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Chapter 6

The Cold, Empty bottle of Sarsaparilla

*Ding!* went the coffee maker, Nathan grabbed the pot and looked at the clock on the machine, 5:57AM it read. This was usually the time of day he would use to get some paperwork done, before all the patients woke up. It was a nice, simple morning ritual; the kind that you got used to after months of repetition. He walked over to his mailbox in the main lobby, as he walked to the main desk he looked at a pot of flowers sitting there, they needed watering, but that simply wasn’t his job. So he passed it without second thought.

He looked at the stack of paper in his mail slot, mostly papers that needed to be filed, stamped, and refilled again; whatever kept the red-tapes happy. However, he noticed an urgent message in his mail today; it was in a bright red envelope that screamed “we mean business!”

He opened it, not too sure of what to expect:

From the desk of Dr. Krusen,
I request a moment of your time Nathan regarding yesterdays “incident” about patient #109 a.k.a “Pinkie Pie.” I urgently need to speak with you regarding the manor of her behavior and any future treatment of such incidents. Meet me at 6:05 PM today, on the second floor in office #12.

Nathan was puzzled, he’d never been called upstairs before, and he had doubts that they ever summoned someone regarding a patient before. It’s not like this kind of thing isn’t commonplace, it happens often enough.

Despite his confusion, he walked to the rarely used staircase; some nurses gave him odd looks as he headed towards the stairs. The room that housed the staircase was frigid this time of day, and even carried a bit of a draft.

Nathan opened the door to the second level of the hospital; the hallway was quiet, but held some people, who looked at him peculiarly. He walked down the hall, until he spotted office #12, a small gold plaque rested on the door front.
Doctor Wilkinson J. Krusen
PhD. in the Medical and Physiological Sciences
Head Researcher

Nathan wondered why this guy would bother himself with details of a patient, does it have something to do with the drug trial for Serum 14-Q? He was unsure what to think at the moment, it seemed the only logical theory.

He cracked open the door to find a short, bald man sitting at his desk with a bottle of brandy. His office was dusty and unkempt, and the odor of brandy and cigars hung think. He looked at Nathan with eyes of anger, and a slight hint of fear. “Mr.Nathan, have a seat please.” he asked in an unsettling tone.

Nathan did as he was asked; he held out his hand to shake with the doctor, but Dr.Krusen just stared at him, coldly.

“Nathan, lets skip all the unpleasantries and get right down to the point, shall we?” he said in a calm cool manner “Now this patient of yours #109, who likes to be called Pinkie Pie.” he said with a tone of frustration, “I understand that she had a bit of a hiccup in her recovery, am I right?”

Nathan’s words were stuck in his throat “Ummm......yes sir she did, but she was just a bit upset, and I didn’t-”

“And when she was upset, did you get anyone to sedate her?”

“Well, ummmm, Nurse Ratched came with a sedative, but I sent her away cause-”

Dr. Krusen slammed his fist on the table, “Just what the fuck were you thinking!?! Huh?”

Nathan jumped out of his seat a little, “I didn’t think it would be a real problem, but I mean, umm-”
“Do you have any idea how dangerous that individual is, DO YOU?”

“But, there was nothing in her file that said she was any sort of threat.” he began to trip over his own words.

“I don’t give two shits, what was in her file! That girl is a serious threat to me, you and everyone in this hospital!” he paused to catch his breath “I didn’t mean to get worked up like that, Christ” he poured himself another glass of brandy. He tilted his head back and downed the entire glass in one gulp “Now you listen here, and you listen good! If that girl starts to flip out like that again, hell if she so much as looks at you funny, you better fucking tranq her so fast that her head will spin, do you understand me?!”

Nathan was stunned, but managed to speak in a soft, timid voice “Ummmm.......sir, I don’t really think that’s nessiss-”

“I said, do you fucking understand me?! It’s a simple fucking question, yes or no?!”

All of Nathan’s bravery was sapped; he couldn’t even muster up a response, so he just nodded. Dr. Krusen sat back down in his swivel chair, “I’m glad we have an understanding, I’m sending a notice out to all the nurses, now get the hell out of here!”

Nathan scurried to the door, with his tail between his legs; he ran down stairs, without giving any of his co-workers a passing glance. He was back in the break room where his morning started.

Dr.Mathews could see the fear in his face, “Jeez man, what the heck happened to you?”

Dr.Krusen sat alone again in his empty room, he poured himself another glass of brandy and put the bottle away. He took a sip of the glass and set it down “I just pray that her amnesia sticks, so help me god” he said as he took another drink.

Pinkie awoke in her usual manner, a stretch followed by another big *yaaaaaawwwnnn* to wake her up. She heard the *CLANK* sound as the door opened, her face brightened, as she expected to see Nathan, but was disappointed to see Dr.Mathews. “Hello there Pinkie!” he said in a cheery voice.

“Hi Dr.Mathews! Where’s Nathan?”

“Well, he’s busy at the moment, so today I’ll be wheeling you to breakfast, ‘kay?”

Pinkie smiled and nodded as she got in the chair, she was eager to see the flowers in the lobby again; but her eagerness turned to disappointment, as she saw the once vibrant and lively flowers wilting away. Did anyone water them? She thought to herself as she passed through the lobby.

She was wheeled into the cafeteria, and set at her regular table. She saw Marvin look up at her and nod slightly at her presence. Ricky looked up at her from his tray of food and smiled “Well hey there, beautiful.” Pinkie did all she could to ignore him, refusing to even acknowledge his comment at all.

She looked down at her own tray of food; today’s meal consisted of blueberry pancakes, and eggs. The so-called “blueberries” tasted like little clumps of rock. The eggs were a tad too runny as well, but she ate them all the same.

“So you’re ignoring me today, I take it? That’s fine doll, your silence says no but your eyes say yes, more of this guy. Am I right, Marv?”

Marvin just rolled his eyes, “Will you please just shut up? For the love of god, you’re just annoying her, and me, not like you give a shit anyway.”

“Now that’s not true Marv, I’m not annoying you, am I doll?” he turned to Pinkie Pie, who just looked back, disgruntled.

“Why yes, as a matter of fact you are annoying me” she grumbled.

Ricky’s face seemed shocked for a moment, as if he actually was surprised to be rejected; but then his face reddened, not in shame but in anger. “Oh! So I’m annoying am I!? Well sweetheart, I say it’s you, who annoys me! How do you like that?”

Is this guy for real? Seriously? Her face never became more serious in her entire life in Equestria; her lips formed a perfectly straight line, her eyes shot sternly across the table toward the bumbling idiot. “Quite frankly, I don’t give a fuck!” she raised her voice slightly; just to make sure she got her point across.

Ricky was fuming now, his face turned a bright cherry red. He stood up, pushing his chair back, which fell down with a loud metal *THUNK* that made everyone look in their direction. One of his massive arms swiped his and her trays off the table, which sent the food flying away from the table. “You godamn bitch! Don’t you ever talk to me like that!”

Pinkie was scared beyond belief, she couldn’t even remember a time where she was more scared then right now. She tried to think back to other times she was so frightened, come on Pinkie, think! What is it you normally do when you’re frightened? Oh I got it!

“Ha, ha, ha!” she laughed out loud in Ricky’s face. Marvin’s eyes widened as if to say, did she seriously laugh in his face? She’s either the bravest person in the world, or the biggest idiot. Or both.

A single vein popped up on Ricky’s forehead; never before had Pinkie realized the brute’s true size. He towered over her looking down at her, partly drooling as he hyperventilated in rage. “BITCH I’LL SHOW YOU NOT TO LAUGH!” he screamed as he raised his arm high in the air.

For a moment Pinkie looked behind her, she saw two large male nurses, each with a sleepyneedle in hand. They started to dart towards them, but were held back by Nurse Ratched. She looked at them sternly, and they both took a step back. I guess I’m on my own with this one! Why did I have to laugh?! That was such a stupid idea!

His arm began to swing towards her; she closed her eyes and mentally braced herself for the pain she was all too sure she’d experience.

Any second now! She winced at the thought, ummmmmm.....did it happen yet? She refused to open her eyes in fear that he was just holding back for a moment, still nothing? She waited perhaps another five seconds or so before she finally worked up the courage to open her eyes.

What she saw was the face bright-red colored, fuming giant, with a look, not of rage but fear. His lip quivered as all his strength was being over powered, by what? Pinkie thought. She followed his arm to see a hand holding it mid-place, about half way to her face. Nathan! Oh my god I love you! It wasn’t Nathan’s arm however, she looked at it again, and it had a more feminine quality to it, Nurse Ratched?!? Nope, the arm was too youthful to be from her. Whose arm is this?

She followed the arm with her eyes to find that the arm was her own. What the hell!?!?!?!?! Her jaw hung open in disbelief. She couldn’t even believe it was possible that someone like her could hold back someone like him; not just hold back, but overpower. Pinkie looked back at his face to see his eyes; they beamed in fear and cowardice. As a fear reaction he struggled to get free, as he raised his other arm into the air. But then, without even realizing what happened, almost like a reflex; she flipped him on his back and onto the table, the two legs on the right half of the table gave out with a *SNAP* as Ricky rolled down the table side, Marvin’s food tray followed and landed on the back of his head with a splat. Then the other two legs decided enough was enough, and gave out as well with another loud *SNAP*

Pinkie Pie stood there in shock, her jaw hung open is awe. She felt a slight prick in her side, as she began to feel sleepy. She turned around to see Nathan with a look of sadness and shock on his face “I’m sorry about this Pinkie.” Was the last thing she heard, before falling into a deep sleep.

Comments ( 39 )

And then Pinkie turned into Weapon X?

I like the territory you're in. Despite a few hiccups, it has gone pretty well so far too. It has enough of a sense of mystery that it has a nice gentle sort of tension to it. I think it might be pulling a bit too far from the source material at times, but for the most part Pinkie's kept it tied somewhat to canon.

Needs some editing and expansion in places, but otherwise it's pretty good so far.

I think pinkie was the reasult of a superweapon expirement

I'm liking the story so far, that plot has lots of potential. You know, pinkie waking up on a mental institution and a doctor that fears her really draws people.

The real problem is how this is written. It's not bad, but it would be a lot better if you were to improve:

-Sometimes I don't know who's narrating the story, at times it's in 2nd person and at other times it's in 1st person, that's kinda confusing.
-Your narration style is very original, (kinda like mine actually) but sometimes you take it a little too far by drifting off topic and describing people's thoughts, switching the perspective drastically.
-The paragraphs are not very well structured at times, I tried finding THE example i had in mind in your text, but... I gave up doing it.

The problem is this: "Dialogue text..." "Dialogue text..." ---- That cannot be, dialogues must be separated either by text in the middle or be in different paragraphs, depending on the situation.
-And last but not least, a punctuation note. Every dialog sentence that does not ends on "?" or "!", must end with either a pause or period. Like this.

"Dialogue text," description text, "Dialogue text continues."

I'm not a grammar genious, I hope this tips work out for you.

Thanks for your time, I look forward to the next chapter

#4 · Jul 31st, 2011 · · ·

Please continue! Very well written and entertaining! :coolphoto:

1060 Oh sorry I won't be updating on this website anymore just go to this thread http://www.ponychan.net/chan/fic/res/14864.html

For those of you interested in the rest of the story without having to scourge for it, here are the rest of the chapters.

Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13

The author said there supposedly will be further updates on PonyChan, as well as edits and corrections so that this story could end up on Equestria Daily.

#7 · Aug 23rd, 2011 · · ·

all i can say is.....fuck you, this story made me sad, i mean yeah it's well writtin but now.......i'm sad as fuck, si fuck you couse now i'm sad

♫♥I look forward to reading what happens next in your story♥♪

I like it! Please write more :pinkiesmile:

I'm hooked on this story now. I really wanna know how it ends!:pinkiecrazy:

Hey is there something wrong with google docs? Cause 16 on there cuts off for me.

why the rest of the chapters on google docs and not here?

Why were the rest not uploaded onto here? hmmm...?

Otherwise great story and currently reading into the google doc version. I'm enjoying this and although Futtershy is my favorite, Pinky is second :pinkiehappy:

Where's part 18?

I went to the thread he posted but the screen just says 404 this is a test please explain any pony.

This needs to continue ln here so I don't have to go to different sites to read more. :pinkiehappy:

3850715 I know I went to his link and it brings me to a white page that says 404 this is a test and I can't find any new chapters on google docs either? I need help.:pinkiesad2: please author post on this site again or at least post a new link.

3857306 Completely agree with you. This story is so great and we have only 6 chapters and I'm actually wondering if something happened to the writer. I'm probably worrying for no reason but I am worrying. :pinkiesad2:

3857608 I wanna read more all I can do till he posts more and tells us were to look I'm looking at dead space death scenes

3857619 I"m reading other stories like I always do after reading stuff like this. Hoping eventually there'll be more. :pinkiesad2:

3857640 Same here. Despite currently reading a story that managed to make me laugh so far. :pinkiesad2:

3857796 I don't know why he left his fic was doing so well.:applecry:

3858101 I know. My fic wasn't doing any good but I'm still thinking of doing another....more disturbing....fic involving Lyra and a male pony that calls himself The Cupcakes Killer. :pinkiesad2: And no it won't be an exact copy of Cupcakes. :pinkiesick: The original Cupcakes kinda sickened me when I read. And my story will actually explain why the killer does what he does. Now I just have to very carefully think it out.

3858145 I listened to and read cupcakes I nearly got sick twice (ps I've got a weak stomach)

3858156 I don't normally get sick easily but Cupcakes was just wrong. :pinkiesick: And it never said why Pinkie was suddenly a cannibal. I liked Rocket To Insanity though cause Cupcakes was the nightmare that drove Dashie to insanit. :pinkiecrazy:

3858195 if you think about it she could of just gone insane it happens a lot and we all know how unstable she is.

3858203 When it comes to Pinkie maybe but Cupcakes was before Party Of One which means before we knew how insane Pinkie really was. However I think they needed Dashies nightmares to get to her cause Dashies not the type to kill normally.

3858248 By having Dashies nightmares cause her mind to snap in Rocket To Insanity we got Killer Dashie as an easy to picture thing but Cupcakes takes place before the Party Of One episode so it was when Pinkie still had the same personality as her G 2 and G 3 self. How would anyone guess Pinkie always was like....that. I would've been creeped out more if she had a G2 or G 3 pony amongst her victims though cause it would mean it went back even further than anyone could imagine. :pinkiegasp: How do we know it doesn't?

3859558 They only mention Gilda as a past victim and the rest are just a group of random ponies and when they show her dress....there had to be alot of victims there besides just ponies from FIM. :pinkiegasp: Now the story does seem worst then it did originally.

Aren't you gonna continue this?

551702 i want to know as well have you fond it yet? :applecry:


Please... what needs to be done for more? I beggeth of thee, giveth me more of thy enchanting tale!

1428 You have more chapters? :pinkiegasp:

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