• Member Since 19th Sep, 2013
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Very Sleepy

I am never serious.

Comments ( 202 )

I don't suppose this was inspired by ohohokapi's pictures, eh? An extremely strong beginning either way.

7539051 Can't say it is, but I wouldn't mind seeing whatever pictures you're referring to.

You can find most of ohohokapi's stuff on Derpibooru.
The pictures (or their ID's at least) I was thinking about specifically are:

Rarity is right. The power of boobs is strong, and I like the dynamic that's going on. Reverse harem? I'm interested. The power of boobs is strong.


Cover art made by you yet used without your permission?

Oh I like your logic, my friend.

Now this looks interesting.

“Awwww… damn it! Why did we ever agree to no touching?” Flash Sentry mumbled.

Well, my friend, you can always renegotiate. After all, Sunset explained it:

Like I said, it’s Flash’s house and he sets the rules. We aren’t really in a place to argue with him… Not like any of the guys wanted to. Besides, it is sort of fun… once you get used to it…

Ohohokapi's stuff is awesome, but might be a little too far in regard to the tone the story's adopted so far. If they start putting the girls on leashes, then we're getting there!

I'm so incredibly happy this exists.

i swear if there isnt a frek show twilight three way with luna and celestia by the end i will be disapointed

Cover art by me. Used without my permission.

Sorry, but...:rainbowlaugh:

Well, I'll say to begin with that I did end up upvoting this. It was indeed sexy, and knew what points to touch on for explanation so this wasn't completely immersion breaking with each moment. There are two issues I have. One that's minor, one that's major.

The minor one is the idea that the guys never ask to screw them or anything like that: That they're too shy. From the sounds of it, this type of party has been going on for months! Not only would this make the boys actually not find it as special to see the girls naked, having seen it so many times and been able to expect it, but they would be able to be more casual in the atmosphere, and thus ask to do what they wanted. Add to that the fact that the girls act like whores, and Flash should have no issues jacking it to Pinkie while he asks, like he does any week, to touch her. If this has been going on for so long to become such a practiced tradition, that is how the party would be, if not with the no touching rule completely gone. But, like I said, minor, despite me having a lot to say on the matter.

The MAJOR one is the idea that they're able to have phones out AT ALL during this. This goes to about times a billion for Celestia and Luna. Are you telling me none, and I mean NONE of these giant, frustrated perverts who get teased every week, and probably told no afterwards, wouldn't post photos and videos? Or just an asshole pervert wouldn't try to monetize what his audience could get out of these parties. You said they were even allowed to bring in high quality cameras, making it all the more likely that every week turns into a big porno shoot, later to be sold on the internet.

None of the girls, NONE of them should be okay with pictures being taken of them freely while naked. I'd even say that the no touching rule should/would be less important to them than that, as at least they can say no, and there's too many people around to have anyone get raped. You can't stop the rogue picture though, the chance to have your life destroyed like that.

Jumbled Thought covered all the logistical problems, so I'll just cap off by saying the grammar and sentence structure is some of the most awkward I've seen in quite a while.

7539822 Them being ok with the whole pictures being taken of them thing is sort of a response to the completely unrealistic but workable condition that movies set up in which everyone in the school, and therefore at this party, are the absolute best of friends with each other. Therefore they wouldn't want to do anything that would actually harm the girls and get them to stop such as posting all their pictures online.

As for the no touching rule, I think the guys were already thought they were pushing it when the first established the required nudity rule. They had to at least agree to some conditions and abide by them each week if they wanted to keep the girls coming back. With no touching people like Rarity are at least satisfied thinking they don't lack complete control over themselves.

7539854 Oh, I agree with the no touching rule. It's the idea that the guys don't ask freely at this point. They've been doing this for so long that you would think it'd become normal for them to ask, even expected, like with the pictures. Not only that, but you know there would be guys daring each other to ask girls if they could fuck them, just to test their bravery.

So the moral of the story is that men are superior and make the rules and women are easily manipulated servile idiots? I can get behind that.

7539877 I guess the non-shy guys don't ask because they know they won't get anything. The girls have already formed an unspoken game where they are content to fuck each other, and not the boys themselves. So they would only get turned down if they asked for anything more extreme than a quick feel. All in a playful fun of course. Sort of their way of getting back at the boys for making them stay naked. The guys have to put up with lust themselves... for now.


The guys have to put up with lust themselves... for now.

How ominous!

“So, w-we don’t have to get naked?!” Twilight asked.

“Actually… we do… if we want to stay that is,” Sunset sighed. “Guys can stay fully dressed though. Only girls have to strip. We can’t even wear socks.”

“Come on, let’s head in.” Sunset said, now that the two naked girls were officially allowed into the rest of the house.

Several guys and some naked ‘chicks’, as they were normally referred as

Even a table dedicated to strip poker where all the girls lost instantly upon joining.

Okay, I'm sorry, no.


*sigh* At the risk of coming off as a hypocrite considering some of the things I've written for the sake of porn, this might be the most alarmingly misogynistic, sexist thing on this entire website. The very PREMISE of this story is just dripping with objectification, and in a spectacularly bad and demeaning way. Then on top of that, you've got the cringeworthy peer pressure angle...

Again, hypocrite for saying this given some of my body of work, but this. Is. WRONG.

And then there's this:

Like I said, it’s Flash’s house and he sets the rules.

WOW that's holy SHIT out of character. Even Flash's most strident haters would have to concede that he's NOT the kind of PIG you'd have to be to do this.

“Don’t worry, they aren’t allowed to touch us or do anything else sexual to our bodies without our consent first,” Sunset reassured her friend. “In case you were wondering.”

GEE doesn't that just make this whole cringefest SO MUCH MORE REASSURINGLY NOT CHAUVINISTIC?

The half-assed attempt at justifying this as a naturism fic, by the way, is more insulting than the rest of this monstrous pile of garbage.

“You see darling? You’ve got it all wrong!” Rarity continued, turning back to Twilight with a confident expression. “Here we have every strapping young man our school has to offer at our complete beck and call. All of them willing bend over backwards to please us and keep us this way just because that thing dangling between their legs tells them too. Hehe… And the only thing we have to do in exchange for this divine service is show a fraction more skin than we normally do at the beach. No, darling… if anything, we are the ones taking advantage of them.”


I stopped reading halfway through because I honestly felt the need to throw up.

Well done. You may have actually written the single most offensive thing on this entire website.

There was a ping pong table where couples played against each other. Even a table dedicated to strip poker where all the girls lost instantly upon joining.

HAHAHA i laugh so hard at that.

you guys know the show you base this fics is about cute little ponies ,right?
sorry i am a casual reader at this site, what i am asking? XD

7540841 I'm sorry you feel that way. I know this type of story isn't for everyone as it pitches towards a rather rare kink some people may find distasteful. I don't write these things expecting to get anywhere near a decent likes to dislike ratio, so I'm kind of surprised to see it get a front page feature myself. They aren't supposed to get this much attention.

But I can assure you this isn't the most offensive story on this site by far.


this might be the most alarmingly misogynistic, sexist thing on this entire website

Oh, Mr. Moth. I can assure you it's not. However, you wouldn't be wrong in assuming it's at least, slightly misogynistic... just overreacting a bit.

Well done. You may have actually written the single most offensive thing on this entire website.

Also... no...

(plz dun kill meh, Mr. Moth. I'm a fan)

Agreed with Mod on both accounts. Sorry, Mythril, but in this case, I do think you're overreacting.

So what about the Non-Binary students? Do they walk around in only their underwear? Do the Genderfluid go around either topless or bottomless? If a woman wore clothes and a man was nude, wouldn't they be Transgender by the school's logic?

7540841 Anyone remember the phrase "Don't make a mountain out of a molehill"?

We should bring that back. It would see so much use these days.

There are entire groups on this site dedicated to purposefully collecting the most offensive material on this site, and you decide to harp on the clearly not-even-pretending-to-be-realistic, entirely consensual, above or hovering around the legal edge (until the teachers come in) teenage masturbatory fantasy.

I mean, at least pick one of the ones that's all that, but with diapers. At least then you can argue for critical mass.

7541008 I suspect they get to have their own party hosted by one of the richer kids. Purely because most teenage males do not enjoy when their boners are confused.

(fished reading story) aaaaand nothing ... i felt nothing from this ... am i ok?

7541037 Well....That's fucking bullshit.


Jesus fuck, it's smut. Don't overanalyze it.

Well done. You may have actually written the single most offensive thing on this entire website.

Obviously you haven't seen the things I've tried to post on here. Amanda Todd in Equestria was one of my personal favorites.

7541096 The part about the exclusive party, or the part about heteronormative males being unclear on whether or not they should allow themselves to be aroused by gender-fluidity?

7540969 The fic is sexist by design, since it appeals to a particular kink that has members of one gender exposed to members of the other. I think the author would agree with me so far on that point. Now, let's play a game. Since misogyny is the hatred of women, what about this fic would indicate the author's disliking of females? This is not a rhetorical question. I'm curious because as far as I can tell, the party is a consensual business where you can join if you agree to the rules, and if you don't agree then you don't have to join.

I think it's also worth mentioning that, given what we've seen, the fic is not meant to be taken seriously. It's pretty illogical and the author knows it. If we can get that point out of the way, that would be pretty great.

7540841 As for you, young man, would it kill you to grow a spine for Christ's sake? I know you're trying to deflect the hypocrisy card by acknowledging it, but that's not gonna work with me. You sound like the biggest pansy on the site right now, and a grossly hypocritical one at that. Aren't you supposed to be an adult and not a prima donna?

Good day, ladies and gentlemen.

The boys are the ones with pee-pee sticks, while the girls are the ones with vajayjays and most likely boobies.

It isn't that difficult if you've ever had a sex-ed class or have a sibling of the opposite sex.

You have the best account name + picture combination I've ever witnessed.

If anything it is the exact opposite, excluding the "make the rules" part which is irrelevant because the rule was set by the party host and not some sort of imagined patriarchal committee that dedicates its existence to pissing all over your delicate sensibilities.

7541126 Did you know that you only make people take you less seriously by acting intelligent?

7541179 Would you prefer I put in a few typos? I'm not sure what you're asking of me here.

7541186 I'm simply sharing a useful tidbit of information that you seem to be unaware of. How you utilize that knowledge is up to you.

7541195 Tell me something, in what kind of backwards universe do we live in where making crystal clear points in a conversation is a bad thing? Christ, I'm not even using big words. It appears formal, but I don't think that's reason enough to write it off as gibberish.

7541215 I never claimed it was gibberish.

I implied that you look like a self-important douchebag with delusions of superiority in regards to everyone else involved in this discussion through what seems like deliberate word choice and a fairly smug icon.

Have I made myself clear enough to you?


What you've made clear is that you need to get the dildo out of your ass before your parents try to pray the gay away.

7541232 ...

I seriously fail to understand how insinuating that I'm currently in a massive amount of physical pleasure is an insult.


You must be fun at parties. Back in high school, you must have been that guy that everybody loved, all the girls wanted, all the popular guys hung out with, etc. Your wit is sharp enough to cut, your humor makes you the gravitational center of any room, and your philosophies so deep that it bring people to contemplate the entirety of their existence.



Or, if you want it to be plural, *philosophies are

It's your choice. Just stop being wrong.

Ya know, I couldn't really enjoy this one because of all the weird connotations and objectification that occurred here. If it was just a fun nudist party (ya know, where everyone is naked) then I wouldn't feel awkward about the situation because everyone is out there but instead the entire thing felt horribly lopsided. The way the party was not only talked about but also set up really drove home that this whole thing was largely due to peer pressure and some rich kid abusing his position to make what is the equivalent of a high school strip club held back only from a total maledom bordering on Fall of Equestria via rich kid sponsored patriarchy by some references to some obligatory negotiation that occurred at some point in the past saying "they can't touch without permission". Well no shit, that's called rape if they do.

Now I don't have too much issue with someone making a no shit, girls be getting raped or at least heavily dominated story, it's fiction and it's a guilty pleasure, but when you make a sexist fic and then try to use special wording to make it sound like it's totally not sexist, then you start muddling ideas and concepts that need to be clearly defined simply to combat much less prevent in the first place and that's where I find this fic the most disturbing.

TL;DR and also general response to a lot of the people hating on moth as I feel he may just not have the right words to say it.

It's not the presence of the themes I find offensive, it's the attempt to disguise them with token compromises and apologist rhetoric paired with using straw (wo)men all saying "we're all okay with it in the end so it's not really sexism and bullying via outright exclusion"

7541222 I'll give you credit, that's a quick and efficient way of shooting down people with opinions that differ from your own. Is this guy being "deliberate" in his choice of words? Call him a douchebag for knowing how to use a keyboard and using a picture he likes as his avatar. That'll get him to back right the fuck down.

Oy vey... :facehoof:


I'll stop utilizing tastefully incorrect grammar as soon as you stop being an anal twit.


The boys are the ones with pee-pee sticks, while the girls are the ones with vajayjays and most likely boobies.

It isn't that difficult if you've ever had a sex-ed class or have a sibling of the opposite sex.

Congratulations. You just disproved Moth's "this story is the most offensive thing on the website" claim.

7541122 The former obviously.

Oh, I'm not hating. I just disagree for the most part. I think people are reading too much into this, some agenda that's not there.


There's no such thing as tastefully incorrect grammar.

Also, watch your language.

Actually, it's probably closer to the points of "it's ok to require girls to submit to normally unreasonable demands if you can get enough people to agree with you and use exclusion from a popular social event to make them a social pariah if they don't submit to those demands" though I'm going to go out on a limb and say the author probably doesn't publicly endorse this and was more trying to rationalize it happening. It just so happened to end up kind of... bad.

>Flash "makes the rules"
>Requires girls expose themselves at his popular kid party
>the boys wouldn't be caught disagreeing because it means they get to see the girls they already fantasize about naked
>(insert obligatory anti-gay-male school stereo types here "what are you, gay?")
>Girls are offered a reward that they already have (we don't get to touch you sexually without your permission)
>Girls are also penalized with a punishment who's real effectiveness is from causing social barriers between otherwise close friendships (you don't get to be at the popular kid's party with all your friends and experiencing the same things as them, you're too different)
>normalize and give apologist excuses for behaviors that are realistically risky and prone to further shifting advantages from girls to guys.
>"It's just a complement"
>"They would never do that to us because then we would stop showing up!"
>"Exhibitionist lesbian sex is just a bit of fun! Everyone's doing it!"

It has now graduated to a full blown social ritual/"rite of passage"

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