• Published 17th Nov 2011
  • 3,761 Views, 30 Comments

The Tale of Solarin - Huntermjiolnir

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Ability regain, love professed

Chapter 5: Ability regained, love professed
(AN:Whoohoo! 7K words! This is my fanfic to break 5.5k, so I'm giving myself a pat on the back, hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.)

It has been a month and a half since Solarin stepped through the portal into Equestria. In that time he has found his new life to be MUCH better than his old. He's learned unicorn magic, found a place to live (Library), Made some friends (Twilight and her friends), and gotten a job (Helping Derpy Hooves with the mail). But for the past month, something has been gnawing at his mind and heart, a feeling, which he didn't know he had, but he now knew he possessed, some would call this feeling love, and this love was directed at a certain lavender unicorn that lived in the library with him.

Solarin is walking though town heading to the apple stand to ask advice of Applejack.

Solarin stops in front of the apple stand and waits until AJ notices him.

“Well howdy thar, Solarin, what can I do yah for.”

Glancing around shiftily, Solarin writes something on his chalkboard and hands it to AJ.

I need your advice about something... personal.

“Well shoot pardner, I'll help yah if ah can.”

Smiling and nodding, Solarin wipes the board clean, writes something else and shows it to AJ.

I have these... Feelings for Twilight, but I don't know if she feels the same way or not, should I tell her?

AJ smiles. “Of course yah should pardner, if'n yah tell her, she might just tell you tha same.”

Thank you, I'll tell her tomorrow.

“Good luck pardner.”

Purchasing two apples, Solarin heads in the direction of Rarity's boutique, deciding to get one more opinion.

Solarin enters Rarity's shop, the bell above her door ringing.

“COOOooomiiinnng.” replies the singing voice of the fashonista.

“Well hello Solarin, what can I do for you darling?”

I want your advice on something personal as well.

“As well? Who else did you ask?”


“Well ask away darling, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion.”

I have feeling for Twilight, but I don't know her feelings on this matter, should I tell her how I feel?

Rarity gasps, a smile gracing her face. “Well of COURSE darling, one should always tell one friends about their feelings, and I want to wish you the best of luck my friend.”

Smiling, Solarin reaches over and gives Rarity a hug.

“Your more than welcome darling, now you go tell her how you feel.”

I plan to tomorrow, I'm going to take her for a stroll through Everfree, I know a patch of very pretty flowers, I'm going to pick a few give them to her then tell her.

“Then you get home and ask her about tomorrow you silly colt.”

Nodding again, Solarin wipes the board clean and walks out the shop towards the library.

As the door shuts behind him Rarity says something out loud. “Oh Celestia, please let Twilight feel the same way for him as he does for her, it would just devastate him if she didn't.”

Moments later Solarin enters the library and smiles as he spots twilight, her face buried in a book, as usual.

Writing on his board he taps her gently, and floats an apple in front her with his magic.

Twilight looks up and accepting the apple reads the message.

Would you mind going into the Everfree forest with me tomorrow?

“Of course not, but why?”

You'll see tomorrow.

Twilight, confused by the mysterious message, stares at her friend, only to see him wink, and walk up stairs to his room.

Blinking, she decides to be patient, and resumes reading her book.

The next day.

It is three hours after mid-day, and Solarin is returning to the library after completing his mail route.

Dropping his saddle bags off in his room he walks back down stairs, only to find Twilight looking at him, and he gives her a questioning look.

Ready to go?

“Now will you tell me why we're going into Everfree?”

Not quite, in a little bit.

Sighing in exasperation, she follows Solarin, as he heads in the direction of Everfree.

Minutes later she is following closely as he walks north, looking around.

Then while she is looking at the scenery, she realizes she has lost sight of Solarin, Not wanting to get lost, she runs after him, unknowingly going the wrong way.

Solarin continues walking, then stops as he realizes he has not heard anything from Twilight for a few minutes, looking behind him, his eyes widen as he sees that she is not following, panic entering his heart, he looks around the nearby area, hoping to spot her, to no avail.

Suddenly a high pitched scream echoes through the forest, Solarin's eyes widen more as he realizes the shriek is coming from Twilight.

Breaking into a gallop he runs in the direction of the shriek, only to hear another, frightened scream, it is louder and closer, so he runs faster.

Suddenly he skids to a halt in a small clearing, taking in everything in a moment.

Backed into a tree is twilight, fear evident on her face, and a few feet in front of her is a cockatrice.

Twilight opens one eye, and spots Solarin. “RUN!”

As he watches the cockatrice slowly move closer, feelings in his mind begin to collide.

Fear for Twilight, His regret and anguish at not being able to tell her his feeling, and her love for her. As these feelings merge in his mind; something clicks into place.

His face forming a determined look, tears of anguish running down his cheeks, he gallops towards Twilight and tackles the cockatrice, holding it to his chest.

“Solarin what are...” her words are cut off as for the first time in twelve years, Solarin speaks.*

“Twilight, I love you, now RUN!”

“What are you... NO DON'T” again her words are cut off, she can only watch helplessly as Solarin opens his eyes and stares straight into the glowing red eyes of the cockatrice.

“I said RU....” The rest of the words are cut off as the cockatrice's deadly stare works its magic, turning him to stone.

Staring Twilight can see the fear in his face, and the tears on his cheek, even his chalkboard has been perfectly preserved in stone.

Tears forming under her eyes, she starts to cry, then placing a magical marker on Solarin, she teleports herself to the one pony she knows can help... Fluttershy.

Seconds after she teleports, she knocks on the cottage door.

Fluttershy opens the door to a crying Twilight.

“Oh my goodness Twilight! What's the matter?” The animal lover asks.

Sobbing, she tells Fluttershy everything. “ Solarin... he... saved me, cockatrice... turned him to stone.... he said... he said.... he loved me.... need your help... please.”

Fluttershy's expression turns to concern then one of comforting determination.

“Do you know where he is?”

“Yes... placed... magical marker... on his.... body”

“Take me to him, now.”

Tears still flowing down her face Twilight hugs her, and runs off into the forest, following the magic leading to her magical marker, Fluttershy following closely behind.

In three minutes, they reach the petrified form of Solarin, Fluttershy can see the Cockatrice struggling to free itself from his stony grip.


The cockatrice freezes as it recognizes Fluttershy's voice, cowering, it looks into her eyes.


The cockatrice cowers more, trying as hard as it can to get away from the angry little butter-yellow Pegasus.


Eyes widening, the cockatrice shakes its head.

“Then you turn him back RIGHT NOW! And if I catch you doing this again, I WILL tell your MOTHER!”

Shaking its head, the cockatrice turns its glare onto Solarin, unfreezing him, and escaping into the forest as soon as the arms unclench.

“OH SOLARIN! You're okay.” Twilight yells, tears of joy in here eyes.

“Don't do that again, I love you you silly colt!”

“I won't, I love you too.” Solarin blinks as the realization hits him like a ton of bricks.

“I can talk, I can TALK, I CAN TALK!” Solarin yells joy on his face.

“Way to go.” Fluttershy says in her small voice.

Twilight replies by giving him a kiss.

Solarin's eyes widen as he feels her lips upon his, then smiles and accepts the kiss.

“I think we should tell the others.” Solarin says, a smile upon his face. “Are they all in Sugarcube corner today?”

Twilight nods. “Yes they are.”

A smile creeps on his face, then motions for the girls to come closer, which they do. “Good, I have an idea.”

As he tells the two mares his plan smiles creep up on their faces.

A flash of teleportation magic appears outside the sweet shop, as Twilight teleports Solarin and Fluttershy with her.

“All right you remember the plan?”

The girls nod in response to his question.

They walk into the shop, and the two girls walk over to the table where the other friends are enjoying cupcakes.

Twilight sits down, then yells at Solarin who is sanding by the counter. “Make mine chocolate!”

Solarin looks back and nods, getting Mrs. Cake's attention, he points at a chocolate cupcake for Twilight, and a strawberry one for himself. Paying for the cupcakes, he uses his magic to carry them over to the table, sets them down on the table and goes to stand next to AJ.

Giving a sly wink to Twilight he waits for a lull in the conversation.

“Hello Applejack.” he says, a smile on his face.

“Hey thar Solarin.” AJ replies, and returns to the conversation, which continues for another second then stops as they realize what just happened.

Slowly, they all look at Solarin, Applejack turns around and faces him, eyes wide. “Did you just...”


Instantly all of their jaws drop.

Then smiles come to their faces.

“Well tan my hide! You can speak!” Applejack says.

“This calls for a party!” Pinkie pie says.

“Please, as happy as I am, I don't think this needs to be given a party.” Solarin replies.


“Its okay Pinkie, oh, I don't think I need this chalkboard anymore, Fluttershy.” Solarin uses his magic to take off the chalkboard, and floats it to Fluttershy.

“Thank you.”

Now I'm sorry for leaving, but I want to go home, I feel like drawing something today.” Solarin thanks them, and leaves Twilight joining him.

So Solarin went home and drew the sunset, coloring very accurately, then hung the picture in his room. That night he had the strangest dream.

(AN:* proof love can conquer all barriers. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.)