writing for a while seeing as I've slipped some jokes in my last stories. Not to mention this story is extremely fun for me to write.

And it's not like the characters in the story are blind to how silly of a concept this seems. It is promptly addressed and made even worse in a way I figure Discord would do if for some reason, actually doing this on the show. Part of the reason why I wanted to upload 2 chapters of this story at the get go.

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