• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 8,138 Views, 161 Comments

Get Clean! - ocalhoun

Applejack has developed an odor. Rarity sets out to remedy the situation, with or without Applejack's consent.

  • ...

In which it is proven beyond any reasonable doubt that unicorns are evil.

I have never been betrayed so gosh darn hard in all my life. That white and purple snake just snuck right up and bit me. I was just there at my apple stand, mindin' my own business like any good pony would, and then she comes.

I'd thought she was my friend, you know, 'cause of all the magic of friendship and all that, and 'cause of how we'd been friends for years by then, through thick and thin and all kinds of trouble.

I was as wrong as a simple farm pony ever could be.

Oh, she sidled up to me all nice and calm like, gave me a hug. She told me I had an odor to me, which I didn't pay no mind to, since she's always sayin' things like that. But on that day, somethin' crawled up into Rarity's tail and put a burr on her butt, because that day, for some reason, she had a mind to do somethin' about it.

“Oh, Applejack,” she asked me all sweet-and-innocent like, “have you ever considered coming along to one of our spa dates, dear?”

I stared at her, givin' her the kind of look she deserved for a dumb question like that. “Nope.”

She paused. If she was waitin' for a response, I'd just go on ahead and let her stew. She stewed for a good, long while before she finally gave in. “Oh, Applejack, don't be silly. It will be wonderful.”


Now it was gettin' to her. That polite smile she was wearin' started gettin' a mite thin. “I think it would be a great experience for you.”


“Well...” Her smile was gone now, replaced by a slight frown and diamond-hard eyes. “In that case, I regret I simply must inform you that, one: your mane is in dire need of maintenance and, two: you have begun to develop quite a ... distinctive odor.”

“It's healthy,” I told her.

“Is that so?”


Her eyes narrowed. “It is not healthy, not for you, nor anyone around you.”

I just shrugged and went back to countin' my apples. Not that they needed countin' or such, just somethin' to do while I waited for Rarity to get bored of lookin' at me like that.

Only... even after I'd counted a couple hundred apples – probably a couple hundred; I might've lost count – she was still there. I tried my darndest to ignore her, but I just couldn't. I figured she was what was makin' me lose count so much. “Rarity, are you done yet? You're scarin' off my customers.”

“It's not me scaring them off, Applejack. It's your scent.”

“Hogwash. There was plenty of ponies around before you came.”

She stared at me, and I sure didn't like the way she was lookin' at me. “You need a bath.”


“And you are going to get one.”

“Nope.” I had to laugh a little at that. “I'd like to see you try.”

One of her eyebrows slowly rose.

“Hey,” I told her, “that's my thing!”

She just grinned at me. “You'd like to see me try, oh? I'll take that as an invitation.”

“You wouldn't dare.”

Rarity's grin grew wider. “Oh wouldn't I?” Her horn began to glow.

Much to my consternation, all four of my hooves lifted up off the ground, and she held me up in the air. “Rarity, you put me down right now!”

“Enope,” she said, in a terrible imitation of my accent. Hauling me along with her like I was no more than a sack of flour, she began trotting off toward the edge of town – not the edge of town where Sweet Apple Acres was, the other edge of town.

I screamed and I kicked, and I raised as much ruckus as I could – I raised a fracas, too, in case Pinkie hears about this – but it was no good. That three-times-darned unicorn had a good grip on me with her cheater-magic, and every pony who saw me just laughed. I still feel a mite resentful about all that laughin', to be honest.

Once we got clear of the edge of town, I could see where she was takin' me, and it sure didn't look good. Out in the grassy field just outside of town, there was a wooden washbucket already set up full of water, soap bubbles all over the top of it.

Now, I'd thought I was strugglin' as mightily as I could already, but that weren't nothin' compared to what I did when I saw that bucket.

“Oh calm down, Applejack. It's just a little soap and water. It isn't going to hurt you... goodness.

“The hay it ain't!” I kicked at her pointy head, but I couldn't reach it. “This is assault, and kidnappin', and harassment, and... um... bath rape, and a whole heap of other things too, probably.”

She stopped and turned back to look at me, a big grin on her face as she magically held me above the soapy water. “Oh, I know. That's why I took the time to petition for a preemptive pardon from Princess Twilight.”

Twilight's in on this? Darned schemin' unicorns! She can't do that!”

She started lowering me toward the water. “Oh yes she can. She's a princess now. Unlimited royal authority to grant pardons.”

“It don't count when you get pardoned ahead of time! She can't give ya permission to do crimes!” I looked down at the approaching water. “Okay, okay. I give up! Just please don't do this! I don't wanna take a bath!”

“You could have had a wonderful day at the spa if you had agreed to my first offer.”

“Please, Rarity, I'll do anything! Just don't put me in that—” My hooves touched the water. “Nooo!”

Without any further ceremony, she dunked me all the way into it, making it slosh over the edge. It was so wet and so cold! How could she do that to me?

I tried to struggle and jump out of the water, but she was still holdin' on to me with her magic. The only thing all my wigglin' was good for was to make a bunch more water slosh out.

Rarity's magic brought up a hair brush and a coat brush. How could she do all that and still put in all the strength she needed to hold me in the darned tub? “Now do hold still. I'm about to attempt a mane detangling. You might feel a little pinch now and again.”

I yelled and hollered, and I kicked and struggled, but it was no use. Her brush was at work in my hair and her scrubber was at work all over my body, rubbin' out all the healthy sweat and dirt in it. She was maliciously washin' me against my will, and there was nothin' – nothin' I could do about it!

All my commotion drew a bit of attention, though. Rainbow Dash flitted down from the clouds and landed on a nearby tree, watching us, her face full of curiosity.

“Rainbow!” I yelled out to her. “I'm—” A dunk in the tub cut me off, but I popped right back up. “Help! Rarity's gone crazy!” I got dunked again. “Crazier than usual! Get help! Get Big Macintosh!” Rarity's magic wasn't enough to hold me back anymore; now she had to use her hooves, too.

Rainbow sat on the tree branch, perched like a featherbrained bird for a moment ... then she hopped back into the air, laughing as if it was the funniest thing she ever did see.

Rainbow! This is serious!”

She just laughed harder.

Eventually, I'm ashamed to say, I gave in to despair. There was no hope for me. As much as I hated to think about it, I was going to be ... clean.

The washing went on and on. That evil unicorn – ain't they all evil? – scrubbed and scrubbed until I figured I didn't even have any fur left. Then she scrubbed some more!

Finally – and I'm sayin' this took hours – she hauled me out of the tub and dried me off with a blast of magic that made me feel all tingly and uncomfortable. She set me down on the ground, letting Rainbow and herself admire all the things they'd done to me.

“Doesn't she look marvelous when she's groomed?” Rarity said.

Rainbow came a little closer. “At least she smells better.”

I had a plan though. A cunning plan. I was eyeballin' the mud puddle all my splashes had made around the bucket.

Rarity released me. “There, Applejack dear. Don't you feel better now?”

Rather than answer her dumb question, I jumped forward, landin' square in the middle of the mud. I didn't waste one bit of time in droppin' down in it and rollin' to my heart's content. When I finally got up, I was so covered nopony could've even guessed what color my coat was. It wasn't my hard-earned sweat and dust, but at least I wasn't clean.

Rainbow and Rarity were watchin' me, and they sure weren't amused. Both of 'em were splattered with little bits of brown mud from when I'd jumped. I grinned at 'em and made to run off before they could catch me again and get the idea of re-washin' me.

“Rarity,” I heard Dash say as I sped off, “you owe me a spa day.”

I didn't hear what Rarity said, but she nodded, and both of them headed off to the south side of town, where the spa was.

Myself, I ran clear back to Sweet Apple Acres without the slightest bit of hesitation. My apologies for any foals I terrified along the way. I'll make sure and tell them there ain't no such thing as a mud-monster pony.

* * *

“And that, Your Highness, is why I want Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash thrown in jail ... at least for a spell.”

Princess Celestia stared down at Applejack, at the trail of muddy hoofprints leading into her throne room. When she had seen Applejack's name on the supplicant list for the day, she had hoped that she'd get a break from the inane, crazy requests of her subjects. No such luck, it would seem. “We will take it under consideration.”

Author's Note:

This story is brought to you thanks in part to my Patreon supporters! They're invaluable for keeping me focused and motivated to write with the power of the deadline.

If you'd like to help keep me writing, please check out my Patreon page.

Comments ( 161 )
Georg #1 · Sep 8th, 2015 · · ·

I half expected it to end slightly different:

Princess Celestia poked her nose out of the throne room and whispered to the guard. "I'm headed for the Royal Baths. Would you be so kind as to cancel all of my appointments for the afternoon and have somepony mop up the mess." She nodded at the line of muddy hoofprints that threaded their way into the room without even a reduction in spacing in front of the door to indicate a change of pace.

"Very well, Your Highness." The guard flicked his ears at the sound of muffled cursing coming from inside the room. "If you'll excuse the question, it seems like a strange time of day to be taking a bath."

"Oh, I'm not taking a bath," said Princess Celestia as she trotted out of the room with a muddy earth pony floating behind her, wrapped in a muffling spell. "I'm giving one."

Heh, that would be a fun way to end it.

I love when people add stuff like this! ^.^ It's like getting little fanfics of my fanfic.

Oh I could definitely see Rarity doing this to Applejack. And I see Twilight giving the pardon. And I can see Celestia just shaking her head, saying Nope and No More, dumping responsibility on Luna and taking a month vacation.

After dumping Applejack in the moat for a quick cleaning.

But . . . doesn't Rarity know that a mudpony's strength is proportional to the dirt in her coat?

Celestia is too weak, Applejack need to ask Luna if she want something.

This was a funny enough story and I like it enough that I'm going to favorite it, but one thing bugs me.
And that is this moment:

“Rarity,” I heard Dash say as I sped off, “you owe me a spa day.”

Unless I missed something earlier in the fic (and I double checked the whole story), that line seems out of character, even for a silly story such as this.
Rainbow would NEVER willingly go to the spa to actually get pampered. The only things that I can think of that would get her to go do something like that would be losing a bet, it being a dare, the fate of a friendship resting on her doing so, or having to do it in order to save Equestria.

:raritystarry: Spike what are you doing in my boutique all covered in mud?
:moustache: Applejack?

Well, I guess that means I got the characterization right. ^.^

Of course. She just wants to weaken her for the eventual unicorn takeover.

Oy, don't knock best pony!

Fair enough... maybe I should have thought of some other way for Rainbow to complain about being mud-splattered.

Ha! That would make a fun sequel!

I feel like a little more explanation as to why AJ hates baths is in order.

Great story!

6406374 Honestly, I don't think Rainbow would complain about being mud splattered. At least, not unless it gunked up her wings. And even then, she'd probably just clean it off herself rather than go to a spa.

Doesn't Apple Jack regularly go to that swimming hole near her house?

Because she is mud pony. :ajsmug:

Thankfully, that water is pretty dirty.

Now Applejack knows how Winona must feel :ajsmug: .......... Poor Opal though... :ajsleepy:


Between that and Applejack's comments on unicorns, I'm surprised there isn't a tribe war in Equestria... Again.

I do what I can. ^.^

Yeah, it's a rough life.

There is, it's just whenever things get too heated, the alicorns step in and remind everybody who's boss.


Jesus Christ...

He's not in right now, but I can take a message for him if you'd like.

This is the first story I have read on this site, and it was by far a good first impression!

BATH RAPE!? I literally had to COVER MY MOUTH because my roommate is right here sleeping on the couch lol!


Tell him he needs to stop the pony race war. It's giving his father ulcers.

6406374 maybe Rarity wagered that she could get AJ clean without getting herself dirty. RD took the bet, and the loser paid for a spa trip.

Excellent work as usual, ocal. You got AJ's character down withkut the drawl, bonus ducks there.

did not anticipate that ending heh heh

I am the forty-second like. I am okay with this.
In all seriousness, good story, ocalhoun. I'm looking forward to more from ya!

Ha! Cool!
Glad I could give you a good introduction to Fimfiction. ^.^

Aw, come on; wake 'em up. I'd love to hear how you explained the concept of bath rape!

I'll load that message into my cannon and shoot it into the air where Jesus lives.
I'm sure he'll get it.

It's good practice. ^.^ I've got a novel I'm working on where I need lots of country accents.

I'm glad I can still be unpredictable at times!

Oh, and there's more coming.
Tomorrow, I ship Fluttershy with a spider.

Wait...wait... wait just a darned minute.... *eyes grow all dinner plate sized*

Wow, you figured it out!

6407030 I am strangely okay with that.

After thinking about it...If Celestia don't want to put them in jail, Applejack can force her, it's easy, she can talk with her family and all the Apple Family in a riot because the princess did not put them in jail.

Hah, AJ is like a cat, deathly afraid of baths.

While I don't really agree with making AJ the dirty one, for the purpose of this story it was great. Good job! :rainbowlaugh:


:ajbemused: "Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system!"
:trollestia: "Shut up, bloody peasant!"

Although Applejack is not froufrou-y, she is clean and well-groomed.

And who doesn't like a good old fashioned riot?

Thanks! ^.^ It was fun to do.

She is once Rarity's done with her!

6408356 Discord. A Riot is harmony, is too organized

Unicorns are evil AND OP, and not just in your stories.

But especially in my stories. :rainbowwild:

Wow, this thing just featured... and I posted it more than 24 hours ago.
Now that's a slow-burning story!

Does this remotely resemble the Powerpuff Girls episode? At all?

I'm unaware of any Powerpuff Girls episode.

Awe, that was cute!

Aka 'non-consensual bathing'.

^.^ Thanks!

Heh, I keep using song titles without knowing it.

But no, that's not where I came up with it.
(I actually came up with it as a variant on the movie title Get Hard.)



That's a song about the Holocaust. Funny coincidence, that?

Heh, figures it'd be about something awful.

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