• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 6,289 Views, 139 Comments

Umbrum ad Infinitum - Pixel_Spark

When Tirek's brother Scorpan resurrects Sombra to use him against all of Equestria, Twilight and Co must not only retrieve Sombra from his clutches, but find a way to heal the damage that's been done to the former King. Can they save him in time?

  • ...


"Something is wrong," Sombra hissed softly, his body tense "this way."

He led them around some buildings and they crouched behind the same storage shed Sombra had met Fern in. Cautiously, Timber and Sombra poked their heads around the corner, and their stomachs sank.

"Bandits.." Timber whispered. There were carts scattered around the central square, with some guards standing by the fountain. They were mean looking, clad in heavy clothing and goggles. They carried bows and arrows, amongst other weapons. More were stationed around the perimeter of the town hall. Sombra made an educated guess that the citizens were in there.

"What can we do?" Fern whispered. Sombra motioned them to hide back, and the four of them ducked behind the warehouse.

"We have to free them..." Sombra whispered.

"How? We are but four in number, even your magic may not be enough, Mr Sombra." Aeris said.

"Just Sombra, please." The Alicorn said hurriedly "but you're right. If I go charging in there, there's no guarantee ponies will not get hurt. I don't know how many are unicorns."

"Hmm..." Fern blinked, then tugged her mother's saddlebag. Aeris had brought along herbs and powders, together with some hoof made blankets as an offering of friendship to the town. Fern whispered something to her mother, who nodded before looking to the King.

"We have an idea, Fern says it will work. From bravery, we shall not shirk."

“Lets hear it!” Sombra smiled. She nodded, and quickly explained it to him.

"Smoke and mirrors.." he breathed as she finished. It reminded him of something Discord had talked about, involving illusions.

"And a shadow!" Fern put in, as she grinned at him.

Once they had their roles sorted out, they crept into action...


The leader of the raiding party grinned to himself as he surveyed the hostages huddled in the town hall. This place was tiny, a mere road-stop. And it’d been an easy hit, everypony had conveniently been in one spot to make the raiders job easier.

They’d found the towns-ponies in the middle of a town meeting, in a fit of panic over a missing pony. Whomever it was, they got off lucky, he thought darkly. The rest hadn’t had a chance, finding themselves surrounded in seconds.

Any caught attempting to run were met by the guards he’d dispatched to the other exits of the big building. What had surprised him was the presence of a Gargoyle, one with a feisty temper to boot. Said Gargoyle had kicked off initially, but swiftly changed his tune when the innocent ponies he was with were held at spear-point. He was guarding a group of children now, trying to shield them from the scene.


Outside, the guards were getting antsy. When were they going to loot this place?

"What a dump." one sniffed.

"Yeah, don’t think we'll get much here, this place is falling apart already!" to demonstrate his point, the pony speaking kicked the fountain, causing chunks of worn stone to patter to the snow.

"It's those damn storms man, nearly froze my ass off-" his buddy complained.

"We all did, dumbass! This whole area's bucked-"

They broke off when they noticed a mist was creeping across the snow laden ground. Only this mist wasn’t like the normal kind. It was a pale green, pulsing faintly.

"What is THAT?" the first guard asked. The others looked over and broke rank to come stare at the strangely mesmerizing smoke. They didn't see the bigger, darker shadow forming behind them like an ominous storm-cloud.

By this time, Sombra had already snuck around the back and knocked out the ones guarding the back door, then slipped silently back around to the front, all whilst keeping out of sight of the windows.

Now he loomed up behind the guards goggling at the green mist. It was a product of Aeris' herbs, some water, and Fern and Timber's know how about potions. The herbs used had a scent that Aeris said appealed to the senses and would lull them into complacency. Sombra was amazed by her knowledge, he'd never have guessed some simple herbs could do such things!

Now however, he took full advantage, grinning darkly. The ponies, sensing a shadow looming over them, turned as one and were met by a phantom with glowing eyes. They had just enough time to see it was a unicorn, then a bright purple flash stunned them and they blacked out, crumpling to the snow like rag dolls. Not even time to scream...

Sombra nodded to the Zebra family and they nodded back, creeping around the back. They were going to open the rear door and start getting ponies clear in case a fight broke out. Fern carried a smoke bomb just in case they needed to cause a distraction.


Corona did a double take when something tugged his tail. He peered behind him as subtly as he could, and seen a stripy face blinking at him from under a tablecloth.

"This way.." she gestured towards the rear door "we're gonna get you out!"

"We?" Corona mouthed, and then he spotted two more Zebras hiding behind the door.

"There’ll be a distraction in a second..." the small one whispered. He nodded, and began whispering the message, so it was passed along one by one...

The one claiming to be in charge marched in front of them now, seeming impatient. One of his goons had escorted Overwatch upstairs, to "collect" any valuables. Said leader had five others with him, a mix of two pegasi and three unicorns, one being an archer.

He heard two thuds, and seen the gathered ponies eyes go wide. He spun round and his jaw dropped.

An impressive shadow filled the entranceway, grinning down at them. Its body swirled like ink in water, it was a haunting sight...

"O-open fire!" the leader gasped, and all unicorns fired blasts at the strange apparition. But the shadow merely seemed to absorb it, not even flinching. It merely bared its teeth in a grin. The unicorns faltered, confused. Why hadn’t it worked?

"My turn-!" Sombra grinned. A blast of stun magic hit the first pony in the chest, dropping him like a sack of potatoes. The pegasi flew at him, forcing him to duck and weave, separating and reforming to dodge their attacks before striking back hard. An arrow whizzed through him, embedding itself in the far wall. The unicorn archer backed up, panicking now. Magic didn’t damage this thing, arrows were no good...

Sombra charged the bewildered and shocked leader now, who'd remained rooted to the ground as his men were batted about like toys, knocking him out with the same stun magic.

The last remaining unicorn, the archer, seen his boss get taken out and tried to run, but was met by a pissed off Corona. Who promptly decked him with a hefty right hook.

"Nice work, your majesty!" he grinned at the flowing shadow. Sombra nodded.

"Overwatch, he's upstairs-"

Right as the mare called out, the pony that'd been guarding/menacing the frightened Mayor marched out to investigate the noise, dragging his hostage along with him. He stared at the shadow, and at the total wipe-out of his fellows. Without hesitation he pointed the spear he carried at Overwatch's throat. He could still escape if he played this right...

"Not one step.." he growled "or this meeting turns into a funeral!"

Sombra hesitated. He didn't want anypony getting hurt or killed...

"Show yourself..." the pony growled at the shadow. Why did this thing look familiar? "what are you?"

"As you wish." Sombra said levelly. As the Raider watched, the strange shadow coalesced into its normal form, of a stallion with jet black flowing mane and grey coat. No way…

The hostage taker faltered a little as he recognised who this was. The tyrant of the north, Sombra.

Sombra was a big pony, the Raider thought, and an Alicorn now to boot! But he still wouldn't be able to fire fast enough to stun him, before he made good on his threat to the older pony he was using as a shield. He grinned, it was all good. This would be easy...

Overwatch caught Sombra's eye, he was utterly terrified. His only hope for rescue was this menacing shadow King...

"Drop him." Sombra snarled "every one of your brainless followers has been taken care of, you are on your own. I will let you get a head start if you release him." He smirked darkly.

This made the Raider angry "Hey! I’m the one making the demands here, so unless you want blood on your hooves you freak, you'd better back down! Yeah, I recognise you, shadow tyrant!"

Sombra didn't flinch, merely maintaining eye contact with his opponent as he calmly spoke.

"It is of no concern to me how you view me, now or in the past. My concern is these ponies."

"They your latest acquisition? Well then, you'd better play nice hadn't you?" the hostage taker laughed. “I would honestly have to say you could do better then these fools.”

Overwatch studied Sombra to try and take his mind off the fear, whilst simultaneously praying this pony could save him. What Sombra had said hit a chord...

Sombra growled softly at the insult to these honest ponies, but he had an idea. Out of sight of the Raider, he could see Fern crouching beside a potted version of her namesake. "Threatening innocent ponies? Aren't you blowing smoke out your-"

Her eyes lit up and she grinned, slinking forward...

"I SAID SHUT UP!!" the pony screamed, he was getting desperate now. Why wasn’t this big buffoon more worried about the hostage? “I'll take this old fool out and it'll be your crime, you monster!”

Sombra scowled, but kept his temper in check, he just needed a few more seconds.

“You refer to me as the monster, yet if I were,” He snarled, showing those fangs again. He closed his eyes, and when they opened, their luminescent green glow highlighted their stark crimson shade. The translucent purple smoke spoke clearly of his dark magic heritage. When he spoke next, his voice was a deep growl “you'd be begging for a royal guard-”

“Stay where you are!!” his opponent screamed, nearly deafening poor Overwatch. Part of him recoiled in fear, this wasn't any ordinary pony!

He was so busy staring intently at the Alicorn, who stood so calmly at the base of the stairs, that he missed the hint Sombra had dropped a minute ago. He certainly didn't see the tiny Zebra hiding behind Sombra's legs now. She'd crept expertly from pony to pony, using them as cover before reaching Sombra.

However, he did see the smoke bomb as it sailed towards him, but by then it was too late. It hit him in the face, detonating and flooding the landing with grey smog.

"Strike!" Fern cried triumphantly. Even as her cry rang out, Sombra was already teleporting into the smoke. He'd kept his eye on Overwatch the whole time, and the smog didn’t hamper him from locating and grabbing the older pony, hauling him away by the collar of his shirt. He let go, having shoved the pony as far away as he could in a split second. He turned back to face where the robber had been standing, only for something to flash amidst the smoke, and pain bloomed brightly-


Blindly, his eyes stinging from the smog bomb as it flooded his vision, the attacker grabbed for his spear. Cursing, he jabbed at where he thought the pony should be. He felt the spear thud into something meaty and grinned as a cry of pain met his ears. Good, he'd caught one of them!

A bright flash hit him in the face and he was thrown back, unconscious before he hit the floor, the bloodied spear clattering to one side.

Sombra stumbled on his feet as the smoke began to thin. There was a deep wound on his right shoulder. He shivered, the world going hazy…


"Sonny-" Overwatch coughed as he staggered back around to face the pony who'd just hauled him out of a tight spot. The smog made him squint, vision blurry. His ears were ringing but he faintly heard a thunk and a cry of pain, then a flash of magic…

"Hay, you listening-?" Wiping his eyes, he seen Sombra just standing there in the rapidly dwindling smoke, hunching over slightly, and stumbled round to see his face. His words died in his throat as he seen what had caused the unnerving cry. It hadn’t been the attacker...

Sombra was swaying unsteadily on his feet, he'd gone pale as a sheet. Overwatch's eyes travelled down to a gaping wound that was trickling crimson down the pony's chest, soaking into his fur and dripping to the carpet. One hoof was trying pointlessly to staunch it, but it was to no effect. He was clearly in shock...

Overwatch knew he should move, should say SOMETHING, help him-! But he was rooted to the ground in fear, as time seemed to slow to a crawl.

By now the smoke had cleared enough for the ponies gathered below to realise something was wrong. Their cheers faded and were replaced by cries of panic as Sombra collapsed to the floor..

Overwatch stood still as a statue, feeling detached from it all as he watched Corona come darting up the stairs along with Fast Trek and the doctor. His ears rung now with his own terrified heartbeat. This couldn’t be happening…

While the two ponies fussed over his majesty, Corona turned to Overwatch.

"Wake up!" he shouted, shaking the pony sharply.

"What...?" Overwatch said weakly.

"Snap out of it!" Corona barked "Your ponies need your help, go calm them!"

He shoved Overwatch towards the stairs. The order ringing in his ears, Overwatch stumbled drunkenly down the steps, nearly tripping. At the bottom he was met by three Zebras, two adults and one little filly. The female said something, but he was still in shock and could only shake his head numbly. The crowd pressed in around them, asking about the Alicorn?

Glancing back, Overwatch seen the doctor and Trek helping Corona move his majesty into Overwatch's office, where there was a fireplace and they'd have room to work. The door shut behind them and everypony fell silent.

"He’s not-? He's not gonna die is he?" Rockhopper mumbled, shaking "h-he cant-!"

More panicked rumbles swept through the crowd, and Aeris spoke softly to her husband. He nodded and took the bag from her back and went upstairs.

The crystal empire guard, seeing Overwatch wasn’t going to snap out of it any time soon, herded everypony back. He told them to return to their homes, or if they felt safer, stay here. He requested the Deputy’s come with him to round up and TIE up the robbers. They’d need to contact the nearest authority, which in this case would be the Crystal Empire. The building site had no way to hold so many lawbreakers.

Soon, they had them tied up and confined to the storage shed. Two Deputy’s were assigned to stay with them at all times in case of trouble. But it seemed like whatever spell Sombra had used knocked them out pretty thoroughly, they’d be asleep for awhile.


Aeris made some tea and with the help of her daughter and another pony from the village, they moved amongst the shocked ponies, calming them as best they could.

But all the chatter faded when the door upstairs opened and shut and a tired, slightly bloodied Corona flew down to them.

"Is he-?" Overwatch managed to speak, only to flinch nervously as Corona shot him a grim look. Then the Gargoyle turned back to the crowd at large.

"His Majesty has a severe stab wound, he's lost quite a bit of blood. We've got him stable for now, but he needs a hospital. At present, he has a nasty fever and we cannot risk transporting him just yet, we don’t have any covered transport to keep him warm and dry.”

“You can stay here, as long as it takes.” a deputy piped up “until he's better if needs be!”

“Thank you,” Corona smiled tiredly “once he's strong enough, we can work something out.”

The ponies stayed in the town hall for some hours more, mostly too worried and shaken by what'd occurred to leave the comfort of the group. Eventually those with children returned home, but everypony else elected to stay as long as they could.


But Sombra's condition only got worse as the evening wore on. He became feverish and delirious, running a scathingly high temperature. The wound was still bleeding, and the doctor was concerned about infection.

Overwatch eventually went to bed in the spare room in the town hall, but his mind would not stop replaying the horror scene of hearing Sombra being stabbed. There’d been so much blood, what if the King didn’t make it? They were a long way from the Crystal Empire...

He fell asleep at last, frantic dreams keeping him from sleeping too deeply.

But they sent out a clear signal to a certain dream walking Princess...


"Waken, now!" the voice was female, demanding.

Overwatch groaned, sluggishly opening his eyes at last, focusing on a face close to his. Who was disturbing him this late?

Turquoise eyes bored into his, framed by elegant lashes. A jet black crown was perched atop a starry mane.

"Princess Luna-!" he realised who it was and bolted up in bed. "w-what?"

"We heard thy dreams calling to us, where is Sombra?" the moon Princess asked.

"H-he's in my office-" Overwatch scrambled out of bed, hurrying over to the door, Luna right behind him.

He led her along the hall and seen Corona look up from his post, doing a double take.

"Princess Luna?" he bowed politely "what are you doing here?"

"We are here to help Sombra, we know his condition is critical." Luna said bluntly. Corona nodded, opening the door and ushering them in. Luna walked over to Sombra, who was lying on the couch, wrapped in blankets. His breathing was ragged, and his coat damp with sweat. A hoof check on his forehead showed a high fever.

"We brought our best carriage. With it we can transport him to the Empire, post haste! We brought the Canterlot night doctor, he awaits us outside. Sombra will be safe and warm during the journey, we promise."

"Right, let's get him out of here then. I'm going with you-" Corona began, but Luna shook her head, a hoof raised to stop him.

"This place needs thy help, I understood Sombra was here to assist?" she glanced at Overwatch "from your dreams, at least?"

Corona snorted and Luna cast him a brief look, seeing him glaring at Overwatch. But the Gargoyle cleared his throat and nodded in response to the question.

"Whatever plan Sombra hath prepared, can thou continue it in his place?" she asked, and Corona nodded.

"Yes ma'am." he affirmed with a salute.

Satisfied, Luna nodded and returned her attention back to Sombra. She used her magic to create a stretcher and with the Gargoyle's help, she moved him onto it. Just as they were heading towards the door, it opened and a sleepy doctor stared at the scene.

"What in Equestria is going on?" he frowned, then seen Luna “Princess?”

"We are taking Sombra to the Crystal Empire, he needs a hospital. My chariot awaits outside and we will make good time. Once he is stable, we will return with news."

All of this filtered through the doctor's sleepy brain, and he nodded. He hurried to fetch the notes Timber had made on what herbs and medicine Sombra had already been given, and Luna stashed it in her bag. The two ponies and one Gargoyle watched as Luna brought the injured pony into her carriage, bid them farewell and shut the doors. Seconds later and it was gone, off into the sky...

"What do we do now...?" Overwatch sounded lost and Corona sighed, deciding to go easy on him.

"We wait, and we get started on the matter his majesty wished to discuss before you went full ego on him." Corona said calmly. Overwatch sighed, but accepted this.

"First thing in the morning, come see me." he said at last, and Overwatch nodded.

They returned to their beds, worried about the King...


Luna sat by Sombra's side, as her loyal bat-pony guards flew as fast as they were able back towards the Crystal Empire. Sombra flinched in his sleep from time to time, as the small jostling movements caused him pain.

“This is pretty bad, Princess,” the doctor said bluntly “I can tell you now the wound is at the starter stage of infection. Whatever he was stabbed with must have carried some nasty germs. He's going to need intensive treatment.”

“We are going as fast we can, it wont be long now.” Luna replied, studying the sick Sombra. He uttered a low moan of pain, ears flattened down against his head. She patted his shoulder gently through the blanket.

“It will be alright Sombra. Thou will recover...”

The carriage sped on through the night, carrying its royal cargo.


Three days later...

When Sombra drifted awake- well, awake and finally fever free, he didn’t recognise his surroundings.

There was a soft beeping nearby.

The room was warm.

He lifted his head, feeling his body ache in protest.

He felt drained, and it took immense effort to sit up. A throbbing pain in his chest made him look down and he seen heavy bandaging wrapped across his right shoulder and chest. Hazy memory told him he'd been stabbed, was that real?

The heart monitor began to pick up speed as the one it watched over began to subtly panic, although Sombra didn’t notice it. Where was he?

A glance around made it clear he was in hospital, but he couldn't see anything out the window. What hospital was this?!

He began to panic as more shards of memory reformed. The village, those raiders. The Zebra family-? He began to hyperventilate, what had happened?!

The beeping became more insistent and high pitched and his wings fluffed up anxiously, going mid-pomf as the door was flung open.


Drawn by the alarm, a doctor and nurse ran in, surprised to see the patient awake. And suffering a panic attack by the looks of it. The nurse checked the IV bag while the doctor slowly approached the Alicorn. He was willing to bet a blow from one of those wings would knock him on his ass in no time.

"Your Majesty, please relax.." he said gently. Sombra whipped his head round, staring at him for a second before speaking.

"W-where am I?"

"You're in the Crystal Empire Memorial Hospital, in the intensive care ward. You were brought in with significant blood loss, courtesy of a serious stab wound-"

"The villagers-?" Sombra blurted, taking this in, but his thoughts were disjointed and he couldn’t get a proper grasp right then "where are they-?"

“There’s nopony else with you sire! Princess Luna brought you here in the dead of night, and refused to leave until you were stable. Nurse, could you fetch our other visitor?"

The nurse nodded and scurried away. The King didn’t seem to notice, he seemed fixated on whatever troubled him.

"I was in a village, you have to tell me what happened to them!"

"Sire, I don't KNOW. I’ve been monitoring your condition since your arrival, and the moon Princess didn’t say anything to us. However, she may have said something to her-"

“Sombra?" a familiar voice interrupted. Both ponies looked over as the nurse guided a familiar pony to the bed.

"Celestia-?" Sombra blinked at her.

Celestia nodded reassuringly, setting a gentle hoof on his back.

"It's alright Sombra, you're going to be fine."

"W-what happened...?"

"You were stabbed by somepony, Luna didn't say who. She was drawn to the place you were in by a dream, and brought you back here as fast as she could. You were very sick, but the doctors were able to use advanced healing magic to shore up your body's own ability to heal. It helped them greatly that you were in your regular pony form." she indicated his flesh and fur state.

Sombra nodded. Looked like it'd saved him. His crystal form was a bit of an anomaly, and couldn’t be treated quite the same as a normal pony body.

"Luna said she was going back to the village soon as she seen you were stable. I gave her a scroll so we could stay in contact, and I will tell her you are awake and lucid. She will be very relieved, as am I." she smiled happily, and Sombra managed to return it.

"She left me some messages too." The Princess unrolled the scroll she had tucked under her wing.

"Tell Sombra the village hath accepted his proposal. The pony named "Girder" must be notified forthwith that he will be gaining extra ponies."

Sombra looked ready to collapse in relief when he heard this.

"They accepted- oh thank you AND your sister!" he sighed shakily "I thought that Mayor would never hear me out..."

"Would he not listen?" Celestia asked, perplexed. Sombra winced, smiling wryly.

"He...hates me, to put it lightly. He is convinced I am a liar, a monster, many things. I don’t know what Ms Trek must have said to convince him. Probably threatened to shove his head up his-"

Celestia uttered a loud snort of amusement and Sombra coughed.

"Sorry, pardon my language. But those were her words to him on many occasions. She was upset he would not listen to me."

"I'm sure we can find a way, I know Luna will happily back you up if she has not already. So don’t fret, we'll sort this out. It sounds like you truly wish to help them. Is their home in danger?"

"Very much so." Sombra nodded. As they talked, the doctor bustled around his patient, checking his breathing, and making notes.

Sombra spoke of the storms and Celestia listened intently. He told her about the Zebras too.

“Could you ask Luna to give Corona a message? He needs to travel with Fern, Aeris and Timber out to the cave, help them start packing!” Sombra panicked, realising the Zebras had further to travel and needed to start moving now!

“Of course,” Celestia assured him “I’m sure they'll be alright.”

“Thank goodness, those storms are destroying their lives too, they don’t have much.”

"I see your concerns, and I think there may be details about this in the library. Some areas of Equestria suffer what are known as "Cycle storms." They follow a ten up to one hundred year cycle depending on variables. Nothing Cloudsdale has tried has moved them from this path. I will have my staff locate everything they can."

"Thank you," Sombra smiled "There is something else I would like your help with."

He detailed the memories he could sense at the back of his mind, stating that he KNEW they weren’t his. Celestia nodded, realising he wanted a spell to help free them. The doctor said Sombra's condition was good, but he couldn’t risk using so much magic.

So Celestia suggested he transfer the memories to HER, and she'd look into them personally. The spell took a lot less from the already weak King and when Celestia left, she carried the memories with her and a promise to update Luna on the situation.


Later that day, after Sombra had had some food, he was informed he had a trio of visitors. He asked they be shown in, and smiled as he recognised them.

It was Cadance, Shining Armor and of course, Discord.

"No flying bear hugs!" the Draconequus put his hands up "the doctor wouldn’t let me in until I promised."

Sombra chuckled softly, nodding. The royal couple sat on one side, Discord on the other.

"We were surprised when we got news you'd been admitted here, and with a serious case of blood loss! What on Equestria happened?" Cadance asked.

Sombra told the story as he recalled it, and all eyes were on stalks by its finale.

"Raiders? Sweet Celestia!" Shining Armor shivered.

"So who do I need to beat up in return for this..?" Discord indicated his friends injured state. Sombra smiled gently at him, shaking his head. The Draconequus pre-emptively pouted.

"They will be dealt with once they are brought here." Sombra assured him.

"Aww, fine." Discord grumbled, settling for scratching behind Sombra's left ear. This made Sombra's expression brighten a little...

They stayed and chatted with him awhile, but Sombra soon grew tired, so the Prince and Princess said they’d see him again tomorrow. That left him and Discord alone for a little longer.

"Seriously, do I at LEAST get to scare them a bit? They could have killed you!" Discord said angrily, as he took in how pale and exhausted Sombra looked. "It scared the buck outta me when Celestia came to tell the Prince and Princess. Your Umbrum's are worried silly..."

"Please, tell them I’ll be alright, I don’t want them to worry. I-I’m feeling much better!" Sombra pleaded.

“Of course, of course...” Discord chuckled, then scratched under the pony’s chin this time, making him sigh happily. Pony pressure points were fun~

"Don't worry yourself, you just relax." he set his hand back on the bed. Sombra smiled softly, he looked relieved.

"Now get some sleep." Discord prodded the pony's nose, and the Alicorn nodded.

He fell asleep quickly, still very weakened, and drifted into an easy sleep.


While Sombra was en route to the hospital, things were unfurling at the town also..

With the news broken the next morning that Sombra had been evac'd to hospital by Luna, Corona had a job to do. Starting with those raider bandits.

Luna said she'd instruct Celestia to send a platoon of guards with suitable transport from the Crystal Empire. They be held in the dungeons until they could be dealt with.

“That’s a load off!” Corona thanked the Princess gratefully.

“Can thou manage your Kings affairs?” Luna asked “or can we help thee?”

“I’m going to start by talking to the Mayor, and you know that’s gonna be fun.” Corona sighed. Catching the sarcasm, Luna titled her head to one side.

“Why does this talk bother thee?” she asked. Corona filled her in on the Mayor's stubborn attitude towards Sombra, and this didn't sit well with the moon Princess.

“Then we shall drum some sense into him! He will have to listen to both of us!” she declared, stomping off in search of Overwatch, an amused Corona in pursuit. He liked Luna, she was a no nonsense mare with a no-holes-barred attitude when she got going!


Overwatch got a fright when he heard Luna’s loud booming voice from the stairway, bellowing for his attention. He scurried up to her, bowing hastily.

“Yes, Princess?” he squeaked.

“We desire to have a talk with thee about the proposal Sombra had for this town. Where can we host it?”

“M-my office, it's cleaned up.” Overwatch coughed, and led the way back to the office Sombra had been sleeping in just a short while ago.


Inside, with the fire lit and the doors closed, Luna fixed Overwatch with a stern look.

“We are informed thou refused to listen to Sombra when he arrived here.” she began, sounding cross “pray tell, why is that? Did you not read the papers? Even if thou dost not HAVE the illustrated pages, thou surely should be open to an offer of help?!”

Corona nodded as the Princess finished, looking expectantly at Overwatch, who looked frankly terrified. He was stuck, what could he say to that?


“Answer us truthfully!” Luna added sharply and he nodded, trying again.

“You don’t understand, he..” he struggled to justify his initial hatred of the King “He hasn’t exactly got a good reputation. Who knows what he would've demanded in return for his help? He's a dark magic pony, that stuff is only fit for the corrupt and deranged-”

“Our SISTER is able to use dark magic, do you dare insult her too?!” Luna bellowed. She was leaning forward in her chair, eyes narrowed, her face shoved as close to Overwatch's as possible! He back-peddled, verbally speaking, as fast as he could.

“No, Princess Luna, of course not! I'd never- Princess Celestia is a good, kind pony-!”

“As too is King Sombra!” Corona barked, “My unit and I were assigned to him by King Vorak as a sign of gratitude for what his majesty has done for our kingdom! He forgave the disgraced Prince's crimes against him, even though those crimes included torture and mental abuse!”

Overwatch gulped nervously.

“Torture?” he asked.

Corona nodded “it was bad, I read the reports from King Vorak. He was kept prisoner, brutally attacked and very nearly broken by Scorpan. That he was able to get back on his hooves at all, let alone FORGIVE the King and Queen on Scorpan's behalf...” he gave a harrumph, unable to find the words. Luna picked up straight away, casting the Gargoyle a nod of assurance.

“It takes courage! Our sister told us of his generosity in forgiving such crimes. No MONSTER, as you consider him, would be so kind! Sombra's madness is long gone, caused partly by factors outside of his control long ago. The Empire bears no grudge, they even forgave him and encouraged him to take the role he was prophecised to fill, the King of Umbrum's!”

Overwatch wanted to shrink down in his chair and disappear. Luna’s fervour and Corona's loyalty were clear. He'd made a big mistake in jumping the gun...

“He wants to re-home all of the ponies here!” Corona pointed out “You said it yourself, this place cant take much more and if those storms really do get worse, you simply cannot remain!”

“Judge Sombra by the action he has taken to protect thyself and thy ponies!” Luna stated “has he tried to harm you?”

“No..” Overwatch spoke at last.

“Has he done anything since arriving, besides save your ass?” Corona demanded. Overwatch shook his head.

“I realise I jumped the shark-”

“Shark? Thou went leaping over an entire aquarium.” Luna grumbled. Corona snorted, and tried not to laugh.

Overwatch nodded, he'd earned such ire. He sighed heavily..

“It was hard to trust a pony with such a past, the papers mentioned little about torture, all they spoke of was his species and the work to free them! Some speculated they wanted more proof of his turnaround, and I couldn't help agree with them. His name has always harked back to days of fear and darkness.”

“He tried to explain to you when we arrived.” Corona pointed out, and Overwatch nodded.

“Seeing him up close, how powerful and big he was, I was afraid. I thought if I could make him leave because he felt unwelcome, we wouldn’t have to bargain with him. That he came bearing quite so many supplies, I was suspicious. What would he want in return?”

“His majesty made the proposal to Ms Trek back when he first rescued her group.” Corona explained “they were overjoyed as I understand it. He came on this trip of his own will, asking Ms Trek if he could see this place and meet you all. He wanted to make his offer face to face, even if it would be difficult.”

“I see..” Overwatch sighed heavily “he seen right through me, didn’t he?”

“I’ve seen windows less transparent,” Corona shot back “of course his majesty realised what was going on! That’s why he made no move to approach anypony, to lessen any potential outbursts.”

“Damn, he’s smarter than I ever guessed,” Overwatch rubbed his forehead with one hoof “he knew all along.”

The room was silent as he processed everything. Luna and Corona exchanged looks, was it getting through?

“This town is a wreck, it has more ghosts then residents. As much as it pains me to lose it, Trek has a point. We must move on.” he nodded to himself and looked up. “I will talk it over with everypony, but I doubt they will turn it down.”

“Good.” Corona nodded, relieved. Sombra would be pleased to hear this…


Trek near fainted with relief when Overwatch gathered everypony to announce Sombra's offer. Unanimously, the towns ponies accepted the offer.

“Its not going to be easy, things will be pretty cramped for awhile, but if there’s anypony willing to lend a hand, I know his majesty and Girder would be grateful.” Corona explained to the crowd.

They nodded and talked amongst themselves, but they knew it was a fair request in return for offering help.

“U-uhm...” Corona paused and looked down at the littlest Zebra as she tugged at his tail.

“Can I say something?” she asked shyly. Corona nodded, holding her in his arms so shed be at the right height to speak into the mic the Mayor had set up.

“Hi….I’m Fern. I'm here with mommy and daddy. They’re sleeping right now, so I’m gonna tell you for them.”

She took a deep breath, her nerves jangling, but she thought about Sombra's bravery and forged ahead.

“Mr Sombra found me out in the storm,” she began “he walked all the way home with me, and I brought him to see our home. You see...I...”

She began to tear up as she confessed to being the one stealing the blankets. This sent a wave of surprised and shocked murmurs rippling around the gathering.

“I just wanted my baby brother to be happy! He’s only a few months old, and momma gives him as much as she can. But our food supplies are dwindling, so it's affecting him too! We came here before, but you turned us away. That’s why I was so angry that I took those things. We never hurt anypony, but you thought we were bad-” she broke off, crying brokenly. Corona balanced her in one arm so he could pat her head. She burrowed into the floofy fur of his chest and cried.

Trek sniffled, hating to see a child cry. She glared at Overwatch, who approached Corona nervously.

“Kid-” he began.

“Her name's Fern.” Corona said sharply, and Overwatch nodded. She deserved respect after all, she'd helped free them all.

“Fern,” he said, and at last she turned her head to look at him. “I think I recognise your parents, the jewellery your mother wears, it's familiar.”

“She's head of our clan, that's what the jewellery means. Like how your military has ranks, so does our society.”

All this was audible thanks to the mic, the gathered ponies were curious and a little ashamed of how they'd responded last time..

“Tell us about your brother.” Overwatch said at last. Fern nodded, looking at the crowd of ponies. Her expression warmed as she thought about her little sibling.

"My baby brother Ori, he's the cutest little guy and he always wants a hug when he sees me. You didn’t want to help us before and I was angry. Mr Sombra caught me sneaking into the shed, but then he got us away from the guards and asked who I was and why I was breaking in. He listened, said he felt bad for us. That was when he took me home, said he couldn’t let me go alone. He said he wants to help us, give us a new home!"

She looked up, her eyes bright again "can you believe it?"

Overwatch's guilt got even heavier. "Yes I can, little miss." he sighed heavily "His intent is to help us too. Trek tried to tell me, but I ignored her. I'm sorry Trek, you always did have smarts.”

He cast a glance at Trek, who looked surprised at his honesty AND his apology. Had Sombra's sacrifice gotten through to him? She hoped the King was doing alright...

“He said he wanted to help you guys, that he did everything he could, but you wouldn’t listen because he used to be a bad guy.” Fern pointed out, the words blunt as could be as she looked at the Mayor. He flinched, but gave a nod.

"He's been saving our asses all this time," Overwatch sighed and Fern giggled at the word "ass".

The Mayor smiled dryly before continuing "And I’ve been too busy grandstanding and telling him a creature like him doesn’t belong here. He brought supplies, didn’t rise to any challenge I raised. That pony was smarter then I was, he seen right through me from the get go. Trek said a lot, and I listened to none of it."

He wondered how could Sombra ever forgive him now? When it'd first been raised that the King was missing, everypony had panicked. Corona especially. Trek had wondered if he'd simply gotten sick of Overwatch's abuse and left? The Crystal Empire guard had said his majesty wouldn’t just up and desert them like that. Whatever Overwatch might think of him, he wasn’t a coward!

But it made sense now, Sombra had been travelling to the Zebra's home while they’d all been sleeping.

“I'm sorry Fern,” he sighed heavily, the words a long rusty and forgotten habit “both you three and the big fellah deserve our thanks for saving us. That stallion has more compassion than I’ve ever claimed to show, and I hope you can accept an old fool's apology.”

Fern was silent a moment, then she nodded.

“Okay.” she said “I will. But I’ll have to speak to mommy and daddy.”

Overwatch nodded, he felt grateful to the pint sized filly. She seemed far older then her young years somehow...

“Maybe we can help gather your fellow Zebras and help them pack up?” Corona suggested to Fern, who nodded eagerly and the Gargoyle said he'd have a chat with her mother and father.

“Yay! Thank you!” she cried happily, throwing her little forelegs around his chest in as big a hug as she could muster. Corona chuckled and ruffled her mane.

Overwatch sighed silently, and told the towns-ponies they needed to start packing asap. The crowd dispersed, but quite a few came over to see Fern, and offer their apologies for how superstitious they’d acted before.


Overwatch returned to his office, and slumped behind his desk. He sighed, feeling twice his already advancing years. The clock ticked, filling the heavy silence, while voices murmured below, sounding excited and happy. Overwatch sighed, resting his head on his desk.

“This is all my fault. If I’d realised what a mistake I was making-”

“Ah the power of hindsight.” a voice drawled from the doorway. Overwatch sat bolt upright with a yelp, but relaxed when he seen Corona.

“You've been fidgeting and sending me nervous looks the whole day. I take it you want to speak to me?” the Gargoyle raised an eyebrow. Overwatch nodded.

"You want to ask about his highness, don’t you?" Corona asked. Another bullseye observation.

"What lead to your serving a pony?” Overwatch blurted, the first thought plucked from a myriad of questions he had.

Corona sat down and told him the whole tale of Sombra's acts of kindness to King Vorak and Queen Haydon. And how Vorak had asked the army who amongst them would serve an ally of their kingdom?

“His highness King Vorak spoke with me at length. I was impressed by King Sombra's capability both to forgive, and to keep going. What he endured was beyond horrific, but he has refused to let it slow him down. Had he put in the effort, I am sure the disgraced Prince Scorpan could have become a good being again, had HE shown such strength. As it was, the kingdom suffers his loss, even more so his family.”

“Explains how he could be so patient, while I was trying to scare him off. He's long since come to term with it all, hasn't he?”

Corona nodded “to the best of my knowledge, yes. But I heard from my fellow guard, the Crystal Empire pony, that it wasn't an easy path.”

He spoke of how Sombra had reportedly refused to accept he was an Alicorn OR a King. That Sombra had refused to use his wings and there were rumours he'd tried to remove them at one point.

Overwatch went white at this, wincing as he recalled something he'd said earlier.

Corona raised an eyebrow, asking what the matter was? Overwatch admitted saying “somepony should clip them” in regard to Sombra having wings, while they all sheltered from the onset of the storm.

"I didn't know he was that self-conscious about them-" he babbled. "he didn’t act like it!"

"He's not uncertain of them NOW." the Gargoyle raised an eyebrow, keeping his expression neutral somehow "but there's a lot more to his background than you read in the papers."

“I don’t doubt that.” Overwatch sighed.

“Wait here a moment.” The Gargoyle said, seeing somepony else was needed here.

He got up and fetched the Crystal pony guard. When said guard realised Overwatch wanted to hear the Crystal Empire's side, he was more than willing to talk about it.

"When we first found out he was awake again, yes, we were all pretty upset. We thought he was still as crazy as he'd been in the past, that he was mad as a box of frogs! But we were wrong. Princess Cadance spoke publicly about his actions in Canterlot. How Sombra saved both her and her husband, and stopped a second Crystal/Umbrum war before it began again, by calming the rage of the trapped Umbrum ponies.

By the prophecy his majesty was born to bear, he was to be their King by default. But I seen him refuse it, telling them they could choose whomever they wanted. Later on, we found out he'd told them the truth about his actions in the Crystal Empire, how much he regretted it. And they chose him, saying they wanted no other to rule. They call him Infinitum, the ultimate crystal ruler."

Overwatch nodded, realising it must be this species term for an Alicorn. The guard spotted this and nodded.

"That’s why he has an Alicorn's form. The very first Umbrum leaders were Infinitum ponies. But his highness would not accept the crown at first and it was not until one of the Umbrum's told us all at the stadium, how his majesty felt it unfair he rule again, that we realised WE could help. He sacrificed the last of his magic during the Canterlot fight to request the Prince and Princess bring his apology to us.

We seen for ourselves how hard he was trying, even when it scared him. We forgave him that day and when the request came for any volunteers for the project, many of us, guard and citizen, volunteered to work alongside him. He has strived near constantly to help get this new home built and saved us from a dangerous magic threat known as a wraith."

"Wraith-? Those are real?" Overwatch blurted. "I thought they were just an old mares tale!"

"Real as you or I, and quite an unnerving sight. Caused a lot of strife too, when it nearly killed a worker and his majesty."

Overwatch was curious about this Wraith business. He'd grown up hearing those stories after all. Like the Windigoes that had nearly destroyed Equestria's newly formed colony in the legends. The guard continued, back on topic.

"I’ve seen the change in his majesty. He's relaxed, smiled and started to interact with us all at the site. It is as much an exchange for us as it is for HIM. He's learning to care for many Ponies, Gargoyles and Centaurs, and we're learning who he really is. Not the myth, or the entry in the history books, but the real him.”

“He can also swear a mean blue streak!” Corona smirked.

Overwatch chuckled at the mental image of a sweary monarch, but also realised it had to have been hard for Sombra. He'd clearly made peace with the kingdom he'd once enslaved, and had been making friends from all over Equestria. Suddenly being torn down by Overwatch's verbal abuse and distrust must have shook him up. Yet he hadn’t given up, hadn’t stood down, even though he had to have guessed there was a risk Overwatch would never trust him.

He'd misread every single signal being broadcast. Sombra hadn’t been trying to take over, or assert any form of control over the settlement.

“I missed the point of what he was saying, didn’t I?”

“By a margin as wide as the moon.” Corona said, and the Crystal pony gave him a look.

“Sorry,” Corona sighed “King Vorak always permitted me to speak my mind, I guess it's a deeply ingrained habit.”

“A refreshing one, I will admit.” Overwatch conceded “Celestia knows I needed a reality check. Incurring the wrath of Princess Luna earlier was frightening enough, I can happily confess!”

Corona chuckled at the memory “I admire her strength of character, she's got guts. Reminds me of King Vorak.”

They spent awhile longer discussing Sombra with the repentant Mayor. When their Q & A came to and end, Overwatch asked the two if they thought Sombra could ever forgive him?

“That’s a question you’ll need to ask his majesty. But knowing him, he'll give one where it's due.” Corona said with a faint smile. The Empire guard nodded. Overwatch thanked them both and let them go...


Two days later, Luna received a message from her sister. She tracked Corona down and showed it to him.

“I see, so his majesty needs me to go check on the Zebras? Great minds think alike it would seem, I already proposed it to little Fern, and she in turn told her parents. We set off as soon as Fern and her family are ready.”

He spoke with the trio of Zebra's, and they agreed to go later that day, to help pack up their whole society and bring it HERE.

“Mind if we come too?” all looked over at the Princess standing in the doorway.

“We can help with our magic!” Luna added.

“We have carts at the cave, back from when we originally fled there.” Timber added “it wont take long to pack, and we'd appreciate any help, Princess!”

Luna nodded, smiling happily.


And so they set off that afternoon. They arrived a lot quicker then Sombra had originally, with the storm having died down at last to a manageable level.

The Zebra's were relieved to see their chief back again and excited to have not just a gargoyle visiting, but a princess as well!

Aeris gave the Zebra's the news, that they had to hurry, the portal would be opening soon! They nodded calmly, it seemed they’d already been preparing since Sombra's announcement of his promise to help them. It'd been a mass “yes” vote it seemed.

“We commend thy foresight!” Luna said, impressed “shall we begin?”


All in all, it took the entire day to get everything packed into the Zebra's covered carts. Luna helped pack the more delicate talismans and artefacts with her magic, wrapping them in blue silk and packing them into boxes.

Corona was surprised that ALL the Zebras wanted to move at once, but it made sense, the cave was a lonely palace to wait in. They had tents and other portable habitats if there wasn’t enough room.

They got back to the town in record time, with Luna lighting the way through the dawn. The Zebra's had gathered outside to watch her lower the moon, and had found it stunning beyond anything they’d ever witnessed!

After greeting them, the Mayor offered the expansive town hall and any available space. It was going to get pretty crowded for awhile…

The towns-ponies, having already learnt a little about Zebras from Fern, were intrigued to meet the rest! The little Zebra filly had already won their hearts and allayed any lingering superstitions, so the Zebras received a very warm welcome.


Back in the Empire, Sombra was recovering well. With his magic restored, he was able to shift to his crystal form and begin healing himself. The unicorn doctors were happy to donate some of their magic, which helped speed the process up greatly, over the course of a days intensive healing.

When Celestia dropped by with information about the storms and news from Luna, he was almost back to his usual self, stating that he needed fresh air, he was bored!


So Sombra and Celestia took a nice long walk around the hospital grounds, just the two of them, where Celestia filled him in on the contents of the memories she'd offloaded from him via that spell.

“They were from that artefact that you spoke of, the one you left protecting the town. I'm afraid I bear bad news in that its not going to hold out for much longer. It's weakening rapidly.”

“Blast!” Sombra sighed. “I should've seen it-”

“Do not blame yourself,” Celestia shook her head “there is little you could have done. As it is, you protected them long enough for the current storm to fade. But it will not be long before it strikes again. The final memories that stone held showed me some very worrying scenes. By the time of the last vision, the storms were near ceaseless. Everypony had long gone by then, unable to live there. From what you have told me, together with the information in the library, they're facing another one in less than a few weeks.”

Sombra went pale “no, it is not enough time-!”

“Relax,” Celestia soothed him, gently patting his back with her hoof as they came to a halt by a fountain “I can gather some soldiers to journey out there and assist you.”

“But wont it take a significant amount of time to get them all out there? Bearing in mind the Zebra's too?” Sombra asked. Celestia smiled knowingly.

“Well, if YOU can recall the magic you linked to in that stone, then we have a mutual friend who can open a direct path. You will need to bring the Zebra's to the town so they can use the same portal. But you won't be alone~”

“You mean-?” Sombra instantly twigged why she was smiling. Sure enough, a certain Draconequus appeared in a poof of smoke and a loud fanfare.

“Ta-daaahhh! That’s my cue~” he declared grandly. Then he looked over at Celestia, grinning eagerly “he healed enough?”

“The doctor has said so, yes.” Celestia's eyes twinkled with amusement.

“Enough for what-ooph!” Sombra cut off as he was swept up and bear hugged, and he laughed happily. Discord set him down with a grin, scratching behind his ear.

“Been waiting days to do that!” Discord huffed, then grinned “so whatcha say? If you can supply the direction, I'll provide the flight over!”

“No problem at all.” Sombra smiled gratefully at his closest friend “Thank you.”

Discord pretended to shrug it off, but Celestia seen the genuine pride in his expression as he accepted the stallion's praise. Discord, although he refused to admit it, had become the de facto caretaker of the Umbrum in the King's absence. He spent many a day down there with them, and Umbra was very fond of him.

The three of them spent a little while longer planning out when and what they’d bring, deciding to go tomorrow to ensure Sombra's full health.

Sombra curled up in bed that night feeling much happier, and hoping round two of convincing Overwatch would go better than last time!


He was guided down to the entrance to the hospital where a carriage awaited. This drove him directly to the Crystal Palace, where he was met by two Princesses and a Prince. They made sure he was fed properly and outlined the plan to him re: troops being sent alongside him, and he was reminded how lucky he was he had such generous friends. He thanked them all, feeling words were inadequate for how grateful he was that they could spare so much!

Celestia asked about the feather filly, so Sombra told of how the little miss had been over the moon to get so many stunning feathers, and some from Princesses no less.

After that was a trip to the Umbrum's...


Naturally Discord was already there, and he pounced on Sombra and bear hugged him again, which made the Umbrum's giggle happily. They swarmed around their Infinitum, asking if he was alright?

Sombra nodded, he was all healed up, and the only evidence of what’d happened was a faint scar. It was faintly noticeable in his Umbrum form, and looked like a bolt of lightning in his illusion form. The doctors had explained that the reason it scarred was that the object used to stab him had been carrying some nasty germs, and he'd endured a high fever and infection in the first few nights.

Sombra promised he was working on getting them over to the site, but with the influx of new ponies, Zebras, and the emergency, it meant they were somewhat pushed for space. The Umbrum looked a bit down, but Sombra promised he'd take a place on the crew assigned to building the site and work as hard as he could.

“I am deeply sorry to force you to wait,” Sombra said, guilt shadowing his eyes “such an influx I had not foreseen-”

“Please don't fret your majesty.” The Umbrum in charge franticly assured him “we know you're doing what’s best. Those ponies are as stuck as we once were, we don’t begrudge them your kindness.”

“Thank you,” Sombra said gratefully, feeling his chest ache fade a little.

The Umbrum weren’t worried, they knew their King would keep his promise!


Sombra bid them farewell, and last but not least, went to have a nice catch up with his mother. She was delighted to hear how things were going, and told him how proud she was.

“Giving a home to so many ponies is a generous thing to do child,” she smiled lovingly “I'm sure they will love their new home as much as you do.”

“I hope so. I know it is hard for them, losing their home.” Sombra nodded “It was knowing of the Umbrum's plight that spurred me to offer them the chance we did not have.”

Umbra nodded in understanding “home dying, food dwindling. It's exactly like the story we told. But they have you, and I know you'll help put them at ease.”

Sombra was relieved to hear her say that. He was a little nervous about trying to help so many ponies at once, but as he'd been told many times, he had to have faith. Both in them and in himself.


They shared one last hug before Sombra left to meet Celestia over at the training grounds. She'd gathered a mix of guards from Canterlot's army, and they all bowed respectfully to the recovered King. Celestia let Sombra explain what’d happened from his experience, and what was most urgent.

“We have to try and move them as fast as possible. If Celestia's predictions are correct, we don’t have long. I'm worried enough time has been lost while I was in hospital. That’s why I asked Celestia to round up all these flat pack box things. They will be loathe to leave without their possessions, or the most valuable ones at least. Given the terror that the raid must have brought, I do not blame them for feeling this way in the least. Also the Zebra's and their crops, supplies and personal effects.”

The guard nodded, casting glances at the stack of boxes off to the side. Besides the boxes were seven carts, big enough to carry a fairly hefty weight each.

“Ready when you are sire!” the head of the platoon saluted once the King finished. Sombra nodded. With a poof of impeccable timing, Discord appeared beside his friend, flicking his ear idly.

“Ready to go?” he asked. Sombra nodded.

Discord aimed a hand at the open expanse of ground, and a massive portal tore the air. It shimmered, but there didn’t seem to be anything on the other side.

“Your turn!” the Draconequus nodded to the Alicorn, who took up position in front of the portal, but a safe enough distance back that magic rebound wouldn’t hit him. He closed his eyes, dredging up his memory of the artefact. Magic began to build around his horn.

Then the Alicorn suddenly froze up, panic showing slightly.

“What is it?” Discord asked.

“The power, it's not strong enough to open the link-”

Concerned murmurs ran through the ranks of soldiers.

“Can you fix it?” Discord asked. Sombra thought it through, then nodded.

“I will need you all to step back, it requires a bit of room.”

The guards all promptly stepped back, wondering what his majesty had in store?

Sombra flew up, closing his eyes. What looked like magical calculations appeared in the air around him, in a spherical bubble. Bits and pieces were rewritten, moved around, then without warning the Alicorn lowered his head and fired a concentrated beam of purple, bubbling magic at the portal.

It struck with a thunderclap that made them all jump, and it looked as if the portal was absorbing the dark magic. Details began to waver into view, rapidly filling in as Sombra supplies his memories. They seen the fountain, and above it the artefact, hovering sluggishly.

With a loud POP the vision finalised and Sombra flew back.

He touched down and the guard could see his sides were heaving slightly, he’d obviously exerted a lot of energy in doing whatever he'd done. But it'd worked, the portal seemed stable, ready to go.

“You alright?” Discord set a hand on his friends back, frowning at the cold sweat dusting his coat. Sombra nodded, getting his breath back.

“I am fine,” he smiled “all I was doing was rewriting the spell so it would depend more on my magic for stability then linking to the artefact.”

“Smart arse.” Discord dead panned, patting his mane and earning a mock-glower.

“Is it ready, sire?” the head guard asked. Sombra nodded.

“Alright, lets go!” the leader barked. Sombra and Discord said farewell to their friends as the guard began filing in in pairs, some pulling the carts piled high with empty boxes.

Discord ushered Sombra through then the portal closed behind them. As before, they walked down a corridor filled with all manner of oddities. Sombra chuckled at the balloon moose, what an odd creature!

“We're here!” the head guard announced.

“Just go on through, we'll pop out where Sombra opened the portal.” Discord called back.

They heard the lead guard ordering the others through in formation, then it was their turn…


The towns-ponies got a shock as a portal suddenly opened, and initially they panicked. Then they seen a whole troupe of royal guards come through, some pulling carts. The lead looked around for somepony to address and the nearest Deputy quickly stepped up.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“Were the platoon designated to assist with transporting all of you to the building site.”

“How did you get here...what is that and who made it?!”

“It's a portal, sir. And as to whom, that would be them.” The guard nodded his head at the two that'd just stepped out into the snow.

A Draconequus and an Umbrum King stood side by side as the portal closed behind them. As an afterthought, Sombra had switched back to his illusion form mid-way over, so the towns-ponies wouldn’t be too startled. A whole bunch of guards showing up was probably enough!

“Sweet Celestia..” the deputy breathed. More and more ponies caught sight of the familiar flowing mane and raced over, so Sombra and Discord soon had a massive crowd around them.

Discord quickly seen what Sombra had alluded to. This place was being worn down by the brutal weather, the signs of stress visible on the houses and on the faces of the ponies gathering around them. He was getting a lot of curious looks, and he couldn’t blame them for staring. He was a known troublemaker afterall...

“Cool!” Discord felt a hoof tap his leg and looked down, seeing a Zebra filly staring up at him with wide eyes and a big grin.

“You’re even taller then you looked in Sombra's memories!” she declared. Sombra smiled.

“Hello Fern.” he said warmly.

“So you're she, Sombra talked about you!” Discord grinned at the filly. She grinned back.

“Are you OK now?” she asked, looking to Sombra now.

Sombra nodded “back to normal, nothing to worry about.”

Many a pony in the crowd sighed in relief. They'd been worried sick by what'd happened. Seeing Sombra awake and back on his hooves was a load off their backs.


Overwatch was up in his office when the sound of the crowd reached him through the open doors of his office. It looked out on the rear of the town hall, so he couldn't see who or what was causing such a ruckus. Sighing, he strode down the stairs, wandering outside and over to the crowd.

“Move aside,” he grunted “what is going on out here?”

Sombra heard the familiar voice and strode over. It was so, that just as Overwatch cleared the crowd, Sombra came to a halt less then a few feet away.

Overwatch looked up, seeing a familiar face that he'd last seen saving him from being attacked by a raider. The Alicorn looked back to health and bar a slight scar where the spear had stabbed him, seemed unaffected.

His mouth went dry, and all words abandoned him. What was he to say?

“It took longer then expected for the doctor to clear me to leave,” Sombra said to break the silence “but Celestia was able to help me gather up some help.” he stepped aside, indicating the guard with a flourish of one wing.

Overwatch stared even more. That was a LOT of guards.

Sombra heard wings beating, and turned back in time for Corona and the Crystal Empire guard to touch down in the snow before him.

“Your Majesty.” they intoned, bowing to their ruler. Sombra thanked them both, glad to see them again.

“It's a relief to see you well, sire.” Corona said firstly, and the pony guard nodded in agreement.

“I am sorry if I worried you,” Sombra smiled softly “I did not expect such a situation to arise. Tell me, is everything okay?””

Corona filled him in quickly, and Sombra was glad to hear everypony was OK and coping.

He asked his two guards to have a talk with the Canterlot guards about the transport situation. Corona and the Empire guard nodded, repeating how happy they were to see the King up and well again, then they promptly trotted away.

Sombra turned to the still silent Overwatch.

“Is there a place where we might talk in private?” The Alicorn asked.

Overwatch nodded mutely, leading the King back inside. He was panicking like a mad pony. What was he going to do, or SAY?!

Sombra followed him into the room, hoping he’d be able to sway Overwatch's opinion of him this time. The older pony was being oddly silent, Sombra had expected an outburst of some kind…

So he decided to try broach the subject.

“I am sorry for the delay in my return, I had some difficulty in healing myself at the speed I usually do. I hope now you will listen to me, I only want to help-”

“Your highness!” the older stallion suddenly blurted, unable to keep it in any longer.

“Y...yes?” Sombra blinked, puzzled and slightly worried. Why did he sound about to heave?

He was about to start worrying again, when Overwatch not only came round the desk to face him, but bowed.

“Please hear me out,” he begged. “After you were attacked by that brute, your Gargoyle guard and Princess Luna came to speak to me. They were both understandably upset at my treatment of you. They both spoke about you so kindly, and the Crystal Empire pony gave me his side. I was informed at no details spared, about what you did for the empire and for Canterlot.”

“You don’t need to-” Sombra tried to say he didn’t need to be so formal, he wasn’t exactly the one in charge here- but the pony shook his head, still talking to the carpet.

“I was wrong. You’ve been trying to help us all this time, but I’ve been too blind to see it. Its pathetic in comparison, but I offer my sincerest apology your majesty!”

Overwatch held his breath once he finished talking, anxiously awaiting Sombra's judgement.

He was surprised when a hoof gently came to rest on his shoulder and in a subtle movement, guided him to stand.

“You don’t have to worry.” Sombra said firmly “I didn’t ask to speak to you in order to get angry. I can understand if you felt threatened by my arrival, I have quite a lot of shadows from my past that may make others uneasy.”

But even as he spoke, he couldn’t help feel a little jab at the reminder of that feeling. Overwatch glanced up, and caught a rare moment of vulnerability in the King's expression. He was glancing away to one side, the look on his face a mix of emotions. But if Overwatch had to guess, he'd pin it as sadness and unease.

Sombra must have noticed he was being stared at, because he flushed ever so slightly then cleared his throat, his expression closing off to be replaced by a false benign smile.

“I will have Captain Corona bring the head guard up here-” He turned to go, but was cut off at the door by the Mayor, who’d sprinted like an athlete to get between him and his attempted exit. Sombra blinked, looking perplexed. Overwatch took a deep breath and spoke;

“Please don’t leave, your majesty. I’m truly sorry about how I spoke to you, and you have every right to feel uneasy. I didn’t find out until later on how much your ”change” to an Alicorn affected you. Your guards mentioned it...”

Sombra sighed, but nodded. He could understand why they'd done it, they were defending his honour, an act he greatly appreciated.

“It is true,” he felt his wings itch at the memory and shrugged them briefly to get the sensation to stop. “I was convinced it was a mistake, I thought the wings were just an accident. When I found out I had been created all along to someday become this, it was a shock...” The wings itched again, and Overwatch noticed him fidget.

“Are you alright?” he asked, genuinely worried. Sombra smiled weakly.

“These things, they are very sensitive. They seem to respond in a variety of ways, more so than an ordinary pegasus. My men have learnt not to walk up behind me, lest they wish a face full of feathers.”

“They flap when you’re startled?” Overwatch kinda wanted to chuckle at the mental image. He tried to suppress the laugh, but Sombra smiled too, more genuinely this time.

“My friend has described it as going “Pomf”.” As he spoke, he unfurled them to full size and Overwatch's eyebrows raised all the way up. That was a big wingspan alright!

“Goodness me, that’s impressive! I can see why you warned them, those things would knock you on your ass in an instant!”

He realised his language and coughed “sorry your majesty, my language is a bit-”

But Sombra just snorted softly, shaking his head.

“Fear not, I have become quite a connoisseur of the curse word. I work at a building site after all. Many of my fellow workers swear the way most would breathe, that is to say...”

“Often.” Overwatch did laugh this time. He looked at Sombra properly now, seeing the pony looking hopeful.

“If you can forgive an old, stubborn fool his wilful ignorance, I'd like to talk to you properly.”

Sombra nodded, folding his wings down and seating himself in front of the desk as Overwatch sat behind it.

“Captain Corona spoke about your plan to help us, and Trek gave me every last detail. I fully understand it’ll be a bit of a shock, all of us landing on you at once. But we don’t mind sharing homes while we help you work.”

“I am relieved to hear that, Mayor. But there is a matter I must discuss, regarding those storms. I have new information courtesy of Celestia.” Sombra recalled the details of the memories Celestia had recovered for him.

From his bag he withdrew the information she'd given about the storms.

“I regret to tell you this, but that artefact is not going to last much longer. Even linking to it so I could bring those guards, with Discords help, was tough. It is going to collapse soon, and the margin is only a matter of weeks. I am sorry, but we need to start moving you right away.”

Overwatch's heart sank, but he seemed to accept it. This was further backed up as he spoke;

“I feared as such, it has been getting worse and worse lately. We're grateful for the time that shield has protected us, it prevented a lot of damage and possible injury.” Overwatch sighed, shaking his head subtly.

“We have no shortage of willing helpers, it should only be a matter of days. The Canterlot guards, plus Discord, myself and MY guards? I think we will cope.”

Overwatch felt better at this, but one little thing popped up in his mind and he couldn’t help ask “after everything that’s gone on lately, I think I’m going spare. But is that really THE Discord from the history books? The chaos Lord?”

“The one and only!” a voice spoke up from RIGHT behind Sombra. The King yelped, and just like he'd described, the wings went POMF!

“Gbblhhh-!” Discord babbled, as he got a face full of feathers.

“Sorry.” Sombra sighed, peering round at his friend.

“I forgot about that.” Discord grasped the wings gently and folded them down, which made their bearer smile faintly. Overwatch noted this with curiosity. He knew a little about pegasi, and for one with wings to allow another to so casually handle them was a sign of strong trust.

“Sorry, I was just passing by from the bathroom!” Discord grinned at the two “I heard my name and I couldn’t resist!”

“Are the guards-?” Sombra began, and Discord nodded, pre-empting his friend.

“They’re discussing the luggage room with the ponies. They should be able to make multiple runs. I can open the portal to the site, that way you guys can come and go.”

“Excellent, that’s magnificent work!” Sombra looked so pleased, Discord couldn’t help feel a flush of pride. Much like whenever Fluttershy complimented anything he did...

“See ya!” He declared, vanishing off in a puff of smoke and his usual manic giggling. Sombra laughed, nopony could make him relax quite like Discord!

“He is your friend I see?” Overwatch asked. Sombra nodded, turning back to face him.

“He has been by my side since I was first recovered. He and I, we both share similar mistakes in our pasts. He understood how strange it was to wake up after a thousand year nap!”

“The world must seem strange, no?” Overwatch mused. Sombra nodded, but he smiled.

“It is, yet it also holds many advancements. The food alone is of much intrigue.”

On cue, his stomach gurgled. The King coughed, and chuckled sheepishly. Overwatch smiled;

“I can ask my men to make some food, if you fancy? I’m admittedly hankering for some food myself. We don’t have much, but it'd be my pleasure to cook some local delicacy’s.”

Sombra happily agreed, and the rest of their discussion took place over some delicious soup and bread.


With the guards help, the two soon organised a schedule to begin bringing the ponies first, and any additional baggage afterwards. The ponies could bring the obvious necessities first, but any non-urgent things could wait until the final runs.

Luna poked her head in, greeted Sombra happily (and loudly), then offered to round up the ponies to make the announcement!

Sombra also spoke with Fern and her parents. He was happy to see the Zebras had all made the trip so successfully!

Sombra called Discord in, and asked him to send a message to Celestia and the Crystal Empire, to request food. He nodded, and shot off like a rocket.

Fern giggled “I like him, he's funny!”

Sombra smiled, nodding.


The ponies were startled to hear the artefact was breaking down, but they agreed with the Mayors point; they hadn’t the time to waste.

“I know this is hard,” Sombra said “you will miss your home, my Umbrum's shared the same memories with me of time past. But I hope, in time, the work site will become not just the empire its destined to be, but a wonderful home for you.”

The ponies were touched by his sentiment, and cheered happily. They would mourn their home that had housed so many generations, but they could bring their history with them, and add to it in this new exciting home. To be there right at its birth, there no denying the excitement of it!

“Again, thank you your majesty,” Overwatch said to Sombra as the cheers died down “with the help you and your friend Discord have brought, we'll be set to go in no time, hopefully before the next storm hits. We'll be at our new home.”

More cheers followed this, and Sombra smiled kindly at his former foe.

The rest of that day, Discord accompanied him as he went from house to house, helping stack the carts alongside the guards. Several kids started following after him, entranced by his magic and the awesome wings. Sombra realised they hadn’t seen his Umbrum form yet, so switched to it mid-way back to the town hall.

“Whooaa...that is so wild!” one kid grinned, tapping at Sombra's foreleg “hey, you feel soft!”

Sombra chuckled “It IS solid crystal, but there is also a soft layer of near-transparent coat. Helps retain heat.”

“Amazing, like the snow bunnies!” a filly said to the foal next to her.

“That’s why the cold doesn’t bother me, I barely notice-”

He paused as the kids all started giggling loudly. For behind him, grinning ear to ear, was Discord. He was doing the typical “bunny ears” gesture behind Sombra's head to make the little ponies laugh.

“What-?” Sombra seen a tail out of the corner of his eye, and knew the source of the kids laughter.

“Cut that out, Discord.” he snorted, turning his head and butting the Draconequus' arm with his muzzle, playfully. Discord snickered, before relenting and dropping his arm.

Sombra smiled at the kids, who were getting their breath back from the amusing interlude.


Overwatch, and indeed most of the other ponies all did double takes when they seen the Umbrum form. So far Sombra had been remaining in his illusion form to avoid surprising them, but in the ensuing chaos, had forgotten about showing them.

“Goodness me, you look like a sculpture!” the Mayor remarked. Trek beamed when she seen it, after-all, she and the others with her had seen him as a crystal stallion when they'd met him!

“This is my real form, how the native Umbrum's appear.” Sombra explained to the crowd.

“Why do you use the other version?” Rockhopper enquired. Sombra blinked, fumbling for an explanation to give them.

“It is a habit. I grew up entirely unaware of what I was, and I lived so long as the other me that I still find comfort in it to this day.”

He looked a tad flustered at this and Discord quizzed him on it later on, after dinner, as they prepared to stay the night and begin the evac in the morning.


“Spill, what’s with getting so flustered earlier?” Discord said bluntly. Sombra coughed awkwardly, as they headed towards the building they’d be staying in with one of the families.

“Well, I feel I should have dropped such an attachment by now. I know about my race, I’m accustomed to my Umbrum form. Yet...”

“You cant quit it just yet?” Discord filled in. Sombra nodded, sighing heavily.

“I wouldn’t beat yourself up,” Discord said with a shrug “you’re still you, no matter what colour, shininess or magic you possess. If you're still fond of your illusion form, then forget everyone else! Your Umbrum's, even your mother, have mentioned they love you regardless. So lay off the guilt, OK?”

“Book with pictures and curse words.” Sombra stated, laughing happily. This was referring to Discord's ability to read Sombra like the aforementioned silly book.

“The large print edition.” Discord chipped in, scratching behind Sombra's left ear, and the stallion relaxed properly.

Sombra felt infinitely better, Discord always managed to derail whatever strange anxiety loop his brain was creating. But then, he'd gotten to know him better then even the girls had…


Sombra curled up asleep under a pile of comfy blankets that night. The family he and Discord had been placed with had been fretting about finding the perfect things to offer a King soon as he walked in.

Sombra had assured them they didn’t need to worry, their home was lovely. The couple's little son followed Sombra and Discord around as they got the tour, alternating between asking Discord which hooves and paws were from which animal, and how Sombra looked like a giant tree ornament?

Sombra had elected to sleep downstairs on the massive soft couch, as it was easier with his larger body type, if he needed to stretch. He bid everypony (and Draconequus) goodnight as they went upstairs, and snuggled down amidst the blankets.


Sombra woke in the morning to a soft giggle. Slowly opening his eyes, he seen through the small field of vision, the little foal. He was shepherding some round glass ornaments across the carpet. Sombra had a feeling what he was up to. Thus, he stayed perfectly still as a small child preceded to balance as many ornaments on him as possible. It was hard not twitching his ears, the kid's hooves tickled.

Last but not least, the foal balanced one on the Alicorn's muzzle. It teetered, almost fell, then as he held his breath, it steadied.

Then he got a fright as Sombra, who couldn’t resist the ticklish sensation, made a soft “chuff” noise and scrunched his nose. The bauble rolled off.

“Sorry,” the Alicorn opened his eyes, making as little movement as possible “didn’t mean to interrupt your masterpiece.”

The kid held his breath, expecting a telling off. But Sombra was smiling, and fidgeting.

“I apologise child, but I urgently need to laugh. Mind if I..?”

The kid giggled, and nodded his head. Sombra finally allowed his ears to twitch and the long held in laughter to escape. Hearing the King's rumbling laugh, the kid began giggling even harder and soon they were both in stitches.

By this point, the ornaments had rolled off their intended display pony. The kid gathered them up, still giggling. He met the King's eye, and received a confiding grin. He was secretly glad the big shiny pony hadn’t minded, it'd just been impossible to resist testing out his plan.


Hearing the giggling, the kids parents trotted downstairs, and were joined shortly by Discord. They took in the sight of Sombra playing with their son, making the ornaments fly around the room in various displays with his magic.

“Huh..” the father blinked “what is going on?”

“Ah!” Sombra looked over, and the little foal ran over to hug his parents “sorry. I woke up to find I was a stand-in ornament stand, and could not resist entertaining the little scamp!”

“Nightsky!” His mother scolded, and her son giggled.

“Sorry, your majesty,” the father said hurriedly, but was cut off by Sombra shaking his head, dismissing it. Adding in he'd found it hilarious, and the parents couldn’t help a little chuckle themselves at the story.

While they went to make breakfast, Discord drifted over to Sombra.

“Who knew you made a good babysitter?” he grinned. Sombra gave him a funny look.

“I'm not that good around them, not really...” Sombra shook his head, but Discord just rolled his eyes and flicked his ear.

“Ridiculous, they love you!” he grinned at Sombra's bemused glare, then the pony shrugged and smiled.

They joined the family for breakfast, then it was off to start the evacuation.


But when they got there, the ponies were in a panic. The artefact was showing a big crack across its side now, and appeared to be growing dimmer. Sombra felt a gust of wind tug at his mane, and put two and two together.

“Your majesty!” Overwatch ran over “it's starting to fail-”

“Blast-!” Sombra snarled “this is bad. But there must be something-”

He fell silent, running it through his head, and wondered if more of his magic would work? It’d woken it after all!

He decided to replenish it with his own magic before trying to open the link to the building site.

He explained this to the head guard, who nodded and shepherded the ponies back. Sombra flew up into the cold morning air, flurries of snow drifting by.

He was about to begin, when a paw came to rest on his shoulder. Looking over his shoulder, he seen Discord hovering behind him, out of his wings range.

“Not on your own you don’t. Doctor's orders, you’re not supposed to max yourself out.”

Sombra blinked, then nodded, smiling gratefully. He could feel Discord's power at the edge of his sense. Its chaotic nature called out to the darkness woven into his Umbrum side. Thus he was able to draw from him quite easily. A beam of dark, flickering magic shot from his horn to the artefact. It wobbled, then regained its stability. To those waiting below, it seemed to renew, its faded colour growing a little brighter.

Soon however, Sombra had to cut the connection. Discord released his hold and drifted back. He met the stallions eye, looking a bit pale.

“No wonder you were out of breath last time, that thing hasn't got much left to patch together! It's 90% yours and my magic now!”

“That is why we have to hurry, eventually it will fail for good.” Sombra added as they touched back to ground “times running out.”

After that, it was just the connection to the site left to be made. Discord opened the portal and Sombra once again used his magic and memories to create the portals exit point.

Thus the great migration began, as cart after cart traipsed through the portal, followed by its belongings owners. Most stopped to wave goodbye to their home, and Sombra again felt bad for them, having no choice but to flee the place they called home.


On the other side, Girder seen the portal flare open, and gathered some of his workers around. They greeted the lost and somewhat bewildered ponies as they poured out of the portal. They took in the buildings around them, some finished, some still frames.

“It's wonderful..” Overwatch looked up at the nearest building, that Girder was saying was one of many being tidied up to house them all.

“Welcome to the site for the Umbrum kingdom!” Girder declared to the group “I know its a little chaotic right now, but soon it'll be a fully completed city! If you need anything, come see me and we'll do our best to get it sorted. Any willing folk wanting to lend a hoof, see me or any of the junior foremen. Follow me, and ill give you the tour!”

The rescued ponies cheered gratefully, it was really happening, it was exciting to see their new home!


Over the next week, all the ponies and Zebras were brought through the portal to their new home. At last, Sombra and Discord, who’d been monitoring and refuelling the portal, finally closed it behind them on the town's end.

“Soon it'll be buried in snow,” Sombra sighed “I wish I could’ve stopped it, but this was all I could do.”

“You did fine,” Discord patted his back as they walked “you saved the lives of two groups, ponies AND Zebras. At least now they have hope, there wasn’t a lot of it for them before.”

“You’re right..” Sombra smiled “thank you.”

Discord just grinned and ruffled the ponies mane, giggling in glee as it simply settled back into shape.

“How do you do that?” he laughed. Sombra just chuckled and shrugged.

They arrived back on site at last, and Discord shut the portal for the last time.

“Your majesty!” Girder bowed to the Alicorn “its great to see you back!”


Sombra filled him in on his adventure over coffee in Girders office, and the foreman’s eyebrows almost rose off his face.

“Seriously, he stabbed ya? Geez..” he looked at the scar on Sombra's chest “you’re a lot tougher than I ever guessed.”

“I was lucky, Luna brought me to the hospital just in time!” Sombra shivered at the idea of what could’ve happened.

“Well I’m mighty relieved to have you back in one piece.” Girder said with a grin “welcome home, your majesty!”


The towns-ponies were surprised by the size of the site and by so many ponies, gargoyles and centaurs. Ponies from the empire, Ponyville and beyond!

The crystal covering on the housing amazed the Zebra's, who’d never seen such a compacted material before.

“Its beauty and strength are beyond compare, may we ask, this came from where?” Aeris asked Sombra one morning as he came by to check how the Zebra's were settling in.

"I discovered I can create a type of solid super tough crystal. Girder and I intend to see whether all unicorn Umbrum's can create it and if so, add it as an extra layer to toughen the buildings integrity."

“Astonishing,” Timber said “this place is going to be a marvel when its finished!”

“Super shiny too!” Fern grinned.

“How are you and the other little ones getting on?” Sombra asked. Fern beamed.

“I’ve made so many friends!” she cheered “so have the others! The other kids are really nice. They were a little startled at first, they’ve never met zebras before. But when we showed them the games we invented, they started telling us about themselves and asking about the jewellery!”

“That’s fantastic!” Sombra beamed, he was genuinely glad to see the ponies and Zebras integrating well so far. Not many ponies had ever met a Zebra, aside from Ponyville, so it'd been a little awkward at first. But Fern had proven instrumental, boldly going up to random ponies, introducing herself and giving them a short history on Zebras. Her bright demeanour and cheeky grin soon warmed many a heart, and the Zebras were soon making new bonds with the others.


A few days later, as they left Girders office, Sombra and Overwatch ran into Crossfire. Overwatch hadn’t been able to get the courage to apologise to him, so the kid had taken to ignoring him lately.

“Hay!" Crossfire came bounding over to greet the pony who'd become his teacher. Sombra smiled, ruffling the kids hair.

"You been practising yesterdays homework?" he chuckled. Crossfire nodded, grinning eagerly at the King.

Overwatch really was surprised at how much the kid had changed. He was smiling, happy, and there was no suppressor in sight. He wished he could make it up to him..

He took a step forward, but Crossfire's face soured when he seen the Mayor and he turned to go, only to bump nose-first into Sombra's chest as the pony teleported to intercept him. He blinked up at the Alicorn, looking confused.

"He's sorry for the suppressor." the stallion said softly, “let him talk.”

“Why should I? He didn’t care about ME.” Crossfire scowled, “you’re the only one who cared about how I felt!” He looked up at the pony, tears gathering as old emotional wounds came back. Sombra rested a hoof on his protégé's shoulder.

“I understand. It hurts when somepony treats you wrong. I was resentful of the other more “normal” ponies in the orphanage. They all but shut me out because I was strange. But bitterness got me nowhere, and it’ll do the same to you. I don’t hate them now, I know I made my mistakes and so did they. Bizarrely, since I sealed the Empire away when I went coo-coo, they are still the same age as when I last seen them. Felt strange visiting them as an adult.”

“How do you do that?” Crossfire asked, voice choking up “how do you forgive somepony who made you feel that worthless?”

“Because I found someone who made me see my real worth. He got me to take a good hard look at myself and see something good. And I believed him. I realised I was capable of so much more than I had given myself credit. After that, I began letting go of the anger I had run on for so long.”

Crossfire nodded, he could see Sombra's point...

“I was actually worried about seeing them again, I was sure they’d refuse, they had to have hated me. But, to my surprise, they welcomed me in, and said they wanted to say they were sorry for all the times they hurt me. They hadn’t thought just how much damage their actions had caused. They didn’t treat the other kids like that any more, they were making friends again. They asked if I could forgive them.”

“And what did you say?” Crossfire asked.

“I told them “only if you’ll do the same for me”. And that was it, we finally...made up. Started afresh. I told them about that rude rhyme the director taught me all that time ago, and they fair cried with laughter!”

“The one that-?” the colt sniggered.

“Yes,” Sombra coughed “the innuendo one. Please don't ever tell your parents I taught you THAT, I fear they will lynch me.” but he was trying not to laugh as he spoke.

Crossfire giggled, the memory cheering him up. He met Sombra's gaze again and seen a look in his teacher's eyes. He sighed.

“You really think I should forgive him?”

“He made a mistake, he did not know what to do and mistakenly assumed shutting your magic off was the only way. It was unfair, and he genuinely wants to apologise. He is just not sure how to approach it.”

“He said that?” Crossfire glanced sceptically at the Mayor, who did look uneasy, then back at the King. Sombra nodded.

He then nudged the kid back towards the now-fidgeting old pony "go on. he's as scared of you as you are of him. Go easy."

"OK, if you think so." Crossfire said doubtfully.

"Thank you. I will see you this afternoon for your lesson!" Sombra smiled and disappeared into the crowd as Crossfire braved talking to the pony he'd always butted heads with.

But he had an idea.

He asked the Mayor to follow him and he brought him out to the fenced off area where Sombra had been teaching him how to train his magic. He told the Mayor the whole story from his point of view, as he set up some cans.

He then proceeded to shoot them all off with pinpoint accuracy. Even recreated the “punching holes through the can” thing he'd impressed Sombra with back at the first lesson.

"Sweet Celestia-” the Mayor said, jaw hanging open.

"Everypony used to be scared of me, they didn’t want the kids playing with me. Now I’m allowed to play with them, and I’ve made friends with some of the guards here too! They’ve been teaching me stamina exercises, I practised while the King was away!"

"You needed an outlet, not suppression." the Mayor sighed guiltily, recalling Sombra's words "hoo boy, that big fella's not all about force. Got a good brain in there too."

"You mean the King?" Crossfire looked puzzled. So now the mayor told HIS story. How Sombra had confronted him, yet refused to rise to the bait. He'd saved him from those raiders too.

“It scared me half to death when I seen that raider stab him like that!” Overwatch shivered, and Crossfire nodded.

“Yeah, I seen the scar, he said he was sick for a couple of days before he could heal himself. Sounded scary!”

“Without his help, and that of the Zebra family accompanying him, we'd be in a far worse state right now. He used that shadow magic to knock them all out and save us.”

“What happened to those guys?” Crossfire asked.

“The big feller said they’re in lock-up over at the Crystal Empire. Facing charges of assault, theft and attempted murder of royalty.”

Crossfire gave a low whistle “what nutjobs.” he muttered.

The Mayor took a look at the tin can with the neat hole bored into it, and had an idea. As he'd left, Sombra had taken the dying artefact back and given it to the Mayor as a piece of history. The crack in it had reformed a few days after its power was finally faded, and a chunk had fallen off. This, Overwatch now showed to Crossfire.

"I intend to bore a hole through this and present it to his majesty, as a symbol of what he did for us. What he did for YOU."

Crossfire opened his mouth, but the Mayor waved a hoof, as if he wasn’t finished. The young pony fell silent, seeing the crotchety old Mayor suddenly looked...ashamed?

"I'm rightfully sorry for the upset I caused you kiddo. I was so obsessed with keeping the village together I failed to see it was starting to fall apart because of my actions. That as much as I wanted to hold onto the past, our home, that just wasn’t possible. And the more I thought about it, the more I realised; Home isn’t just about a bunch of buildings, it's about the PONIES that make it. Here can be home too, whether you need a doddering old fool however, is up to you."

"Fools a bit far.." Crossfire teased, but not cruelly. The Mayor caught the joke, and snorted softly, a wry smile crossing his face.

“You remind me of Sombra's gargoyle guard, Captain Corona. Real smart-alec feller.”

“Yeah, he's awesome!” Crossfire felt his anger thaw a little, still surprised at the actual apology. He reflected on Sombra's words...

"He understood, didn’t he? How hard it can be to make up for past slip-ups.." he said softly, and the Mayor nodded.

“I hope you can forgive me someday..” the Mayor began to walk away, but was surprised when Crossfire called after him.

“You don’t have to wait. It's forgiven, we're cool.” Crossfire decided. He didn’t want to be angry all his life, and his parents had said they too were so sorry they hadn’t trusted him. If he could forgive them, there was no reason he shouldn’t give the Mayor a second chance too.

“Thank you, Crossfire.” The Mayor said, feeling close to crying in relief. He'd taken a hard learning curve since Sombra's arrival, realising his attitude had been cruel at times. He taken the time to reflect on not just the Crossfire situation, but the Zebra one too. He'd made an effort to be as friendly as he could and they’d opened up to him bit by bit over the last few days.

“New home, new start, right?” Crossfire added, and this seemed to make the Mayor brighten.

“Indeed, lad,” he smiled “I have a feeling this will be a wonderful home for us all. We have a good guardian watching over us.”

Crossfire nodded. Sombra was a good King...


The next day, Sombra and Girder spoke to those that wished to join work teams, and Corona and his guards talked with the new ponies about security and what to do if they seen anything suspicious.

After that, Sombra, with Corona alongside, went to speak with Overwatch to see if he needed anything. The other ponies staying in that house all gathered around to see the King. Sombra was pleased to see Crossfire standing beside the Mayor. When he'd met the kid for their daily lesson, Crossfire had told him how it'd gone. Sombra had told him he was very proud of him, and Crossfire's face had lit up.

Now, as they wrapped up the talks, the Mayor and Crossfire stepped up to address Sombra.

"There's something I’d like to say, your highness." the Mayor spoke up so everypony in the room would hear him "you’ve given us a fresh start, offered us food and shelter in homes that YOU helped build. You protected us from the storm and for all of this we are extremely grateful."

The assembled ponies cheered, and Sombra felt himself flush a little. But his relief and delight were obvious in his eyes alone.

"The young lad gave me a hand with this," the Mayor held up a familiar shard of artefact on a braided chain. Engraved into it was Sombra's cutie mark. "we wanted to present this to you as a sign of our gratitude."

Crossfire grinned at the King "I bored the hold with my magic, and helped with the engraving with my dad!" he said proudly.

"It's wonderful." Sombra smiled, looking proud of the young colt "your power is outstanding."

Crossfire flushed, but stood proudly nonetheless. This was the feeling, the gratification he'd wanted all his life. The Mayor handed the necklace to him, and he used his magic to fasten it around the neck of their helper and friend. The colour of the jewel shone softly, as if it could sense the magic of the pony bearing it. It was a labour of love, crafted by those he'd helped.

"Nice." Corona said, nodding in approval. The ponies cheered as Sombra inclined his head and spoke the assembled crowd;

"Thank You."


The next morning the Mayor woke up and went in search of Sombra, hoping there was something HE could do to help. He felt bad just sitting on the sidelines while the others worked. He needed something to do that didn’t involve heavy labour.

After several minutes of searching, he realised he didn’t know where the King lived. So far Sombra had come to HIM, and he was usually on a job or stationed at Girder's office when anypony needed him.

He couldn’t find any sign of a private residence being used by the King. In fact he soon realised he and the other refugees were using the finished houses in complete entirety!

So where was the King?

He chanced stopping by the various barracks/sleeping quarters to ask, and in the final one, a Centaur he ran into indicated a screened-off area towards the back of the room. Overwatch did a double take.

"Eh? Shouldn't a King be able to have a place of his own? We're not keeping him from his own home by using those houses are we?" he looked horrified at the idea.

The Centaur shook his head, stamping his hooves in amusement "I was surprised at first too, but as far as I can tell, he's been here since the earlier days and refuses to hear of it. Somehow I think it’ll be the day the palace is built before he moves out of here!"

"He's an odd feller, least kingly- King I’ve ever met." Overwatch said at last.

"Yet there’s no denying it's in his breeding to rule, I can see it," the Centaur said with a nod "and I know he prefers the closeness of a common working bond to the relationship of a King and his subjects right now. My guess is, his majesty is still a little uncertain about taking the reigns. Our King, His majesty King Vorak, believes this work will aid him when he is finally on the throne."

"I've seen balls of string less complicated than this.." Overwatch chuckled at last "goodness me, what a tangled web we weave."

"Indeed." the Centaur nodded "if you wish to speak with his highness, he will not mind. Today is a scheduled day off for him, so he'll be writing letters to the Princesses. Go ahead."

"Thank you kindly." Overwatch said stoutly, then took a deep breath and made his way across the packed floor towards the screen. He rapped a hoof on the wooden frame, and heard Sombra's familiar voice telling him to come in, as it were.

Sure enough, Sombra was surrounded by sheets of parchment and an elegant quill was floating mid air above a half-finished page.

"Everything alright?" The monarch asked, setting the paper down and the quill back in its ink-pot.

Overwatch asked if there was a way he might help. Given his age, he wasn't as spry as he used to be, so hard labour was out of the question..

Sombra mulled it over, before suggesting he go speak to Girder. At present, his two assistants were working with inventory, but Girder would undoubtedly appreciate any extra information about the new ponies.

"They’re your ponies, so you know them best," Sombra explained "any details that can help streamline operations here, Girder will appreciate highly. "

"Now that I can do, lad. Now I’ve settled in, I’m getting a case of the fidgets with nothin' to do!" Overwatch sighed in relief "Just one question; what’re your assistants doing working in an office? Aren’t they supposed to help YOU?"

Sombra chuckled gently "they are not suited for heavy duty work. Their strengths lie in their minds, and it felt wasteful insisting they follow me around doing whatever I do. So I asked them to assist Girder, who could put their talents to better use. I suspect they were quite horrified at how willing I was to get dirty and covered in cement. I think I am not what they think a King should be, and they’re a little surprised."

"Give 'em time, they’ll come around." Overwatch said assuredly "if you can get through the defences of a stubborn old fart like me, I’m sure you’ll win them over in no time!"

The made Sombra brighten, and he couldn’t help smile. He invited the pony to stay awhile and talk, and before long, they'd been talking for over an hour, about all manner of things. Sombra felt Overwatch's experience was useful in helping HIM learn to run an empire. It was a different scale, but the same job. And he had a long way to go yet...


Overwatch observed Sombra over the next few days, and noted he did indeed act decidedly un-royal. He was forever up to his flank in work, strutting around the site towing carts or carrying loads on his back, supported by his immense wings. When he wasn’t doing that, he was acting as a teacher to the vastly improving Crossfire. Overwatch even heard him singing some rude songs at a gathering one night.


A week later, Sombra's dreams began taking a strange turn, and his sleepwalking began getting worse. Every night now, he was waking up standing somewhere else.

On the most recent night, he awoke to see a near frantic Captain Corona hovering in front of him. His ears were ringing from what he guessed instinctively was a loud yell. On seeing him focusing properly, the Gargoyle heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness, I was thinking I’d have to slap you before you brained yourself on the work gear!" the relieved gargoyle huffed. He indicated the pieces of construction machinery standing idle nearby. Sombra was a few scant meters away from a concussion.

"Also, you talk.." the Gargoyle frowned "I’m guessing its the Umbrum language, as its like nothing I’ve ever heard."

Sombra coughed, looking slightly embarrassed.

"It IS getting worse," he admitted "every night now."

"Yeah, I’ve noticed. I’ve also had reports from the other night patrols that they see you wandering about, but they haven’t approached, just kept their distance and made sure you didn’t injure yourself!”

“I see..” Sombra said, sighing softly “Thank you, Captain. Truly.”

"That's my honour sire, now lets get you inside before you turn into a pony-sicle. Have you considered seeing a doctor?" Corona asked as he followed Sombra back to the sleeping quarters.

"I spoke with the site doctor-" the King began. Corona shook his head.

"I know, I asked. But he suggests you see a specialist. There's one in the Crystal Empire, by luck. By which I mean I wrote to the pink swirly-haired Princess and she told me. I suggest you visit as soon as possible, for your own sake, and your guards! We're concerned, sire."

"Very well, I’ll endeavour to go out there asap. Thank you, Captain." he managed a weary smile, relieved he had such earnest watchdogs.

"Sleep well, your majesty." Corona bid him goodnight and left to return to his post. Sombra crept back to his bed, feeling worried. Why was the sleep walking getting worse, and what was with those vague nightmares? Just images, flashes of a dark power like a storm cloud, brewing inside the crystal heart. Was it another internal worry materialising?

--No, I mean...yes I’ll admit I still feel awkward visiting the Empire, but things have started over now. It's alright.--

So what did it mean?

He fell asleep, still puzzled...


Thus, two days later he was on a train heading back to the Crystal Empire early in the morning. He yawned sleepily, and his companion for the trip, the familiar Gargoyle Captain, cast him a concerned look.

"You OK your majesty?" he asked. Sombra nodded, seeing Corona's look of concern.

"I’m fine.." he said dozily. He lent against the window, just shutting his eyes for just a moment.

He was jolted awake as the train blew its horn to signal approach to the station. He shook himself, groaning. Corona didn’t say anything, but his concern was obvious. Sombra shivered, wondering if he should've brought a cloak after all?

As they disembarked the train, getting several double takes from the ponies waiting on the platform, things were already accelerating...


The old Centaur kept his head down as he walked sedately along with the crowds. But his heart hammered anxiously. He had to find that spell, it'd been missing for days...

What made this thing dangerous was that it possessed a level of sentience. It was smart. He'd gotten lax in recent months and had let himself be lulled into a false sense of complacency, thus he'd failed to renew the wards when checking the spells containment. It'd broken free and torn off into the sky, leaving a storm in its wake. He been on the trail of it ever since. It'd flown across the wastes, heading directly for the Crystal empire.

Had the old centaur gone just few degrees off course in his pursuit, he'd have stumbled across the Umbrum work site...

But now he was in the Empire, and looking everywhere for that spell. He kept his ears pricked for ANY strange news, eavesdropping on ponies conversations as he pretended to stare into shop windows. The sky was grey, a storm rapidly brewing. The shield around the Empire usually kept them out, but this one had gotten in, which had the populace alarmed.

He thought he'd lost the spell, and was preparing to head for Canterlot when he struck gold. Snippets of a conversation between two well dressed mares...

"Did you hear? The Princess took the heart inside!"


"It was turning cloudy, she said it needs sprucing up! Have you ever heard the like?"

“It is a strange artefact, why I swear its got a spirit of its own! You saw what it did for the Umbrum leader!"

"Of course! How is he, I wonder-"

The Centaur lost the conversation then, for he was already heading toward the palace. Of course, the Crystal Heart. That thing had been the centre of numerous strange occurrences over the years…

He moved as fast as he could, hoping this would be it, that he'd simply take the spell and go home. He'd hide it behind even MORE powerful wards and never be so foolish again...


Candace and Shining Armor were studying the heart when they got news they had a visitor at the door who had said it was urgent they see him. That he knew what was wrong with the heart.

They shared dubious glances, but agreed to see him anyway. Cadance put the heart behind her most powerful shield, and she and Shining awaited the visitors arrival.

To their surprise it was a Centaur, they didn’t see many of them at the Empire!

"Is there a way we can assist you?" Cadance asked guardedly, wondering why he was insisting on seeing her and her husband.

The Centaur's eyes settled on the heart, and his own sank.

--Just as I suspected..--

Outside, the clouds rumbled and Shining frowned. Rain burst forth with a blast of sound, darkening the sky in seconds.

"We don’t normally get storms here." he murmured.

"I regret to tell your highnesses, but that is no natural storm." the Centaur said heavily. Both ponies eyes locked onto him.

"Who are you"? Shining Armor asked.

The centaur bowed "I am Morloc, I’m a scholar. I've studied magic in both my homeland, and my travels."

"And you think you know what’s wrong with the heart?" Cadance said sceptically. The Centaur nodded.

"What you’re looking at is some bad magic, I’ve been chasing it for some time now, hoping to destroy it before it laid down roots."

“Is that what its doing? Taking root in the heart?" Shining Armor was extremely alarmed. This was BAD.

Morloc nodded "we need to get it out of there."

But as he made to explain what was necessary, the door was flung open and a voice called out "Princess!"


As they’d gotten closer to the castle, the skies had opened up, and soon the Umbrum stallion was drenched, his faithful guard no dryer than he.

"Not a fan of rain.." Corona muttered, ears shivering "I come from a hot country, this stuff is...bleh!"

Sombra chuckled "I must confess I am fond of water, it's relaxing."

As they approached, Sombra seen the heart was gone and frowned in concern. then he experienced a terrible stabbing pain, and dizzying images raced through his head. He crumpled to the floor, Corona doing his best to support him and stop him from face-planting into the crystal paving.

"Sire? What’s wrong?" he yelled over the rain.

"M-my head.." Sombra gasped "something is off, it's very wrong! We have to find Princess Cadance!"

"Of course!" Corona knew who she was, he'd met her during the visit where he and the others had been assigned to King Sombra's workforce. The pink one with the tricolour mane. She was the one who referred him to the specialist doctor that could help Sombra. Her mane reminded him of a type of triple-swirled ice cream commonly sold in the place he called home. So he mentally nicknamed her "Princess ice cream".

He guided the pained King to the door. The guard on duty was very concerned by the look of pain on the Alicorn's face.

“Shall I fetch the doctor?” the guard asked as he and Corona brought the King inside.

Sombra shook his head, saying he just needed to see Cadance urgently.

"Goodness, she's popular today!" the guard remarked as he walked them along the hall.

"H-how do you mean?" Sombra winced. The pain was abating a little now the shock had worn off.

"Well, we had a centaur come by earlier-" This made Corona's attention spike.

"Really?" he asked, curiously. It was rare for them to venture out this far. Sure, it wasn’t unheard of, but what were the chances on today of all days?

As they got closer, Sombra suddenly stopped. He shifted from a look of pain to one of extreme concern, then he took off ahead. He flung the door open with none of his usual restraint, yelling for the Princess-

Corona shot off, reaching the King's side just as everything went to pot.


Both the ponies and the guards stationed by the door turned to look over at the source of the yelling. Morloc remained fixated on the heart however, he was so close...

Then he seen the heart shudder, the darkness inside it swirling, as if it was sensing something-

He yelled for everyone to duck. And it was just as well, as spikes of corrupted crystal blasted out from the heart, shattering Cadence's shield and aiming right for Sombra!

Corona wasted no time in throwing his weight against the King's side, grabbing the Alicorn's wing in an attempt to force the pony to his knees. It worked, and the crystal overshot the King, one shard embedding in the wall, the other...

Sombra heard Corona yell, just as he processed getting a face full of carpet. He lifted his head, seeing blood dripping to the carpet. The projectiles had clipped his guard, the Gargoyle had a deep cut from the first projectile in his left shoulder, and another one had torn a small shred off his right ear.

"Captain!" Sombra gasped. He flung a shield up, even as more shards fired their way.

"I’m fine, sire!" Corona dismissed the King's worry "you need to stop that thing!" If I’m not mistaken its honing in on YOU!"

As this went on, Cadance peeked through her mane at Morloc.

"What’s happening?" she said furiously.

"What has taken your heart prisoner has a taste for magic, of a distinct kind."

Cadance put two and two together with who she'd caught a glimpse of in the doorway, before the madness had begun.

"Dark magic..." she whispered.

Morloc nodded "I don’t know what kind of wizard you have in your employ, but dark magic is dangerous!"

"If that’s who I thought it was," Shining Armor muttered "he’s THE master-!"

He cut off as the heart suddenly ceased firing, and the rattling sound of something firing into a shield instead met their ears.

Cadance turned and seen a flowing black shadow, with distinct eyes and horn, entwined around the shield currently protecting them from the Heart's rage.

She sighed in relief. Sombra caught her eye and nodded, before reforming himself before the trio.

The shadow King glanced back at the door, where the two guards who’d dove out of the way when the attack commenced were now seeing to Corona, who appeared to be giving them instructions on first aid. He sighed in relief.

"Nice timing.." Shining wheezed.

Sighing in relief, the Centaur mage now decided to take a look at their rescuer. His jaw promptly hit the floor as he took in what he was seeing.

"Sweet sorcery on high.." he whispered "he actually did it-!"

He was looking at a pony he'd never thought he'd see. When that crazy Scorpan had cornered him with threats, he'd palmed him off, saying if he could resurrect the former King he'd have a chance. He hadn’t actually thought it possible, and he'd been on the run from his own home ever since. When he had realised the danger Scorpan represented, he fled. He was too old to fight...

Living like a hermit, he hadn’t seen any of the news surrounding Sombra's return, this this was his first glimpse of the Umbrum pony. He took in the crystalline body, wings and the basic fact he was alive.

When he inadvertently spoke out loud, Sombra's ears twitched, and he turned his gaze on Morloc.

"What...did you just say...?" Cadance voiced the unspoken question that Sombra seemed unable to voice.

Once the floodgates were open, Morloc's morbid curiosity only dug him in deeper. Without thinking, he blurted;

"I gave him that scroll just to distract him, I didn’t think he'd actually be able to bring you back-wha?!"

He backed up sharply as the pony suddenly stood over him. Morloc was average height for a Centaur, but this impressive stallion was still able to stare down at him. He gulped nervously, recalling what he knew about this pony.

He shot a nervous glance at the two royal ponies, but the Prince and Princess bore similar looks to Sombra. Part anger, part shock.

"W-why is he here?!" he bleated.

"If you’re looking for the bad guy in all this, you’re in the wrong place. Try Tartarus." Shining Armor said bluntly. Morloc made a gibbering noise, and Sombra growled softly, dragging the Centaur's attention back to the pony.

"It was YOU." Sombra managed to force the words out. The Centaur in front of him backed up another step, hands raised as if to ward him off.

"Morloc?" Patched up, Corona spotted who else was in the room, and flew over, wincing as his bandaged wounds ached "what are YOU doing here?"

Morloc did a double take. He remembered Corona from when he was little, and he'd seen him on patrol before his mad dash to flee his home.

"Corona, goodness...it's been a long time..."

“Yeah, according to King Vorak, you’re MIA-" Corona caught the rigid stance of his current master, and cut off mid-sentance "you alright, your majesty?"

"Tell him what you just said." Sombra said icily to Morloc. The mage began to panic, seeing Corona's gaze flicking from him to the stallion.

"I-i didn’t say anything, j-just that I didn’t think you were actually alive- it was supposed to be impossible-!"

"Wait a second.." Corona shook his head, as like Sombra, he added things up "You KNEW about this. But that means.."

"He is the one who instructed Scorpan on how to, shall we say, "awaken" me?" Sombra said softly. Corona stared at the King, then the mage.

"WHAT." Corona's voice was furious and he snarled a Gargoyle curse word under his breath.

"What else could I do?" Morloc went for broke, why were they all acting like HE was the villain? Look who was standing among them!!

"How about not aid and abet a known element of trouble?" Corona hissed.

"I didn’t think he'd seriously be able to resurrect you- b-but it looks like you escaped that lunatic anyway-"

Sombra couldn’t help it, he lost control. He took a step forward, and Corona ducked once again as he recognised the pony’s stance.

With a jarring, cracking sound, Sombra snapped his wings out to their full size, which made Morloc utter a faint shriek and back-peddle away from him. He stared up at the wings from his position on the floor. His own reflection was mirrored back at him in those appendages. What WAS Sombra now?

"Do you know," Sombra said coldly "what you did. To me, to the princesses? The danger you put Equestria in? Escape-?"

He advanced on Morloc, who scuttled back, the pony’s wrath was terrifying!

"Do you have ANY idea what he put me through-" Sombra cut off, feeling sickness and a faded sense of captivity well up. So many memories, all of them awful. His magic raged at his restraint. This was the being who'd been partly responsible for the nightmare he'd been through...

"I-I.." Morloc sputtered "he wasn't supposed to be able to do it-"

"He was insane!" Sombra yelled back "you couldn’t have ignored the thought there was a chance he could succeed? What he would DO with power like mine?"

Morloc gulped nervously. he could see a real anger and pain in the pony’s eyes.

"W-what did he do..?" he whispered. Sombra shuddered.

"Why don’t I SHOW you." he hissed. And before Morloc could respond, the pony closed his eyes. Magic swirled around his horn and suddenly Morloc's head was full of memories. Short bursts, full of nightmarish torment. Pain, suffering, the clanking of chains. Fear hit him full on and he shook his head. This could be real...could it?

Then it showed some brief snatches of happier times. A group of younger mares offering kindness and even the pony who raised the sun was there, worry in her eyes. Last but not least, he seen the fight from Sombra's perspective, watched Scorpan's defeat at the hooves of the same pony he'd tortured.

Then he was back in the throne room, confronting a furious Alicorn.

He didn’t have any pleas left for the stallion, what could he say to that?

Desperate, he looked over at Corona now.

"H-help-" he began, but Corona snorted.

"Help you? Heck, I could arrest you on behalf of King Vorak right now!" he shrugged, regretting it as his shoulder twinged "you crazy old coot!"

While they watched Sombra scaring the daylights out of the Centaur, Shining looked at Cadance.

"Should we...stop them?" he asked, but Cadance shook her head.

"He's right to be angry, this must be pretty awful for him. I don't think he's going to do anything rash. He just wants answers..."

Shining Armor nodded, then heard a new, faint cracking sound. He and Cadance looked over at the shield surrounding the infected Crystal Heart. It was starting to crack- "Uh, guys?"

Corona heard their voices, and looked over the top of one of Sombra's wings.

"What is it?" asked, absently noting just how much tension was occupying the Kings body, he could feel it in the wing he was leaning over.

"I think we have a more..urgent problem…" Cadance said, gesturing to the Heart.

Corona spotted the attempted jailbreak of the Heart, and tapped the Kings shoulder with one hand. Sombra broke off from glaring at Morloc to look at his guard.

"Your majesty, this will have to wait! Your attention is more urgently needed-"

Sombra looked in the direction Corona pointed.

"What is that thing?" he hissed at Morloc "and what is it doing to the Heart?"

"Its an ancient spell, I’ve guarded it most my life. But as I got older, I got careless. I couldn’t risk Scorpan finding it, it's dangerous. I hid it deep beneath the ground, and distracted him from robbing my home..." he trailed off as he realised the "distraction" had resulted in Sombra's pain. The pony shot him a hateful look, as if he'd read his mind, but said nothing.

"How do we stop it?" he said coldly.

"I-its sentient, intelligent....you cant just disassemble it!"

"Why did it fire on his majesty?" Corona demanded. Morloc gulped, casting a glance at Sombra, then the Prince and Princess. Surely he didn’t rule HERE, did he?

"Nope, different place altogether, so we cant stop him!" Shining Armor said calmly. Morloc looked about to faint, and looked back at Sombra.

"Answer him!" Corona demanded, as he unslung his spear from his back "don’t make me kick your ass!"

For once, Sombra didn’t tell the Captain to calm himself. He guessed rightly that Corona had a beef with this guy on his own kingdom's account, and he could not deny the other his fury.

"The history books- I mean, all the stories say your magic is purely dark. To that spell, that’s the equivalent of a tantalizing feast! It’ll go after you until it gets it!"

Sombra felt a sense of deja vu, and wondered how many times would he be hunted for his magic? As far as he was able to find out, he alone had such high levels of dark magic. Even Celestia had pointed out she only knew a fraction of the spells he did. Dark magic was illegal to study due to its nefarious nature. Being who he was, having lived with it most of his life, he didn’t find it odd, but in comparison to the rest of the world, he was an anomaly.

He realised it fell to him, therefore, to stop this thing. If it was so fixated on HIM, it was likely not going to let anypony else get in its way. He didn’t want innocent ponies getting hurt.

"Then there is only one option." he murmured.

The Heart continued to batter at the shield. Sombra teleported, appearing on the other side of the Heart, and sure enough, the heart swivelled to face him head on. No denying the facts, it had gotten the scent of his magic.

"We have to stop it-!" Cadance began, but stopped as Sombra shook his head. Her looked at her from over the shielded Heart.

"I have to stop it," he said heavily "it’ll tear apart anything and anypony that obstructs it."

"He's right.." Morloc croaked nervously, while Corona continued to glare at him "the heart has become a thing of darkness. One dark heart seeks another-!!"

He cut off rapidly as the tip of Corona's spear jabbed his nose lightly. An unmistakeable warning gesture, so he didn’t continue.

Sombra didn’t see this. He heard it however, and felt that familiar old guilt hover at the edge of his thoughts a moment. But he dismissed it rapidly, now was not the time.

It threw itself at the shield at the same time Sombra raised his wings to fly up. The heart swivelled and projected a sharp spike of crystal at him. The shield fell in tatters and the spike caught Sombra by surprise, punching into his right wing. The speed of the attack pinned him to the wall behind him. Through the pain, he heard Corona yell, then a thud. He looked up, pain forgotten, and seen a thick enclosure of dusky grey crystal had formed around him. Mixed into its swirling colour was some traces of blue. He heard yelling from behind this barrier, and surmised it was opening fire on everypony else.

"The buck you are..." he spat. Gritting his teeth, he aimed a sharp, short burst of magic at the spike digging into his wing. It broke off from the main body of the spike. With one heave, he was able to pull it free. Stomach churning pain hit him like a sucker punch, but he squashed it down and applied a "quick fix" to the wound. He needed to fly, but he didn’t have the time to fully heal it, he would have to rely on this working.

Next up, this "prison".

Cadance and Shining Armor crouched behind a shield, the Gargoyle and Centaur with them. Corona looked pale, the bandages on his wounds already soaking through. He looked over at the prison containing his master.

"We have to get to him somehow-" he began.

"Its crazy! You go out there, it'll shoot you full of more holes than that eternal piece of Swiss cheese everypony always refers to!" Shining pointed out. Corona glared at the Centaur.

"You’d best hope his highness is in a forgiving mood when this is over, as I for one will not. I will leave judgement to the ponies involved, their highnesses, otherwise your sorry ass would be in chains!"

Morloc again didn’t say a word, just seemed to accept this. He'd known things would catch up to him eventually, but not like this- He dropped that train of thought as he seen the crystal prison Sombra had been rapidly cocooned in was now glowing...from the inside!

"What's-?" he pointed towards it. Corona scowled, but he and the other two all looked over at the crystal prison-

The glow intensified and all jaws dropped as it exploded, chunks of crystal disintegrating into dust. Amidst the wreckage stood a decidedly angry Sombra. Wings outspread, magic in high gear. Crimson eyes gleamed, framed by their green glow. Wisps of purple magic only served to enhance the sight.

Blood stained his right wing, but it appeared fixed, at least at first glance. The heart, which had taken to hovering at the top of the high ceilinged room, swivelled to face him. It fired a barrage of crystals at its escaped target. They hit Sombra's shield as he flung it up, smashing to dust. The Heart hesitated, changing tactics, but Sombra didn’t give it time. He shot up into the air, aiming for the Heart. It fired more rounds, but Sombra just smirked, and shifted mid-flight to the black shadowy form. This way, the shards passed right through him, and he was able to cling to the wall.

The possessed Heart tried firing something akin to a beam of blazing blue light, the real Heart's own power, at this strange pony. But although it struck him right through the centre of his mass, it had no effect. The shadowy Sombra just reformed around it..

"Has...anypony ever wondered just HOW he does that?" Shining asked "its puzzled me since we first, you know, drove him out that time. How can he be a shadow?"

"I think it's something to do with being an Umbrum," Corona piped up "he told me how when he first encountered his race again, they were just shadows. It must an inherent trait of their kind! Maybe his majesty is the only one able to fluidly use it? He's never spoken about it. Don’t think he necessarily likes to."

"That’s right.." Shining Armor flashed back to that day, when Sombra had first come back to the Empire. He'd still been a fractured, uneasy soul and had taken a long time to heal.

"I dare say he avoids using it because of the ties to the past." Shining suggested. Cadance nodded, and looked at Corona.

"Sometimes I’ve seen him with this faraway look on his face," Corona said softly, frowning "he acts as if discussing his past is easy, he's been more than open with anypony that asks. But afterwards, he seems to just retreat into himself for awhile. I don’t think its as easy as he makes out."

"I had wondered." Cadance nodded. "I know his new habit of being completely open about the past has been welcomed by many across Equestria, but I hope he's not hurting himself in the process."

"He's a little too good at hiding behind a poker face, according to Girder." Corona added.

All conversation trailed off as they seen Sombra had finally managed to close in on the heart. The blast he fired stunned it, but only briefly, it just shrugged off the damage and pulsed again. More crystal formed in the air, preparing to fire-

"The buck you are-!" Sombra snapped. He lunged at it, disrupting the Hearts next attempt and set off a teleport spell once he was within range. Thus the both of them vanished in a thunderclap of sound.

"Where'd they go?" Corona cried. Cadance dropped the shield and they all ran to the windows. But they couldn’t see anything.

"The balcony!" Cadance cried. They ran out and looked all around-

"There!" The Centaur spotted something amidst the heavy rain. A blast of lightning highlighted the scene and in that brief snapshot they seen Sombra and the heart facing off amidst the storm. Rainwater ran over the crystal Alicorn's wings, and Cadance seen he was having difficulty remaining airborne. It was clearly hurting to flap his wings, and she seen a reddish stain, diluted by rain, spreading down the left wing. With each blast of lightning, they seen flashes of the fight; Sombra banking and weaving to avoid the hearts shots- it firing unrelenting barrages at him in turn.

Unaware of the audience, Sombra was puzzling over some way, ANY way to defeat this thing. Then he had an idea. It was crazy, but fighting this way was getting nowhere, this thing was countering every move he made! So he took a deep breath and recalled the night the heart had granted him the immunity. He had to connect to it-

-And what better place then from within!

Sombra turned and seemingly fled, forcing the Heart, wrapped in its ominous aura, to follow. He shot higher into the sky, and his whole body started to glow. The heart sped after him regardless, intent on catching him, thus it had no way of avoiding Sombra when he banked at speed and turned back.

To those watching, he seemed to lose all shape, becoming a blazing blur of light that hit the Heart dead centre. A pulse of light blasted out, blowing the rain askew for a second. The heart stopped mid air, lighting up bright. Then, as the startled audience stared, a thick ball of crystal formed around it, hiding it from sight. Curls of crystal unfurled from its base, forming a pillar that stretched to the ground. Then it went still, only the storm left to hear...

"What just happened...?" Shining Armor asked. Drawn by the sounds of the fight going still, ponies crept out of their houses. They stared up at the crystal pillar, and the globe it supported. What was it? What was happening?

"I think he merged with it somehow?" Cadance grasped for an explanation.

Morloc took this in, and he realised the Umbrum's ploy "he intends to destroy the spell from the inside..."

This struck a chord with Corona, who recalled an incident the King had spoken of during one of the conversations.

"The wraith...!" he blurted "it's just like the incident with the wraith! His majesty told me the only way he was able to take that thing down was to willingly allow it to possess him then take it down from within. This is the same. He's found a way to place himself inside the heart. If the source of the corruption is in there, he'll be able to destroy it!"

"I hope so." Cadance sighed. Shining Armor patted her back.

"If anypony can untangle a dark magic spell, its gonna be him."

Cadance nodded, looking back over her shoulder as Shining drew her back inside. The others followed, the rain was too cold to hang around in for long...

"Please save the heart.." the concerned Princess whispered.

Minutes seemed to drag by agonizingly as they waited inside the balcony doors, out of the rain, but watching the crystal pillar. Corona made sure he kept an eye on Morloc, not trusting the old mage. Morloc wondered who was going to arrest him first. The Crystal Empire, his own home, or the mystery empire Sombra now ruled? Corona sure seemed to be gunning for his arrest, and as he seemed to have allegiance to both Vorak and Sombra, there was no telling what influence he'd have.

But that the unicorn King was not only alive, but an Alicorn now? It was surreal...

Author's Note:

Part 1/2 of the final chapter. It ended up being huge so...yup. =D

Next part soon!