• Published 3rd Jun 2012
  • 816 Views, 2 Comments

Clash of the Rainbow - Windwaker100

A mass crossover taking it's first step in Equestria starting out only as a pokemon and MLP crossover

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Practice makes perfect

"Remind me what you're doing please Dash." Teranos asked Rainbow Dash as the cyan pegasus landed next to him. "Just some speed and control practice to kill some time." Rainbow answered taking a brief respite from her workout. "Speed and control eh? If you're willing I know someone who might be willing to help you out with that." Teranos said a devilish grin adorning his face. Dash eyed him warily before answering, "Sure who are they?" She asked. Teranos leaped back and tossed two of his pokeballs into the air. Rainbow Dash backed up a few feet as Noctus and Vash appeared in a flash of light. "You remember Noctus and Vash from the party last night right Rainbow? Well Vash is a speed demon and Noctus well lets just say he'll definitely be able to help with your flight control. That is if they're willing to help." Teranos said staring at the two pokemon inquisitively. Vash and Noctus stared at each other then looked over at Dash and answered in unison, "Sure thing it'll be fun." They answered. Dash smiled looking slightly intimidated by the two large dragons. "Teranos says you're a speed demon Vash so how about a race to start?" She asked. "A race sounds fun but I have a better idea. How about a game of tag you catch me and you win simple." Vash responded. Dash looked skeptical but soon recovered, "Sure if you think you can out pace me that is." Dash said now grinning with excitement. Vash laughed in response and flapped his wings, "Challenge accepted catch me if you can!" He exclaimed as he suddenly took flight and soared off the sheer force of his take off knocking Dash back slightly. Stunned Dash stared at his quickly disappearing form, then recovered her senses and tokk flight zooming after him. Noctus stared at them intriged by the small pegasus' gumption. After they were both were out of sight Teranos spoke, "Get her Noctus." He said grinning. Noctus laughed, "This is going to be fun." He said as he slowly faded into thin air and Teranos Dashed off in the direction of the two racers.

"Oh come now that can't be your max speed can it?" Vash taunted. He laughed at the speeding pegasus while flying backwards seeming to not take the game seriously while still maintaining a few mile lead on Dash. Dash grunted in frustration tucking her legs close to her body in an attempt to reduce wind resistance. Vash began to laugh at her when he suddenly turned around and zoomed off. Dash stared in confusion for a moment when she was almost knocked out of the air by a giant blue fireball. "What the hay was that?" She exclaimed, looking around for the source of the assault. She then spotted Noctus flying beneath her readying another attack. "Just what in the name of Celestia do you think you're doing?" She shouted at the large dragon. Noctus launched another fireball and watched as she dodged before answering, "Adding another element to this game. Dodging my attacks will help with your control but if you get hit you lose plain and simple." He said as he launched another volley. "That's crazy!" Dash shouted as she narrowly dodged his barrage. After a few minutes of weaving around the flames Vash slowly came back into her sights. "I have you now!" She shouted as she redoubled her effort to catch up with him. As she focused on speeding up she didn't notice the next attack until it knocked her out of the sky. Dash landed with a heavy thud as Teranos quickly ran up beside her treating her wounds, "What were you thinking Noctus she could have been seriously injured." Teranos said sounding agitated with the Giratina. "You know my Phantom blast wouldn't have hurt her Teranos." He responded. "Yes but the fall could have hurt her worse than it did especially at those speeds." Teranos said turning to face the giant dragon. "Now apologize." Teranos said a warning tone in his voice. Noctus nodded and lowered his head down in front of Dash, "I'm sorry for knocking you out of the sky like that Miss Dash." he said. "It's fine just give a mare some warning next time." Dash retorted trying to put on a brave face to hide her fear. "I think it's time for lunch." Teranos said trying to brighten the mood. Everyone nodded and turned around heading back to the clearing.

Twilight was excited after the party last night she had spike send a letter to the princess to alert her of Teranos' arrival, and this morning she had sent a response saying her and Luna both wished to meet him today She had heard from Pinkie Pie that he was staying with Rainbow Dash so she rushed to her cloud home in hopes of finding them both there, but before she could make it she spotted a dragon flying by that looked like one of the dragons Teranos introduced them to last night and followed it. After a few minutes of trying to chase it down she spotted Teranos and Rainbow Dash having lunch in the middle of a clearing. "Teranos Rainbow Dash!" she shouted trying to get their attention. "What's up Twilight what's gotten you so excited?" Rainbow asked. "I've received a letter from the princesses saying they with to meet Teranos." Twilight answered acting slightly giddy. "Royalty eh? Are we leaving right away?" Teranos asked taking a drink from what appeared to be a flask. "Well I was going to gather the rest of the girls and we'll all meat up at the library." Twilight said calming down slightly." "The large oak tree with the book sign on it right?" Teranos asked. Twilight nodded slightly winded from running so long and explaining the situation. "Alright then you girls go on ahead I'll meet you there I need to prepare myself." Teranos said as he stood. Rainbow Dash and Twilight nodded before they took of in the direction of Ponyville and Teranos headed into the woods.

A/N Windwaker here as this is my first story all comments are appreciated please and thank you.

Comments ( 1 )

2109598 Yeah sorry about that I'm still just getting started with writing but I'm getting the hang of it now.

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