• Published 29th Oct 2015
  • 612 Views, 80 Comments

A Different Breed of Changeling - Zoljen

A changeling whose life is torn asunder when his hive collapses and he gets thrust into a war.

  • ...

Training with the Big Boys

“Ok, let me get this right. You are currently fending off pegasi, who are dressed similar to you. Who use magic like a unicorn does, through the use of crystals?” Talon stared wide eyed at the ponies around him.

“Yea, that about sums it up,” Dust chuckled, “Still willing to join us?”

“Of course, I don't think he’d get much choice in the matter now,” Starry commented. “Since he knows too much. It's either join us, or sit in a cell until it blows over.”

Talon looked towards Blazetail, who was looking back at him, expecting him to say no and run. Talon grinned and extended a hoof, “Where do I sign?”

“Huh, he’s kind of cute when he’s asleep like that,” Flash Wind chuckled as she and Cannon Pall looked over the red pegasus who was splayed out over a bed. Talon’s last few days had been hectic, but worth it. Between strength training and combat drills, he was ready to just collapse when they let him.

“Your definition of cute is messed up Flash Wind,” Cannon said, pointing to Talon, “considering we know what he really is.”

Talon barely twitched in his sleep as the two conversed at a normal volume. Cannon grinned as he moved an air horn close to Talons ear, “This will be worth it though, heh.” He grinned evilly as Flash Wind took a step back.

“You are aware he can breath fire, right?”

“A few scorch marks are worth this.” Cannon Ball hit the air horn. Talon’s eyes snapped open as he shot out of bed and clung to the ceiling like a cat, fire swirling around his hooves to make paws to add to the effect. His wings stood straight up, or rather down and pointed towards the floor, and his eyes were wide.

Cannon Ball rolled onto his back as he laughed at the sight of the changeling clinging to the roof. After a minute of Talon coming to his senses, he glanced down at Cannon, who was now on his stomach, laughing and pounding a hoof on the ground.

“Way to give me a heart attack!” Talon grumped as he floated down and landed on the bed, glaring at Cannon who was still laughing his feathers off. Flash Wind kept a hoof on her mouth as she let a few chuckles slip.

“You’re going to get used to that in the Wonderbolts, especially since that old codger Silver Lining is still there.” Flash Wind calmed herself down and kicked Cannon Ball, making him stand up but still releasing chuckles.

“Old...” Talon blinked, then sighed. “Oh yeah, I keep forgetting I skipped nearly two decades.” Then, glaring at Cannon, he added, “Also, that was NOT funny!”

“Sure it was! Seriously! You clung to the ceiling like a cat! Didn't think you could go part way with your changes.” He grinned as he wiped away a tear. “I needed that laugh. Totally worth it.” He turned and trotted out of the bunk house.

Talon stretched out and yawned, looking at Flash Wind. “So, what you doing to me today? Kicking my tail again or…?” Flash Wind shook her head.

“Practice your own stuff today, I suggest you go into the mountains to do so. Where no prying eyes can see you.”

Talon nodded. “Right.” He stopped at the door frame and glanced out into the early morning sky. “Breakfast first, then I’ll head… wait,” he paused, looking at Flash Wind, “You mean you actually trust me on my own?”

She nodded back to him and stepped out, grinning. “We trust you to return. I mean, you’ve stated multiple times that you have nowhere to go and nopony to turn to. So, yeah, we’re letting you return to us.”

Talon nodded and let the larger mare pass. “About time. But yes, nowhere to go. Plus I don't even know how to get to the Drake Empire from here!”

“It's a really long flight.” Blazetail was casually leaning on the outside of the bunk house, waiting for Talon to come out. “And I don't think you can make it.”

“Hm, knew I detected a bit of anger outside.” Talon smirked at him.

“Flash Wind is partially right, we are giving you a break today. However, I am joining you while you're out in the mountains.”

“Oh?” Talon raised an eyebrow at him. “And here I thought I could be trusted to not flee.”

“I doubt you would.” Blazetail walked over and poked Talon in the side. “I want to see how your fighting has progressed, for your better half.”

“My better…? Oh right!” Talon chuckled weakly. “You’d still kick my tail, but sure.” He grinned widely and started towards the mess hall. “But breakfast first!”

Talon grunted as he laid pinned in the dirt under Blazetail who was casually keeping him there. The changeling wiggled a little tried to get himself free, but his blade hooves were helplessly caught under a wing.

“And here I thought you were a soldier.” Blazetail casually remarked as he glanced towards Flash Wind who was sitting under a tree, watching the pair. “So, can you tell me what you did wrong there?” Talon grunted and kept wiggling.

“Picked a fight with you?”

“Beside that.” Blazetail hopped off the changeling and took a few steps back as Talon quickly stood up. Flashwind chuckled softly as Talon looked over the older stallion. “You attack too recklessly. You should analyze your foe first, watch them as they will certainly be watching you. You can surprise your foe with your hooves, use that to your advantage.”

“Okay. Another round then and I’ll try to watch how you continue to kick my tail.” Talon took a combat stance, reforming his blades again as he glared at Blazetail. Blazetail shook his head and walked over to Talon, gazing along a blade.

“I am also not as young as I used to be. We’ve been going at it for the past hour or two. I do wish to look over this form though.” He grabbed a blade and held it out, making Talon yelp slightly.

“Er, ok.” Talon just stood there as Blazetail looked over the blade carefully.

“They could be a little thinner, for less air resistance.” He tapped one, “Maybe a bit smaller too, less chance of them breaking.” He glanced up at the changelings horn. “How talented are you with magic?”

“Er, good. I guess. I did a lot of studying on various kinds before winding up here. Transmutation is my strong point.”

“Well, one of our foes top commanders conjures a blade from his hooves. It's a good length too, I'm just wondering if you can do the same.” Blazetail stepped back and watched as Talon pondered.

“I’m still getting used to the idea of pegasi doing magic in the first place.” Talon quickly shook his head. “But making a blade? That seems…” He trailed off as he looked over his own bladed arm.

Blazetail chuckled, “Give it some thought and see what you can do. I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow for combat training, Talon.” Blazetail turned and trotted over to Flash Wind as she stood up. “We have tryouts to hear about.” Talon merely gave a slight nod as he got lost in thought.

A blade? Out of magic? It is possible, but took training to get it solid and strong. His hoof blade, as Blazetail called them, engulfed in fire, shortening some and becoming thinner. In the short time since he first showed them off to a dragon, he had been getting better about making them.

Using more chitin and less bone in case they broke meant he wouldn't be missing a limb. As he practiced it, he found he was certainly different. Having both a skeleton inside and out, must of come from being around dragons so much, he figured. He had plates like a bug, yet scales or leathery skin underneath it and a scaly tail.

He gave a slight shrug as he focused on his hoof blade, his horn glowing faintly as magic trailed along his blade. A shape started to form, certainly looking more like a club then a sword, but it was a start. Unknowingly, he had a witness from above, Blazetail was watching him from the sky, with a faint smirk before flying off after Flash Wind.

Talon landed outside the bunkhouse with a soft grunt, wincing as his aching hooves let themselves be known. He had been practicing getting his blades sharp against rocks near where he was and learning just how hard they were. He sat and looked at one of his currently deep red hooves, matching the fur color of his pegasus form and sighed.

“I have a long way to go,” he mumbled to himself before standing and trotting inside. He made it a few steps towards a table before he suddenly detected curiosity. He glanced over his shoulder a pair of pegasi mares, one pink with a yellow mane, and the other inverted.

“Ahh, so you must be…” the pink one started.

“...Talon,” the yellow finished. Talon looked between the two and gave them an insanely confused look.

“You’re doing it again, ladies,” another voice from behind them sounded, a white stallion with a grey mane as he poked at the pink mare. “Seriously, you both are one pony.”

“We are not!” They both said at the same time as they turned around and glared at him. He shrugged back and looked at Talon.

“We were wondering when you were going to come back.” He trotted around the mares and towards Talon. “Figured you’d run off, but it seems you're true to word.”

Talon glanced at the mares, then to the stallion. “Right… My word right now is, I'm hungry… and confused.” He shook his head and looked around. “And… in the wrong building, aw shards.” He turned and started towards the door but was stopped. He glanced down to the white hoof on his shoulder, then to its owner.

“Let me, while the ladies introduce themselves.” The stallion then left the building as Talon turned and faced the mares.

“Well, seems I'm meeting a lot of weird ponies lately,” Talon chuckled as he walked back to the table.

“I'm Pixie and this is my twin sister, Fairy.” The yellow mare bowed a little.

Talon raised an eyebrow for a moment, then chuckled. “Meeting so many ponies, you all should wear nametags or something.”

“We don't need nametags…” Pixie started.

“...You just need to remember who we all are,” Fairy finished. Talon looked between them again.

“Yup, I agree with that stallion. You both are one pony in two bodies,” he stated with a nod, earning a glare from them both as they puffed out their cheeks. “What?” He shrugged. “It feels true!” They continued to glare at him as he sat at the table and awaited whatever leftovers were brought to him.

Author's Note:

Pixie, Fairy, Blazetail, Flashwind, Cannon Ball are all Calm Wind's.