• Member Since 25th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen June 4th


Not a serious writer, and occasionally I create or forget about loose ends entire. That being said, I never stop trying to improve.


May 24th. I woke up and missed a day.

I never miss a day, even if I do sleep in until an ungodly hour. And I'm not normally quadrupedal. Nor do I normally have a beak. Or feathers, or fur, or wings.

And I only just got diagnosed with anger issues and a prescription that actually works with keeping them in check.

Now I'll have to make my way through this damn depopulated city, scavenging what I can before I figure out where to set up my more permanent nest home.

Who knows, maybe I might find somebody else out there. Now the question is, will I survive meeting them?

(Despite the coverart, this is not a story about a griffon hen. This is a side-story for the Ponies After People-verse.)

Chapters (52)
Comments ( 200 )

Drat..... Been beat to Griffin MC too


My favorite Displaced author writing a PAP story! I will definitely read this!

Hell no. Like heck am I going to stop you now. >;)

Shouldn't this be part of the Griffins After People verse?

See what I did there?

A collection of feathers so far. A gaggle? A flock? Henry and Grace have a good start so far. And Skippy too, let's not forget him.


And boy oh boy, did I have options. I always was an indecisive kid. So I took a little bit of everything I thought I might need.

This put me in mind of Jayne Cobb in Serenity. "Well, I get a bit spoiled for choice, like to keep my options open …"

Might want to bring some grenades, just in case. :moustache:

I don't believe anyone has breached the subject of people dependent on things like behavioral management meds, insulin, etc.

The latter probably doesn't count since Word of God(tm) has said that pony bodies are immune to human disease, so for example a diabetic would not be a diabetic pony, or a leukemia sufferer would be cancer-free after ponification.

You have my attention... continue. :)

I ate my meal in silence while she had her vegetable breakfast. We sat on opposite sides of the restaurant while we did, though. Close enough to see each other, yet our diets kept us apart.

This sounds like a line from a (cheesy?) love story :rainbowlaugh:

Don't worry Grace, you might not have fingers, but you're still a tool user. It's just a bit trickier.

He's gonna be a right angry bird when he runs out of meds. I promise you that.
Heck, the dosage he has just keeps him from snapping at the drop of a hat. He can still snap.

Y'know, I didn't think about grenades. I might have to fix that.
Fortunately a return trip is planned.

One day, she will figure out how to use the trusty rock as a lockpicking mechanism. Maybe.

6470819 There is one other story that does: Metamorphosis features a main character on antidepressants.


Yup, you've convinced me.
And now I have to come up with an in-world reason-
Reason come up with, Henry will soon be able to make things go boom.

It'll be a fun day once Grace realizes that she has plenty of control over the airspace and all manner of things in it. I daresay even more than Mr. Henry here.

The inevitable encounter with the packs of dogs. To be expected of course, were have a LOT of pets in cities...

I'd recommend adding a horizontal line before the outro, just so the transition from story to broadcast is less jarring.

"Yeah that's right!" I called after them. "You'd better run!"

"How many more guns can you possibly have?" Grace asked irritably as she walked up next to me.

"Enough to keep all of us safe," I answered before putting the gun back in the bag. "Good boy Skippy."


Who knew how many things roamed the street at night now, with no humans to reign them in.

Sorry, these were the first thing that came to my mind when I hit those sections.

Then I can take one rock and bash that door open.

They don't have sledgehammers at Lowes? :rainbowderp:

He also doesn't have a frying pan yet.
Tools, he might need them. I agree.

You know a way to a Texans heart is though his magazine.... Or was that barbeque I don't remember:rainbowlaugh:

I just want to say that I'm really liking this story man

Getting to the point where I feel that little send off is from a sitcom. :rainbowlaugh:

"I'm Henry!"

"And i'm Grace!"

[In Unison] "And this is the Grace and Henry show!"

Clock is ticking Henry. Those pills will run out soon and one of two things will happen.

A) Your feathery new form has cured that little problem of yours.

B) You are going to flip the ever-loving fuck out. And it will be equal parts glorious and terrifying. Just... try not to eat Grace. She seems nice.

"Grace and Henry in the MORRRning!"

Telsas for everypony! And Everygiff.

and thus he finds out that flight is possible...
i wonder if he can train enough to at least glide in the mean time, using those claws of his to scale buildings ala Griff?

Neat crossover, I've been wondering when these characters would meet up!

One thing seemed strange to me, and that was the narrative use of "they" to describe LF. Being respectful of someone's preferred pronouns is one thing, but in a third-person limited story the narrator typically has access to a similar amount of information to the character. As a result, this came off strange, since LF never actually said that they wanted to be referred to this way, but the narrator somehow knew anyway. Given the way gendered terms have always been used for other characters, this struck me as a little jarring.

Not a big deal or anything, but it does seem a little inconsistent to suddenly deviate and use a nontypical pronoun before being told a person prefers it that way.

God, Solar panels

I've only had the misfortune of dealing with them once, and getting them from the ground to the roof is a nightmare.
Mounting them in the frames without damaging them, in the maze of frames, ductwork, and cables?

Screw renewable energy, I'd scavenge gas in the apocalypse.

6585096 In the Apocalypse you don't need to put them up on the roof. You could just set them up on the ground away from shade (or not, depending on how much power you would need and how often).
Plus without a way to get more out of the ground/process it you'll run out VERY quickly. Gasoline breaks down overtime, and gas stations won't get a fresh supply of it... ever.

The best you can do is about one year of gasoline till it all goes bad (if you're a bit unlucky)

This seems like a decent place to ask this.

Is there a place where all of the locations of the different stories is?

Another way to ask that is:
Is there a document somewhere that says where everyone was on what day and any major events for these stories to help keep things consistent?

6615132 Well - no.
Gasoline, stored in a 'normal' car tank may in many climates go off rapidly.
I do note that I have started and run my car on 3 year-old fuel that had been stored in the tank just fine. (I started it and ran it every month).
I live in Scotland however, which is not notably hot and humid.

This is basically due to oxygen and water reacting with the fuel, and producing undesired compounds.
You need to find a (preferably large, clean) tank, fill it with fuel, and then ideally flush the void with inert gas, then seal it.
In some cases, especially for very large tanks, you may need to explicitly arrange an expansion vessel, to cope with air pressure changes, and not allow any gas to leak in or out.

http://www.swri.org/10light/fuelqual.htm - is related too.

In short - stored in a vapour and oxygen tight container, especially flushed with inert gas, gasoline or especially diesel is going to last a _long_ time.

A more relevant question might be 'sustainability'.

Getting enough fuel to last your lifetime is pretty easy, for modest consumption.
Getting enough fuel to last several generations into the future for an expanding community is probably unlikely in most scenarios.

Some of these are such that they are likely to last well into the future with minimal maintenance.
However, most are not refined petroleum.
But, from most you could run a 'flex fuel' or diesel car.
Biodiesel is of course readily producible, as is bioethanol - though if you have stored petroleum of any form, you probably want to use that first, rather than spend effort farming.

Engines is another interesting issue.
Electronic fuel injection makes vehicles a lot more reliable, but the electronics are going to die in likely under 50 years - even with repair. The components are not makable without billion dollar fabs, with an extensive industry supporting them.

An interesting question becomes 'repair spells'.
Can it redo bearings, and other moderately complex moving parts.
A fairly modest machine shop can do quite in-depth repairs of engines, but when you stop trying to scavenge old engines and make new is an interesting question.
A fancy turbocharged engine gets a _lot_ of power per unit weight.

20hp can do a lot though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferguson_TE20

how strong is he? could he learn to climb buildings and tree's and glide?

That is the downside to the Denver Natural history Museum for a base its in the same park with the Denver zoo.. On the positive note the museum is an older stone building

Chris was a construction worker before the great shift,

Great shift? As in Morpheus's Great Shift? That'd be a hell of a reference.

let me guess...Diamond dogs, minataurs, or other sapient beings?

Yeesh. How many lions did the zoo have?

most zoos have at least 2-3 then they might of had kittens as well. That doesn't count the other big cats, and other carnivores

still hoping he learns to go full Gargoyle soon, like Griff, but less...green, british and anthropomorphic

Gliding yeah!
now...for him to practice climbing...

... And to take branching lessons. :trollestia:

did a quick look see at the Denver zoo web site not only are there lions but at least 2 other species of large cats, a couple of smaller one, 3 species of bears, Wild dogs, hyenas all pose potential dangers

6775752 Seems like it's just Grace and Henry.

Walmart. A survivor's best friend.

Good job keep it up see the next chapter

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