• Published 15th Sep 2015
  • 1,559 Views, 53 Comments

Most Unexpected - Chocolate Pony

A Dragon and a Pegasus find love, in the most unexpected of places

  • ...

Getting Close To You And Going To Save You

Cloudchaser slowly woke up, blinking her crusty eyes. She groaned in pain as the sun shined through the entrance of the cave, straight into her eyes. Quickly turning her head away, she was soon face to face with Spike. Cloudchaser gave a squeak of surprise, jumping to her hooves.

"Oh no. He's gotten bigger again" She whispered, biting her lip.

Spike had, once again, had a growth spurt. But...why? These growth spurts were so random. Almost as if he wasn't in control. Was somepony- Cloudchaser immediately began gritting her teeth. Her gut told her that the horrible unicorn she'd run into last night had something to do with it. Speaking of which, what was she gonna tell Spike? Or, should she even tell him? What if he ended up getting killed because of it?

"Ugh! All this thinking is giving me a massive headache" Cloudchaser groaned.

"What are you thinking about?" Spike said, lifting his head.

Cloudchaser's eyes darted back and forth. She had to think of an excuse. And fast. "Uh, just...wondering when we're gonna go back home. If ever."

Spike nodded a little, slowly standing up. It was right about when his head hit the ceiling, that he realised his transformation. His eyes widened for a second, before letting out a road of frustration. Shaking the entire cave.

"Not again! Why does this keep happening!?" He exclaimed.

"S-Spike! Clam d-down!" Cloudchaser yelped, struggling to keep balance.

Spike's eyes had first been red. But at the sound of Cloudchaser's distressed voice, he calmed down. His eyes returned to their normal color. He sighed, slowly sitting on his hunches. Why him? Why did he have to turn into...a..a..monster? If it weren't for that, he wouldn't have lost all his friends. Or his home.

Cloudchaser bit her lip, placing a loving hoof on his claw. "Chin up, squirt. I'm sure you'll find a way to control it. Maybe you...just need somepony to help you."

"Yeah. Like anypony in their right mind would want to help me" Spike replied, his head bowed.

Cloudchaser pushed his chin up, smiling gently. "What made you think I was sane?"

A small smile spread across the Dragon's features. He slowly stood up, stretching a little. "Thanks, Cloudy."

"Cloudy?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Did that offend you? I'm sorry!"

"Oh chill your nuts, kid. You can call me that. But, only on special occasions."

Spike nodded in agreement. He walked into another area of the cave to search through the collection of gems he'd been gathering for the past few days. Cloudchaser's smile faded when she heard a familiar noise behind her.

"Aww, so sweet. The way he actually thinks you care" Starlight said, chuckling mockingly.

"Listen, I was being completely sincere when I said that. I don't care what you're making me do, I ment what I said" Clodhcaser fired back, gritting her teeth.

"But don't you see? That only makes it funnier. If you actually develop feelings for him, I'm gonna laugh my flank off. Big time."

Cloudchaser resisted the intense urge to punch her. Starlight smirked, tossing her mane back. "Anyways, I just came to remind you of your purpose. Remember now, he's got to fall in love with you. And also remember the consequences if you try to tell him ANYTHING. Later, peasant!"

Starlight disappeared in a burst of magic. Cloudchaser snorted, her face being a brilliant shade of red. Spike walked in, shaking his scales.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Peachy" She growled.

"Um...you su-" Spike was cut off.

"We should go for a flight. You can learn to use your wings for longer periods of time. And, we can...get to know each other more."

"Well, I guess you have a point. And it's not like we have anything better to do anyway. Why not?" Spike replied.

Cloudchaser nodded and quickly trotted towards the entrance of the cave. Something was clearly off with her. Why was she acting so...secretive all of a sudden? He didn't like it when somebody hid stuff from him. Especially not from the mare he was so fond of.

Spike quickly shook his head, trying to clear those thoughts. He shouldn't think of Cloudchaser that way. It's not like she was his mate or anything! Not that he'd complain if she was. He blushed brightly at even thinking such. Good thing Cloudchaser couldn't hear thoughts. Otherwise he'd be dead by now.

As the two flew through the air, an uncomfortable silence hung in it as well. Other than the sound of the wind in their ears, the two were silent. If Cloudchaser didn't break the silence, she was gonna end up crashing into a rock from boredom.

"So, can I ask something. Spike?" She said, looking over at him.

"Depends. Just as long as you don't plan on yelling at me" He replied.

Cloudchaser bit her lip. "Why exactly did you take me with you? I mean, I understand when you go into major outbursts you can't remember. But, do you have any clue at all as to why you took me? Of all ponies, why me?"

Spike sighed loudly, puffing some smoke out of his nostrils. Cloudchaser flinched slightly. She really hoped she hadn't pushed the wrong buttons. After all, he could turn her into fried Pegasus in a matter of seconds. Well, as long as she got served with a side of chips and a pickle she wouldn't complain.

"To be perfectly honest...I think I took you because....you were the only pony who I didn't have a problem with. Rarity cheated on me, and is the main cause of my outbursts. Twilight upset me by telling me to leave. I felt betrayed. And in all, I just felt everypony had something against me. That I needed revenge on them. But, you did nothing wrong to me. So, why not take you? I don't know. Just how I felt."

The two went silent again. Staring ahead at the clouds and Celestia's sun shining through them. Cloudchaser thought about what he'd said. She was the only pony he met who didn't hold a grudge against him. Even after he had kidnapped her. Weird how that worked.

"I guess you're right, Spike. I didn't and don't hold anything against you. In fact, I'm kinda glad you kidnapped me" Cloudchaser said.

"Ye- Wait, what? Why? Are you feeling well?" Spike asked, cocking an eyebrow.

She giggled a little. "I'm fine. It's just, I didn't even want to go back home that day. I was just gonna have to return to my sister being with my...ex coltfriend. Any way, I appreciate you for taking me away from that. And to be honest, I enjoy your company. You're pretty cool. For a Dragon."

Spike smiled gently, hiding his blush. "Thanks. Wait, what's that last part supposed to mean?!"

Cloudchaser merely smirked and flew farther ahead. Spike growled and flew after her. "I demand an answer!"

Twilight sat at her royal desk, staring at the stack of papers. Ponies taxes were do, and it was up to her, and Mayor Mare, to see all were done correctly and quickly. But, she was having a very hard time focusing. She found that the easiest of math equations, had become nearly impossible. Why? Simple. Because her number one assistant, wasn't there to help.

Twilight had gone downhill steadily since Spike had left/been banished. She was highly depressed, barely ate, and could hardly focus on her work. Especially since last night....

"But, Princess Celestia! How do we know for sure Cloudchaser can fix Spike!?" Twilight exclaimed.

"Because, unlike you, I have faith in that mare" Celestia replied, confidently.

"I'm not saying I don't have faith. I'm merely saying we should go and help!"

"Twilight-" Celestia sighed in exasperation.

"She might not succeed! And then Spike might never come home! And then-"
Twilight was cut off.

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" Celestia shouted, stomping her hoof. Causing the ground to vibrate. "You WILL listen to me! Cloudchaser WILL help Spike get better! Spike WILL, come home! But, not until, he is better. And no matter how long that takes, we will wait. Do I make myself clear?"

Twilight cowered, her ears flattened against her head. "Y-Yes, Princess."

Celestia nodded, turning her back to Twilight. "Now, if I were you, I'd get back to what you need to do. Being a princess, and attending to your royal duties." And with that, she flew away.

Twilight had another reason to hate being a princess. She was expected to just go with the flow about certain matters. She wasn't permitted to act upon them. To fix them. And it hurt. Oh, did it hurt.

But, she wasn't going to do that anymore. She didn't care what princess Celestia told her. She didn't care what everypony would think or say. Spike was her best friend. Quite frankly, her little brother. And she was NOT going to push him aside like garbage.

"Twilight? Twilight?!" Rarity yelled.

"What?!" Twilight hollered back.

"You froze up on me. I came in here to bring you some tea and you wouldn't answer me" Rarity explained. " Now, would you like some-"

"Rarity, I'm gonna round up the gang. We're getting Spike back no matter what" Twilight interrupted, bolting from her seat and out the door.

"No matter what!" She cried out again before disappearing.

Rarity just stood in the middle of the room, silent. "Did you still want some tea!?"

But, Twilight was long gone. Rarity huffed. "Oh Parasprites!" She soon calmed down, and sat down. She took a bite out of some toast and sipped the tea. Oh well. More for her.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long! I've been super busy with school. And being lazy. :rainbowwild: