• Published 26th Sep 2015
  • 5,345 Views, 117 Comments

Land of liberty. - general well

what happen if the country of United States teleport middle of the ocean. on a different planetwhat is the outcome here it is

  • ...

chapter 11






“Um what.” Said a barely awake Spike as he tried to get up but instead he fell off his seat and hit the floor with a metallic smack



“Spike, are you okay?” Said a worried Twilight as she pick him up with one of her hoof.

“Yes Twilight, I'm okay.” Answered Spike as he recover from his fall. Then Spike proceeded to rub his elbows and look around the train. The train had trash and newspaper lying around the floor and the train felt like it has stopped moving.

“Why have we stopped?” Ask Spike as he realized the train wasn't moving.

Twilight spoke calmly. “Because we finally made it to Manehattan.” Twilight answered as she got near the exit.

“Come on Spike, the girls are waiting for us.” Twilight said as she got off the train and Spike yelled out to Twilight to wait for him as he grab his luggage and runs after her close behind.

As he gets off the train, he takes his eyes off his luggage and looks up to see a large amount of the three species pony. (Mainly Earth pony).

The amount of bodies crowding the platform was too much for him to bear.

Never in his whole life he's seen so much pony in one single spot, it made him petrified in amazement and wonder.

He stayed frozen until Twilight snap him out of it. “Spike!”

“What!” Yelled Spike as he took his eyes off the crowd and looks back at Twilight who is far away from him.

“Come on! we need to get on a carriage.” Explain Twilight as she trotted away from his line of sight.

Again, what the rush? Thought Spike as he drag his luggage across the platform meanwhile dodging pedestrians who are yelling at him to move out of their way.

“Watch it!”

“Move it!”

“Get out of the way!”

“Please move it!”

“Cut it out!”

“Watch where you're going idiot!”

“Ahh an dragon!’

When Spike finally made it out of the overcrowded platform station. He sees Twilight and the rest of the girls standing at the taxiriage parking lot where are a taxiriage is waiting for them.

He runs up to them with his luggage being dragged behind. Once when he made it over to them, he wheeze and proceeded to collapse on his luggage.

Then Rainbow Dash hover into his vision. “Um.. Spike, why are you laying on the ground?” She ask as she stop flying and landed on the ground next to Fluttershy.

“Oh my goodness.” Fluttershy gasp as she went over to him. “Are you okay Spike?” Fluttershy ask as she check on Spike.

“Spike! are you okay!?” Twilight ask with worried as she trotted over to Spike.

Spike sat up and wave Fluttershy away with his claw. “Yeah I'm OK.” Answered Spike. “I'm just being overwhelmed.”

Twilight face soften with relief. “Thank Celestia that you are fine.” Said Twilight. “Come on Spike, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity are already inside the carriage.

“Will do.” He says as he open the carriage door to let the other girls in. “After you.” He said as he step aside and bow down like a gentleman would do.

“What a gentlecolt.” Complemented Fluttershy as she enter the carriage.

“That's my number one assistant.” stated Twilight as she also enter the carriage to.

“Thank you.” Spike thanks as he enter the carriage. When he entered the carriage, it was kind of small and it felt cramp.

“This is horrible.” Voice Rarity as she look at the paint job inside the taxiriage. “It looks absolutely terrible.” She point it out. “The color scheme doesn't match. Most of the parts are missing paint. The windows are so thin, I'm pretty sure if I touch it with one of my hoof. It would break easily.” Said Rarity with a distasteful tone as she continued to look at the plain taxiriage. (Explanation: Which if you don't already know, it's a taxi).

Applejack simply responded with one eye roll. (Explanation: She roll her roll eyes). “This hasn't changed much the last time I been here. The taxiriages used to look more worst, but this is the first time I seen one in great condition.” Claim Applejack. (Explanation: And I don't know how to write a southern accent).

“You call this Improvement!” Questioned Rarity. “This is the worst taxiriage that I seen in my entire life.” She confirm. “I seen better one in Fillydelphia.”

“Well… you better get used to it, you're going to use it for the entire time being here with us.” Remark Applejack.

Twilight decide to do something before it becomes a argument. “Girls girls girls.” Interrupted Twilight. “We can talk about this later. let's focus on something more important, like helping Celestia explore this new islands.”

“Uh Twilight… didn't you need to continue to tell us about the island?” Ask Fluttershy

“Oh thank you Fluttershy for reminding me,” Twilight Thank as she remember about the talk. “Ok, what the Griffin discovered maybe part of a bigger thing.” She answered with excitement.

“What do you mean?” Said Rarity with a confusing tone of voice. “I thought it was only small island's.”

Twilight simply nodded. “Yes, that's what we originally thought it was. But the ships protecting the islands are far too big and many come from those Island's.” She explain. “The resources to make these ships must be enormous and also the Griffin also spotted the ships coming from another direction toward the islands. So that means the ships are coming somewhere else besides from the islands and we going to find out where.” She declare as she raised her hooves in the air.

“That's good darling.” Spoke Rarity. “But we don't know if they're hostile and dangerous.” Rarity pointed out. “And We don't know what their society it's like and their culture. What if we say something and they get angry or touch something important that we shouldn't have.” Voice Rarity with concerned. “I don't think we should do this, let Celestia sent somepony else more prepared for this.”

Applejack also spoken out “I agreed with Rarity, I never done this before and what if we messed up. I don't want to taint relationship with us and Them just because we did something

“But it could be the most important discovery in equestrian history and pony would recognize you girls as the Explorers and it would be good for your businesses. Replied Twilight.

“I know it would be good but I still think it is too dangerous to do it and we don't really have any diplomatic skills except with the Buffaloes and the yaks which almost ended in disaster.” Applejack mention as all the girls remembered at those memories.

“Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that!” Said Pinkie Pie as she butt in the conversation. “Which was almost my fault, except with the yaks. That was Twilight fault.” Admitted Pinkie Pie.

“Hey, both of them ended well
anyways.” Defended Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah I know that.” Retort Rarity. “But I still think it's too dangerous to go anyways.” She said.

“Okay girls.” Spoke out Twilight. “If most of you don't want to go, I understand.” she said with a sad tone. “I will send a letter to Princess Celestia to send somepony else to lead this Expedition.”

“I'm sorry Twilight.” Said Applejack. “I didn't mean to make you sad. She explained. “We could still do it if you want to.”

“Yeah me too.” Added Rarity.

“Ahh thank you Applejack and
Rarity.” Twilight said happily. “I appreciate you girls are going with me. I don't know what I would have done if I was going alone.

“It's okay Twilight.” Said Fluttershy as she finally spoke out from her corner. “I'm sure we are all sorry and and we are all willing to follow you to this new place.” She proclaim as the rest of the girls nodded in agreement with her.

“Um, girls.” Interrupted Spike. “I think we made it to the hotel.” He said as the girls crowded next to the window to see the hotel coming in their View

The -DE MARE Hotel- is one of the most luxurious hotel in Manehattan. It service is so well, that you will never need to raise your hoofs to get the employees to help you. Anyways the hotel is made of solid marbles and inside the hotel, the dining room is the second largest room in the hotel with the finest chefs from all over Equestria. It has 300 rooms and has one of the largest Hanging Garden in Equestria on top of it roof.

Most of the wealthiest pony at least has visit this Hotel once in their lifetime and the courtyard was filled with so many important pony from all over Equestria. It was hard to keep track of them all.

Anyways let's get back to the story.

“Twilight my dear.” Said Rarity with happiness in her voice. “you should have told me we were going to this hotel. I would have packed something much better than this.” She said as she pointed at her dress.

“Stop complaining Rarity.” Said Applejack with Annoying look on her face. “Just because this is probably the most expensive hotel in Equestria, it doesn't mean you have to be dress for it.”

“Of course I do.” Rarity reply quickly. “What kind of Pony would I be if I didn't dress for formal events, my career would be ruined forever as a fashion designer.”

“But unlike you, I don't need to dress up to sell my Apple and I-”

*Knock knock*

The girls look at the door and see a guard waiting for them outside.

“Princess Twilight.” Said the guard in a clear voice. “I'm here to escort you and debrief what we know about these islands and their native.” The guardpony explain as he opened the door. “Come on princess, I'll take you to your room.”

Twilight look at the girls and Spike. “Let's get to our rooms.” With that, they got off the taxiriage and went forward to the hotel. To find their room.

Author's Note:

finally finish this chapter and I'm going to work on my other story.

I'm glad you guys waited this long. the next chapter is going to be the news and other things. and thank you for reading this chapter. have a good day.


This is Agent Anzhelika Kyznetsov reporting for Duty Sir!

Well Agent, I need you to steal the schematic of the /#####/ and take it back to base. and I don't want you to get caught, if you do get caught. you know what to do.

Yes sir!