• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 1,891 Views, 45 Comments

Star and Marco vs The Forces of Harmony - Mega NewWays97

Wake and find your the reincarnation of a Ancient Chaos Spirit? For Marcoeverything when down from there. Now the question is what happens first, Does he go insane like the one before him, or is a stone statue his future prison?

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The Sisters and Chaos Dimension

“In the Equus Dimension, the main inhabitants come in three flavors, earth ponies who are strong, and endurable who can pound rocks into pebbles like it is nothing, pegasi who can control when it rains, lighting, blizzards, and fly as fast as your jets, and finally unicorns who manipulate the energy of magic though their horns.”

Marco was, somehow, in his mind sitting on a desk with Discord dressed as a scientist drawing on a chalkboard.

“Now then, what happens when you combine the three and turn that power up to let’s say... move the Sun and Moon, what do you get?” Discord asked.

“Really powerful ponies?” Marco asked.

“You get the royal sisters, Celestia and Luna, immortal pseudo-rulers, who are, yes, really powerful,” Discord said as he drew Celestia bringing the heat of the sun on a whole field, and Luna letting creatures from nightmares into our world. As for who they were attacking... it was Discord.

“Wait, so they destroyed you?” Marco asked.

“No, they injured me with my own fears and the energy of the sun, but they are not in themselves what destroyed me, you’ll learn that bit later,” Discord said.

The battles were long and fierce, once or twice Discord lost a hold on his temper, making the relatively innocent weapons he was fighting with into things much, much more fierce and overall evil looking but they soon returned to the colorful glitter cannons and the pie catapults with sunscreen and fire retardant as filling. But the sisters won with a rainbow coming from six pendants, catching Discord off guard.

“Wow... you seem to fight like Star...”

“To a point, yes. But I also twisted their minds, turning them into the opposites of their strongest and best qualities, in their eyes.”

“That sounds kinda manipulative,” Marco pointed out. “Also, what was that rainbow blast anyway?”

“That was a Harmony blast channelled through the Elements of Harmony, though I theorise that the elements are no longer tied to them. I get this feeling something happened and I’m rarely wrong.” Discord then drew Marco, Celestia and Luna. “However, the thing is, in your current state as a beginner they won’t need the elements.” The drawings came to life as Celestia blasted Marco to ash.

Discord reshaped the ash and smiled at him. “BUT Star’s wand naturally amplifies and focuses magic. Look at how she uses it and tell me it is not reality-warpingly powerful?”

“It is...”

“Add that to your reality warping chaotic powers and you could make the Princess harmless to both you and Star. Besides, if they find out that you were with her for so long, she IS going to be blasted with the Elements, she IS going to go through a instantaneous version of the wayward princess school, and she will not be Star anymore. Not your best friend, not your mess twin, she will be a proper princess.”

Marco looked at Discord in horror, he coudl begin to feel tears form, the heat pricking the points of his eyes, “N-no...”

“You will listen to me. To save Star, understand Marco? Chaos is Anarchy, Harmony is Conformality. Do not feel anger, that is not a human's most chaotic emotion. This magic you were born with is completely contradictory to itself. This is your lesson for today, take heart in it.”

Marco turned to ask Discord something. “What is humans’ most chaotic emotion, then?”

Discord just smiled. “Love makes a man do things he never dreamed of.”

Back in Mewni, Ludo was having another breakdown. “It’s bad enough Star has the wand, but the boy has strange abilities and that girl, what’s next?” Ludo got the answer as a shadow forced its way into the castle.

The shadow grow eyes and fangs, then slowly the head of a demonic looking unicorn formed. “We must talk,” the shadowy being said, its voice dark and echoey.

“Ahh sure... who are you, Mr. dark shadow?”

My name is Sombra, and I have a deal for you.”

Marco awoke from his mind in his room. Star was looking over him. “Marco! Are you alright! You just fainted!”

Discord spoke into her mind. “Sorry, we needed a chat, something from our past is coming soon.”

“Like what, Uncle Discord?”

“Well first of all I love the sound of Uncle Discord. So when is the little chimera due?”

Star and Marco looked at each other confused for a moment, then they both get it at the same time and blush badly as they start to sputter in an embarrassed way that makes them even more embarrassed about the situation but they get out in sync, “It’s not like that!”

Discord laughs in their heads. “Teen love. Oh so charming. Anyway, Star, give him your wand.”

“Wha- what?” Her face is still red for the heart shaped blushing growing and taking over most of her cheeks, the idea of her and Marco still confusing her mind as Marco gently takes the wand from her.

“Listen to the voices in my head, Star. Wow, that sounded better in my head.”

“Why yes it does, anyway what I was saying? Oh right, Marco is going to need the wand just in case Celly and Lulu show up,” Discord stated.

“Well, how dangerous are they anyway?” Star asked.

“Other than the powers of the sun, moon, and a whole army? Six magical gems that turned me to stone and could permanently turn you into whatever that floating head was at Saint O’s.”

Marco shivers. “Anything, anything but being... that.”

“Then saddle up cowboy, and be ready to break in some ponies,” Discord said sounding like a cowboy. Marco somehow pictured Discord as a cowboy riding himself with a saddle on his black and reins in his mouth.

‘Somehow I can see that making perfect sense for you,’ Marco thought back. Discord then paused and blinked.

“You can see me while I’m doing this?” Discord asked.

‘No,’ Marco lied.

“Okay then, also before we face them you need to learn how to teleport as well as open portals, Marco, just in case.”

“Wait, you can travel to other worlds without dimensional scissors?’ Marco asked.

‘Yes but it’s more complex because of it. You are going to exist in the two universes at once, then erase the one who stayed behind.”

“Wait, really?’

“No, you simply need to know the structure of the dimensions and their energies or vibrations, you know the closest thing I can tell you is comic logic.”

‘That makes even less sense, Discord.'

“It’s chaos! Let it do its thing, just like with the chair. Think of an outcome and let it do what it wants. This is the best way for a beginner like you.”

'Any recommendations?'

“No place like home.” The image of Discord’s grin was stained in Marco’s mind as he just thought of his home, vaguely. He took a deep breath then snapped his fingers, closing his eyes on instinct as the sense of weightlessness overtook him and continued. He opened his eyes to see the inside of what looked, to be his home but everything was floating.

“Discord... Where are we?” An astral projection of Discord sat on the couch that was slowly tumbling in the air.

“Home, dear Marco! A place where no form of harmony can exist for long. A whole UNIVERSE of chaos to be played with like a toy box! A place where you are, truly, a god."

Marco looked out the window and saw a strange place with flying fish monsters with dozens of heads, faces, and one looked like it was an eyeball with a mouth. The sky was everywhere... and was that a green blob of slime eating gems? “So this is your dimension?” Marco asked.

“Well, no Marco, it's your dimension now. Entering here takes little effort as your essence is tied to it,” Discord stated. “Other dimensions, however, are more difficult to travel to. You’ll have to rip open a portal with your claws to travel to them.” Discord then remembered. “I guess you could use something like a knife to do that.”

“Okay, so what do I do with this dimension anyway?” Marco asked.

“Oh, it reacts to your wishes, at one point I had a castle in here but decided on a cottage as the whole thing was a eyesore.”

Marco closed his eyes for a moment before opening them to a perfectly organized castle, perfectly symmetrical towers covered in beautiful symmetrical black and white til- he looked to his feet to see one tile out of place. This beautiful monument to tidiness and symmetry RUINED by one tile. Discord’s laughs echoed though the new wide halls. “Chaos in its finest form! Subtle!”

Marco dropped to his knees, trying his best to fix it, but every time something else messed up in some small way, “W-why... Why Discord?...”

“Chaos is that way, dear Marco boy!” The form of Discord snaked around Marco, smiling, “This place is CHAOS’ and by extension, YOURS. Go make some tea, boy!”

“Um, why Discord?” Marco tilts his head.

“Oh, we have visitors coming!~”

Outside the castle two floating balls of energy appeared. One was burning like the sun, the other glowing like the moon. In a flash an alicorn made from heat and light appeared with a smaller blue glowing one alongside. “Do you really think Discord could survive that?” the blue one asked the light one.

“I hope not Luna, but we must confirm if it is indeed true, for our subjects’ sake,” the light one replied.

The blue one pointed at the castle. “Sister, didn’t Discord have a cottage?” She asked.

“Last time I checked, yes.” Marco looked from the window and was a bit thankful the sisters hadn’t seen him. However, something wasn’t right.

“He's alive? That demon still lives!” Luna screamed.

Celestia ground her teeth slightly and nodded. “He is, how even infuriating it is the draconequus is much stronger than us, and at the same time cunning. Be careful for traps that will steal your spirit in this accursed realm.”

“Of course, Sister. The castle looks to be the best place to search for clues,” Luna said as the two astral projections walked to the castle through the front gate. Luna looked to her hooves and let out a scream. “The tiles! They’re evil!”

“What is it, Sister?!?” Celestia looked down to see that ONE tile out of place, no matter what, that one misplaced tile always at the corner of her eye. The type of thing that will drive you mad SLOWLY. “Discord has gone too far... This... This is madness, not simple Chaos, but a force to drive ponies crazy...”

Author's Note:

Here Chapter 3... yes evil Cliffhanger.

Thanks to m2pt5/Emtu for editing.

Comments ( 22 )

Update faster please!

Haha! Subtlety! Nice.

sooo... Punk Metal?

Unsymetrical stuff the nightmare of every pony ever except pinkie:trollestia:
Also NUE if you're wondering why I haven't been typing with you it's cause we've been traveling for the past 5 days and I can't get on the computer long enough for a good type

Comment posted by mrkillwolf666 deleted Apr 14th, 2016

6777519 wow just 1 flaw is always worse that a dozen at that point its easier to give up an not care but just that 1 minor imperfection is truly irritating as can be.... and discord didn't even lift a paw.

Sooo……… When is the next chapter?

7039226 when my co-write gets the time we will continue don't worry

needs more please supply :moustache:

I'm sorry, but I can't get into this. IMO, this is too random and weird even for SvtFoE standards.

I urge you to continue with this lovely tale, friend! Oh, and add some more oil to it!

Please, don’t tell me that this story is dead. Will it ever be continued..?

wow i love this so flippen much hahahahahahahaha

Foolish Tia and Lulu, don't you realize that order and chaos are yin and yang?

Oh pah-lease! Aren't you two overreacting a bit!?

Maybe, but, we may need ta, you know, see things over...

Heh, if I were Discord's reincarnation, the first thing I would do is kill Celestia and Luna, and then burn their corpses until not even ash remains of them. I would kill them because they are a high threat, due to their astral projection abilities among being able to probably end me via some spell.

Unlike Discord, I will not give the two sisters a second chance. I also see that as thinking of things before you attack, a sneak attack of sorts, an assassination. I am more analytical in real life situations and pretty logical when it comes to planning my game.

“Well, no Marco, it's your dimension now. Entering here takes little effort as your essence is tied to it,” Discord stated. “Other dimensions, however, are more difficult to travel to. You’ll have to rip open a portal with your claws to travel to them.” Discord then remembered. “I guess you could use something like a knife to do that.”

Wait. Is the knife think a reference to that "the golden compass" sequel book?

When is the sequel !?

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