• Published 1st Jun 2012
  • 1,209 Views, 39 Comments

Lighting Can Strike Twice - Lightning_Colt

Lighting is just an ordinary pegasus from Hoofington At least that's what he thinks he is

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Chapter 7: Returning to Ponyville

Being homeless and having very little possessions, my belongings had already been packed, so I sat to the side of Twilight's study as she galloped to and fro gathering all her things. Unlike me she had brought a lot of books and personal possessions to Canterlot. I could see her getting more and more frantic as she continued to search. I looked at the Grandpony Clock on the far wall, "hmm, 2 pm, Train will be leaving in half an hour" I mumbled under my breath, didn't particularly want to place something else to worry about on top of everything else in Twilight's stacked and well organised mind.

"WHERE THE HAY IS THE MAGIC OF PONIES?" Shouted Twilight as she Stomped her hooves in frustration. I looked around me, on my left, on top of a neatly stacked pile of books 'The magic of Ponies: A Reference Guide'. I picked the book up off the stack and laid it on the floor. I turned and bucked the book across the floor towards Twilight, I turned round to see the book skim in between her legs and come to a stop just in front of her. She peered down at the book that appeared in front of her and a smile exploded on her face. "Finally! I knew I would find it eventually!" she said with a proud air about her as a purple aura engulfed it and it flew into a purple suitcase with the initials 'T.S.' at the top. The suitcase slammed shut and whizzed across the room towards a porter who was awaiting his cargo, only just noticing the suitcase in time to brace for impact. "Come on Lightning!" Twilight exclaimed with sudden urgency as she trotted past, towards the door. "If you don't hurry up we're going to miss the train!" I grabbed my saddlebag and chased after her, trying to defend myself "But… I… Oh never mind" I huffed, as we left Twilight's study and headed for the train station.

While sitting on the platform, waiting for the train to arrive, I notice the uncomfortable and disgusted stares from other ponies as they notice my dishevelled form. I look at my back, so see the fur matted and filled with grime. My mane wasn't any better, almost slicked with greasy, with it splayed out in all directions I probably looked like somepony who went crazy. I look down at my front, bones showing very prominently emphasising how under nourished I have become. I bow my head in sadness, how did my life come to this? My entire life was changed by a tree for pony's sake! Twilight seemed to notice my demeanour as she commented, "don't worry Lightning, we'll get you cleaned up, and get you back on track, it's the least we can do" she smiled as the sound of hissing came into earshot as the train turned a bend and pulled into the station.
As the train arrived in Ponyville I saw four searching pairs of eyes. But when Twilight and I stepped out onto the platform the eyes met mine and smiles erupted from underneath. Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity all ran over to envelop us in a huge hug. Well, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie did, Rarity noticed how dirty and scruffy I was and recoiled from fear.

"How ya bin Laghtnin'?" asked Applejack.

"Yeah, howwasFlightcamp? Didyoulearnanyneatnewtricks? Meetanyponyspecialwhileyouwere there? Huh?huh?huh?" Demanded Pinkie, speaking at a million words a minute.

"Flight…Camp" I said slowly, looking at Twilight She looked at me apologetically and rolled her hoof as if to say 'roll with the cover story'.

"Err yeah" I replied, quickly turning back towards the others, jaw slack, as my mind spent all its energy to come up with a convincing story. "Err yeah, when I went they said I was too old to be in the younger divisions so they made me an assistant demonstrator. I would demonstrate the moves and techniques that the instructors were explaining to the students" I rattled off as they stood still with amazement.
Fluttershy surprisingly, was the first to speak "Wow you must have been really good if you were showing the students how to do stuff" she said in a quiet but amazed voice.

"Really good?" interjected Rarity in her high strung voice. A vibrant, canary yellow hat with unusually large feathers waving out of it, sitting delicately on her head. A bit unnecessary for meeting someone at a train station in my opinion. "They only let experts teach at flight camps from what I hear" She said beaming "I can't wait to hear all about it while we are at the spa".
My ears pricked up when I heard that word. "Spa?" I questioned.

"Why yes my dear" She said as though it were an obvious choice "how else are we to get you… ahem, cleaned up." I could tell she was trying to be delicate in the fact that I looked atrocious and probably smelled just as bad. Just when all the embarrassment was at its peak, I noticed something. "Hey" I asked. "Where's Rainbow?"
"Ah" replied Rarity, "our dear friend Rainbow Dash is out of town, she is at an air show, apparently the Wonderbolts are going to make an appearance. I will say, Rainbow has been to a lot of shows and trips lately, I wonder why?" she pondered, bringing her hoof to her chin, playing the great thinker.

"Yeah I wonder why" I replied, knowing exactly why. "So…" I said, wishing that I hadn’t brought up the subject "You said something about the spa" I mentioned to Rarity. "I would love to go, but I have no money, I can't afford spa treatment."

"Oh darling, Don't worry about a thing, this spa treatment is on me" she said smiling. "But first we need to head over to the boutique for something." She added, almost shaking with anticipation.

"O-okay er let's go" I said, wondering what the 'something' was.

I don't quite know why but it felt really awkward walking through Ponyville, maybe from all of the stares of other ponies or that I was a huge contrast to the well kept, styled cohort. It was gratifying to finally reach Carousel Boutique, Standing in the shop front, seeing the dressing rooms and the ponyequins around with fully fledged dresses and suits while Rarity was clattering around in the back searching for the 'something'. Standing in the room, I notice a strange smell lingering around, it stunk of sweat, grease and guilt. Was that really what I smelt like? By Celestia, no wonder the girls were a bit put off when I arrived.

"Ta da!" Chimed Rarity from behind me. I turned to find her standing there holding a Royal Blue saddlebag. The bag had cyan stitching around the edges and a Lightning bolt buckle clasp which I thought was nice touch. "Wow Rarity, that looks amazing, who's that for?" I asked, though I probably already knew the answer.
"Why silly, it's for you". She said "after you've cleaned up of course" she commented with an air of authority tone.
I nodded, "sure let's get to the spa" as we turned and headed out of the door.

The spa was filled with the enchanting aroma of Lavender and cherries. Burning incense sticks placed all around the room giving off scents to promote relaxation. Soothing music was also playing around the foyer, just sitting on a cushion was extremely relaxing, I was almost falling asleep. I could see the discomfort on a pink maned, blue pony which apparently went by the name of Lotus Blossom, probably because, like Rarity, felt that my form wasn't exactly the most appealing to behold. Rarity was speaking to another spa employee named Aloe who looked like an opposite of Lotus Blossom with a blue mane and pink coat. I didn't hear all of the conversation, but I did hear something about a 'level 5 emergency'. After which Aloe looked shocked, grabbed me and dropped me into a large tub. I think I lost count of the amount of different oils and lotions she poured into the water, It was a weird sensation, I sat in the tub so long my hooves went comically pruny. After the long soak, Aloe wrapped me in a white dressing gown and lay me on a massage bed, on which she proceeded to slowly massage my back and shoulders, but obviously avoiding my bandaged wings.

"So Lightning," asked Rarity who was getting a massage from Lotus Blossom on the bed next to me. "What happened to your wings" She asked, nodding to my bandaged wings.

"Oh err… I… err sprained them, both of them while attempting an advanced move"

"Well it's a good thing you're getting a massage" butted in Aloe, she spoke with an accent but couldn't quite put where it's from. "It should help those muscles onto the road to recovery."

"great" I said sarcastically as she continued to massage my back.

"What are you going to do in Ponyville, Lightning?" Asked Rarity, "Where are you going to stay?"

I started to become worried. Why do these ponies keep asking questions? At this rate, holes are going to appear in my cover story. "Err I think Twilight was going to let me stay with her until I get a place of my own. And I'll see if AJ wants any help on the farm to get some income and to stave off boredom."

"Ah well that'll be nice for dear Applejack, it's coming close to cider season and they always seem to be short. Hopefully with you they mind be able to make enough this year" she said smiling.

The rest of the spa session, continued in an awkward silence as Rarity had hoofacures, horn filing, mud masks, and her mane styled while I sat next to her, keeping her company and transferring all of my belongings from my old saddlebag into the new one Rarity made. These belongings were little bits and pieces that I always treasured, a picture of my parents holding me and a baby, my lightning bolt necklace, the small sack of bits that Fancy Pants gave me, and the limited edition Wonderbolts poster that I got at a flight show when I was really young. Looking at all this now made me realise that I haven't done anything with my life, I haven’t become a doctor, or a carpenter like my dad. I haven’t saved a pony's life or done charity work. I just did nothing.

I stuffed the old saddlebag into the new one. "Scuse me Rarity, I need to go. Thanks for the spa treatment" I said as I slung on the new saddlebag and walked out the door. I can’t sit around moping anymore it's time I took control of my life and made it better. I made my way towards the library to talk to Twilight, when an orange filly on a scooter rounded the corner at quite a velocity and ploughed straight into me…