• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 1,890 Views, 45 Comments

Star and Marco vs The Forces of Harmony - Mega NewWays97

Wake and find your the reincarnation of a Ancient Chaos Spirit? For Marcoeverything when down from there. Now the question is what happens first, Does he go insane like the one before him, or is a stone statue his future prison?

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The Voice inside your Head

Marco tossed and turned in his sleep, as if trapped in a nightmare. Within his dream he saw a world, young and filled with happiness. Soon, a shadow assuming the form of a creature made up of pieces from others descended. All around him the landscape changed, buildings floated, grass turned to carpet, and animals were altered about. He laughed as the clouds rained chocolate milk and became cotton candy.

Suddenly it seemed as if the sun and moon appeared in some way and faced the invader. Their magic was strong but it became clear that the entity was the victor. With the two gone and tossed away, he soon took control of the world itself.

The inhabitants, ponies, pegasi, and unicorns, all lived under his rule until the two he banished returned bearing six gems with them. Not even caring, he started to sing then a flash of rainbow nothing was felt until Marco awoke feeling as if he was smashed to pieces.

”Boy that was some dream,” Marco said to himself, however it felt so real that it was almost like he was there.

‘Really? You think that's a dream?’

He smacked his dry lips, randomly craving chocolate milk. “I wonder what weirdness Star has in store for me today. Maybe something to do with giant tacos.” In a flash, a giant taco appeared over his head, floating for a minute. “Ah oh,” Marco said as the taco few on top of him. “Star!” Marco screamed out, smothered by the taco’s weight.

“Yessss?” She leans into his eyesight, smiling, her body shaking with barely contained energy and magic. It's a regular day for her, a regular morning, the regular morning chaos that will lead to the noon chaos, which walks right into afternoon chaos.

‘My favorite Princess, which is not really saying much,’ a voice said in Marco’s head which he could only ignore.

“Star, why did a giant taco appear over my bed?” Marco asked.

“What's a taco?” She tilts her head, her fountain of blond hair staying down due to the hideous effects of gravity.

“You known the thing you had your wand make that is currently all over me.” He pointed to the taco parts all over his chest and legs.

“What are you talking about? I don't see anything!” She begins to pout, the pieces of taco guts and filling gone, his clothes and bed cleaned suddenly from the deliciousness caress of the hallowed taco.

“B-but t-the.” His head and eyes dart across the once soiled bedsheets, trying to see what was there only a moment ago. He knew it was real. Maybe it was one of the hallucinations that plague his existence. Star grabs his hand, pulling him out of bed with her ever-present grin.

“Come on! We will be late to school if you don't get off your butt!” She drags him to his closet, then throws him in it, not very lightly, “Move move, move!”

In the bathroom, Star was busy with her hair as Marco was brushing his teeth. Star let out a low growl as her hair brush got caught in her long hair, yet again, “I will win this and you will look pretty!” she screams at her hair in a fit of energy induced rage.

Marco turned to her with a sigh then looked back at the mirror. Staring at him was his reflection, but… off. Part of his hair was a different color, and his eyes seemed yellow, filled with pus or bloodshot to a point that they seem infected. Then the small, almost unnoticeable bumps on top of his head along with horse ears extending out of the top of his head. A single fang could be seen out the side of his mouth. The reflection gave a smile and a waved. “Hello Marco, we finally meet,” the reflection said.

Marco jumps violently, backpedaling in pure terror, tripping over Star, who was laying on the ground, wrestling with her hair, “Ah!” They both let out a small scream, Marco from the image in the mirror and the sudden fall. Star, form the random weight on her. “What was that?!? Star, did you do something to the mirror?!?”

“What was it, Marco?” She looked at him, slightly worried.

“Oh, you know, looking at a thing of absolute manliness,” the mirror reflection said as he struck poses and grew huge muscles which each flexed before turning back to normal. “I’m hurt Marco doesn’t know me even after he saw our death at the hands of the ‘Sun and the Moon’.” He had fake tears at this.

“Don't you see it?!? In the mirror?!?” He begins to descend into a full blown panic attack. “The other me!”

“Well no duh, I see it, it's your reflection!”

The reflection laughed at Marco. “She can’t see me, Marco, but I am here, so don’t worry you're not mad,” the reflection said with a smile, “well, not very much.” The reflection gave a laugh at the last part.

“That does help,” he said with a low voice at the reflection. “What are you? Don’t tell me you're the monster arm?”

“Kinda, but then again you would be unstable if you awoke as an arm on someone, but no, I am... or was Discord, Spirit of Chaos.” The newly-named Discord then smiled at Marco, “Oh, and I’m your past life.”

Marco proceeded to pass out, the shock finally reaching him while Star just looked at him, helplessly confused, “Is he ok?... I wonder if he's ok.” She poked his cheek once, then again, then again.

“Wake up, Marco,” the voice of Discord said, as Marco was thrust awake.

“Oh, my head,” Marco said holding his head.

“I know, right?” Discord said in his head, “Being forced awake is painful.”

A mismatched being similar to the one he saw as himself in the mirror simply floats above the bathroom counter, drinking a shake. Everything of his that he once put somewhere is different, the labels simply reading ‘chaos is next to godliness.’

“But you aren't REALLY awake, you were in your mind!” It does a loop, it and the shake going upside down yet it never falls out, and seems to never lose any of itself even after Discord took a long slurp from it.

“M-my mind?” Marco asked as Discord nodded, giving him a trophy. The little man then danced on top, dancing a random jig.

“Yes, now this must be life changing having me as your past life, but it gets better, you know. having the vast powers of Chaos to learn and grow.” Discord was now wearing a teaching outfit with a chalkboard and an eraser that drew and check that erased.

“You’ll be able to make the ground into a racetrack, get dogs and mailman to be friends to stop the cat rebellion, and make the moon into actual Cheese! Beautiful cheese! Lulu was very mad about that one, though,” Discord said.

“This doesn’t make sense,” Marco stated, looking at Discord and everything he was doing.

“But dear, sweet, naïve Marco, what’s the fun in making sense?” Discord said with a smile, eating the chalk down to a nub, “Drat, there goes the chalk.”

“Ok, can you just make sense just this once? I have no idea what is going on!” Marco screamed, Discord’s expression changed to being as serious as he could get.

“It wouldn't be VERY chaotic if I didn't make sense once in awhile, do you know about ideas, Marco?” Everything around them disappeared, leaving a large, blank plane.

“Like thoughts?” Marco tilted his head, confused.

“No, no, no. Ideas. Things that exist because they are impossible to kill or destroy. Harmony and Chaos, for instance. If one exist, the other must surely exist. There is no such thing as total chaos, or total harmony. They broke my form, so I simply was reborn, as you!”

Marco started to put some of what he was saying together. “Ok I’m starting to get what you're saying.” Discord gave a nod.

“Yet you want to know what I mean by form?” Marco was stunned by this. “Don’t be too surprised I am you, but yes I was turned to stone by the Elements of Harmony then smashed by the wielder of the Sun and the Mover of the Moon. With no body, my essence had to be reborn somewhere. Strange that I kept my mind, though.” The white expanse manifested into the backyard of Marco’s home, “Ah, time for you to wake up now. Tell that pretty little girl I said ‘Nuclear chocolate milk bomb.’”

Macro awoke sitting up and said, “Nuclear Chocolate Milk Bomb.”

“Nuclear Chocolate Milk bomb?” Star’s wand started to glow when she asked that, and a small brown-colored bomb simply manifested in front of them, a timer counting down from three. “Oh no.”

A few moments later, the chocolate milk drained to the point that it was around their ankles. Discord gave a laugh at the whole thing. “Well things will be more fun than those boring ponies.”

‘I somehow doubt that,’ Marco thought as the milk slowly lowered away and out of the house.

“I CAN FIX THIS! Clean up le ness!” The wand glows for a moment before a giant vacuum manifested and began to suck the chocolate milk out of everything before dematerialzing, taking the chocolate milk with it, “Yay I cleannnneeddd!” Star let out a giggle before going back to work on her hair.

“Oh look, you’re finally talking to me,” Discord said with happiness.

‘Yeah, that’s my mistake,' Marco thought back to him.

“Then why are you still doing it?” Marco ignored him. “Fine, I won’t tell you how to use your chaos magic.”

Marco bit his lip, torn between telling Discord to screw off or to give in to the temptation of magic. He decided to ignore him, not like he would ever need it, “You'll give in soon!~”

At school, everything was uneventful. That is, it was was uneventful in a boring lecture with Star. Discord was heard banging his head in Marco’s mind. “No more! This is so boring!” Marco rolled his eyes.

‘Well sorry that it isn’t exciting,’ Marco countered back.

“Screw that, monster attack now, universe!” Discord screamed within his mind.

The wall got kicked in by Lodo, followed by a horde of monsters, Star jumped to the top of her desk while screaming out ‘narwhal blast!’ over and over again. Marco jumped to his feet getting into his combat position. “Snap your figures!” Discord screamed as him.

‘Why?’ Marco asked, ‘That would do nothing.'

“Just do it!” Discord demanded. Macro did so, and the desks jumped up alive and rammed into any nearby monster. Macro was surprised by this. “Nice, eh? This is Chaos Magic. Your magic. Our magic. Snap again!” Marco snaps, this time the desk grow faces that sing very, very badly. This makes Lodo scream out and retreat, leaving another hole in the wall.

“Wow, Marco! How did you use magic?!?” Star jumped in front of him, smiling widely.

“Ah…” Discord knocked on his head.

“Don’t worry, I got this… hello Star, can you hear me!” Discord screamed into her mind. Star heard him her head at this. “Yay, mind talk is working, Hello Star Butterfly, my name is Discord, Spirit of Chaos, Marco’s past life and the source of his new magical powers.”

“Neat! You seem nice and fun and not boring and not evil like most past lives are!” Star’s eye twitched slightly as her innocent smile remained.

“Oh I can just tell this will be fun.” Discord said with a laugh. His laughter grew. but as soon as Marco turned to (Troll teacher name, not good with names) he let out a scream, “Sweet Celestia ass, that is an ugly troll!”

‘That’s my teacher.’ Discord was quiet for a while.

“That’s...cruel...forcing you to look at THAT! I have to go breach whatever keeps my memories.” Discord went silent and normality returned for the rest of the day.

Author's Note:

Yeah I know strange how any other story is made right.

Well tell us what you think and until next time.

Note: Edited by Word Worthy