• Published 1st Jun 2012
  • 1,208 Views, 39 Comments

Lighting Can Strike Twice - Lightning_Colt

Lighting is just an ordinary pegasus from Hoofington At least that's what he thinks he is

  • ...

Chapter 14: Revelations

Throughout explaining the entire history of my whole life, all the ponies just stood there, captivated by the flow of information being released. Much like the princesses, they didn't speak a word just sat there quietly taking in the information. It was quite amazing. Twilight was sat there staring at me but the activity was will a quill and parchment as she used her magic to make it scribbled down notes, with Spike on her right, peering at the parchment. Applejack sat next to her, looking in my general direction but still avoiding eye contact. Pinkie pie was leaning toward me completely immersed in my tale, if she leant any further forward, she would fall over. Rarity sat on her cushion with an elegant air around her but she was eyeing every single object in the room. Rainbow was sat normally, however she would fidget just a tiny bit, every time I mentioned my parents. Fluttershy sat Closer to Rainbow Dash than Rarity with her hair covering most of her face, but one eye was peering out and looking at me telling my story.

As I reach the end of my story I wonder how many times I'm going to have to repeat it. I trust them enough not to tell it to anypony else but I don't think I can take repeating it any more. in unison 5 of the 7 members of my audience sat normally on their cushions as they start to take in and understand the information they had just absorbed. There was complete silence in the library, probably so quiet that you could hear the books creak with age.

Surprisingly the one to break the silence was Fluttershy, as she got up and drifted over to me and envelope me in a hug.
"I'm really sorry Lightning, but if there's anything you need, or you need help don't be afraid to ask".
I can feel that she's wearing one of her delicate and kind smiles. We don't break from the embrace, just sitting there in a clutch of reassurance, but as we break we're forced back together as other pairs of hooves wrap around us. I look to see that the others had come in for a group hug. As the group hug breaks I see that the ponies had gotten a bit teary while we were hugging.

The mood in the library is amazing, it feels like there is nothing else outside this room. It's almost euphoric, I want this feeling to last forever. As I think this Spike's face puffs up, I dive to the floor hoping to dodge whatever he ejects. He belches and a small amount of green fire erupts from his mouth. But then the fire whirlpools together and POOF! The fire morphs into two scrolls and they drop onto the floor and inch away from my nose. I can feel that every living thing in this room is looking at me in confusion.#

A magical aura collects around the scrolls and the start floating upward and past me I pick myself up and turn to look where the scrolls went. They stopped about a foot away from Twilight's face.
"It’s been a while since Princess Celestia sent me a two-parter letter."
She said as the letters unfurled themselves. She looked at both letters and moved her head back slightly in surprise.
"This one's for you" she said, not even attempting to hide the surprise in her voice as the letter about faced and floated over to me. When it stopped, still floating by Twilight's magic. I read the letter in my head, but I can't help but speak some of the words silently with my mouth.

Dear Lightning,

It has been five days since you left Canterlot and I am writing to see how you are fairing in Ponyville. I have not received any letters from Twilight since your arrival. I hope that the both of you are doing well. While you are performing duties around Ponyville, please do not forget about the elements of friendship, for they can help you in any situation.
Awaiting your reply
Princess Celestia

I finish reading and look around the room and realise that I was completely absorbed by the letter that I shut out my surroundings as Spike was carrying a large stack of books towards Twilight. One large book at the bottom of the pile had large golden letters spelling out "Weather and it's Magic".

"What's up Twilight?" I ask as I make my way over to her, but as I do the other ponies start filing out of the library.
"Princess Celestia wants me to go investigate something" she says as the pile of books rose into the air turned over but stayed together and almost wrestled their way into Twilight's saddlebag. Unfortunately as they do the bag splits apart letting the books and the pieces of leather flop into a big heap on the floor. I start to think how the bag can be repaired before a better idea pops into my head I rush into the side room where my belongings are, I empty my saddlebag's contents onto the clump of blankets left for me and rush into the main library, saddlebag in tow. I plonk it onto the ground next to the heap of books and leather. And tap on Twilight's shoulder, she turns and see's my gesture and returns a smile of gratitude. The saddlebag that Rarity gave me was much bigger that Twilight's as the books easily slide into the pockets, e few more objects whizz into the bag. The bag then starts to rise and then settle on Twilight's back.

"Is Spike going with you?" I ask politely, wondering what it is she's going off to investigate.
"Nope" she replied bluntly, "you are". A saddle bag dropped onto my back and she stepped out of the door into the midday sun. As we walk through Ponyville, everything seemed to be normal, and what felt very strange was that no-one was staring at me. I guess that I was so used to people staring at me that it feels weird when people aren't.

We start walking out of town and just at the outskirts we stop. And Twilight holds out a hoof.
"Please hold onto my hoof as I teleport us to our destination it's easier if we teleport as one object rather than two". I place a hoof on hers and grasped it slightly. Her horn started to glow and a pink bubble of energy started to form around us. When it completed itself the bubble collapsed in on itself and we disappeared. The sensation was very strange, I couldn't feel anything it felt like I was just hanging around in nothingness. The area around us was dark and unlit though I could see objects fly by us. I couldn't feel any air currents nor was my mane reacting to the speed. After several seconds of strange flight the pink bubble returned to envelope us and implode.

My eyes react by the sudden appearance of sunlight shutting them to wait for them to adjust. After they adjusted I looked at my surroundings Twilight was next to me, my hoof still grasping hers. There was a huge tree in front of me lying on the ground. I followed the trunk up to a building that it was lying in. The building looks familiar as I search my brain thinking about what it is. I walk up to the house and see a sign my jaw drops as I see what was on the sign "The stables"
"This… this is… my home… " I turn to Twilight, choking back tears I angrily charge towards her "Why are we here?" I demand.
"We're here because Princess Celestia has thoughts on what happened with the tree. As we all know, natural lightning never strikes the same place twice. So… logically the only way lightning can strike twice in the same place is?" she asks me, raising her eyebrows
"Err… magic?" I guess.
"Yes" she nods.

At this piece of information, something clicks in my mind
"Hang on, this would mean that either I was struck by lightning on purpose or…" I can't bear to finish my own revelation
"Someone could have… murdered your parents" Twilight said cold and decisively.
I lay down on the ground facing away from the ruins of my home and scream out in anger and pain. As I do, large, cold drops of rain spattered my back. And soon turned torrential. I continue to scream in pain. Twilight's hoof rests on my shoulder, but she doesn't say anything. I stand up with an angry look on my face and scream at the rain.
"WHY DOES ALL THIS CRAP HAPPEN TO ME? WHO WOULD DO ALL THIS? AND WHO WOULD KILL MY MOM AND DAD?" my last question I scream louder expecting the rain to answer. I stand there rain splattering in my face.

The silence broken by a crackly, sinister voice.

"Because... it was fun".