• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 6,288 Views, 139 Comments

Umbrum ad Infinitum - Pixel_Spark

When Tirek's brother Scorpan resurrects Sombra to use him against all of Equestria, Twilight and Co must not only retrieve Sombra from his clutches, but find a way to heal the damage that's been done to the former King. Can they save him in time?

  • ...


All three sat there with their jaws dropped as Discord finished.

“Y-you're saying it was….a rogue spell?” Shining Armor blurted “what in the name of SANITY was he trying to do?”

“Reset the physical form. Now that I think back to that afternoon, those books he was reading must’ve been something to do with that spell..”

“Weren’t you keeping an eye on him?” Celestia looked baffled “its what you told ME.”

“Well, yes...” Discord coughed sheepishly “but i got sidetracked pulling a prank or two. The guards are so easily startled.” He shrugged, scratching at his neck “but honestly? He didn't seem unhappy. I guess he thought he'd found the answer. He seemed spaced out, but to be honest he's been that way ever since we recovered him.”

“Its true admirable progress has been made in getting through to him,” Celestia frowned, muttering to herself “but we're still talking about some serious after effects of this whole business!”

“It's really that bad?” Shining Armor said, still slightly dubious “we are still talking about the same guy as before, right?!”

Discord sighed, and snapped his fingers “let me show you my memories from when Fluttershy, myself and the others went to find him. Fair warning Princess, this isn’t pretty.”

He directed this to Cadance, who nodded.

He'd shown this to Celestia already, but even so, she still winced when she had to watch it again.

The memory of Scorpan forcefully tearing the potent magic from the pony's body. The way he threw him down like a mere toy. Then the crunch of a bone being broken.

“Sweet Celestia,” Shining Armor sputtered, feeling a bit queasy. Cadance nodded, stunned silent.

Scorpan's taunts he wasn’t done with Sombra, and the brief glimpse of total helplessness in Sombra's eyes. Even so, Shining Armor seen how Sombra refused to cave to Scorpans demands...

But he also seen what his sister had said, how Sombra had tried to a) get her to take him out and b) tried to reject her help and make her leave once he spotted she was an Alicorn. That he'd said she'd be in danger and tried, in a weird way, to protect her made Shining Armor pause.

He also seen what Discord meant. The fact that only the wards kept Sombra from retreating any further. The way he tried to scare them away from helping him. Fluttershy's kindness seemed to set him on edge, even after he realised she just wanted to splint his broken leg.

The scene ended with them all becoming Breezies and escaping.

“I feel ill..” Shining Armor hiccuped. "You've made your point..."

“It's sickening how little concern Scorpan had for life,” Cadance shook her head “It's a miracle Sombra survived all that.”

“He nearly didn’t,” Discord pointed out “he tried pushing both Celestia and I into destroying him, he really WAS that desperate at one point. Think about it, what reason did he HAVE to hope at that point? He had nowhere to go, we needed information, after that what use would we have for him? Hand him over to you? He was convinced that’d be a death sentence.”

Shining Armor realised if he hadn’t seen Sombra's efforts to defend Canterlot first hoof, he wouldn’t have believed a tyrannical ruler like Sombra was capable of such things. But the evidence Celestia had given them, plus the fact Sombra had known there was a slim to none chance he’d wake up yet he’d still given them that key, it pointed to something more to Sombra. All this made him pause for thought...

He'd replayed it over and over in his head, and he was convinced he'd witnessed from Sombra something remarkable. A sincere apology.

“So why did those wings stick around?” he asked at last.

Celestia shook her head “its not certain, but my theory is this: Sombra was living in his disguised form for so long, even when the transformation accelerated and the creator crystal showed him what he was, it was ingrained in his mind this was how he APPEARED. The release of the final form did finally set things on the new path, but the cover spell had been a part of him for so long he couldn’t imagine living without it.”

Discord nodded, he and Celestia had spent ages looking into it, re-reading Scorpan's notes.

“He was able to recover that information from his memory when we woke him from slumber, but the wings were an anomaly,” Discord explained “the cover “spell”, putting it simply, didn’t have any method to transform the wings into feathered ones, so they mimicked the full crystal appearance. That’s our theory anyway.”

“Did he not realise this?” Cadance asked.

“He seems to be lacking a lot of detailed knowledge about his own kind, I think everything he endured tore most of his memories to shreds. What little he did recall mostly related to his own change. If the knowledge is there...” the Draconequus waved a hand in the air.

“It's been buried beneath the trauma.” Cadance finished.

“Well, poop...” Shining Armor finished.

As Discord opened his mouth to add that Sombra would probably remember it eventually, there was a knock at the door. A mare with a saddlebag full of cleaning materials stuck her head round the door.

“I’m ever so sorry to interrupt your highnesses, but I found something strange under a chair while I was cleaning. Its a bit singed at the edges, but I think it's a spell.” she trotted forward and gave the paper to Celestia.

“Thank you,” Celestia smiled kindly and the mare nodded and trotted out. They all crowed round it, examining it.

“This is advanced stuff,” Cadance remarked, eyebrows raised “just what level of magic IS Sombra?”

“Honestly? Exempt from classification is my guess!” Discord mused.

“He is quite high level by normal standards.” Celestia added.

“If this is the spell he used, it should have worked...” Cadance shook her head “from what I can see, its perfect. so why did it backfire and attack him?”

“That’s what HE was wondering!” Discord shook his head “he said it should've worked, but instead it came undone.”

“Honestly, I dont think he CAN get rid of them, they're clearly an indicator of this "Infinitum" status." Celestia said with a sigh "The doctor says it will be a few days even with healing magic, before he’s able to fly again. Until then he'll have to keep them bandaged.”

“Why was he so determined to be rid of them?” Shining Armor asked Discord. The Draconequus sighed, he actually looked upset, the trio thought.

“I don’t know for sure, but I thinks its all down to perception. His AND those who've seen them.”

“How do you mean?” Cadance asked.

Discord explained what Sombra had told him, that the general perception was that the Alicorn's were the most beloved of Equestria. That a monster should bear such a thing naturally upset them. They knew what history had told them. Then he added what the two guards had said, bluntly saying they refused to even acknowledge the idea, and how Sombra had seemed oddly unfazed, yet also saddened.

“It's misguided, but I think he was trying to avoid a public relations storm.” Celestia said at last “the first thing he said on being brought to see me was “they can't be here, I know that much.”"

“So you think they’re permanent?” Cadance asked.

“It seems that way. The Umbrum prophecy is vague, I think he'd need help from his own kind to find out. Speaking of which...”

“What do we do?” Cadance said. “He s not going to like it, but after what’s been going on in our absence, we need him to come to the empire.”

“What's this?” Discord asked.

“Things appear to be accelerating, I don’t thinks Sombra's task is done yet. Breaking madness and finally unleashing the Infinitum form is just the start...” Celestia raised an eyebrow.

“Oh...” Discord winced as he realised what this might entail “he's not going to be happy.”

“Which is why I think its best we talk to him asap.” Cadance said “he has to know.”

Shining Armor nodded.


Later that evening, Discord went to speak with Sombra.

“How's the damage?” he asked.

“Painful..” Sombra sighed. He looked as dejected as he had earlier, tired eyes staring at the bedspread under his hooves.

“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Cadance and Shining Armor want to see you tomorrow.”

Sombra went pale and struggled to sit up. He looked about to be sick.

“They’re not here to arrest you, seriously! There’s some questions they need to ask you.” Discord motioned him to calm down.

Sombra nodded, heart sinking uneasily.

He just had to get through it…


He slept poorly that night, swamped by his own fears. Discord noticed this as he accompanied Sombra down to the throne room.

“Sure you can handle this? You look about to pass out.” the Draconequus asked.

“It has to be done.” Sombra said dully.

When they got there, besides Cadance and Shining Armor, there was also the Doctor.

“I apologise for delaying things, but I need to check the bandages...”

Sombra sat silently through the check-up, using a mere smudge of magic to hold the fluffy-lined cloak out of the way.

“Once you’re done here, come by medical, I’ll change them anyway.” the Doctor said at last “seems as though they’re healing nicely, however.”

A muted nod from Sombra.

The Doctor left and Sombra hurriedly tucked the cloak back over the wings, as if he couldn’t stand to look at them personally.

Cadance seen Discord frown at this, as if he was worried by the way Sombra refused to accept this could be permanent.

Going by the lacklustre sheen of his coat, and the bags under his eyes, she also surmised Sombra wasn't sleeping. Whether this was self-inflicted or he was still suffering from nightmares, she wasn't sure.

Struggling to pay attention, Sombra noticed a red object beside Shining Armor.

“They found this in room where that spell of yours backfired.” Shining Armor broke the silence. Sombra blinked, confusion reigning for a second, then he seemed to absorb all this and managed a vague nod. Discord must have told them the whole story.

“Discord said it has some relevance to your beginning.” Shining Armor had never seen such a drastic change. His previous contact with Sombra had been brief but disastrous. He'd been a spirit of fury and vengeance. Now, by all accounts, he was actually quite intelligent and logical. He recalled the memories Discord had shown them yesterday, and could see why Sombra was uneasy.

Prior to his rescue, most of his memories were either madness or torment.

A nod from Sombra in response to this second observation.

“Oh dear, its happened again has it?” Discord asked Sombra. The pony blinked at him, realising the Draconequus thought he’d lost his voice again and yelled at his brain to get into gear.

“She was the last.” the first words he'd spoken since the meeting began, thier tone a deep gravelly rumble.

“She?” Cadance picked up the crystal and studied it.

“Her voice was female, I remember that much. To create one of our kind took most of her power, so she lay dormant until I encountered her again.”

“You think she's still alive or aware?” Shining Armor studied the pony as a confused expression settled on Sombra's face.

“I don’t know. Even communicating with me a second time was too much. Probably why she couldn't control me when the full abilities woke up. No doubt her plan was to gradually show me what was needed, but she wound up unleashing them all. Combine that with a childish mentality and you have a disaster.”

He literally face-hoofed, shoulders slumping in sheer exhaustion. What he said next was spoken with such a blunt honesty and edged with such defeat that it startled everypony, even Discord, who'd gotten used to Sombra's trauma-induced melancholy. Sombra used this self-destructive manner of thinking to shield himself from getting too hopeful. He was very guarded, almost dangerously so. So secluded by his fears he couldnt see the damage it was doing to him...

“All the destruction...I never should have been created.”

“Beg pardon?!” Discord sputtered indignantly, zooming up to him and snagging the hoof pressed to Sombra's head and lifting it aside so he could see Sombra's exhausted red eyes. Seen that familiar look in them, how close he was to falling.

"Thats enough!" He practically scolded him. Sombra fell silent, blinking.

Discord continued “Yes, I’ll admit you went SPECTACULARLY mad, silly Sombra, but from what you've told Celestia, it wasn’t on purpose. I cant imagine, if I got a huge jolt of chaos magic to the brain when I was little, that id have retained all my marbles. It was unfortunate the next time you met her was after one of the worst days of your young life. You thought you'd been abandoned by the one pony that'd been a REAL parent to you in that time. I wouldn't blame you for being angry.”

Sombra couldn't say anything, but he was torn between believing his friend and following his own belief that a monster like him wasn’t deserving of forgiveness.

Discord could see all this written on Sombra's face, he could read him like a book...

“All you had to hoof was an order to revive the Umbrum. That, plus a wibbly-wobbly mental state, and a few wires got crossed up here,” he tapped Sombra's head “clearly the damage wasn’t permanent, you’re sound as a bell now by all accounts! Buck up, hm?” an idle scratch behind Sombra's right ear made the stallion's guilt-ridden expression soften a little.

This surprised Shining Armor. Both the emotional range Sombra was displaying, but also the way he seemed to have forged a connection with the former chaos villain. Discord seemed to have a definite loyalty to the lost and bemused Umbrum. He alone seemed capable of guiding Sombra out of the pitfalls he kept stumbling blindly into, pits dug by his nightmares and what he'd endured. Offering him something unmoving he could rely on.

When he seen Sombra relax after Discord scratched behind his ear, he snuck a hoof towards Cadance's ear….

Cadance jumped, but smiled when her husband gave her a goofy grin.

“Later..” she mouthed with a smile.

“All good?” Discord queried. Sombra took a deep breath and managed a nod. He felt back on solid ground once more, and was swamped by a surge of relief. He had to fight it....

This gave the other two clearance to approach.

“We found a book..” Shining Armor and Cadance approached Sombra. Discord settled close by, as if he was guarding his friend.

“Its in an unknown language, nopony was able to translate it….” Cadance explained as Sombra took the book from Shining Armor. He flicked through the pages, and Discord seen a faint spark behind the mask.

“Its that language again...” he said softly. Seeing so much of it, he recognised it, UNDERSTOOD IT

A sharp stabbing pain in his head had him dropping the book and huddling over as what felt like a severe storm of needles attacked his brain. Flashes of memory flooded in, and he was dimly aware of something clicking into place. Many things, words and phrases that felt as natural to him as regular speech. There was so much of it...

“What's wrong Sombra?” Discord frowned “I’ll get the doctor-”

NO, there's...no need..” Sombra said shakily, opening his eyes at last. He focused on the book once more. Picking it up, he took a deep breath before saying “it makes sense now...”

“You can understand it?” Shining Armor asked, impressed.

“No doubt the knowledge from the awakening included the native language. Lost until now.” Sombra's voice sounded more sure, even curious. He sped through the books pages.

“Most of this is just confirming what I can remember, the red crystal, the takeover..but this bit..” he set the book down, indicating multiple pages written in hurried, messy writing.

“You have terrible writing.” Discord squinted at the mess.

“I think it was a stray memory burst, seems as if I was trying to get it all down before it faded. Or became corrupted.” he looked pale again.

“Maybe we SHOULD call the doctor-?” Cadance began, but Sombra shook his head.

“The memories are uncomfortable when they re-assert themselves. It will abate shortly.”

“What?” Shining Armor had gotten slightly lost in Sombra's formal speech.

“They give him a headache, but it clears off in short order.” Discord translated smugly. Shining Armor stuck his tongue out at him.

“Maturity in motion..” Cadance sighed. She heard a barely audible snigger and glanced quickly at Sombra, seeing he was suppressing a chuckle. It seemed Discord was also able to make him laugh, or even relax at all!

--Talk about your typical odd couple. They seem like the last two that would befriend one another. But perhaps they share similarities in thier past actions?--

“What does it say?” Discord asked. Sombra frowned, and murmured “I have an idea..”

He set the book down and closed his eyes…

A hologram sprung up between him and the two royals. It showed a flat 2D plane, with the wastes to one end, and the empire the other.

“The Umbrum lived deep within the wastes, but being so isolated, they began to dwindle in number, supplies becoming so scarce they bordered on starvation..” pony shaped shadows appeared in the wastes “so they banded together to search for a solution. En mass they took to the skies, and soon came upon the empire. But the empire must’ve known they were coming...”

A bright blue flash swept out from the empire, and the shadow ponies faces contorted in sheer pain.

“The empire unleashed that light, which caused them such agony. They were under attack, so they disregarded any hope for a peaceful new home, and launched at attack on the palace. But the blue light, coming from a heart shaped jewel, was used to imprison them, deep beneath the castle. Only one escaped..”

It showed a reddish coloured shadow escaping to the wastes, where she curled up and turned into a crystal.

“And she bided her time, waiting until the long-lost prophecy, their last hope, could be created. The infinite shadow...”

The scene faded, and Sombra shut off his magic.

“Well….whoops?” Shining Armor hazarded a second later.

“They set the heart off even though the Umbrum weren’t close enough to considered a threat?” Discord frown “that’s odd. The empire's never struck me as being THAT paranoid.”

“Does it say anything else?” Cadance asked Sombra. He flipped to the next page, where the writing had degenerated into random words.

“Just a few scattered words. “Colourful light” “streamers” “flags at every corner.”” he realised a second later-

“That’s the faire...” Cadance met his eyes, seeing the exact same conclusion there “the heart is powered up and unleashed to mark the start of the party. The empires flag is flown at every shop. I followed the same rules that were in the empire's books when I took over.”

“They thought it was an attack because it hurt so much.” Sombra got up and summoned a bigger version of the same memory-scape, showing the empire, Umbrum and a tiny crystal heart.

“It caused them to frenzy, probably caused a significant amount of damage.”

Sombra shivered as he recalled his own destruction at its power.

The little heart pulsed and met the approaching Umbrum head on. They grew angry, and swarmed towards the empire. The heart shone again and the Umbrum became crystal in a basement room, sealed behind powerful wards.

“Unbelievable!” Discord floated next to Sombra, who looked as stunned by this as everypony else was.

“It was...”

“A misunderstanding...” Shining Armor finished.

“They didn’t know the empire had such a power, and the empire didn’t know they were coming there for help.” Sombra sat down with a bump. “neither was aware of the other...”

“That’s why the heart didnt have the same effect on YOU,” Discord poked Sombra's head, getting the pony’s attention “'Tia said it caused immense pain when you were close to it, that you were in bed for days. Perhaps after the rest of your kind endured its power during that attack, you inherited a minor immunity? Explains why the worst these displays did in the past was cause agonizing pain, rather than madn-oops.” An apologetic tweak of the ears "Me and my big mouth!"

He zipped it literally, hoping for a chuckle.

“It matters not.” Sombra said dryly “it was what it was.”

He sighed softly a second later though, “one thing concerns me, however...”

“What’s that?” Shining Armor asked.

“If the heart was capable of accelerating insanity and causing that much pain to my kind, to ME, how do I know they’re not STILL in that state, just sleeping?”

“You don’t know that, maybe their time in sleep has changed things?” Discord removed the zip and tried to be cheerful, but Sombra didn’t look like he believed it.

“Maybe I should let them sleep...” he murmured.

Another ear tweak. But no smile this time. Discord felt bad for him, and hoped he hadn’t just given up on saving his race.

“I’m afraid it may be too late...” Shining Armor got Sombra's attention “when we came back, we had reports from the staff that they’ve been seeing ghosts. Shadowy ghosts.”

Sombra looked stunned “shadows..?”

“Yes. It started right from the day you defeated Scorpan. The day Celestia tells us the Infinitum form was awakened. I think the prophecy is going ahead.” Cadance took a deep breath and posed the most important question “and we need you to help. If they’re waiting for you, we need to go back to the empire as soon as possible.”

“Go, back…?” Sombra looked a bit nauseous at the idea.

Cadance nodded.

Sombra reverted back to his “cant string more then a few words together” mode, and pretty much nodded his way through the arrangement to leave asap.

He did manage to request, if possible, it be under cover of darkness. He didn’t want a riot starting.

Cadance made to point out that the empire already KNEW. She and Shining Armor had already told them. Yes there'd been freak outs, but upon being told Sombra had saved their precious Prince and Princess AND asked they convey his apology to them, the citizens had been stunned. Cadance and Shining Armor had followed this up by telling the citizens what they’d learnt about Sombra's past.

But Discord caught her eye and mouthed “best not”. Sombra was still struggling with a lot of things.


But he decided to accompany Sombra to the empire. He figured the troubled stallion could use a friend.

Sadly, the rest of the girls couldn't join them straight away, but they promised they be there asap!


The bandages around Sombra's wings were changed one last time before they left the next day, but the Doctor said they were healed near completion. Whatever strange magic Sombra possessed, it seemed to be there to look after him, as he hadn’t seen an enhanced case of healing like this in years.

Needless to say, Sombra was on edge as they prepared to depart. Shining Armor and Cadance travelled in one train coach, Sombra and Discord in another.

Discord could see Sombra's exhaustion written all over the pony’s face.

“When did you sleep properly last?” he queried. Sombra blinked, fuzzily focusing on him before struggling to answer.

“I uh...a couple days?” he hedged.

“That wasn’t even a complete sentence. You’re exhausted.”

Sombra nodded, eyes half-closed, nodding off even as Discord spoke. He leaned across and tapped Sombra's nose.

“Sleep a while, I'll wake you once we get there...”

And thus Sombra passed the trip curled up atop the train seating.


He looked so peaceful, a rare thing for one as strung out as Sombra was, that Discord hated having to wake him.

Sombra stared blearily at him, before he realised.

“We're here...” he said, his stomach churning.

Discord tweaked his ear, saying nothing. What could he say? Sombra was afraid of what’d happen once the empire realised he was here again, wasn't he?


A squad of guards met them, they'd been briefed on Sombra's arrival, and thus didn’t bat an eyelid. Sombra barely noticed them, something was calling on the edge of his awareness. He tried to ignore it, until ti became too great, and he came to a halt abruptly, peering off into the snow.

“Sombra?” Cadance asked “something wrong?”

Discord poked him, no response. Tweaked his ear. Nada.

Then Sombra was suddenly off and running, gaze set dead ahead.

“After him!” the guards bellowed. Discord realised they thought Sombra was trying to do a runner, but HE didn’t think so...

He sped ahead of them, keeping pace with Sombra, then he spotted it. A faded red crystal.

Sombra came to a halt, snapping back to himself.

HALT!” One guard shouted.

“Oh shut up!” Discord snapped “this is what he was after, not a quick escape...”

“Is that?” Shining Armor panted, as he and Cadance caught up.

“It's the same stone he recreated from his memory..” Cadance whispered “it IS still here...”

“I don’t think it has anything left...” Shining Armor wondered. Sombra seemed to have reached the same worried conclusion. He sat down in front of the crystal, and shook his head subtly.

“Dang it..” he snarled. He let a hoof come to rest upon it, closing his eyes in regret…

The others seen a faint spark run down Sombra's hoof, some of the stones colour coming back.

Sombra opened his eyes, and when he seen the change, he gave it a little of his power, hoping against hope-

The guards tensed, seeing Sombra using his magic, but Shining shook his head. Somehow he knew this wasnt dangerous to them.

At last its colour was as vibrant as the statue Sombra had created of it.

“Is it alive?” Discord asked.

“I think-” Sombra said, throat dry.

It let out a burst of red light, and then there stood a semi-transparent pony before them. Like Sombra's crystal form, she was made entirely of Umbrum crystal. She took in the stallion staring in shock at her, and she smiled.

Sombra got a shock as she suddenly threw her forelegs around him, embracing him warmly.

“You’re alive!” she whispered “I’d almost given up hope...”

“Its been a thousand years...” Sombra said softly “you’ve been waiting all this time?”

“My power was almost gone, but now you’re here. There is hope for us yet...”

She let him go and stepped back, teary eyed “its so good to see you again child, even if you’ve long outgrown my guidance.”

“What IS she?” one guard said to another.

“An Umbrum,” Shining Armor said “the only one to escape a long time ago..”

Like any concerned mother, she took in her exhausted child’s appearance.

“You’ve grown now, Infinitum...”

Sombra winced as she spoke that word. She moved the cloak aside and frowned when she seen the bandaged wings.

“What did this?” she asked.

“It was my own fault,” Sombra said dully “I...I tried to get rid of them.”

“Oh child, why?” she asked softly, seeing he looked so downcast “this is what you were destined for. Now we can all be together, all of your kind. They need you to guide them.”

“I’ve made too many mistakes,” Sombra whispered, looking at this version of his...well, she was technically his mother, “I’m no guide to them.”

“I know what happened child, I picked up on the magic of the Princesses as they returned home. With it came memory of what had transpired. It is the last memory I have. I'm so sorry...”

“Why do YOU apologise? I'm the one who destroyed any chance the Umbrum had. I'm so sorry...”

“No, it is not all yours to bear! I tried to teach you too much too soon, I should have seen how upset you were. Your whole world had come crashing down, it was more than a young mind could handle, and things spun out of control.”

“What….what do I do now?” Sombra asked.

“Keep going. They're waiting for you. You must quell their anger. I sense you have a way to appease the fury of the past, what happened to us.” she sounded sad and angry, and spared a brief glance at the others before focusing back on Sombra.

“It wasn't an attack,” Sombra told her “piecing together the memory you gave me, plus what the Princess knows of the empire now, I realise what happened. The blast that caused such anguish wasn’t an attack, it was the crystal heart. The faire...”

He gave her a brief explanation of what he'd learnt, how the blast that'd sent them into a berserker rage had been released not in attack, but in celebration.

“I see...” the mother crystal had tears in her eyes “we were wrong? But it hurt us so much...”

“It still does. Its not as bad as what you suffered, but the heart still hurt me. When I returned to the empire as my adult form, I took the heart hostage. But being so close to it, with my mind already fraying at the edges, it undid what little sanity I had left. I lost my mind, turned into a monster. And to this day I remain.”

She placed a hoof on his cheek, her kind eyes peering into her child’s “promise me you will stop punishing yourself child. I placed too much upon you, you were the last hope. I could not create another, so all hope was pinned on you. Nopony should have to bear such a weight, I am partly to blame for what happened. I could not give you all the support you should have had...”

Sombra's vision blurred and he shut his eyes “I don’t remember the prophecy, mother...” he said softly “my memory, it's...fractured...”

“The Umbrum will awaken from darkness, lead by their King. He will be their guide, ushering in a new age for those born in shadow..”

Sombra's heart sank “...King?”

She nodded, “the infinite shadow King...” she nodded to the wings “those are the mark of who you are. Long ago the first Umbrum rulers bore wings, so the legends say. And those same legends forsaw one would rise again when we needed him most. And here you are-”

NO!” Sombra gasped, shaking his head “don’t you see it? I'm no ruler to the Umbrum...”

“Yet.” she said softly. Sombra blinked, a sense of deja vu hitting him.

“Told you.” Discord said smugly, but not unkindly. Sombra glanced from his mother to the Draconequus.

“B-but...” he stammered.

“It's all there,” his mother smiled lovingly at her lost and confused son “all that’s needed to save them is in you, no matter what you might think of yourself, I know you can get it right my child...”

“I've been trying to tell him that, but he's a bit stubborn.” Discord stage-whispered to the mother crystal.

She smiled warmly, sensing this odd creature was her long lost sons friend.

“Go on child, go with your friends, I will be here.”

“Can't we take your back with us?” Discord asked.

“I can be fully awoken, but only once the others are free. Once their safety is assured, I can relinquish my duty as guardian of their memories..”

Sombra looked unhappy at this, so she nudged his cheek affectionately.

“Its alright,” she whispered “you'll make us proud, I know you will. Just have faith in yourself.”

She hugged him one last time, and for the first time Sombra returned the gesture. Despite being made of crystal, she felt solid and warm and he felt a pang of loss at the childish self he'd so callously discarded. Then she vanished back into the red crystal.

“You gave her enough power,” Discord said, seeing Sombra looking unsure “she will be alright until you come back.”

At last Sombra reluctantly turned away from the red crystal, tucking his soft fur-lined cloak around his body once more.

During all this, Cadance, Shining Armor and the guards had been watching this, seeing their crystal greet Sombra so kindly, seen her worry as she seen the haunted look in his eyes.

Sombra remained lost in thought as they reached the outskirts of the empire, where carriages waited to drive them to the palace.


“It feels so strange...” Sombra murmured as they drove through the empire's streets.

“How so?” Discord asked.

“Seeing another like me,” Sombra smiled sadly “she's just as I remember her. My...mother.”

“She was happy to see you, as any mother would be,” Discord said “but she was right, you DO need to have more faith.”

“How can I-” Sombra cut off as the guards announced they were here. His stomach churned and he gave an uneasy sigh. Pulling the hood of his cloak up so his face was hidden at least, he stepped out of the carriage, keeping his gaze trained on the floor. Discord drifted alongside him, and he found his friends presence reassuring.


The staff greeted the Prince and Princess, but secretly they all snuck glances at the cloaked Sombra, who gazed studiously at a point in the distance. Something felt odd, like it was edging into his thoughts, calling to him. He gave a little shiver which went largely unnoticed. Those that did see it just assumed it was from the cold of the trip there.

“This way.” Cadance said to Sombra, showing him where the room he was to be staying in was located.

Sombra set the saddlebags he'd been given by the door. Twilight Sparkle had presented them to him, saying he should open them once he was at the empire. She and the girls had prepared some things for him…

Cadance was about to ask Sombra if he would prefer to have dinner in his room, if he didn’t feel comfortable joining the others when;

YEEEEKK!” a terrified scream echoed from somewhere below. Sombra twitched, the odd feeling was growing stronger.

“What was THAT?” Discord asked. They all ran out into the hall, where a petrified servant was running towards them.

“What happened?” Cadance asked. She could hear more screams now she focused on the sound…

“The ghosts your highness!” the petrified mare cried “they’re real! There's so many-!” she swooned dead away.

“Whoops..” Discord said, as Cadance called two of the guards to take care of her.

He glanced at Sombra, seeing the pony was tense, ears perked up, listening to something…

Cadance was heading in the direction of the screams. Sombra raced after her, the urge to locate this OFF feeling unstoppable now.


As they approached, more terrified ponies babbled about ghosts. The trio charged in. Shining Armor was already there along with the guard, trying in vain to fight off-

Sombra came to a halt, seeing what appeared to be a tornado of shadowy bodies swirling above the rooms occupants. Every so often one broke away to dive at the guards before zooming back to its fellows.

Sombra seen the guard scatter at this latest attack, and on seeing another breaking away to target a stray unicorn guard he ran forward, throwing a shield up behind him as he came to a halt in front of the tornado of fury. Sealing himslef in with them.

The shadowy missile hit the shield, and snarled, its vaguely equine shape restoring as it whirled on the one who'd stepped in.

Sombra yelped and threw himself aside as the shadow dive bombed HIM next.

“Stop!” he cried uselessly “why are you so angry?”

But the only answer he got was a screech of fury, and this time the next attack hit him, driving him to the carpet. Shaking his head, ears ringing, he got up again. They couldn’t understand him, why? Weren't they his kind?

He recalled his mothers words, and realised there may be a reason why they attacked him too..

--This “temporary” form is muffling my magical signature, they think I’m just another pony. Their fury is too great to sense I’m one of them. I have only one choice!--

His heart sank, but he knew he had to do it.

As he looked up, he seen another two diving for him, all fury and shadow. He shut his eyes, hoping this was the right thing-


Those safe outside of Sombra's shield stared as Sombra closed his eyes, seeming unafraid of the incoming attack. He removed the cloak and tossed it aside. His entire body glowed brightly-

With the sound of tearing fabric, the bandages were torn to shreds and Sombra's wings unfolded to their full size. The transformation came to an end, once more he resembled the crystal form shining and Cadance had seen that day, fighting Scorpan. But he wasn’t done, a wave of light pulsed from the core of the Umbrum's body, casting fractal reflections over the entire room as it washed over the raging shadows. For a moment everything grew blinding, then silence fell.

When the light cleared, the spectator ponies jaws dropped. Some were astonished at the sight of the crystal Alicorn, others at the change in the once furious shadows.

They looked like ghostly pony's still, but their forms were more defined, and their expressions were of curiosity and happiness instead of anger.

“Please!” Sombra stepped forward, his voice echoing in the room “listen to me!"

The swarm of Umbrum's looked down, seeing this shimmering pony looking up at them. Their eyes took in the wings and horn, the sense of power he exuded, and they cried out in joy. Some flew down to examine him closer, others just hugged each other in delight.

Whispers like wildfire raced around, those outside the shield could pick out a word or two.

“It's HIM..”

“Infinitum, he's real..”

“Our guide...”

Sombra stayed perfectly still as the less shy ones flew round, examining his wings, horn and face. Some cried, transparent tears gathering in their eyes as they realised this was the prophecy they’d been dreaming about.

“What’s going on?” one of the lead guards managed to talk at last, staring at the Prince and Princess in shock “just what is that lunatic?”

“Its a long story, solider,” Shining said curtly “one you and the others WILL be given once this is over. What you are witnessing is a very old prophecy finally coming to light...”

“Are you here to save us?” one that seemed to have been designated the leader floated up to Sombra, her eyes curious.

Sombra nodded, suddenly unsure what to say.

“Save us?” one of the more flighty ones glanced around “where are we-?”

When they spotted the crystal ponies, many became anxious and some angry. They tried to push against Sombra's shield.

STOP!” Sombra said sharply, and at the sound of his voice they all paused, turning their attention back to him.

“But they are the reason we became trapped!” one cried.

More voices broke out, as their recollection of the past returned.

“They imprisoned us!”

“All we wanted was help, we were so hungry!”

“That burning light-” many began to cry in anguish as they recalled it. More hammered at the shield, wanting vengeance of some kind, any kind!

“Can he handle them?” Shining Armor murmured.

“It's in his blood,” Discord said, munching from a box of popcorn as he spoke “that silly Sombra will find a way!”

Unsure what else to do, Cadance snagged a few kernels and munched anxiously on them.

Sombra closed his eyes, summoning the same image he'd shown Cadance and Shining Armor.

“Let me tell you the real story...” he spoke calmly, and the unhappy Umbrum seemed soothed by his presence. Those clamouring for payback turned from the shield at their Infinitum's voice.

Sombra told the tale as he understood it. How the light that’d hurt so hadn’t been a deliberate attack. That the crystal hearts power was one of immense strength, and was unleashed at the faire by the kingdoms ruler.

“The shards of memory the red crystal granted me showed what I believe were festival decorations. To celebrate the empire's happiness, they power up the heart and let its power loose to cover the empire and all around.”

“The pain...” one sobbed.

“Our kind cannot handle its magic,” Sombra raised a hoof to brush away the tears “it is far too strong for us to tolerate. When it hit you, the pain was so great, anger took over and a brief war was raged. Ultimately you were sealed away. They were defending their home...”

“We just wanted help...” another cried. Sombra turned to that one and nudged the sobbing ponies muzzle with his own, an affectionate gesture learned from his mother.

“It was an honest mistake,” he said gently “I believe this is the truth. After everything was over, only one was spared. She left the empire to put her faith and power into a prophecy that would save all of you.”

“Umbrum Ad Infinitum.” the whisper raced around the group of shadows.

“Have you come to free us?” they asked, hopeful eyes fixed on Sombra “are you the one the story speaks of, our King?”

Sombra felt a punch to the gut at those words. For a moment he froze, but after a moments battle, he smiled. The closer shadows were surprised however, to see tears in this pony's eyes.

“No, I’m not. I'm just a guide. It is YOUR choice who you choose to lead you. You will find one deserving of your dedication. All this will come in time...”

Some shared confused glances, wasn’t the Infinitum supposed to be their King? Why was their saviour crying even as he smiled so warmly?

Sombra closed his eyes, forcing the desire to let the floodgates open to fade. He opened his eyes, still managing to smile. He knew he wasn't deserving of being their ruler, but he would find them one who WAS. But, why did he feel so broken after saying so? Wasn't it for the best that he never govern any kingdom again?

“There is much to do, there is not yet a safe haven for all of you. But one will be found, I promise.” he looked at the shadow ponies clustered around him, feeling so at home with these shadows, those like him.

“But...are they going to seal us again?” one asked, looking at Cadance and the others. Cadance decided to speak.

“We aren’t going to hurt you,” she said gently “Sombra showed us what happened. The old writings told us of the horrible misunderstanding.”

She pressed a hoof to her chest and bowed her head “my name is Princess Cadance, this is my husband, Prince Shining Armor.”

“They’re the ones that saved the empire after the bad times.” Sombra felt another wave of nausea, recalling the mistakes he'd made. It felt as if keeping the wide crystal wings raised was hurting. But the Umbrum seemed to be comforted by them. He could feel one of the ghosts, a small one, was sat on his back. Probably a child…

“We aren’t going to hurt you.” Shining Armor said gently “you deserve a second chance, after your first was mistakenly denied you.”

“It will take time, but I promise you wont be forgotten,” Sombra promised the spirits “how many of you are there?”

“Many hundreds,” the lead Umbrum looked at Sombra as she spoke “we are the strongest, we were able to pull free from the crystal confinement, but we cannot create a solid body like yours...”

“You will soon, and then you'll be able to see the world how it really is.” Sombra smiled.

“Have you seen it?” the little one atop his back asked, Sombra nodded, and they clamoured to know. So he showed them the memories of Canterlot, the beautiful skyline, the pegasi steering clouds. Flashbacks to the funny memories of the 6 young mares throwing that party for him. And of Discord's pranks on the guards.

The little one giggled and clapped her hooves at these.

“Where is everypony else?” Sombra asked. They pointed to an opening in the wall. Sombra followed rough-hewn crystal stairs down below, into a big cavern. The room was full wall to wall with crystals.

As if sensing the Infinitum's presence, the crystals began to glow softly.

“They know you’re here for them..” the same Umbrum mare smiled at Sombra “they’ve been waiting so long, but now they have hope again.”

“I will find you all a home,” Sombra looked at the crowd of Umbrum floating around him “but I don’t know how long it will take. There is much to build, to create, I want it to be perfect. But I beg your forgiveness in that I must ask you to wait a little longer?”

The Umbrum lead smiled kindly and surprised Sombra by hugging him. Despite being spirits, he could feel them just subtly, their faint touch. The little one snuggled up on his back, the way they angled and examined the wings.

“We have waited thus far in solitude, now we know you are here, we can wait a little longer. You've given us hope, that is worth all the time in the world.”

“I will give you a promise.” Sombra closed his eyes, and summoned a silver chain bearing a red crystal, this he gave to the lead who'd been speaking to him thus far. Soon as it touched her it become as insubstantial as her body, so she could wear it.

“This is a magic I learnt from Princess Celestia. Its a promise, one that will not be forgotten, that spell will see to it.”

Murmurs of curiosity swept over the gathered Umbrum.

“Thank you.” she said softly.

“What is your name?” Sombra asked.

“Excel.” she smiled “It means “to strive” in our language.”

“It's beautiful,” Sombra said softly “I’d like to learn all of your names once your home is ready.”

Excel nodded, they all looked so happy. They had their guide, their saviour. And most wonderful of all they had hope, a PROMISE.

“I will return shortly, and hopefully I’ll have some answers...” Sombra told them “until then, I have two tasks for you.” He closed his eyes again, gathering the memory of what’d happened to him and the empire. All of it, both the re-awakening and the pain of his past actions, and he compressed it into a little ball that he handed to Excel.

He also added in the memory of the book he'd written, where he'd spilled the whole truth as he'd been given it by his mothers memory.

“Watch this, in its entirety, and you will understand. And I hope you will forgive me. Second, from amongst yourselves I need you to choose the one you wish to be your ruler. Its only right you make this decision, it is yours by right.”

Excel nodded, but wondered what was making their beloved Infinitum look so sorrowful?

“As is your wish, infinitum,” she vowed “we will gather in slumber and do as you wish. Please, come to see us soon...”

“I promise.”

“Just one question Infinitum. What is your name?”

“It's Sombra.” the Alicorn said with a sad smile. He missed the wide-eyed glances that raced around the gathering, looks of wonder and hope.

“'Sombra',” Excel smiled “do you know what it means?”

Sombra shook his head.

“It means “wise shadow”, it's fitting for our Infinitum.”

Sombra smiled, but couldn’t help think of the irony.

At last he had to bid hem goodnight. Some were crying in joy as they swept back into the crystals lining the wall, they glanced back at him and the little one waved.

Once they were calm, and Sombra detected they could no longer sense him, he let himself finally collapse to the cold stone floor. Waves of dizziness, guilt and worry hit him like a tidal wave. He found it impossible to move, fighting to keep his emotions suppressed was fight enough.


But after a few minutes he managed to get to his hooves and stagger back up the steps where the others were clustered around the doorway.

“Are they alright?” Cadance asked, concerned by the conflict beneath Sombra's mask.

He nodded, relief taking over briefly “yes, they are content to wait for their chance to become reality. I want to find them somewhere to live.”

“We'll get right on it, there’s plenty of land that lies unclaimed, I’m sure Celestia will give you whatever help you need.” Shining Armor said.

“They’re not angry…?” Cadance asked “I will admit it startled me at first.”

“It was a long held grudge, but they have chosen to trust what I have told them. I have given them the information they are owed, about the past, and about me.”

Discord seen the look in his eyes at those words. He made to question Sombra, but the pony staggered on his hooves, he looked ready to pass out.

“I need to lie down.” he mumbled thickly.


They accompanied him to his room, but only Discord hung around after they left. Thus he was still there when the barricade dropped and Sombra let out a shaken cry from his place curled up on the bed.

“Why did you lie to them?” he asked. Sombra yelped, sitting upright and staring at him in surprise.

“I-I don’t know what you mean-” he stammered, but the way his face flushed made it obvious.

“You’re a crap liar, silly Sombra..” Discord dead-panned. Sombra fell silent, unsure what to say next.

“I told you before...” Sombra said at last, guilt getting the better of him once more “I’m no ruler to them-”

Discord poked his nose, and cut him off once more.

“And I said “YET”, don’t you remember? Even your mother said it, its your destiny to lead them. I get it, you’re scared. You made a mistake in the past, you’re afraid it'll repeat itself.”

He floated back, and summoned a snapshot from his memory, how Sombra had smiled as he comforted the lost and scared Umbrum, the way they so happily embraced him.

“In this one instance I seen, heck, we ALL seen, how much you care for your own people. Your place is at their heart, even they instinctively know it.”

“I..” Sombra rubbed at his face and hiccuped briefly, the worry upsetting his stomach severely “I gave them my memory, of who I am, what I did. I want them to understand, I’m sick of hiding it. I gave them the choice of whom they desired to rule them, they deserve that much.”

“So whatever choice they make, you will accept it?” Discord asked. Sombra frowned.

“Of course, I promised I’d help them.” he said “I’m going to guide them as best I can, until they find their footing...”

“Then no matter what they choose, you'll honor it?” Discord asked again.

“I already told you, that is my exact intention!” Sombra looked confused.

“Just making sure,” the Draconequus said calmly “afterall, you may not expect what they decide.”

“Wha...I..” Sombra shook his head, he was too exhausted to follow Discord's confusing lecture.

“Go to sleep, hm?” Discord suggested, before vanishing from sight. Sombra curled up under the covers, closing his eyes and falling into a mercifully dreamless sleep…

Author's Note:

Coconuts. Sorry for the delay, things have been rough, been sick. :pinkiesick: