• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 2,055 Views, 47 Comments

Blazing Passion - CosmicAlchemist24

Following there failure against the Rainbooms, Aria Blaze goes off on her own to blow of steam, while doing so she meets someone who in her opinion might not be The Worst.

  • ...

BP Special #1: Red Demon's vs Stardust Pt.1

“Ugh why can't we just skip gym.” Soul groaned as he and the rest of the guys were changing in the locker room.

“Aw come on Soul it's not that bad, now quit complaining.” Rivet said.

“He's right Soul and who knows maybe he'll have us do something fun for once.” Artemis said smiling.

“You know as well as I do, the only thing Iron Will thinks is fun is dodgeball.” Soul said with a deadpanned look.

“He’s not wrong.” Warhawk said putting his shirt on.

“Look let’s just get this over with because we all know it’s going to be hell anyway.” Zero said as he began walking out the locker room. The others just nodded and followed him out. The boys made their way to the bleachers where the girls were waiting for them.

“What took you guys so long?” Rainbow asked.

“Blame Soul, he kept complaining for the past five minutes.” Rivet said as he sat next to Rainbow.

“Well excuse me for not liking sports.” Soul said sitting next to Sunset.

“Calm down babe, I heard that Iron Will is having us do something different today.” Sunset said patting her boyfriend on the back.

“Unless it has to do with our favorite game, I don’t care.” Soul said.

“Ha! The day Iron Will allows us to duel is the day I say Soul is as Awesome as me.” Rainbow said. Before anyone could say anything else Iron Will walked into the gym.

“Alright ladies, gentlemen and Treble-”

“HEY!” Treble yelled angrily.

“Today no dodgeball, no track, no basketball and no soccer. I’ve heard that there is a popular game going around town and I want to see if it as good as I heard it is.” Iron Will said crossing his arms. All the students eyes widened in shock.

“Is this really happening?” Rarity asked.

“If it is, Dash get ready to give Soul a compliment.” Clyde said with a smirk. Rainbow glared at Clyde, but before she could say anything Iron Will continued speak.

“Yes we'll be playing Duel Monsters and I'll be picking who gets to duel. Oh and just so you kids can have a little more fun, I bought these.” Iron Will said hold up two Duel Disks.

“He's serious about this.” Zero said still shocked.

“Oh this is going to be fun, so who wants to lose first?” Rainbow asked in a cocky tone.

“Calm down Miss Dash, I’ll be choosing who duels who.” Iron Will said. Rainbow just crossed her arms and pouted.

“Alright let’s see….Arrow and Shimmer, get down here and show us what you’re made of.” Iron will said throwing the Duel Disks to the pair. Artemis and Sunset caught the Disks and then looked at each other.

“Hey Aria, do I have permission to kick your boyfriend's butt.” Sunset said with a smirk.

“Oh it’s on Shimmy.” Artemis said putting the Duel Disk on his arm. Sunset did the same and the two proceeded to walk to opposite ends of the gym.

“Come on Sunny, you got this.” Soul cheered.

“Take her down Arrow.” Aria said.

“So who do you think’s gonna win?” Clyde asked.

“My money’s on Sunset, I’ve see her duel and she shows no mercy.” Swift said.

“Don’t count Arrow out just yet, he’s a good duelist too.” Vinyl said with a smile.

“He better be, Sunset’s no pushover.” Soul said. Back on gym floor, Sunset and Artemis pulled out their decks and inserted them into the Disks.

“Alright Arrow, ready to lose?” Sunset asked with a smirk.

“I should be asking you that Shimmy.” Artemis said.



Sunset and Artemis drew five cards and looked them over.

“Ladies first.” Artemis said.

“What a gentleman, I draw!” Sunset said as she drew her card.

“I start off by calling out Mad Archfiend in attack mode.” She said putting the card on the disk.
After a few seconds, a strange looking monster appeared next to Sunset.

Mad Archfiend: ATK-1800/ DEF-0 LVL-4

“That there is one creepy monster.” Applejack said.

“Got that right.” Night said shivering a bit.

“Next, I’ll place one card face down and end my turn.” Sunset said placing another card down.


“Alright my turn, I draw!” Artemis said as he drew a card.

“I summon Max Warrior in attack mode!” Artemis said.

Max Warrior: ATK-1800/ DEF-800 LVL-4

“And now I'll have him a attack you’re Mad Archfiend!” Artemis said. Max Warrior began charging toward Mad Archfiend.

“What’s the point in attacking, both of our monsters have eighteen-hundred attack points. They'll just destroy each other.” Sunset said confused.

“That’s what you think, you see when Max Warrior attacks one of your monsters his attack points increase by four-hundred.” Artemis said with a smirk. A light blue aura surrounded Max Warrior as his power began to rise.

Max Warrior: ATK-1800+400=2200 LVL-4

Just before Max Warrior could finish his attack, Sunset pressed a button on her Duel Disk. “I activate my trap ‘Changing Destiny’!” Sunset said. Max Warrior immediately stopped his attack and returned to Artemis’s side, only this time he was on one knee and his body turned dark blue.

“What the, why is he in defense mode?” Artemis asked confused.

“‘Changing Destiny’ stops your monster’s attack and switches it into defense mode.” Sunset said with a smirk.

“Well I guess I walked into that one.” Artemis said scratching the back of his head.

“Yea, but now you have a choice to make. ‘Changing Destiny’ has another effect, you can either gain Life Points equal to half the ATK of your Max Warrior or inflict damage to me equal to half the ATK of Max Warrior. It’s your call.” Sunset said.

“If that’s the case, you take 900 points of damage.” As soon as he said the the ‘Changing Destinies’ began to glow red and explode right in front of Sunset causing her to fall to the ground.

“AH, That’s going to leave a mark.” She said rubbing her head.

Sunset: 3100/Hand: 4
Artemis 4000/Hand: 5

“You alright Shimmy?” Artemis asked in concern.

“Yea I’m fine, I didn’t expect you to activate the damage effect to be honest.” Sunset said getting up.

“Well I can tell you’re someone I can’t beat easily, so I might as well take whatever advantage I can.” Artemis said with a smile.

“I see how it is Arrow, I guess I have no choice. I’ll just have to go all out, no mercy Arrow.” Sunset said with a smile.

“Now that’s what I want to hear, I place two cards face down and end my turn.” Artemis said as two face down appeared before him.

“Alright it’s my turn!” Sunset said drawing her card.

Sunset: 3100/Hand: 5
Artemis: 4000/ Hand:3

Alright Sunset time to pull out one of the big guns early.” She thought to herself. “I summon ‘Sword Master’ in attack mode!” Sunset said as a man with twin blades appeared next to her.

Sword Master: ATK: 1200/ DEF: 0 LVL-3 (Tuner)

“Oh crap, Sunny’s getting serious.” Soul said.

“What do you mean, That swordsman doesn’t look so tough.” Rainbow said crossing her arms.

“It’s doesn’t need to be, that swordsman is a tuner monster. That means-”

“She’s going to Synchro Summon.” Aria said cutting Soul off.

“Oh this is going to be good.” Zero said with a smile.

“Trying to Synchro Summon huh, go on then Shimmy I’m not scared.” Artemis said with a smile.

“You should be, I tune LVL-4 Mad Archfiend with my LVL-3 Sword Master. Both monsters leaped into the air. Sword Master’s body vanished and three stars appeared in it’s place. These stars formed a line and moved in a circle, drawing three green rings before vanishing themselves. Soon, Mad Archfiend moved through these rings and his bodies also vanished and was replaced by four more stars.

"Oh beating heart of the new ruler, show the chaos inside yourself!” A beam of light shot through the stars in the rings and quickly grew to envelope the rings themselves. Synchro Summon! With great pride,Demon Chaos King!"

As soon a Sunset said those words, a human like shadow with bat like wings appeared in the light. As the light disappeared, the monster became more visible it had skinny black arms, red legs with blue boots, wings made out of fire, a golden mask and a head completely made of black smoke.

Demon Chaos King: ATK-2600/DEF-2600 LVL-7

All the students were either staring in awe or hiding behind the person next to them.

“Ok that monster is just terrifying.” Rarity said hold onto Clyde.

“Got that right, Demon Chaos King is one of Sunset’s most powerful monsters. Arrow better watch himself from here on out.” Soul said.

“Whoa now that’s a monster, nice move.” Artemis said looking at Sunset’s Demon King in awe.

“Thanks, now Demon Chaos King Attack Max Warrior! Prideful Flame!” Demon Chaos King raised one hand in the air and soon a ball of black fire appeared in his hand. He then brought his hand back down and launched the ball at Max Warrior.

“Sorry Shimmy don’t think so, I play the trap ‘Scrap-Iron Scarecrow’!” When Artemis said that one one of his face-downs opened and was soon replaced with a small scarecrow made of metal. The scarecrow in question teleported in front of Max Warrior and shielded him from the attack.

“What just happened?” Sunset asked confused.

“Nothing really I just negated your attacked, Scrap-Iron Scarecrow protects one of my monsters from being destroyed and not only that I can switch it back to face-down position so I can use it later on.” Artemis said.

“Oh he got so lucky” Swift said.

“Now he has a solid defense against Sunset.” Twilight said smiling.

“No it’s only temporary.” Aria said crossing her arms.

“What do you mean temporary?” Applejack asked.

“While it’s true Scrap-Iron Scarecrow can protect your monster and be set back face-down, Artemis can only use it once per turn.” Aria said. Everyone then understood what she meant, Twilight then spoke up.

“That means if Sunset summons a monster on her next turn and it’s strong than Max Warrior’s defense points-” “He’ll have to risk losing Max Warrior to keep his life points from being attacked directly.” Zero said cutting Twilight off.

“I..Is there anything he can do?” Fluttershy said quietly.

“Well see Fluttershy, remember this duel is just getting started.” Night said.

“Not bad Arrow you got through that no problem, but that Scarecrow of yours can’t protect you forever. Place one card face-down and end my turn.” Sunset said.

Ok Arrow time to get serious.” Artemis thought to himself. “Alright, My turn!” Artemis said drawing his card.

Sunset:3100/ Hand:3
Artemis:4000/ Hand:4

Artemis looked at the card in his hand and smiled. “I summon Nitro Synchron in attack mode!” As soon as Artemis said that, a small helium tank with arms legs and a smiling face appeared next to him.

Nitro Synchron: ATK-300/DEF-100 LVL-2 (Tuner)

Everyone in the bleachers were very confused.

“What is that thing?” Adagio asked.

“It looks like something out of a kids cartoon show.” Warhawk said.

“Aria tell me, does Arrow has a plan?” Twilight asked.

“Just sit back and watch.” Aria said with a small smile on her face.

“Now I activate the spell card ‘Double Summon’! As the name implies, I can summon another monster from my hand and I choose ‘Sonic Chick!” Just then, a small pink bird with red boots appeared next to Nitro Synchron.

Sonic Chick: ATK-300/DEF-300 LVL-1

“Oh that chick is adorable!” Fluttershy said gushing over the pink bird.

“Ok seriously what the hell Artemis, why are you summoning all this weak monsters for?” Rainbow asked getting irritated.

“Calm down skittles and use your head for once. Nitro Synchron is a Tuner monster, so what do you think he’s trying to do?” Aria asked sarcastically. It then dawned on everyone.

“Oh he’s planning to Synchro Summon!” Pinkie said witha big smile on her face.

“Correct!” Aria said. Sunset looked at the monsters in front of her.

Let’s see a LVL-4, a LVL-2 and a LVL-1. He’s planning a LVL-7 Synchro.” Sunset thought to herself.

“Now I Tune LVL-4 Max Warrior with LVL-1 Sonic Chick and LVL-2 Nitro Synchron.” All three monsters leaped into the air. Nitro Synchron’s body vanished and two stars appeared in its place. The stars formed a line and moved in a circle, drawing two green rings before vanishing themselves. The other two monsters moved through these rings and their bodies also vanished, replaced by five more stars.

"Gathering minds will now become a new force! Become the path its light shines upon!” A beam of light shot through the stars in the rings and quickly grew to envelope the rings themselves. Synchro Summon! Blaze on, Nitro Warrior!"

The light vanished to reveal a green and dark blue monster with large arms and legs, large horns, two exhaust ports in the back of it’s head and a huge exhaust port on it’s back which to most of the spectators looked like a tail.

Nitro Warrior: ATK:2800/DEF:1800 LVL-7

“Now that’s what I call a monster!” Rainbow said with a huge grin.

“It’s a monster alright, I mean just look at it it’s hideous!” Rarity said dramatically.

“Not it’s not, that thing is awesome.” Zero said.

“Well it’s definitely something alright.” Applejack said.

“Now I activate Nitro Synchron’s ability, whenever it’s used in a Synchro summon I get to draw another card.” Artemis said ahe drew his card.

“Well I have to admit, that’s one amazing Synchro you got there.” Sunset said.

“Thank you Shimmy, Now Nitro Warrior attack Demon Chaos King! Dynamite Knuckle!” Artemis commanded. Soon the exhaust port on Nitro Warrior's back began to ignite causing him to fly up into the air. He then began to descend, launching himself toward Demon Chaos King with both his arms stretched out and glowing green. Nitro Warrior then slammed both of his fists into the Demon King causing him to explode. Sunset shielded herself from the explosion, but was Pushed back a bit.

Artemis:4000/Hand: 2
“That’s my man!” Aria cheered.

“Come on Sunny, why are you going easy on him?” Soul asked.

“Calm down Babe, I got this trust me.” Sunset said with a smile. Soul nodded.

“I end my turn. Hey Shimmy, what happened to no mercy?” Artemis asked with a smirk.

“You really are a glutton for punishment aren't you, My draw!” Sunset said drawing her card.


“First off, since you have monsters on your field, but none on mine I can Special Summon ‘Big Piece Golem’ attack mode.” Just then, a huge rock with arms, legs and weird looking face appeared behind Sunset.

Big Piece Golem: ATK-2100/DEF-0 LVL-5

“Next I summon the Clock Resonator in attack mode!” Sunset said as a small ghostlike creature with a huge clock on it’s back and holding a tuning fork and drumstick appeared next to her.

Clock Resonator: ATK-1200/DEF-600 LVL-3 (Tuner)

“Oh this is bad...for Artemis that is.” Soul said with a smirk.

“Are you kidding me, he’s countered everything Sunset through at him and he hasn’t lost a single life point.” Zero explained.

“Not only that he still has Scrap-iron Scarecrow to protect him from attacks, what could Sunset possibly do?” Clyde asked.

“I’ll tell you what she’s going to do, she’s going to put her very soul into this next move.” Soul said still smiling. Everyone couldn’t tell if Soul was serious or not, but shrugged it off and turned their attention back to the duel.

“Get ready Artemis, I tune LVL-5 Big Piece Golem with LVL-3 Clock Resonator!” Both monsters leaped into the air. Clock Resonator hit his tuning fork with his drumstick causing his body vanished, three stars then appeared in its place forming a line and began moved in a circle drawing three green rings before vanishing themselves. Big Piece moved through these rings and their bodies also vanished, replaced by five more stars.

"The ruler's heartbeats will now file through this place! Take witness to its creation-shaking power! A beam of light shot through the stars in the rings and quickly grew to envelope the rings themselves. Synchro Summon! My very soul, Red Demon's Dragon!"

The light disappeared to reveal a huge red and black dragon with large red wings, red teeth, golden eyes and three horns on its head.

Red Demon’s Dragon: ATK-3000/DEF-2000 LVL-8

Everyone in gym just stared at the dragon before cheering for Sunset.

“THAT DRAGON IS AWESOME!!!” Rainbow screamed.

“I know right!” Soul said. “So this is what you meant when you said Sunset would put her very soul into this move, but to think she would summon a monster like that.” Zero said still staring at the dragon.

“It’s s..s..scary” Fluttershy said hiding behind Night.

“No it’s not Fluttershy, it’s look so cool.” Pinkie said smiling.

“Creepy but cool.” Adagio said.

“Next, I play the spell ‘Pot of the Crimson Devil’s Dragon’, since Red Demon’s Dragon is on the field I can draw two cards.” Sunset draws her cards and smiles.

“Oh look at this another Pot of the Crimson Devil’s Dragon, Now I can draw two more cards and one of them happens to be Mystical Space Typhoon!” Just as Sunset said a that a huge tornado appeared in front of Artemis and destroyed Scrap-Iron Scarecrow.

“My Scarecrow!” Artemis said shocked.

“That’s right now you have nothing to protect you, Red Demon’s Dragon Attack Nitro Warrior right now! ABSOLUTE POWERFORCE!” Red Demon’s Dragon spread both of its wings out before flying straight towards Nitro Warrior, its left claw soon burst into flames before slamming it right into Nitro Warrior casing it to explode. Artemis shielded himself from the explosion, but was push back a bit.

Sunset: 2900/Hand:3

“Alright that should be enough, so I’ll just end my turn.” Sunset said with a smile. Artemis looked to Sunset and then to her dragon.

Alright Let’s review, I’m staring down a monster with 3000 Attack points, I have no monsters on the field and only one face-down card. This is bad, but I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun.” Artemis thought to himself. “Alright I draw!” Artemis said drawing his card.


“I activate the the spell ‘Card of Sanctity’, now both of us draw from our decks until we have six cards in our hands.” Artemis said as both he and Sunset drew their cards. “I summon Shield Warrior in defense mode.” Soon a man holding a spear and a large shield appeared in front of Artemis, but he was on one knee and his entire body was dark blue.

Shield Warrior: ATK-800/DEF-1600 LVL-3

“Next, I’ll throw a face-down and call it a turn.” Artemis said.

“I call it a waste of time, does Arrow really think that monster is going to protect him?” Adagio asked.

“I hate to say it, but Adagio’s right. If that’s all Arrow’s got for this turn, this duel is over.” Clyde said.

“Don’t count him out just yet, he’ll make it through this and I bet it has something to do with that face-down he played during his very first turn.” Vinyl said pointing to Artemis’s face-down.

“Now that you mention it, why hasn’t he played that face-down yet?” Twilight asked.

“I’m not sure but if it’s a game changer he better play it soon.

“It’s my turn, I draw.” Sunset said.


“By the way thanks for the card Arrow, now I can show you the true power of my Red Demon’s Dragon. First, off since I have a synchro monster on my field, I can special summon ‘Create Resonator’ from my hand.” Just as Sunset said that another monster similar to Clock Resonator, but instead of a giant clock on it’s back it had a giant fan on it’s back.

Create Resonator: ATK-800/DEF-600 LVL-3 (Tuner)

“Next, I’ll summon ‘Sinister Sprocket’.” Soon a small black gear with a chain wrapped in chains appeared next to Create Resonator.

Sinister Sprocket: ATK-400/DEF-0 (Tuner) LVL-1

“Two tuner monsters, so planning to synchro with one of those tuners and then synchro the new monster you create with the other, am I right.” Artemis asked.

“No, but you’re close. I am going to synchro, but in a way no one has ever seen.” Sunset said.

“What do you mean by that?” Artemis asked confused.

“That will be for later, but for now Red Demon’s Dragon attack Shield Warrior right now! ABSOLUTE POWERFORCE!” Sunset’s dragon flew straight onward to Shield Warrior and slammed its left claw into Shield Warrior before causing to to explode. “Oh I’m not done yet, Sinister Sprocket and Create Resonator attack Arrow directly!” Both Sinister Sprocket and Create Resonator charged towards knocking him to the ground.

Sunset: 2900/Hand:5

“Man that hurt.” Artemis said rubbing his head.

“I told you Artemis, no mercy.” Sunset said with a smile.

“Well guess I shouldn’t be complaining, because you set off my trap ‘Miracle's Wake’. Thanks to this trap, I can bring back one monster on my field that was destroyed during this turn. Come on back, Shield Warrior!” Just as Artemis said that Shield Warrior returned to his side in defense mode. “Alright that’s enough for now so I’ll place one card face-down and end my turned.” Sunset said. “My draw.” Artemis said.


Alright Shimmy, you brought out your secret weapon and now it’s time to bring out mine.” Artemis thought to himself. “I summon Debris Dragon!” Artemis said as small human sized dragon appeared in front of him. It was white with blue wings, green eyes and orange jewels on it’s chest and shoulders.

Debris Dragon: ATK-1000/DEF-2000 (Tuner) LVL-4

“Now I can bring back a monster with 500 or less attack points from my graveyard thanks to Debris Dragon Ability and I choose Sonic Chick.” Just then, the small pink chick returned to Artemis’s side in defense mode.

Sonic Chick: ATK-300/DEF-300 LVL-1

“And now I tune LVL-3 Shield Warrior with LVL-1 Sonic Chick and LVL-4 Debris Dragon.”All three monsters leaped into the air. Debri Dagon’s body vanished and four stars appeared in its place. The stars formed a line and moved in a circle, drawing four green rings before vanishing themselves. The other two monsters moved through these rings and their bodies also vanished, replaced by 4 more stars.

Clustering hopes will now become a shining new star! Become the path its light shines upon! A beam of light shot through the stars in the rings and quickly grew to envelope the rings themselves. Synchro Summon! Take flight, Stardust Dragon!"

A massive white dragon emerged from the light, shooting into the air like a rocket, spinning before coming to rest with its wings extended and its claws ready to tear an opponent to shreds. It resembled Debris Dragon, but was much, much larger and the armor plates on its chest and shoulders were purple instead of orange. It roared loudly to announce its arrival. Its yellow eyes flashed for a brief second.

Stardust Dragon: ATK-2500/DEF-2000

“Ooooh Shiny!” Pinkie said gazing at the new dragon.

“That must be Arrow’s Ace monster, right Aria?” Sonata asked.

“You bet it is, Stardust Dragon is Arrow’s strongest card.” Aria said.

“Well I doubt it’s going to do much, Stardust Dragon only has 2500 Attack points and Red Demon’s Dragon has 3000. If there isn’t more to his strategy, Artemis is done for.” Twilight said.

“Let’s just keep watching, something tells me these two are just getting started.” Adagio said.

“I then place two cards face-down and end my turn. Everyone including Sunset looked at Artemis with confused looks on their faces.

“Really that’s it, all that build up for this monster and you just end your turn?” Sunset asked.

“That’s right, now go on Shimmy make your move.” Artemis said with a smile.

“Well if you say so, my turn.” Sunset said drawing her card.


“Red Demon’s Dragon Attack Stardust Dragon right now! ABSOLUTE POWERFORCE!” Red Demon’s Dragon made it’s way over to Stardust dragon before attempting to slam its left claw into it, but before it could.

“I activate the trap ‘Defense Draw’, thanks to this I can stop your monster’s attack and draw one card in the process.” Artemis said drawing his card.

“Ok now you're just stalling, I think now it's obvious that you don't have anything in your deck that can stand up to Red Demon’s Dragon. So, why don't you just give up?” Sunset asked.

“I won't give up until my life points hit zero and as long as I have Stardust Dragon that won't be happening anytime soon.” Artemis said.

“Let's see if you still have that confidence after this move. Remember when I said I was going to Synchro in a way no one's ever seen before?” Sunset asked. Artemis nodded. “Well get ready for this!” Sunset’s said as her whole body was soon surrounded by a golden aura and before anybody knew it Sunset had grown her pony ears and her tail. Artemis looked at Sunset with a confused look.

“Ok so you ‘Ponied Up’, That’s nothing new.” Artemis said.

“That’s what you think, you might want to take a look at the field.” Sunset said with a smirk. Artemis did as she say and his eyes widened at what he saw. All three of Sunset’s monsters had the same golden aura around them. “What’s going on?” Artemis asked a bit scared. “I'll show you, LVL-8 Red Demon’s Dragon, LVL-3 Create Resonator and LVL-1 Sinister Sprocket, with these three monsters I now ‘Double Tune’!” Sunset said. Everyone in the gym looked on in shock.

“Did she just say….Double Tune?” Swift asked.

“She can’t do that...can she?” Applejack asked.

“We're about to find out.” Twilight said. Sinister Sprocket and Create Resonator both jumped into the air and both of their bodies vanished, but instead of being replaced by the usual green rings they both turned into rings of fire, four of them to be exact. Red Demon’s Dragon flew through the four flaming rings, but instead of disappearing it’s entire body was glowing red and the flaming rings became more intense causing Red Demon’s Dragon to become wrapped within them.

“Whoa intense..” Zero said getting a bit freaked out.

“You can say that again.” Warhawk said.

“This doesn’t look good for Arrow.” Octavia said in a worried tone.

“I know what you mean, just look at him.” Vinyl said. Everyone turned to Artemis who just looked on with wide eyes, but before anyone could say anything else Sunset raised one hand into the air and began to speak.

"The Ruler and The Devil, here and now shall become as one. Oh Raging Spirit, Lift up the very cries of Creation itself! Just then, the flames grew even bigger and the shadow of a huge monster with red eyes could be seen. Synchro Summon! My Raging Soul, Scar-Red Nova Dragon!"

The monster in the flames then spread it’s wings causing the fire surrounding it to disappear. Soon everyone could see the huge red and black dragon similar to Red Demon’s dragon only this dragon had a blue crystal in it’s chest, sharper claws, larger wings and a tail with spike on it.

Scar-Red Nova Dragon: ATK-3500/DEF-3000

“What the hell…” Aria said.

“My thoughts exactly.” Clyde said.

“What is that thing?” Fluttershy asked hiding behind Night.

“That would be Sunset’s ultimate monster ‘Scar-Red Nova Dragon’.” Soul said.

“So how screwed is Artemis right now?” Treble asked.

“Just wait til you hear it’s effect and you can tell me.” Soul said.

“So Arrow, what do you think of My Scar-Red Nova Dragon?” Sunset said with a smile. Artemis kept staring at the dragon before answering.

“Well I gotta hand it to you Shimmer, that dragon is incredible.” Artemis said.

“Thank you, now Scar-Red Nova Dragon’s effect activates, for every ‘tuner’ that’s in my graveyard it gains 500 points.” Sunset said.

“WHAT!?” Artemis screamed.

“Oh that’s how screwed he is.” Treble said.

“Um how many tuners are in her graveyard again?” Sonata asked.

“I’ll answer that Sonata I have Create Resonator, Sinister Sprocket, Clock Resonator and Sword Master in my Graveyard, so that means Scar-Red Nova’s attack points increase by 2000.” Sunset said. Scar-Red Nova Dragon began to glow red as it’s power began to grow.

Scar-Red Nova Dragon: ATK-3500+2000=5500

“5500 attack points!” Twilight said in shock.

“Oh Arrow is so lucky that she can’t attack right now.” Warhawk said.

“Well Artemis you’re staring down my most powerful monster with a grand total of 5500 attack points and all that stands in it’s way is your Stardust Dragon. You better make this next turn count, I place one card face-down and end my turn.” Sunset said.

“He can’t do anything can he?” Straight asked.

“Not from where I’m sitting.” Applejack said.

“He just need one good draw.” Aria said.

“It’s going to take more than that, but yea that’s all he needs.” Octavia said. Artemis took a deep breath and smiled.

“Shimmy this has been once awesome duel and you’ve been a great opponent.” Artemis said.

“Same to you buddy, sorry I have to beat you though.” Sunset said.

“Oh don’t think I’m giving up, I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.” Artemis said with confidence in his voice.

“Then prove it, show me what you got.” Sunset said.

“With Pleasure, it’s my turn!”

Author's Note:

Yes this is the special from the old story and I wanted to finish it so expect part two of this duel real soon. Hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you all in the comment section.