• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 5,344 Views, 57 Comments

The Ties That Bind Us - Regis-Th3-Lesser

Some time has passed since Twilight and Spike secretly shared their love, but the can only hide it for so long.

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Chapter 2

Apologies and the Curious Case of Pony Spike

“So what do you want to do now?” Spike asked.

“Actually, I want to reshelve these books. They’re starting to irk me a little,” Twilight responded. “You don’t have to help if you don’t want to.”


“Yeah. I’ll leave the library later, I want to finish this now so it won’t bother me in the future.”

“Wow, well. Thanks.” Spike didn’t know what to say. Twilight never released him for doing anything chore related. So he gave his last goodbyes to Twilight and left the confinement of the treehouse. All that running around earlier almost made him forget how beautiful of a day it was. Sun shining bright and brilliantly, a cool late summer breeze flowing through. It was perfect. “I have absolutely nothing to do…” he sighed.

Maybe being able to run around not doing anything that required his assistance wasn’t the most exciting thing, but he’ll make the best out of it somehow. “Maybe I’ll go see what Rarity is up to,” he said without so much as a second thought. “But wait. What if she’s still mad at me? I don’t think she knows about my lie. And when she does find out she’ll be twice as upset with me than before.” He debated over facing her right now with the truth and hoping she’ll understand his current situation, or just avoid her at all costs hopefully satisfying both parties. “Maybe I’ll go see what somepony else is up to.”

Back in the library, Twilight joyfully shoved countless books off their shelves onto the floor. She collected them all into a big heap and began organizing them alphabetically. “Hmmmm, no. I want to try something different,” she said to herself. So she organized them according to size. “No, no. I’ll never be able to find anything.” So she decided to organize them according to content. “Ugh! I wish Spike were here, he always known how I like things,” she sighed.

Happy thought of Spike began to fill her mind. Whenever she needed the smallest things he’d be there like her hero. *knock knock* “I wonder who’s there?” She carefully navigated around the heaping pile of knowledge. “Hello and welcome to the Golden Oaks library.”

“Hello Twilight.”

“Hey Rarity, what brings you by?”

“I would like to talk to Spike,” she stated authoritatively.

“He’s not here right now.”

Rarity looked around her at the gigantic mess. “He left you to clean this chaos? And here I thought he was a gentlecolt.”

“What? No, no, I let him go. He always helps me out. I thought he deserved a break.”

“Mhm, I suppose,” she huffed in disbelief. “When do you think he’ll be back?”

“I don’t know. I gave him the whole day off. He could come back at any time.” They stood in awkward silence. “Would you like to help?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, of course. Maybe I can help you decorate too.”


“Ever since I set foot in this library I’ve wanted to refurbish it.I mean look at this. All wood based. When we clean this mess I’ll head back to the boutique and get some supplies. If that’s alright with you?”

“Classic Rarity/ I’d love for you to help me redecorate,” she snorted with a grin.

“Thank you Twilight!” she pulled her into a tight hug. “Now let’s get started.”

A whole hour of walking around and doing absolutely nothing. Who knew Ponyville was such a boring place. He would run around with all the fillies and colts but he was a full grown stallion. Wait, why was he a fully grown stallion? Maybe it was because he was a dragon? Questions for later, the most important task at hand was to- “Hello sir, you wanna buy some apples?”

“What?” He looked down to Little Applebloom.

“I asked if you’d like some sweet crispy apples sir. We have a new deal: Two for Two bits,”

“That’s not a deal,” Spike protested.

“Of course it is,” Applebloom defended.

“You’re basically saying two apples for the price of two.”

“Look guy, are ya interested in buyin’ apples or not?”

“No Applebloom,” he sighed.

“How do you know my name?”

“Uh, I guessed heh,” he chuckled nervously, realizing it was too late to correct himself.

“Have you been spying on me?” Applebloom asked in fear.

“No! It’s not like that I ju-”

“AAAAH!” she shrieked. “Help! Help! This pony is tryin’ to fillynap me!” She darted away screaming. Spike chased after her trying to get her to understand that he wasn’t a pedophile. Probably wasn’t a good Idea to run after a little filly repeatedly screaming “Stranger Danger!” But he persisted until he saw Applejack near her cart talking to Big Mac.

“Applejack! Big Mac!” she gasped. “That crazy stallion is tryin’ to. What’s that word? It starts with an A.”

“Abduct?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, yeah, that’s it!”

Applejack looked up and saw Spike charging towards them. Big Mac was about to confront the mystery stallion, but she kept him at bay.

“Apple!” he rasped. “Applejack! I wasn’t trying to do anything,” he gasped loudly. “I swear!”

“It’s okay Spike. I think Applebloom just overreacted.”

“Wait, that’s, Spike?” Applebloom’s surprise shone through her tone. Big Mac said nothing, but his jaw dropped open like a trapdoor. “How is that even possible? How are you a pony?”

“You see I-”

“He don’t have to answer that question if he doesn’t want to. Right Spike?” She winked.

“Right,” he said with a goofy smile.

“You been up to anything since your bid identity reveal?” Applejack asked casually.

“What, oh. No just been walking around, bored.”

“Just the words I wanted to hear,” she jeered.


“You’re gonna come back and help me with some farm work, if you’re not busy of course.”

“Wha- b-but I.”

“Then again, we never gave you a decent punishment for lyin’ to us,” she said, backing him down. She stared straight into his eyes, daring him to make even the slightest sound. “Exactly, now c’mon big boy. We have a lot of work to do. Mac you stay with Applebloom.”

Spike walked begrudgingly behind Applejack. Before they were out of sight he turned to Big Mac and mouthed “help me.” Mac didn’t budge, he was still surprised that pony was Spike, Or maybe he wasn’t. Whatever, that was a can of worms he’ll keep closed for now.

“That was… odd,” Applebloom spoke.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac agreed.

“I have to go tell the others!” Applebloom excitedly stated. “We can get our marks in investigatin’.”

“Hm?” Big Mac questioned.

“You know, like spies,” Big Mac frowned down on her. “Or maybe private investigators?” she smiled nervously.

“The only thing you’re invetigatin’ is how many more ponies are goin’ to buy apples in the next hour,” Big Mac authoritatively stated.

“But, Big Mac…” Applebloom whined.

“Nope,” Big Mac simply answered.

“Pleeeeease…” she pouted.

“You have work to do. Now get back to it,” he commanded.

“Ugh, fine!” Applebloom groaned.

“And there,” Rarity said, stepping back to admire her work. Instantly she cringed at the dull and bland color palette she chose. “I suppose tan, isn’t the best color for the library,” she chuckled, “Sorry Twilight…”

“It’s okay, at least you did something different. It’s good to spend ti-” Twilight was interrupted by Spike standing in the doorway. He looked tired, dirty, and beaten.

“Hey Twilight. I’m back, I was working with Applejack,” he sighed. He walked in eyes closed before he bumped into someone. He opened his eyes to find an angry Rarity looking up at him. “Uh, hey Rarity. What are you doing here?”

“No reason, just have been looking for you for quite some time,” she huffed. Spike gulped audibly. “You should be nervous.”

“I-I’m sorry I just-”

“Oh, Twilight told me everything.”

“She did?!” he looked over to Twilight

“Yes she did, about how she turned you into this Stallion, and about how you lied about who you were!” she spat angrily. Spike had nothing to say, nothing he could say would make his situation better.

“I… I just…”

“I am not mad about your absence anymore, seeing as you have more than a decent alibi, but I will not tolerate lying!”

“Rarity,” Twilight spoke up. “I know Spike lied, but he didn’t want to tell anyone because i told him not to. If anypony is at fault here it’s me.” Rarity looked back to Twilight, then back at Spike.

“I suppose,” she sighed. “But I am still mad at you Mr. Flaming Quill. And as punishment I expect to see you tomorrow morning,” she stated.

“Why does everypony want to punish me? First Applejack and now you,” he sighed heavily. “As long as Twilight says I can…” They both looked to Twilight.

“It is… not okay with me.”

“What?” Spike asked in disbelief.

“I would like for Spike to stay with me tomorrow,” Twilight stated with more authority.

“But he’s been with you for more than a month. I thought you’d let him out and get some fresh air.”

“So fresh air is working with you inside all day while you make him run small errands?”

“Isn’t that what you do?” Rarity shot back.

“I don’t do that!” Twilight aggressively defended.

“You keep him cooped up in this brab library cleaning and organizing while you go out saving the world and having great adventures. But that’s not my place so…” She looked back at SPike. He stood there shocked that two mares had just literally fought over him. “If you want to come over you can, that is if you are allowed,” she snootily stated. “Bye now.”

After she left a cold silence settled in the air. Spike didn’t dare to move, one wrong step and he'd be staring down the business end of a highly chafed Twilight. Twilight, on the other end, was fuming internally almost cursing Rarity, matching her gaul with that of a disrespectful foal.

“I can’t believe her!” Twilight scowled. “After having a perfectly nice day she decides to fight over a stallion. who by the way, is dating me! Can you believe that Spike?”

“I cannot. Nope not at all…” he responded accordingly.

“Ugh! I’m going to go read. If you cook tell me when dinner's ready!” she said before stomping up the stairs. Spike stood in the middle of the room processing what had just played out. Why was Rarity so keen on having him visit? And does Twilight feel threatened? Whatever it was, he hoped it would blow over and soon.

Author's Note:

And things have started to heat up between Rarity and Twilight. A little shorter than the first chapter, I'll admit I rushed it a little. Tell me what you thought in the comments below, because next chapter is going to cover a lot.

~Mr. L.Rager