• Published 3rd Jun 2012
  • 817 Views, 2 Comments

Clash of the Rainbow - Windwaker100

A mass crossover taking it's first step in Equestria starting out only as a pokemon and MLP crossover

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A meet and Greet

“It’s impressive to say the least.” Teranos said as he stared up at the floating home of Rainbow Dash. “Thanks I don’t get many visitors since I only have one Pegasus friend so sorry about the mess.” she said trying not to look at him as she blushed lightly from his compliment. “It’s small compared to some of the buildings in Cloudsdale.” she said. “I’m guessing that’s where you’re from then?” he asked. “Yeah.” she said sounding slightly sad when she responded. Teranos noticed and decided not to ask anymore about where she was from.


After about five minutes of brooding Rainbow Dash finally snapped out of her funk. “Anyway let me show you around my house.” she said as she took off toward the house.Teranos just nodded and flew up after her. It took Rainbow Dash roughly thirty minutes to show him around and for them to decide that he would sleep in a hollow on the first floor. “So what do you want to do now Teranos?” asked Rainbow Dash. “I think I’ll take a look around the surrounding areas then head into town to meet everyone.” he said. “Alright I’ll meet you in town later then.” She said. He nodded and then took off to the south.


He flew for about ten minutes before he caught sight of a large apple orchard. “Looks interesting.” he said as he landed and began walking to the orchard. He stopped at the entrance and looked up at the large arch hanging over the path. “Sweet Apple Acres eh?” he said and strolled further along the path until he caught sight of an orange colored pony with blond hair and a cowgirl hat. “Hello there!.” he shouted before approaching her. The pony turned around looked and me and waited until he stood next to her before she responded. “Howdy I haven’t seen ya around here before, the name’s Apple Jack.” she said smiling. “A pleasure to meet you Miss Apple Jack my name is Teranos Elementum.” he said with a small bow. “It’s nice ta meet ya Teranos but please just call me Apple Jack or AJ.” she said. “Alright then Apple Jack. I must say you not reacting anything like Rainbow Dash did when she met me. She was suspicious and skeptical when I told her I was a human.” he said. “Well she’s just naturally suspicious like that, and while I think it’s surprising that you’re human I don’t think that it’s impossible. Just because nopony has seen a human doesn’t mean there aren’t any out there.” she said.


Teranos just stared in surprise at her answer for a moment then replied. “An interesting answer to say the least. I am human but I’m not from anywhere around here in fact I don’t think this is even the same world I’m from.” he said. “What do ya mean?” she asked. “Well I think somehow I arrived in this world from another dimension but as to how I’m not sure.” he said. “Sounds like something Twilight might know about she lives in the in town it’s a giant tree with a sign that has a book on it hanging out front so you can’t miss it.” she said once again smiling. “Thank you maybe she’ll be able to help me figure some things out I’ll be sure to find her once I head into town.” he said. “No problem Teranos is there anything else I can help you out with?” she asked. “Well what would it cost to get an apple? It’s been awhile since I last ate and I love apples.” he said. “Awe shoot go ahead and pick ya one no cost it’s the least I could do for a new friend.” she said “I’m touched that you would be so kind to someone you only just met Apple Jack it’s rare to see such kindness where I’m from.” he said “Awe shucks it’s nothing.” she said slightly blushing. After he picked an apple Teranos bid farewell to Apple Jack and headed off toward town.


Rainbow Dash flew off toward Ponyville not long after Teranos left to go explore. “Hopefully he’ll find Sweet Apple Acres and Apple Jack will keep him busy for awhile.” she said as she entered Ponyville and began searching for her friend Pinkie Pie. After about five minutes of flying around she spotted the party pony coming out of Sugarcube Corner probably getting off from work. She quickly flew down and landed next to Pinkie. “I’ve been looking for you Pinkie Pie.” she said. “Oh how come?” she asked tilting her head. “Ponyville has a new resident and I was wondering of you would help me throw a party to welcome him here.” she replied. “Sounds like fun!” Pinkie Pie said jumping up and down excitedly. “Awesome then lets get to it.” Rainbow Dash said and they walking off planning a surprise party.


”That must be Ponyville.” Teranos said as he spotted a small town in the distance. Rather than fly the rest of the way there Teranos decided to walk instead so he would have time to think. “So I have no idea how I got here, I seem to be in another dimension, and I have a splitting headache but that could just be from my landing. Palkia is the only one I know of that can open a portal between the dimensions but why would he send me here and let me keep my team with me?” he said as he absent mindedly ran a hand over the six red and white spheres hanging on his belt. “I’ll just have to figure out why he sent me here then decided if I even want to go back.” he said. Teranos silenced himself as he approached the entrance to the town. “Guess I’ll search for Twilight and then see if I can’t find Rainbow Dash.” he said as he walked into town ignoring the strange looks from some of the pony residents.


After about five minutes of wandering Teranos spotted the tree that Apple Jack described. “That must be it.” he said as he sprinted up to the entrance. Before he reached the door he saw a pink pony standing next to the tree make some strange twitching movements and duck behind a cart. “How strange.” he said as he reached to knock on the door but before he could the door flew open and flattened him against the trunk of the tree. “Right out of left field.” he said weakly but still loud enough to be heard. “Huh who’s there?” a male voice said from the other side of the door. As the door shut Teranos saw a small purple and green dragon standing there holding some books. “Who are you?” the dragon asked. After Teranos pried himself from the tree and brushed his clothes off he replied, “I am Teranos Elementum.” he said. “Nice to meet you Teranos the name’s Spike anything I can help you with?’ the dragon asked. “Well I’m looking for Twilight do you know where she is?” he asked. “Last time I saw her she was with Rainbow Dash.” Spike said. “Alright well thanks for your help Spike I’ll just go ahead and look for Rainbow Dash then.” he said. “Anytime see ya later Teranos.” the dragon said as he ran off.


Teranos began wandering around the town again looking for Rainbow Dash. Around two hours later the sun had begun to set so Teranos started to head back to Rainbow Dash’s house when he finally spotted her running up to him. “I’ve finally found you Teranos I’ve been looking for you!.” she said slightly out of breath. “I’ve just been wandering around town searching for you Rainbow.” he said. “Well follow me I have a surprise for you.” she said running off again back in the direction that she came from. Teranos just raised an eyebrow and followed after her. Rainbow Dash had led him out of town as the sun set and the moon began to rise. “How much farther Rainbow Dash?” he asked. “Not much farther now.” she said. They kept running for ten more minutes then Rainbow Dash stopped in the middle of a field the cloud cover kept it dark enough that Teranos could barely see her. “We’re here.” she said as the torches lit the area.

”Surprise!” he heard six feminine voices shout all at once. Teranos was still blinded from the sudden light and was rubbing his eyes while they adjusted. Teranos shook his head and blinked his eyes and saw six ponies standing under a banner that read, “Welcome to Equestria.” ”What’s going on here?” he asked in confusion and mild shock. “I figured you must feel alone being in a new world and all so I got my friends to help me to throw you a welcome party.” Rainbow Dash said.


Teranos just blinked slowly at her statement. Rainbow Dash noticed his reaction and frowned but before she could say anything Teranos began to chuckle. “What’s so funny?” she asked a hint of anger in her voice. “Nothing it’s just thank you all of you. It’s very kind of you to do this to help me feel welcome.” he said trying to stop tears from forming in his eyes. Before anyone could say anything Teranos pulled himself together and walked over to the other five ponies. “Allow me to introduce myself my name is Teranos Elementum and thank you for welcoming me to Equestria.” he said with a bow. A purple pony that seemed to be a Unicorn was the first to say something . “Hello Teranos my name is Twilight Sparkle.” she said. She had light purple fur and a darker purple mane and tail with a stripe of bright pink through them. The next pony to say something was the same pink pony he had seen earlier. She was pure pink with a mane and tail that was a slightly darker pink color. “Hi I’m Pinkie Pie it’s nice to meet you.” she said grinning. The next to speak up was another Unicorn with a pure white coat and a deep purple mane and tail. “My name is Rarity a pleasure to meet you Teranos.” she said. Apple Jack spoke up next. “Hey there again Teranos.” she said and he nodded to her. The last to speak up was a cream colored Pegasus with a bright pink mane and tail. “H-hello there my name’s Fluttershy it’s nice to meet you Teranos.” she said rather shyly. Before Teranos could say anything to them Pinkie Pie spoke up. “Well what are we waiting for let’s get this party started!” she said and she trotted over to a record player and turned it on.


It had been a half hour since the party began and it didn’t show any sign of stopping the way Pinkie Pie was going. Teranos was standing by the snack table munching on a cookie when Twilight Sparkle trotted over to him. “Hello there Twilight.” he said. “Hi Teranos enjoying the party?” she asked. “It’s quite an experience for sure Pinkie Pie seems to be quite a party animal.” he said “Well parties are her specialty and nopony throws a party like Pinkie Pie.” she said. “It’s an amazing party.” Teranos agreed. Twilight was about to say something else but then she noticed the six red and white spheres hanging at Teranos’s belt. “Could I ask you something Teranos?” she asked. “Sure go ahead.” he responded. “What are those red and white spheres on your belt?” she asked. A look of surprise flashed on his face. “I can’t believe I forgot. They must be hungry by now.” he said. “They?” asked Twilight. Teranos looked down at her in surprise as if he’d forgotten she was there. “Oh yeah I still need to introduce you to them one sec.” he said and ran off to a cleared area.


Teranos whistled loudly to get everyone’s attention. “Sorry to interrupt the party ladies but the introductions aren’t over yet.” he said. Everyone one just gave him a confused look but he just smiled. “I might not know how I got to Equestria but I know I wasn’t alone when I got here. Whoever sent me here also sent my friends with me.” he said as he pulled one of the spheres from his belt. He pressed a button that was in the center of the sphere and it grew to three times its size and he held it up for everyone to see. “This is a pokeball it’s basically a pocket dimension and within it is one of my friends so let me introduce you to him.” Before they could say anything he tossed the ball into the clearing where it split in half with a burst of light. The ponies flinched back and covered their eyes from the sudden burst of light and when they looked back at the spot a large blue creature with 4 tree trunk like legs and a silver x across it’s face was standing there.


”Everyone this is Fezzik he’s a Metagross. Fezzik say hello to everyone.” Teranos said. The ponies just stared at Fezzik. Fezzik just moved and tried to hide behind Teranos. Rainbow Dash started to move towards him but Fezzik saw her and ran off to hide in the nearby trees. “Am I that scary?” Rainbow Dash asked slightly hurt. “No Fezzik is just extremely shy and scares easy.” he said. Teranos pulled another ball from his belt and pressed the button on it. “He’ll be back soon.” he said as he tossed the next ball into he area Fezzik had disappeared into. Another light flashed as the ball split open but the girls couldn’t see what came out of it this time since it was so dark. “And now we wait. Shouldn’t take her long at all.” Teranos said.


Five minutes later Fezzik came back to the party area accompanied by a canine looking creature. It was about four feet tall with blue and tan fur with some stripes of black separating them. “Everyone this is Serenity she’s a Lucario.” Teranos said motioning to the newcomer. “A pleasure to meet you all.”Serenity said with a small curtsy and she then tapped Fezzik’s side. The Metagross reluctantly spoke. “H-hi I’m Fezzik it’s nice to meet you.” he said. “It’ll be alright Fezzik.” Teranos said soothingly as he tossed another ball into the air. Once the resulting flash subsided another canine like creature stood in the clearing but with snow white fur, paws and a face darker than the night, a large curved horn, and a blade like. “Hello there my name is Miranda.” she said bowing her head. “Miranda here is an Absol”Teranos said. “Three down three to go,” he said as he tossed a fourth pokeball into the air.. After the ball opened and the light receded a very large tarantula was left in the clearing but it was electric yellow with brown stripes. “This here is Naomi a Galvantula.” Teranos said as Naomi scuttled over to him and crawled up onto him and settled onto his back. “She doesn’t talk at all as far as we can tell but she’s real friendly and wont hurt you on purpose unless you give her reason too.” he said. Teranos noticed everyone’s apprehensive looks at his friends and began to worry but he tossed the next pokeball up into the air.


Once the light cleared the girls saw the breed dragon floating in the clearing. It was a bright green with blue stripes, orange outlining its wings, and large orange lenses over it’s eyes. “Hi the names Vash nice to meet you.” he said rather huffily. “Play nice Vash and don’t cause trouble for our new friends.”Teranos said. Vash just nodded only half listening. Teranos turned to the girls and smiled. “Before I bring out my last friend I have a word of caution. Please don’t be afraid of him he’s very big and slightly intimidating yes but he’s also very kind and gentle.” Teranos said and turned once again toward the clearing. “Ok big guy it’s showtime.” Teranos whispered to the ball and then tossed it high up into the air. The girls watched the ball fly high up into the air and split apart in the usual burst of light, but even after the light receded they couldn’t see any new figure anywhere. “Hey Teranos was that one empty?”Rainbow Dash asked. “Just watch.” was all Teranos said grinning. Not long after a bolt of lightning sparked across the night sky illuminating a large figure floating above the party area. It’s was long and slender with six large finger like tendrils extending from it’s back tipped with blue spikes. It had orangish skin with alternating blue and black bands going across its underside, and a grey face plate with piercing blue eyes staring down at the ponies. “Ladies meet Noctus my Giratina friend.” Teranos said.


”What are they all?” asked Twilight who was still staring at Noctus who had landed behind Teranos and curled up like a cat with his head resting on his tail. “They’re pokemon. Pokemon are the main population where I’m from and for the most part pokemon and humans live side by side helping each other thrive and enjoy life.” Teranos said trying to simplify it all. Twilight seemed to ponder this a moment before walking over to the group of pokemon. “Hello there my name is Twilight Sparkle it’s nice to meet you all.” she said smiling. One after another each of the ponies came up and introduced themselves, though Fluttershy still seemed frightened by Noctus and Fezzik. After the introductions the party resumed and everyone seemed to be having fun. Teranos stood off to the side so he could keep an eye on Vash just in case he decided to cause trouble so he didn’t notice when Rainbow Dash walked up behind him. “You alright Teranos?” she asked. Teranos jumped a few feet into the air in shock and would have turned around swinging if he didn’t recognize the voice. “I’m alright Rainbow I’m just watching Vash he’s a troublemaker sometimes and he can get carried away.” he said. “Sounds kinda like Pinkie Pie.” she said. Teranos just shrugged. Around twenty minutes later everyone was getting tired and saying their goodbyes before heading to their homes. Teranos recalled his team, thankful that the pokeballs had even worked, and headed back home with Rainbow Dash. “So what did you think of your first day in Equestria?” she asked. “It was eventful and I think I’m going to like it here.” he said. Rainbow Dash smiled and nodded then said goodnight and headed off to bed. Teranos went to his alcove and got comfortable and headed off to sleep himself but at the other side of Equestria a chaotic storm was brewing…