• Published 10th Oct 2015
  • 717 Views, 51 Comments

Sparkle's Bizzare Adventure - Diokno44

Follow the journeys of the Sparkle Clan, and their bizzare adventures

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Act 1-P4: Heartbroken Rage

It had been another day of frivolity for Dusk Sparkle and her beloved, Blue Skies. The local fair had come to town....

{Four hours earlier}

Two ponies, dressed in finely tailored, yet still simple and comfortable, travel clothes, passed through the brightly painted arch way of the fair grounds. Dusk Sparkle was dressed in a navy blue sweater beneath a smart tyrian purple blazer. Her betrothed, Blue Skies, was dressed in a smooth black vest, where beneath it lay a freshly pressed white, button down shirt. A pair of violet saddlebags, the clasp being the family crest, were slung over Dusk's back.

"So, where shall we stop by first, Sparky?" Blue asked. The teenage colt not so subtly ran a hoof down Dusk's back, towards her plot. He froze when he felt a magical aura wrap around the hoof. Blue Skies let out a nervous chuckle, as he turned his head, finding Dusk's horn glowing, and a knowing smirk on her face.

"We'll save that for later." Dusk giggled as she released his hoof, letting it fall back to the ground. She playfully stuck her tongue out at Blue Skies, swaying her hips as she headed towards one of the game booths. Older model mana launchers, crossbow like devices with a crank on the top section, which would fire both mundane, as well as magically created, self reloading bolts, were placed on small platforms. Targets of varying size and distance were placed on the wall above them. "How many bits, good sir?" She asked the aged male Changeling sitting at the booth.

The wrinkled, grey maned Changeling chuckled, his amber colored eyes staring into Dusk's. "For most, it would be four bits, but for a noble, I'll red-" He stopped speaking when Dusk raised a hoof.

"My family taught me to never put myself above my fellow Equisian." Dusk said, fishing in her saddle bag. She tossed four shining bits onto the counter. The drone nodded, and slid the bits into his register. "So, the objective is to fell as many targets as possible?" The drone nodded. "Good," She cocked her head slightly to face Blue Skies, who have trotted up behind her. "Watch and learn Blue, the Sparkle Clan females are expert marksmares." She teased, pecking him on the cheek. She took a deep breath, as shimmering blue bolt swiftly formed in the chamber as she touched her hoof to the trigger. She took aim at the targets, keeping her breathing steady. She could feel her concentration growing, her senses becoming more focused. Dusk could feel the morning sun's warmth flowing through her body. She closed her eyes, as she could hear her heart's razor sharp beat, her blood flowing through her veins. Opening her eyes, she quickly fired the mana launcher, bolts appearing as fast as her hoof moved the trigger. Each target had been hit, and, to the trio's surprise, were smoking slightly, a strange surge of golden, electric like energy surging through each bolt. The bolts had not only all but destroyed the targets, but left holes the size one of Dusk's hoof in the wall behind the target. "Oh dear, I apologize, it seems I got carried away." She put a few more bits down as compensation. The stallion, dumbstruck, nodded, hoofing a large stuffed wolf to Dusk.

Dusk smiled, setting the mana launcher down. "Here Blue." She hooved the stuffedn wolf to her speechless lover. "Thank you, that was fun." She coughed into a hoof.

The Changeling found his senses, and chuckled, "I haven't seen shooting like that since my pa. He would take me out to the shooting range when I was a pupa. That was when I met my wife, one day when I had entered adulthood. She was a pretty little nymph." He turned to the two, who were heading to another booth. "You two take care now!" The stallion then went back to reminiscing.

The couple passed through several more game booths. In all that time, even though Dusk or Blue didn't always win a stuffed prize for their other half, it was the time they spent enjoying each other's company that made it worth while. The two now found themselves seated on a small wooded boat, atop a large water slide.

"Are you ready Blue?" Dusk asked, smiling warmly. She nuzzled her coltfriend, who currently had his hooves wrapped around her waist. Blue gave a slow nod, as a click was heard. The gate in front of them lowered swiftly. With a rush of raging water, and screams of delight, or a scream of abject terror from Blue, the two went hurtling downward, water spraying around their craft. The two stopped at the designated end of the ride, both damp from head to hoof, and laughing heartily.

After hours of merriment, the fair was closed for the day. The two were walking towards Dusk's mansion. Dusk turned, and laid a gentle kiss on Blue's lips, smiling. "I enjoyed today my love." She reluctantly let go of Blue's hoof. "I'll see you tomorrow." She turned, and swiftly trotted away, waving. Blue blew a kiss to Dusk, as he went the opposite direction.

What neither knew was that they were being observed from behind one of the thick oak tree trunks, by a certain mare. Divine Wind smirked, as she went ahead of Blue.

Blue whistled a slight tune, a skip in his hoof steps as he bounced down the road towards his own manor. While it wasn't as big or as old as the nearly 700 year old Sparkle Estate, it was home to the stallion. As he rounded a corner, he came across three mares. The one at the head he recognized immediately from that smug demeanor and piercing gaze. Divine Wind, Dusk had told Blue about the insults, the beatings, and the few thefts of Dusk's possessions her adopted sister had committed. Two other mares, known to be hoodlums, flanked the haughty mare.

Divine trotted forward, as Blue readied himself in a fighting stance. "Blue Skies, isn't it? You and Sparky make such a...." She licked her lips, smirking, "Wonderful couple." Divine stroked Blue's cheek, causing him to flinch and back away. "You yourself are such a marvelous specimen of stallion." She moved her hoof downward, resting it on one of Blue's shoulders. Her very touch made the hair on his body stand on end like porcupine quills. "Now, I'm wondering, have you and Sparky caressed your lips, like true lovers?" Blue's eyes widened, as Divine suddenly slammed her mouth against his. He felt bile rising up his throat as her tongue slid into his mouth. Blue wrenched himself free, faliing onto the damp dirt road. He stared, coughing, as Divine's two cronies praised her for her sheer bravado.

Divine smirked, "You see Blue, you thought your first true kiss would come from Dusk, no? Your first didn't come from Sparky, it came from I, Divine!" She cackled in delight, as Blue froze. Blue crawled towards a pile of dirt, as he picked it up. As he touched his tongue to the first particle, the dirt clump fell from his grasp, as he rolled over, clutching his stomach. "You think my perfect lips are as good as dirt do you?" Blue could only groan in response. Divine growled, as her smirk turned into a maniacal grin. "Oh, don't worry," she flicked her hoof, as a thin butterfly knife slid out from her sleeve into her waiting hoof. She slowly advanced towards Blue, "It's not over yet...." Blue's eyes were frozen in fear.

Dusk arrived home to find the assistant butler, a Griffon lion of around thirty years of age, of eastern Prench descent, stood by the gates. Dusk stopped when he noticed his downcast look. "Ah, Monsieur Bellrose, is something wrong?" She asked, coming up to the griffon. He sighed, bade her follow him, as he turned and started off towards tbe large family cherry tree.

Dusk found her father, dressed in his old naval peacoat, with the family crest pinned on the lapel, dark blue slacks, and a cloak to keep the chill out. Her mother, who had one of Midnight's forelegs wrapped around her shoulders, was dressed in a dark grey evening gown. A few other servants stood nearby. Dusk's eyes fell on a fairly small mound of dirt, where a crude stone Cross of the Maker had been inserted into the cold earth. Dusk's eyes widened, as her breath caught in her throat. A-a grave?! she thought, as she rushed forward.

Midnight turned to his daughter, appearing to have aged decades from the sorrow. "I'm sorry Sparky." Dusk's eyes fell on the cross, finding the name Sif etched in the stone. Dusk's breath was caught in her throat, all she could let out were choked gurgles. "It seems somepony, a burgler or a possible assassin from one of the other noble houses, might have tried sneaing in here. They bound and muzzled Sif, shoved her in a box, and one of the butlers accidentally placed her inside the garbage disposal unit." He sighed, "We haven't found any tracks or any sign of the perpetrator, so they must have fled after committing this vile deed."

Dusk balled up her hooves, struggiling to even speak. She knew of only one pony who despised both her and Sif enough to murder her best friend and loyal companion. "Where's Divine?" She asked under bated breath. A servant to her left said Divine was shopping at the local book store. Once the service was ended, Dusk trudged up the stairs, memories of her fond years with Sif, from puppy to adult, weighed her heart and mind with grief. As she entered her room, her screams of rage and sobs of sorrow were muffled her her comfy pillow.


Divine made her way back to the manor, the cool evening wind blowing through her mane and coat. A few bags filled with books lay on her back. "Hmm, perhaps burning that worthless mutt alive might have damaged my chances of gaining the Sparkle Family fortune." She smirked, "Though it was fun, and only Sparky would suspect me." She rubbed her chin as the mansion came into view. "If force and terror do not help me gain the fortune, perhaps feigning kindness will." She chuckled as she headed into her adopted home.

Comments ( 7 )

I was worried that Dio might have done something worse to Erina.

6880132 One of my friends actually asked if he was going to rape her when he saw the scene, and well, do you really wanna know what Divine did to Blue Skies?

6880152 I'll bet five bucks Blue Skies was castrated. Of course I want to know what Dio really did.

6880166 No, he still has his junk, but let's say it still wasn't pleasant

Divine smirked, "You see Blue, you thought your first true kiss would come from Dusk, no? Your first didn't come from Sparky, it came from I, Divine!"


So, uh, will this be continued?

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