• Published 29th Oct 2015
  • 613 Views, 80 Comments

A Different Breed of Changeling - Zoljen

A changeling whose life is torn asunder when his hive collapses and he gets thrust into a war.

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Meeting the Big Boys

Talon flew behind Descent and Starry as the glided along in the night sky towards one of their mountain outposts. Lightning Dust was behind him and almost seemed to be admiring the view.

“You know, if I didn't know you were a bug… dragon… pony thing, I’d really be admiring the view,” she said casually as she angled upwards some to glide above him. Talon glanced over his shoulder at her.

“I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not. Though I do have a question for you, what are the Renegades?”

Descent let out a soft growl. “The Renegades are what the Shadowbolts used to be.” He glanced over his shoulder at Talon. “And before you ask, Shadowbolts were a mercenary group, working in the shadows.”

“Right, that did answer my next question.” Talon chuckled softly.

“Well,” Lightning Dust began, “what's the real reason you want to join the Wonderbolts?”

Talon slowed himself to glide beside her, grinning. “Multiple reasons! I heard they are show ponies, performing stunts and such for crowds. That’d be a feast of energy for me, along with any camaraderie I may get in them. I know they are a military organization, but I'm sure there are some friendly bonds in it.”

“Well, a lot has changed since the time you met them, I think. You did meet them like, two decades ago, right?” Lightning Dust chuckled softly as she turned over to fly on her back. “They are a lot more like a huge family now than before. Under new management too.”

“Captain Spitfire leads them now,” Starry said with her usual flat voice. “Though we do have their former captains in our employ. You’ll get to meet them.” Talon looked over at Starry, raising an eyebrow for a moment then back to Dust.

“Is she normally a ball of sunshine?” He asked, pointing to Starry with a hoof. Lightning Dust just giggled.

“That's how she normally is, yes. Just don't touch her, you may get a broken nose or worse.” She rolled over to fly normally. “But don't worry, not everyone there is like her. Most of the retired Wonderbolts we have are actually full of energy!”

“Oh well, that's good to know. I keep forgetting she’s there,” Talon chuckled softly.

“You know, that does raise a question. How do you changelings see the world?” Dust glided a little closer to Talon, looking him in the eye. “Like, do you see normally like a regular pony, or like a bat with sonar but for emotions?” Talon leaned away some, grinning slightly.

“I’d say normal, but then I don't know what normal is compared to you. If it's a standard array of colors, then yea. I don't see with my ears though, like bats.” Talon shrugged slightly. “And as for emotions, it's more a taste in the air for them like a lizard does for smells.”

Lightning dust raised an eyebrow. “Huh, so what do you get from me, then?”

“Excitement and curiosity mostly.” Talon grinned. “A hint of curiosity from Descent there, but from Starry, mild,” he paused, “Nope, major annoyance.” He glanced to Descent, “So, boss, where exactly are we going?”

Descent just pointed towards what looked like a summer camp with various cottages set up. It looked abandoned from this distance though. The four tilted and angled towards it, Talon moving back towards the middle of the pack as they did. For a moment, it looked like no pony was home, until Talon saw some movement.

A red stallion pegasus with a slicked white mane was standing near one of the buildings, he looked to be talking to a white pegasus mare with a blond wavy mane. She glanced up and pointed towards the four as they landed. The stallion glanced at them, tilting his head, he trotted up to them.

“Who's the stray?” he asked, as the other mare face-hoofed lightly.

“Really? Is that who I think it is?” she asked as she trotted up. Starry simply nodded and trotted past them into the cabin. Lightning Dust chuckled softly as she looked at the two.

“Well, I know one of you already met him. We should introduce him to the others first.”

“Are they even here yet?” Descent asked, looking towards the pair that greeted them. The stallion shook his head.

“Not yet, still on patrol. Is this the changeling you said, eh, dropped in?” the stallion asked, looking over Talon. Lightning Dust nodded as she stood next to Talon.

“Yup, turns out he has no home to go to. So, here he is. Though we have to train him a bit.” She turned to him. “Hopefully he can survive it. I know I did, but I'm a pegasus, not a changeling.”

Talon raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you saying that what I am is a handicap?”

“Oh no, just not entirely sure what you’re capable of.” Lightning Dust grinned disarmingly at him. The stallion just looked confused at Talon.

“Why would a changeling want to join us? I mean, aren't they normally weak and wanting to avoid combat at all costs?”

Talon sighed and took a step back, “That would be correct if I was a harvester. I get the feeling you're going to learn a lot about changelings,” he said as his magic lit up the area, revealing his natural form. The stallion just stared wide eyed at him.

“Wow… Your uh, exotic. Aren't ya?” The stallion looked him over appraisingly. Lightning Dust chuckled softly.

“So, who all is here at the moment, Comet?”

“Ah, the twins and Steady Wing are inside. Blazetail and Flash Wind should be…” He trailed off as Talons ears perked up and he suddenly bounced to the left, in his place stood a proud red stallion that quickly lept at the changeling. “Right there…” Comet finished.

The changeling was quickly on the defensive again as the stallion growled and kept attacking. “Aww come on! At least let me explain before…” He didn't get to finish as he got smacked across the jaw by a hoof and sent to the ground. The stallion placed a hoof roughly on Talon’s side and kept him pinned down.

“And why should we, whose love are you here to steal? How did you find this place?” He snarled as he leaned in. Talon just pointed towards Dust as she trotted up.

“This is the one that dropped in on us,” she said calmly as Blazetail looked at her, then back to the changeling.

“Really? And how did it do that?”

“He mentioned Discord.”

Blazetail sighed and stepped back, as Flash Wind landed next to him. He looked the changeling over. “So, What is it doing here then?” Talon slowly stood up as he watched Blazetail, ears folded back as he tried to inch away.

“He is here to join us,” Dust replied, glancing at Talon.

“Join us? Why would a changeling want to do that?!” Blazetail pointed at Talon, “They are all weaklings, hardly capable of combat and would rather run away! That changeling war that happened so long ago at least knocked some sense into them!”

“I’m right here you know!” Talon sighed as he watched the Stallion that was still visibly angry with him. “Seriously, how many times do I have to say I wasn't even here for that wedding! I skipped the last two decades thanks to that walking pile of animal parts!”

Flash Wind walked up behind him and lifted a wing, making him yelp and look at her. “He has a point, I’d recognize him if he was. These wings are a bit unique.” Blazetail snorted and glared at the changeling.

“He could be faking those wings just to say he’s different.”

Descent shook his head, and finally spoke up. “Nope, those are real. I know, I saw him get knocked out.”

“Still doesn't prove anything. He could of held his form.”

Talon sighed, “Fine, nothing I say would prove I wasn't a part of that. How many changeling do you know that can breathe fire?” They all looked towards him, Dust and Flash Wind looking more shocked. Blazetail scoffed and pointed a hoof at him.

“You could fake that with your magic.” Talon shook his head.

“Watch the horn, ol’ boy.” He turned and lifted into the air, aiming the mouth skyward and inhaled. After a moment he exhaled and released a small but very real short burst of flame, lightning up the area. Blazetail kept his eye trained on the horn while the changeling did that, it didn't glow once. After the short demonstration, he landed and looked at Blazetail. “Well?”

“You could have faked that, somehow.” He snorted and leaned towards the changeling, getting right into his face. “You still didn't answer my question why a harvester would want to join us.” Talon held his ground and glared right back.

“For starters, I'm a soldier, not a harvester. Secondly, I have no home to go to. No one to call friend, and I would like to become a Wonderbolt!”

“HA! You as a Wonderbolt! They aren't that desperate. You wouldn't last five minutes with their training!”

“Then train me so I could!”

Blazetail looked at the changeling incredulously. “You’re serious, aren't you?”

Talon took a step back and stood as proud as he could. “Yes sir.” The changeling stood about a head and a half shorter than the former captain of the Wonderbolts. Lightning Dust started to chuckle at the sight of the changeling trying to impress the old pony. The stallion looked him over.

“Well, first thing would be needing to know what all you can do. How often can you do that fire trick?”

“Er, well. Not as often as a normal dragon. My mouth isn't built for constant use, so it tends to get burnt after near constant usage. A spurt here or there isn't bad.” Talon shrugged ever so slightly.

“Hm, and your magic?”

“He can teleport,” Dust chimed in, making the former Wonderbolts look at her, then back to him.


Talon simply demonstrated by disappearing and reappearing on the other side of Flash Wind. He smirked as he glanced up to her. “About as far as I'm willing to go. If I pushed myself, I can go farther, but that consumes more power.”

Blazetail looked over the changeling a bit more appraisingly this time. “I can see how you can be useful to us. I assume you can alter your appearance like any other changeling? And deflecting magic, I heard you did that too.”

Talon quickly took on the guise of his pegasus as he nodded. “Wasn't able to deflect her second blast, but yes. It could probably use work.” He tilted his head, “Why ask about that?”

Blazetail smirked and lead the way into the cottage. “Well, youngster, let's just say that our current enemy uses magic.”

Talon quickly followed after him, looking confused. The others soon followed suit as Talon caught up to the stallion. “Unicorn against pegasi seems a bit much for something like this.”

“Oh, if only it were that simple,” Dust spoke as she moved up to Talons other side. “Where to begin…”

Author's Note:

The next few chapters are what happens over the course of the next month, bits of his 'training' as the Renegades basically do a round robin style. Each one taking a day with him to work on his skills.

Blazetail, Flashwind, Valkyrie, Comet, Descent, Starry Skies, Lightning Dust are Calm Wind's.