• Published 10th Oct 2015
  • 717 Views, 51 Comments

Sparkle's Bizzare Adventure - Diokno44

Follow the journeys of the Sparkle Clan, and their bizzare adventures

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Act 1-P3: Arrow of Eros, Power of Agony!

A little over two weeks had passed, since Dusk had rescued Silver from two ruffians wishing him harm. The heir of the Sparkle Estate was strolling through the nearby town of Manehatten, a bustling city of some four thousand souls. As she was about to turn a corner, she heard a familiar, kind voice call to her. "Hey Sparky, wait up!" the voice called. Dusk smiled, turning to find a Pegasus colt trotting towards her at a brisk pace. His salmon fur, freshly groomed, glistened in the sunlight. His short, widow's peaked cherry mane was combed, his bangs brushed to the left. The colt's gleaming emerald eyes reflected the incandescent sun hanging above them. His name was Blue Skies, the son of a merchant-lord, and a former Seapony mercenary. He would be Dusk's fiancee when they came of age. Originally, they could barely be in the same roon together, but they eventually grew closer, as a bond between them formed.

"Good morn Blue Skies." Dusk smiled, her cheeks tinging a rosy red color. She always enjoyed spending time with the gallant colt. She strove to be a gentlemare whenever possible. Her eyes fell upon a vibrantly colored poster hanging on the wall of a nearby bakery, Suger Coat's Scrumptious Sweets. "Blue, it seems the fair will be arriving tomorrow, shall we visit?"

Blue felt his heart flutter, as if his heart had morphed into butterflies that fluttered through his chest. A smile bloomed on his face, as he nodded eagerly, nearly hitting his head against Dusk's spiraled horn. He chuckled, "Sorry, beloved." He scratched the back of his head, a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead. His family had always said he was a bit awkward in social situations, but he rarely let that deter him. "I would love to take you to the fair tomorrow morn." His tail swished behind him. "Shall I swing by your manor, at..." He glanced at the looming clock tower. "...nine o'clock?" he asked his betrothed, fixing his mane with a tender hoof.

"I would love that." Dusk agreed, her eyes sparkling with joy. Already, her mind's gears were turning with ideas on what she would wear, how the date would go, and other such thoughts. Suddenly, Blue froze, his eyes widened. "What is it beloved?"

Blue Skies gasped, "I almost forgot! Father asked me to pick up some medicine for grandmother!" He pecked her on the cheek, and spun on his heels. "I'll see you later!" Blue began galloping to the local pharmacy, the dirt kicking up into a small cloud beneath his warm hooves. Dusk chuckled lightly, continuing on. Her father and mother had asked her to take their matching pistols, Ivory and Ebony, an engagement present, to the local gunsmith. The twin unloaded firearms rested in her saddlebag.

Dusk Sparkle came upon the gunsmith's shop. Twenty One's Guns was a family business, with the owner taking up the moniker of Twenty One. The current owner, the fourty-second Twenty One, whose real name was Guns A. Roses, was a jovial mare who had served with Dusk's father in the Royal Guard. The bell hung over the door jingled as Dusk stepped inside.

Twenty looked up, her slightly wrinkled grey coat shone lightly as she noticed her customer. Her short fuchsia mane was tied back slightly. "Ah, Lady Dusk Sparkle, what can an old gunsmith do for you?" she asked, scooting her chair from her workbench, wood scraping against wood. Her bronze colored work glasses, with small lenses that could added with the flick of a switch for more intimate work, hung on her forehead.

Dusk trotted up to the counter, and laid the twin hoofguns, their handles polished, with grips matching their names, onto the metallic counter. "Father and Mother want these tuned up." The duo would often train in the backyard, a sort of romantic evening for them, and rarely needed them in defense. Their magical capabilites, and guards would take care of most threats.

Twenty scooted her chair over, keenly inspecting the dual weapons. "Ah, Ebony and Ivory, me own mother forged these two beauties." She smiled, gently holding them. Humming, the gunsmith carefully placed them on the workbench. "Come back tomorrow dear, and I'll git them fixed up nicely." Suddenly, the clock tower chimed the hour, the heavy, baritone chiming echoed through the town. "Oh, best git yerself back home dearie, or else Midnight will have yer head." she teased. Twenty, or Guns as she went by when out of the shop, or to close friends, had been something like an aunt to Dusk, and a sister-like figure to her father.

Dusk smiled, tossing a small pile of bits onto the counter as a tip. "Thank you auntie." She nodded, and trotted briskly out the door, the bell chiming as it closed behind her. Twenty One smiled, and turned back to her workbench. Grabbing her tools, she began working on the twin pistols, humming quietly.

The heir to the Sparkle name whistled a jaunty tune, as she trotted towards her home. The large manor shone in the crisp sunlight. Dusk nodded towards the two house guards at the gate with a smile, which they reciprocated gladly. Warm cobblestone turned to smoothed out dirt. The black iron gate, with its sharp, gilded tips, swung open for the fourteen year old mare. As she passed by the burbling, chiseled stone fountain that stood before her home, she smiled. Whistling, Dusk called, "Sif, oh Sif? Where are you girl?" the mare called out. Dusk was surprised when Sif did not come, but she sometimes did, sometimes she would wait for hours, then find Sif bounding into her bedroom, her golden eyes shining like the incandescent sun above. Shaking her head slightly, Dusk briskly walked up the stairs, and into her mansion. the wide doors slamming shut behind the gentle noblemare.

Four hours later, it was dinner time. Dusk and Divine sat across from eachother, the silverware delicately placed by the polished dinnerplates. Both Midnight and his wife Ever Glow Sparkle had already retired to their chambers for the evening, The ancient grandfather clock, its sweet smelling wood freshly polished by the head butler, chimed every so often.

The duo were dining on well-cooked steak, fried rice with steamed hay, warm apple cider, and a few slices of freshly toasted, Pitalian garlic bread, with savory homemade gravy. Divine's manners were impeccable as always, her cider glass never spilled a single dollop, her food remnants never fell from the plate. That wasn't to say Dusk had bad table manners, but a few drops of liquid or bits of her meal did find themselves on the fine table cloth.