• Published 15th Sep 2015
  • 1,559 Views, 53 Comments

Most Unexpected - Chocolate Pony

A Dragon and a Pegasus find love, in the most unexpected of places

  • ...

Regrets Are Great

"I have to go find Spike!" Twilight cried, pacing back and forth.

"But, darling. Celestia said we had to let him go. That, he had to leave Ponyville" Rarity replied.

Twilight sighed in defeat, sitting on her hunches. She couldn't disobey Celestia's orders. It could jeopardize her position as a princess. Besides, Spike might not even come back.

"You're right. And Celestia did mention something about Cloudchaser being..."the answer." Maybe she'll get him to come back home" Twilight said, her eyes filled with hope.

"Let's hope so, darling" Rarity replied, sipping some tea.

Twilight looked up at the moon, sighing heavily. She thought about what Celestia had said, over and over again.

"If you really are the answer to Spike getting better, I hope you can, Cloudchaser."


"Spike, what's wrong?" Cloudchaser asked, trotting alongside him.

"I just...feel so guilty. This is all my fault. And now, I can never go back home" He answered, staring at his feet.

He angrily kicked a stone, holding back tears. Cloudchaser looked at him with pity. She put a wing around his shoulder, punching him slightly in the arm.

"Cheer up, kid! I'm sure you'll learn to control your...tantrums in no time."

"Tantrums? Really?" Spike asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Cloudchaser merely shrugged. "What? It was the best I could come up with."

Spike chuckled, shaking his head. This mare was a strange one, but not without charm. Her own, special type of charm. It still surprised him that Thunderlane would cheat on her. She seemed pretty nice. He absolutely hated ponies who took advantage of others.

"So where are we going?" Cloudchaser asked

"The Griffin king. We can't be in his kingdom without letting him know. We're liable to be killed, ground up, and turned into sloppy Joe" Spike replied, nonchalantly.

Cloudchaser shuddered at the thought, following the Dragon to the castle doors. Two Griffin's dressed in armor stopped them, demanding an identity.

"We are travelers who have come here to stay for awhile. We wish to alert his highness of our presence'" Spike informed.

The Griffin's eyed them suspiciously before granting them access. Cloudchaser was surprised he'd gotten them to listen so easily. Griffins were known to be serious jerks.

"I'm impressed, Spike. You sure know how to convince ponies. Or in this case, Griffins."

"Why thank you, malady."

Cloudchaser giggled, blushing a little. They walked down the long hallway, finally reaching the throne room. On it, sat the Griffin king. A gruff looking guy. Not the type you'd want to screw with unless a hospital was nearby.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?" He snapped, glaring at them both.

Spike told him exactly what he'd told the guards, surprisingly calm through out the whole thing. Although the king wasn't overly friendly, Spike took it well. It surprised him. Any other time, he probably would've gone off. Why was so calm now?

"I suppose you can stay in the kingdom. But, only on the outskirts of it. The Griffins in the city wouldn't take kindly to a Dragon and...a pony" The king growled.

Cloudchaser had every intention of bucking him right in typeface. But, like Spike, she let her cool. They both bowed, thanked him, and left. As they flew to their destination, Cloudchaser groaned.

"I hope he sits on a needle" She hissed.

Spike couldn't help but start laughing at this remark. Cloudchaser bit her lip, trying not to herself. But, that didn't last long. Soon, they were both laughing so hard, they almost fell out of the sky. Maybe being stuck with each other wasn't so bad after all.