• Published 17th Nov 2011
  • 3,761 Views, 30 Comments

The Tale of Solarin - Huntermjiolnir

  • ...

The 'Special Project'/Tales End

Chapter 8: The 'Special Project'/ Tales end
(AN: 12k words baby, I am on a roll! This chapter is very special to me so I hope you enjoy it, this chapter may be a bit longer than the others. This is also the final chapter, as I'm going to squeeze the ending in.)

It has been a year since the elements and Solarin defeated the Daemon Mezaekashe, and are happily living their peaceful lives, but for the past three months Solarin has had something on his mind, something that involves twilight, now, he begins to enact his plan.

Solarin entered the library after a long day of mail delivery, and spots Spike.

“Hey there spike, is Twilight around?”

“Nah, she's out helping Applejack fix their budget, apparently they spilled water on it or something.” Spike replies.

A sly smile comes upon Solarin's face as he spots his chance to enact the first part of his plan.

“Spike, take a letter.”

“You're writing to Celestia?” Spike asks, while grabbing the paper, quill, and ink.

“That's right.”

Dear princess Celestia,

This is Solarin, I am writing to you because of a 'special project' involving Twilight Sparkle, with your permission, and help, I plan to propose to her in three weeks, I have already scheduled a fancy dinner for her and her friends so they can be there when I ask her the question. Should she say yes, she and I will begin planning for the wedding.

Your friend,

Not a WORD of this gets to Twilight, this is considered TOP SECRET, so if she asks, tell her I'm working on a 'Special Project'

“Okay spike you can send the letter.” Solarin says.

Spike nods, ties a ribbon to the letter and tosses it into the air, breathing fire on it.

“You're going to marry Twilight? I can't wait to tell...” He stops as he sees Solarin glaring at him with a chill that would put the ninth circle of hell to shame.

“Spike, I want you to PINKIE PIE swear, that you will not breath a WORD of this to twilight. GOT IT?!” He asks.

Spike gulps and Pinkie pie swears to Solarin.

“Oh spike? There's one more thing I need you to do, tell the girls, except Twilight, to meet me in Rarity's shop in two days, three hours after mid-day.” Solarin says as he walks up stairs.

Spike holds up a finger, then coughs up a return letter from Celestia.

“Spike, go please.” Solarin says as he picks up the letter with his magic.

Spike salutes and runs out yelling. “You can count on me!”

Solarin chuckles and opens the letter, as the letter opens, a piece of golden paper, labeled 'Special Project' falls to the ground, looking at the gold paper curiously, Solarin figures an explanation will be in the letter, and begins to read.

Dear Solarin,

First I want to wish you the best of luck, and you have my permission to marry Twilight. Second, enclosed within the letter you will find an enchanted piece of paper labeled 'Special Project' that paper is an early wedding gift to you, from me. When you wish to make a purchase with that paper, say the phrase 'Special project' then an amount of bits, I will teleport the appropriate amount directly on the paper, so it is suggested that you put the paper down before requesting an amount. Please, use this for preparing for the wedding, I also understand this is top secret, which is why it's not labeled wedding.

Your friend,
Princess Celestia

P.S. I princess Celestia, hear-by Pinkie Pie swear, not to reveal information to Twilight, should she ask.

Solarin smiles, then crumpling the paper, he casts an immolation spell upon it. He then places the enchanted paper in a side pocket of his mail bags, he finishes hiding it just as Spike re-enters the library.

“The girls agreed to meet you in two days, they were confused, but I told them it was important, and that YOU would tell them.” Spike says as he spots Solarin.

Twilight enters the library, and overhears his plan to meet her friends.

“Why are you meeting my friends, Solarin?” She asks.

“Well, I have never spent much time with your friends without YOU around, so I figured I might as well do that sometime, is that OK with you?” Solarin replies.

Twilight gives him a suspicious look, then smiles. “Of course it's OK.”

As she walks upstairs, Solarin glances at Spike. “She suspects something.”

“I think you're right.”

“Then it is IMPERITIVE that this stays a secret, OK?”

Spike nods.

Two days later

Solarin, is heading towards Rarity's shop, mail bag strapped to his side.

He enters and spots the girls talking amongst themselves. He clears his throat.

The girls turn to look at him as he seats himself in front of them. Rarity speaks up for the group.

“Solarin, why did you want to meet us? Spike said it was important, and we would like to know.”

'Of course you would, but there's something I need from you first, I need you to Pinkie Pie swear that not a WORD of what I'm going to tell you gets to Twilight. OK?” Solarin replies.

The girls look at each other and nod their heads, Pinkie Pie swearing to Solarin.

“Thank you. In three weeks, I plan to propose to Twilight.' The girls gasp. 'And I need your help.”

“Well of course well help pardner!” AJ says.

“I agree darling, whatever we can do we'll help with.” Rarity agrees.

“Good, none of this will happen until she says yes, but it never hurts to plan ahead. Pinkie pie, Fluttershy, you're in charge of organizing the party; AJ, you're in charge of food; Rainbow Dash, I want you to make sure the skies stay clear when we decide on a wedding date. Rarity, I need something from you directly, something every stallion needs when proposing.”

Rarity blinks, then realizes. “A ring? Of course I can help there. Do you have a design in mind?”

Solarin nods, and reaches into his mail bag, pulling out a folded drawing, and floats it to Rarity with his magic, She unfolds it and the girls gather around to see his drawing.

The drawing is a small golden ring, on top are six amethysts shaped like a six-pointed star, surrounding the amethysts are five diamonds, also shaped like stars.

“My goodness, it looks like Twilight’s cutie mark!” Fluttershy exclaims.

Solarin nods, I had to think of a good design for a ring, so after much thought, I decided to make it look like her cutie mark. Rarity? I don't want to rush you, but how fast do you think you can complete the ring, and a small box to hold it.”

Rarity studies the drawing, then mentally checks off materials she has and what she will need.

“If I get started today, two weeks, at the most. Are you going to propose to her during a fancy dinner?”

“Of course, in fact, I'm inviting all of you to join us, I'm sure you don't want to miss seeing Twilight’s reaction when I pop the question.”

“Solarin, I am concerned about one thing, what do we do if Twilight asks us about this? Cause, no offense, but AJ and Fluttershy, can't lie very well.” Rainbow wonders.

“I have a plan for that as well, if she asks, just tell her I'm working on a 'Special Project' that also goes for mentioning anything to me about this while she is near, if you say 'Special Project' it won't be a COMPLETE lie, but it also won't be the COMPLETE truth.” Solarin replies.

The girls nod in understanding.

“Well, if you'll excuse me I must be getting back to the library, before Twilight starts suspecting even more. Thank you for the help.” Solarin says.

Solarin leaves the shop, some of the girls following him out, and they go their separate ways.

Solarin returns to the library to see Twilight talking to spike, who has a nervous look on his face.

“What are you asking Spike, Twilight”

“Oh, he let something slip about a letter to Celestia, and I wanted to know what it was about, all he'll tell me is that it was for a 'Special Project' you're arranging. Will you tell me about it?” She replies.

“Sorry babe, top secret.” He replies with a smile and a wink. “All I will tell you is that you'll find out during our dinner in three weeks, by the way I invited you're friends today, that's one of the reasons I wanted to talk to them.”

“But why did you invite them?” She asks, suspicion on her face.

“Can't I be a good colt-friend and friend to your friends?”

“Of course, I guess I'll just have to wait.” She replies with a sigh.

Two weeks later.

Solarin arrives home, walks up to his room and opens the door to find Twilight, searching his room.

“You know, it's rude to tear apart someponies room without their permission.” Solarin says.

Twilight jumps, and looks at Solarin guilt coming to her face, cheeks red from embarrassment. “I'm sorry, but I had to find out what's so secret about your 'Special Project' I should have been patient, please forgive me.”

“I'll forgive you IF, you promise to wait until our dinner at the cafe in a week, and fix my room.” Solarin replies.

Twilight nods, and begins to fix his room, when a knock is heard coming from the door.

“I'll get it.” Solarin says as he heads downstairs.

He opens the door to find Rarity standing there with a smile upon her face.

“Solarin, would you mind coming to the boutique with me, my part of your 'Special Project' is complete.” The fashonista asks.

Solarin nods. “Of course, Twilight? I'm going out for a bit!”

Twilight’s voice drifts down from his room. “Go ahead, dear, I still have to clean your room.”

Solarin follows Rarity to her shop, on the way, Rarity asks a question. “Clean your room, whatever did she do to it?”

“I found her rummaging through my room, looking for clues to my plan to propose to her, next week. So she's cleaning up my room as a way to earn forgiveness.” Solarin replies.

“Oh my, I hope she didn't find anything.” She says to Solarin.

“Of course not, I have the enchanted paper in a side pocket of my mail bag, and I never leave that bag alone for long.” He replies.

They enter Rarity's shop, and She leads him over to a small black box, which he opens with magic.

Inside the box is velvet lining, ad sitting on the lining is the ring, which look exactly like his drawing.

“Rarity, this is amazing. This looks just like what I drew!” He says joy on his face.

“Well of course darling, isn't that the point when you asked me to make the ring?”

“Well yes, I just didn't know it would look this awesome! Now, how much is this going to cost, and don't try to give this to me for free, you worked hard on this, you deserve recompense. Besides, Celestia's paying for everything that involves the wedding.”

“Well, with the materials, and the time it took me to make, but provided you're my friend, and this is for Twilight, I'm willing to give you a small discount, even saying that it will cost seven-hundred fifty bits.”

Solarin nods, and pulls out the enchanted paper given to him by Celestia, setting the paper on the floor, he speaks. “Special Project, seven-hundred fifty bits.” Seconds later eight coins magically appear on the paper, and Rarity collects them with her magic.

Solarin thanks Rarity, and closing the ring-box, places it in his mail bag, taking care to be sure it is well hidden, then heads back to the library.

Day of the proposal.

Solarin walks home, after a long day of delivering mail, it is five-thirty, only half-an-hour until his special dinner with twilight, setting his mail bag in his room, he checks the hiding place for the ring-box and enchanted paper, and sighs in relief as they are both there, hearing hoof steps coming up the stairs, he closes the secret door, and backs away, acting like he just got home.

The door opens to reveal Twilight, a smile on her face, Solarin smiles back. “Are you ready for tonight dinner?”

Twilight nods. “I'm just happy you invited my friends too.”

Solarin gives her a sly smile. “Oh trust me, they wouldn't want to miss it for the world.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Solarin winks at her. “You'll find out tonight.” He then heads to the shower to prepare.

Five minutes later, Solarin exits the shower, and starts to put on a suit, grumbling about the tie, grabbing the ring-box from it's hiding spot he places it deep within his left pocket, buttoning the top to make it look like nothing is there.

He walks downstairs, his tie a mess, to see Twilight in an absolutely beautiful dress.

“You look wonderful.” He says to Twilight.

Twilight giggles, then spots his mess of a tie. “Thank you, come here, let me fix your tie.”

Seating himself in front of her, he watches as she uses her magic to untangle the mess, then perfectly tie the tie.

“Thank you dear.” He says.

“You're welcome.” She replies.

A moment later a knock comes to the door.

They open the door to see the girls waiting patiently for them.

“Shall we?” Solarin asks, as he dramatically sweeps his hoof towards the door.

“We shall.” She replies.

The group of seven leave the library, heading towards the Cafe.

When they reach the doors, the waitress looks at Solarin, expectantly.

“I reserved a table for 7 under them name of Solarin.”

The waitress opens her book, a searches the list, and smiles when she finds the name.

“Ah yes, here it is. Follow me please.” The waitress says as she leads the group inside.

The group find their table, and seat themselves at their table ordering what they want.

After dinner.

“Ah gotta say, that was delicious.” Applejack says with a satisfied burp.

“I agree darling, Solarin don't you think its time to spring your little surprise?” Rarity asks.

“Surprise?” Twilight asks with a look of confusion on her.

Solarin looks at the other girls who smile and wave their hooves forward as if to say 'go for it'

Solarin gets off the chair, and stand in front of Twilight, who still looks confused. He kneels in front of her, and his horn, glows as he unbuttons his left coat pocket.

“Solarin what are you...” Twilight asks, but he stops her by holding up a hoof. He then stares straight into her eyes, a smile on his face.

“Twilight Sparkle,' He levitates the box, so she can see it, her eyes follow it, then her jaw drops as he opens it in front of her, completing the question. 'Will you do the great honor of becoming my wife?”

Jaw gaping she looks from the ring to a smiling Solarin, then back to the ring, slowly her jaw closes and a smile spreads across her face, eyes filling with joy, tears forming in the joyful eyes.

“YES, YES, YES, YES, YES! Of course I'll marry you Solarin!” She yells, joy in her voice, using her magic she grabs him in a giant hug. AT the table the other girls cheer for Solarin and Twilight.

Smiling, Solarin levitates the ring from the box and places it on her horn, as she lets him go. Then he replaces the empty box in his coat pocket, and returns to his seat.

“Would you like to know who all was in on this little secret?” He asks her.

Twilight nods still to happy to reply.

“Well, your friends, Spike, and Celestia.” HE says to her.

“Celestia?!” She asks, incredulous.

“Yup, I had to ask her of course. I wanted her blessing and permission.” He says with a nod.

“I'm gonna throw you guys the most amazingly-amazingest congratulations party EVER!” Pinkie Pie yells.

The table shares a laugh at the antics of the hyper-active pink party-pony.

Six years later

Solarin is in the library reading a book on improving his drawing. He looks up as the library door opens, and smiles as Twilight Sparkle enters, followed by a unicorn foal.

The foals has a forest-green coat, with a lavender mane, a streak of gold running through it, and his eyes are silver flecked with violet.

Solarin gets up and kisses his wife before looking at the foal, smiling.

“Did you enjoy your day at school, Tenacity?”

Tenacity replies. “ Yes daddy! I learned a lot today.”

Solarin hugs his son, then walks toward the kitchen, only to hear Twilight say. “ So honey, I was thinking for dessert we could have pickles and ice-cream.”

Solarin nods, then freezes as the statement hits him, he turns towards his wife, to see a smile on her face, and a twinkle in her eye.

“Are you?” Solarin asks.

Twilight nods, and a huge smile comes upon Solarin's face. He dashes over to his wife and gives her a hug.

“Daddy, what's going on?” Tenacity asks.

Solarin kneels in from of his son and replies smiling. “Son, I we have a surprise for you.”

“WHAT, WHAT, WHAT!” He asks, excitement written on his face.

“You're going to be a big brother.” Solarin replies.


Solarin nods, and the trio share a hug.

And they lived happily until the end of their days.

(An: OMG that was tough to write, It was especially hard thinking of a name for Twilight and Solarin's son. Hope you enjoyed the story, peace out.)

Comments ( 6 )
#1 · Nov 19th, 2011 · · ·

Loved it :derpytongue2:

i truly enjoyed this little epic.
however I feel compelled to give you a bit of advice...

flush out your world a little bit more, as much as I loved your piece, I never felt like I was actually THERE.

I suggest you try reading some of the higher ranked fics for refrance

however I do not know your personal situation or time constraints.

I give you this advice with the hope your next fan fiction is even better.

this is anepic story but as fragged42 said you should read some high ranking fics :derpytongue2:

Greatness ensues. Would've been SUPER interesting if he was a mute the whole story. Woulda been hard, but pretty awesome

this was a good read

P.S. how do in isert pics into the comments:rainbowhuh:

victory ha ha twilight is happily married to solarin

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