• Published 31st Oct 2015
  • 3,294 Views, 307 Comments

The Ponies who Played with Fire - A M Shark

A year after the events of "The Draconequus with the Dragon Tattoo," Fluttershy and Discord's paths cross once again when two of her close friends are murdered and the evidence seems to point to a certain draconequus.

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Chapter 1. 1 Corinthians 13:1

Chapter 1

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.”—1 Corinthians 13:1

Discord pulled his sunglasses down to the tip of his pierced nose so that he could gaze over the tops of them at his surroundings. He was sitting upside-down on a pool lounge chair that was floating on the ocean facing a Haywaiian beach. Tropical fish were swimming through the air and the sand was slapping about like waves. The ocean was bubbling like a pot of soup—though the water that splashed his upside-down face was refreshingly cold—and every once in a while the bubbling water would spit sub-sandwiches up onto the heaving sand.

This particular beach would ordinarily have been swarming with tourists, but his arrival had quickly changed that. Typical. So typical.

He pushed his sunglasses back up over his eyes, fished a hayfry out of his nearby fruit drink, and turned back to the book he had been reading.

Irregular Shapes in Mathematics.

So far it was proving to be a rather disappointing read as the so-called “irregular” shapes didn’t look nearly as interesting as he had hoped they would.

“This book is a pack of filthy lies,” he muttered, tearing several pages out of it. “They call those ‘irregular’ shapes? I’ll show them ‘irregular’ shapes.” Letting go of the book so that it floated nearby, he began folding the torn-out pages this way and that, constructing them into what looked like a six-winged, two-headed parrot. He released the piece of origami which promptly folded its six wings and dove into the bubbling water below. Rolling over onto his stomach, he looked under the chair and raised his sunglasses to see the paper parrot swimming away toward the horizon, jumping in and out of the water like a flying fish.

Ah, life was good.

Then several locks of his black mane fell into his face and he swiped them out of the way before replacing his sunglasses and pulling his head back out from under the chair. He had spent the past year traveling Equestria and in that time he had let his normally short, bristly mane grow out. Now it fell in shaggy waves over either side of his long neck.

Looking back toward the beach, he tore another sheet of paper out of the floating book, and began folding it into an oddly-shaped box. He swiped the box down over his much larger fruit drink, causing the drink to vanish into the box. Rolling onto his side and pulling his body farther up onto the chair inchworm-style, he tapped one of his talons on the side of the small oddly-shaped box and a peppermint stick fell out of it to land in his paw. Twirling it about in his fingers, he took a contented pull on it, closed his eyes behind his sunglasses, and jetted cotton candy from his nostrils.

Ah, yes. No doubt about it. Life was good.

Then why do you feel so miserable? a small voice in the back of his head asked, and his eyes popped open.

“I am not miserable!” he snapped even though there was no one around to hear him save the fish. Well, actually not just the fish because his dragon tattoo suddenly pulled free one of its front legs, reached up, and smacked the back of Discord’s head, knocking his mane back into his face. Twisting his neck around, he glared down at the tattoo, then changed the peppermint stick in his paw into a flyswatter and began whacking at the tattoo where it covered his back and shoulders. The dragon tattoo retreated, slithering down his long body until it was coiling around his waist.

“I’m not miserable,” Discord muttered, tossing the flyswatter away. But as he gazed once again at the beach and the improvements he had given it, he had to admit that his old hobby just wasn’t as satisfying as he remembered it being all those centuries ago. Oh, it was still enjoyable, there was no doubt of that, but now his pleasure in chaos-creation just didn’t last as long as it once had.

He slapped his long mane out of his face again irritably. For the life of him he couldn’t remember what had prompted him to grow it out like that in the first place, and he’d become rather fed up with it. He conjured a pair of clippers and buzzed his mane back down to its usual line of spiky bristles. Flashing the clippers back out of existence, he shook himself and scratched the back of his neck to dislodge any loose hair. Magically stilling the water, he looked down into it to check his reflection ... and caught a glimpse of the tattoos that covered the sides of his neck.

Ah, that was why he’d allowed his mane to grow out like that; to hide the wasp tattoos on his neck. Or rather the former wasp tattoos. He had awaken one day to find that they had shifted into the shape of butterflies. He had tried to will them back into the shape of wasps, but had only succeeded partway. Now they looked more like moths than anything else.

Reaching up, he clamped his paw over one of the tattoos and, as it struggled against his fingers, peeled it off his neck. Maybe it was time for a more hands-on approach to repairing his ink. Scowling down at the writhing tattoo through his sunglasses, he began stretching its plump body out into a more wasp-like shape. The tattoo thrashed about as he peeled its moth wings off, then suddenly whipped around its stretched-out abdomen (now tipped with a long stinger) and jabbed the stinger into his finger, causing him to yelp and let go of it. The tattoo’s wings and body landed beside him on the lounge chair in separate pieces.

The moth tattoo snatched up its torn-off wings and lobbed them at Discord’s face, where they splattered against his sunglasses in a shower of ink, blinding him. He yanked the sunglasses off in time to see the wingless moth leap into the air like a flea and come down to splat itself against his throat. Discord coughed at the force of the blow. Looking down, he saw the moth tattoo, now sporting a fresh set of wings that had burst from its body when it had smashed into him, gliding across his throat to the side of his neck.

Discord made a noise that was half-snort, half-sigh, deciding that trying to fight with his tattoos wasn’t worth it today. Besides, they weren’t even the true source of his current mood.

No, he knew full-well what was. He had been denying it for the past year and there was no point in trying to deny it any longer.

He missed that shy, soft-spoken pegasus.

Back in Ponyville, the pegasus in question was currently sitting outside the post office, surreptitiously watching one of its boxes.

She and her friends had spent the past year tracking down any friends and loved ones of Cotton Candy, Strawberry Swirl, Triple Treat, Sparkleworks, Glitter Glide, and Sunny Daze—six ponies whose murders Applejack had stumbled across over a decade ago, and whose killers had forced her to go into hiding both for her own safety and for that of her friends and family—to inform them that the long-unsolved murders had finally been solved.

They had managed to locate all the close friends and loved ones of the dead ponies except one: Sunny Daze’s fraternal twin sister Skywishes. They hadn’t found a home address for her in any city or town, but they’d finally managed to find a mail box under her name at the Ponyville Post Office of all places. They’d learned from the mail ponies that Skywishes usually just let her mail pile up in the box for days on end before popping in about once a month to collect it. She never came in on a set date or at a set time, so Fluttershy and her friends had spent the past several days taking turns watching the mailbox just in case Skywishes should choose to appear one of those days.

Now as Fluttershy watched the box, she found herself thinking about the similarities between this mystery regarding the elusive Skywishes and the mystery she had become involved in regarding Applejack the year before. Just as she had wondered how Applejack could have vanished without a trace for ten years, now she wondered how Skywishes could have a mailbox in Ponyville, yet managed to remain so far below the radar that not even Pinkie Pie knew her.

She also wondered how the search for Skywishes might have gone if she’d had Discord’s help—

“You weren’t waiting for me, were you?” said a male voice from behind her, startling her. She whirled around. Could it be—?

But her heart promptly sank at the sight of the speaker, a tall lean earth pony stallion with a postcard tucked in one hoof. As stallions went, he wasn’t a bad-looking one. His coat was a pale golden brown, while his mane and tail were jetty black. He also had an equally black circle beard. His thick dark eyebrows slanted upward in a way that should have made him look worried but his smile canceled that out. He was wearing close-fitting pants with a pattern of red, yellow, and blue flames on them; a sleeveless black shirt that exposed muscular sloped shoulders; and both his forelegs were wrapped in athletic tape bandages.

“N-no,” Fluttershy said quickly, blushing at how uncertain she sounded. Yet the way he was eyeing her—as if they had met before when she was quite certain they hadn’t—was making her uncomfortable.

“Oh, you wound me!” he said dramatically before going up on his hind legs, making a show of clutching his chest, and falling over backwards with his eyes closed, his front legs crossed over his chest, and his back legs sticking up in the air. He held the pose for several seconds before opening one eye. “Am I overselling?”

Before Fluttershy could think of a response, he shrugged and swung his hips around to bring his feet back under him, pushed himself back up and trotted into the post office. He emerged a few seconds later, grinned, and pointed at her with a hoof before going on his way.

When he was out of sight, Fluttershy turned her attention back to the mailbox, but inside she was feeling embarrassed over the way her heart had leaped at the sound of that strange stallion’s voice; a country twang but with noticeably clipped diction rather than the conventional drawl. How could she have even briefly mistaken it for Discord’s? It hadn’t even sounded close, and Discord’s voice had been the one thing he never changed regardless of what he did with the rest of his appearance. Was she just so desperate to hear his voice again that she was now projecting it onto any available one?

These thoughts were put on hold when she saw a coral-colored pegasus pulling a cart covered in camouflage-patterned tarps toward the post office. Fluttershy had never actually met Sunny Daze but she had seen pictures of her, and she remembered that the murdered pegasus had been white with a sun-shaped cutie mark, and an orange mane and tail both streaked with yellow and magenta. This coral-colored pegasus had a kite-shaped cutie mark, and her mane and tail were streaked pink-and-purple, but apart from that her features were almost identical to those of Sunny Daze. Reaching the post office, the pegasus unhooked herself from the cart’s harness, entered the post office, and walked over to Skywishes’s box.

Fluttershy quickly got up and approached her. “Um, Skywishes?”

The pegasus jumped a fraction but quickly recovered and turned in Fluttershy’s direction. As their eyes met, Fluttershy noticed another difference between this pony and Sunny Daze. Both ponies’ eyes were the same shade of green, but whereas Sunny Daze’s eyes had had a loopy dreamy look in them, this pony’s eyes just had a flat vacant look about them.

“Yes?” Skywishes’s voice was as flat as her eyes.

Fluttershy fidgeted. While she’d gotten better at talking to strange ponies over the years, she still often found it hard, and the way Skywishes was studying her with those dead eyes wasn’t helping, so her words came out in a mumble. “I’m here to talk to you about Sunny Daze.”

“Beg pardon?”

“I’m here to talk to you about Sunny Daze,” Fluttershy repeated, this time louder and clearer. “Your sister.”

At the words ‘your sister,’ Fluttershy thought she saw a spark of emotion flicker in those vacant eyes, but before she could be sure, they swiftly resumed their dead look.

“What about her?”

“Can we go talk some place more private? Maybe ... maybe my house?”

Skywishes glanced outside toward her tarp-covered cart. “I have to get that stuff home before it gets dark.”

“You live in there?” Fluttershy asked incredulously. She and Skywishes were standing on the edge of the Everfree Forest.

“Mm-hmm,” Skywishes grunted, digging about under one of the cart’s tarps. Fluttershy glanced at her then back at the forest. In all the years she and her friends had ventured into the forest they had never known Skywishes lived there. Granted it was a big place but still—

Skywishes reemerged from under the tarp with two large camouflage-patterned coats. “It’s still light enough that we can probably get by without full camo but we’ll want something to keep from standing out.”

She tossed one of the coats to Fluttershy before swinging the other one over her own back. It was large enough that it covered her pink-and-purple-streaked tail like the skirt of a dress. She wrapped a camouflage-patterned scarf around her neck, using it to cover most of her mane, and pulled a black knit cap onto her head to hide her forelock. Then she offered Fluttershy a similar scarf and hat. Bundled up thus, the two pegasi proceeded silently into the forest. Fluttershy thought she saw a path that led to Zecora’s home but Skywishes was leading her off in another direction. She wondered if Zecora had known that Skywishes shared the forest with her. It had never occurred to Fluttershy to ask the zebra as she and the rest of her pony friends had just figured Skywishes lived among other ponies.

Finally Skywishes stopped in front of a huge tree with reddish bark. “This way,” she said, unhooking herself from the cart again and flying up into the tree branches. Fluttershy quickly followed her. They flew past the main canopy and up toward the branches of the redwood tree high above. As they neared those branches, Fluttershy saw that hidden among them was what seemed to be a large treehouse. It circled the tree trunk as if somepony had dropped a giant donut down around it, and the treehouse was painted in greens and browns and covered with branches to hide it. She’d never have known it was there had Skywishes not been leading her directly to it.

Skywishes slid a panel open on the underside of the treehouse and wiggled inside. “Come on in.”

Fluttershy followed her and gazed around the treehouse’s interior, which was rather dark. Skywishes pulled camouflage-patterned curtains back from some windows and sunlight streamed in to illuminate the treehouse’s interior.

“You can look around but don’t touch anything,” said Skywishes. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Turning back to watch Skywishes, Fluttershy saw her sliding another panel open to make the hole in the floor larger. Then she pushed what appeared to be a hot air balloon basket suspended on a complicated pulley system toward the hole. Hopping into the basket, she began working the pulleys to lower it toward the ground. Fluttershy peeked over the edge of the hole and quickly retreated when the height made her feel dizzy. To distract herself from the fact that she was up so high, she began checking out her surroundings again.

The room was full of papers of what seemed to be sketches and calculations; coils of rope; bundles of camouflage-patterned material; and books on construction, gardening, water management, and several other subjects. The ceiling was covered with a network of pipes and tubes, most with tags on them, and the walls were covered with bright colorful paintings.

Then a photo hanging among those paintings caught her attention and she moved to get a better look at it. Two fillies, one white and the other pink, both with green eyes, were gazing at a large sheet of paper spread out on the floor in front of them. There were crayons scattered around them, and they seemed oblivious to the camera trained on them. Beside the photo, in a heavy-duty frame bearing the title Prototype, was a large drawing of a treehouse similar to the one she was in now. The drawing was in crayon, but its lines were much neater than the shaky disjointed ones most young ponies produced. At the top of the drawing was the word “TreeHAB,” and in the corner where an artist’s signature usually went were the words “For Sky, from Sunny.” Underneath this drawing was a framed blueprint of the same treehouse with the words “Revision A. For Sunny, from Sky” stamped on its frame.

Then Fluttershy heard several grunts behind her and turned to see Skywishes had pulled the basket back up into the treehouse. Securing the pulleys, the coral-colored pegasus jumped out of the basket and slid the floor panels underneath it shut. The cart she’d been pulling earlier, now with its tarps thrown back to reveal bags of soil, was in the basket.

“What are those for?” Fluttershy asked, indicating the bags of soil, as Skywishes stripped off her camouflage-patterned clothing.

“The greenhouse,” Skywishes grunted as she tugged one of the bags out of the cart with her teeth.

Fluttershy glanced around the treehouse again. “Up here?”

“Mm-hmm.” Skywishes slung the bag of soil onto her back. “You want to talk while I work?”

After shucking off her borrowed camouflage, Fluttershy ended up helping Skywishes carry the bags of soil to the “greenhouse,” which was a section of the donut-shaped treehouse that seemed to consist mostly of glass, except for the floor, which was wooden and covered in rows of deep boxes all full of soil.

At Skywishes’s direction, they began stacking the bags of soil off to one side of the greenhouse area, and as they worked, Fluttershy explained the events of the past year that had led to her staying in an old cabin at Sweet Apple Acres, how after a rough start she and Discord had begun investigating Applejack’s disappearance, and how in the process they had learned of Sunny Daze’s murder as well as that of five other ponies.

Throughout the whole story, Skywishes kept her dead-eyed expression, only nodding and making soft “hmm”-ing sounds to indicate she was listening. It wasn’t until Fluttershy mentioned Twilight deciding to use Applejack’s idea of creating a potion that would allow the drinker to see through changeling disguises that Skywishes interrupted.

“Did the potion work?”

Fluttershy hesitated. “Well, she did make some potion but we haven’t found any changelings to test it on.”

After Applejack’s return, they had put all of Equestria on alert for any sign of transparent changelings, or for any strange behavior from family and friends that might indicate disguised changelings. But apart from the two that had attempted to kill Fluttershy (and were now dead themselves), there had been no hint of changeling activity anywhere.

“What about your partner? What happened to him?”

Fluttershy felt her throat tighten up. “I don’t know,” she choked out, looking away. “The day after we found Applejack, he just ... left.” She swallowed hard, trying to hold back the tears that had suddenly sprouted in her eyes. Ever since Discord had left her almost a year ago with no explanation she’d reviewed their time together again and again in her mind, trying to figure out what had gone wrong and had yet to come up with an answer.

In an effort to distract herself, she voiced a question of her own. “Skywishes, if you don't mind my asking, what does ‘Tree-H-A-B’ mean?”

“TreeHAB?” Skywishes repeated, pronouncing it “tree-hab.” They had been walking back to the main room, and her eyes flicked toward the photo and the two framed drawings on the wall.

Fluttershy followed her gaze. “Is it something you and Sunny Daze came up with?”

Skywishes didn’t answer right away. She moved closer to the photo as if she’d forgotten it was there and only now just noticed it.

“Yes,” she finally said, still studying the photo. “It was her idea back when we were little. She was always coming up with odd ideas. That one was a self-sustaining treehouse that would supply everything we needed. Food, water, you name it.” She let out a small snort that was almost a wry laugh. “We called it our ‘Treehouse Above and Beyond the Usual.’ Or just our ‘Treehouse Above and Beyond.’ And after a while we just shortened it to ‘TreeHAB.’”

Glancing out the window, Fluttershy gasped when she saw how low the sun had gotten. She hadn’t realized how much time had passed as she’d told her story. “I’m sorry Skywishes, but I have to get back home.”

“Hmm, it’ll be dark soon. It might be safer if you spent the night here.”

“I can’t. I have to check on Angel Bunny.”

Skywishes studied her briefly with those unnervingly dead eyes, then moved to gather the camouflage coats they’d worn earlier. “In that case, I’ll go with you.”

It was dark by the time they reached Fluttershy’s cottage. Once they were inside, Fluttershy pulled off her camouflage coat and hurried over to check Angel where he lay on his bunny bed. He didn’t look up when she approached him, but he flinched when she touched his face gently with her hoof. She held her hoof still and let him sniff at it, as that was one of the few ways left for him to identify her. Over the past year his eyesight had gotten so bad that now he was virtually blind, and Fluttershy suspected he had also lost most of his hearing. But despite that and a host of other age-related problems he still clung stubbornly to life.

He nuzzled his head against her hoof and she gently lifted him so that he could snuggle against her shoulder. Turning, she saw Skywishes moving back toward the door. “Skywishes, wait.”

Skywishes halted and looked back at her.

“You’re not planning to go back into the forest all by yourself, are you?”

Skywishes shrugged, her voice matter-of-fact. “Where else would I go?”

“Why don’t you stay here for tonight? You can use my bed. I can sleep on the couch.”

There seemed to be a quick flicker of surprise in Skywishes’s eyes at the offer. “Well, if you’re sure.”

Later that night Fluttershy lay on the couch, wrapped in a blanket with Angel at her side, burrowed cozily in a little nest she’d made for him from another blanket. Lying on her back, she absently stroked his thinning fur and she thought about her encounter with the pegasus now asleep in her bed.

She wasn’t sure what to make of Skywishes. In some ways, her flat voice and dead eyes reminded Fluttershy of Pinkie Pie’s older sister Maud, but whereas Pinkie could translate her much-more-reserved sister’s reactions, there was no such interpreter available for Skywishes. She hadn’t shown much of a reaction to the news about Sunny Daze ... but on the other hoof, she seemed to have spent who-knew how much time making her sister’s childhood dream a reality...

Like so many other things seemed to, these apparent contradictions reminded her of Discord and her last day with him. Things seemed to have been going so well between them ... she’d even begun to suspect she might be in love with him ... and then she’d come home to find him gone and the Hearth’s Warming gift she’d given him in the trash.

She squeezed her eyes shut. How had he gone from scooping her up and cuddling her whenever he got the slightest opportunity to suddenly wanting nothing to do with her? Had she misread him so badly? How could you even make sense of the actions of someone who seemed to pride himself on doing senseless things…?

It was a warm sunny day and she was trotting around the yard, searching for her animal friends. It was perfect weather for them to come out in, yet there seemed to be no sign of them. She called out to them, in case they were hiding, but there was no reply.

Suddenly she thought she felt a breath on her back, lightly ruffling her feathers, and swung around to see who was there, only to find no one.

Then she noticed that the scenery around her was blurring and contorting, many of its soft earthy tones turning to loud neon ones. Above her the blue sky was suddenly obscured by garish orange clouds. Then she felt the ground tilt beneath her; not enough for her to lose her balance but enough to make her feel uneasy—

“Fluttershy,” a disembodied voice breathed, seeming to come from all around her. She looked about, hoping to see the speaker but there was no one there.

“Fluttershy,” the voice repeated, louder this time and drawing her name out more. The voice was distorted by echoes but she recognized it all the same. Then she felt invisible fingers stroke her under the chin. Any other time she would have jerked away in fright, but now she shut her eyes and tried to focus on the shape and texture of those fingers. They were long, thin, scaly, and tipped with sharp talons that tickled gently against her coat. Then she felt a second hand, a paw this time, brush against her shoulder. She reached around to put her hoof where the paw was, but it pulled away before she could touch it.

“Wait! Wait!” she cried as the taloned fingers against her throat were withdrawn as well. “Please don’t go!”

His gleeful chuckle rolled over her. “Who said I was?”

Then the branches of one of the nearby trees swayed even though no wind was blowing. A long leafless branch lengthened and dipped down toward her like a wooden snake. The end of it stopped right in front of her face. There was a flash of light and where the branch had been there was now an arm, an eagle’s limb with a barbed tattoo around its wrist, though far longer than any normal eagle’s limb would ever be.

The hand beckoned for her to take it. She looked from it, up to where the arm emerged from the tree. It was rather disconcerting to think of taking that hand while it seemed to be attached to a tree rather than its rightful owner, but after a moment’s hesitation, she reached out and put her hoof in the hand. The fingers immediately closed around her hoof, and Fluttershy let out a startled squeak as the barbed tattoo on the hand’s wrist suddenly whipped up from its host’s skin and snaked around her fetlock, cuffing them together. Discord’s disembodied voice chuckled again, but the hand’s thumb stroked her pastern, rubbing over the skin and down to the hoof in a reassuring way.

Then it pulled her up off the ground, swinging her up into the orange clouds above. Fluttershy suddenly felt weightless even though she wasn’t beating her wings. It was much darker in the clouds then she’d expected and she could barely see the hand she could feel still gripping her hoof. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the shape of a long snake-like dragon glowing against the darkness. It glided closer to her and moved right underneath her. The hand holding her hoof suddenly moved above her and caused her to spin as if twirling her during a ballroom dance. Moths swirled around her before hovering in a cloud above the dragon.

Fluttershy felt a familiar paw against her back, pushing her forward until she was pressed against a chest. The segment of a long furry body coiled around her middle, and suddenly he was there in front of her. It was still quite dark, but she could see his yellow eyes glowing, and the faint light glinting off his earrings and facial piercings.

Where have you been?! Why did you leave me?! Why are you here now? All these questions and more poured into her head, but all she could get out of her mouth was his name.


His eagle claw released her hoof and the tattoo cuffing them together snapped off of her fetlock to melt back into his skin. She flung her forelegs around his body, pressing her cheek hard into his chest. She felt him shake with delighted laughter as he stretched his upper body back away from her face. Before she could press her cheek to his chest again, he cupped her face in his hands, tilting it up toward his. The look in his eyes was tender and Fluttershy felt her heartbeat speed up with excitement. He brought his face down toward her, his mouth lining up with hers—

Then just when their lips were inches apart, his whole head morphed into a cascade of water that struck her full in the face. The furry coil around her body burst like a punctured water balloon and the hands that had been cupping her face dissolved into water as well.

Discord woke, choking as water filled his throat and nostrils. He heaved his long body up into a sitting position, coughing and snorting to force the water he’d inhaled back out.

He’d been sleeping on a mattress composed of water floating on the surface of a Haywaiian lagoon. He hadn’t been getting wet while lying on his “waterbed” but in his sleep he had twisted about so that his head had slipped off the edge of the mattress and plunged into the lagoon.

Once he’d gotten his coughing under control, he thought back to his interrupted dream and let out a growl of frustration.

He had been so close!

Fluttershy woke panting and shaking. It took her several seconds to realize where she was. Patting at her face, she half-expected it to be drenched, but it was not. She felt her blankets and saw that they too were dry. She slumped back against her pillow, reaching over for the lumpy wadded-up scarf she’d tucked next to it, the scarf she’d given Discord for Hearth’s Warming. Ordinarily she kept it on her bed, but tonight she had opted to take it with her to the couch. Now as she ran her hoof over its lumpy texture, she thought back to the dream.

With a sigh, she pushed the scarf away. She needed to try and stop having such dreams. Discord was gone and he wasn’t coming back. The sooner she accepted that the better.

She reached down to pull Angel closer to her, hoping to draw some comfort from stroking what was left of his fur. But as soon as she touched him she realized that would not be possible.


At a glance the old bunny appeared to be merely sleeping. But when she lifted him in her hooves, his body was limp, cold, and unmistakably lifeless.

Author's Note:

Whew! One chapter down. This story was a lot trickier to adapt than the first one so I’m not sure how well it’s going to turn out, but hey, we’ll see what happens.

And there’s my contribution to the MLP toy line: Skywishes’s TreeHAB. *claps hands briskly* Hop to it, Hasbro!