• Member Since 13th Jan, 2015
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At the height of the Dark Crystal Empire, the King of Shadows sits down to do his accounts, because even a totalitarian dictatorship cannot suppress taxponies.

But as he tries desperately to get through the impenetrable paperwork, Sombra finds himself the victim of a magically manifesting bird. Because of course he does.

I have no idea why I wrote this.

Made as a birthday present for the magnificent Evehly.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 35 )

I can't say I get the reference, but I do appreciate a little bite of random here and there, so thanks for sharing this!

6538840 Glad you enjoyed it! The reference was Black Books.

6539089 I liked your Ditzy Doo!

6539127 That as well? Fantastic!

6539200 Thanks fo rtalking with me!

I love that artwork and to see it made into a story was great to see! Adding this to my bookshelves~!

And that's coming from the guy openly running a slave nation.

Excuse me while I seek out the nearest Necromancer, because I think this line alone just killed me.

6539661 Glad I could satisfy!

6539668 The estate of KingMoriarty is not to be held legally responsible for any death that occurs as the result of comedic writing, nor will the estate be billed for necromancy. We will send flowers if pressed.

But not for nothing was 'Sombra the Calm'

Hah, more like calm before the storm. I guess a thousand years wears on your nerves, probably had a horrible song stuck in his head to make him the way we saw him.

Clearly, the taxponies were trying their hooves at espionage

Ah yes, they appear to have attended the University of Phisher Price. :rainbowlaugh:


I concur your shadowiness, “What”.

Or at the very least, start sending ponies. I can always use new slaves.

Never, ever, ever yours in a million years,
Sombra the Increasingly Frustrated

Well at least he’s honest… that’s good, I suppose.

Okay now that the snark-nado has passed it’s time to get to the fun stuff. I find so few one shots that make me giggle and facepalm as much as yours has, I normally need at least three chapters or more than 5,000 words to feel invested enough in a story to find it funny.
Also I wouldn’t be surprised to see a scene cut to Discord’s in another dimension sending this stuff to him and laughing at Celly’s reaction to this crazy tyrant who thinks she’s in love with him keeps sends her letters complaining about her. 7.5-8.5/10 I was really impressed and thoroughly entertained, well done.

Just remember, you asked for this... :derpytongue2:

6541804 Yes, I did ask for this. It says in my freaking banner that I like comments more than favorites, of course I asked for this.

Nice to hear that I was able to make you laugh in under two thousand words.

As for the contrast between Sombra the Calm and the canon version, consider the traps protecting the Crystal Heart. Would a mind filled with simpleton rage conceive such a multi-layered plot? No. I believe Sombra was just understandably pissed when he woke up, or just wasn't able to vocalize properly.


Also nice to see Sombra in something where he is a) himself and b) not reduced to redeemed comedy/love interest.

I kind of like this, where Sombra is a close balance between an innocent, average pony and a comic book dictator. I would've liked it a little differently, but what you did was alright.

By the way...
Was anyone else expecting a Snowdrop reference when Sombra was thinking about the blind crystal ponies?

6556406 Glad to hear you enjoyed it. If you don't mind my asking, what would you have wanted instead?

Also, what is Snowdrop?

6556629 It's not that I didn't like it. Hell, I loved it. I was only saying I write Sombra a little differently, that's all. I probably could've worded it better.
Snowdrop is a short film on YouTube and also the name one of the most well-known OCs out there. Her "thing" is that she's a blind filly.

6556788 Fair enough. We all have different styles, after all.

I for one support Celestia's bid for Sombra's hoof! *waves Sun/Shadow shipping flag* Also, I laughed. Thank you for this!

Comment posted by RazDelacroix deleted Jan 2nd, 2016

Man this was funny! Loved it.

Favorite lines:

And that's coming from the guy openly running a slave nation.


Or at the very least, start sending ponies. I can always use new slaves.
Never, ever, ever yours in a million years,
Sombra the Increasingly Frustrated

Maybe that's why Celestia encased him in ice. She was trying to drive home a point. Sheesh, what a stalker!

Always so glad to see Evehly's work as I am also, as she puts it, a "dirty Sombra plebe".

Sombra the calm

? *shakes head* I use a lot of titles in my tales of him, but never that one. Heh, who'da thunk it?

So, loved this. Made me laugh - a lot. I'll be reading more of your stuff in the future, I can see that already!

6911742 Glad to see you enjoyed it!

"Did your non-returnable outgoings for the first half of the year exceed your deductions for quarterly VAT returns?"

I looked this up, and by chance, found it to be from Black Books (I was writing this comment whilst reading it, and didn’t notice Skywriter had already pointed it out).

In fact, I remember watching the first episode a while ago, but I forgot about the show until now. Thanks for reminding me to watch it again :heart:

Also, death be upon the one person who disliked the story.

7077371 YES! I have brought yet another person to the beautiful world of Black Books! SUCCESS!

Also, a death sentence for a dislike seems a little harsh. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and it's not like I spent months lovingly crafting a ballad of love and loss only for it to be disliked a billion times.

7078626 That was the perfectionist part of me saying that. I really dislike when something's off by one :pinkiesick:

7079927 For me, the worst part is that the people who dislike never comment to tell me what they disliked. Dislikes could be anything from disapproval of a clumsy writing style to drive-by hate-on-principle, and I hate not being able to differentiate.

7079949 That’s what I was going to say as well! Although I’m not an author myself, I’ve noticed that many authors appreciate it when someone who dislikes a story shares their feedback—even if the comment in question is just a “I don’t like this because it's not my cup of tea”.

That was cute :twilightsmile:
I hate any legal paperwork because they way they word literally everything confuses my tiny little brain :derpyderp1:

When I saw the cover picture, I wasn't sure of the bird's origin itself except for some sort of weird event like the 'pooting' duck from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy(Not the reference you were looking for but that image brought it up) but Celestia being the source of said creature was just too silly.:trollestia: Now I want to call Sombra Somby from now on.

Makes me wonder what other magical creatures Celestia sent poofing over onto his head. Bet a couple of them were quite heavy.

It seems that I am enjoying the way you write characters. I love this version of Sombra. And seeing the ruler of a slave nation doing something as mundane as ridiculous tax forms is pretty amusing to me. My only complaint, personally, is that I would have like to see more. I feel like the ending was rather abrupt and left me wanting more. Overall, a nice distraction while I was on break and a fun little one shot! Well done. :pinkiehappy:

Another well-done Sombra story. You write him very well; I feel like this (your) evil-but-aware version is one of the better ones. Mostly because I have a serious soft spot for justified/realistic villains :twilightblush:
Anything from The Joker (the versions of him that show off how he's cunning enough to outplay Batman, once you get past the insanity and anarchism) to Handsome Jack, and all sorts of others, I just love well-executed bad guys!

On top of the good villain writing, this was pretty funny, and I certainly got a few happy giggles for my time :pinkiesmile:
Mostly upon the realisation of what the bird was actually for :rainbowlaugh:
If nothing else, this is a great example of prompt writing, and I very much enjoyed what you did with it!

All in all, a neat little smile package with a silly scenario :raritywink:

You thieving article, I recognised that line the moment I read it. Well used though.

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