• Published 4th Nov 2015
  • 2,257 Views, 134 Comments

Mega Mare Brilliance - Azure Sandora

Apple Bloom finds a mysterious gemstone that grants her unusual powers, which she uses in the hopes of finding her sister.

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Sweetie Belle had just finished her second song and was going onto her third song. The crowd loved her! Sapphire Shores could tell that this girl was going to go far. She received a standing ovation for each song.

Funny… that didn't happen to Sapphire Shores anymore…

“SWEETIE BELLE! SWEETIE BELLE! SWEETIE BELLE!” The crowd cheered. They were eating her up, and despite how worried she was about her sister, she was clearly enjoying herself. The crowd was even having fun, watching her sing and dance. She looked like a true star.

“Yeah Sweetie Belle!”

“You rock girl!”

“She's gonna make it big! Even bigger than Sapphire Shores!”

Hold on, what?! Did they think she was going to become better than her?! Sure, Sweetie Belle was good, but better than Sapphire Shores?!

This is how it starts…

You did realize that this would happen, didn't you…?

“What do you mean?” Sapphire Shores asked, “I was just teaching her what I knew…?”

Yes, and that was good…

But look at Sweetie Belle…

She's young, she's fresh…

And you're just the crazy mare that can't control herself on stage…

“I'm in control!” Sapphire Shores fussed, “And there's no way she can take my place! Sapphire Shores is eternal!”

Tell that to them…

Sapphire Shores looked onstage again, and saw Sweetie Belle singing her hit song, using moves that were clearly inspired by Sapphire Shores' dancing. Though she was only thirteen, she moved almost like an adult.

She was… actually sexy.

She's taking this too far…

She says that she admires you…

But that's a lie…

She really wants to replace you…

“She thinks she's going to replace me…?” Sapphire Shores seethed, “Oh no… I'm not going to let that happen!”

Why stop there…?

Why not make all of them suffer…

After all, they condemned you…

Called you a crazy pony…

“I'm not crazy…!” Sapphire Shores cried, “I'm not crazy!”

Then let's prove it…

Show them how much you're in control…

By punishing all of them of your own free will…

Punish them… make them suffer…

That sounded like a great idea...

She pulled the Aquamarine out of her pocket and held it up, “Mana Change!”

Sapphire Shores glowed light blue, and was engulfed in a tower of water. When the tower fell apart, Sapphire Shores had changed into something else entirely.

Her long blue mane grew in length and volume, now falling past her waist. She wore a light blue armored bra and shoulder pads, and her lower body was replaced by a long sea serpent’s tail made of light blue crystal. She wore light blue crystal wrist guards on her arms, held a golden trident in her right hand, and a golden tiara on her head.

“I'll show all of them!” the now transformed Sapphire Shores said through gritted teeth.

Sweetie Belle finished her third song, taking in the applause from the crowd. Was this how Sapphire Shores felt when she performed? No wonder she loved it so much. She could get used to this feeling.

“Shows over, Sweetie Belle!”

“Huh?” Sweetie Belle asked looking around. The lights went out in the main stadium, and a spot light came on a second later on a platform above Sweetie Belle on the stage, revealing Sapphire Shores' horrible transformation.

“What's going on?”

“Is this a part of the show?”

“I think that's Sapphire Shores!”

“Miss… Shores…?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Not anymore. I've been reborn. I am now… Hydra Shores!”

“Shit...” Scootaloo said to herself, “She was possessed by a Mana Stone. Apple Bloom, hurry back…!”

“You enjoying the show, everyone?” Hydra Shores asked, “Loving the new fresh face? Thinking she'll replace me?!”

“Miss Shores, no!” Sweetie Belle cried, “You helped me, remember? I wanted to do this in honor of you!”

“LIES!” Hydra Shores shouted, “I know what you really wanted! You wanted to replace me! Step in now that Sapphire Shores was losing her mind, right?!”

“What?! No, that's not true!” Sweetie Belle said, “I don't think you're losing your-”


“I don't think your crazy, Miss Shores!” Sweetie Belle said, “Your suffering, I know you are! Bi-polar depression is serious, and you feel like you're hopeless sometimes! But you're not! You just need someone to-”

“Didn't I say SHUT UP?!” Hydra Shores screamed, pointing her trident at Sweetie Belle and firing a sharp arrow made of ice at Sweetie Belle, knocking her back, “You're just saying this because your afraid! I won't be fooled though! I'm going to make everyone here suffer! If you think I'm so crazy, then how about I show you what real crazy looks like by flooding everything around me! VIRUSES! ATTACK!”

The entire Town Hall became wavy as it was drawn into the Mana World, and four viruses appeared on stage, all of them looking like shark partially submerged in the ground like it was water. Sweetie Belle fell back in shock and everyone screamed. As one of the sharks swam over to her and opened its mouth, someone teleported in front of Sweetie Belle in a blue light and punched it back.

“Mega Mare!” Sweetie Belle cried out happily.

“Stay back, Sweetie Belle! I'll take care of this!” Mega Mare said getting in a fighting stance.

Two of the sharks swam over to Mega Mare opening their mouths, but Mega Mare rolled to the side and fired at them with her Buster Gun. The other two shot up and tackled Mega Mare, knocking her forward, but she caught herself and landed on her feet.

“Shock Wave!” Mega Mare shouted. A Mettaur's pickax appeared in her hand, and she slammed it in the ground, creating a shock wave that raced toward the sharks in a straight line, killing two of them.

Mega Mare jumped to the side just in time to dodge a Sharks attack, and charged up her Buster Gun. She fired at the Shark approaching her side just as it opened its mouth, knocking it out of the water and stunning it.

“V-Gun!” Mega Mare shouted, casting another of her new spells. This time she fired at the stunned Shark as the second one came up to its side. The shot bounced off and exploded in a perfect V formation, hitting both Sharks and killing them.

Mega Mare ran to the platform Hydra Shores was on and glared at her, “Sapphire Shores! Ya need to stop this right now!”

“Who are you?” Hydra Shores asked, “Someone else who thinks I'm crazy?!”

“Who I am ain't important! It's why I'm here that matters!” Mega Mare pointed her Buster Gun at Hydra Shores, “You're hurtin a lot of ponies, and you yourself is in a lot of danger! I'm here to save all of them and you!”

“Mommy! I know her! That's Mega Mare! She saved the school!”

“Mega Mare is real?! I thought that was just something the kids came up with!”

“Mega Mare! You can do it!”

So much for this whole Mega Mare craze blowing over,” Luna said, “Congratulations Apple Bloom, you are now a full fledged celebrity.

“Christ...” Mega Mare said painfully, putting her focus back on Hydra Shores, who laughed loudly.

“So, your name is Mega Mare, huh?” Hydra Shores asked, “You know, I thought I heard some kids talking about you. I didn't think you were a kid yourself! This is hilarious!”

“Laugh all ya want,” Mega Mare said, “I'm here ta stop you one way or another!”

“No one is going to stop me!” Hydra Shores said, “The only one who's in control of my life now is me!”

Hydra Shores lunged at Mega Mare with her trident, but Mega Mare jumped away firing her Buster Gun. Hydra Shores swatted her shots away with her trident and spun it above her head.

Apple Bloom, I have prepared one of the new spells!” Luna said, “Cast it now!

“Got it! Castin spell! Guard!” Mega Mare shouted. As if out of nowhere, a tidal wave came up and engulfed Mega Mare, who got in a defensive stance and created a golden shield. When the wave hit her, a shock wave quickly shot out at Hydra Shores knocking her back.

Mega Mare pointed her Mega Buster at Hydra Shores and charged it, firing at Hydra Shores right, but she jumped off the stage vanishing into the ground as if it were water. Mega Mare ran forward and looked around.

“Where is she?” Mega Mare asked.

To your left!” Luna cried.

Mega Mare looked to late as Hydra Shores shot out of the water tackling her and vanishing into the ground again.

“How is she doin that?” Mega Mare asked.

She has turned this building into her ideal environment,” Luna said, “It's only a matter of time before the entire building is altered, trapping everyone inside. Apple Bloom, we have to evacuate them.

“How do we stop Sapphire Shores?!” Mega Mare asked, rolling forward as Hydra Shores shot out of the “water” again.

We need to restrict her movement. I have prepared electric spells further down in the spell book. It's time we started using them.

“Right! Pulse Gun!” Mega Mare shouted, her Buster Gun turning into a longer gun that was charging electricity. She fired a jolt at Hydra Shores, who screamed loudly and froze in place.

“I… can't move…!” Hydra Shores shouted. Mega Mare ran over to the door and opened it.

“Everyone, hurry out!” she shouted. The civilians all crowded through the door, but Sweetie Belle tripped and fell onto the floor while running, “Damn it!”

“Sweetie Belle!” Scootaloo shouted. She and Mega Mare both ran over to her, but Hydra Shores shook off her paralysis right as they reached her and jumped into the ground. Sweetie Belle screamed as she was engulfed in a water tower and vanished.

“No!” Scootaloo cried.

“Sweetie Belle! Where are you?!” Mega Mare asked frantically.

“Scootaloo, Mega Mare, help me!” Sweetie Belle cried. The two teenage fillies looked up to the stage and saw Sweetie Belle next to Hydra Shores, who was holding her wrists behind her back.

“Things are getting a little too crowded here,” Hydra Shores said, “How about we take this someplace a little more intimate?”

“Sapphire Shores, no!” Mega Mare shouted, “You're not thinkin straight!”

“WRONG!” Hydra Shores screamed, suddenly switching moods so fast it was scary, “I'M IN CONTROL! I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M DOING!”

“Then let Sweetie Belle go!” Scootaloo ordered, “She hasn't done anything wrong!”

“Oh no, she has,” Hydra Shores said glaring at Sweetie Belle, “She's taking my fans! Stealing my career! My name!”

“Your doin all of that yourself right now!” Mega Mare shouted, “Now I ain't gonna ask again! Let. Sweetie Belle. GO!”

“If you want her so badly, then come and get me!” Hydra Shores said, giggling like a mad mare, “Let's make a game out of it! See you at the top!”

With that Hydra Shores and Sweetie Belle vanished, and Town Hall got wavy.

“Scootaloo, you gotta get outta here!” Mega Mare ordered.

“What?! Apple Bloom, the Mana Stone has Sweetie Belle! We have to-”

We ain't gotta do anythin!” Mega Mare said, “I'm the one with magic, so I'm the one who has to save Sweetie Belle! I don't want you guys in danger! It's bad enough I lost Applejack, I can't take losin anyone else!”

Scootaloo looked down frustrated, “Apple Bloom...”

“I can't protect ya if yer in here, and it's too dangerous for you to go up with me, but I do know that you'll be safe out there!” Mega Mare said pointing to the door, “Now get goin before this entire place changes and you can't get out!”

Scootaloo groaned in frustration, but she sighed and nodded, “Okay, I get it,” she said hugging Mega Mare, “Apple Bloom, no, Mega Mare, get Sweetie Belle out of here.”

Mega Mare nodded, and watched as Scootaloo ran out of the Town Hall just in time as the environment changed. She then turned and ran forward to search for Hydra Shores.

Sweetie Belle didn't know what was more terrifying. Building changing into some sort of other environment, or Sapphire Shores' new horrifying form. The interior had become something akin to an aquarium, with bridge like passages suspended over a perpetual pool of water. Instead of a wall, Sweetie Belle saw an odd backdrop that looked like the sky, but it showed fish jumping out of what looked like water.

Currently, Sweetie Belle was struggling as Hydra Shores tied her wrists to a poll like structure behind her.

“What's going on?!” Sweetie Belle asked, “Where are we?!”

“I had my viruses turn this into my own personal wave space,” Hydra Shores explained, “Your hero's gonna be at a major disadvantage if she wants to challenge me.”

“Miss Shores, why are you doing this to me?” Sweetie Belle asked, tears streaming from her eyes, “Why are you listening to that gem?”

“You know exactly what you did to me!” Hydra Shores shouted pointing her trident at Sweetie Belle's neck, “You tricked me! You said that you idolized me, but this was all a trick to take away my fame! You think I'm crazy! You and everyone else!” Hydra Shores began crying, “You just wanted to take advantage of everyone thinking that I lost my mind! You're not my fan, or my friend!”

“That's wrong! I love you, Miss Shores! I would never want to take advantage of you! That's just the Mana Stone whispering in your ear telling you to-” Hydra Shores but Sweetie Belle off by screaming in anger.

“SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! I'M NOT GOING TO LISTEN TO YOU!” Hydra Shores backed away from Sweetie Belle burying her face in her hands, “I'm in control…! Why doesn't anyone believe me?!”

“Because you're not in control, Miss Shores! The Sapphire Shores I know wouldn't attack her fans, or kidnap anyone! This isn't you! Please, let me go! I promise, we'll get the help you-”

“I DON'T NEED ANY HELP!” Hydra Shores screamed, “I'M COMPLETELY IN CONTROL!” a Shark virus swam over to Hydra Shores and it looked like it whispered something in her ear. It was terrifying how quickly Hydra Shores calmed down, and then laughed gleefully, “Oh really? Mega Mare is on her way up here? Looks like I'm about to have some fun. Your savior's about to have her own personal meltdown on stage.” Hydra Shores slithered away laughing, and Sweetie Belle sobbed helplessly to herself.

“Apple Bloom, Luna, please save her…” Sweetie Belle said, praying that her words reached her soon to be saviors.

Mega Mare was sort of mesmerized by her surroundings, and found herself calmly walking forward to enjoy the scenery a bit.

We can't take too much time Apple Bloom,” Luna said, “In Sapphire Shores' mental state there's no telling what she'll do to Sweetie Belle.

“Your right,” Mega Mare said, “I'm just surprised. This place is real pretty. What is it?”

This is a Mana Field,” Luna said, “The Aquamarine was able to create this from Sapphire Shores' emotions, engulfing the entire building within the Mana Zone. We can exit safely, as the Sapphire turned you into a mix of pony and living Mana.

“But Sweetie Belle's trapped here,” Mega Mare reasoned.

Unless we can get to her, yes,” Luna stated, “The ideal plan would be to defeat Hydra Shores, as doing that would immediately shut down the Mana Field.

“I gotcha,” Mega Mare said nodding. She then sprinted forward, firing at any viruses that got in her way. None of them were too tough for her, able to go down with just one charged shot. It felt like her powers had gotten stronger. Was this because a friend of hers was in danger? Was the Mana Stone reacting to her desire to save her friends?

It didn't take long for Mega Mare to reach what appeared to be a clearing shaped like an arena. She stepped onto the arena, and immediately stopped when she heard the Sapphire's alarm.


Hydra Shores jumped out of the water in front of Mega Mare and pointed her trident at Mega Mare.

“Glad you made it here without a problem,” Hydra Shores said with a sinister smile, “I was thinking you'd be a one hit wonder.”

“Where's Sweetie Belle?” Mega Mare asked.

“She's fine, for now,” Hydra Shores said, “After I delete you, I plan on going back to her and showing her who's really on top in this industry.”

“I'm sorry, but I can't let that happen,” Mega Mare said pointing her Mega Buster at Hydra Shores, “The filly ya captured is a good friend of mine, an' I'm not leavin without her!”

“Ha! Hilarious! What are you supposed to be, some sort of hero?” Hydra Shores asked.

“If that's what I gotta be, then sure. Why the hell not?” Mega Mare said getting in a fighting stance, “Luna, get ready!”

Understood. All limiters released!


Author's Note:

Sorry for how long this took to come out, and for how short this chapter was. I'll hopefully have the next chapter up soon.

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