• Published 4th Nov 2015
  • 2,256 Views, 134 Comments

Mega Mare Brilliance - Azure Sandora

Apple Bloom finds a mysterious gemstone that grants her unusual powers, which she uses in the hopes of finding her sister.

  • ...

Rise of Mega Mare

Author's Note:

Not a lot of comments, but it's okay. I know that there are people reading this, and as a fan of Mega Man, I'm not going to get discouraged.

Still, as always, hearing your thoughts are appreciated. Please don't be shy. Also, if you want to help me support myself and aid in my campaign for world domination, then please check out my Patreon. You don't have to donate hardly anything. Just a dollar per content would be appreciated.

Rise of Mega Mare

music for this area

Mega Mare stopped in a hallway and surveyed her surroundings. Viruses were everywhere, and it looked like some of them had even gotten into the classrooms. Was that why the students hadn't been able to escape?

I can't tell where Garnet is,” Luna said.

“Can ya sense him at all?” Mega Mare asked.

I can tell he's here, but there's too much interference. There are too many viruses around,” Luna said.

“So, in order to track him down we'll have to destroy the viruses,” Mega Mare reasoned, “Alright, I can do this.”

Remember, any spells you use won't replenish until you Phase Out,” Luna said, “Try to pace yourself. We can proceed when you're ready.

“I'm ready,” Mega Mare said, “Let's go!”

Mega Mare ran down the hallway in front of her, destroying any viruses that got in her way with a single shot. She stopped when she heard screaming in the nearby classroom.

“This is my class!” Mega Mare cried.

A student must have been left behind when you ran,” Luna said, “Apple Bloom, hurry. Those viruses can kill ponies now.

“I'm on it!” Mega Mare said pushing her way into the door. She saw Twist crouched in a corner while two Mettaurs and another virus shaped like a green mounted cannon. Her visor pulled up the ID “Cannon”. When Twist saw Mega Mare, she looked terrified.

“Another one?!” Twist asked.

“Don't move from there!” Mega Mare ordered, “I'll get you outta there!”

The viruses turned around to face Mega Mare. The two Mettaurs fired their shock waves at Mega Mare, but she rolled out of the way and fired her Buster Gun at one, knocking it back. Before she could get back up, the Cannon fired at her, knocking her into the blackboard.

Mega Mare got to her feet, “Luna, prepare a spell!”

Already on it!” Luna said, sending Mega Mare a spell.

“Laser Sword!” Mega Mare shouted, her right arm turning into an energy blade. She charged over to the second Mettaur and slashed it with her blade, instantly killing it.

“Behind you!” Twist warned. Mega Mare turned around just in time to see the Mettaur she hit the first time prepared to strike. She jumped up into the air as Luna prepared another spell.

“Shot Gun!” Mega Mare shouted, this time her arm turning into the Buster Gun, which confused her.

Don't fire right away,” Luna warned, “Wait until the Mettaur moves in front of the Cannon, then fire.

Mega Mare nodded and prepared herself. She realized that the Mettaurs could only fire in front of them, so she waited until it moved in her way to attack. Right when it raised it's pickax, Mega Mare fired, not only killing the Mettaur, but also damaging the Cannon.

She had enough ammo to finish off the Cannon, so she fired her Shot Gun at the Cannon, watching it explode where it stood. When the enemies were all destroyed, Mega Mare saw that she learned a spell “Shock Wave”.

We can't put this spell in the Spell Book yet,” Luna said.

“Let me guess, we have to Phase Out to do that?” Mega Mare asked.

I'm afraid so. Worry not, our current spells should be sufficient. Check on the student.

“Don't tell me what to do,” Mega Mare said rolling her eyes, knowing that she and Luna were going to have a "great" relationship.

“Are you okay?” Mega Mare asked Twist getting on one knee.

“Yes,” Twilight said, her lisp still quite apparent, “Who are you?”

Mega Mare couldn't believe no one recognized her. Did she really look that different?

“My name's Mega Mare,” Mega Mare said, “What are ya doin here?”

“I got separated from my class,” Twist said sadly, “I wanted to go after them, but those monsters were everywhere, and I got afraid.”

“I cleared out the hall,” Mega Mare said, “Your class is in the gym. Head there, and don't move until it's absolutely safe.”

“Okay,” Twist said, “Thank you.”

Twist ran out of the classroom in the direction of the gym. Since she knew she'd be safe, Mega Mare proceeded further through the school. The hall began to shake as she ran through the halls, and she heard laughter.

“What's this then? Some tiny bloke playin the hero?”

“Pip, is that you?” Mega Mare asked.

“Pipsqueak is the name of someone who's weak! My name's Garnet Crush!”

“No! Your name's Pip! You're the Student Body President, and a nice kid!”

“Being nice just gets me stepped on by everyone bigger!” Garnet Crush shouted, “But now I'm bigger than everyone! This is great! No I get to step on them before they step on me!”

“This ain't the way! Snap out of it Pip!” Mega Mare urged.

“I ain't gonna let no one step on me again, least of all a shrimp like you! I don't know who you are, but I'm gonna turn you into a pancake!”

“Pip! Damn it!” Mega Mare swore.

It's no use,” Luna said, “His mind has been completely consumed by his own sadness, and is in the control of the Mana Stone.

“So how do we save him?” Mega Mare asked, “I ain't killin him!”

Calm yourself. No one said anything about killing Pipsqueak,” Luna said, “If we defeat Garnet, it should run out of magic and release Pipsqueak.

“Alright,” Mega Mare said releasing her breath in relief. She ran in the direction of the library, where she heard a lot of commotion. She looked inside and saw a number of students hiding behind the front desk.

Mega Mare held a finger to her mouth to keep them silent, and then stepped into the library. She saw Cannons stationed all over the library. This was going to be a hard fight.

She charged up her Buster Gun and ran toward the first one, which was in between two shelves. Before she could fire at it, the Cannon shot her knocking her back.

Cannons may not be mobile, but they're very smart,” Luna said, “They station themselves either between other viruses, tight spaces, or corners to force their enemies into their range of sight.

“So what do I do?” Mega Mare asked.

They need to reload after each shot,” Luna said, “That is your chance to attack.

Mega Mare appreciated Luna's input, even if she was a bit of a nag. She clearly had done this before.

Luna prepared another spell, and Mega Mare stepped in front of the Cannon. She saw it prepare to fire, but she moved to the side just in time. She immediately ran up to the Cannon activating the spell.

“Shot Gun!” Mega Mare shouted firing continuously at the Cannon, destroying it.

There are four more,” Luna said, “I sense one pointing right at the desk, but its on a higher floor.

“We need to take care of that one last,” Mega Mare said, “I wanna deal with the ones on the gound floor first.”

A wise choice,” Luna said, “There's another one hiding in the shelves ahead of us.

Mega Mare nodded and ran forward, into what appeared to be the History section. Luna prepared two spells, instantly telling Mega Mare what she wanted to do.

“Dash!” Mega Mare shouted, “Laser Sword!”

Once she was in position, she used Dash to rush into the Cannon, and then use Laser Sword to instantly kill the Cannon before it could strike.

There are two right at the staircase,” Luna said, “We have to wait until the armor recharges in order to cast a spell. Shall we wait?

“Nope,” Mega Mare said, “Like ya said, we can't depend on magic all the time. I need to start relying on my own power too.”

Luna nodded proudly, “Very good Apple Bloom. Perhaps we can make a warrior out of you yet.

“Don't push your luck,” Mega Mare said, “I'm doin this just so I can help my sister and protect my friends. I'm not doin you any favors.”

That's fine,” Luna said, “Remember, I offered to help you as thanks.

Mega Mare ran to the stairs going to the second floor of the library, where she saw two Cannons pointed right at her. They both fired at the same time, but Mega Mare rolled to the side out of the way. At the same time she charged up her Buster Gun and fired her charged shot at the one on the side. It wasn't destroyed, but she did manage to stun it.

Oddly she even saw stars over it.

She quickly fired at that Cannon destroying it, but took a hit in the chest from the second one.

I know you said you didn't want to use magic, but I would advise you at least cast a healing spell now,” Luna suggested.

“Then prepare one!” Mega Mare urged, “That alarm is givin me a headache!”

Luna prepared two healing spells, and Mega Mare wasted no time casting them. She sighed in relief, and then flipped back as the Cannon tried firing at her again. She charged up her Buster Gun again, and fired point blank at it, leaving it with only a little health.

She ran up the stairs and fired at the Cannon killing it, and ran over to the last Cannon, which was sitting at the side of a balcony looking over the front desk. The second any of the students moved they'd be dead.

Mega Mare activated a Mini Bomb spell and threw one at the Cannon, instantly destroying it.

“It's safe now,” Mega Mare called out, “Y'all can come out.”

The students all came out of their hiding place, and Mega Mare saw most of them were younger students. She jumped down and walked over to them.

“You saved us,” one little filly said, “You're a super hero!”

“Not exactly,” Mega Mare said laughing, “I cleared the way to the gym. Y'all should be safe there.”

Another filly walked over to Mega Mare and hugged her, “Thank you blue armored lady.”

“Y-your welcome,” Mega Mare said slowly returning the hug. Once the ran out, Mega Mare started heading to the cafeteria. She had a feeling that more students were probably being held there.

I believe we should be almost done,” Luna said, “If you destroy the viruses in the cafeteria I should be able to pinpoint where Garnet Crush is.

“Good,” Mega Mare said, “I'm startin to get a little tired.”

You're doing fine, honey,” Luna said, “I'm really impressed with how well you're fighting.

“Well, thanks,” Mega Mare said awkwardly.

She opened the cafeteria door and saw the seniors that were making fun of Pip earlier and a few faculty members standing on tables as odd viruses walked around the room. These looked like balls with four stubbly legs, and a long nose like cannons. Boomers, as Mega Mare's visor called it.

“Hey!” Mega Mare shouted, catching the viruses attention, “I'm your opponent!”

The Boomers moved into position, and shot bombs out of their noses at Mega Mare. She rolled out of the way, but was knocked further back by the explosion, which was much larger than her bombs.

Apple Bloom, are you okay?” Luna asked.

“Y-yeah,” Mega Mare said, “But I can't let that hit me.”

They're stronger than most of the viruses we've seen thus far,” Luna reasoned, “He must really hate the ponies here.

“Pip always felt like the older students and faculty just treated him like a little kid,” Mega Mare said, “Shame as he's the President of the School.”

I see, but this means he's also close to here,” Luna said, “Let's clear out these enemies quickly.

“Right! Long Sword!” Mega Mare shouted, turning her right arm into a long Laser Blade. She ran over to one of the Boomers and slashed it in half killing it. Another Boomer launched a bomb at Mega Mare, knocking her back against the table that the seniors and faculty were on.

“Hey! Fight smarter damn it!” one senior shouted.

“You act like you've never done this before!” another student said.

“I don't see any of y'all down here helpin me!” Mega Mare shot back at them, shutting them up, “So unless y'all wanna start shootin at them, shut up and let me work!”

Mega Mare got up and fired her charged shot at one Boomer right before it attacked, stunning it. Rather than attacking it outright, Mega Mare activated another spell.

“Cannon!” Mega Mare shouted. She fired at one of the Boomers until it exploded, and then jumped out of the way as one of the remaining ones fired at her.

She rolled to her feet and ran forward as the Boomers took turns firing at her. Once her magic recharged, she cast another spell.

“Wide Sword!” she shouted. Realizing that the last two were right next to each other, she slashed at both of them with her Wide Sword killing them both instantly.

“Ugh, that was horrifying!” one of the teachers said.

“Why is that monster attacking us?!” a female student asked, “We didn't do anything to him!”

“You're kiddin, right?” Mega Mare asked, “That monster is Pip, and he wouldn't be doing any of this if y'all had actually listened to him!”

Apple Bloom...” Luna warned, but Mega Mare ignored her. She had to get this off her chest.

“Y'all created that monster!” Mega Mare shouted, “Pip's small, but he's got a lot of great ideas! Ideas that could make this school better if y'all would apply them, instead of treatin him like a little kid who don't know any better! He's Student Body President for a reason!”

As the students and faculty all looked down in shame, Mega Mare turned to the exit.

“The gym is where everyone is,” Mega Mare said, “I'm gonna take care of Pip. Make sure y'all don't die on the way there.”

With that Mega Mare ran out of the cafeteria.

Harsh,” Luna said once they were alone.

“I hate the senior class of our school,” Mega Mare said, “They act like they run the school, and the faculty just dotes all on them. Sad part is, Pip was tryin to help them.”

I didn't say you weren't right,” Luna said, “For now though, I have located Garnet Crush.

“Where is he?” Mega Mare asked.

He's in the schoolyard,” Luna said, “Prepare yourself Apple Bloom. This will be tougher than anything you've ever faced.

“Right,” Mega Mare said, bracing herself for the fight ahead. She wasn't afraid to admit that she was afraid of fighting Garnet Crush. Fighting viruses was one thing, but they were mindless creatures that followed a single pattern. Garnet Crush was completely sentient like her. He could think, plan, and adjust his strategy.

She couldn't rely on following a pattern. She had to try to outfight him.

(end song)

She reached the schoolyard, which was completely empty. Looked around for a second, stopping when she heard an alarm go off in her head.


“You're smaller than I even thought!” he shouted. He then fell down on top of Mega Mare, knocking her back.

“What makes you think a little tyke like you can stand up to me, eh?” Garnet Crush asked.

“Pip, stop this!” Mega Mare shouted, “You're hurtin a lot of people!”

“Oh really?” Garnet Crush asked, “Good! Maybe those shrimps will start respecting me after this!”

If you desire respect, this isn't the way,” Luna said. She then appeared next to Mega Mare in a bright blue light.

“Princess Luna…?” Garnet Crush asked.

“Pipsqueak, I have been where you are,” Luna said, “I wanted people to respect the night, so I forced my night on everyone, and became a monster. You don't have to go down the path I took,” Luna placed a hand on her chest and looked sad, “You are better than me, Pip.”

“Princess...” Garnet Crush said, Pip's real voice coming through.

Don't listen to her words…

She wants to step on you too…

“Right!” Garnet Crush said shaking his head, “I'm not gonna be fooled! No one is gonna step on me ever again!”

“Do you see it now?” Luna said to Mega Mare, “He can't be reasoned with. The only solution is to defeat the Mana Stone.”

“I understand,” Mega Mare said, “I can do this.”

Luna closed her eyes and vanished in another blue light, apparently going back into the Mana Stone, as she appeared on Mega Mare's visor. Mega Mare tightened her fists looking up at her opponent. He was huge, almost as big as the Scorpion she faced in the castle. She beat that though, right?

But that was a virus, and she had Proto Mare fighting with her.

Apple Bloom, are you okay?” Luna asked.

“Yeah, I'm okay,” Mega Mare said taking a deep breath, “Let's do this!”

Yes. All limiters released!” Luna shouted. Mega Mare got in a fighting stance, and shouted…
