• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 2,055 Views, 47 Comments

Blazing Passion - CosmicAlchemist24

Following there failure against the Rainbooms, Aria Blaze goes off on her own to blow of steam, while doing so she meets someone who in her opinion might not be The Worst.

  • ...

The 'Bad Girl'.


To say the first day of school started out rough for Artemis would be an understatement, but all that didn’t matter to him because right now was his favorite time of the day.

“LUNCH!” Artemis cheered. Swift gave Artemis a look of confusion.

“It’s only food man, it’s no big deal.” Swift said shrugging his shoulders. Artemis slowly turned his head towards Swift.

“Since you just met me today, I’ll let that little comment slide.” Artemis said in a low tone. Swift got a slight chill up his spine, but shrugged it off.

“You must really love to eat if you’re being this serious about it.” He said grabbing a cheeseburger.

“Oh you have no idea.” Artemis replied. Swift looked over to Artemis and saw about 13 cheeseburgers on his tray.

“What….there’s no way you’re eating all of those!” He said in shock. Artemis just smirked.

“Just watch me.” He said walking away. Swift just stared at the boy and shook his head.

First he tries to talk to one of the sirens and now he's trying to give himself a heart attack.” He thought as he followed Artemis. The two made there way to a table where three other boys were sitting.

“Sup Swift!” The boy with white hair said.

“Hey Soul.” Swift replied back with a smile. The boy now known as Soul smiled back and he looked to Artemis and his tray.

“Whoa dude. You trying to get a heart attack or what?” He asked.

“Nah I’m just hungry, I kinda skipped breakfast.” Artemis said.

“Well that explains it.” The boy with brown hair said.

“And here I thought you wanted to end up in the nurse’s office.” He said.

“Chill Rivet.” Soul said in a stern tone.

“I’m joking.” Rivet said with a chuckle.

“What’s our name kid?” He asked.

“Artemis. Artemis Arrow.” Artemis said with a smile. The third boy with black hair stood up and held out his hand.

“Nice to meet you Artemis, I’m Clyde.” He said. Artemis put his tray i on the table and shakes Clyde's hand.

“Nice to meet you Clyde.” He said.

“Now that introductions are out of the way, can we eat now?” Rivet asked bluntly. Clyde, Soul and Swift gave the boy a slight glare.

“Don’t mind him, he’s always like this.” Soul said.

“HEY!” Rivet snapped. Artemis chuckled and was about to sit down until his eyes caught Aria and another girl with who’s hair looked like a orange cotton ball and around them were a few of the bos he had met earlier.

“Actually I’ll see you guys later, I see a few people I know over there.” Artemis said pointing to the other table. The others looked and saw two of the Dazzlings sitting at that table.

“Are you insane, don’t go over there!” Rivet said spazzing out.

“He’s right man, it’s better if you stay away from those girls over there, they’re nothing but trouble.” Clyde said in a clam yet stern tone. It didn’t take long to notice that the other girl next to Aria was one of the other sirens that he had heard about.

“I’ve been trying to tell him that, but he didn’t listen to me and he got slapped because of it.” Swift explained. Soul just shook his head.

“Come on guys, I met one of them and she’s really nice. A bit out there, but nice.” He said.

“You’ve met one of them too?” Artemis asked.

“Yea, her name is Sonata and she’s alright with me.” Soul explained.

“You both are nuts, you know that?” Rivet asked. Soul rolled his eyes.

“Don’t listen to him, she really just a big kid.” Soul said with a smile. Artemis smiled back and nodded.

“Look Artemis, just trust us it’s better if you just stay with us and-” “He’s already gone.” Soul said cutting off Clyde with a smirk on his face. The others turned to see Artemis walking away with his tray.

“He has a deathwish.” Rivet said. Swift and Clyde nodded, but Soul just shook his head at his friends. As Artemis made his way over to the table he felt a hand on his shoulder which caused him to jump.

“Whoa chill out buddy, it’s just me.” Daemon said with a smile.

“Oh hey Daemon sorry, you surprised me.” Artemis said chuckling.

“I can see that, you heading over there too?” Daemon asked.

“Yeah, I kinda want to get to know the guys better and someone else.” Artemis said looking to Aria.

“Same here, I’ve been a bit curious about that Fuzzball over there.” Daemon said pointing to the orange haired girl.

“We’ll what are we waiting for?” Artemis asked. Daemon nodded and the two continued walking over to the table. Upon arriving the two sat down and to say thing got crazy from there would be an understatement.

“Hey People.” Artemis said with a smile.

“Sup’ losers.” Daemon greeted. Everyone looked over to them, a few gave smiles, a few were neutral and one was glaring at them….well more at Artemis than Daemon.

“Artemis, Daemon, what’s up? How’s your first day going?” Zero asked. Daemon and Artemis sat down.

“Going good so far.” Artemis answered.

“Same here.” Daemon said before looking to Adagio. “Good to see ya Fuzzball.” Daemon said with a smirk.

“It’s not Fuzzball jerk it’s Adagio! Get it Memorized!” Adagio said in a stern tone.

“You sound more like Axel from Kingdom Hearts.” Artemis commented. Aria’s eyes lit up when she heard that comment but she stayed quiet.

“You play Kingdom Hearts?” Zero asked.

“Of course it’s a great series no matter how complicated the story might be.” Artemis said.

“Can we please not turn this into a video game discussion?” Warhawk asked getting a bit annoyed.

“Sorry buddy.” Artemis said looking down a bit.

“It’s fine.” Warhawk said with a sigh. Everyone minus Aria began to chuckle a bit and they all began discussing different topics. Artemis then noticed Aria was the only one not socializing with the others.

“You’ve been awfully quiet there Twin-Tail.” Artemis said in a concerned tone. Aria glared at the boy.

“Do you want to get slapped again?” Aria asked angrily. That comment got everyone's attention. “Wait what?” Straight asked.

“She slapped you!?” Treble asked dramatically.

“Yup and I gotta say you’ve got one heck of an arm Twin-Tail.” Artemis said rubbing his cheek. Aria just scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“Why did you slap him?” Adagio asked curiously.

“Yea, what could he have possibly done to warrant that?” Warhawk asked. “Well you see..” Artemis began recapping the past two times he met Aria and while he was doing so, Aria anger was about to boil over. Warhawk also joined in the conversation telling the others about what the two girls really are.

“So he complimented you and you slap him….well I’ve heard weirder stories.” Treble said.

“So have I but none of them were this ridiculous. I mean come on, a world filled with candy-colored ponies. You really expect up to believe that?” Zero asked crossing his arms.

“I believe it.” Artemis said.

“So do I.” Daemon said. Zero and Straight looked at them as if they had lost it.

“What….I mean...how?” Zero asked.

“Well I was told by a boy named Swift and a few of his friends seem to confirm that the story is true as well.” Artemis explained. Aria was slightly shocked by the fact he knew it was true but quickly shrugged it off.

“Yea and Fuzzball over there told me everything as well earlier, I see no reason for her to lie to me.” Daemon said shrugging his shoulders. Before anything else could be said the group had heard the cafeteria noise go down.

“Did it just get quieter?” Straight asked.

“Yes it did” Warhawk answered. Just then the whole cafeteria burst out in Laughter and…

A/N: You know if I continue from here I’ll just be copying Fennyo’s Chapter so I recommend you go read that and then come back here to finish up. Here's the LINK!


After all the craziness in the Cafeteria, Artemis was on his way to the gym.

“And here I thought this school wasn’t so….what’s the I’m looking for?” He asked himself.

“Hypocritical.” Artemis turned and saw Warhawk walking up to him.

“Exactly.” He said with a smile.

“Well as least I’m not the only one who noticed this school is filled with nothing but assholes.” Warhawk said with a slight growl.

“Hey!” Artemis said somewhat hurt.

“Not you! We may have just met today, but you’re one of the few people here I can actually stand.” Warhawk said.

“That means a lot buddy.” Artemis said with a chuckle.

“Don’t push your luck, you still have the rest of the year to make me hate you.” He said with a serious look on his face. Artemis just smiled and nodded his head.

“Where are you headed next?” He asked.

“Gym, You?” Warhawk asked.

“Same, I heard from Swift that the coach always welcomes the new students with dodgeball.” Artemis explained.

“Ugh, really?” Warhawk asked in an annoyed tone.

“Apparently, he also said that uh-” Artemis stopped mid sentence when he saw certain Twin-Tailed Siren walking out of the school.

What is she doing, classes are about to start up again.” Artemis thought to himself.

“You alright man?” Warhawk asked snapping Artemis out of his thoughts.

“Huh, oh...yea I’m fine. Look I’ll meet you there later, There’s something I have to take care of real quick.” With that Artemis ran off leaving Warhawk with a confused look on his face.

“What was that about?” He asked himself. As Artemis ran outside he looked to his left and right but couldn't see Aria anywhere.

Where did she go?” Artemis thought scratching the back of his head. He then decided to walk back inside the school he heard someone singing…..very badly I might add.

SimPLE ANd clean is the WAY thAT YOU'RE MAKing me fEel tonighT!

Artemis cringed at how off key the person singing was.

“Seriously, no one can be that bad and what makes it worse is that they're singing one of my favorite songs.” Artemis said covering his ears. He then followed the off key song ot the side of the school and found the source of the singing.

“Ugh, I Hate This!” Aria said angrily while sitting in a tree.

“I sound like a freakin’ banshee, damn Rainblossoms! It's bad enough that our magic was taken away from us, but did they have to take our voices too!” She said before punching the tree. She instantly regretted that decision and brought her fist close to her.

“Ah sweet Faust, that hurt!” Aria said rubbing her hand. Artemis watched the sirens antics and he chuckled.

“That’s gonna hurt for a while.” He said to himself before walking over to the siren. Aria then rested her back on the tree.

“I hate this, I hate this so much!” She said crossing her arms.

When you walk away you don’t hear me say,
Please, oh baby don’t go!
Simple and Clean is the way that you’re making me tonight,
It's hard to let it go.

Aria’s eyes widened a bit when she heard the song she was singing, but whoever was singing it this time was sung it flawlessly. She then looked down and saw Artemis looking up at her with a smile on his face.

“W...was that you?” She asked in surprise. “Also shouldn’t you be in class, you don’t seem like the ditching type.” She said.

“Look who’s talking and yes that was me.” Artemis said with a smirk. Aria didn’t care much for his tone and glared at him.

“Watch what you said silver hair.” She growled.

“I'll keep that in mind Twin-Tail, so what are you doing out her all by your lonesome?” Artemis asked. Aria rolled her eyes and leaned back against the tree once again.

“Like it’s any of your business kid.” She said.

“Talk about giving someone the cold shoulder.” Artemis said with a chuckle. Aria just scoffed. “But in all seriousness, why aren’t you in class?” Artemis asked curiously.

“And I’ll answer you the same way, Why aren’t you, you stalking me or something?” She asked back.

“No, no! I saw you walking out and I wanted to see if you were ok.” Artemis said putting his hands up defensively. Aria just rolled her eyes.

“Look kid, I’m not in the mood for this right now, so I’ll ask this only once. Get Lost!” She said. Artemis just crossed his arms.

“Why are you being so cold, I’m just trying to help.” He said.

“I never asked for your help nor do I want it. Now Beat it!” Aria said coldly. Artemis shook his head and turned around with a sigh. Just as Artemis started walking though, he quickly noticed a large stone head his way. He quickly moved to the right, but then remembered who was behind him.

“OW!” Artemis turned around and saw Aria rubbing her head and glaring at the boy.

“You really must have a death wish, huh kid!?” She growled before jumping out of the tree.

“Hold on, it wasn’t me I swear.” Artemis said taking a few steps back. Aria wasn't listening though, she was just closing in on Artemis with rage in her eyes. Her walk was cut short though when she felt another rock hit her leg causing her to fall to the ground.

“AH!” She said holding her leg. Artemis saw this and went over to the Siren.

“Are you ok?” He asked in a worried tone. Aria didn’t say much because of her leg.

“That’s what you get you siren witch.” Artemis turned and saw three strange looking boys walking over to them. One of them was about Artemis’s height, another was abit taller than the first and muscular and the last one was very short.

“Who are you three and why did you throw that at her?” Artemis asked angrily.

“We’re the Diamond dogs and getting back at wich for what she did to us and the school.” One of the boys said.

“Yea our boss Rover doesn’t take kindly to freaks around here.” The short one said cracking his neck. Artemis couldn’t believe what he was hearing, were the students here really willing to hurt them for what they did. Artemis suddenly felt a hand on his chest that pushed him to the side.

“Get out of here kid, I can handle these punks.” Aria said before standing up and cracking her knuckles. Artemis looked at her like she had lost it.

“Are you crazy?” He asked.

“I said leave, I can handle a few morons and I don’t need you holding me back.” Aria said not taking her eyes off of the Diamond Dogs. Artemis then stood up and got in front of Aria.

“Violence solves nothing Twin-Tail, you and your sisters are already seen as monsters at school don’t-” “You think I give a damn about how this school sees me? Let me answer that for you, I don’t! The students here can all burn in the pit of Tartarus for all eternity for all I care.” She then pushed Artemis ut of her way and walked up to the Diamond Dogs.

“You little boys wanna play then come on!” She taunted. Artemis stared at Aria with wide eyes.

She’s got guts I’ll give her that, but it’s still three against one.” Artemis thought. The three boys all growled and rushed Aria. Aria just watched as the three boy cam at her and she closed her eyes.


Author's Note:

Oh man this one took a while, but It's done and I hope you all enjoyed it. See you all in the comment section later.

Aria: Why do you even care?

Artemis: Because you seem lonely.

Aria: I'm better alone, that way I don't have to worry about other people.

Next time: Detention with a Siren.