• Published 31st Oct 2015
  • 3,295 Views, 307 Comments

The Ponies who Played with Fire - A M Shark

A year after the events of "The Draconequus with the Dragon Tattoo," Fluttershy and Discord's paths cross once again when two of her close friends are murdered and the evidence seems to point to a certain draconequus.

  • ...

Chapter 13. Proverbs 14:12

Chapter 13

"There is a way that seems to be right, but in the end it leads to death."—Proverbs 14:12

I've forgotten how much I hate clouds, Skywishes mentally grumbled even as she ducked down into one. Give me a good solid tree branch any day. She had been away from clouds for so long in fact, that she had actually forgotten just how wet they could be. One of her main reasons for disliking them was that she had never managed to master the knack most pegasi seemed to have for handling clouds without getting wet. She had been diving in and out of them so many times that now she was soaked through and shivering. Still her hiding in the clouds seemed to have paid off so far when it came to avoiding detection.

Now parting the cloud's bottom layer, she peered down at the castle below. Okay. Step One: Make it to Canterlot without getting caught. Done.

Step Two: Find Twilight and Spike. Also without getting caught.

She studied the ponies moving about far below her. Many of them were wearing pieces of winter clothing so her borrowed cloak wouldn't look too out of place ... but the fact that it was soaking wet might attract attention. Considering how long it would take for the cloak to dry, and that there was no way of telling how much time she had to look for her quarry, it might be better to ditch the cloak ... but if any of the ponies down there were secretly changelings, and word of her description had been passed around ...

The coral-colored pegasus huffed out a frustrated breath. If only she had some other form of disguise that—

Then she noticed that one set of guards had taken over from another set.


With their queen walking in the lead, the semitransparent changelings all either walked or flew farther down the tunnel until they came to a section where it widened. When Chrysalis stopped in this section, her subjects flowed past her to form a semicircle around a column of glowing light. Floating in that column was a small skeletal-looking equine; its body covered with a ridged black exoskeleton rather than hair like a pony.

One of the changelings struck the column with a hoof, causing the creature inside to revolve helplessly. Though there was no change in the creature's expression, the changelings all felt her hatred for them surge, and they fed on it through their windigo essence. Granted the power they could draw from her was paltry compared to what they could get from Equestria's pony population, but it would do in an emergency or if they were in a hurry.

The little equine tried to glare at her captors but of course she couldn't so much as make her orange eyes twitch. She could only seethe.

What did they want with her? Were they here to mock her again with the fact that they were free and she was trapped? Hadn't they tired of tormenting her yet? When would they finally let her die?

Skywishes landed on the roof of a guardhouse and watched as several armored ponies went in, then re-emerged minus their armor. Two of the guards stationed themselves outside the house and didn't seem to be in any hurry to move.

Drat! Well, I guess it was too much to hope for that they'd just leave their armor unguarded. And with that, Skywishes tucked the trailing edge of her cloak into her saddlebag straps (to minimize dripping), pried a tile off the roof, and flung it into the distance where it shattered against the stone. Both guards looked in that direction, so she chucked another tile that way as well. When it shattered, the guards moved forward to investigate the crash. As soon as they were several feet away from the guardhouse door, Skywishes swung down from the roof, and used her back hooves to work the door handle. The door swung open, and she dropped inside with a faint rustle both of wet cloak and of wings. She quickly ducked around the door and flattened herself against the wall. The guardhouse seemed to be empty save for several neatly arranged piles of armor, so Skywishes used one of her back hooves to slowly ease the door shut.

"Hey, didn't we close that door?" said a male voice, and she froze. She heard the clatter of hooves coming closer and tried to press herself even flatter against the wall. Had her cloak dripped all over the ground despite her effort to prevent that? Would the guards notice? Would she be able to stay hidden if they—?

Then she heard somepony fiddling with the door handle.

"Hmm. Must not have latched it all the way," the male voice muttered. "I keep telling maintenance to look at this thing, but noooo." Then the door was pulled shut with a firm bang, and given a few little experimental pushes to make sure it was well and truly closed. Skywishes heard the guards outside shuffling back into their proper positions, and when they eventually quieted, she relaxed just a tad, grateful that once again she had managed to avoid detection. Now she eased cautiously away from the wall, moving to examine the sets of armor. After eyeballing them for a few quick seconds, she chose what seemed to be the smallest one.

It was a challenge to move the pieces of armor without them clanking together, but traveling through the Everfree with often-cumbersome supplies had forced Skywishes to become an expert on moving potentially noisy objects while making scarcely a sound. Shucking off her wet cloak, she tucked it into one of her saddlebags before dragging on some body armor. The armor was designed for somepony with a bigger girth than her, but the saddlebags helped her fill it out a bit. When she pulled her tail through the appropriate hole, she kept the bottom half of it tucked under, so that it at least appeared to end in a straight military cut. Then she smeared her tail with some armor polish to hide its pink streaks, making it look a more uniform purple-brown. She had seen several guards of varying colors but was still worried that the pink-and-purple streaks composing her mane and tail would be too noticeable. Fortunately the helmet was large enough to hide her mane completely so she didn't have to worry about concealing those pink streaks.

She started to slip her hoof into one of the armored shoes, then almost yipped when it came down on something squashy. Oh, please don't let me have squished a mouse or something, she mentally groaned as she turned the shoe upside-down. What fell out of it was a wrapped (and now-misshapen) sandwich.

For several seconds she just blinked disbelievingly down at the food item. What a weird place to store your lunch. Then she examined the other three shoes, but found no surprises in them. However when she tried them on, she found another issue. Just as with the armor, the shoes were designed for a bigger pony, and her hooves kept slipping around in them. Just my luck, I pick the one armory that outfits all the elephant-footed guards. And with that, she kicked the shoes off (but made sure to catch them before they crashed against anything.) Hopefully everypony will still be so focused on Discord, they won't notice one shoeless guard.

Then she glanced down at the misshapen sandwich, debating whether to put it back or commandeer it. Her stomach rumbled. Well, it's all squished up now anyway which could raise questions... And with that, she unwrapped the sandwich and took a bite.

Hmm. Pimento cheese. A nice change from the dessert she had been living off of for the past few days. Tucking the rest of the sandwich in her saddlebag for later, she crept toward the door and listened. She could hear the guards shifting about, and decided she couldn't chance exiting that way. Which meant she would have to try getting out through a back window.

And once I'm out, I have to figure out how to find Twilight. Let's see. Fluttershy mentioned that she was looking up medical spells...

To an outside observer, the stone draconequus looked like nothing more than a large lifeless rock. But deep inside it, Discord was slowly regaining consciousness.

Where am I? Why is it so dark? ... And why does my head hurt so much?

He tried to focus but his brain didn't seem to want to cooperate.

Then he remembered. They shot me! The little insects shot me! And then their queen shot me again when my back was to her!

He didn't know who he was more outraged at; the changelings for tricking him, or himself for falling for it.

It was at that moment that he realized where he was!

No! He couldn't be trapped in stone again!

No! He drove his magic into the stone in front of him like punching a fist into a wall!

No! He did it again!

No! And again!

No! And again!


Despite not having seen the Canterlot Library since she was a filly, the massive ornate structure looked as imposing as ever to Skywishes. Breaking out of her awed reverie, she cast a quick glance around. The few ponies around her didn't seem to have noticed her, focused more on reaching their next warm destination. With a shake of her head, causing the ill-fitting helmet to slide around a bit, she quickly trotted up the stairs.

Skywishes wasn't a unicorn and didn't know much about their magic, but the library seemed the most logical place for her to start looking for Twilight. She vaguely recalled reading somewhere that Princess Twilight was quite a bookworm. Her biggest challenge now would be finding Twilight in a place this size.

I mean, what would I do? Just go up and ask somepony?

It turned out that in all those years, Skywishes really had forgotten just how huge the Canterlot Library really was. Inside, standing in the main foyer, she could see at least three different levels, and a hoofful of different staircases.

"May I help you, soldier?"

The curious voice at her side made Skywishes flinch and she quickly turned to the elderly gray mare with reading glasses that had appeared at her side. She was about to blurt out that no, she was fine and didn't need anything, when she caught herself. This could save her a whole lot of work.

"Maybe you can," she said hesitantly. "Can you tell me if Princess Twilight Sparkle is in the library today?"

The librarian smiled and nodded. "Oh, yes indeed. She's in the medical section. She's been there since yesterday."

"Thank you very much, ma'am," Skywishes returned the smile and added a grateful nod, eager to get away before the librarian saw through her simple disguise. There was just one more thing... "Um, just where might I find the medical section?"

"That's easy, dearie. You just take the stairs over there," the librarian instructed, gesturing with a hoof, and adding several turns and corridors to the directions.

"Thank you again, ma'am!" Skywishes said, quickly moving away.

"Always a pleasure to help the royal guard," the librarian said, before adding something that made Skywishes's blood run cold. "If you hurry, you should just be able to catch up with your colleagues."

Skywishes snapped her wings open and shot toward the stairs, her hooves not even brushing them as she flew up them. As she followed the rest of the directions the librarian had given her, she began to worry that they might be sending her farther away from Twilight rather than nearer. But it was also the only set of directions she currently had.

When the coral-colored pegasus finally reached the library's medical section, she skidded to a halt, clamping her wings tight against her armored sides so they wouldn't fan out and make her attempts to catch her breath more noticeable. Okay ... now ... to find ... Twilight. Oh boy.

That last unenthusiastic thought was a reaction to the fact that the medical section seemed to be both wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. But then she peered more closely at the top of the bookshelves. Hmm. Maybe not quite floor-to-ceiling... She spread her wings again and flew silently up to the top of the nearest shelf. There was indeed a few feet of space between it and the ceiling! Pulling her wings in, Skywishes grabbed the edge of the shelf with her front hooves and pulled herself up on top of it. In that position she couldn't flap her wings without them striking the ceiling, but she could scuttle along the top of the shelf, peering down at the aisles on either side of her, covering a much larger area than she could from the floor. And also much less likely to be noticed by the few ponies browsing the bookshelves.

Finally she spotted a familiar purple alicorn and a small equally purple dragon, who she guessed must be Spike, at the end of an aisle. The pair were pouring over a tall stack of books, marking pages, and scribbling notes, completely oblivious to the world around them.

But how can I be sure that's really them? Skywishes mused. Then she noticed two unicorn guards moving down the aisle toward the two researchers. Could they be the "colleagues" the librarian (or might-be-librarian) had mentioned? The two guards looked about, and Skywishes quickly pulled back from the edge of the bookshelf in case they happened to look up. When she chanced a second peek down, she saw both guards standing right below her, with their horns pointed at the oblivious alicorn and dragon. Pale blue-green light flared from those horns.

Oh, I hope I don't regret this, Skywishes thought as she seized one of the largest books below her—which turned out to be a fairly hefty medical textbook. Please let those brain buckets do their job if I'm wrong, she prayed as she held the book out above the two guards, and let it drop. It missed one of the guards but struck the other squarely on his helmeted head! As he went down, his aim was knocked off-course and the shot from his horn whizzed over Twilight's head, making her mane stand on end in the process. It struck the wall beyond her with a sharp Crack! Meanwhile the other guard's shot struck Spike, and he collapsed with a startled cry.

Twilight whirled around, saw her assistant lying face-down on the floor, ("Spike!") and looked up in time to see the still-upright guard fire a shot at her. Her own return blast intercepted it.

"What are you doing?!" she demanded, but the guard only responded by firing a pale blue-green beam at her and she was forced to counter with a magenta beam of her own. The two beams collided and the two ponies dug in their hooves, straining as they each tried to force the other's beam back.

While they were locked in this stalemate, Skywishes was climbing as quickly and quietly as she could backwards down the bookshelf, so that the structure was now between her and the dueling ponies. She caught a glimpse of the guard between the books, and realized she was right at his height.

Hope I don't regret this either, Skywishes thought before she slammed the flat of one hoof into the books in front of her. This blow forced the books to shoot out from the shelf like the drawer on a cash register, their spines striking the side of the guard's head in the process. This threw his aim off, and Twilight's beam struck him, knocking him to the floor. Then almost as if to add insult to injury, the books Skywishes had pushed tumbled the rest of the way off the shelf and landed on him.

"Alright, who's there?!" Twilight shouted and when Skywishes peeked through the new gap in the shelf, she saw Twilight's still-glowing horn aimed in her general direction.

"Don't shoot," she called to the alicorn, trying to project her voice without technically shouting. Then her ears pricked up as she heard distant hoof beats coming from all directions. Oh, great. "I—" At that moment she saw a mouse scuttling along the bookshelf. She was pretty sure the Twilight out there was the real deal but just to make sure... "Hold on."

She lunged forward and her hooves closed over the mouse. The tiny creature squealed and writhed, trying to get free as she lifted it.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you," she tried to reassure it, but it just continued squirming and squealing. And all the while those hoof beats were coming closer. She didn't have time to try and earn this animal's trust! "Oh, how does Fluttershy do this?" she groaned. Then a new idea occurred to her. Still hanging onto the mouse with one hoof, she fumbled under her armor for her saddlebag, pulling out the sandwich half she had saved. She held it out to the mouse. "Here, you see this? See? Sandwich." The mouse quieted and stopped struggling to sniff at the food. "Look, I just need you to do something real quick and the sandwich is yours, okay?"

The mouse gave her no answer, but neither did it resume struggling, so Skywishes decided to take that as consent. Looking up, she saw that Twilight had stepped around the bookshelf and was now just a few feet from her. The alicorn was frowning at her curiously, but at least her horn wasn't glowing anymore.

Skywishes thrust the mouse toward Twilight's face, and the alicorn jerked back in surprise. Or rather she tried to, only to have Skywishes grab the back of her head with a wing to hold her still. The mouse looked startled at its sudden trip forward but it wasn't squealing or struggling, so Skywishes released Twilight.

"Hold on," she told the alicorn before tucking the sandwich half into her mouth to free up one of her front hooves. She scooted past Twilight, giving her wings a quick flap to land her in front of Spike. She held the mouse down next to his head, and when it got the same results as Twilight, she withdrew it. Now she was pretty sure those two guards were disguised changelings, but just to make absolutely sure...

She held the mouse out toward them, but this time the little creature began thrashing about and squealing at the top of its tiny lungs. Quickly bringing the mouse back in close to her chest, she began backing away from the guards, toward Twilight and Spike when—

"Ouch!" The mouse bit her right where her hoof joined her flesh. This caused her to reflexively drop it, and the sandwich she had been holding in her teeth fell from her mouth as well. No sooner had the mouse landed, then it grabbed the sandwich and bolted away with it.

"You're welcome," Skywishes muttered after the retreating rodent, massaging her bitten hoof. But her annoyance was short-lived when she saw several pony-shaped shadows appear at the far end of the aisle. Throwing herself backward she grabbed Spike and Twilight, yanking them with her behind the bookshelf. She peeked through the books and saw several ponies come into view. They might just be innocently curious ponies, but they could just as easily be more disguised changelings. And considering her impromptu changeling-detector had split...

"Twilight," she whispered. "We can't let them see us here."

Twilight looked up from cradling Spike's head, her eyes suspicious. "Who are you?" she demanded, though to Skywishes's relief, she did make an effort to keep her voice low. "How can I trust—?"

Skywishes lifted her helmet enough to reveal her pink-and-purple streaked forelock. Twilight did a quick double-take. Her eyes flicked from the pink-and-purple mane to the purple-brown tail and back again.

"Skywishes?!" she whisper-shouted. "How—?"

"I can explain everything, trust me," said Skywishes, jamming the helmet back on her head. "But not here with that crowd on the other side of the shelf. Come on!" And with that, Skywishes pushed off the ground and flew up to the top of the bookshelf. Scrambling onto it, she peeked over the edge to see several ponies crowding around the downed guards with more appearing from other aisles as well. She heard a rustling behind her, and her head snapped around to see Twilight scrambling up next to her. The alicorn used her magic to float Spike's unconscious body up next to them as well.

"Skywishes, what's going on?" Twilight whispered.

"I told you I can explain everything, but we have to get away from the crowd down there first." Turning, Skywishes jumped across the aisle to land on another bookshelf. Looking back, she was relieved to see Twilight following her in the same manner, using her magic to keep Spike draped across her back. Now if we can just put a bit more distance between ourselves and those ponies without getting caught...

While her subjects fed off the cadaverous little equine's hatred, Chrysalis was funneling off power from each of them in turn. At least the little failure was good for some—

At that moment Chrysalis heard a cracking sound. It wasn't very loud, but it was enough to get her attention. It was followed by a soft crumbling sound, like gravel spilling down a hill. She flicked her ears about, trying to locate which direction the sound was coming from...

When the cave was suddenly filled with a blinding light!

The light vanished a second later, and in its place was the familiar figure of Discord!

But now so different.

The draconequus was crouched on all fours. His tattoos were writhing as if trying to rip themselves from his body. There were chips of stone embedded in his fur and scales. His right shoulder and left hip were each a charred smoking mess, and his face was covered in blood flowing from the head wound Chrysalis had given him. Somehow the fact that he bore such obvious marks of their attempt to destroy him was actually far more frightening than if he had appeared without so much as a scratch. Especially when his eyes narrowed under the blood on his face, and his mouth twisted up into a sadistic grin.

"Miss me?"

Then he shoved himself up on two legs, swiveled his long body about and brought both hands smacking against the nearest wall. At his touch, the cave walls all seemed to either melt or burst. The changelings shrieked in panic as they were forced to wildly flap their wings while the floor under them split open and gravity seemed to break its own law by causing them not to fall down, but sideways toward the now-bubbling walls.

Chrysalis managed to get herself straightened out, but the other changelings saw genuine fear on her face for the first time that day. Not merely the nervous tension she'd had earlier when confronting the draconequus, but full-blown terror. This had most definitely not been in the plans!

"We have to get out of here!" shouted Chrysalis, and took off flying toward the cave entrance. Needing no second urging, her subjects shot after her, desperate to put as much distance between themselves and Discord as they could.

As the creatures she hated so much fled, the little equine could do nothing but stare on helplessly as the world around her imprisoning force field became more and more distorted and bizarre. If the magic that held her hadn't prevented her heartbeat from speeding up, the organ probably would have burst with fright.

Discord pushed himself away from the wall, intending to go after the fleeing changelings, but his legs suddenly gave out and he collapsed face-down on the ground.

He lay there, stunned at how weak he suddenly felt. He tried to blink the blood out of his eyes but couldn't summon up even the strength to lift his head. In his mind he heard Fluttershy asking: Are you immortal? and himself replying: I don't know. He hadn't lied to her. He was familiar with the average lifespan of ponies, dragons, and many other creatures in Equestria, but he had no idea what his own lifespan would be. Or even if he had one. Then there were those centuries he'd spent as a statue. That had been torture. Being able to hear the world around him, but unable to interact with it. Existing but unable to truly live.

Now he had a gaping wound in his head that would undoubtedly have killed a pony, and was causing him more physical pain than he could ever remember.

And he still had no idea if it would kill him. He only knew that he felt weak and tired. He just wanted to close his eyes and never open them again. Somehow he managed to turn his head enough so that one of his cheeks was pressed against the ground. The light coming from that odd shimmering column with the small skeletal shape in it hurt his eyes and he let them drift shut. This relieved some of his physical pain but also allowed him to dwell more fully on his emotional pain.

He thought of Derpy and her daughters and suddenly found himself wishing he had put some effort into helping the skew-eyed pegasus. Who knew how much longer she could survive in that inside-out state? If anyone had enough power to reverse such a situation, he did. But he just didn't make the time. Now it pained him to think his inaction might soon leave her daughters orphaned. Despite a rather uncomfortable start, the little family had welcomed him into their home, and only now did he realize just how poorly he'd repaid them.

Then he thought of Fluttershy lying out there invisible to the world. Without him to retrieve her, would she lie there unconscious until she starved to death? Or would she wake and try to get out, only to find out that nopony could see or hear her? Would she die in that bubble while the world around her moved on?! He couldn't let that happen! He tried to summon up the power needed to reverse what he'd done to his first and closest friend. But the power that ordinarily came to him as easily as breathing now seemed to be gone! He tried to channel it, tried to dissolve the force-field he had surrounded her with, but the power sputtered out and died. He tried to grasp it again only to find it slip away into nothing. Mentally cursing, he tried yet again, but he was like a blind pony groping about in the dark! Finally exhaustion forced him to give up, still having no idea if his attempt to free her had worked.

How had things all gone so wrong? He had just wanted to repair things between himself and Fluttershy, and instead his actions had condemned her to a slow painful death. Tears spilled from his closed eyes, washing thin clean trails through the blood that coated his face.

Fluttershy ... forgive me.

Author's Note:

Hang in there everyone, we got one more chapter to go. As always, thank you Nightwalker for your suggestions and editing. Especially with Skywishes's scenes in this chapter.