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Chapter 4

The Cold, Empty bottle of Sarsaparilla

Pinkie Pie was finally wide awake, having finally accepted her life in Equestria s a lie her eyes began to moisten, but she did not cry. She was past crying, she’s done more than her fair share of suffering, and it’s time to move on. She began to look around the room, taking in all the implications of the strange new world, the odd details of this world. She sat in silence for several minutes without moving a muscle; but then finally decided to get up and walk about the tiny room. She looked down at the blanket; it had a red stripe pattern that she kind of liked; it reminded her of a candy cane. The room was small but had the necessities, like a toilet; a cold chrome chemical toilet, but it did its job. At the other end of the room was a small window, about the size of her head, no perhaps a bit smaller. She walked up to it; the window was barred despite being so small, but she could still see outside of it. There wasn’t much to look at, an empty field of half-dead grass, overgrown with weeds, but somehow she liked it. All the plants seemed to have infinitely finer detail than back “home”, even the most ugly of the plants contained a complexity she’s never seen before.

On the other side of the room was a large metal door, she was all too familiar with it though, so gave it little attention until she heard a loud *CLANK* which made her jump. She looked at the door to see a small metal slit was open and a curious pair of eyes was looking in, it was Nathan “Oh hello miss you’re awake......again, ummmmmmm.......we were hoping to talk to you if you’re feeling better, you know after last time.”

Pinkie Pie couldn’t help but giggle slightly “Yeah, I’m better I promise I won’t fly off the handle like that again!”

Nathans eyes brightened a little “Okay then! I’ll have to get Dr.Mathews, I’ll be right back!” he said as he closed the slit with another *CLANK* she could hear the sound of him trotting........walking down the hall.

As he was leaving she couldn’t help but notice her voice, it was exactly the same as it was in Equestria “hello?” she said to test it out. Yeah it was the same, oddly enough she thought, wonder what else I got right?

Just then she could hear two sets of footsteps walking towards her, then the familiar metal *CLANK* again. The slit slid open and now two sets of eyes were looking at her “Hello there!” Dr.Mathews said with a careful cheer in his voice “Are you feeling better? Are you ready to talk?”

Pinkie just smiled “Yeah I’m okay! And I’m not going to freak out! Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

Nathan couldn’t help but snicker at her child-like antics. Dr.Mathews elbowed him, “Alright then, coming in!” he said as the slit closed with a *CLANK* and the door opened with another *CLANK* the door began to slide open and the two figures walked in cautiously, Pinkie couldn’t help but notice there was a nurse behind them with another sleepyneedle, should the need arise. “So is everything better?” asked Dr.Mathews, “Have you come to terms with your, umm.......lack of tail?”

Pinkie tried to hold back a mischievous smile “MY WHAT?!?” she screamed, and with that the two doctors took a step back and the nurse got ready to grab hold of her...............until the sound of laughter was heard “GOTCH YA!!!” she laughed out loud, rolling on the mattress, with tears dripping down her face, her arms holding her sides.

The two doctors stood there flabbergasted, Nathan trying to hold back laughter. The nurse seemed less than amused as she stood there with a stern glare at Pinkie, “May I be dismissed, doctor?” Dr.Mathews stood there grinning “Yes nurse Ratched, you may leave.” and with that the nurse marched out with a disgruntled look on her face.

“So” Nathan looked at Pinkie “you seem to be feeling better, miss. Does this mean you’ve come to accept things?”

Pinkie nodded “MMMMHHHHMMMMMMM!!! I’ve come to accept that my life in Equestria was all in my head! I am going to miss it just a lot though.”

Nathan began writing his notes again “Don’t worry I’m sure there’s lots of things to appreciate about reality, just give it time.”

“Can I ask for a favor please?” she requested.

Dr.Mathews raised an eyebrow “Yes, miss?”

She looked down at her new form “Can I look at myself in a mirror? I’ve never gotten a chance to see my real face”

The two doctors looked at each other, it was an innocent enough request; they could easily bring her a little piece of foil so as not to create a danger by giving a patient glass or metal, but they thought about last time, and were concerned the shock would be too much for her to bear. After all she seems to have accepted reality a little too fast and they would hate to see her progress take another step back.

“Ummmmm.....we’re not too sure if that’s a good idea at the moment, perhaps in a few hours, maybe. You understand right?” She nodded, she understood the reason why but was a little disappointed nonetheless. With that the doctors bid farewell to Pinkie, and closed the door with another *CLANK*

She was alone again and now had to face a new dilemma, boredom. This was a problem she scarcely had to deal with in Ponyville, with all my friends and parties, and-

She stopped that train of thought, this is her life now, and she’d have to stop comparing the real world to Ponyville. She stared at the wall for awhile, until she figured she’d get up and look out the window. Pinkie Pie enjoyed the empty field that lay just beyond her confines; the peaceful winds blew through every half-dead blade of grass. She found the utmost beauty in all of this; she wished she could go run in that field, to feel the grass as she rolled around in it.

She spent the next few hours day dreaming about herself playing in that field, until a familiar sound startled her. I’m never gonna get used to that clanking sound. This time the metal slit opened and a small piece of foil slipped thorough, followed by an immediate closing of the slit. Pinkie gasped at the little piece of foil, she tried to yell “thank you” out the door but the footsteps were too far away for the person to hear.

She picked up the little piece of foil and looked at herself with the utmost excitement. Her hair was the first thing she focused on; she expected her well known pink, cotton candy hair. Where in reality it was a dark red and strait; it flowed like water down to her shoulders. She looked at her face, it was pale; she supposed she hadn’t much sunlight over the years. Besides that she thought her new face was cute, beautiful even. She smiled at herself, her smile emanated joy.

She slipped the foil under her bed; she wasn’t sure who it was that gave her the foil, but their anonymity suggested it was done in secret, so she decided to take no chances. She went back to her day dream, as she hummed a little tune to herself as she did so; after a length of time, she couldn’t tell really, she entered a deep sleep.