• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 5,344 Views, 57 Comments

The Ties That Bind Us - Regis-Th3-Lesser

Some time has passed since Twilight and Spike secretly shared their love, but the can only hide it for so long.

  • ...

Chapter 7


Back in this journal… Things are bad right now. I don’t know how to feel right now. One side of me wants to forgive Twilight and go back to the way we were, before all of this. But my more rational side tells me that the problem won't be fixed if I do that… I’m glad that Fluttershy is letting me stay with her. She’s a great pony… I just want to erase the last few weeks, maybe I’m thinking too much. I need to clear my head…

He closed the book. It’s a beautiful day and all he’s doing is moping like a bump on a log. It’s not like he had anything better to do. Most of his days would be spent staring aimlessly at a wood ceiling hoping for something exciting to happen. It would usually come in the form of Twilight asking him to take a note, help her organize some arbitrary thing that made her OCD trip. Now he can do what he wants, and quite frankly, it’s boring bordering depressing. Not even his comics can cheer him up like they used to. He wasn’t sad anymore, just drained and down. He clutched the book tight in his claws, feeling how they scratched along the cover. He patted his belly to a beat that was all his own. “Celestia I am bored…” he sighed, tossing the book away. He sat up slowly took the book and opened it, jotting down random ideas and scribbles. “Spike! Hey Spike!” and excited voice called. He whipped his head around looking for the source. He tilted his head to get a better read on where the voice was coming from. “Spike! Up here!” He immediately turned his attention to the sky where Rainbow Dash waved from a small cloud. “Can you see me?”

“Uh, y-yeah. I can see you!” Spike shouted back. He placed the quill in his journal and stood up. “What’s up?”

“Nothing much!” she said with a shrug. “Wanna see something cool?” Spike knew that even if he said no she would do her best to show him what she had been practicing, so he shouted back “Sure!”

She disappeared behind the puff of cloud that she was resting on. Spike searched around for any trace of her, a blue streak or the sound of the air being torn in half usually accompanied one of Rainbow’s stunts. He could never complain though. She was the best flier and always put on a show whenever she could, and honestly he felt a little envy. Other dragons have wings, but he doesn’t. Maybe they’ll grow in when I hit puberty is what he always told himself, but he was seventeen years old and there were no signs of maturity. Then he heard it, the air whistling as Rainbow approached at colossal speed. She flew by leaving a fast jet of air in her wake that tore the grass like a parting sea. Then she climbed pushing against gravity with ease until he couldn’t make her out between the light blue sky. Until odd flashes of her rainbow mane would come and go at erratic intervals. She was spinning and flipping as she fell back towards earth. Spike watched in nervous anticipation. If he knew rainbow -and he knew her well- she would wait until the last possible second before considering breaking her fall let alone doing the act. He was right, she twisted and rolled until somehow she was able to break her fall and land safely all while keeping a cocky smile. “Show was that?” she said while pretending to check her hoof.

“That was awesome! Even for you!” Spike said with an awestruck squeal. Rainbow turned her head and waved her hoof.

“Just a typical day in the life of Rainbow Dash,” she let loose an arrogant laden chuckle. Spike could see through her facade, the odd beads of sweat throughout her fur, and her heavy breathing told that she taxed herself good. Guess I won’t be seeing anymore stunts anytime soon. “Anyways, somepony told me that you needed some cheering up.” She lowered her hoof and sat down on the cool grass. “Well, I saw how you looked yesterday.” So she put on her most sincere face and leaned forward. “What's bothering you?”

Spine couldn't pinpoint just discrepancy. He was confused, hurt, annoyed, really, he was a walking amalgam of everything negative. Spike rubbed the back of his neck, plucking a few scales as his claws grazed over them. “ Everything…” he forced a smile. He could tell that Rainbow as uncomfortable too. She couldn't keep her eyes straight, and her “smile” was extremely forced, but she stayed the course and asked him more questions.

“Anything specifically bothering you?”

“I'm…” he paused choking back an explosion of pent up energy that Rainbow wouldn't be able to handle all in one dose. “I’m… confused.” He plopped down on the grass in front of her, shuddering at the cool picky fingers poking against his scales. “Why did Twilight fake a relationship with me if she only wanted to dump on me later?”

“I'll tell you right now, that whatever it was you had, was not fake,” Rainbow chuckled at Spike's ignorance. She lied down on the ground. “Trust me, she was -and probably still is- a complete wreck after you left. I don't think she showered for at least two weeks.” She stuck her tongue out and gagged.

“Wow, really?” Spike asked, trying to imagine a broken smelly Twilight who had no regard for herself. It was a hard thing to imagine. Even when she was at her lowest, Twilight would bounce back almost instantly and face the problem head on, only this time facing the problem head on meant facing him. . “What else happened?”

“Well, Rarity accused Twilight of being a Pedophile,” Rainbow said with a nonchalant tussle of her bang. “That was awkward, and Applejack was gonna knock Rarity's lights out.” For some reason Spike had no problem imagining Applejack’s hoof knock a few teeth out of Rarity, but still he wondered why. “I didn’t what to do. I was going to step in, but It probably wouldn’t be a good Idea to fight Applejack -not like I wouldn’t win- but still.” Spike stared blankly trying to process what he just heard.

“Okay, okay, so you guys went to go check on Twilight when?”


“And Rarity accused Twilight of being a Pedophile…” he pinched the bridge of his snout and shook his head. “Rarity accused Twilight of being a Pedophile… A pedophile…

“I know, it was completely uncalled for. I mean even I know dragons don’t grow like ponies do,” Rainbow agreed.

“Wait,” Spike looked up at her. “You know how old I am?”

“No, but I know that you aren’t a kid.” Who would’ve thought that out of all of them Rainbow Dash would be the only one to realize that he is not as old as he looks, it made him wonder what else does she know. He fiddled with his claws, certain that the next question he was about to ask would make them both uncomfortable. “Would you date me…? he asked trembling with nervousness. Rainbow’s eyes went wide and she began to rub the back of her head. “Not that I like you like that, but-”

“I know… I’m not into dating. Feelings aren't my strong suit, and being all cuddly and kissy just makes me barf. But you would be a consideration I guess…”

Ouch. “Well that’s actually nice to know,” Spike sighed. Rainbow saw that didn’t help his mood in the least, if anything she made the poor little guy feel worse.

“Look,” She put her hoof under his chin and looked him in the eye. “There’s nothing wrong with you Spike, trust me I’ve seen some real; scumbags in my time. You just can’t give up. So what if Twilight decides that she doesn’t want you, you have years to figure it out. You’re gonna live to be as old a Celestia!” She picked him up and placed him on her back. “I know you're gonna be a lady killer someday, just give it time.” Spike took her words to heart. Who said that he even had to date a pony, he’s a dragon, and he had hundreds of years worth of life left in him. But one thing was off.

“Thanks Rainbow I needed that, but why did you put me on your back?”

“Two words: Hold on!” She took to the air in one mighty bound with Spike hanging on for dear life. He never really flew that much, unless they were going to Canterlot, and even then they rode the train. Right now he preferred the ground. Rainbow’s erratic speedy flying was making him feel dizzy, nauseous, and downright terrified. Then she flew calm and straight. “Open your eyes, you’re missing one heck of a view.” He slowly opened his eyes to see that they were high above the clouds soaring over the earth. He clutched her sides tighter. “What’s the matter?” she chuckled.

“I-I’ve never flown this high before!”

“I know, I don’t go this high unless I need some major speed.” She looked back at the terrified dragon. “We could go lower if you want to.”

“No this is fine. I’ll get used to it…” he trembled.

“Let go…”


“Let go. If you slip I’ll catch you.” Spike knew he could trust her, but the ground was so far away. One slip up and there he goes plummeting towards certain death.

“I’m fine, thank you though.”

“You’re gonna have wings of your own someday, besides if you can’t trust me now’ you’ll never be able to trust anypony in the future.”She was right. Of course one should be careful about who they trust, but one shouldn’t also shut those out who seek to gain their trust. If you can’t trust then you can’t live. So he slowly released his grip on her chest, and sat up. “Hey you did it. So, how’s the pegasus vision?”

“It’s great,” he muttered. The view was unlike anything he had ever seen. Equestria was always round on a glob, but to actually see the curve in the horizon put in perspective just how small they were. How do Celestia and Luna keep a place so big in check? Even the mountains looked like hills from where they were. Feeling the wind through his scales he threw his arms, claws balled in a fist, and shouted “Hell Yeah!” Rainbow looked back at him with a raised brow, he quickly covered his mouth. “Sorry, I didn't meant to swear…”

“Are you a kid?”


“I asked if you’re a kid,” she repeated calmly. Spike shook his head. “Then you’re okay. Hell, I thought I had to watch my mouth around you. Thought maybe Twilight didn’t let you express how you felt through vulgar language.”

“She doesn’t though. I said the “S” word once when I fell off a ladder. She made me brush my teeth for ten minutes.”

“Geez,” Rainbow cringed.

“Then she made me say “I will never use my clean mouth to say dirty words again.” Rainbow snorted a little before stifling her laughter. Spike sat on her back with red cheeks full of embarrassment.

“Lemme tell you something. Cuss words like , damn, ass, shit, and all of those, usually have more meaning than other words.”

“What do you mean?” Spike asked with intrigue.

“Like say I stubbed my hoof. Saying ouch makes it look like I only tapped it, but saying shit means that hurt like a bitch. Do you get what I’m saying?”

“Yeah, I do. Like how saying hell yeah insinuates more enjoyment than saying woohoo?

“Exactly,” she said with a wink. “That doesn't mean that you go around saying what you want. You still have to be careful especially around Fluttershy.”

“I will,” Spike replied with a happy chirp. He continued to look at the scenery around them. All of the farms and buildings looked so small from up here, he looked to his right and saw Canterlot sitting proudly upon the mountain. Even up here you felt humbled at how grand the city was.

“Hey Spike?” Spike looked back to Rainbow. “I’m gonna do something that’s either gonna scare the living hell out of you, or give you the thrill of a lifetime, but I need to know if you want to go through with it.”

Not like he had anything else to do. “Sure, you got me up here.”

“Great, hold on as tight as you can!” Without so much as a warning she swooped into a steep dive with Spike heeding her suggestion heavily. As they fell he remembered what she said about trust. He slowly let her go again, nearly losing his balance. As soon as he was sure he was stable he threw his claws in the air and shouted into the wind. This is what he needed to clear his mind, something to break the ordinary, the mundane. Thanks to this amazing pegasus, he felt actual happiness for the first time in weeks, but that all soon went away when she decided to break their dive with an inverted loop. Spike lost his position and began plummeting towards the ground. Rainbow looked around for him, there! He was flailing violently and screaming at the top of his lungs. With a powerful beat of her wings she dive after him with immense speed. She beat her wings harder and harder, gaining more speed as she approached him. “Rainbow!” he screamed as loud as he could. She didn't respond, he knew the ground was close. He closed his eyes and prepared for the worst.

“Gotcha!” he opened his eyes finding himself in Rainbow’s arms. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m okay. A little shaken up but okay…”

“Good, now why in the hell didn’t you listen?? I told you to hold on as tight as you could!”

“Sorry, I just felt happy I guess…” She looked on him with sympathy.

“Be more careful, I almost didn’t catch you.”

“What do you mean? We’re like a hundred feet off the ground…”

“Don't be a smartass,” she quipped. They shared a laugh and continued to fly on. Spike had a huge smile on his face, and more certainty about his future, thanks rainbow.

The sun had just set and Fluttershy was sitting on her couch reading a book on Equetrian Flowers when she heard a knock at her door. “Who is it?” She called.

“It’s Spike!” He immediately closed the book and flew to the door. She opened it to find a cheery little dragon with a book in his hand.

“Well, don’t you look happy.”

“Yeah, I had a good day.” He said with a bright toothy smile. Fluttershy giggled at how jovial he was. It was nice to see a turnaround from the melancholy creature that stayed locked up in the guest room.

“What did you do? You were gone for hours.”

“Me and rainbow Dash were hanging out.”


“Yeah,” he set his journal down on a nearby coffee table. “She let me ride on her back while she flew, and then we went to Applejack’s and played some games. It was just great.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” In actuality she was a little jealous that she didn’t spend any time with him today or at all for that matter. He would either sit upstairs, or outside for hours and not say a word to her, this was the most he’s spoken to her in days. But she couldn’t complain, seeing his bright smile was more than enough. “Are you hungry?”


“Well, I asked Twilight what your favorite gemstones were.”

“You did?” he asked, his curiosity showing.

“Yeah, go and check in the kitchen.” Spike ran to the kitchen where a huge bowl of crisp red rubies were sitting on the counter. Instantly he began to drool and smack his lips. “They’re all yours.” Without a moment to waste, he picked a big bright one from the bowl and chomped it in half. The sound of the mineral cracking sent chills down Fluttershy's spine. If he could do that to a hardened crystal, imagine how bones would fare to his teeth. Spike saw her discomfort and slowed down his eating.

“Sorry,” he said with a sheepish chuckle.

“Don’t worry. They’re yours enjoy them.” he went back to eating, minding how loud he chewed. A few moments later Fluttershy went back to the couch and resumed her book, leaving Spike in the kitchen with his dinner. He looked at the bowl, then back to where she was standing. As fluttershy was reading she saw Spike carrying his gems up the stairs, she paid it no mind. Besides there was a really interesting fact about firelillies. She continued to read until she felt a depression on the couch.

“What are you reading?” Spike asked.

“Equestrian Botany. It has all of the known flowers in Equestria, Pinkie got it for me.”

“That’s cool.”

“Thanks, personally I just like to look at the pictures of the flowers. They’re so pretty…”

“They really are.” Spike looked at Fluttershy until she noticed he was staring at her. He tried to play it off by turning his eyes back to the book. “So what’s that one?” he pointed to one.

“Oh, that,” she looked at the picture and read aloud. “Ventus Ignis -commonly known as Dragon sneeze- are flowers usually found in temperate regions. That’s interesting.”

“Okay, what about that one?”

“That is a Lunar Blossom, they only bloom on the seventh full moon of every year.” And so they went on picking out flowers from all over Equestria.

Back in this book again, but this time with a different attitude. I thought today would just be another day of me sulking in my feelings, wondering what’s wrong with me. But now I know that there isn’t anything wrong with me, I’m just me. Honesty, who knew Rainbow had good advice, even if it was hard to interpret. And she gave me a little insight on being an adult, even though swearing won’t come naturally to me. I’ve been with Twilight too long. And Speaking of Twilight I think I’ll go see her tomorrow… Clear up some stuff. Anyway, this was the best day I’ve had in a long time. I’m gonna see if Flutters will let me sleep with her tonight. (not in that way. I need a cuddle buddy) later!

Author's Note:

Heyo! New chapter is finally here, the reason for the super long delay? Final assignments that I have all but passed. Now Spike is back on the track to happiness, and he may just find that In Flutters. New Chapter in at the least two weeks, thank you all for being patient with me :twilightsmile:


Comments ( 10 )

Here's hoping Twi will pony up and get her feelings straightened out. :rainbowlaugh:




:pinkiesmile:A true fan of oreos and of the Equestrian.

I reviewed your story. You can find it here.

This is awesome... please tell me this isn't dead haha. I need moar! :pinkiehappy:

7105486 This story is dead ... but i need more :fluttercry:

7360812 I need more too! We can need more together... :pinkiesad2:


What happens next need to know

Working on trying to get the motivation to write again

is there a new chapter, hoping for a continuation

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